// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package memfs

import (


// stepLocked resolves rp.Component() in parent directory vfsd.
// stepLocked is loosely analogous to fs/namei.c:walk_component().
// Preconditions: filesystem.mu must be locked. !rp.Done(). inode ==
// vfsd.Impl().(*dentry).inode.
func stepLocked(rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, vfsd *vfs.Dentry, inode *inode) (*vfs.Dentry, *inode, error) {
	if !inode.isDir() {
		return nil, nil, syserror.ENOTDIR
	if err := inode.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), vfs.MayExec, true); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	nextVFSD, err := rp.ResolveComponent(vfsd)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	if nextVFSD == nil {
		// Since the Dentry tree is the sole source of truth for memfs, if it's
		// not in the Dentry tree, it doesn't exist.
		return nil, nil, syserror.ENOENT
	nextInode := nextVFSD.Impl().(*dentry).inode
	if symlink, ok := nextInode.impl.(*symlink); ok && rp.ShouldFollowSymlink() {
		// TODO: symlink traversals update access time
		if err := rp.HandleSymlink(symlink.target); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		goto afterSymlink // don't check the current directory again
	return nextVFSD, nextInode, nil

// walkExistingLocked resolves rp to an existing file.
// walkExistingLocked is loosely analogous to Linux's
// fs/namei.c:path_lookupat().
// Preconditions: filesystem.mu must be locked.
func walkExistingLocked(rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (*vfs.Dentry, *inode, error) {
	vfsd := rp.Start()
	inode := vfsd.Impl().(*dentry).inode
	for !rp.Done() {
		var err error
		vfsd, inode, err = stepLocked(rp, vfsd, inode)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
	if rp.MustBeDir() && !inode.isDir() {
		return nil, nil, syserror.ENOTDIR
	return vfsd, inode, nil

// walkParentDirLocked resolves all but the last path component of rp to an
// existing directory. It does not check that the returned directory is
// searchable by the provider of rp.
// walkParentDirLocked is loosely analogous to Linux's
// fs/namei.c:path_parentat().
// Preconditions: filesystem.mu must be locked. !rp.Done().
func walkParentDirLocked(rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (*vfs.Dentry, *inode, error) {
	vfsd := rp.Start()
	inode := vfsd.Impl().(*dentry).inode
	for !rp.Final() {
		var err error
		vfsd, inode, err = stepLocked(rp, vfsd, inode)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
	if !inode.isDir() {
		return nil, nil, syserror.ENOTDIR
	return vfsd, inode, nil

// checkCreateLocked checks that a file named rp.Component() may be created in
// directory parentVFSD, then returns rp.Component().
// Preconditions: filesystem.mu must be locked. parentInode ==
// parentVFSD.Impl().(*dentry).inode. parentInode.isDir() == true.
func checkCreateLocked(rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, parentVFSD *vfs.Dentry, parentInode *inode) (string, error) {
	if err := parentInode.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), vfs.MayWrite|vfs.MayExec, true); err != nil {
		return "", err
	pc := rp.Component()
	if pc == "." || pc == ".." {
		return "", syserror.EEXIST
	childVFSD, err := rp.ResolveChild(parentVFSD, pc)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if childVFSD != nil {
		return "", syserror.EEXIST
	if parentVFSD.IsDisowned() {
		return "", syserror.ENOENT
	return pc, nil

// checkDeleteLocked checks that the file represented by vfsd may be deleted.
func checkDeleteLocked(vfsd *vfs.Dentry) error {
	parentVFSD := vfsd.Parent()
	if parentVFSD == nil {
		return syserror.EBUSY
	if parentVFSD.IsDisowned() {
		return syserror.ENOENT
	return nil

// GetDentryAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.GetDentryAt.
func (fs *filesystem) GetDentryAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.GetDentryOptions) (*vfs.Dentry, error) {
	defer fs.mu.RUnlock()
	vfsd, inode, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if opts.CheckSearchable {
		if !inode.isDir() {
			return nil, syserror.ENOTDIR
		if err := inode.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), vfs.MayExec, true); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	inode.incRef() // vfsd.IncRef(&fs.vfsfs)
	return vfsd, nil

// LinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.LinkAt.
func (fs *filesystem) LinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, vd vfs.VirtualDentry) error {
	if rp.Done() {
		return syserror.EEXIST
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	parentVFSD, parentInode, err := walkParentDirLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pc, err := checkCreateLocked(rp, parentVFSD, parentInode)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if rp.Mount() != vd.Mount() {
		return syserror.EXDEV
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
	d := vd.Dentry().Impl().(*dentry)
	if d.inode.isDir() {
		return syserror.EPERM
	child := fs.newDentry(d.inode)
	parentVFSD.InsertChild(&child.vfsd, pc)
	return nil

// MkdirAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.MkdirAt.
func (fs *filesystem) MkdirAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.MkdirOptions) error {
	if rp.Done() {
		return syserror.EEXIST
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	parentVFSD, parentInode, err := walkParentDirLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pc, err := checkCreateLocked(rp, parentVFSD, parentInode)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
	child := fs.newDentry(fs.newDirectory(rp.Credentials(), opts.Mode))
	parentVFSD.InsertChild(&child.vfsd, pc)
	parentInode.incLinksLocked() // from child's ".."
	return nil

// MknodAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.MknodAt.
func (fs *filesystem) MknodAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.MknodOptions) error {
	if rp.Done() {
		return syserror.EEXIST
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	parentVFSD, parentInode, err := walkParentDirLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pc, err := checkCreateLocked(rp, parentVFSD, parentInode)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()

	switch opts.Mode.FileType() {
	case 0:
		// "Zero file type is equivalent to type S_IFREG." - mknod(2)
	case linux.ModeRegular:
		// TODO(b/138862511): Implement.
		return syserror.EINVAL

	case linux.ModeNamedPipe:
		child := fs.newDentry(fs.newNamedPipe(rp.Credentials(), opts.Mode))
		parentVFSD.InsertChild(&child.vfsd, pc)
		return nil

	case linux.ModeSocket:
		// TODO(b/138862511): Implement.
		return syserror.EINVAL

	case linux.ModeCharacterDevice:
	case linux.ModeBlockDevice:
		// TODO(b/72101894): We don't support creating block or character
		// devices at the moment.
		// When we start supporting block and character devices, we'll
		// need to check for CAP_MKNOD here.
		return syserror.EPERM

		// "EINVAL - mode requested creation of something other than a
		// regular file, device special file, FIFO or socket." - mknod(2)
		return syserror.EINVAL

// OpenAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.OpenAt.
func (fs *filesystem) OpenAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.OpenOptions) (*vfs.FileDescription, error) {
	// Filter out flags that are not supported by memfs. O_DIRECTORY and
	// O_NOFOLLOW have no effect here (they're handled by VFS by setting
	// appropriate bits in rp), but are returned by
	// FileDescriptionImpl.StatusFlags(). O_NONBLOCK is supported only by
	// pipes.
	opts.Flags &= linux.O_ACCMODE | linux.O_CREAT | linux.O_EXCL | linux.O_TRUNC | linux.O_DIRECTORY | linux.O_NOFOLLOW | linux.O_NONBLOCK

	if opts.Flags&linux.O_CREAT == 0 {
		defer fs.mu.RUnlock()
		vfsd, inode, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return inode.open(ctx, rp, vfsd, opts.Flags, false)

	mustCreate := opts.Flags&linux.O_EXCL != 0
	vfsd := rp.Start()
	inode := vfsd.Impl().(*dentry).inode
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	if rp.Done() {
		if rp.MustBeDir() {
			return nil, syserror.EISDIR
		if mustCreate {
			return nil, syserror.EEXIST
		return inode.open(ctx, rp, vfsd, opts.Flags, false)
	// Walk to the parent directory of the last path component.
	for !rp.Final() {
		var err error
		vfsd, inode, err = stepLocked(rp, vfsd, inode)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	if !inode.isDir() {
		return nil, syserror.ENOTDIR
	// Check for search permission in the parent directory.
	if err := inode.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), vfs.MayExec, true); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Reject attempts to open directories with O_CREAT.
	if rp.MustBeDir() {
		return nil, syserror.EISDIR
	pc := rp.Component()
	if pc == "." || pc == ".." {
		return nil, syserror.EISDIR
	// Determine whether or not we need to create a file.
	childVFSD, err := rp.ResolveChild(vfsd, pc)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if childVFSD == nil {
		// Already checked for searchability above; now check for writability.
		if err := inode.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), vfs.MayWrite, true); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
		// Create and open the child.
		childInode := fs.newRegularFile(rp.Credentials(), opts.Mode)
		child := fs.newDentry(childInode)
		vfsd.InsertChild(&child.vfsd, pc)
		return childInode.open(ctx, rp, &child.vfsd, opts.Flags, true)
	// Open existing file or follow symlink.
	if mustCreate {
		return nil, syserror.EEXIST
	childInode := childVFSD.Impl().(*dentry).inode
	if symlink, ok := childInode.impl.(*symlink); ok && rp.ShouldFollowSymlink() {
		// TODO: symlink traversals update access time
		if err := rp.HandleSymlink(symlink.target); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// rp.Final() may no longer be true since we now need to resolve the
		// symlink target.
		goto afterTrailingSymlink
	return childInode.open(ctx, rp, childVFSD, opts.Flags, false)

func (i *inode) open(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, vfsd *vfs.Dentry, flags uint32, afterCreate bool) (*vfs.FileDescription, error) {
	ats := vfs.AccessTypesForOpenFlags(flags)
	if !afterCreate {
		if err := i.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), ats, i.isDir()); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	switch impl := i.impl.(type) {
	case *regularFile:
		var fd regularFileFD
		fd.flags = flags
		fd.readable = vfs.MayReadFileWithOpenFlags(flags)
		fd.writable = vfs.MayWriteFileWithOpenFlags(flags)
		if fd.writable {
			if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// Mount.EndWrite() is called by regularFileFD.Release().
		fd.vfsfd.Init(&fd, rp.Mount(), vfsd)
		if flags&linux.O_TRUNC != 0 {
			impl.data = impl.data[:0]
			atomic.StoreInt64(&impl.dataLen, 0)
		return &fd.vfsfd, nil
	case *directory:
		// Can't open directories writably.
		if ats&vfs.MayWrite != 0 {
			return nil, syserror.EISDIR
		var fd directoryFD
		fd.vfsfd.Init(&fd, rp.Mount(), vfsd)
		fd.flags = flags
		return &fd.vfsfd, nil
	case *symlink:
		// Can't open symlinks without O_PATH (which is unimplemented).
		return nil, syserror.ELOOP
	case *namedPipe:
		return newNamedPipeFD(ctx, impl, rp, vfsd, flags)
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown inode type: %T", i.impl))

// ReadlinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.ReadlinkAt.
func (fs *filesystem) ReadlinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (string, error) {
	_, inode, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	symlink, ok := inode.impl.(*symlink)
	if !ok {
		return "", syserror.EINVAL
	return symlink.target, nil

// RenameAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.RenameAt.
func (fs *filesystem) RenameAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, vd vfs.VirtualDentry, opts vfs.RenameOptions) error {
	if rp.Done() {
		return syserror.ENOENT
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	parentVFSD, parentInode, err := walkParentDirLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = checkCreateLocked(rp, parentVFSD, parentInode)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
	// TODO: actually implement RenameAt
	return syserror.EPERM

// RmdirAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.RmdirAt.
func (fs *filesystem) RmdirAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) error {
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	vfsd, inode, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
	if err := checkDeleteLocked(vfsd); err != nil {
		return err
	if !inode.isDir() {
		return syserror.ENOTDIR
	if vfsd.HasChildren() {
		return syserror.ENOTEMPTY
	if err := rp.VirtualFilesystem().DeleteDentry(vfs.MountNamespaceFromContext(ctx), vfsd); err != nil {
		return err
	// Remove from parent directory's childList.
	return nil

// SetStatAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.SetStatAt.
func (fs *filesystem) SetStatAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.SetStatOptions) error {
	_, _, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if opts.Stat.Mask == 0 {
		return nil
	// TODO: implement inode.setStat
	return syserror.EPERM

// StatAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.StatAt.
func (fs *filesystem) StatAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.StatOptions) (linux.Statx, error) {
	_, inode, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return linux.Statx{}, err
	var stat linux.Statx
	return stat, nil

// StatFSAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.StatFSAt.
func (fs *filesystem) StatFSAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (linux.Statfs, error) {
	_, _, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return linux.Statfs{}, err
	// TODO: actually implement statfs
	return linux.Statfs{}, syserror.ENOSYS

// SymlinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.SymlinkAt.
func (fs *filesystem) SymlinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, target string) error {
	if rp.Done() {
		return syserror.EEXIST
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	parentVFSD, parentInode, err := walkParentDirLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pc, err := checkCreateLocked(rp, parentVFSD, parentInode)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
	child := fs.newDentry(fs.newSymlink(rp.Credentials(), target))
	parentVFSD.InsertChild(&child.vfsd, pc)
	return nil

// UnlinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.UnlinkAt.
func (fs *filesystem) UnlinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) error {
	defer fs.mu.Unlock()
	vfsd, inode, err := walkExistingLocked(rp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := rp.Mount().CheckBeginWrite(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer rp.Mount().EndWrite()
	if err := checkDeleteLocked(vfsd); err != nil {
		return err
	if inode.isDir() {
		return syserror.EISDIR
	if err := rp.VirtualFilesystem().DeleteDentry(vfs.MountNamespaceFromContext(ctx), vfsd); err != nil {
		return err
	// Remove from parent directory's childList.
	return nil