// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package fuse implements fusefs.
package fuse

import (


// Name is the default filesystem name.
const Name = "fuse"

// FilesystemType implements vfs.FilesystemType.
type FilesystemType struct{}

type filesystemOptions struct {
	// userID specifies the numeric uid of the mount owner.
	// This option should not be specified by the filesystem owner.
	// It is set by libfuse (or, if libfuse is not used, must be set
	// by the filesystem itself). For more information, see man page
	// for fuse(8)
	userID uint32

	// groupID specifies the numeric gid of the mount owner.
	// This option should not be specified by the filesystem owner.
	// It is set by libfuse (or, if libfuse is not used, must be set
	// by the filesystem itself). For more information, see man page
	// for fuse(8)
	groupID uint32

	// rootMode specifies the the file mode of the filesystem's root.
	rootMode linux.FileMode

	// maxActiveRequests specifies the maximum number of active requests that can
	// exist at any time. Any further requests will block when trying to
	// Call the server.
	maxActiveRequests uint64

// filesystem implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.
type filesystem struct {
	devMinor uint32

	// conn is used for communication between the FUSE server
	// daemon and the sentry fusefs.
	conn *connection

	// opts is the options the fusefs is initialized with.
	opts *filesystemOptions

// Name implements vfs.FilesystemType.Name.
func (FilesystemType) Name() string {
	return Name

// GetFilesystem implements vfs.FilesystemType.GetFilesystem.
func (fsType FilesystemType) GetFilesystem(ctx context.Context, vfsObj *vfs.VirtualFilesystem, creds *auth.Credentials, source string, opts vfs.GetFilesystemOptions) (*vfs.Filesystem, *vfs.Dentry, error) {
	devMinor, err := vfsObj.GetAnonBlockDevMinor()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	var fsopts filesystemOptions
	mopts := vfs.GenericParseMountOptions(opts.Data)
	deviceDescriptorStr, ok := mopts["fd"]
	if !ok {
		log.Warningf("%s.GetFilesystem: communication file descriptor N (obtained by opening /dev/fuse) must be specified as 'fd=N'", fsType.Name())
		return nil, nil, syserror.EINVAL
	delete(mopts, "fd")

	deviceDescriptor, err := strconv.ParseInt(deviceDescriptorStr, 10 /* base */, 32 /* bitSize */)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	kernelTask := kernel.TaskFromContext(ctx)
	if kernelTask == nil {
		log.Warningf("%s.GetFilesystem: couldn't get kernel task from context", fsType.Name())
		return nil, nil, syserror.EINVAL
	fuseFd := kernelTask.GetFileVFS2(int32(deviceDescriptor))

	// Parse and set all the other supported FUSE mount options.
	// TODO(gVisor.dev/issue/3229): Expand the supported mount options.
	if userIDStr, ok := mopts["user_id"]; ok {
		delete(mopts, "user_id")
		userID, err := strconv.ParseUint(userIDStr, 10, 32)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("%s.GetFilesystem: invalid user_id: user_id=%s", fsType.Name(), userIDStr)
			return nil, nil, syserror.EINVAL
		fsopts.userID = uint32(userID)

	if groupIDStr, ok := mopts["group_id"]; ok {
		delete(mopts, "group_id")
		groupID, err := strconv.ParseUint(groupIDStr, 10, 32)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("%s.GetFilesystem: invalid group_id: group_id=%s", fsType.Name(), groupIDStr)
			return nil, nil, syserror.EINVAL
		fsopts.groupID = uint32(groupID)

	rootMode := linux.FileMode(0777)
	modeStr, ok := mopts["rootmode"]
	if ok {
		delete(mopts, "rootmode")
		mode, err := strconv.ParseUint(modeStr, 8, 32)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("%s.GetFilesystem: invalid mode: %q", fsType.Name(), modeStr)
			return nil, nil, syserror.EINVAL
		rootMode = linux.FileMode(mode)
	fsopts.rootMode = rootMode

	// Set the maxInFlightRequests option.
	fsopts.maxActiveRequests = maxActiveRequestsDefault

	// Check for unparsed options.
	if len(mopts) != 0 {
		log.Warningf("%s.GetFilesystem: unknown options: %v", fsType.Name(), mopts)
		return nil, nil, syserror.EINVAL

	// Create a new FUSE filesystem.
	fs, err := NewFUSEFilesystem(ctx, devMinor, &fsopts, fuseFd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("%s.NewFUSEFilesystem: failed with error: %v", fsType.Name(), err)
		return nil, nil, err

	fs.VFSFilesystem().Init(vfsObj, &fsType, fs)

	// Send a FUSE_INIT request to the FUSE daemon server before returning.
	// This call is not blocking.
	if err := fs.conn.InitSend(creds, uint32(kernelTask.ThreadID())); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("%s.InitSend: failed with error: %v", fsType.Name(), err)
		return nil, nil, err

	// root is the fusefs root directory.
	root := fs.newInode(creds, fsopts.rootMode)

	return fs.VFSFilesystem(), root.VFSDentry(), nil

// NewFUSEFilesystem creates a new FUSE filesystem.
func NewFUSEFilesystem(ctx context.Context, devMinor uint32, opts *filesystemOptions, device *vfs.FileDescription) (*filesystem, error) {
	fs := &filesystem{
		devMinor: devMinor,
		opts:     opts,

	conn, err := newFUSEConnection(ctx, device, opts.maxActiveRequests)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("fuse.NewFUSEFilesystem: NewFUSEConnection failed with error: %v", err)
		return nil, syserror.EINVAL

	fs.conn = conn
	fuseFD := device.Impl().(*DeviceFD)
	fuseFD.fs = fs

	return fs, nil

// Release implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.Release.
func (fs *filesystem) Release(ctx context.Context) {

// inode implements kernfs.Inode.
type inode struct {

	locks vfs.FileLocks

	dentry kernfs.Dentry

func (fs *filesystem) newInode(creds *auth.Credentials, mode linux.FileMode) *kernfs.Dentry {
	i := &inode{}
	i.InodeAttrs.Init(creds, linux.UNNAMED_MAJOR, fs.devMinor, fs.NextIno(), linux.ModeDirectory|0755)

	return &i.dentry

// Open implements kernfs.Inode.Open.
func (i *inode) Open(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, vfsd *vfs.Dentry, opts vfs.OpenOptions) (*vfs.FileDescription, error) {
	fd, err := kernfs.NewGenericDirectoryFD(rp.Mount(), vfsd, &i.OrderedChildren, &i.locks, &opts, kernfs.GenericDirectoryFDOptions{
		SeekEnd: kernfs.SeekEndStaticEntries,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return fd.VFSFileDescription(), nil

// statFromFUSEAttr makes attributes from linux.FUSEAttr to linux.Statx. The
// opts.Sync attribute is ignored since the synchronization is handled by the
// FUSE server.
func statFromFUSEAttr(attr linux.FUSEAttr, mask, devMinor uint32) linux.Statx {
	var stat linux.Statx
	stat.Blksize = attr.BlkSize
	stat.DevMajor, stat.DevMinor = linux.UNNAMED_MAJOR, devMinor

	rdevMajor, rdevMinor := linux.DecodeDeviceID(attr.Rdev)
	stat.RdevMajor, stat.RdevMinor = uint32(rdevMajor), rdevMinor

	if mask&linux.STATX_MODE != 0 {
		stat.Mode = uint16(attr.Mode)
	if mask&linux.STATX_NLINK != 0 {
		stat.Nlink = attr.Nlink
	if mask&linux.STATX_UID != 0 {
		stat.UID = attr.UID
	if mask&linux.STATX_GID != 0 {
		stat.GID = attr.GID
	if mask&linux.STATX_ATIME != 0 {
		stat.Atime = linux.StatxTimestamp{
			Sec:  int64(attr.Atime),
			Nsec: attr.AtimeNsec,
	if mask&linux.STATX_MTIME != 0 {
		stat.Mtime = linux.StatxTimestamp{
			Sec:  int64(attr.Mtime),
			Nsec: attr.MtimeNsec,
	if mask&linux.STATX_CTIME != 0 {
		stat.Ctime = linux.StatxTimestamp{
			Sec:  int64(attr.Ctime),
			Nsec: attr.CtimeNsec,
	if mask&linux.STATX_INO != 0 {
		stat.Ino = attr.Ino
	if mask&linux.STATX_SIZE != 0 {
		stat.Size = attr.Size
	if mask&linux.STATX_BLOCKS != 0 {
		stat.Blocks = attr.Blocks
	return stat

// Stat implements kernfs.Inode.Stat.
func (i *inode) Stat(ctx context.Context, fs *vfs.Filesystem, opts vfs.StatOptions) (linux.Statx, error) {
	fusefs := fs.Impl().(*filesystem)
	conn := fusefs.conn
	task, creds := kernel.TaskFromContext(ctx), auth.CredentialsFromContext(ctx)
	if task == nil {
		log.Warningf("couldn't get kernel task from context")
		return linux.Statx{}, syserror.EINVAL

	var in linux.FUSEGetAttrIn
	// We don't set any attribute in the request, because in VFS2 fstat(2) will
	// finally be translated into vfs.FilesystemImpl.StatAt() (see
	// pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/vfs2/stat.go), resulting in the same flow
	// as stat(2). Thus GetAttrFlags and Fh variable will never be used in VFS2.
	req, err := conn.NewRequest(creds, uint32(task.ThreadID()), i.Ino(), linux.FUSE_GETATTR, &in)
	if err != nil {
		return linux.Statx{}, err

	res, err := conn.Call(task, req)
	if err != nil {
		return linux.Statx{}, err
	if err := res.Error(); err != nil {
		return linux.Statx{}, err

	var out linux.FUSEGetAttrOut
	if err := res.UnmarshalPayload(&out); err != nil {
		return linux.Statx{}, err

	// Set all metadata into kernfs.InodeAttrs.
	if err := i.SetStat(ctx, fs, creds, vfs.SetStatOptions{
		Stat: statFromFUSEAttr(out.Attr, linux.STATX_ALL, fusefs.devMinor),
	}); err != nil {
		return linux.Statx{}, err

	return statFromFUSEAttr(out.Attr, opts.Mask, fusefs.devMinor), nil

// DecRef implements kernfs.Inode.
func (i *inode) DecRef(context.Context) {