// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package tty

import (


const (
	// canonMaxBytes is the number of bytes that fit into a single line of
	// terminal input in canonical mode. This corresponds to N_TTY_BUF_SIZE
	// in include/linux/tty.h.
	canonMaxBytes = 4096

	// nonCanonMaxBytes is the maximum number of bytes that can be read at
	// a time in noncanonical mode.
	nonCanonMaxBytes = canonMaxBytes - 1

	spacesPerTab = 8

// queue represents one of the input or output queues between a pty master and
// slave. Bytes written to a queue are added to the read buffer until it is
// full, at which point they are written to the wait buffer. Bytes are
// processed (i.e. undergo termios transformations) as they are added to the
// read buffer. The read buffer is readable when its length is nonzero and
// readable is true.
type queue struct {
	waiter.Queue `state:"nosave"`

	// readBuf is buffer of data ready to be read when readable is true.
	// This data has been processed.
	readBuf bytes.Buffer `state:".([]byte)"`

	// waitBuf contains data that can't fit into readBuf. It is put here
	// until it can be loaded into the read buffer. waitBuf contains data
	// that hasn't been processed.
	waitBuf bytes.Buffer `state:".([]byte)"`

	// readable indicates whether the read buffer can be read from.  In
	// canonical mode, there can be an unterminated line in the read buffer,
	// so readable must be checked.
	readable bool

// saveReadBuf is invoked by stateify.
func (q *queue) saveReadBuf() []byte {
	return append([]byte(nil), q.readBuf.Bytes()...)

// loadReadBuf is invoked by stateify.
func (q *queue) loadReadBuf(b []byte) {

// saveWaitBuf is invoked by stateify.
func (q *queue) saveWaitBuf() []byte {
	return append([]byte(nil), q.waitBuf.Bytes()...)

// loadWaitBuf is invoked by stateify.
func (q *queue) loadWaitBuf(b []byte) {

// readReadiness returns whether q is ready to be read from.
func (q *queue) readReadiness(t *linux.KernelTermios) waiter.EventMask {
	if q.readBuf.Len() > 0 && q.readable {
		return waiter.EventIn
	return waiter.EventMask(0)

// writeReadiness returns whether q is ready to be written to.
func (q *queue) writeReadiness(t *linux.KernelTermios) waiter.EventMask {
	// Like Linux, we don't impose a maximum size on what can be enqueued.
	return waiter.EventOut

// readableSize writes the number of readable bytes to userspace.
func (q *queue) readableSize(ctx context.Context, io usermem.IO, args arch.SyscallArguments) error {
	var size int32
	if q.readable {
		size = int32(q.readBuf.Len())

	_, err := usermem.CopyObjectOut(ctx, io, args[2].Pointer(), size, usermem.IOOpts{
		AddressSpaceActive: true,
	return err


// lineDiscipline dictates how input and output are handled between the
// pseudoterminal (pty) master and slave. It can be configured to alter I/O,
// modify control characters (e.g. Ctrl-C for SIGINT), etc. The following man
// pages are good resources for how to affect the line discipline:
//   * termios(3)
//   * tty_ioctl(4)
// This file corresponds most closely to drivers/tty/n_tty.c.
// lineDiscipline has a simple structure but supports a multitude of options
// (see the above man pages). It consists of two queues of bytes: one from the
// terminal master to slave (the input queue) and one from slave to master (the
// output queue). When bytes are written to one end of the pty, the line
// discipline reads the bytes, modifies them or takes special action if
// required, and enqueues them to be read by the other end of the pty:
//       input from terminal    +-------------+   input to process (e.g. bash)
//    +------------------------>| input queue |---------------------------+
//    |   (inputQueueWrite)     +-------------+     (inputQueueRead)      |
//    |                                                                   |
//    |                                                                   v
// masterFD                                                            slaveFD
//    ^                                                                   |
//    |                                                                   |
//    |   output to terminal   +--------------+    output from process    |
//    +------------------------| output queue |<--------------------------+
//        (outputQueueRead)    +--------------+    (outputQueueWrite)
// Lock order:
//  inMu
//    outMu
//      termiosMu
type lineDiscipline struct {
	// inMu protects inQueue.
	inMu sync.Mutex `state:"nosave"`

	// inQueue is the input queue of the terminal.
	inQueue queue

	// outMu protects outQueue.
	outMu sync.Mutex `state:"nosave"`

	// outQueue is the output queue of the terminal.
	outQueue queue

	// termiosMu protects termios.
	termiosMu sync.Mutex `state:"nosave"`

	// termios is the terminal configuration used by the lineDiscipline.
	termios linux.KernelTermios

	// column is the location in a row of the cursor. This is important for
	// handling certain special characters like backspace.
	column int

// getTermios gets the linux.Termios for the tty.
func (l *lineDiscipline) getTermios(ctx context.Context, io usermem.IO, args arch.SyscallArguments) (uintptr, error) {
	defer l.termiosMu.Unlock()
	// We must copy a Termios struct, not KernelTermios.
	t := l.termios.ToTermios()
	_, err := usermem.CopyObjectOut(ctx, io, args[2].Pointer(), t, usermem.IOOpts{
		AddressSpaceActive: true,
	return 0, err

// setTermios sets a linux.Termios for the tty.
func (l *lineDiscipline) setTermios(ctx context.Context, io usermem.IO, args arch.SyscallArguments) (uintptr, error) {
	defer l.inMu.Unlock()
	defer l.termiosMu.Unlock()
	oldCanonEnabled := l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON)
	// We must copy a Termios struct, not KernelTermios.
	var t linux.Termios
	_, err := usermem.CopyObjectIn(ctx, io, args[2].Pointer(), &t, usermem.IOOpts{
		AddressSpaceActive: true,

	// If canonical mode is turned off, move bytes from inQueue's wait
	// buffer to its read buffer. Anything already in the read buffer is
	// now readable.
	if oldCanonEnabled && !l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) {
		l.pushWaitBuf(&l.inQueue, transformInput)

	return 0, err

func (l *lineDiscipline) masterReadiness() waiter.EventMask {
	defer l.inMu.Unlock()
	defer l.outMu.Unlock()
	// We don't have to lock a termios because the default master termios
	// is immutable.
	return l.inQueue.writeReadiness(&linux.MasterTermios) | l.outQueue.readReadiness(&linux.MasterTermios)

func (l *lineDiscipline) slaveReadiness() waiter.EventMask {
	defer l.inMu.Unlock()
	defer l.outMu.Unlock()
	defer l.termiosMu.Unlock()
	return l.outQueue.writeReadiness(&l.termios) | l.inQueue.readReadiness(&l.termios)

func (l *lineDiscipline) inputQueueReadSize(ctx context.Context, io usermem.IO, args arch.SyscallArguments) error {
	defer l.inMu.Unlock()
	return l.inQueue.readableSize(ctx, io, args)

func (l *lineDiscipline) inputQueueRead(ctx context.Context, dst usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error) {
	defer l.inMu.Unlock()
	return l.queueRead(ctx, dst, &l.inQueue, transformInput)

func (l *lineDiscipline) inputQueueWrite(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error) {
	defer l.inMu.Unlock()
	return l.queueWrite(ctx, src, &l.inQueue, transformInput)

func (l *lineDiscipline) outputQueueReadSize(ctx context.Context, io usermem.IO, args arch.SyscallArguments) error {
	defer l.outMu.Unlock()
	return l.outQueue.readableSize(ctx, io, args)

func (l *lineDiscipline) outputQueueRead(ctx context.Context, dst usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error) {
	defer l.outMu.Unlock()
	return l.queueRead(ctx, dst, &l.outQueue, transformOutput)

func (l *lineDiscipline) outputQueueWrite(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error) {
	defer l.outMu.Unlock()
	return l.queueWrite(ctx, src, &l.outQueue, transformOutput)

// queueRead reads from q to userspace.
// Preconditions: q's lock must be held.
func (l *lineDiscipline) queueRead(ctx context.Context, dst usermem.IOSequence, q *queue, f transform) (int64, error) {
	if !q.readable {
		return 0, syserror.ErrWouldBlock

	// Read out from the read buffer.
	n := canonMaxBytes
	if n > int(dst.NumBytes()) {
		n = int(dst.NumBytes())
	if n > q.readBuf.Len() {
		n = q.readBuf.Len()
	n, err := dst.Writer(ctx).Write(q.readBuf.Bytes()[:n])
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	// Discard bytes read out.

	// If we read everything, this queue is no longer readable.
	if q.readBuf.Len() == 0 {
		q.readable = false

	// Move data from the queue's wait buffer to its read buffer.
	defer l.termiosMu.Unlock()
	l.pushWaitBuf(q, f)

	// If state changed, notify any waiters. If nothing was available to
	// read, let the caller know we could block.
	if n > 0 {
	} else {
		return 0, syserror.ErrWouldBlock
	return int64(n), nil

// queueWrite writes to q from userspace. f is the function used to perform
// processing on data being written and write it to the read buffer.
// Precondition: q's lock must be held.
func (l *lineDiscipline) queueWrite(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence, q *queue, f transform) (int64, error) {
	// TODO: Use CopyInTo/safemem to avoid extra copying.
	// Copy in the bytes to write from user-space.
	b := make([]byte, src.NumBytes())
	n, err := src.CopyIn(ctx, b)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	b = b[:n]

	// Write as much as possible to the read buffer.
	defer l.termiosMu.Unlock()
	n = f(l, q, b)

	// Write remaining data to the wait buffer.
	nWaiting, _ := q.waitBuf.Write(b[n:])

	// If state changed, notify any waiters. If we were unable to write
	// anything, let the caller know we could block.
	if n > 0 {
	} else if nWaiting == 0 {
		return 0, syserror.ErrWouldBlock
	return int64(n + nWaiting), nil

// pushWaitBuf fills the queue's read buffer with data from the wait buffer.
// Precondition: l.inMu and l.termiosMu must be held.
func (l *lineDiscipline) pushWaitBuf(q *queue, f transform) {
	// Remove bytes from the wait buffer and move them to the read buffer.
	n := f(l, q, q.waitBuf.Bytes())

	// If state changed, notify any waiters.
	if n > 0 {

// transform functions require the passed in lineDiscipline's mutex to be held.
type transform func(*lineDiscipline, *queue, []byte) int

// transformOutput does output processing for one end of the pty. See
// drivers/tty/n_tty.c:do_output_char for an analogous kernel function.
// Precondition: l.termiosMu and q's mutex must be held.
func transformOutput(l *lineDiscipline, q *queue, buf []byte) int {
	// transformOutput is effectively always in noncanonical mode, as the
	// master termios never has ICANON set.

	if !l.termios.OEnabled(linux.OPOST) {
		n, _ := q.readBuf.Write(buf)
		if q.readBuf.Len() > 0 {
			q.readable = true
		return n

	var ret int
	for len(buf) > 0 {
		c, size := l.peekRune(buf)
		ret += size
		buf = buf[size:]
		switch c {
		case '\n':
			if l.termios.OEnabled(linux.ONLRET) {
				l.column = 0
			if l.termios.OEnabled(linux.ONLCR) {
				q.readBuf.Write([]byte{'\r', '\n'})
		case '\r':
			if l.termios.OEnabled(linux.ONOCR) && l.column == 0 {
			if l.termios.OEnabled(linux.OCRNL) {
				c = '\n'
				if l.termios.OEnabled(linux.ONLRET) {
					l.column = 0
			l.column = 0
		case '\t':
			spaces := spacesPerTab - l.column%spacesPerTab
			if l.termios.OutputFlags&linux.TABDLY == linux.XTABS {
				l.column += spaces
				q.readBuf.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, spacesPerTab))
			l.column += spaces
		case '\b':
			if l.column > 0 {
	if q.readBuf.Len() > 0 {
		q.readable = true
	return ret

// transformInput does input processing for one end of the pty. Characters read
// are transformed according to flags set in the termios struct. See
// drivers/tty/n_tty.c:n_tty_receive_char_special for an analogous kernel
// function.
// Precondition: l.termiosMu and q's mutex must be held.
func transformInput(l *lineDiscipline, q *queue, buf []byte) int {
	// If there's a line waiting to be read in canonical mode, don't write
	// anything else to the read buffer.
	if l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) && q.readable {
		return 0

	maxBytes := nonCanonMaxBytes
	if l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) {
		maxBytes = canonMaxBytes

	var ret int
	for len(buf) > 0 && q.readBuf.Len() < canonMaxBytes {
		c, size := l.peekRune(buf)
		switch c {
		case '\r':
			if l.termios.IEnabled(linux.IGNCR) {
				buf = buf[size:]
				ret += size
			if l.termios.IEnabled(linux.ICRNL) {
				c = '\n'
		case '\n':
			if l.termios.IEnabled(linux.INLCR) {
				c = '\r'

		// In canonical mode, we discard non-terminating characters
		// after the first 4095.
		if l.shouldDiscard(q, c) {
			buf = buf[size:]
			ret += size

		// Stop if the buffer would be overfilled.
		if q.readBuf.Len()+size > maxBytes {
		buf = buf[size:]
		ret += size

		// If we get EOF, make the buffer available for reading.
		if l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) && l.termios.IsEOF(c) {
			q.readable = true


		// If we finish a line, make it available for reading.
		if l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) && l.termios.IsTerminating(c) {
			q.readable = true

	// In noncanonical mode, everything is readable.
	if !l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) && q.readBuf.Len() > 0 {
		q.readable = true

	return ret

// shouldDiscard returns whether c should be discarded. In canonical mode, if
// too many bytes are enqueued, we keep reading input and discarding it until
// we find a terminating character. Signal/echo processing still occurs.
func (l *lineDiscipline) shouldDiscard(q *queue, c rune) bool {
	return l.termios.LEnabled(linux.ICANON) && q.readBuf.Len()+utf8.RuneLen(c) >= canonMaxBytes && !l.termios.IsTerminating(c)

// peekRune returns the first rune from the byte array depending on whether
// UTF8 is enabled.
func (l *lineDiscipline) peekRune(b []byte) (rune, int) {
	var c rune
	var size int
	// If UTF-8 support is enabled, runes might be multiple bytes.
	if l.termios.IEnabled(linux.IUTF8) {
		c, size = utf8.DecodeRune(b)
	} else {
		c = rune(b[0])
		size = 1
	return c, size