load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test") load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template", "go_template_instance") package(licenses = ["notice"]) [ # These files are tagged with relevant build architectures. We can always # build all the input files, which will be included only in the relevant # architecture builds. go_template( name = "generic_walker_%s" % arch, srcs = [ "walker_generic.go", "walker_%s.go" % arch, ], opt_types = [ "Visitor", ], visibility = [":__pkg__"], ) for arch in ("amd64", "arm64") ] [ # See above. go_template_instance( name = "walker_%s_%s" % (op, arch), out = "walker_%s_%s.go" % (op, arch), package = "pagetables", prefix = op, template = ":generic_walker_%s" % arch, types = { "Visitor": "%sVisitor" % op, }, ) for op in ("map", "unmap", "lookup", "empty", "check") for arch in ("amd64", "arm64") ] go_library( name = "pagetables", srcs = [ "allocator.go", "allocator_unsafe.go", "pagetables.go", "pagetables_aarch64.go", "pagetables_amd64.go", "pagetables_arm64.go", "pagetables_x86.go", "pcids.go", "pcids_aarch64.go", "pcids_aarch64.s", "pcids_x86.go", "walker_amd64.go", "walker_arm64.go", "walker_generic.go", ":walker_empty_amd64", ":walker_empty_arm64", ":walker_lookup_amd64", ":walker_lookup_arm64", ":walker_map_amd64", ":walker_map_arm64", ":walker_unmap_amd64", ":walker_unmap_arm64", ], visibility = [ "//pkg/ring0:__subpackages__", "//pkg/sentry/platform/kvm:__subpackages__", ], deps = [ "//pkg/hostarch", "//pkg/sync", ], ) go_test( name = "pagetables_test", size = "small", srcs = [ "pagetables_amd64_test.go", "pagetables_arm64_test.go", "pagetables_test.go", ":walker_check_amd64", ":walker_check_arm64", ], library = ":pagetables", deps = ["//pkg/hostarch"], )