// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package p9

import (


// Server is a 9p2000.L server.
type Server struct {
	// attacher provides the attach function.
	attacher Attacher

// NewServer returns a new server.
func NewServer(attacher Attacher) *Server {
	return &Server{
		attacher: attacher,

// connState is the state for a single connection.
type connState struct {
	// server is the backing server.
	server *Server

	// sendMu is the send lock.
	sendMu sync.Mutex

	// conn is the connection.
	conn *unet.Socket

	// fids is the set of active FIDs.
	// This is used to find FIDs for files.
	fidMu sync.Mutex
	fids  map[FID]*fidRef

	// tags is the set of active tags.
	// The given channel is closed when the
	// tag is finished with processing.
	tagMu sync.Mutex
	tags  map[Tag]chan struct{}

	// messageSize is the maximum message size. The server does not
	// do automatic splitting of messages.
	messageSize uint32

	// version is the agreed upon version X of 9P2000.L.Google.X.
	// version 0 implies 9P2000.L.
	version uint32

	// recvOkay indicates that a receive may start.
	recvOkay chan bool

	// recvDone is signalled when a message is received.
	recvDone chan error

	// sendDone is signalled when a send is finished.
	sendDone chan error

// fidRef wraps a node and tracks references.
type fidRef struct {
	// file is the associated File.
	file File

	// refs is an active refence count.
	// The node above will be closed only when refs reaches zero.
	refs int64

	// openedMu protects opened and openFlags.
	openedMu sync.Mutex

	// opened indicates whether this has been opened already.
	// This is updated in handlers.go.
	opened bool

	// openFlags is the mode used in the open.
	// This is updated in handlers.go.
	openFlags OpenFlags

// OpenFlags returns the flags the file was opened with and true iff the fid was opened previously.
func (f *fidRef) OpenFlags() (OpenFlags, bool) {
	defer f.openedMu.Unlock()
	return f.openFlags, f.opened

// DecRef should be called when you're finished with a fid.
func (f *fidRef) DecRef() {
	if atomic.AddInt64(&f.refs, -1) == 0 {

// LookupFID finds the given FID.
// You should call fid.DecRef when you are finished using the fid.
func (cs *connState) LookupFID(fid FID) (*fidRef, bool) {
	defer cs.fidMu.Unlock()
	fidRef, ok := cs.fids[fid]
	if ok {
		atomic.AddInt64(&fidRef.refs, 1)
		return fidRef, true
	return nil, false

// InsertFID installs the given FID.
// This fid starts with a reference count of one. If a FID exists in
// the slot already it is closed, per the specification.
func (cs *connState) InsertFID(fid FID, newRef *fidRef) {
	defer cs.fidMu.Unlock()
	origRef, ok := cs.fids[fid]
	if ok {
		defer origRef.DecRef()
	atomic.AddInt64(&newRef.refs, 1)
	cs.fids[fid] = newRef

// DeleteFID removes the given FID.
// This simply removes it from the map and drops a reference.
func (cs *connState) DeleteFID(fid FID) bool {
	defer cs.fidMu.Unlock()
	fidRef, ok := cs.fids[fid]
	if !ok {
		return false
	delete(cs.fids, fid)
	return true

// StartTag starts handling the tag.
// False is returned if this tag is already active.
func (cs *connState) StartTag(t Tag) bool {
	defer cs.tagMu.Unlock()
	_, ok := cs.tags[t]
	if ok {
		return false
	cs.tags[t] = make(chan struct{})
	return true

// ClearTag finishes handling a tag.
func (cs *connState) ClearTag(t Tag) {
	defer cs.tagMu.Unlock()
	ch, ok := cs.tags[t]
	if !ok {
		// Should never happen.
		panic("unused tag cleared")
	delete(cs.tags, t)

	// Notify.

// WaitTag waits for a tag to finish.
func (cs *connState) WaitTag(t Tag) {
	ch, ok := cs.tags[t]
	if !ok {

	// Wait for close.

// handleRequest handles a single request.
// The recvDone channel is signaled when recv is done (with a error if
// necessary). The sendDone channel is signaled with the result of the send.
func (cs *connState) handleRequest() {
	messageSize := atomic.LoadUint32(&cs.messageSize)
	if messageSize == 0 {
		// Default or not yet negotiated.
		messageSize = maximumLength

	// Receive a message.
	tag, m, err := recv(cs.conn, messageSize, messageByType)
	if errSocket, ok := err.(ErrSocket); ok {
		// Connection problem; stop serving.
		cs.recvDone <- errSocket.error

	// Signal receive is done.
	cs.recvDone <- nil

	// Deal with other errors.
	if err != nil {
		// If it's not a connection error, but some other protocol error,
		// we can send a response immediately.
		log.Debugf("err [%05d] %v", tag, err)
		err := send(cs.conn, tag, newErr(err))
		cs.sendDone <- err

	// Try to start the tag.
	if !cs.StartTag(tag) {
		// Nothing we can do at this point; client is bogus.
		cs.sendDone <- ErrNoValidMessage

	// Handle the message.
	var r message
	if handler, ok := m.(handler); ok {
		// Call the message handler.
		r = handler.handle(cs)
	} else {
		// Produce an ENOSYS error.
		r = newErr(syscall.ENOSYS)

	// Clear the tag before sending. That's because as soon
	// as this hits the wire, the client can legally send
	// another message with the same tag.

	// Send back the result.
	err = send(cs.conn, tag, r)
	cs.sendDone <- err

func (cs *connState) handleRequests() {
	for range cs.recvOkay {

func (cs *connState) stop() {
	// Close all channels.

	for _, fidRef := range cs.fids {
		// Drop final reference in the FID table. Note this should
		// always close the file, since we've ensured that there are no
		// handlers running via the wait for Pending => 0 below.

	// Ensure the connection is closed.

// service services requests concurrently.
func (cs *connState) service() error {
	// Pending is the number of handlers that have finished receiving but
	// not finished processing requests. These must be waiting on properly
	// below. See the next comment for an explanation of the loop.
	pending := 0

	// Start the first request handler.
	go cs.handleRequests() // S/R-SAFE: Irrelevant.
	cs.recvOkay <- true

	// We loop and make sure there's always one goroutine waiting for a new
	// request. We process all the data for a single request in one
	// goroutine however, to ensure the best turnaround time possible.
	for {
		select {
		case err := <-cs.recvDone:
			if err != nil {
				// Wait for pending handlers.
				for i := 0; i < pending; i++ {
				return err

			// This handler is now pending.

			// Kick the next receiver, or start a new handler
			// if no receiver is currently waiting.
			select {
			case cs.recvOkay <- true:
				go cs.handleRequests() // S/R-SAFE: Irrelevant.
				cs.recvOkay <- true

		case <-cs.sendDone:
			// This handler is finished.

			// Error sending a response? Nothing can be done.
			// We don't terminate on a send error though, since
			// we still have a pending receive. The error would
			// have been logged above, we just ignore it here.

// Handle handles a single connection.
func (s *Server) Handle(conn *unet.Socket) error {
	cs := &connState{
		server:   s,
		conn:     conn,
		fids:     make(map[FID]*fidRef),
		tags:     make(map[Tag]chan struct{}),
		recvOkay: make(chan bool),
		recvDone: make(chan error, 10),
		sendDone: make(chan error, 10),
	defer cs.stop()
	return cs.service()

// Serve handles requests from the bound socket.
// The passed serverSocket _must_ be created in packet mode.
func (s *Server) Serve(serverSocket *unet.ServerSocket) error {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	defer wg.Wait()

	for {
		conn, err := serverSocket.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			// Something went wrong.
			// Socket closed?
			return err

		go func(conn *unet.Socket) { // S/R-SAFE: Irrelevant.