// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package p9

import (


// newErr returns a new error message from an error.
func newErr(err error) *Rlerror {
	switch e := err.(type) {
	case syscall.Errno:
		return &Rlerror{Error: uint32(e)}
	case *os.PathError:
		return newErr(e.Err)
	case *os.SyscallError:
		return newErr(e.Err)
		log.Warningf("unknown error: %v", err)
		return &Rlerror{Error: uint32(syscall.EIO)}

// handler is implemented for server-handled messages.
// See server.go for call information.
type handler interface {
	// Handle handles the given message.
	// This may modify the server state. The handle function must return a
	// message which will be sent back to the client. It may be useful to
	// use newErr to automatically extract an error message.
	handle(cs *connState) message

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tversion) handle(cs *connState) message {
	if t.MSize == 0 {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)
	if t.MSize > maximumLength {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)
	atomic.StoreUint32(&cs.messageSize, t.MSize)
	requested, ok := parseVersion(t.Version)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)
	// The server cannot support newer versions that it doesn't know about.  In this
	// case we return EAGAIN to tell the client to try again with a lower version.
	if requested > highestSupportedVersion {
		return newErr(syscall.EAGAIN)
	// From Tversion(9P): "The server may respond with the client’s version
	// string, or a version string identifying an earlier defined protocol version".
	atomic.StoreUint32(&cs.version, requested)
	return &Rversion{
		MSize:   t.MSize,
		Version: t.Version,

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tflush) handle(cs *connState) message {
	return &Rflush{}

// isSafeName returns true iff the name does not contain directory characters.
// We permit walks only on safe names and store the sequence of paths used for
// any given walk in each FID. (This is immutable.) We use this to mark
// relevant FIDs as moved when a successful rename occurs.
func isSafeName(name string) bool {
	return name != "" && !strings.Contains(name, "/") && name != "." && name != ".."

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Twalk) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Check the names.
	for _, name := range t.Names {
		if !isSafeName(name) {
			return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Has it been opened already?
	if _, opened := ref.OpenFlags(); opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EBUSY)

	// Do the walk.
	qids, sf, err := ref.file.Walk(t.Names)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	// Install the new FID.
	cs.InsertFID(t.NewFID, &fidRef{file: sf})

	return &Rwalk{QIDs: qids}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tclunk) handle(cs *connState) message {
	if !cs.DeleteFID(t.FID) {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	return &Rclunk{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tremove) handle(cs *connState) message {
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// "The remove request asks the file server both to remove the file
	// represented by fid and to clunk the fid, even if the remove fails."
	// "It is correct to consider remove to be a clunk with the side effect
	// of removing the file if permissions allow."
	// https://swtch.com/plan9port/man/man9/remove.html
	err := ref.file.Remove()

	// Clunk the FID regardless of Remove error.
	if !cs.DeleteFID(t.FID) {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)

	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return &Rremove{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
// We don't support authentication, so this just returns ENOSYS.
func (t *Tauth) handle(cs *connState) message {
	return newErr(syscall.ENOSYS)

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tattach) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Ensure no authentication FID is provided.
	if t.Auth.AuthenticationFID != NoFID {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Do the attach.
	sf, err := cs.server.attacher.Attach(t.Auth.AttachName)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	cs.InsertFID(t.FID, &fidRef{file: sf})

	// Return an empty QID.
	return &Rattach{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tlopen) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	defer ref.openedMu.Unlock()

	// Has it been opened already?
	if ref.opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Do the open.
	osFile, qid, ioUnit, err := ref.file.Open(t.Flags)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	// Mark file as opened and set open mode.
	ref.opened = true
	ref.openFlags = t.Flags

	return &Rlopen{QID: qid, IoUnit: ioUnit, File: osFile}

func (t *Tlcreate) do(cs *connState, uid UID) (*Rlcreate, error) {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return nil, syscall.EINVAL

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return nil, syscall.EBADF
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the create.
	osFile, nsf, qid, ioUnit, err := ref.file.Create(t.Name, t.OpenFlags, t.Permissions, uid, t.GID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Replace the FID reference.
	// The new file will be opened already.
	cs.InsertFID(t.FID, &fidRef{
		file:      nsf,
		opened:    true,
		openFlags: t.OpenFlags,

	return &Rlcreate{Rlopen: Rlopen{QID: qid, IoUnit: ioUnit, File: osFile}}, nil

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tlcreate) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rlcreate, err := t.do(cs, NoUID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return rlcreate

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tsymlink) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rsymlink, err := t.do(cs, NoUID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return rsymlink

func (t *Tsymlink) do(cs *connState, uid UID) (*Rsymlink, error) {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return nil, syscall.EINVAL

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return nil, syscall.EBADF
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the symlink.
	qid, err := ref.file.Symlink(t.Target, t.Name, uid, t.GID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Rsymlink{QID: qid}, nil

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tlink) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Lookup the other FID.
	refTarget, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Target)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer refTarget.DecRef()

	// Do the link.
	if err := ref.file.Link(refTarget.file, t.Name); err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rlink{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Trenameat) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.OldName) || !isSafeName(t.NewName) {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.OldDirectory)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Lookup the other FID.
	refTarget, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.NewDirectory)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer refTarget.DecRef()

	// Do the rename.
	if err := ref.file.RenameAt(t.OldName, refTarget.file, t.NewName); err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rrenameat{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tunlinkat) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the unlink.
	if err := ref.file.UnlinkAt(t.Name, t.Flags); err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Runlinkat{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Trename) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Lookup the target.
	refTarget, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer refTarget.DecRef()

	// Call the rename method.
	if err := ref.file.Rename(refTarget.file, t.Name); err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rrename{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Treadlink) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the read.
	target, err := ref.file.Readlink()
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rreadlink{target}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tread) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Has it been opened already?
	openFlags, opened := ref.OpenFlags()
	if !opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Can it be read? Check permissions.
	if openFlags&OpenFlagsModeMask == WriteOnly {
		return newErr(syscall.EPERM)

	// Constrain the size of the read buffer.
	if int(t.Count) > int(maximumLength) {
		return newErr(syscall.ENOBUFS)

	// Do the read.
	data := make([]byte, t.Count)
	n, err := ref.file.ReadAt(data, t.Offset)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rread{Data: data[:n]}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Twrite) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Has it been opened already?
	openFlags, opened := ref.OpenFlags()
	if !opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Can it be write? Check permissions.
	if openFlags&OpenFlagsModeMask == ReadOnly {
		return newErr(syscall.EPERM)

	// Do the write.
	n, err := ref.file.WriteAt(t.Data, t.Offset)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rwrite{Count: uint32(n)}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tmknod) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rmknod, err := t.do(cs, NoUID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return rmknod

func (t *Tmknod) do(cs *connState, uid UID) (*Rmknod, error) {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return nil, syscall.EINVAL

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return nil, syscall.EBADF
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the mknod.
	qid, err := ref.file.Mknod(t.Name, t.Permissions, t.Major, t.Minor, uid, t.GID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Rmknod{QID: qid}, nil

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tmkdir) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rmkdir, err := t.do(cs, NoUID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return rmkdir

func (t *Tmkdir) do(cs *connState, uid UID) (*Rmkdir, error) {
	// Don't allow complex names.
	if !isSafeName(t.Name) {
		return nil, syscall.EINVAL

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return nil, syscall.EBADF
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the mkdir.
	qid, err := ref.file.Mkdir(t.Name, t.Permissions, uid, t.GID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Rmkdir{QID: qid}, nil

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tgetattr) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Get attributes.
	qid, valid, attr, err := ref.file.GetAttr(t.AttrMask)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rgetattr{QID: qid, Valid: valid, Attr: attr}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tsetattr) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Set attributes.
	if err := ref.file.SetAttr(t.Valid, t.SetAttr); err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rsetattr{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Txattrwalk) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// We don't support extended attributes.
	return newErr(syscall.ENODATA)

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Txattrcreate) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// We don't support extended attributes.
	return newErr(syscall.ENOSYS)

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Treaddir) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Has it been opened already?
	if _, opened := ref.OpenFlags(); !opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Read the entries.
	entries, err := ref.file.Readdir(t.Offset, t.Count)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rreaddir{Count: t.Count, Entries: entries}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tfsync) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Has it been opened already?
	if _, opened := ref.OpenFlags(); !opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	err := ref.file.FSync()
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rfsync{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tstatfs) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	st, err := ref.file.StatFS()
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rstatfs{st}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tflushf) handle(cs *connState) message {
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	if err := ref.file.Flush(); err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rflushf{}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Twalkgetattr) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Check the names.
	for _, name := range t.Names {
		if !isSafeName(name) {
			return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)

	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Has it been opened already?
	if _, opened := ref.OpenFlags(); opened {
		return newErr(syscall.EBUSY)

	// Do the walk.
	qids, sf, valid, attr, err := ref.file.WalkGetAttr(t.Names)
	if err == syscall.ENOSYS {
		qids, sf, err = ref.file.Walk(t.Names)
		if err != nil {
			return newErr(err)
		_, valid, attr, err = sf.GetAttr(AttrMaskAll())
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	// Install the new FID.
	cs.InsertFID(t.NewFID, &fidRef{file: sf})

	return &Rwalkgetattr{QIDs: qids, Valid: valid, Attr: attr}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tucreate) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rlcreate, err := t.Tlcreate.do(cs, t.UID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return &Rucreate{*rlcreate}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tumkdir) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rmkdir, err := t.Tmkdir.do(cs, t.UID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return &Rumkdir{*rmkdir}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tusymlink) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rsymlink, err := t.Tsymlink.do(cs, t.UID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return &Rusymlink{*rsymlink}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tumknod) handle(cs *connState) message {
	rmknod, err := t.Tmknod.do(cs, t.UID)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)
	return &Rumknod{*rmknod}

// handle implements handler.handle.
func (t *Tlconnect) handle(cs *connState) message {
	// Lookup the FID.
	ref, ok := cs.LookupFID(t.FID)
	if !ok {
		return newErr(syscall.EBADF)
	defer ref.DecRef()

	// Do the connect.
	osFile, err := ref.file.Connect(t.Flags)
	if err != nil {
		return newErr(err)

	return &Rlconnect{File: osFile}