HUGO := hugo HUGO_VERSION := 0.53 HTMLPROOFER_VERSION := 3.10.2 NPM := npm GCLOUD := gcloud GCP_PROJECT := gvisor-website # Source Go files, example: main.go, foo/bar.go. GEN_SOURCE = $(wildcard cmd/generate-syscall-docs/*) APP_SOURCE = $(wildcard cmd/gvisor-website/*) # Target Go files, example: public/main.go, public/foo/bar.go. APP_TARGET = $(patsubst cmd/gvisor-website/%,public/%,$(APP_SOURCE)) CONTENT_SOURCE = $(wildcard content/*) default: website .PHONY: default website: all-upstream app public/static .PHONY: website app: $(APP_TARGET) .PHONY: app public: mkdir -p public # Load repositories. upstream: mkdir -p upstream upstream-%: upstream if [ -d upstream/$* ]; then (cd upstream/$* && git pull --rebase); else git clone$*/ upstream/$*; fi all-upstream: upstream-gvisor upstream-community # All repositories are listed here: force updates. .PHONY: all-upstream upstream-% # This target regenerates the sigs directory; this is not PHONY. content/docs/community/sigs: upstream/community $(wildcard upstream/community/sigs/*) rm -rf content/docs/community/sigs && mkdir -p content/docs/community/sigs for file in $(shell cd upstream/community/sigs && ls -1 *.md | cut -d'.' -f1 | grep -v TEMPLATE); do \ title=$$(cat upstream/community/sigs/$$ | grep -E '^# ' | cut -d' ' -f2-); \ echo -e "+++\ntitle = \"$$title\"\n+++\n" > content/docs/community/sigs/$$; \ cat upstream/community/sigs/$$ |grep -v -E '^# ' >> content/docs/community/sigs/$$; \ done $(APP_TARGET): public $(APP_SOURCE) cp -a cmd/gvisor-website/$(patsubst public/%,%,$@) public/ public/static: compatibility-docs node_modules config.toml $(shell find archetypes assets content themes -type f | sed 's/ /\\ /g') HUGO_ENV="production" $(HUGO) node_modules: package.json package-lock.json # Use npm ci because npm install will update the package-lock.json. # See: $(NPM) ci upstream/gvisor/bazel-bin/runsc/linux_amd64_pure_stripped/runsc: upstream-gvisor cd upstream/gvisor && bazel build runsc bin/generate-syscall-docs: $(GEN_SOURCE) mkdir -p bin/ go build -o bin/generate-syscall-docs compatibility-docs: bin/generate-syscall-docs upstream/gvisor/bazel-bin/runsc/linux_amd64_pure_stripped/runsc ./upstream/gvisor/bazel-bin/runsc/linux_amd64_pure_stripped/runsc help syscalls -o json | ./bin/generate-syscall-docs -out ./content/docs/user_guide/compatibility/ .PHONY: compatibility-docs check: check-markdown check-html .PHONY: check check-markdown: node_modules $(CONTENT_SOURCE) compatibility-docs npm run lint-md .PHONY: check-markdown check-html: website docker run -v $(shell pwd)/public:/public htmlproofer --disable-external --check-html public/static .PHONY: check-html # Run a local content development server. Redirects will not be supported. devserver: all-upstream compatibility-docs $(HUGO) server -FD --port 8080 .PHONY: server server: website cd public/ && go run main.go --custom-domain localhost .PHONY: server # Deploy the website to App Engine. deploy: $(APP_TARGET) cd public && $(GCLOUD) app deploy .PHONY: deploy # CI related Commmands ############################################################################## # Submit a build to Cloud Build manually. Used to test cloudbuild.yaml changes. cloud-build: gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml . # Build and push the hugo Docker image used by Cloud Build. hugo-docker-image: docker build --build-arg HUGO_VERSION=$(HUGO_VERSION) -t$(HUGO_VERSION) cloudbuild/hugo/ docker push$(HUGO_VERSION) .PHONY: hugo-docker-image # Build and push the html-proofer image used by Cloud Build. htmlproofer-docker-image: docker build --build-arg HTMLPROOFER_VERSION=$(HTMLPROOFER_VERSION) -t$(HTMLPROOFER_VERSION) cloudbuild/html-proofer/ docker push$(HTMLPROOFER_VERSION) .PHONY: htmlproofer-docker-image clean: rm -rf public/ resources/ node_modules/ upstream/ content/docs/user_guide/compatibility/linux/ .PHONY: clean