load("//tools:defs.bzl", "build_test", "gazelle", "go_path")
load("//tools/nogo:defs.bzl", "nogo_config")
load("//website:defs.bzl", "doc")

package(licenses = ["notice"])


    name = "nogo_config",
    srcs = ["nogo.yaml"],
    visibility = ["//:sandbox"],

    name = "contributing",
    src = "CONTRIBUTING.md",
    category = "Project",
    permalink = "/contributing/",
    visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"],
    weight = "20",

    name = "security",
    src = "SECURITY.md",
    category = "Project",
    permalink = "/security/",
    visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"],
    weight = "30",

    name = "governance",
    src = "GOVERNANCE.md",
    category = "Project",
    permalink = "/community/governance/",
    subcategory = "Community",
    visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"],
    weight = "20",

    name = "code_of_conduct",
    src = "CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md",
    category = "Project",
    permalink = "/community/code_of_conduct/",
    subcategory = "Community",
    visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"],
    weight = "99",

# The sandbox filegroup is used for sandbox-internal dependencies.
    name = "sandbox",
    packages = ["//..."],

# For targets that will not normally build internally, we ensure that they are
# least build by a static BUILD test.
    name = "build_test",
    targets = [

# gopath defines a directory that is structured in a way that is compatible
# with standard Go tools. Things like godoc, editors and refactor tools should
# work as expected.
# The files in this tree are symlinks to the true sources.
    name = "gopath",
    mode = "link",
    deps = [
        # Main binaries.
        # For reasons related to reproducibility of the generated
        # files, in order to ensure that :gopath produces only a
        # a single "pure" version of all files, we can only depend
        # on go_library targets here, and not go_binary. Thus the
        # binaries have been factored into a cli package, which is
        # a good practice in any case.

        # Packages that are not dependencies of the above.

# gazelle is a set of build tools.
# To update the WORKSPACE from go.mod, use:
#   bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod
gazelle(name = "gazelle")