path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
37 files changed, 751 insertions, 1129 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index ca5621a9c..9b8def713 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -14,52 +14,76 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-# Make hacks.
+## Docker options.
+## This file supports targets that wrap bazel in a running Docker
+## container to simplify development. Some options are available to
+## control the behavior of this container:
+## USER - The in-container user.
+## DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS - Options for the container (default: --privileged, required for tests).
+## DOCKER_NAME - The container name (default: gvisor-bazel-HASH).
+## DOCKER_PRIVILEGED - Docker privileged flags (default: --privileged).
+## BAZEL_CACHE - The bazel cache directory (default: detected).
+## GCLOUD_CONFIG - The gcloud config directory (detect: detected).
+## DOCKER_SOCKET - The Docker socket (default: detected).
+## To opt out of these wrappers, set DOCKER_BUILD=false.
+ifeq ($(DOCKER_BUILD),true)
+-include bazel-server
# See base Makefile.
-SHELL=/bin/bash -o pipefail
BRANCH_NAME := $(shell (git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null || \
- git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) | \
- xargs -n 1 basename 2>/dev/null)
+ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) | \
+ xargs -n 1 basename 2>/dev/null)
BUILD_ROOTS := bazel-bin/ bazel-out/
# Bazel container configuration (see below).
USER := $(shell whoami)
HASH := $(shell readlink -m $(CURDIR) | md5sum | cut -c1-8)
-BUILDER_NAME := gvisor-builder-$(HASH)
-DOCKER_NAME := gvisor-bazel-$(HASH)
+BUILDER_NAME := gvisor-builder-$(HASH)-$(ARCH)
+DOCKER_NAME := gvisor-bazel-$(HASH)-$(ARCH)
DOCKER_PRIVILEGED := --privileged
BAZEL_CACHE := $(shell readlink -m ~/.cache/bazel/)
GCLOUD_CONFIG := $(shell readlink -m ~/.config/gcloud/)
DOCKER_SOCKET := /var/run/docker.sock
DOCKER_CONFIG := /etc/docker
-# Bazel flags.
-BASE_OPTIONS := --color=no --curses=no
-ifneq (,$(BAZEL_CONFIG))
+## Bazel helpers.
+## Bazel will be run with standard flags. You can specify the following flags
+## to control which flags are passed:
+## STARTUP_OPTIONS - Startup options passed to Bazel.
+BASE_OPTIONS := --color=no --curses=no
+ --test_output=errors \
+ --keep_going \
+ --verbose_failures=true \
+ --build_event_json_file=.build_events.json
# Basic options.
UID := $(shell id -u ${USER})
GID := $(shell id -g ${USER})
-FULL_DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += --entrypoint ""
-FULL_DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -v "/tmp:/tmp"
-FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS += --interactive
-ifeq (true,$(shell [[ -t 0 ]] && echo true))
+DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += --entrypoint ""
+DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += -v "/tmp:/tmp"
+DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS += --interactive
+ifeq (true,$(shell test -t 0 && echo true))
# Add basic UID/GID options.
@@ -83,86 +107,75 @@ endif
# Add docker passthrough options.
DOCKER_GROUP := $(shell stat -c '%g' $(DOCKER_SOCKET))
ifneq ($(GID),$(DOCKER_GROUP))
GROUPADD_DOCKER += groupadd --gid $(DOCKER_GROUP) --non-unique docker-$(HASH) &&
# Add KVM passthrough options.
ifneq (,$(wildcard /dev/kvm))
-FULL_DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += --device=/dev/kvm
+DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS += --device=/dev/kvm
KVM_GROUP := $(shell stat -c '%g' /dev/kvm)
ifneq ($(GID),$(KVM_GROUP))
GROUPADD_DOCKER += groupadd --gid $(KVM_GROUP) --non-unique kvm-$(HASH) &&
-bazel-image: load-default
- @if docker ps --all | grep $(BUILDER_NAME); then docker rm -f $(BUILDER_NAME); fi
- docker run --user 0:0 --entrypoint "" --name $(BUILDER_NAME) \
- sh -c "$(GROUPADD_DOCKER) \
- if [[ -e /dev/kvm ]]; then chmod a+rw /dev/kvm; fi"
- docker commit $(BUILDER_NAME) $(BUILDER_IMAGE)
- @docker rm -f $(BUILDER_NAME)
-.PHONY: bazel-image
-## Bazel helpers.
-## This file supports targets that wrap bazel in a running Docker
-## container to simplify development. Some options are available to
-## control the behavior of this container:
-## USER - The in-container user.
-## DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS - Options for the container (default: --privileged, required for tests).
-## DOCKER_NAME - The container name (default: gvisor-bazel-HASH).
-## BAZEL_CACHE - The bazel cache directory (default: detected).
-## GCLOUD_CONFIG - The gcloud config directory (detect: detected).
-## DOCKER_SOCKET - The Docker socket (default: detected).
-bazel-server-start: bazel-image ## Starts the bazel server.
- @mkdir -p $(BAZEL_CACHE)
- @mkdir -p $(GCLOUD_CONFIG)
- @if docker ps --all | grep $(DOCKER_NAME); then docker rm -f $(DOCKER_NAME); fi
- # This command runs a bazel server, and the container sticks around
- # until the bazel server exits. This should ensure that it does not
- # exit in the middle of running a build, but also it won't stick around
- # forever. The build commands wrap around an appropriate exec into the
- # container in order to perform work via the bazel client.
- docker run -d --rm --name $(DOCKER_NAME) \
- -v "$(CURDIR):$(CURDIR)" \
- --workdir "$(CURDIR)" \
- sh -c "tail -f --pid=\$$($(BAZEL) info server_pid) /dev/null"
-.PHONY: bazel-server-start
+# Top-level functions.
+# This command runs a bazel server, and the container sticks around
+# until the bazel server exits. This should ensure that it does not
+# exit in the middle of running a build, but also it won't stick around
+# forever. The build commands wrap around an appropriate exec into the
+# container in order to perform work via the bazel client.
+ifeq ($(DOCKER_BUILD),true)
+wrapper = docker exec $(DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) $(1)
+wrapper = $(1)
bazel-shutdown: ## Shuts down a running bazel server.
- @docker exec $(FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) $(BAZEL) shutdown; \
- rc=$$?; docker kill $(DOCKER_NAME) || [[ $$rc -ne 0 ]]
+ @$(call wrapper,$(BAZEL) shutdown)
.PHONY: bazel-shutdown
bazel-alias: ## Emits an alias that can be used within the shell.
- @echo "alias bazel='docker exec $(FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) bazel'"
+ @echo "alias bazel='$(call wrapper,$(BAZEL))'"
.PHONY: bazel-alias
-bazel-server: ## Ensures that the server exists. Used as an internal target.
- @docker exec $(FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) true >&2 || $(MAKE) bazel-server-start >&2
-.PHONY: bazel-server
+bazel-image: load-default ## Ensures that the local builder exists.
+ @$(call header,DOCKER BUILD)
+ @docker rm -f $(BUILDER_NAME) 2>/dev/null || true
+ @docker run --user 0:0 --entrypoint "" --name $(BUILDER_NAME) \
+ sh -c "$(GROUPADD_DOCKER) $(USERADD_DOCKER) if test -e /dev/kvm; then chmod a+rw /dev/kvm; fi" >&2
+ @docker commit $(BUILDER_NAME) >&2
+.PHONY: bazel-image
-# build_cmd builds the given targets in the bazel-server container.
-build_cmd = docker exec $(FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) sh -o pipefail -c \
+ifneq (true,$(shell $(wrapper echo true)))
+bazel-server: bazel-image ## Ensures that the server exists.
+ @$(call header,DOCKER RUN)
+ @docker rm -f $(DOCKER_NAME) 2>/dev/null || true
+ @mkdir -p $(GCLOUD_CONFIG)
+ @mkdir -p $(BAZEL_CACHE)
+ @docker run -d --rm --name $(DOCKER_NAME) \
+ -v "$(CURDIR):$(CURDIR)" \
+ --workdir "$(CURDIR)" \
+ \
+ sh -c "set -x; tail -f --pid=\$$($(BAZEL) info server_pid) /dev/null" >&2
+ @
+.PHONY: bazel-server
# build_paths extracts the built binary from the bazel stderr output.
@@ -172,49 +185,33 @@ build_cmd = docker exec $(FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) sh -o pipefai
# command here? Yikes, let's just stick with the ugly shell pipeline.
# The last line is used to prevent terminal shenanigans.
-build_paths = command_line=$$( $(build_cmd) 2>&1 \
- | grep -A1 -E '^Target' \
- | grep -E '^ ($(subst $(SPACE),|,$(BUILD_ROOTS)))' \
- | sed "s/ /\n/g" \
- | strings -n 10 \
- | awk '{$$1=$$1};1' \
- | xargs -n 1 -I {} readlink -f "{}" \
- | xargs -n 1 -I {} echo "$(1)" ) && \
- (set -xeuo pipefail; eval $${command_line})
-build: bazel-server
- @$(call build_cmd)
-.PHONY: build
-copy: bazel-server
-ifeq (,$(DESTINATION))
- $(error Destination not provided.)
- @$(call build_paths,cp -fa {} $(DESTINATION))
-run: bazel-server
- @$(call build_paths,{} $(ARGS))
-.PHONY: run
-sudo: bazel-server
- @$(call build_paths,sudo -E {} $(ARGS))
-.PHONY: sudo
-test: bazel-server
- $(BAZEL) test $(BASE_OPTIONS) \
- --test_output=errors --keep_going --verbose_failures=true \
- --build_event_json_file=.build_events.json \
-.PHONY: test
- @cat .build_events.json | jq -r \
- 'select(.testSummary?.overallStatus? | tostring | test("(FAILED|FLAKY|TIMEOUT)")) | .testSummary.failed | .[] | .uri' | \
- awk -Ffile:// '{print $$2;}'
+build_paths = \
+ (set -euo pipefail; \
+ $(call wrapper,$(BAZEL) build $(BASE_OPTIONS) $(1)) 2>&1 \
+ | tee /proc/self/fd/2 \
+ | grep -A1 -E '^Target' \
+ | grep -E '^ ($(subst $(SPACE),|,$(BUILD_ROOTS)))' \
+ | sed "s/ /\n/g" \
+ | strings -n 10 \
+ | awk '{$$1=$$1};1' \
+ | xargs -n 1 -I {} readlink -f "{}" \
+ | xargs -n 1 -I {} bash -c 'set -xeuo pipefail; $(2)')
+clean = $(call header,CLEAN) && $(call wrapper,$(BAZEL) clean)
+build = $(call header,BUILD $(1)) && $(call build_paths,$(1),echo {})
+copy = $(call header,COPY $(1) $(2)) && $(call build_paths,$(1),cp -fa {} $(2))
+run = $(call header,RUN $(1) $(2)) && $(call build_paths,$(1),{} $(2))
+sudo = $(call header,SUDO $(1) $(2)) && $(call build_paths,$(1),sudo -E {} $(2))
+test = $(call header,TEST $(1)) && $(call wrapper,$(BAZEL) test $(TEST_OPTIONS) $(1))
+clean: ## Cleans the bazel cache.
+ @$(call clean)
+.PHONY: clean
+testlogs: ## Returns the most recent set of test logs.
+ @if test -f .build_events.json; then \
+ cat .build_events.json | jq -r \
+ 'select(.testSummary?.overallStatus? | tostring | test("(FAILED|FLAKY|TIMEOUT)")) | "\(.id.testSummary.label) \(.testSummary.failed[].uri)"' | \
+ sed -e 's|file://||'; \
+ fi
.PHONY: testlogs
-query: bazel-server
- @docker exec $(FULL_DOCKER_EXEC_OPTIONS) $(DOCKER_NAME) sh -o pipefail -c \
- '$(BAZEL) query $(BASE_OPTIONS) $(OPTIONS) "$(TARGETS)" 2>/dev/null'
-.PHONY: query
diff --git a/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD b/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD
index 27e85a75e..a4a605346 100644
--- a/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD
+++ b/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD
@@ -1,46 +1,7 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bzl_library", "rbe_platform", "rbe_toolchain")
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bzl_library")
package(licenses = ["notice"])
-# We need to define a bazel platform and toolchain to specify dockerPrivileged
-# and dockerRunAsRoot options, they are required to run tests on the RBE
-# cluster in Kokoro.
- name = "rbe_ubuntu1604",
- constraint_values = [
- "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64",
- "@bazel_tools//platforms:linux",
- "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:clang",
- "@bazel_toolchains//constraints:xenial",
- "@bazel_toolchains//constraints/sanitizers:support_msan",
- ],
- remote_execution_properties = """
- properties: {
- name: "container-image"
- value:"docker://"
- }
- properties: {
- name: "dockerAddCapabilities"
- value: "SYS_ADMIN"
- }
- properties: {
- name: "dockerPrivileged"
- value: "true"
- }
- """,
- name = "cc-toolchain-clang-x86_64-default",
- exec_compatible_with = [],
- tags = [
- "manual",
- ],
- target_compatible_with = [],
- toolchain = "@bazel_toolchains//configs/ubuntu16_04_clang/11.0.0/bazel_3.1.0/cc:cc-compiler-k8",
- toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type",
name = "platforms_bzl",
srcs = ["platforms.bzl"],
@@ -58,3 +19,21 @@ bzl_library(
srcs = ["defs.bzl"],
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+ name = "linux_arm64_cross",
+ values = {
+ "cpu": "aarch64",
+ "host_cpu": "k8",
+ },
+ visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+ name = "linux_amd64_cross",
+ values = {
+ "cpu": "k8",
+ "host_cpu": "aarch64",
+ },
+ visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
diff --git a/tools/bazeldefs/defs.bzl b/tools/bazeldefs/defs.bzl
index 51e17a79a..58ced5167 100644
--- a/tools/bazeldefs/defs.bzl
+++ b/tools/bazeldefs/defs.bzl
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", _bzl_library = "bzl_library")
build_test = _build_test
bzl_library = _bzl_library
-rbe_platform = native.platform
-rbe_toolchain = native.toolchain
more_shards = 4
most_shards = 8
@@ -39,3 +37,44 @@ def default_net_util():
def coreutil():
return [] # Nothing needed.
+def select_native_vs_cross(native = [], amd64 = [], arm64 = [], cross = []):
+ values = {
+ "//tools/bazeldefs:linux_arm64_cross": arm64 + cross,
+ "//tools/bazeldefs:linux_amd64_cross": amd64 + cross,
+ "//conditions:default": native,
+ }
+ return select(values)
+def arch_genrule(name, srcs, outs, cmd, tools):
+ """Runs a gen command on the target architecture.
+ If the target architecture isn't match the host architecture, it will build
+ a command for the target architecture and run it via qemu.
+ The native genrule runs the command on the host architecture.
+ Args:
+ name: name of generated target.
+ srcs: A list of inputs for this rule.
+ cmd: The command to run. It has to contain " QEMU " before executed binaries.
+ outs: A list of files generated by this rule.
+ tools: A list of tool dependencies for this rule.
+ """
+ qemu_arm64 = "qemu-aarch64-static"
+ qemu_amd64 = "qemu-x86_64-static"
+ srcs = select_native_vs_cross(
+ cross = srcs + tools,
+ native = srcs,
+ )
+ tools = select_native_vs_cross(
+ cross = [],
+ native = tools,
+ )
+ cmd = select_native_vs_cross(
+ arm64 = cmd.replace("QEMU", qemu_arm64),
+ amd64 = cmd.replace("QEMU", qemu_amd64),
+ native = cmd.replace("QEMU", ""),
+ cross = "",
+ )
+ native.genrule(name = name, srcs = srcs, outs = outs, cmd = cmd, tools = tools)
diff --git a/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl b/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl
index 661c9727e..bcd8cffe7 100644
--- a/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl
+++ b/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def go_proto_library(name, **kwargs):
def go_grpc_and_proto_libraries(name, **kwargs):
_go_proto_or_grpc_library(_go_grpc_library, name, **kwargs)
-def go_binary(name, static = False, pure = False, x_defs = None, **kwargs):
+def go_binary(name, static = False, pure = False, x_defs = None, system_malloc = False, **kwargs):
"""Build a go binary.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def go_importpath(target):
"""Returns the importpath for the target."""
return target[GoLibrary].importpath
-def go_library(name, **kwargs):
+def go_library(name, arch_deps = [], **kwargs):
name = name,
importpath = "" + native.package_name(),
diff --git a/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go b/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go
index 544af3876..a4ca93ec2 100644
--- a/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go
+++ b/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package bigquery
import (
+ "strconv"
@@ -109,6 +110,12 @@ func NewBenchmark(name string, iters int) *Benchmark {
return &Benchmark{
Name: name,
Metric: make([]*Metric, 0),
+ Condition: []*Condition{
+ {
+ Name: "iterations",
+ Value: strconv.Itoa(iters),
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/tools/checkescape/test1/test1.go b/tools/checkescape/test1/test1.go
index 27991649f..f46eba39b 100644
--- a/tools/checkescape/test1/test1.go
+++ b/tools/checkescape/test1/test1.go
@@ -36,17 +36,20 @@ func (t Type) Foo() {
fmt.Printf("%v", t) // Never executed.
+// InterfaceFunction is passed an interface argument.
// +checkescape:all,hard
func InterfaceFunction(i Interface) {
// Do nothing; exported for tests.
+// TypeFunction is passed a concrete pointer argument.
// +checkesacape:all,hard
func TypeFunction(t *Type) {
+// BuiltinMap creates a new map.
// +mustescape:local,builtin
@@ -61,7 +64,8 @@ func builtinMapRec(x int) map[string]bool {
return BuiltinMap(x)
-// +temustescapestescape:local,builtin
+// BuiltinClosure returns a closure around x.
+// +mustescape:local,builtin
func BuiltinClosure(x int) func() {
@@ -77,6 +81,7 @@ func builtinClosureRec(x int) func() {
return BuiltinClosure(x)
+// BuiltinMakeSlice makes a new slice.
// +mustescape:local,builtin
@@ -91,6 +96,7 @@ func builtinMakeSliceRec(x int) []byte {
return BuiltinMakeSlice(x)
+// BuiltinAppend calls append on a slice.
// +mustescape:local,builtin
@@ -105,6 +111,7 @@ func builtinAppendRec() []byte {
return BuiltinAppend(nil)
+// BuiltinChan makes a channel.
// +mustescape:local,builtin
@@ -119,6 +126,7 @@ func builtinChanRec() chan int {
return BuiltinChan()
+// Heap performs an explicit heap allocation.
// +mustescape:local,heap
@@ -134,6 +142,7 @@ func heapRec() *Type {
return Heap()
+// Dispatch dispatches via an interface.
// +mustescape:local,interface
@@ -148,6 +157,7 @@ func dispatchRec(i Interface) {
+// Dynamic invokes a dynamic function.
// +mustescape:local,dynamic
@@ -167,6 +177,7 @@ func dynamicRec(f func()) {
func internalFunc() {
+// Split includes a guaranteed stack split.
// +mustescape:local,stack
func Split() {
diff --git a/tools/defs.bzl b/tools/defs.bzl
index b6f188aeb..56c481f44 100644
--- a/tools/defs.bzl
+++ b/tools/defs.bzl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ change for Google-internal and bazel-compatible rules.
load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_stateify")
load("//tools/go_marshal:defs.bzl", "go_marshal", "marshal_deps", "marshal_test_deps")
load("//tools/nogo:defs.bzl", "nogo_test")
-load("//tools/bazeldefs:defs.bzl", _build_test = "build_test", _bzl_library = "bzl_library", _coreutil = "coreutil", _default_installer = "default_installer", _default_net_util = "default_net_util", _more_shards = "more_shards", _most_shards = "most_shards", _proto_library = "proto_library", _rbe_platform = "rbe_platform", _rbe_toolchain = "rbe_toolchain", _select_arch = "select_arch", _select_system = "select_system", _short_path = "short_path")
+load("//tools/bazeldefs:defs.bzl", _arch_genrule = "arch_genrule", _build_test = "build_test", _bzl_library = "bzl_library", _coreutil = "coreutil", _default_installer = "default_installer", _default_net_util = "default_net_util", _more_shards = "more_shards", _most_shards = "most_shards", _proto_library = "proto_library", _select_arch = "select_arch", _select_system = "select_system", _short_path = "short_path")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:cc.bzl", _cc_binary = "cc_binary", _cc_flags_supplier = "cc_flags_supplier", _cc_grpc_library = "cc_grpc_library", _cc_library = "cc_library", _cc_proto_library = "cc_proto_library", _cc_test = "cc_test", _cc_toolchain = "cc_toolchain", _gbenchmark = "gbenchmark", _grpcpp = "grpcpp", _gtest = "gtest", _vdso_linker_option = "vdso_linker_option")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:go.bzl", _gazelle = "gazelle", _go_binary = "go_binary", _go_embed_data = "go_embed_data", _go_grpc_and_proto_libraries = "go_grpc_and_proto_libraries", _go_library = "go_library", _go_path = "go_path", _go_proto_library = "go_proto_library", _go_test = "go_test", _select_goarch = "select_goarch", _select_goos = "select_goos")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:pkg.bzl", _pkg_deb = "pkg_deb", _pkg_tar = "pkg_tar")
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ load("//tools/bazeldefs:platforms.bzl", _default_platform = "default_platform",
load("//tools/bazeldefs:tags.bzl", "go_suffixes")
# Core rules.
+arch_genrule = _arch_genrule
build_test = _build_test
bzl_library = _bzl_library
default_installer = _default_installer
@@ -23,8 +24,6 @@ default_net_util = _default_net_util
select_arch = _select_arch
select_system = _select_system
short_path = _short_path
-rbe_platform = _rbe_platform
-rbe_toolchain = _rbe_toolchain
coreutil = _coreutil
more_shards = _more_shards
most_shards = _most_shards
@@ -184,6 +183,7 @@ def go_library(name, srcs, deps = [], imports = [], stateify = True, marshal = F
name + suffix + "_state_autogen.go"
for suffix in state_sets.keys()
if "//pkg/state" not in all_deps:
all_deps = all_deps + ["//pkg/state"]
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 768a37b9a..7ef4ddf83 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -89,8 +89,14 @@ git merge --no-commit --strategy ours "${head}" || \
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
-# Sync the entire gopath_dir.
-rsync --recursive --verbose --delete --exclude .git -L "${gopath_dir}/" .
+# Sync the entire gopath_dir. Note that we exclude auto-generated source
+# files that will change here. Otherwise, it adds a tremendous amount of noise
+# to commits. If this file disappears in the future, then presumably we will
+# still delete the underlying directory.
+rsync --recursive --delete \
+ --exclude .git \
+ --exclude webhook/pkg/injector/certs.go \
+ -L "${gopath_dir}/" .
# Add additional files.
for file in "${othersrc[@]}"; do
diff --git a/tools/go_generics/defs.bzl b/tools/go_generics/defs.bzl
index ad97208a8..50e2546bf 100644
--- a/tools/go_generics/defs.bzl
+++ b/tools/go_generics/defs.bzl
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def _go_template_instance_impl(ctx):
# Check that all defined types are expected by the template.
for t in ctx.attr.types:
if (t not in info.types) and (t not in info.opt_types):
- fail("Type %s it not a parameter to %s" % (t, ctx.attr.template.label))
+ fail("Type %s is not a parameter to %s" % (t, ctx.attr.template.label))
# Check that all required consts are defined.
for t in info.consts:
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def _go_template_instance_impl(ctx):
# Check that all defined consts are expected by the template.
for t in ctx.attr.consts:
if (t not in info.consts) and (t not in info.opt_consts):
- fail("Const %s it not a parameter to %s" % (t, ctx.attr.template.label))
+ fail("Const %s is not a parameter to %s" % (t, ctx.attr.template.label))
# Build the argument list.
args = ["-i=%s" % info.template.path, "-o=%s" % output.path]
diff --git a/tools/go_generics/generics.go b/tools/go_generics/generics.go
index 0860ca9db..30584006c 100644
--- a/tools/go_generics/generics.go
+++ b/tools/go_generics/generics.go
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ func main() {
} else {
switch kind {
case globals.KindType, globals.KindVar, globals.KindConst, globals.KindFunction:
- if ident.Name != "_" {
+ if ident.Name != "_" && !(ident.Name == "init" && kind == globals.KindFunction) {
ident.Name = *prefix + ident.Name + *suffix
case globals.KindTag:
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
index 4a53d25be..28ae6c4ef 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
@@ -213,10 +213,11 @@ type sliceAPI struct {
type marshallableType struct {
spec *ast.TypeSpec
slice *sliceAPI
+ recv string
-func newMarshallableType(fset *token.FileSet, tagLine *ast.Comment, spec *ast.TypeSpec) marshallableType {
- mt := marshallableType{
+func newMarshallableType(fset *token.FileSet, tagLine *ast.Comment, spec *ast.TypeSpec) *marshallableType {
+ mt := &marshallableType{
spec: spec,
slice: nil,
@@ -261,12 +262,31 @@ func newMarshallableType(fset *token.FileSet, tagLine *ast.Comment, spec *ast.Ty
// collectMarshallableTypes walks the parsed AST and collects a list of type
// declarations for which we need to generate the Marshallable interface.
-func (g *Generator) collectMarshallableTypes(a *ast.File, f *token.FileSet) []marshallableType {
- var types []marshallableType
+func (g *Generator) collectMarshallableTypes(a *ast.File, f *token.FileSet) map[*ast.TypeSpec]*marshallableType {
+ recv := make(map[string]string) // Type name to recevier name.
+ types := make(map[*ast.TypeSpec]*marshallableType)
for _, decl := range a.Decls {
gdecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
// Type declaration?
if !ok || gdecl.Tok != token.TYPE {
+ // Is this a function declaration? We remember receiver names.
+ d, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
+ if ok && d.Recv != nil && len(d.Recv.List) == 1 {
+ // Accept concrete methods & pointer methods.
+ ident, ok := d.Recv.List[0].Type.(*ast.Ident)
+ if !ok {
+ var st *ast.StarExpr
+ st, ok = d.Recv.List[0].Type.(*ast.StarExpr)
+ if ok {
+ ident, ok = st.X.(*ast.Ident)
+ }
+ }
+ // The receiver name may be not present.
+ if ok && len(d.Recv.List[0].Names) == 1 {
+ // Recover the type receiver name in this case.
+ recv[ident.Name] = d.Recv.List[0].Names[0].Name
+ }
+ }
debugfAt(f.Position(decl.Pos()), "Skipping declaration since it's not a type declaration.\n")
@@ -305,10 +325,20 @@ func (g *Generator) collectMarshallableTypes(a *ast.File, f *token.FileSet) []ma
// don't support it.
abortAt(f.Position(t.Pos()), fmt.Sprintf("Marshalling codegen was requested on type '%s', but go-marshal doesn't support this kind of declaration.\n", t.Name))
- types = append(types, newMarshallableType(f, tagLine, t))
+ types[t] = newMarshallableType(f, tagLine, t)
+ // Update the types with the last seen receiver. As long as the
+ // receiver name is consistent for the type, then we will generate
+ // code that is still consistent with itself.
+ for t, mt := range types {
+ r, ok := recv[t.Name.Name]
+ if !ok {
+ mt.recv = receiverName(t) // Default.
+ continue
+ }
+ mt.recv = r // Last seen.
+ }
return types
@@ -345,8 +375,8 @@ func (g *Generator) collectImports(a *ast.File, f *token.FileSet) map[string]imp
-func (g *Generator) generateOne(t marshallableType, fset *token.FileSet) *interfaceGenerator {
- i := newInterfaceGenerator(t.spec, fset)
+func (g *Generator) generateOne(t *marshallableType, fset *token.FileSet) *interfaceGenerator {
+ i := newInterfaceGenerator(t.spec, t.recv, fset)
switch ty := t.spec.Type.(type) {
case *ast.StructType:
i.validateStruct(t.spec, ty)
@@ -376,8 +406,8 @@ func (g *Generator) generateOne(t marshallableType, fset *token.FileSet) *interf
// generateOneTestSuite generates a test suite for the automatically generated
// implementations type t.
-func (g *Generator) generateOneTestSuite(t marshallableType) *testGenerator {
- i := newTestGenerator(t.spec)
+func (g *Generator) generateOneTestSuite(t *marshallableType) *testGenerator {
+ i := newTestGenerator(t.spec, t.recv)
return i
@@ -417,7 +447,15 @@ func (g *Generator) Run() error {
for i, a := range asts {
// Collect type declarations marked for code generation and generate
// Marshallable interfaces.
+ var sortedTypes []*marshallableType
for _, t := range g.collectMarshallableTypes(a, fsets[i]) {
+ sortedTypes = append(sortedTypes, t)
+ }
+ sort.Slice(sortedTypes, func(x, y int) bool {
+ // Sort by type name, which should be unique within a package.
+ return sortedTypes[x].spec.Name.String() < sortedTypes[y].spec.Name.String()
+ })
+ for _, t := range sortedTypes {
impl := g.generateOne(t, fsets[i])
// Collect Marshallable types referenced by the generated code.
for ref := range {
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go
index 36447b86b..65f5ea34d 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) typeName() string {
// newinterfaceGenerator creates a new interface generator.
-func newInterfaceGenerator(t *ast.TypeSpec, fset *token.FileSet) *interfaceGenerator {
+func newInterfaceGenerator(t *ast.TypeSpec, r string, fset *token.FileSet) *interfaceGenerator {
g := &interfaceGenerator{
t: t,
- r: receiverName(t),
+ r: r,
f: fset,
is: make(map[string]struct{}),
ms: make(map[string]struct{}),
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go
index 631295373..6cf00843f 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ type testGenerator struct {
decl *importStmt
-func newTestGenerator(t *ast.TypeSpec) *testGenerator {
+func newTestGenerator(t *ast.TypeSpec, r string) *testGenerator {
g := &testGenerator{
t: t,
- r: receiverName(t),
+ r: r,
imports: newImportTable(),
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2003da5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+## Docker image targets.
+## Images used by the tests must also be built and available locally.
+## The canonical test targets defined below will automatically load
+## relevant images. These can be loaded or built manually via these
+## targets.
+## (*) Note that you may provide an ARCH parameter in order to build
+## and load images from an alternate archiecture (using qemu). When
+## bazel is run as a server, this has the effect of running an full
+## cross-architecture chain, and can produce cross-compiled binaries.
+# ARCH is the architecture used for the build. This may be overriden at the
+# command line in order to perform a cross-build (in a limited capacity).
+ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
+ifneq ($(ARCH),$(shell uname -m))
+# Note that the image prefixes used here must match the image mangling in
+# runsc/testutil.MangleImage. Names are mangled in this way to ensure that all
+# tests are using locally-defined images (that are consistent and idempotent).
+ALL_IMAGES := $(subst /,_,$(subst images/,,$(shell find images/ -name Dockerfile -o -name Dockerfile.$(ARCH) | xargs -n 1 dirname | uniq)))
+SUB_IMAGES := $(foreach image,$(ALL_IMAGES),$(if $(findstring _,$(image)),$(image),))
+IMAGE_GROUPS := $(sort $(foreach image,$(SUB_IMAGES),$(firstword $(subst _, ,$(image)))))
+define expand_group =
+load-$(1): $$(patsubst $(1)_%, load-$(1)_%, $$(filter $(1)_%,$$(ALL_IMAGES)))
+ @
+.PHONY: load-$(1)
+push-$(1): $$(patsubst $(1)_%, push-$(1)_%, $$(filter $(1)_%,$$(ALL_IMAGES)))
+ @
+.PHONY: push-$(1)
+$(foreach group,$(IMAGE_GROUPS),$(eval $(call expand_group,$(group))))
+list-all-images: ## List all images.
+ @for image in $(ALL_IMAGES); do echo $${image}; done
+.PHONY: list-all-images
+load-all-images: ## Load all images.
+load-all-images: $(patsubst %,load-%,$(ALL_IMAGES))
+.PHONY: load-all-images
+push-all-images: ## Push all images.
+push-all-images: $(patsubst %,push-%,$(ALL_IMAGES))
+.PHONY: push-all-images
+# path and dockerfile are used to extract the relevant path and dockerfile
+# (depending on what's available for the given architecture).
+path = images/$(subst _,/,$(1))
+dockerfile = $$(if [ -f "$(call path,$(1))/Dockerfile.$(ARCH)" ]; then echo Dockerfile.$(ARCH); else echo Dockerfile; fi)
+# The tag construct is used to memoize the image generated (see
+# This scheme is used to enable aggressive caching in a central repository, but
+# ensuring that images will always be sourced using the local files.
+tag = $(shell cd images && find $(subst _,/,$(1)) -type f | sort | xargs -n 1 sha256sum | sha256sum - | cut -c 1-16)
+remote_image = $(REMOTE_IMAGE_PREFIX)/$(subst _,/,$(1))_$(ARCH)
+local_image = $(LOCAL_IMAGE_PREFIX)/$(subst _,/,$(1))
+# Include all existing images as targets here.
+# Note that we use a _ for the tag separator, instead of :, as the latter is
+# interpreted by Make, unfortunately. tag_expand expands the generic rules to
+# tag-specific targets. These is needed to provide sensible targets for load
+# below, with caching. Basically, if there is a rule generated here, then the
+# load will be skipped. If there is no load generated here, then the default
+# rule for load will kick in.
+# Note that if this rule does not successfully rule, we will simply have
+# additional Docker pull commands that run for all images that are already
+# pulled. No real harm done.
+EXISTING_IMAGES = $(shell docker images --format '{{.Repository}}_{{.Tag}}' | grep -v '<none>')
+define existing_image_rule =
+loaded0_$(1)=load-$$(1): tag-$$(1) # Already available.
+loaded1_$(1)=.PHONY: load-$$(1)
+$(foreach image, $(EXISTING_IMAGES), $(eval $(call existing_image_rule,$(image))))
+define tag_expand_rule =
+$(eval $(loaded0_$(call remote_image,$(1))_$(call tag,$(1))))
+$(eval $(loaded1_$(call remote_image,$(1))_$(call tag,$(1))))
+$(foreach image, $(ALL_IMAGES), $(eval $(call tag_expand_rule,$(image))))
+# tag tags a local image. This applies both the hash-based tag from above to
+# ensure that caching works as expected, as well as the "latest" tag that is
+# used by the tests.
+local_tag = \
+ docker tag $(call remote_image,$(1)):$(call tag,$(1)) $(call local_image,$(1)):$(call tag,$(1)) >&2
+latest_tag = \
+ docker tag $(call local_image,$(1)):$(call tag,$(1)) $(call local_image,$(1)) >&2
+tag-%: ## Tag a local image.
+ @$(call header,TAG $*)
+ @$(call local_tag,$*) && $(call latest_tag,$*)
+# pull forces the image to be pulled.
+pull = \
+ $(call header,PULL $(1)) && \
+ docker pull $(DOCKER_PLATFORM_ARGS) $(call remote_image,$(1)):$(call tag,$(1)) >&2 && \
+ $(call local_tag,$(1)) && \
+ $(call latest_tag,$(1))
+pull-%: register-cross ## Force a repull of the image.
+ @$(call pull,$*)
+# rebuild builds the image locally. Only the "remote" tag will be applied. Note
+# we need to explicitly repull the base layer in order to ensure that the
+# architecture is correct. Note that we use the term "rebuild" here to avoid
+# conflicting with the bazel "build" terminology, which is used elsewhere.
+rebuild = \
+ $(call header,REBUILD $(1)) && \
+ (T=$$(mktemp -d) && cp -a $(call path,$(1))/* $$T && \
+ $(foreach image,$(shell grep FROM "$(call path,$(1))/$(call dockerfile,$(1))" 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2),docker pull $(DOCKER_PLATFORM_ARGS) $(image) >&2 &&) \
+ docker build $(DOCKER_PLATFORM_ARGS) \
+ -f "$$T/$(call dockerfile,$(1))" \
+ -t "$(call remote_image,$(1)):$(call tag,$(1))" \
+ $$T >&2 && \
+ rm -rf $$T) && \
+ $(call local_tag,$(1)) && \
+ $(call latest_tag,$(1))
+rebuild-%: register-cross ## Force rebuild an image locally.
+ @$(call rebuild,$*)
+# load will either pull the "remote" or build it locally. This is the preferred
+# entrypoint, as it should never fail. The local tag should always be set after
+# this returns (either by the pull or the build).
+load-%: register-cross ## Pull or build an image locally.
+ @($(call pull,$*)) || ($(call rebuild,$*))
+# push pushes the remote image, after either pulling (to validate that the tag
+# already exists) or building manually. Note that this generic rule will match
+# the fully-expanded remote image tag.
+push-%: load-% ## Push a given image.
+ @docker push $(call remote_image,$*):$(call tag,$*) >&2
+# register-cross registers the necessary qemu binaries for cross-compilation.
+# This may be used by any target that may execute containers that are not the
+# native format. Note that this will only apply on the first execution.
+ifneq ($(ARCH),$(shell uname -m))
+ifeq (,$(wildcard /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-*))
+ @docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset --persistent yes >&2
+ @
+ @
diff --git a/tools/installers/BUILD b/tools/installers/BUILD
index 13d3cc5e0..bbf3c1f85 100644
--- a/tools/installers/BUILD
+++ b/tools/installers/BUILD
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Installers for use by the tools/vm_test rules.
+# Installers for use by top-level scripts.
default_visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
@@ -14,14 +14,6 @@ sh_binary(
- name = "images",
- srcs = [""],
- data = [
- "//images",
- ],
name = "master",
srcs = [""],
diff --git a/tools/installers/ b/tools/installers/
index 5520a447c..d28549734 100755
--- a/tools/installers/
+++ b/tools/installers/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
set -xeo pipefail
+declare -r CONTAINERD_VERSION=${1:-1.3.0}
declare -r CONTAINERD_MAJOR="$(echo ${CONTAINERD_VERSION} | awk -F '.' '{ print $1; }')"
declare -r CONTAINERD_MINOR="$(echo ${CONTAINERD_VERSION} | awk -F '.' '{ print $2; }')"
diff --git a/tools/nogo/BUILD b/tools/nogo/BUILD
index 12b8b597c..566e0889e 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/BUILD
+++ b/tools/nogo/BUILD
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ load("//tools/nogo:defs.bzl", "nogo_objdump_tool", "nogo_stdlib", "nogo_target")
package(licenses = ["notice"])
name = "target",
goarch = select_goarch(),
diff --git a/tools/nogo/config-schema.json b/tools/nogo/config-schema.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c25fe221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/nogo/config-schema.json
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ "$schema": "",
+ "definitions": {
+ "group": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "description": "The name of the group.",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "regex": {
+ "description": "A regular expression for matching paths.",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "default": {
+ "description": "Whether the group is enabled by default.",
+ "type": "boolean"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "name",
+ "regex",
+ "default"
+ ],
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "regexlist": {
+ "description": "A list of regular expressions.",
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "null"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "rule": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "exclude": {
+ "description": "A regular expression for paths to exclude.",
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/regexlist"
+ },
+ "suppress": {
+ "description": "A regular expression for messages to suppress.",
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/regexlist"
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "ruleList": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/rule"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "null"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "groups": {
+ "description": "A definition of all groups.",
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/group"
+ },
+ "minItems": 1
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "description": "A global set of rules.",
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/rule"
+ }
+ },
+ "analyzers": {
+ "description": "A definition of all groups.",
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/ruleList"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "groups"
+ ],
+ "additionalProperties": false
diff --git a/tools/nogo/filter/main.go b/tools/nogo/filter/main.go
index 9cf41b3b0..8be38ca6d 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/filter/main.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/filter/main.go
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
package main
import (
+ "bytes"
@@ -76,12 +77,14 @@ func main() {
log.Fatalf("unable to read %s: %v", filename, err)
var newConfig nogo.Config // For current file.
- if err := yaml.Unmarshal(content, &newConfig); err != nil {
+ dec := yaml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(content))
+ dec.SetStrict(true)
+ if err := dec.Decode(&newConfig); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to decode %s: %v", filename, err)
if showConfig {
- bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(&newConfig)
+ content, err := yaml.Marshal(&newConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error marshalling config: %v", err)
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error marshalling config: %v", err)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Loaded configuration from %s:\n%s\n", filename, string(bytes))
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Loaded configuration from %s:\n%s\n", filename, string(content))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Merged configuration:\n%s\n", string(mergedBytes))
diff --git a/tools/parsers/go_parser_test.go b/tools/parsers/go_parser_test.go
index f0737d46b..39a13b4af 100644
--- a/tools/parsers/go_parser_test.go
+++ b/tools/parsers/go_parser_test.go
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ func TestParseLine(t *testing.T) {
Name: "BenchmarkIperf",
Condition: []*bigquery.Condition{
+ Name: "iterations",
+ Value: "1",
+ },
+ {
Value: "6",
@@ -63,6 +67,10 @@ func TestParseLine(t *testing.T) {
Name: "BenchmarkRuby",
Condition: []*bigquery.Condition{
+ Name: "iterations",
+ Value: "1",
+ },
+ {
Value: "6",
@@ -100,12 +108,14 @@ func TestParseLine(t *testing.T) {
if !cmp.Equal(tc.want, got, nil) {
- for _, c := range got.Condition {
- t.Logf("Cond: %+v", c)
+ for i := range got.Condition {
+ t.Logf("Metric: want: %+v got:%+v", got.Condition[i], tc.want.Condition[i])
- for _, m := range got.Metric {
- t.Logf("Metric: %+v", m)
+ for i := range got.Metric {
+ t.Logf("Metric: want: %+v got:%+v", got.Metric[i], tc.want.Metric[i])
t.Fatalf("Compare failed want: %+v got: %+v", tc.want, got)
@@ -131,7 +141,7 @@ func TestParseOutput(t *testing.T) {
numBenchmarks: 2,
numMetrics: 1,
- numConditions: 1,
+ numConditions: 2,
name: "Ruby",
@@ -142,7 +152,7 @@ BenchmarkRuby/server_threads.5
BenchmarkRuby/server_threads.5-6 1 1416003331 ns/op 0.00950 average_latency.s 465 requests_per_second.QPS`,
numBenchmarks: 2,
numMetrics: 3,
- numConditions: 2,
+ numConditions: 3,
diff --git a/tools/vm/BUILD b/tools/vm/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index d95ca6c63..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bzl_library", "cc_binary", "gtest")
-load("//tools/vm:defs.bzl", "vm_image", "vm_test")
- default_visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
- licenses = ["notice"],
- name = "zone",
- srcs = [""],
- name = "builder",
- srcs = [""],
- name = "executer",
- srcs = [""],
- name = "test",
- testonly = 1,
- srcs = [""],
- linkstatic = 1,
- deps = [
- gtest,
- "//test/util:test_main",
- ],
- name = "ubuntu1604",
- family = "ubuntu-1604-lts",
- project = "ubuntu-os-cloud",
- scripts = [
- "//tools/vm/ubuntu1604",
- ],
- name = "ubuntu1804",
- family = "ubuntu-1804-lts",
- project = "ubuntu-os-cloud",
- scripts = [
- "//tools/vm/ubuntu1804",
- ],
- name = "vm_test",
- shard_count = 2,
- targets = [":test"],
- name = "defs_bzl",
- srcs = ["defs.bzl"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
diff --git a/tools/vm/ b/tools/vm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9859e66..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# VM Images & Tests
-All commands in this directory require the `gcloud` project to be set.
-For example: `gcloud config set project gvisor-kokoro-testing`.
-Images can be generated by using the `vm_image` rule. This rule will generate a
-binary target that builds an image in an idempotent way, and can be referenced
-from other rules.
-For example:
- name = "ubuntu",
- project = "ubuntu-1604-lts",
- family = "ubuntu-os-cloud",
- scripts = [
- "",
- "",
- ],
-These images can be built manually by executing the target. The output on
-`stdout` will be the image id (in the current project).
-For example:
-$ bazel build :ubuntu
-Images are always named per the hash of all the hermetic input scripts. This
-allows images to be memoized quickly and easily.
-The `vm_test` rule can be used to execute a command remotely. This is still
-under development however, and will likely change over time.
-For example:
- name = "mycommand",
- image = ":ubuntu",
- targets = [":test"],
diff --git a/tools/vm/ b/tools/vm/
deleted file mode 100755
index 752b2b77b..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# This script is responsible for building a new GCP image that: 1) has nested
-# virtualization enabled, and 2) has been completely set up with the
-# script. This script should be idempotent, as we memoize the
-# setup script with a hash and check for that name.
-set -eou pipefail
-# Parameters.
-declare -r USERNAME=${USERNAME:-test}
-declare -r IMAGE_PROJECT=${IMAGE_PROJECT:-ubuntu-os-cloud}
-declare -r IMAGE_FAMILY=${IMAGE_FAMILY:-ubuntu-1604-lts}
-declare -r ZONE=${ZONE:-us-central1-f}
-# Random names.
-declare -r DISK_NAME=$(mktemp -u disk-XXXXXX | tr A-Z a-z)
-declare -r SNAPSHOT_NAME=$(mktemp -u snapshot-XXXXXX | tr A-Z a-z)
-declare -r INSTANCE_NAME=$(mktemp -u build-XXXXXX | tr A-Z a-z)
-# Hash inputs in order to memoize the produced image.
-declare -r SETUP_HASH=$( (echo ${USERNAME} ${IMAGE_PROJECT} ${IMAGE_FAMILY} && cat "$@") | sha256sum - | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -c 1-16)
-declare -r IMAGE_NAME=${IMAGE_FAMILY:-image}-${SETUP_HASH}
-# Does the image already exist? Skip the build.
-declare -r existing=$(set -x; gcloud compute images list --filter="name=(${IMAGE_NAME})" --format="value(name)")
-if ! [[ -z "${existing}" ]]; then
- echo "${existing}"
- exit 0
-# Standard arguments (applies only on script execution).
-declare -ar SSH_ARGS=("-o" "ConnectTimeout=60" "--")
-# gcloud has path errors; is this a result of being a genrule?
-export PATH=${PATH:-/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin}
-# Start a unique instance. Note that this instance will have a unique persistent
-# disk as it's boot disk with the same name as the instance.
-(set -x; gcloud compute instances create \
- --quiet \
- --image-project "${IMAGE_PROJECT}" \
- --image-family "${IMAGE_FAMILY}" \
- --boot-disk-size "200GB" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${INSTANCE_NAME}" >/dev/null)
-function cleanup {
- (set -x; gcloud compute instances delete --quiet --zone "${ZONE}" "${INSTANCE_NAME}")
-trap cleanup EXIT
-# Wait for the instance to become available (up to 5 minutes).
-echo -n "Waiting for ${INSTANCE_NAME}" >&2
-declare timeout=300
-declare success=0
-declare internal=""
-declare -r start=$(date +%s)
-declare -r end=$((${start}+${timeout}))
-while [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "${end}" ]] && [[ "${success}" -lt 3 ]]; do
- echo -n "." >&2
- if gcloud compute ssh --zone "${ZONE}" "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- true 2>/dev/null; then
- success=$((${success}+1))
- elif gcloud compute ssh --internal-ip --zone "${ZONE}" "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- true 2>/dev/null; then
- success=$((${success}+1))
- internal="--internal-ip"
- fi
-if [[ "${success}" -eq "0" ]]; then
- echo "connect timed out after ${timeout} seconds." >&2
- exit 1
- echo "done." >&2
-# Run the install scripts provided.
-for arg; do
- (set -x; gcloud compute ssh ${internal} \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \
- sudo bash - <"${arg}" >/dev/null)
-# Stop the instance; required before creating an image.
-(set -x; gcloud compute instances stop --quiet --zone "${ZONE}" "${INSTANCE_NAME}" >/dev/null)
-# Create a snapshot of the instance disk.
-(set -x; gcloud compute disks snapshot \
- --quiet \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- --snapshot-names="${SNAPSHOT_NAME}" \
- "${INSTANCE_NAME}" >/dev/null)
-# Create the disk image.
-(set -x; gcloud compute images create \
- --quiet \
- --source-snapshot="${SNAPSHOT_NAME}" \
- --licenses="" \
- "${IMAGE_NAME}" >/dev/null)
-# Finish up.
-echo "${IMAGE_NAME}"
diff --git a/tools/vm/defs.bzl b/tools/vm/defs.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af5ad3b4..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/defs.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-"""Image configuration. See"""
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "default_installer")
-# vm_image_builder is a rule that will construct a shell script that actually
-# generates a given VM image. Note that this does not _run_ the shell script
-# (although it can be run manually). It will be run manually during generation
-# of the vm_image target itself. This level of indirection is used so that the
-# build system itself only runs the builder once when multiple targets depend
-# on it, avoiding a set of races and conflicts.
-def _vm_image_builder_impl(ctx):
- # Generate a binary that actually builds the image.
- builder = ctx.actions.declare_file(
- script_paths = []
- for script in ctx.files.scripts:
- script_paths.append(script.short_path)
- builder_content = "\n".join([
- "#!/bin/bash",
- "export ZONE=$(%s)" %[0].short_path,
- "export USERNAME=%s" % ctx.attr.username,
- "export IMAGE_PROJECT=%s" % ctx.attr.project,
- "export IMAGE_FAMILY=%s" %,
- "%s %s" % (ctx.files._builder[0].short_path, " ".join(script_paths)),
- "",
- ])
- ctx.actions.write(builder, builder_content, is_executable = True)
- # Note that the scripts should only be files, and should not include any
- # indirect transitive dependencies. The build script wouldn't work.
- return [DefaultInfo(
- executable = builder,
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- files = ctx.files.scripts + ctx.files._builder +,
- ),
- )]
-vm_image_builder = rule(
- attrs = {
- "_builder": attr.label(
- executable = True,
- default = "//tools/vm:builder",
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- "username": attr.string(default = "$(whoami)"),
- "zone": attr.label(
- executable = True,
- default = "//tools/vm:zone",
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- "family": attr.string(mandatory = True),
- "project": attr.string(mandatory = True),
- "scripts": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
- },
- executable = True,
- implementation = _vm_image_builder_impl,
-# See vm_image_builder above.
-def _vm_image_impl(ctx):
- # Run the builder to generate our output.
- echo = ctx.actions.declare_file(
- resolved_inputs, argv, runfiles_manifests = ctx.resolve_command(
- command = "\n".join([
- "set -e",
- "image=$(%s)" % ctx.files.builder[0].path,
- "echo -ne \"#!/bin/bash\\necho ${image}\\n\" > %s" % echo.path,
- "chmod 0755 %s" % echo.path,
- ]),
- tools = [ctx.attr.builder],
- )
- ctx.actions.run_shell(
- tools = resolved_inputs,
- outputs = [echo],
- progress_message = "Building image...",
- execution_requirements = {"local": "true"},
- command = argv,
- input_manifests = runfiles_manifests,
- )
- # Return just the echo command. All of the builder runfiles have been
- # resolved and consumed in the generation of the trivial echo script.
- return [DefaultInfo(executable = echo)]
-_vm_image_test = rule(
- attrs = {
- "builder": attr.label(
- executable = True,
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- },
- test = True,
- implementation = _vm_image_impl,
-def vm_image(name, **kwargs):
- vm_image_builder(
- name = name + "_builder",
- **kwargs
- )
- _vm_image_test(
- name = name,
- builder = ":" + name + "_builder",
- tags = [
- "local",
- "manual",
- ],
- )
-def _vm_test_impl(ctx):
- runner = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s-executer" %
- # Note that the remote execution case must actually generate an
- # intermediate target in order to collect all the relevant runfiles so that
- # they can be copied over for remote execution.
- runner_content = "\n".join([
- "#!/bin/bash",
- "export ZONE=$(%s)" %[0].short_path,
- "export USERNAME=%s" % ctx.attr.username,
- "export IMAGE=$(%s)" % ctx.files.image[0].short_path,
- "export SUDO=%s" % "true" if ctx.attr.sudo else "false",
- "%s %s" % (
- ctx.executable.executer.short_path,
- " ".join([
- target.files_to_run.executable.short_path
- for target in ctx.attr.targets
- ]),
- ),
- "",
- ])
- ctx.actions.write(runner, runner_content, is_executable = True)
- # Return with all transitive files.
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- transitive_files = depset(transitive = [
- depset(target.data_runfiles.files)
- for target in ctx.attr.targets
- if hasattr(target, "data_runfiles")
- ]),
- files = ctx.files.executer + + ctx.files.image +
- ctx.files.targets,
- collect_default = True,
- collect_data = True,
- )
- return [DefaultInfo(executable = runner, runfiles = runfiles)]
-_vm_test = rule(
- attrs = {
- "image": attr.label(
- executable = True,
- default = "//tools/vm:ubuntu1804",
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- "executer": attr.label(
- executable = True,
- default = "//tools/vm:executer",
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- "username": attr.string(default = "$(whoami)"),
- "zone": attr.label(
- executable = True,
- default = "//tools/vm:zone",
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- "sudo": attr.bool(default = True),
- "machine": attr.string(default = "n1-standard-1"),
- "targets": attr.label_list(
- mandatory = True,
- allow_empty = False,
- cfg = "target",
- ),
- },
- test = True,
- implementation = _vm_test_impl,
-def vm_test(
- installers = None,
- **kwargs):
- """Runs the given targets as a remote test.
- Args:
- installer: Script to run before all targets.
- **kwargs: All test arguments. Should include targets and image.
- """
- targets = kwargs.pop("targets", [])
- if installers == None:
- installers = [
- "//tools/installers:head",
- "//tools/installers:images",
- ]
- targets = installers + targets
- if default_installer():
- targets = [default_installer()] + targets
- _vm_test(
- tags = [
- "local",
- "manual",
- ],
- targets = targets,
- local = 1,
- **kwargs
- )
diff --git a/tools/vm/ b/tools/vm/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f1f3ce01..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -xeo pipefail
-# Required input.
-if ! [[ -v IMAGE ]]; then
- echo "no image provided: set IMAGE."
- exit 1
-# Parameters.
-declare -r USERNAME=${USERNAME:-test}
-declare -r KEYNAME=$(mktemp --tmpdir -u key-XXXXXX)
-declare -r SSHKEYS=$(mktemp --tmpdir -u sshkeys-XXXXXX)
-declare -r INSTANCE_NAME=$(mktemp -u test-XXXXXX | tr A-Z a-z)
-declare -r MACHINE=${MACHINE:-n1-standard-1}
-declare -r ZONE=${ZONE:-us-central1-f}
-declare -r SUDO=${SUDO:-false}
-# Standard arguments (applies only on script execution).
-declare -ar SSH_ARGS=("-o" "ConnectTimeout=60" "--")
-# This script is executed as a test rule, which will reset the value of HOME.
-# Unfortunately, it is needed to load the gconfig credentials. We will reset
-# HOME when we actually execute in the remote environment, defined below.
-export HOME=$(eval echo ~$(whoami))
-# Generate unique keys for this test.
-[[ -f "${KEYNAME}" ]] || ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f "${KEYNAME}" -C "${USERNAME}"
-cat > "${SSHKEYS}" <<EOF
-${USERNAME}:$(cat ${KEYNAME}.pub)
-# Start a unique instance. This means that we first generate a unique set of ssh
-# keys to ensure that only we have access to this instance. Note that we must
-# constrain ourselves to Haswell or greater in order to have nested
-# virtualization available.
-gcloud compute instances create \
- --min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" \
- --preemptible \
- --no-scopes \
- --metadata block-project-ssh-keys=TRUE \
- --metadata-from-file ssh-keys="${SSHKEYS}" \
- --machine-type "${MACHINE}" \
- --image "${IMAGE}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
-function cleanup {
- gcloud compute instances delete --quiet --zone "${ZONE}" "${INSTANCE_NAME}"
-trap cleanup EXIT
-# Wait for the instance to become available (up to 5 minutes).
-declare timeout=300
-declare success=0
-declare -r start=$(date +%s)
-declare -r end=$((${start}+${timeout}))
-while [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "${end}" ]] && [[ "${success}" -lt 3 ]]; do
- if gcloud compute ssh --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" "${USERNAME}"@"${INSTANCE_NAME}" -- true 2>/dev/null; then
- success=$((${success}+1))
- fi
-if [[ "${success}" -eq "0" ]]; then
- echo "connect timed out after ${timeout} seconds."
- exit 1
-# Copy the local directory over.
-tar czf - --dereference --exclude=.git . |
- gcloud compute ssh \
- --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \
- tar xzf -
-# Execute the command remotely.
-for cmd; do
- # Setup relevant environment.
- #
- # N.B. This is not a complete test environment, but is complete enough to
- # provide rudimentary sharding and test output support.
- declare -a PREFIX=( "env" )
- if [[ -v TEST_SHARD_INDEX ]]; then
- fi
- if [[ -v TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE ]]; then
- SHARD_STATUS_FILE=$(mktemp -u test-shard-status-XXXXXX)
- fi
- if [[ -v TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS ]]; then
- fi
- if [[ -v TEST_TMPDIR ]]; then
- REMOTE_TMPDIR=$(mktemp -u test-XXXXXX)
- # Create remotely.
- gcloud compute ssh \
- --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \
- mkdir -p "/tmp/${REMOTE_TMPDIR}"
- fi
- if [[ -v XML_OUTPUT_FILE ]]; then
- TEST_XML_OUTPUT=$(mktemp -u xml-output-XXXXXX)
- fi
- if [[ "${SUDO}" == "true" ]]; then
- PREFIX+=( "sudo" "-E" )
- fi
- # Execute the command.
- gcloud compute ssh \
- --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \
- "${PREFIX[@]}" "${cmd}"
- # Collect relevant results.
- if [[ -v TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE ]]; then
- gcloud compute scp \
- --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE}" 2>/dev/null || true # Allowed to fail.
- fi
- if [[ -v XML_OUTPUT_FILE ]]; then
- gcloud compute scp \
- --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${XML_OUTPUT_FILE}" 2>/dev/null || true # Allowed to fail.
- fi
- # Clean up the temporary directory.
- if [[ -v TEST_TMPDIR ]]; then
- gcloud compute ssh \
- --ssh-key-file="${KEYNAME}" \
- --zone "${ZONE}" \
- "${SSH_ARGS[@]}" \
- rm -rf "/tmp/${REMOTE_TMPDIR}"
- fi
diff --git a/tools/vm/ b/tools/vm/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0ceacda1..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace {
-TEST(Image, Sanity0) {
- // Do nothing (in shard 0).
-TEST(Image, Sanity1) {
- // Do nothing (in shard 1).
-} // namespace
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/ b/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
deleted file mode 100755
index 629f7cf7a..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -xeo pipefail
-# Install all essential build tools.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- make \
- git-core \
- build-essential \
- linux-headers-$(uname -r) \
- pkg-config); then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
-# Install a recent go toolchain.
-if ! [[ -d /usr/local/go ]]; then
- wget
- tar -xvf go1.13.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- mv go /usr/local
-# Link the Go binary from /usr/bin; replacing anything there.
-(cd /usr/bin && rm -f go && ln -fs /usr/local/go/bin/go go)
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/ b/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
deleted file mode 100755
index bc2e5eccc..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -xeo pipefail
-# Install all essential build tools.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- apt-transport-https \
- ca-certificates \
- gnupg); then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
-# Add gcloud repositories.
-echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | \
- tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
-# Add the appropriate key.
-curl | \
- apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add -
-# Install the gcloud SDK.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y google-cloud-sdk); then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/ b/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
deleted file mode 100755
index bb7afa676..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -xeo pipefail
-declare -r BAZEL_VERSION=2.0.0
-# Install bazel dependencies.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- openjdk-8-jdk-headless \
- unzip); then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
-# Use the release installer.
-chmod a+x bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}
-rm -f bazel-${BAZEL_VERSION}
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/ b/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
deleted file mode 100755
index d393133e4..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Add dependencies.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- apt-transport-https \
- ca-certificates \
- curl \
- gnupg-agent \
- software-properties-common); then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
-# Install the key.
-curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
-# Add the repository.
-add-apt-repository \
- "deb [arch=amd64] \
- $(lsb_release -cs) \
- stable"
-# Install docker.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- docker-ce \
- docker-ce-cli \
-; then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
-# Enable experimental features, for cross-building aarch64 images.
-# Enable Docker IPv6.
-cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF
- "experimental": true,
- "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64",
- "ipv6": true
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/ b/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
deleted file mode 100755
index d3b96c9ad..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -xeo pipefail
-# Declare kokoro's required public keys.
-declare -r ssh_public_keys=(
- "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDg7L/ZaEauETWrPklUTky3kvxqQfe2Ax/2CsSqhNIGNMnK/8d79CHlmY9+dE1FFQ/RzKNCaltgy7XcN/fCYiCZr5jm2ZtnLuGNOTzupMNhaYiPL419qmL+5rZXt4/dWTrsHbFRACxT8j51PcRMO5wgbL0Bg2XXimbx8kDFaurL2gqduQYqlu4lxWCaJqOL71WogcimeL63Nq/yeH5PJPWpqE4P9VUQSwAzBWFK/hLeds/AiP3MgVS65qHBnhq0JsHy8JQsqjZbG7Iidt/Ll0+gqzEbi62gDIcczG4KC0iOVzDDP/1BxDtt1lKeA23ll769Fcm3rJyoBMYxjvdw1TDx"
- "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBNgGK/hCdjmulHfRE3hp4rZs38NCR8yAh0eDsztxqGcuXnuSnL7jOlRrbcQpremJ84omD4eKrIpwJUs+YokMdv4="
-# Install dependencies.
-while true; do
- if (apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- rsync \
- coreutils \
- python-psutil \
- qemu-kvm \
- python-pip \
- python3-pip \
- zip); then
- break
- fi
- result=$?
- if [[ $result -ne 100 ]]; then
- exit $result
- fi
-# junitparser is used to merge junit xml files.
-pip install --no-cache-dir junitparser
-# We need a kbuilder user, which may already exist.
-useradd -c "kbuilder user" -m -s /bin/bash kbuilder || true
-# We need to provision appropriate keys.
-mkdir -p ~kbuilder/.ssh
-(IFS=$'\n'; echo "${ssh_public_keys[*]}") > ~kbuilder/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chmod 0600 ~kbuilder/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chown -R kbuilder ~kbuilder/.ssh
-# Give passwordless sudo access.
-cat > /etc/sudoers.d/kokoro <<EOF
-# Ensure we can run Docker without sudo.
-usermod -aG docker kbuilder
-# Ensure that we can access kvm.
-usermod -aG kvm kbuilder
-# Ensure that /tmpfs exists and is writable by kokoro.
-# Note that kokoro will typically attach a second disk (sdb) to the instance
-# that is used for the /tmpfs volume. In the future we could setup an init
-# script that formats and mounts this here; however, we don't expect our build
-# artifacts to be that large.
-mkdir -p /tmpfs && chmod 0777 /tmpfs && touch /tmpfs/READY
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/BUILD b/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1df0c4c..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1604/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "ubuntu1604",
- srcs = glob(["*.sh"]),
- visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
diff --git a/tools/vm/ubuntu1804/BUILD b/tools/vm/ubuntu1804/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8856dde..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/ubuntu1804/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "ubuntu1804",
- actual = "//tools/vm/ubuntu1604",
- visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
diff --git a/tools/vm/ b/tools/vm/
deleted file mode 100755
index 79569fb19..000000000
--- a/tools/vm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-exec gcloud config get-value compute/zone
diff --git a/tools/yamltest/BUILD b/tools/yamltest/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..475b3badd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yamltest/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_binary")
+package(licenses = ["notice"])
+ name = "yamltest",
+ srcs = ["main.go"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [
+ "@com_github_xeipuuv_gojsonschema//:go_default_library",
+ "@in_gopkg_yaml_v2//:go_default_library",
+ ],
diff --git a/tools/yamltest/defs.bzl b/tools/yamltest/defs.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd04f947d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yamltest/defs.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+"""Tools for testing yaml files against schemas."""
+def _yaml_test_impl(ctx):
+ """Implementation for yaml_test."""
+ runner = ctx.actions.declare_file(
+ ctx.actions.write(runner, "\n".join([
+ "#!/bin/bash",
+ "set -euo pipefail",
+ "%s -schema=%s -- %s" % (
+ ctx.files._tool[0].short_path,
+ ctx.files.schema[0].short_path,
+ " ".join([f.short_path for f in ctx.files.srcs]),
+ ),
+ ]), is_executable = True)
+ return [DefaultInfo(
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = ctx.files._tool + ctx.files.schema + ctx.files.srcs),
+ executable = runner,
+ )]
+yaml_test = rule(
+ implementation = _yaml_test_impl,
+ doc = "Tests a yaml file against a schema.",
+ attrs = {
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(
+ doc = "The input yaml files.",
+ mandatory = True,
+ allow_files = True,
+ ),
+ "schema": attr.label(
+ doc = "The schema file in JSON schema format.",
+ allow_single_file = True,
+ mandatory = True,
+ ),
+ "_tool": attr.label(
+ executable = True,
+ cfg = "host",
+ default = Label("//tools/yamltest:yamltest"),
+ ),
+ },
+ test = True,
diff --git a/tools/yamltest/main.go b/tools/yamltest/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88271fb66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yamltest/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Binary yamltest does strict yaml parsing and validation.
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ ""
+ yaml ""
+func fixup(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ switch x := v.(type) {
+ case map[interface{}]interface{}:
+ // Coerse into a string-based map, required for yaml.
+ strMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+ for k, v := range x {
+ strK, ok := k.(string)
+ if !ok {
+ // This cannot be converted to JSON at all.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key %T in (%#v)", k, x)
+ }
+ fv, err := fixup(v)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf(".%s%w", strK, err)
+ }
+ strMap[strK] = fv
+ }
+ return strMap, nil
+ case []interface{}:
+ for i := range x {
+ fv, err := fixup(x[i])
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("[%d]%w", i, err)
+ }
+ x[i] = fv
+ }
+ return x, nil
+ default:
+ return v, nil
+ }
+func loadFile(filename string) (gojsonschema.JSONLoader, error) {
+ f, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ dec := yaml.NewDecoder(f)
+ dec.SetStrict(true)
+ var object interface{}
+ if err := dec.Decode(&object); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ fixedObject, err := fixup(object) // For serialization.
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ bytes, err := json.Marshal(fixedObject)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return gojsonschema.NewStringLoader(string(bytes)), nil
+var schema = flag.String("schema", "", "path to JSON schema file.")
+func main() {
+ flag.Parse()
+ if *schema == "" || len(flag.Args()) == 0 {
+ flag.Usage()
+ os.Exit(2)
+ }
+ // Construct our schema loader.
+ schemaLoader := gojsonschema.NewReferenceLoader(fmt.Sprintf("file://%s", *schema))
+ // Parse all documents.
+ allErrors := make(map[string][]error)
+ for _, filename := range flag.Args() {
+ // Record the filename with an empty slice for below, where
+ // we will emit all files (even those without any errors).
+ allErrors[filename] = nil
+ documentLoader, err := loadFile(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ allErrors[filename] = append(allErrors[filename], err)
+ continue
+ }
+ result, err := gojsonschema.Validate(schemaLoader, documentLoader)
+ if err != nil {
+ allErrors[filename] = append(allErrors[filename], err)
+ continue
+ }
+ for _, desc := range result.Errors() {
+ allErrors[filename] = append(allErrors[filename], errors.New(desc.String()))
+ }
+ }
+ // Print errors in yaml format.
+ totalErrors := 0
+ for filename, errs := range allErrors {
+ totalErrors += len(errs)
+ if len(errs) == 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: ✓\n", filename)
+ continue
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:\n", filename)
+ for _, err := range errs {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "- %s\n", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if totalErrors != 0 {
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }