path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
31 files changed, 1018 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/tools/BUILD b/tools/BUILD
index faf310676..3861ff2a5 100644
--- a/tools/BUILD
+++ b/tools/BUILD
@@ -9,3 +9,11 @@ bzl_library(
+ name = "deps_bzl",
+ srcs = ["deps.bzl"],
+ visibility = [
+ "//:sandbox",
+ ],
diff --git a/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD b/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD
index c2c1287a1..24e6f8a94 100644
--- a/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD
+++ b/tools/bazeldefs/BUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bzl_library")
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bzl_library", "go_proto_library")
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
+ default_visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
+ licenses = ["notice"],
name = "platforms_bzl",
@@ -45,3 +48,9 @@ genrule(
stamp = True,
visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
+ name = "worker_protocol_go_proto",
+ importpath = "",
+ proto = "@bazel_tools//src/main/protobuf:worker_protocol_proto",
diff --git a/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl b/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl
index bcd8cffe7..da027846b 100644
--- a/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl
+++ b/tools/bazeldefs/go.bzl
@@ -8,8 +8,13 @@ load("//tools/bazeldefs:defs.bzl", "select_arch", "select_system")
gazelle = _gazelle
go_embed_data = _go_embed_data
go_path = _go_path
+bazel_worker_proto = "//tools/bazeldefs:worker_protocol_go_proto"
def _go_proto_or_grpc_library(go_library_func, name, **kwargs):
+ if "importpath" in kwargs:
+ # If importpath is explicit, pass straight through.
+ go_library_func(name = name, **kwargs)
+ return
deps = [
dep.replace("_proto", "_go_proto")
for dep in (kwargs.pop("deps", []) or [])
@@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ def go_context(ctx, goos = None, goarch = None, std = False):
runfiles = depset([go_ctx.go] + go_ctx.sdk.srcs + + go_ctx.stdlib.libs),
goos = go_ctx.sdk.goos,
goarch = go_ctx.sdk.goarch,
- tags = go_ctx.tags,
+ gotags = go_ctx.tags,
def select_goarch():
diff --git a/tools/bigquery/BUILD b/tools/bigquery/BUILD
index 1cea9e1c9..2b116fe0d 100644
--- a/tools/bigquery/BUILD
+++ b/tools/bigquery/BUILD
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ go_library(
name = "bigquery",
testonly = 1,
srcs = ["bigquery.go"],
+ nogo = False, # FIXME(b/184974218): Analysis failing for cloud libraries.
visibility = [
deps = [
+ "@org_golang_x_oauth2//:go_default_library",
diff --git a/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go b/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go
index a4ca93ec2..935154acc 100644
--- a/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go
+++ b/tools/bigquery/bigquery.go
@@ -119,6 +119,14 @@ func NewBenchmark(name string, iters int) *Benchmark {
+// NewBenchmarkWithMetric creates a new sending to BigQuery, initialized with a
+// single iteration and single metric.
+func NewBenchmarkWithMetric(name, metric, unit string, value float64) *Benchmark {
+ b := NewBenchmark(name, 1)
+ b.AddMetric(metric, unit, value)
+ return b
// NewSuite initializes a new Suite.
func NewSuite(name string, official bool) *Suite {
return &Suite{
diff --git a/tools/checklocks/checklocks.go b/tools/checklocks/checklocks.go
index 4ec2918f6..1e877d394 100644
--- a/tools/checklocks/checklocks.go
+++ b/tools/checklocks/checklocks.go
@@ -563,9 +563,7 @@ func (pc *passContext) checkFunctionCall(call *ssa.Call, isExempted bool, lh *lo
if !ok {
if fn.Object() == nil {
- log.Warningf("fn w/ nil Object is: %+v", fn)
@@ -579,7 +577,6 @@ func (pc *passContext) checkFunctionCall(call *ssa.Call, isExempted bool, lh *lo
r := (*call.Value().Operands(nil)[fg.ParameterNumber+1])
guardObj := findField(r, fg.FieldNumber)
if guardObj == nil {
- log.Infof("guardObj nil but funcFact: %+v", funcFact)
var fieldFacts lockFieldFacts
diff --git a/tools/defs.bzl b/tools/defs.bzl
index d2c697c0d..27542a2f5 100644
--- a/tools/defs.bzl
+++ b/tools/defs.bzl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ load("//tools/go_marshal:defs.bzl", "go_marshal", "marshal_deps", "marshal_test_
load("//tools/nogo:defs.bzl", "nogo_test")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:defs.bzl", _arch_genrule = "arch_genrule", _build_test = "build_test", _bzl_library = "bzl_library", _coreutil = "coreutil", _default_installer = "default_installer", _default_net_util = "default_net_util", _more_shards = "more_shards", _most_shards = "most_shards", _proto_library = "proto_library", _select_arch = "select_arch", _select_system = "select_system", _short_path = "short_path", _version = "version")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:cc.bzl", _cc_binary = "cc_binary", _cc_flags_supplier = "cc_flags_supplier", _cc_grpc_library = "cc_grpc_library", _cc_library = "cc_library", _cc_proto_library = "cc_proto_library", _cc_test = "cc_test", _cc_toolchain = "cc_toolchain", _gbenchmark = "gbenchmark", _grpcpp = "grpcpp", _gtest = "gtest", _vdso_linker_option = "vdso_linker_option")
-load("//tools/bazeldefs:go.bzl", _gazelle = "gazelle", _go_binary = "go_binary", _go_embed_data = "go_embed_data", _go_grpc_and_proto_libraries = "go_grpc_and_proto_libraries", _go_library = "go_library", _go_path = "go_path", _go_proto_library = "go_proto_library", _go_rule = "go_rule", _go_test = "go_test", _select_goarch = "select_goarch", _select_goos = "select_goos")
+load("//tools/bazeldefs:go.bzl", _bazel_worker_proto = "bazel_worker_proto", _gazelle = "gazelle", _go_binary = "go_binary", _go_embed_data = "go_embed_data", _go_grpc_and_proto_libraries = "go_grpc_and_proto_libraries", _go_library = "go_library", _go_path = "go_path", _go_proto_library = "go_proto_library", _go_rule = "go_rule", _go_test = "go_test", _select_goarch = "select_goarch", _select_goos = "select_goos")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:pkg.bzl", _pkg_deb = "pkg_deb", _pkg_tar = "pkg_tar")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:platforms.bzl", _default_platform = "default_platform", _platforms = "platforms")
load("//tools/bazeldefs:tags.bzl", "go_suffixes")
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ go_path = _go_path
select_goos = _select_goos
select_goarch = _select_goarch
go_embed_data = _go_embed_data
+go_proto_library = _go_proto_library
+bazel_worker_proto = _bazel_worker_proto
# Packaging rules.
pkg_deb = _pkg_deb
diff --git a/tools/deps.bzl b/tools/deps.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91442617c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/deps.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+"""Rules for dependency checking."""
+# DepsInfo provides a list of dependencies found when building a target.
+DepsInfo = provider(
+ "lists dependencies encountered while building",
+ fields = {
+ "nodes": "a dict from targets to a list of their dependencies",
+ },
+def _deps_check_impl(target, ctx):
+ # Check the target's dependencies and add any of our own deps.
+ deps = []
+ for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
+ deps.append(dep)
+ nodes = {}
+ if len(deps) != 0:
+ nodes[target] = deps
+ # Keep and propagate each dep's providers.
+ for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
+ nodes.update(dep[DepsInfo].nodes)
+ return [DepsInfo(nodes = nodes)]
+_deps_check = aspect(
+ implementation = _deps_check_impl,
+ attr_aspects = ["deps"],
+def _is_allowed(target, allowlist, prefixes):
+ # Check for allowed prefixes.
+ for prefix in prefixes:
+ workspace, pfx = prefix.split("//", 1)
+ if len(workspace) > 0 and workspace[0] == "@":
+ workspace = workspace[1:]
+ if target.workspace_name == workspace and target.package.startswith(pfx):
+ return True
+ # Check the allowlist.
+ for allowed in allowlist:
+ if target == allowed.label:
+ return True
+ return False
+def _deps_test_impl(ctx):
+ nodes = {}
+ for target in ctx.attr.targets:
+ for (node_target, node_deps) in target[DepsInfo].nodes.items():
+ # Ignore any disallowed targets. This generates more useful error
+ # messages. Consider the case where A dependes on B and B depends
+ # on C, and both B and C are disallowed. Avoid emitting an error
+ # that B depends on C, when the real issue is that A depends on B.
+ if not _is_allowed(node_target.label, ctx.attr.allowed, ctx.attr.allowed_prefixes) and node_target.label != target.label:
+ continue
+ bad_deps = []
+ for dep in node_deps:
+ if not _is_allowed(dep.label, ctx.attr.allowed, ctx.attr.allowed_prefixes):
+ bad_deps.append(dep)
+ if len(bad_deps) > 0:
+ nodes[node_target] = bad_deps
+ # If there aren't any violations, write a passing test.
+ if len(nodes) == 0:
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = ctx.outputs.executable,
+ content = "#!/bin/bash\n\nexit 0\n",
+ )
+ return []
+ # If we're here, we've found at least one violation.
+ script_lines = [
+ "#!/bin/bash",
+ "echo Invalid dependencies found. If you\\'re sure you want to add dependencies,",
+ "echo modify this target.",
+ "echo",
+ ]
+ # List the violations.
+ for target, deps in nodes.items():
+ script_lines.append(
+ 'echo "{target} depends on:"'.format(target = target.label),
+ )
+ for dep in deps:
+ script_lines.append('echo "\t{dep}"'.format(dep = dep.label))
+ # The test must fail.
+ script_lines.append("exit 1\n")
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = ctx.outputs.executable,
+ content = "\n".join(script_lines),
+ )
+ return []
+# Checks that targets only depend on an allowlist of other targets. Targets can
+# be specified directly, or prefixes can be used to allow entire packages or
+# directory trees.
+# This recursively checks the "deps" attribute of each target, dependencies
+# expressed other ways are not checked. For example, protobuf targets pull in
+# protobuf code, but aren't analyzed by deps_test.
+deps_test = rule(
+ implementation = _deps_test_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "targets": attr.label_list(
+ doc = "The targets to check the transitive dependencies of.",
+ aspects = [_deps_check],
+ ),
+ "allowed": attr.label_list(
+ doc = "The allowed dependency targets.",
+ ),
+ "allowed_prefixes": attr.string_list(
+ doc = "Any packages beginning with these prefixes are allowed.",
+ ),
+ },
+ test = True,
diff --git a/tools/github/BUILD b/tools/github/BUILD
index 7d0a179f7..a345debf6 100644
--- a/tools/github/BUILD
+++ b/tools/github/BUILD
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ go_binary(
srcs = ["main.go"],
nogo = False,
deps = [
- "//tools/github/nogo",
diff --git a/tools/github/main.go b/tools/github/main.go
index 681003eef..dfb4c769d 100644
--- a/tools/github/main.go
+++ b/tools/github/main.go
@@ -22,12 +22,10 @@ import (
- "os/exec"
- ""
@@ -53,11 +51,10 @@ func (s *stringList) Set(value string) error {
// Keep the options simple for now. Supports only a single path and repo.
func init() {
- flag.StringVar(&owner, "owner", "", "GitHub project org/owner (required, except nogo dry-run)")
- flag.StringVar(&repo, "repo", "", "GitHub repo (required, except nogo dry-run)")
+ flag.StringVar(&owner, "owner", "", "GitHub project org/owner")
+ flag.StringVar(&repo, "repo", "", "GitHub repo")
flag.StringVar(&tokenFile, "oauth-token-file", "", "file containing the GitHub token (or GITHUB_TOKEN is set)")
- flag.Var(&paths, "path", "path(s) to scan (required for revive and nogo)")
- flag.StringVar(&commit, "commit", "", "commit to associated (required for nogo, except dry-run)")
+ flag.Var(&paths, "path", "path(s) to scan (required for revive)")
flag.BoolVar(&dryRun, "dry-run", false, "just print changes to be made")
@@ -96,12 +93,12 @@ func main() {
// Check for mandatory parameters.
command := args[0]
- if len(owner) == 0 && (command != "nogo" || !dryRun) {
+ if len(owner) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "missing --owner option.")
- if len(repo) == 0 && (command != "nogo" || !dryRun) {
+ if len(repo) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "missing --repo option.")
@@ -155,28 +152,6 @@ func main() {
- case "nogo":
- // Did we get a commit? Try to extract one.
- if len(commit) == 0 && !dryRun {
- cmd := exec.Command("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD")
- revBytes, err := cmd.Output()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "missing --commit option, unable to infer: %v\n", err)
- flag.Usage()
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- commit = strings.TrimSpace(string(revBytes))
- }
- // Scan all findings.
- poster := nogo.NewFindingsPoster(client, owner, repo, commit, dryRun)
- if err := poster.Walk(filteredPaths); err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error finding nogo findings:", err)
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- // Post to GitHub.
- if err := poster.Post(); err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error posting nogo findings:", err)
- }
// Not a known command.
fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "unknown command: %s\n", command)
diff --git a/tools/github/nogo/BUILD b/tools/github/nogo/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 4259fe94c..000000000
--- a/tools/github/nogo/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library")
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "nogo",
- srcs = ["nogo.go"],
- nogo = False,
- visibility = [
- "//tools/github:__subpackages__",
- ],
- deps = [
- "//tools/nogo",
- "@com_github_google_go_github_v32//github:go_default_library",
- ],
diff --git a/tools/github/nogo/nogo.go b/tools/github/nogo/nogo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 894a0e7c3..000000000
--- a/tools/github/nogo/nogo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Package nogo provides nogo-related utilities.
-package nogo
-import (
- "context"
- "fmt"
- "os"
- "path/filepath"
- "strings"
- "time"
- ""
- ""
-// FindingsPoster is a simple wrapper around the GitHub api.
-type FindingsPoster struct {
- owner string
- repo string
- commit string
- dryRun bool
- startTime time.Time
- findings map[nogo.Finding]struct{}
- client *github.Client
-// NewFindingsPoster returns a object that can post findings.
-func NewFindingsPoster(client *github.Client, owner, repo, commit string, dryRun bool) *FindingsPoster {
- return &FindingsPoster{
- owner: owner,
- repo: repo,
- commit: commit,
- dryRun: dryRun,
- startTime: time.Now(),
- findings: make(map[nogo.Finding]struct{}),
- client: client,
- }
-// Walk walks the given path tree for findings files.
-func (p *FindingsPoster) Walk(paths []string) error {
- for _, path := range paths {
- if err := filepath.Walk(path, func(filename string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Skip any directories or files not ending in .findings.
- if !strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".findings") || info.IsDir() {
- return nil
- }
- findings, err := nogo.ExtractFindingsFromFile(filename)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Add all findings to the list. We use a map to ensure
- // that each finding is unique.
- for _, finding := range findings {
- p.findings[finding] = struct{}{}
- }
- return nil
- }); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-// Post posts all results to the GitHub API as a check run.
-func (p *FindingsPoster) Post() error {
- // Just show results?
- if p.dryRun {
- for finding := range p.findings {
- // Pretty print, so that this is useful for debugging.
- fmt.Printf("%s: (%s+%d) %s\n", finding.Category, finding.Position.Filename, finding.Position.Line, finding.Message)
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Construct the message.
- title := "nogo"
- count := len(p.findings)
- status := "completed"
- conclusion := "success"
- if count > 0 {
- conclusion = "failure" // Contains errors.
- }
- summary := fmt.Sprintf("%d findings.", count)
- opts := github.CreateCheckRunOptions{
- Name: title,
- HeadSHA: p.commit,
- Status: &status,
- Conclusion: &conclusion,
- StartedAt: &github.Timestamp{p.startTime},
- CompletedAt: &github.Timestamp{time.Now()},
- Output: &github.CheckRunOutput{
- Title: &title,
- Summary: &summary,
- AnnotationsCount: &count,
- },
- }
- annotationLevel := "failure" // Always.
- for finding := range p.findings {
- title := string(finding.Category)
- opts.Output.Annotations = append(opts.Output.Annotations, &github.CheckRunAnnotation{
- Path: &finding.Position.Filename,
- StartLine: &finding.Position.Line,
- EndLine: &finding.Position.Line,
- Message: &finding.Message,
- Title: &title,
- AnnotationLevel: &annotationLevel,
- })
- }
- // Post to GitHub.
- _, _, err := p.client.Checks.CreateCheckRun(context.Background(), p.owner, p.repo, opts)
- return err
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/BUILD b/tools/go_marshal/BUILD
index f79defea7..85a1adf66 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/BUILD
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/BUILD
@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ licenses(["notice"])
name = "go_marshal",
srcs = ["main.go"],
- visibility = [
- "//:sandbox",
- ],
+ visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
deps = [
@@ -16,6 +14,7 @@ go_binary(
name = "marshal_config_verbose",
values = {"define": "gomarshal=verbose"},
+ visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/ b/tools/go_marshal/
index eddba0c21..bbd4c9f48 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/
@@ -140,3 +140,6 @@ options, depending on how go-marshal is being invoked:
- Set `debug = True` on the `go_marshal` BUILD rule.
- Pass `-debug` to the go-marshal tool invocation.
+If bazel complains about stdout output being too large, set a larger value
+through `--experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes`, or `-1` for unlimited output.
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/defs.bzl b/tools/go_marshal/defs.bzl
index e23901815..9f620cb76 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/defs.bzl
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/defs.bzl
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ go_marshal = rule(
# marshal_deps are the dependencies requied by generated code.
marshal_deps = [
- "//pkg/safecopy",
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
index 0e2d752cb..00961c90d 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
@@ -112,10 +112,8 @@ func NewGenerator(srcs []string, out, outTest, outTestUnconditional, pkg string,
- g.imports.add("")
return &g, nil
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_array_newtype.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_array_newtype.go
index 32afece2e..bd7741ae5 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_array_newtype.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_array_newtype.go
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) validateArrayNewtype(n *ast.Ident, a *ast.ArrayType
func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableForArrayNewtype(n *ast.Ident, a *ast.ArrayType, elt *ast.Ident) {
+ g.recordUsedImport("gohacks")
+ g.recordUsedImport("hostarch")
- g.recordUsedImport("safecopy")
- g.recordUsedImport("hostarch")
lenExpr := g.arrayLenExpr(a)
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableForArrayNewtype(n *ast.Ident, a *as
g.emit("// MarshalUnsafe implements marshal.Marshallable.MarshalUnsafe.\n")
g.emit("func (%s *%s) MarshalUnsafe(dst []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyIn(dst, unsafe.Pointer(%s))\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&%s[0]), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
g.emit("// UnmarshalUnsafe implements marshal.Marshallable.UnmarshalUnsafe.\n")
g.emit("func (%s *%s) UnmarshalUnsafe(src []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyOut(unsafe.Pointer(%s), src)\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(%s), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_primitive_newtype.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_primitive_newtype.go
index 05f0e0db4..ba4b7324e 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_primitive_newtype.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_primitive_newtype.go
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) validatePrimitiveNewtype(t *ast.Ident) {
// newtypes are always packed, so we can omit the various fallbacks required for
// non-packed structs.
func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableForPrimitiveNewtype(nt *ast.Ident) {
+ g.recordUsedImport("gohacks")
+ g.recordUsedImport("hostarch")
- g.recordUsedImport("safecopy")
- g.recordUsedImport("hostarch")
g.emit("// SizeBytes implements marshal.Marshallable.SizeBytes.\n")
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableForPrimitiveNewtype(nt *ast.Ident)
g.emit("// MarshalUnsafe implements marshal.Marshallable.MarshalUnsafe.\n")
g.emit("func (%s *%s) MarshalUnsafe(dst []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyIn(dst, unsafe.Pointer(%s))\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(%s), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
g.emit("// UnmarshalUnsafe implements marshal.Marshallable.UnmarshalUnsafe.\n")
g.emit("func (%s *%s) UnmarshalUnsafe(src []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyOut(unsafe.Pointer(%s), src)\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(%s), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
@@ -260,11 +260,9 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableSliceForPrimitiveNewtype(nt *ast.Id
g.emit("size := (*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()\n\n", g.typeName())
- g.emitNoEscapeSliceDataPointer("&src", "val")
- g.emit("length, err := safecopy.CopyIn(dst[:(size*count)], val)\n")
- g.emitKeepAlive("src")
- g.emit("return length, err\n")
+ g.emit("dst = dst[:size*count]\n")
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(len(dst)))\n")
+ g.emit("return size*count, nil\n")
@@ -279,11 +277,9 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableSliceForPrimitiveNewtype(nt *ast.Id
g.emit("size := (*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()\n\n", g.typeName())
- g.emitNoEscapeSliceDataPointer("&dst", "val")
- g.emit("length, err := safecopy.CopyOut(val, src[:(size*count)])\n")
- g.emitKeepAlive("dst")
- g.emit("return length, err\n")
+ g.emit("src = src[:(size*count)]\n")
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(len(src)))\n")
+ g.emit("return size*count, nil\n")
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_struct.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_struct.go
index 72df1ab64..4c47218f1 100644
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_struct.go
+++ b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces_struct.go
@@ -270,18 +270,18 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableForStruct(st *ast.StructType) {
g.emit("%s.MarshalBytes(dst)\n", g.r)
if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("safecopy")
+ g.recordUsedImport("gohacks")
if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
g.emit("if %s {\n", cond)
g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyIn(dst, unsafe.Pointer(%s))\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(%s), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
g.emit("} else {\n")
} else {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyIn(dst, unsafe.Pointer(%s))\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(%s), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
} else {
@@ -297,25 +297,23 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableForStruct(st *ast.StructType) {
g.emit("%s.UnmarshalBytes(src)\n", g.r)
if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("safecopy")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
+ g.recordUsedImport("gohacks")
if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
g.emit("if %s {\n", cond)
g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyOut(unsafe.Pointer(%s), src)\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(%s), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
g.emit("} else {\n")
} else {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyOut(unsafe.Pointer(%s), src)\n", g.r)
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(%s), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(%s.SizeBytes()))\n", g.r, g.r)
} else {
g.emit("// CopyOutN implements marshal.Marshallable.CopyOutN.\n")
@@ -561,16 +559,15 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableSliceForStruct(st *ast.StructType,
+ g.recordUsedImport("gohacks")
if _, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
g.emit("if !src[0].Packed() {\n")
- g.emitNoEscapeSliceDataPointer("&src", "val")
- g.emit("length, err := safecopy.CopyIn(dst[:(size*count)], val)\n")
- g.emitKeepAlive("src")
- g.emit("return length, err\n")
+ g.emit("dst = dst[:size*count]\n")
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(len(dst)))\n")
+ g.emit("return size * count, nil\n")
} else {
@@ -598,19 +595,19 @@ func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallableSliceForStruct(st *ast.StructType,
g.emit("return size * count, nil\n")
if thisPacked {
+ g.recordUsedImport("gohacks")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
if _, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
g.emit("if !dst[0].Packed() {\n")
- g.emitNoEscapeSliceDataPointer("&dst", "val")
- g.emit("length, err := safecopy.CopyOut(val, src[:(size*count)])\n")
- g.emitKeepAlive("dst")
- g.emit("return length, err\n")
+ g.emit("src = src[:(size*count)]\n")
+ g.emit("gohacks.Memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&src[0]), uintptr(len(src)))\n")
+ g.emit("return count*size, nil\n")
} else {
diff --git a/tools/nogo/BUILD b/tools/nogo/BUILD
index 5fc60d8d8..6c6f604b5 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/BUILD
+++ b/tools/nogo/BUILD
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ go_library(
+ "//tools/worker",
diff --git a/tools/nogo/analyzers.go b/tools/nogo/analyzers.go
index 8b4bff3b6..2b3c03fec 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/analyzers.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/analyzers.go
@@ -83,11 +83,6 @@ var AllAnalyzers = []*analysis.Analyzer{
-// EscapeAnalyzers is a list of escape-related analyzers.
-var EscapeAnalyzers = []*analysis.Analyzer{
- checkescape.EscapeAnalyzer,
func register(all []*analysis.Analyzer) {
// Register all fact types.
@@ -129,5 +124,4 @@ func init() {
// Register lists.
- register(EscapeAnalyzers)
diff --git a/tools/nogo/check/BUILD b/tools/nogo/check/BUILD
index e18483a18..666780dd3 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/check/BUILD
+++ b/tools/nogo/check/BUILD
@@ -7,5 +7,8 @@ go_binary(
srcs = ["main.go"],
nogo = False,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- deps = ["//tools/nogo"],
+ deps = [
+ "//tools/nogo",
+ "//tools/worker",
+ ],
diff --git a/tools/nogo/check/main.go b/tools/nogo/check/main.go
index 69bdfe502..3a6c3fb08 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/check/main.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/check/main.go
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
+ ""
var (
@@ -31,7 +32,6 @@ var (
stdlibFile = flag.String("stdlib", "", "stdlib configuration file (in JSON format)")
findingsOutput = flag.String("findings", "", "output file (or stdout, if not specified)")
factsOutput = flag.String("facts", "", "output file for facts (optional)")
- escapesOutput = flag.String("escapes", "", "output file for escapes (optional)")
func loadConfig(file string, config interface{}) interface{} {
@@ -50,9 +50,10 @@ func loadConfig(file string, config interface{}) interface{} {
func main() {
- // Parse all flags.
- flag.Parse()
+ worker.Work(run)
+func run([]string) int {
var (
findings []nogo.Finding
factData []byte
@@ -66,25 +67,13 @@ func main() {
// Run the configuration.
if *stdlibFile != "" {
- // Perform basic analysis.
+ // Perform stdlib analysis.
c := loadConfig(*stdlibFile, new(nogo.StdlibConfig)).(*nogo.StdlibConfig)
findings, factData, err = nogo.CheckStdlib(c, nogo.AllAnalyzers)
} else if *packageFile != "" {
- // Perform basic analysis.
+ // Perform standard analysis.
c := loadConfig(*packageFile, new(nogo.PackageConfig)).(*nogo.PackageConfig)
findings, factData, err = nogo.CheckPackage(c, nogo.AllAnalyzers, nil)
- // Do we need to do escape analysis?
- if *escapesOutput != "" {
- escapes, _, err := nogo.CheckPackage(c, nogo.EscapeAnalyzers, nil)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("error performing escape analysis: %v", err)
- }
- if err := nogo.WriteFindingsToFile(escapes, *escapesOutput); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("error writing escapes to %q: %v", *escapesOutput, err)
- }
- }
} else {
log.Fatalf("please provide at least one of package or stdlib!")
@@ -103,7 +92,11 @@ func main() {
// Write all findings.
if *findingsOutput != "" {
- if err := nogo.WriteFindingsToFile(findings, *findingsOutput); err != nil {
+ w, err := os.OpenFile(*findingsOutput, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error opening output file %q: %v", *findingsOutput, err)
+ }
+ if err := nogo.WriteFindingsTo(w, findings, false /* json */); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error writing findings to %q: %v", *findingsOutput, err)
} else {
@@ -111,4 +104,6 @@ func main() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", finding.String())
+ return 0
diff --git a/tools/nogo/config.go b/tools/nogo/config.go
index 2fea5b3e1..6436f9d34 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/config.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/config.go
@@ -73,17 +73,28 @@ type ItemConfig struct {
func compileRegexps(ss []string, rs *[]*regexp.Regexp) error {
- *rs = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(ss))
- for _, s := range ss {
+ *rs = make([]*regexp.Regexp, len(ss))
+ for i, s := range ss {
r, err := regexp.Compile(s)
if err != nil {
return err
- *rs = append(*rs, r)
+ (*rs)[i] = r
return nil
+// RegexpCount is used by AnalyzerConfig.RegexpCount.
+func (i *ItemConfig) RegexpCount() int64 {
+ if i == nil {
+ // See compile.
+ return 0
+ }
+ // Return the number of regular expressions compiled for these items.
+ // This is how the cache size of the configuration is measured.
+ return int64(len(i.exclude) + len(i.suppress))
func (i *ItemConfig) compile() error {
if i == nil {
// This may be nil if nothing is included in the
@@ -100,9 +111,25 @@ func (i *ItemConfig) compile() error {
return nil
+func merge(a, b []string) []string {
+ found := make(map[string]struct{})
+ result := make([]string, 0, len(a)+len(b))
+ for _, elem := range a {
+ found[elem] = struct{}{}
+ result = append(result, elem)
+ }
+ for _, elem := range b {
+ if _, ok := found[elem]; ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ result = append(result, elem)
+ }
+ return result
func (i *ItemConfig) merge(other *ItemConfig) {
- i.Exclude = append(i.Exclude, other.Exclude...)
- i.Suppress = append(i.Suppress, other.Suppress...)
+ i.Exclude = merge(i.Exclude, other.Exclude)
+ i.Suppress = merge(i.Suppress, other.Suppress)
func (i *ItemConfig) shouldReport(fullPos, msg string) bool {
@@ -129,6 +156,15 @@ func (i *ItemConfig) shouldReport(fullPos, msg string) bool {
// configurations depending on what Group the file belongs to.
type AnalyzerConfig map[GroupName]*ItemConfig
+// RegexpCount is used by Config.Size.
+func (a AnalyzerConfig) RegexpCount() int64 {
+ count := int64(0)
+ for _, gc := range a {
+ count += gc.RegexpCount()
+ }
+ return count
func (a AnalyzerConfig) compile() error {
for name, gc := range a {
if err := gc.compile(); err != nil {
@@ -179,22 +215,36 @@ type Config struct {
Analyzers map[AnalyzerName]AnalyzerConfig `yaml:"analyzers"`
+// Size implements worker.Sizer.Size.
+func (c *Config) Size() int64 {
+ count := c.Global.RegexpCount()
+ for _, config := range c.Analyzers {
+ count += config.RegexpCount()
+ }
+ // The size is measured as the number of regexps that are compiled
+ // here. We multiply by 1k to produce an estimate.
+ return 1024 * count
// Merge merges two configurations.
func (c *Config) Merge(other *Config) {
// Merge all groups.
+ //
+ // Select the other first, as the order provided in the second will
+ // provide precendence over the same group defined in the first one.
+ seenGroups := make(map[GroupName]struct{})
+ newGroups := make([]Group, 0, len(c.Groups)+len(other.Groups))
for _, g := range other.Groups {
- // Is there a matching group? If yes, we just delete
- // it. This will preserve the order provided in the
- // overriding file, even if it differs.
- for i := 0; i < len(c.Groups); i++ {
- if g.Name == c.Groups[i].Name {
- copy(c.Groups[i:], c.Groups[i+1:])
- c.Groups = c.Groups[:len(c.Groups)-1]
- break
- }
+ newGroups = append(newGroups, g)
+ seenGroups[g.Name] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ for _, g := range c.Groups {
+ if _, ok := seenGroups[g.Name]; ok {
+ continue
- c.Groups = append(c.Groups, g)
+ newGroups = append(newGroups, g)
+ c.Groups = newGroups
// Merge global configurations.
diff --git a/tools/nogo/defs.bzl b/tools/nogo/defs.bzl
index 0c48a7a5a..ddf5816a6 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/defs.bzl
+++ b/tools/nogo/defs.bzl
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ NogoTargetInfo = provider(
fields = {
"goarch": "the build architecture (GOARCH)",
"goos": "the build OS target (GOOS)",
+ "worker_debug": "transitive debugging",
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ def _nogo_target_impl(ctx):
return [NogoTargetInfo(
goarch = ctx.attr.goarch,
goos = ctx.attr.goos,
+ worker_debug = ctx.attr.worker_debug,
nogo_target = go_rule(
@@ -50,6 +52,10 @@ nogo_target = go_rule(
doc = "the Go OS target (propagated to other rules).",
mandatory = True,
+ "worker_debug": attr.bool(
+ doc = "whether worker debugging should be enabled.",
+ default = False,
+ ),
@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ def _nogo_objdump_tool_impl(ctx):
# we need the tool to handle this case by creating a temporary file.
# [1]
- nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._nogo_target[NogoTargetInfo]
+ nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._target[NogoTargetInfo]
go_ctx = go_context(ctx, goos = nogo_target_info.goos, goarch = nogo_target_info.goarch)
env_prefix = " ".join(["%s=%s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in go_ctx.env.items()])
dumper = ctx.actions.declare_file(
@@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ nogo_objdump_tool = go_rule(
implementation = _nogo_objdump_tool_impl,
attrs = {
- "_nogo_target": attr.label(
+ "_target": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo:target",
cfg = "target",
@@ -112,7 +118,7 @@ NogoStdlibInfo = provider(
def _nogo_stdlib_impl(ctx):
# Build the standard library facts.
- nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._nogo_target[NogoTargetInfo]
+ nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._target[NogoTargetInfo]
go_ctx = go_context(ctx, goos = nogo_target_info.goos, goarch = nogo_target_info.goarch)
facts = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".facts")
raw_findings = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".raw_findings")
@@ -120,22 +126,33 @@ def _nogo_stdlib_impl(ctx):
Srcs = [f.path for f in go_ctx.stdlib_srcs],
GOOS = go_ctx.goos,
GOARCH = go_ctx.goarch,
- Tags = go_ctx.tags,
+ Tags = go_ctx.gotags,
config_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".cfg")
ctx.actions.write(config_file, config.to_json())
- inputs = [config_file] + go_ctx.stdlib_srcs,
- outputs = [facts, raw_findings],
- tools = depset(go_ctx.runfiles.to_list() + ctx.files._nogo_objdump_tool),
- executable = ctx.files._nogo_check[0],
- mnemonic = "NogoStandardLibraryAnalysis",
- progress_message = "Analyzing Go Standard Library",
- arguments = go_ctx.nogo_args + [
- "-objdump_tool=%s" % ctx.files._nogo_objdump_tool[0].path,
+ args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_args_file")
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = args_file,
+ content = "\n".join(go_ctx.nogo_args + [
+ "-objdump_tool=%s" % ctx.files._objdump_tool[0].path,
"-stdlib=%s" % config_file.path,
"-findings=%s" % raw_findings.path,
"-facts=%s" % facts.path,
+ ]),
+ )
+ inputs = [config_file] + go_ctx.stdlib_srcs + [args_file],
+ outputs = [facts, raw_findings],
+ tools = depset(go_ctx.runfiles.to_list() + ctx.files._objdump_tool),
+ executable = ctx.files._check[0],
+ mnemonic = "GoStandardLibraryAnalysis",
+ # Note that this does not support work execution currently. There is an
+ # issue with stdout pollution that is not yet resolved, so this is kept
+ # as a separate menomic.
+ progress_message = "Analyzing Go Standard Library",
+ arguments = [
+ "--worker_debug=%s" % nogo_target_info.worker_debug,
+ "@%s" % args_file.path,
@@ -149,15 +166,15 @@ nogo_stdlib = go_rule(
implementation = _nogo_stdlib_impl,
attrs = {
- "_nogo_check": attr.label(
+ "_check": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo/check:check",
cfg = "host",
- "_nogo_objdump_tool": attr.label(
+ "_objdump_tool": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo:objdump_tool",
cfg = "host",
- "_nogo_target": attr.label(
+ "_target": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo:target",
cfg = "target",
@@ -174,7 +191,6 @@ NogoInfo = provider(
fields = {
"facts": "serialized package facts",
"raw_findings": "raw package findings (if relevant)",
- "escapes": "escape-only findings (if relevant)",
"importpath": "package import path",
"binaries": "package binary files",
"srcs": "srcs (for go_test support)",
@@ -277,18 +293,17 @@ def _nogo_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
# The nogo tool operates on a configuration serialized in JSON format.
- nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._nogo_target[NogoTargetInfo]
+ nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._target[NogoTargetInfo]
go_ctx = go_context(ctx, goos = nogo_target_info.goos, goarch = nogo_target_info.goarch)
facts = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".facts")
raw_findings = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".raw_findings")
- escapes = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".escapes")
config = struct(
ImportPath = importpath,
GoFiles = [src.path for src in srcs if src.path.endswith(".go")],
NonGoFiles = [src.path for src in srcs if not src.path.endswith(".go")],
GOOS = go_ctx.goos,
GOARCH = go_ctx.goarch,
- Tags = go_ctx.tags,
+ Tags = go_ctx.gotags,
FactMap = fact_map,
ImportMap = import_map,
StdlibFacts = stdlib_facts.path,
@@ -296,20 +311,28 @@ def _nogo_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
config_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".cfg")
ctx.actions.write(config_file, config.to_json())
- inputs = inputs,
- outputs = [facts, raw_findings, escapes],
- tools = depset(go_ctx.runfiles.to_list() + ctx.files._nogo_objdump_tool),
- executable = ctx.files._nogo_check[0],
- mnemonic = "NogoAnalysis",
- progress_message = "Analyzing %s" % target.label,
- arguments = go_ctx.nogo_args + [
+ args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_args_file")
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = args_file,
+ content = "\n".join(go_ctx.nogo_args + [
"-binary=%s" % target_objfile.path,
- "-objdump_tool=%s" % ctx.files._nogo_objdump_tool[0].path,
+ "-objdump_tool=%s" % ctx.files._objdump_tool[0].path,
"-package=%s" % config_file.path,
"-findings=%s" % raw_findings.path,
"-facts=%s" % facts.path,
- "-escapes=%s" % escapes.path,
+ ]),
+ )
+ inputs = inputs + [args_file],
+ outputs = [facts, raw_findings],
+ tools = depset(go_ctx.runfiles.to_list() + ctx.files._objdump_tool),
+ executable = ctx.files._check[0],
+ mnemonic = "GoStaticAnalysis",
+ progress_message = "Analyzing %s" % target.label,
+ execution_requirements = {"supports-workers": "1"},
+ arguments = [
+ "--worker_debug=%s" % nogo_target_info.worker_debug,
+ "@%s" % args_file.path,
@@ -322,15 +345,16 @@ def _nogo_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
all_raw_findings = [stdlib_info.raw_findings] + depset(all_raw_findings).to_list() + [raw_findings]
# Return the package facts as output.
- return [NogoInfo(
- facts = facts,
- raw_findings = all_raw_findings,
- escapes = escapes,
- importpath = importpath,
- binaries = binaries,
- srcs = srcs,
- deps = deps,
- )]
+ return [
+ NogoInfo(
+ facts = facts,
+ raw_findings = all_raw_findings,
+ importpath = importpath,
+ binaries = binaries,
+ srcs = srcs,
+ deps = deps,
+ ),
+ ]
nogo_aspect = go_rule(
@@ -341,47 +365,60 @@ nogo_aspect = go_rule(
attrs = {
- "_nogo_check": attr.label(
+ "_check": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo/check:check",
cfg = "host",
- "_nogo_stdlib": attr.label(
- default = "//tools/nogo:stdlib",
- cfg = "host",
- ),
- "_nogo_objdump_tool": attr.label(
+ "_objdump_tool": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo:objdump_tool",
cfg = "host",
- "_nogo_target": attr.label(
+ "_target": attr.label(
default = "//tools/nogo:target",
cfg = "target",
+ # The name of this attribute must not be _stdlib, since that
+ # appears to be reserved for some internal bazel use.
+ "_nogo_stdlib": attr.label(
+ default = "//tools/nogo:stdlib",
+ cfg = "host",
+ ),
def _nogo_test_impl(ctx):
"""Check nogo findings."""
+ nogo_target_info = ctx.attr._target[NogoTargetInfo]
# Ensure there's a single dependency.
if len(ctx.attr.deps) != 1:
fail("nogo_test requires exactly one dep.")
raw_findings = ctx.attr.deps[0][NogoInfo].raw_findings
- escapes = ctx.attr.deps[0][NogoInfo].escapes
# Build a step that applies the configuration.
config_srcs = ctx.attr.config[NogoConfigInfo].srcs
findings = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".findings")
+ args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_args_file")
+ ctx.actions.write(
+ output = args_file,
+ content = "\n".join(
+ ["-input=%s" % f.path for f in raw_findings] +
+ ["-config=%s" % f.path for f in config_srcs] +
+ ["-output=%s" % findings.path],
+ ),
+ )
- inputs = raw_findings + ctx.files.srcs + config_srcs,
+ inputs = raw_findings + ctx.files.srcs + config_srcs + [args_file],
outputs = [findings],
tools = depset(ctx.files._filter),
executable = ctx.files._filter[0],
mnemonic = "GoStaticAnalysis",
progress_message = "Generating %s" % ctx.label,
- arguments = ["-input=%s" % f.path for f in raw_findings] +
- ["-config=%s" % f.path for f in config_srcs] +
- ["-output=%s" % findings.path],
+ execution_requirements = {"supports-workers": "1"},
+ arguments = [
+ "--worker_debug=%s" % nogo_target_info.worker_debug,
+ "@%s" % args_file.path,
+ ],
# Build a runner that checks the filtered facts.
@@ -392,7 +429,7 @@ def _nogo_test_impl(ctx):
runner = ctx.actions.declare_file(
runner_content = [
- "exec %s -input=%s" % (ctx.files._filter[0].short_path, findings.short_path),
+ "exec %s -check -input=%s" % (ctx.files._filter[0].short_path, findings.short_path),
ctx.actions.write(runner, "\n".join(runner_content), is_executable = True)
@@ -409,8 +446,6 @@ def _nogo_test_impl(ctx):
# pays attention to the mnemoic above, so this must be
# what is expected by the tooling.
nogo_findings = depset([findings]),
- # Expose all escape analysis findings (see above).
- nogo_escapes = depset([escapes]),
nogo_test = rule(
@@ -428,7 +463,26 @@ nogo_test = rule(
allow_files = True,
doc = "Relevant src files. This is ignored except to make the nogo_test directly affected by the files.",
+ "_target": attr.label(
+ default = "//tools/nogo:target",
+ cfg = "target",
+ ),
"_filter": attr.label(default = "//tools/nogo/filter:filter"),
test = True,
+def _nogo_aspect_tricorder_impl(target, ctx):
+ if ctx.rule.kind != "nogo_test" or OutputGroupInfo not in target:
+ return []
+ if not hasattr(target[OutputGroupInfo], "nogo_findings"):
+ return []
+ return [
+ OutputGroupInfo(tricorder = target[OutputGroupInfo].nogo_findings),
+ ]
+# Trivial aspect that forwards the findings from a nogo_test rule to
+# go/tricorder, which reads from the `tricorder` output group.
+nogo_aspect_tricorder = aspect(
+ implementation = _nogo_aspect_tricorder_impl,
diff --git a/tools/nogo/filter/BUILD b/tools/nogo/filter/BUILD
index e56a783e2..e3049521e 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/filter/BUILD
+++ b/tools/nogo/filter/BUILD
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ go_binary(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
+ "//tools/worker",
diff --git a/tools/nogo/filter/main.go b/tools/nogo/filter/main.go
index 8be38ca6d..d50336b9b 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/filter/main.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/filter/main.go
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
yaml ""
+ ""
type stringList []string
@@ -44,34 +45,44 @@ var (
configFiles stringList
outputFile string
showConfig bool
+ check bool
func init() {
- flag.Var(&inputFiles, "input", "findings input files")
- flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "output", "", "findings output file")
+ flag.Var(&inputFiles, "input", "findings input files (gob format)")
+ flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "output", "", "findings output file (json format)")
flag.Var(&configFiles, "config", "findings configuration files")
flag.BoolVar(&showConfig, "show-config", false, "dump configuration only")
+ flag.BoolVar(&check, "check", false, "assume input is in json format")
func main() {
- flag.Parse()
+ worker.Work(run)
- // Load all available findings.
- var findings []nogo.Finding
- for _, filename := range inputFiles {
- inputFindings, err := nogo.ExtractFindingsFromFile(filename)
+var (
+ cachedFindings = worker.NewCache("findings") // With nogo.FindingSet.
+ cachedFiltered = worker.NewCache("filtered") // With nogo.FindingSet.
+ cachedConfigs = worker.NewCache("configs") // With nogo.Config.
+ cachedFullConfigs = worker.NewCache("compiled") // With nogo.Config.
+func loadFindings(filename string) nogo.FindingSet {
+ return cachedFindings.Lookup([]string{filename}, func() worker.Sizer {
+ r, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to open input %q: %v", filename, err)
+ }
+ inputFindings, err := nogo.ExtractFindingsFrom(r, check /* json */)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to extract findings from %s: %v", filename, err)
- findings = append(findings, inputFindings...)
- }
+ return inputFindings
+ }).(nogo.FindingSet)
- // Open and merge all configuations.
- config := &nogo.Config{
- Global: make(nogo.AnalyzerConfig),
- Analyzers: make(map[nogo.AnalyzerName]nogo.AnalyzerConfig),
- }
- for _, filename := range configFiles {
+func loadConfig(filename string) *nogo.Config {
+ return cachedConfigs.Lookup([]string{filename}, func() worker.Sizer {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to read %s: %v", filename, err)
@@ -82,53 +93,98 @@ func main() {
if err := dec.Decode(&newConfig); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to decode %s: %v", filename, err)
- config.Merge(&newConfig)
if showConfig {
content, err := yaml.Marshal(&newConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error marshalling config: %v", err)
- mergedBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(config)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("error marshalling config: %v", err)
- }
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Loaded configuration from %s:\n%s\n", filename, string(content))
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Merged configuration:\n%s\n", string(mergedBytes))
- }
- if err := config.Compile(); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("error compiling config: %v", err)
- }
+ return &newConfig
+ }).(*nogo.Config)
+func loadConfigs(filenames []string) *nogo.Config {
+ return cachedFullConfigs.Lookup(filenames, func() worker.Sizer {
+ config := &nogo.Config{
+ Global: make(nogo.AnalyzerConfig),
+ Analyzers: make(map[nogo.AnalyzerName]nogo.AnalyzerConfig),
+ }
+ for _, filename := range configFiles {
+ config.Merge(loadConfig(filename))
+ if showConfig {
+ mergedBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(config)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error marshalling config: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Merged configuration:\n%s\n", string(mergedBytes))
+ }
+ }
+ if err := config.Compile(); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error compiling config: %v", err)
+ }
+ return config
+ }).(*nogo.Config)
+func run([]string) int {
+ // Open and merge all configuations.
+ config := loadConfigs(configFiles)
if showConfig {
- os.Exit(0)
+ return 0
- // Filter the findings (and aggregate by group).
- filteredFindings := make([]nogo.Finding, 0, len(findings))
- for _, finding := range findings {
- if ok := config.ShouldReport(finding); ok {
- filteredFindings = append(filteredFindings, finding)
- }
+ // Load and filer available findings.
+ var filteredFindings []nogo.Finding
+ for _, filename := range inputFiles {
+ // Note that this applies a caching strategy to the filtered
+ // findings, because *this is by far the most expensive part of
+ // evaluation*. The set of findings is large and applying the
+ // configuration is complex. Therefore, we segment this cache
+ // on each individual raw findings input file and the
+ // configuration files. Note that this cache is keyed on all
+ // the configuration files and each individual raw findings, so
+ // is guaranteed to be safe. This allows us to reuse the same
+ // filter result many times over, because e.g. all standard
+ // library findings will be available to all packages.
+ filteredFindings = append(filteredFindings,
+ cachedFiltered.Lookup(append(configFiles, filename), func() worker.Sizer {
+ inputFindings := loadFindings(filename)
+ filteredFindings := make(nogo.FindingSet, 0, len(inputFindings))
+ for _, finding := range inputFindings {
+ if ok := config.ShouldReport(finding); ok {
+ filteredFindings = append(filteredFindings, finding)
+ }
+ }
+ return filteredFindings
+ }).(nogo.FindingSet)...)
// Write the output (if required).
// If the outputFile is specified, then we exit here. Otherwise,
// we continue to write to stdout and treat like a test.
+ //
+ // Note that the output of the filter is always json, which is
+ // human readable and the format that is consumed by tricorder.
if outputFile != "" {
- if err := nogo.WriteFindingsToFile(filteredFindings, outputFile); err != nil {
+ w, err := os.OpenFile(outputFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to open output file %q: %v", outputFile, err)
+ }
+ if err := nogo.WriteFindingsTo(w, filteredFindings, true /* json */); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to write findings: %v", err)
- return
+ return 0
// Treat the run as a test.
if len(filteredFindings) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "PASS\n")
- os.Exit(0)
+ return 0
for _, finding := range filteredFindings {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", finding.String())
- os.Exit(1)
+ return 1
diff --git a/tools/nogo/findings.go b/tools/nogo/findings.go
index 5bd850269..329a7062e 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/findings.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/findings.go
@@ -15,10 +15,14 @@
package nogo
import (
+ "encoding/gob"
- "io/ioutil"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+ "sort"
// Finding is a single finding.
@@ -28,36 +32,96 @@ type Finding struct {
Message string
+// findingSize is the size of the finding struct itself.
+var findingSize = int64(reflect.TypeOf(Finding{}).Size())
+// Size implements worker.Sizer.Size.
+func (f *Finding) Size() int64 {
+ return int64(len(f.Category)) + int64(len(f.Message)) + findingSize
// String implements fmt.Stringer.String.
func (f *Finding) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s: %s", f.Category, f.Position.String(), f.Message)
-// WriteFindingsToFile writes findings to a file.
-func WriteFindingsToFile(findings []Finding, filename string) error {
- content, err := WriteFindingsToBytes(findings)
- if err != nil {
- return err
+// FindingSet is a collection of findings.
+type FindingSet []Finding
+// Size implmements worker.Sizer.Size.
+func (fs FindingSet) Size() int64 {
+ size := int64(0)
+ for _, finding := range fs {
+ size += finding.Size()
- return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, content, 0644)
+ return size
-// WriteFindingsToBytes serializes findings as bytes.
-func WriteFindingsToBytes(findings []Finding) ([]byte, error) {
- return json.Marshal(findings)
+// Sort sorts all findings.
+func (fs FindingSet) Sort() {
+ sort.Slice(fs, func(i, j int) bool {
+ switch {
+ case fs[i].Position.Filename < fs[j].Position.Filename:
+ return true
+ case fs[i].Position.Filename > fs[j].Position.Filename:
+ return false
+ case fs[i].Position.Line < fs[j].Position.Line:
+ return true
+ case fs[i].Position.Line > fs[j].Position.Line:
+ return false
+ case fs[i].Position.Column < fs[j].Position.Column:
+ return true
+ case fs[i].Position.Column > fs[j].Position.Column:
+ return false
+ case fs[i].Category < fs[j].Category:
+ return true
+ case fs[i].Category > fs[j].Category:
+ return false
+ case fs[i].Message < fs[j].Message:
+ return true
+ case fs[i].Message > fs[j].Message:
+ return false
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ })
+// WriteFindingsTo serializes findings.
+func WriteFindingsTo(w io.Writer, findings FindingSet, asJSON bool) error {
+ // N.B. Sort all the findings in order to maximize cacheability.
+ findings.Sort()
+ if asJSON {
+ enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
+ return enc.Encode(findings)
+ }
+ enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
+ return enc.Encode(findings)
// ExtractFindingsFromFile loads findings from a file.
-func ExtractFindingsFromFile(filename string) ([]Finding, error) {
- content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+func ExtractFindingsFromFile(filename string, asJSON bool) (FindingSet, error) {
+ r, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- return ExtractFindingsFromBytes(content)
+ defer r.Close()
+ return ExtractFindingsFrom(r, asJSON)
// ExtractFindingsFromBytes loads findings from bytes.
-func ExtractFindingsFromBytes(content []byte) (findings []Finding, err error) {
- err = json.Unmarshal(content, &findings)
+func ExtractFindingsFrom(r io.Reader, asJSON bool) (findings FindingSet, err error) {
+ if asJSON {
+ dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
+ err = dec.Decode(&findings)
+ } else {
+ dec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
+ err = dec.Decode(&findings)
+ }
return findings, err
+func init() {
+ gob.Register((*Finding)(nil))
+ gob.Register((*FindingSet)(nil))
diff --git a/tools/nogo/nogo.go b/tools/nogo/nogo.go
index 779d4d6d8..acee7c8bc 100644
--- a/tools/nogo/nogo.go
+++ b/tools/nogo/nogo.go
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
package nogo
import (
- "encoding/json"
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/gob"
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ import (
+ "sort"
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ import (
// Special case: flags live here and change overall behavior.
+ ""
// StdlibConfig is serialized as the configuration.
@@ -75,39 +78,100 @@ type loader func(string) ([]byte, error)
// saver is a fact-saver function.
type saver func([]byte) error
-// factLoader returns a function that loads facts.
-// This resolves all standard library facts and imported package facts up
-// front. The returned loader function will never return an error, only
-// empty facts.
-// This is done because all stdlib data is stored together, and we don't want
-// to load this data many times over.
-func (c *PackageConfig) factLoader() (loader, error) {
- allFacts := make(map[string][]byte)
- if c.StdlibFacts != "" {
- data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.StdlibFacts)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading stdlib facts from %q: %w", c.StdlibFacts, err)
- }
- var stdlibFacts map[string][]byte
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &stdlibFacts); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading stdlib facts: %w", err)
- }
- for pkg, data := range stdlibFacts {
- allFacts[pkg] = data
+// stdlibFact is used for serialiation.
+type stdlibFact struct {
+ Package string
+ Facts []byte
+// stdlibFacts is a set of standard library facts.
+type stdlibFacts map[string][]byte
+// Size implements worker.Sizer.Size.
+func (sf stdlibFacts) Size() int64 {
+ size := int64(0)
+ for filename, data := range sf {
+ size += int64(len(filename))
+ size += int64(len(data))
+ }
+ return size
+// EncodeTo serializes stdlibFacts.
+func (sf stdlibFacts) EncodeTo(w io.Writer) error {
+ stdlibFactsSorted := make([]stdlibFact, 0, len(sf))
+ for pkg, facts := range sf {
+ stdlibFactsSorted = append(stdlibFactsSorted, stdlibFact{
+ Package: pkg,
+ Facts: facts,
+ })
+ }
+ sort.Slice(stdlibFactsSorted, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return stdlibFactsSorted[i].Package < stdlibFactsSorted[j].Package
+ })
+ enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
+ if err := enc.Encode(stdlibFactsSorted); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// DecodeFrom deserializes stdlibFacts.
+func (sf stdlibFacts) DecodeFrom(r io.Reader) error {
+ var stdlibFactsSorted []stdlibFact
+ dec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
+ if err := dec.Decode(&stdlibFactsSorted); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for _, stdlibFact := range stdlibFactsSorted {
+ sf[stdlibFact.Package] = stdlibFact.Facts
+ }
+ return nil
+var (
+ // cachedFacts caches by file (just byte data).
+ cachedFacts = worker.NewCache("facts")
+ // stdlibCachedFacts caches the standard library (stdlibFacts).
+ stdlibCachedFacts = worker.NewCache("stdlib")
+// factLoader loads facts.
+func (c *PackageConfig) factLoader(path string) (data []byte, err error) {
+ filename, ok := c.FactMap[path]
+ if ok {
+ cb := cachedFacts.Lookup([]string{filename}, func() worker.Sizer {
+ data, readErr := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+ if readErr != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("error loading %q: %w", filename, readErr)
+ return nil
+ }
+ return worker.CacheBytes(data)
+ })
+ if cb != nil {
+ return []byte(cb.(worker.CacheBytes)), err
+ return nil, err
- for pkg, file := range c.FactMap {
- data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading %q: %w", file, err)
+ cb := stdlibCachedFacts.Lookup([]string{c.StdlibFacts}, func() worker.Sizer {
+ r, openErr := os.Open(c.StdlibFacts)
+ if openErr != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("error loading stdlib facts from %q: %w", c.StdlibFacts, openErr)
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer r.Close()
+ sf := make(stdlibFacts)
+ if readErr := sf.DecodeFrom(r); readErr != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("error loading stdlib facts: %w", readErr)
+ return nil
- allFacts[pkg] = data
+ return sf
+ })
+ if cb != nil {
+ return (cb.(stdlibFacts))[path], err
- return func(path string) ([]byte, error) {
- return allFacts[path], nil
- }, nil
+ return nil, err
// shouldInclude indicates whether the file should be included.
@@ -191,7 +255,7 @@ var ErrSkip = errors.New("skipped")
// Note that not all parts of the source are expected to build. We skip obvious
// test files, and cmd files, which should not be dependencies.
-func CheckStdlib(config *StdlibConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (allFindings []Finding, facts []byte, err error) {
+func CheckStdlib(config *StdlibConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (allFindings FindingSet, facts []byte, err error) {
if len(config.Srcs) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
@@ -261,16 +325,16 @@ func CheckStdlib(config *StdlibConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (allFindi
// Closure to check a single package.
- stdlibFacts := make(map[string][]byte)
- stdlibErrs := make(map[string]error)
+ localStdlibFacts := make(stdlibFacts)
+ localStdlibErrs := make(map[string]error)
var checkOne func(pkg string) error // Recursive.
checkOne = func(pkg string) error {
// Is this already done?
- if _, ok := stdlibFacts[pkg]; ok {
+ if _, ok := localStdlibFacts[pkg]; ok {
return nil
// Did this fail previously?
- if _, ok := stdlibErrs[pkg]; ok {
+ if _, ok := localStdlibErrs[pkg]; ok {
return nil
@@ -286,7 +350,7 @@ func CheckStdlib(config *StdlibConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (allFindi
// If there's no binary for this package, it is likely
// not built with the distribution. That's fine, we can
// just skip analysis.
- stdlibErrs[pkg] = err
+ localStdlibErrs[pkg] = err
return nil
@@ -303,10 +367,10 @@ func CheckStdlib(config *StdlibConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (allFindi
if err != nil {
// If we can't analyze a package from the standard library,
// then we skip it. It will simply not have any findings.
- stdlibErrs[pkg] = err
+ localStdlibErrs[pkg] = err
return nil
- stdlibFacts[pkg] = factData
+ localStdlibFacts[pkg] = factData
allFindings = append(allFindings, findings...)
return nil
@@ -323,23 +387,23 @@ func CheckStdlib(config *StdlibConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (allFindi
// Sanity check.
- if len(stdlibFacts) == 0 {
+ if len(localStdlibFacts) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no stdlib facts found: misconfiguration?")
// Write out all findings.
- factData, err := json.Marshal(stdlibFacts)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error saving stdlib facts: %w", err)
+ buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+ if err := localStdlibFacts.EncodeTo(buf); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error serialized stdlib facts: %v", err)
// Write out all errors.
- for pkg, err := range stdlibErrs {
+ for pkg, err := range localStdlibErrs {
log.Printf("WARNING: error while processing %v: %v", pkg, err)
// Return all findings.
- return allFindings, factData, nil
+ return allFindings, buf.Bytes(), nil
// CheckPackage runs all given analyzers.
@@ -392,11 +456,7 @@ func CheckPackage(config *PackageConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer, importC
// Load all package facts.
- loader, err := config.factLoader()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading facts: %w", err)
- }
- facts, err := facts.Decode(types, loader)
+ facts, err := facts.Decode(types, config.factLoader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding facts: %w", err)
@@ -471,3 +531,7 @@ func CheckPackage(config *PackageConfig, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer, importC
// Return all findings.
return findings, facts.Encode(), nil
+func init() {
+ gob.Register((*stdlibFact)(nil))
diff --git a/tools/worker/BUILD b/tools/worker/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc03ce11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/worker/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "bazel_worker_proto", "go_library")
+package(licenses = ["notice"])
+# For Google-tooling.
+# @unused
+glaze_ignore = [
+ "worker.go",
+ name = "worker",
+ srcs = ["worker.go"],
+ visibility = ["//tools:__subpackages__"],
+ deps = [
+ bazel_worker_proto,
+ "@org_golang_google_protobuf//encoding/protowire:go_default_library",
+ "@org_golang_google_protobuf//proto:go_default_library",
+ "@org_golang_x_sys//unix:go_default_library",
+ ],
diff --git a/tools/worker/worker.go b/tools/worker/worker.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..669a5f203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/worker/worker.go
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Package worker provides an implementation of the bazel worker protocol.
+// Tools may be written as a normal command line utility, except the passed
+// run function may be invoked multiple times.
+package worker
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "net"
+ "net/http"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ _ "net/http/pprof" // For profiling.
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ wpb ""
+var (
+ persistentWorker = flag.Bool("persistent_worker", false, "enable persistent worker.")
+ workerDebug = flag.Bool("worker_debug", false, "debug persistent workers.")
+ maximumCacheUsage = flag.Int64("maximum_cache_usage", 1024*1024*1024, "maximum cache size.")
+var (
+ // inputFiles is the last set of input files.
+ //
+ // This is used for cache invalidation. The key is the *absolute* path
+ // name, and the value is the digest in the current run.
+ inputFiles = make(map[string]string)
+ // activeCaches is the set of active caches.
+ activeCaches = make(map[*Cache]struct{})
+ // totalCacheUsage is the total usage of all caches.
+ totalCacheUsage int64
+// mustAbs returns the absolute path of a filename or dies.
+func mustAbs(filename string) string {
+ abs, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error getting absolute path: %v", err)
+ }
+ return abs
+// updateInputFiles creates an entry in inputFiles.
+func updateInputFile(filename, digest string) {
+ inputFiles[mustAbs(filename)] = digest
+// Sizer returns a size.
+type Sizer interface {
+ Size() int64
+// CacheBytes is an example of a Sizer.
+type CacheBytes []byte
+// Size implements Sizer.Size.
+func (cb CacheBytes) Size() int64 {
+ return int64(len(cb))
+// Cache is a worker cache.
+// They can be created via NewCache.
+type Cache struct {
+ name string
+ entries map[string]Sizer
+ size int64
+ hits int64
+ misses int64
+// NewCache returns a new cache.
+func NewCache(name string) *Cache {
+ return &Cache{
+ name: name,
+ }
+// Lookup looks up an entry in the cache.
+// It is a function of the given files.
+func (c *Cache) Lookup(filenames []string, generate func() Sizer) Sizer {
+ digests := make([]string, 0, len(filenames))
+ for _, filename := range filenames {
+ digest, ok := inputFiles[mustAbs(filename)]
+ if !ok {
+ // This is not a valid input. We may not be running as
+ // persistent worker in this cache. If that's the case,
+ // then the file's contents will not change across the
+ // run, and we just use the filename itself.
+ digest = filename
+ }
+ digests = append(digests, digest)
+ }
+ // Attempt the lookup.
+ sort.Slice(digests, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return digests[i] < digests[j]
+ })
+ cacheKey := strings.Join(digests, "+")
+ if c.entries == nil {
+ c.entries = make(map[string]Sizer)
+ activeCaches[c] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ entry, ok := c.entries[cacheKey]
+ if ok {
+ c.hits++
+ return entry
+ }
+ // Generate a new entry.
+ entry = generate()
+ c.misses++
+ c.entries[cacheKey] = entry
+ if entry != nil {
+ sz := entry.Size()
+ c.size += sz
+ totalCacheUsage += sz
+ }
+ // Check the capacity of all caches. If it greater than the maximum, we
+ // flush everything but still return this entry.
+ if totalCacheUsage > *maximumCacheUsage {
+ for entry, _ := range activeCaches {
+ // Drop all entries.
+ entry.size = 0
+ entry.entries = nil
+ }
+ totalCacheUsage = 0 // Reset.
+ }
+ return entry
+// allCacheStats returns stats for all caches.
+func allCacheStats() string {
+ var sb strings.Builder
+ for entry, _ := range activeCaches {
+ ratio := float64(entry.hits) / float64(entry.hits+entry.misses)
+ fmt.Fprintf(&sb,
+ "% 10s: count: % 5d size: % 10d hits: % 7d misses: % 7d ratio: %2.2f\n",
+, len(entry.entries), entry.size, entry.hits, entry.misses, ratio)
+ }
+ if len(activeCaches) > 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "total: % 10d\n", totalCacheUsage)
+ }
+ return sb.String()
+// LookupDigest returns a digest for the given file.
+func LookupDigest(filename string) (string, bool) {
+ digest, ok := inputFiles[filename]
+ return digest, ok
+// Work invokes the main function.
+func Work(run func([]string) int) {
+ flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[1:])
+ if !*persistentWorker {
+ // Handle the argument file.
+ args := flag.CommandLine.Args()
+ if len(args) == 1 && len(args[0]) > 1 && args[0][0] == '@' {
+ content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(args[0][1:])
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to parse args file: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Pull arguments from the file.
+ args = strings.Split(string(content), "\n")
+ flag.CommandLine.Parse(args)
+ args = flag.CommandLine.Args()
+ }
+ os.Exit(run(args))
+ }
+ var listenHeader string // Emitted always.
+ if *workerDebug {
+ // Bind a server for profiling.
+ listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to bind a server: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Construct the header for stats output, below.
+ listenHeader = fmt.Sprintf("Listening @ http://localhost:%d\n", listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)
+ go http.Serve(listener, nil)
+ }
+ // Move stdout. This is done to prevent anything else from accidentally
+ // printing to stdout, which must contain only the valid WorkerResponse
+ // serialized protos.
+ newOutput, err := unix.Dup(1)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to move stdout: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Stderr may be closed or may be a copy of stdout. We make sure that
+ // we have an output that is in a completely separate range.
+ for newOutput <= 2 {
+ newOutput, err = unix.Dup(newOutput)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to move stdout: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Best-effort: collect logs.
+ rPipe, wPipe, err := os.Pipe()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unable to create pipe: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := unix.Dup2(int(wPipe.Fd()), 1); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error duping over stdout: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := unix.Dup2(int(wPipe.Fd()), 2); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error duping over stderr: %v", err)
+ }
+ wPipe.Close()
+ defer rPipe.Close()
+ // Read requests from stdin.
+ input := bufio.NewReader(os.NewFile(0, "input"))
+ output := bufio.NewWriter(os.NewFile(uintptr(newOutput), "output"))
+ for {
+ szBuf, err := input.Peek(4)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("unabel to read header: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Parse the size, and discard bits.
+ sz, szBytes := protowire.ConsumeVarint(szBuf)
+ if szBytes < 0 {
+ szBytes = 0
+ }
+ if _, err := input.Discard(szBytes); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error discarding size: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Read a full message.
+ msg := make([]byte, int(sz))
+ if _, err := io.ReadFull(input, msg); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error reading worker request: %v", err)
+ }
+ var wreq wpb.WorkRequest
+ if err := proto.Unmarshal(msg, &wreq); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error unmarshaling worker request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Flush relevant caches.
+ inputFiles = make(map[string]string)
+ for _, input := range wreq.GetInputs() {
+ updateInputFile(input.GetPath(), string(input.GetDigest()))
+ }
+ // Prepare logging.
+ outputBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+ outputBuffer.WriteString(listenHeader)
+ log.SetOutput(outputBuffer)
+ // Parse all arguments.
+ flag.CommandLine.Parse(wreq.GetArguments())
+ var exitCode int
+ exitChan := make(chan int)
+ go func() { exitChan <- run(flag.CommandLine.Args()) }()
+ for running := true; running; {
+ select {
+ case exitCode = <-exitChan:
+ running = false
+ default:
+ }
+ // N.B. rPipe is given a read deadline of 1ms. We expect
+ // this to turn a copy error after 1ms, and we just keep
+ // flushing this buffer while the task is running.
+ rPipe.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond))
+ outputBuffer.ReadFrom(rPipe)
+ }
+ if *workerDebug {
+ // Attach all cache stats.
+ outputBuffer.WriteString(allCacheStats())
+ }
+ // Send the response.
+ var wresp wpb.WorkResponse
+ wresp.ExitCode = int32(exitCode)
+ wresp.Output = string(outputBuffer.Bytes())
+ rmsg, err := proto.Marshal(&wresp)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error marshaling response: %v", err)
+ }
+ if _, err := output.Write(append(protowire.AppendVarint(nil, uint64(len(rmsg))), rmsg...)); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error sending worker response: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := output.Flush(); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error flushing output: %v", err)
+ }
+ }