path: root/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/go_marshal/gomarshal')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1655 deletions
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/BUILD b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d5a4487..000000000
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library")
- name = "gomarshal",
- srcs = [
- "generator.go",
- "generator_interfaces.go",
- "generator_tests.go",
- "util.go",
- ],
- stateify = False,
- visibility = [
- "//:sandbox",
- ],
- deps = ["//tools/tags"],
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c2f72f5..000000000
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Package gomarshal implements the go_marshal code generator. See
-package gomarshal
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "go/ast"
- "go/parser"
- "go/token"
- "os"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- ""
-const (
- marshalImport = ""
- safecopyImport = ""
- usermemImport = ""
-// List of identifiers we use in generated code that may conflict with a
-// similarly-named source identifier. Abort gracefully when we see these to
-// avoid potentially confusing compilation failures in generated code.
-// This only applies to import aliases at the moment. All other identifiers
-// are qualified by a receiver argument, since they're struct fields.
-// All recievers are single letters, so we don't allow import aliases to be a
-// single letter.
-var badIdents = []string{
- "addr", "blk", "buf", "dst", "dsts", "err", "hdr", "len", "ptr", "src", "srcs", "task", "val",
- // All single-letter identifiers.
-// Constructed fromt badIdents in init().
-var badIdentsMap map[string]struct{}
-func init() {
- badIdentsMap = make(map[string]struct{})
- for _, ident := range badIdents {
- badIdentsMap[ident] = struct{}{}
- }
-// Generator drives code generation for a single invocation of the go_marshal
-// utility.
-// The Generator holds arguments passed to the tool, and drives parsing,
-// processing and code Generator for all types marked with +marshal declared in
-// the input files.
-// See as the entry point.
-type Generator struct {
- // Paths to input go source files.
- inputs []string
- // Output file to write generated go source.
- output *os.File
- // Output file to write generated tests.
- outputTest *os.File
- // Package name for the generated file.
- pkg string
- // Set of extra packages to import in the generated file.
- imports *importTable
-// NewGenerator creates a new code Generator.
-func NewGenerator(srcs []string, out, outTest, pkg string, imports []string) (*Generator, error) {
- f, err := os.OpenFile(out, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't open output file %q: %v", out, err)
- }
- fTest, err := os.OpenFile(outTest, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't open test output file %q: %v", out, err)
- }
- g := Generator{
- inputs: srcs,
- output: f,
- outputTest: fTest,
- pkg: pkg,
- imports: newImportTable(),
- }
- for _, i := range imports {
- // All imports on the extra imports list are unconditionally marked as
- // used, so that they're always added to the generated code.
- g.imports.add(i).markUsed()
- }
- // The following imports may or may not be used by the generated code,
- // depending on what's required for the target types. Don't mark these as
- // used by default.
- g.imports.add("io")
- g.imports.add("reflect")
- g.imports.add("runtime")
- g.imports.add("unsafe")
- g.imports.add(marshalImport)
- g.imports.add(safecopyImport)
- g.imports.add(usermemImport)
- return &g, nil
-// writeHeader writes the header for the generated source file. The header
-// includes the package name, package level comments and import statements.
-func (g *Generator) writeHeader() error {
- var b sourceBuffer
- b.emit("// Automatically generated marshal implementation. See tools/go_marshal.\n\n")
- // Emit build tags.
- if t := tags.Aggregate(g.inputs); len(t) > 0 {
- b.emit(strings.Join(t.Lines(), "\n"))
- b.emit("\n\n")
- }
- // Package header.
- b.emit("package %s\n\n", g.pkg)
- if err := b.write(g.output); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return g.imports.write(g.output)
-// writeTypeChecks writes a statement to force the compiler to perform a type
-// check for all Marshallable types referenced by the generated code.
-func (g *Generator) writeTypeChecks(ms map[string]struct{}) error {
- if len(ms) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- msl := make([]string, 0, len(ms))
- for m, _ := range ms {
- msl = append(msl, m)
- }
- sort.Strings(msl)
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- fmt.Fprint(&buf, "// Marshallable types used by this file.\n")
- for _, m := range msl {
- fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var _ marshal.Marshallable = (*%s)(nil)\n", m)
- }
- fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\n")
- _, err := fmt.Fprint(g.output, buf.String())
- return err
-// parse processes all input files passed this generator and produces a set of
-// parsed go ASTs.
-func (g *Generator) parse() ([]*ast.File, []*token.FileSet, error) {
- debugf("go_marshal invoked with %d input files:\n", len(g.inputs))
- for _, path := range g.inputs {
- debugf(" %s\n", path)
- }
- files := make([]*ast.File, 0, len(g.inputs))
- fsets := make([]*token.FileSet, 0, len(g.inputs))
- for _, path := range g.inputs {
- fset := token.NewFileSet()
- f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, path, nil, parser.ParseComments)
- if err != nil {
- // Not a valid input file?
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Input %q can't be parsed: %v", path, err)
- }
- if debugEnabled() {
- debugf("AST for %q:\n", path)
- ast.Print(fset, f)
- }
- files = append(files, f)
- fsets = append(fsets, fset)
- }
- return files, fsets, nil
-// collectMarshallabeTypes walks the parsed AST and collects a list of type
-// declarations for which we need to generate the Marshallable interface.
-func (g *Generator) collectMarshallabeTypes(a *ast.File, f *token.FileSet) []*ast.TypeSpec {
- var types []*ast.TypeSpec
- for _, decl := range a.Decls {
- gdecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
- // Type declaration?
- if !ok || gdecl.Tok != token.TYPE {
- debugfAt(f.Position(decl.Pos()), "Skipping declaration since it's not a type declaration.\n")
- continue
- }
- // Does it have a comment?
- if gdecl.Doc == nil {
- debugfAt(f.Position(gdecl.Pos()), "Skipping declaration since it doesn't have a comment.\n")
- continue
- }
- // Does the comment contain a "+marshal" line?
- marked := false
- for _, c := range gdecl.Doc.List {
- if c.Text == "// +marshal" {
- marked = true
- break
- }
- }
- if !marked {
- debugfAt(f.Position(gdecl.Pos()), "Skipping declaration since it doesn't have a comment containing +marshal line.\n")
- continue
- }
- for _, spec := range gdecl.Specs {
- // We already confirmed we're in a type declaration earlier.
- t := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
- if _, ok := t.Type.(*ast.StructType); ok {
- debugfAt(f.Position(t.Pos()), "Collected marshallable type %s.\n", t.Name.Name)
- types = append(types, t)
- continue
- }
- debugf("Skipping declaration %v since it's not a struct declaration.\n", gdecl)
- }
- }
- return types
-// collectImports collects all imports from all input source files. Some of
-// these imports are copied to the generated output, if they're referenced by
-// the generated code.
-// collectImports de-duplicates imports while building the list, and ensures
-// identifiers in the generated code don't conflict with any imported package
-// names.
-func (g *Generator) collectImports(a *ast.File, f *token.FileSet) map[string]importStmt {
- is := make(map[string]importStmt)
- for _, decl := range a.Decls {
- gdecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
- // Import statement?
- if !ok || gdecl.Tok != token.IMPORT {
- continue
- }
- for _, spec := range gdecl.Specs {
- i := g.imports.addFromSpec(spec.(*ast.ImportSpec), f)
- debugf("Collected import '%s' as '%s'\n", i.path,
- // Make sure we have an import that doesn't use any local names that
- // would conflict with identifiers in the generated code.
- if len( == 1 {
- abortAt(f.Position(spec.Pos()), fmt.Sprintf("Import has a single character local name '%s'; this may conflict with code generated by go_marshal, use a multi-character import alias",
- }
- if _, ok := badIdentsMap[]; ok {
- abortAt(f.Position(spec.Pos()), fmt.Sprintf("Import name '%s' is likely to conflict with code generated by go_marshal, use a different import alias",
- }
- }
- }
- return is
-func (g *Generator) generateOne(t *ast.TypeSpec, fset *token.FileSet) *interfaceGenerator {
- // We're guaranteed to have only struct type specs by now. See
- // Generator.collectMarshallabeTypes.
- i := newInterfaceGenerator(t, fset)
- i.validate()
- i.emitMarshallable()
- return i
-// generateOneTestSuite generates a test suite for the automatically generated
-// implementations type t.
-func (g *Generator) generateOneTestSuite(t *ast.TypeSpec) *testGenerator {
- i := newTestGenerator(t)
- i.emitTests()
- return i
-// Run is the entry point to code generation using g.
-// Run parses all input source files specified in g and emits generated code.
-func (g *Generator) Run() error {
- // Parse our input source files into ASTs and token sets.
- asts, fsets, err := g.parse()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if len(asts) != len(fsets) {
- panic("ASTs and FileSets don't match")
- }
- // Map of imports in source files; key = local package name, value = import
- // path.
- is := make(map[string]importStmt)
- for i, a := range asts {
- // Collect all imports from the source files. We may need to copy some
- // of these to the generated code if they're referenced. This has to be
- // done before the loop below because we need to process all ASTs before
- // we start requesting imports to be copied one by one as we encounter
- // them in each generated source.
- for name, i := range g.collectImports(a, fsets[i]) {
- is[name] = i
- }
- }
- var impls []*interfaceGenerator
- var ts []*testGenerator
- // Set of Marshallable types referenced by generated code.
- ms := make(map[string]struct{})
- for i, a := range asts {
- // Collect type declarations marked for code generation and generate
- // Marshallable interfaces.
- for _, t := range g.collectMarshallabeTypes(a, fsets[i]) {
- impl := g.generateOne(t, fsets[i])
- // Collect Marshallable types referenced by the generated code.
- for ref, _ := range {
- ms[ref] = struct{}{}
- }
- impls = append(impls, impl)
- // Collect imports referenced by the generated code and add them to
- // the list of imports we need to copy to the generated code.
- for name, _ := range {
- if !g.imports.markUsed(name) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Generated code for '%s' referenced a non-existent import with local name '%s'", impl.typeName(), name))
- }
- }
- ts = append(ts, g.generateOneTestSuite(t))
- }
- }
- // Write output file header. These include things like package name and
- // import statements.
- if err := g.writeHeader(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Write type checks for referenced marshallable types to output file.
- if err := g.writeTypeChecks(ms); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Write generated interfaces to output file.
- for _, i := range impls {
- if err := i.write(g.output); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- // Write generated tests to test file.
- return g.writeTests(ts)
-// writeTests outputs tests for the generated interface implementations to a go
-// source file.
-func (g *Generator) writeTests(ts []*testGenerator) error {
- var b sourceBuffer
- b.emit("package %s\n\n", g.pkg)
- if err := b.write(g.outputTest); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Collect and write test import statements.
- imports := newImportTable()
- for _, t := range ts {
- imports.merge(t.imports)
- }
- if err := imports.write(g.outputTest); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Write test functions.
- for _, t := range ts {
- if err := t.write(g.outputTest); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa299ccd..000000000
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_interfaces.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package gomarshal
-import (
- "fmt"
- "go/ast"
- "go/token"
- "strings"
-// interfaceGenerator generates marshalling interfaces for a single type.
-// getState is not thread-safe.
-type interfaceGenerator struct {
- sourceBuffer
- // The type we're serializing.
- t *ast.TypeSpec
- // Receiver argument for generated methods.
- r string
- // FileSet containing the tokens for the type we're processing.
- f *token.FileSet
- // is records external packages referenced by the generated implementation.
- is map[string]struct{}
- // ms records Marshallable types referenced by the generated implementation
- // of t's interfaces.
- ms map[string]struct{}
- // as records embedded fields in t that are potentially not packed. The key
- // is the accessor for the field.
- as map[string]struct{}
-// typeName returns the name of the type this g represents.
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) typeName() string {
- return g.t.Name.Name
-// newinterfaceGenerator creates a new interface generator.
-func newInterfaceGenerator(t *ast.TypeSpec, fset *token.FileSet) *interfaceGenerator {
- if _, ok := t.Type.(*ast.StructType); !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Attempting to generate code for a not struct type %v", t))
- }
- g := &interfaceGenerator{
- t: t,
- r: receiverName(t),
- f: fset,
- is: make(map[string]struct{}),
- ms: make(map[string]struct{}),
- as: make(map[string]struct{}),
- }
- g.recordUsedMarshallable(g.typeName())
- return g
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) recordUsedMarshallable(m string) {
-[m] = struct{}{}
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) recordUsedImport(i string) {
-[i] = struct{}{}
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) recordPotentiallyNonPackedField(fieldName string) {
-[fieldName] = struct{}{}
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) forEachField(fn func(f *ast.Field)) {
- // This is guaranteed to succeed because g.t is always a struct.
- st := g.t.Type.(*ast.StructType)
- for _, field := range st.Fields.List {
- fn(field)
- }
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) fieldAccessor(n *ast.Ident) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", g.r, n.Name)
-// abortAt aborts the go_marshal tool with the given error message, with a
-// reference position to the input source. Same as abortAt, but uses g to
-// resolve p to position.
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) abortAt(p token.Pos, msg string) {
- abortAt(g.f.Position(p), msg)
-// validate ensures the type we're working with can be marshalled. These checks
-// are done ahead of time and in one place so we can make assumptions later.
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) validate() {
- g.forEachField(func(f *ast.Field) {
- if len(f.Names) == 0 {
- g.abortAt(f.Pos(), "Cannot marshal structs with embedded fields, give the field a name; use '_' for anonymous fields such as padding fields")
- }
- })
- g.forEachField(func(f *ast.Field) {
- fieldDispatcher{
- primitive: func(_, t *ast.Ident) {
- switch t.Name {
- case "int8", "uint8", "byte", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64":
- // These are the only primitive types we're allow. Below, we
- // provide suggestions for some disallowed types and reject
- // them, then attempt to marshal any remaining types by
- // invoking the marshal.Marshallable interface on them. If
- // these types don't actually implement
- // marshal.Marshallable, compilation of the generated code
- // will fail with an appropriate error message.
- return
- case "int":
- g.abortAt(f.Pos(), "Type 'int' has ambiguous width, use int32 or int64")
- case "uint":
- g.abortAt(f.Pos(), "Type 'uint' has ambiguous width, use uint32 or uint64")
- case "string":
- g.abortAt(f.Pos(), "Type 'string' is dynamically-sized and cannot be marshalled, use a fixed size byte array '[...]byte' instead")
- default:
- debugfAt(g.f.Position(f.Pos()), fmt.Sprintf("Found derived type '%s', will attempt dispatch via marshal.Marshallable.\n", t.Name))
- }
- },
- selector: func(_, _, _ *ast.Ident) {
- // No validation to perform on selector fields. However this
- // callback must still be provided.
- },
- array: func(n, _ *ast.Ident, len int) {
- a := f.Type.(*ast.ArrayType)
- if a.Len == nil {
- g.abortAt(f.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("Dynamically sized slice '%s' cannot be marshalled, arrays must be statically sized", n.Name))
- }
- if _, ok := a.Len.(*ast.BasicLit); !ok {
- g.abortAt(a.Len.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("Array size must be a literal, don's use consts or expressions"))
- }
- if _, ok := a.Elt.(*ast.Ident); !ok {
- g.abortAt(a.Elt.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("Marshalling not supported for arrays with %s elements, array elements must be primitive types", kindString(a.Elt)))
- }
- if len <= 0 {
- g.abortAt(a.Len.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("Marshalling not supported for zero length arrays, why does an ABI struct have one?"))
- }
- },
- unhandled: func(_ *ast.Ident) {
- g.abortAt(f.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("Marshalling not supported for %s fields", kindString(f.Type)))
- },
- }.dispatch(f)
- })
-// scalarSize returns the size of type identified by t. If t isn't a primitive
-// type, the size isn't known at code generation time, and must be resolved via
-// the marshal.Marshallable interface.
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) scalarSize(t *ast.Ident) (size int, unknownSize bool) {
- switch t.Name {
- case "int8", "uint8", "byte":
- return 1, false
- case "int16", "uint16":
- return 2, false
- case "int32", "uint32":
- return 4, false
- case "int64", "uint64":
- return 8, false
- default:
- return 0, true
- }
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) shift(bufVar string, n int) {
- g.emit("%s = %s[%d:]\n", bufVar, bufVar, n)
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) shiftDynamic(bufVar, name string) {
- g.emit("%s = %s[%s.SizeBytes():]\n", bufVar, bufVar, name)
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) marshalScalar(accessor, typ string, bufVar string) {
- switch typ {
- case "int8", "uint8", "byte":
- g.emit("%s[0] = byte(%s)\n", bufVar, accessor)
- g.shift(bufVar, 1)
- case "int16", "uint16":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("usermem.ByteOrder.PutUint16(%s[:2], uint16(%s))\n", bufVar, accessor)
- g.shift(bufVar, 2)
- case "int32", "uint32":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("usermem.ByteOrder.PutUint32(%s[:4], uint32(%s))\n", bufVar, accessor)
- g.shift(bufVar, 4)
- case "int64", "uint64":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("usermem.ByteOrder.PutUint64(%s[:8], uint64(%s))\n", bufVar, accessor)
- g.shift(bufVar, 8)
- default:
- g.emit("%s.MarshalBytes(%s[:%s.SizeBytes()])\n", accessor, bufVar, accessor)
- g.shiftDynamic(bufVar, accessor)
- }
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) unmarshalScalar(accessor, typ string, bufVar string) {
- switch typ {
- case "int8":
- g.emit("%s = int8(%s[0])\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 1)
- case "uint8":
- g.emit("%s = uint8(%s[0])\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 1)
- case "byte":
- g.emit("%s = %s[0]\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 1)
- case "int16":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("%s = int16(usermem.ByteOrder.Uint16(%s[:2]))\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 2)
- case "uint16":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("%s = usermem.ByteOrder.Uint16(%s[:2])\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 2)
- case "int32":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("%s = int32(usermem.ByteOrder.Uint32(%s[:4]))\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 4)
- case "uint32":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("%s = usermem.ByteOrder.Uint32(%s[:4])\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 4)
- case "int64":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("%s = int64(usermem.ByteOrder.Uint64(%s[:8]))\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 8)
- case "uint64":
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("%s = usermem.ByteOrder.Uint64(%s[:8])\n", accessor, bufVar)
- g.shift(bufVar, 8)
- default:
- g.emit("%s.UnmarshalBytes(%s[:%s.SizeBytes()])\n", accessor, bufVar, accessor)
- g.shiftDynamic(bufVar, accessor)
- g.recordPotentiallyNonPackedField(accessor)
- }
-// areFieldsPackedExpression returns a go expression checking whether g.t's fields are
-// packed. Returns "", false if g.t has no fields that may be potentially
-// packed, otherwise returns <clause>, true, where <clause> is an expression
-// like "t.a.Packed() && t.b.Packed() && t.c.Packed()".
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) areFieldsPackedExpression() (string, bool) {
- if len( == 0 {
- return "", false
- }
- cs := make([]string, 0, len(
- for accessor, _ := range {
- cs = append(cs, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Packed()", accessor))
- }
- return strings.Join(cs, " && "), true
-func (g *interfaceGenerator) emitMarshallable() {
- // Is g.t a packed struct without consideing field types?
- thisPacked := true
- g.forEachField(func(f *ast.Field) {
- if f.Tag != nil {
- if f.Tag.Value == "`marshal:\"unaligned\"`" {
- if thisPacked {
- debugfAt(g.f.Position(g.t.Pos()),
- fmt.Sprintf("Marking type '%s' as not packed due to tag `marshal:\"unaligned\"`.\n", g.t.Name))
- thisPacked = false
- }
- }
- }
- })
- g.emit("// SizeBytes implements marshal.Marshallable.SizeBytes.\n")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) SizeBytes() int {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- primitiveSize := 0
- var dynamicSizeTerms []string
- g.forEachField(fieldDispatcher{
- primitive: func(n, t *ast.Ident) {
- if size, dynamic := g.scalarSize(t); !dynamic {
- primitiveSize += size
- } else {
- g.recordUsedMarshallable(t.Name)
- dynamicSizeTerms = append(dynamicSizeTerms, fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()", t.Name))
- }
- },
- selector: func(n, tX, tSel *ast.Ident) {
- tName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", tX.Name, tSel.Name)
- g.recordUsedImport(tX.Name)
- g.recordUsedMarshallable(tName)
- dynamicSizeTerms = append(dynamicSizeTerms, fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()", tName))
- },
- array: func(n, t *ast.Ident, len int) {
- if len < 1 {
- // Zero-length arrays should've been rejected by validate().
- panic("unreachable")
- }
- if size, dynamic := g.scalarSize(t); !dynamic {
- primitiveSize += size * len
- } else {
- g.recordUsedMarshallable(t.Name)
- dynamicSizeTerms = append(dynamicSizeTerms, fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()*%d", t.Name, len))
- }
- },
- }.dispatch)
- g.emit("return %d", primitiveSize)
- if len(dynamicSizeTerms) > 0 {
- g.incIndent()
- }
- {
- for _, d := range dynamicSizeTerms {
- g.emitNoIndent(" +\n")
- g.emit(d)
- }
- }
- if len(dynamicSizeTerms) > 0 {
- g.decIndent()
- }
- })
- g.emit("\n}\n\n")
- g.emit("// MarshalBytes implements marshal.Marshallable.MarshalBytes.\n")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) MarshalBytes(dst []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.forEachField(fieldDispatcher{
- primitive: func(n, t *ast.Ident) {
- if n.Name == "_" {
- g.emit("// Padding: dst[:sizeof(%s)] ~= %s(0)\n", t.Name, t.Name)
- if len, dynamic := g.scalarSize(t); !dynamic {
- g.shift("dst", len)
- } else {
- // We can't use shiftDynamic here because we don't have
- // an instance of the dynamic type we can referece here
- // (since the version in this struct is anonymous). Use
- // a typed nil pointer to call SizeBytes() instead.
- g.emit("dst = dst[(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes():]\n", t.Name)
- }
- return
- }
- g.marshalScalar(g.fieldAccessor(n), t.Name, "dst")
- },
- selector: func(n, tX, tSel *ast.Ident) {
- g.marshalScalar(g.fieldAccessor(n), fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", tX.Name, tSel.Name), "dst")
- },
- array: func(n, t *ast.Ident, size int) {
- if n.Name == "_" {
- g.emit("// Padding: dst[:sizeof(%s)*%d] ~= [%d]%s{0}\n", t.Name, size, size, t.Name)
- if len, dynamic := g.scalarSize(t); !dynamic {
- g.shift("dst", len*size)
- } else {
- // We can't use shiftDynamic here because we don't have
- // an instance of the dynamic type we can reference here
- // (since the version in this struct is anonymous). Use
- // a typed nil pointer to call SizeBytes() instead.
- g.emit("dst = dst[(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()*%d:]\n", t.Name, size)
- }
- return
- }
- g.emit("for i := 0; i < %d; i++ {\n", size)
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.marshalScalar(fmt.Sprintf("%s[i]", g.fieldAccessor(n)), t.Name, "dst")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- },
- }.dispatch)
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// UnmarshalBytes implements marshal.Marshallable.UnmarshalBytes.\n")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) UnmarshalBytes(src []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.forEachField(fieldDispatcher{
- primitive: func(n, t *ast.Ident) {
- if n.Name == "_" {
- g.emit("// Padding: var _ %s ~= src[:sizeof(%s)]\n", t.Name, t.Name)
- if len, dynamic := g.scalarSize(t); !dynamic {
- g.shift("src", len)
- } else {
- // We can't use shiftDynamic here because we don't have
- // an instance of the dynamic type we can reference here
- // (since the version in this struct is anonymous). Use
- // a typed nil pointer to call SizeBytes() instead.
- g.emit("src = src[(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes():]\n", t.Name)
- g.recordPotentiallyNonPackedField(fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)(nil)", t.Name))
- }
- return
- }
- g.unmarshalScalar(g.fieldAccessor(n), t.Name, "src")
- },
- selector: func(n, tX, tSel *ast.Ident) {
- g.unmarshalScalar(g.fieldAccessor(n), fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", tX.Name, tSel.Name), "src")
- },
- array: func(n, t *ast.Ident, size int) {
- if n.Name == "_" {
- g.emit("// Padding: ~ copy([%d]%s(%s), src[:sizeof(%s)*%d])\n", size, t.Name, g.fieldAccessor(n), t.Name, size)
- if len, dynamic := g.scalarSize(t); !dynamic {
- g.shift("src", len*size)
- } else {
- // We can't use shiftDynamic here because we don't have
- // an instance of the dynamic type we can referece here
- // (since the version in this struct is anonymous). Use
- // a typed nil pointer to call SizeBytes() instead.
- g.emit("src = src[(*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()*%d:]\n", t.Name, size)
- }
- return
- }
- g.emit("for i := 0; i < %d; i++ {\n", size)
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.unmarshalScalar(fmt.Sprintf("%s[i]", g.fieldAccessor(n)), t.Name, "src")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- },
- }.dispatch)
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// Packed implements marshal.Marshallable.Packed.\n")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) Packed() bool {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- expr, fieldsMaybePacked := g.areFieldsPackedExpression()
- switch {
- case !thisPacked:
- g.emit("return false\n")
- case fieldsMaybePacked:
- g.emit("return %s\n", expr)
- default:
- g.emit("return true\n")
- }
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// MarshalUnsafe implements marshal.Marshallable.MarshalUnsafe.\n")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) MarshalUnsafe(dst []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("safecopy")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
- if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
- g.emit("if %s {\n", cond)
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyIn(dst, unsafe.Pointer(%s))\n", g.r)
- })
- g.emit("} else {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("%s.MarshalBytes(dst)\n", g.r)
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- } else {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyIn(dst, unsafe.Pointer(%s))\n", g.r)
- }
- } else {
- g.emit("// Type %s doesn't have a packed layout in memory, fallback to MarshalBytes.\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("%s.MarshalBytes(dst)\n", g.r)
- }
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// UnmarshalUnsafe implements marshal.Marshallable.UnmarshalUnsafe.\n")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) UnmarshalUnsafe(src []byte) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("safecopy")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
- if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
- g.emit("if %s {\n", cond)
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyOut(unsafe.Pointer(%s), src)\n", g.r)
- })
- g.emit("} else {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("%s.UnmarshalBytes(src)\n", g.r)
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- } else {
- g.emit("safecopy.CopyOut(unsafe.Pointer(%s), src)\n", g.r)
- }
- } else {
- g.emit("// Type %s doesn't have a packed layout in memory, fall back to UnmarshalBytes.\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("%s.UnmarshalBytes(src)\n", g.r)
- }
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// CopyOut implements marshal.Marshallable.CopyOut.\n")
- g.recordUsedImport("marshal")
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) CopyOut(task marshal.Task, addr usermem.Addr) (int, error) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- fallback := func() {
- g.emit("// Type %s doesn't have a packed layout in memory, fall back to MarshalBytes.\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("buf := task.CopyScratchBuffer(%s.SizeBytes())\n", g.r)
- g.emit("%s.MarshalBytes(buf)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("return task.CopyOutBytes(addr, buf)\n")
- }
- if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("reflect")
- g.recordUsedImport("runtime")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
- if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
- g.emit("if !%s {\n", cond)
- g.inIndent(fallback)
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- }
- // Fast serialization.
- g.emit("// Bypass escape analysis on %s. The no-op arithmetic operation on the\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// pointer makes the compiler think val doesn't depend on %s.\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// See src/runtime/stubs.go:noescape() in the golang toolchain.\n")
- g.emit("ptr := unsafe.Pointer(%s)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("val := uintptr(ptr)\n")
- g.emit("val = val^0\n\n")
- g.emit("// Construct a slice backed by %s's underlying memory.\n", g.r)
- g.emit("var buf []byte\n")
- g.emit("hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf))\n")
- g.emit("hdr.Data = val\n")
- g.emit("hdr.Len = %s.SizeBytes()\n", g.r)
- g.emit("hdr.Cap = %s.SizeBytes()\n\n", g.r)
- g.emit("len, err := task.CopyOutBytes(addr, buf)\n")
- g.emit("// Since we bypassed the compiler's escape analysis, indicate that %s\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// must live until after the CopyOutBytes.\n")
- g.emit("runtime.KeepAlive(%s)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("return len, err\n")
- } else {
- fallback()
- }
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// CopyIn implements marshal.Marshallable.CopyIn.\n")
- g.recordUsedImport("marshal")
- g.recordUsedImport("usermem")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) CopyIn(task marshal.Task, addr usermem.Addr) (int, error) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- fallback := func() {
- g.emit("// Type %s doesn't have a packed layout in memory, fall back to UnmarshalBytes.\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("buf := task.CopyScratchBuffer(%s.SizeBytes())\n", g.r)
- g.emit("n, err := task.CopyInBytes(addr, buf)\n")
- g.emit("if err != nil {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("return n, err\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- g.emit("%s.UnmarshalBytes(buf)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("return n, nil\n")
- }
- if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("reflect")
- g.recordUsedImport("runtime")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
- if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
- g.emit("if !%s {\n", cond)
- g.inIndent(fallback)
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- }
- // Fast deserialization.
- g.emit("// Bypass escape analysis on %s. The no-op arithmetic operation on the\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// pointer makes the compiler think val doesn't depend on %s.\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// See src/runtime/stubs.go:noescape() in the golang toolchain.\n")
- g.emit("ptr := unsafe.Pointer(%s)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("val := uintptr(ptr)\n")
- g.emit("val = val^0\n\n")
- g.emit("// Construct a slice backed by %s's underlying memory.\n", g.r)
- g.emit("var buf []byte\n")
- g.emit("hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf))\n")
- g.emit("hdr.Data = val\n")
- g.emit("hdr.Len = %s.SizeBytes()\n", g.r)
- g.emit("hdr.Cap = %s.SizeBytes()\n\n", g.r)
- g.emit("len, err := task.CopyInBytes(addr, buf)\n")
- g.emit("// Since we bypassed the compiler's escape analysis, indicate that %s\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// must live until after the CopyInBytes.\n")
- g.emit("runtime.KeepAlive(%s)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("return len, err\n")
- } else {
- fallback()
- }
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("// WriteTo implements io.WriterTo.WriteTo.\n")
- g.recordUsedImport("io")
- g.emit("func (%s *%s) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {\n", g.r, g.typeName())
- g.inIndent(func() {
- fallback := func() {
- g.emit("// Type %s doesn't have a packed layout in memory, fall back to MarshalBytes.\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("buf := make([]byte, %s.SizeBytes())\n", g.r)
- g.emit("%s.MarshalBytes(buf)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("n, err := w.Write(buf)\n")
- g.emit("return int64(n), err\n")
- }
- if thisPacked {
- g.recordUsedImport("reflect")
- g.recordUsedImport("runtime")
- g.recordUsedImport("unsafe")
- if cond, ok := g.areFieldsPackedExpression(); ok {
- g.emit("if !%s {\n", cond)
- g.inIndent(fallback)
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- }
- // Fast serialization.
- g.emit("// Bypass escape analysis on %s. The no-op arithmetic operation on the\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// pointer makes the compiler think val doesn't depend on %s.\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// See src/runtime/stubs.go:noescape() in the golang toolchain.\n")
- g.emit("ptr := unsafe.Pointer(%s)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("val := uintptr(ptr)\n")
- g.emit("val = val^0\n\n")
- g.emit("// Construct a slice backed by %s's underlying memory.\n", g.r)
- g.emit("var buf []byte\n")
- g.emit("hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf))\n")
- g.emit("hdr.Data = val\n")
- g.emit("hdr.Len = %s.SizeBytes()\n", g.r)
- g.emit("hdr.Cap = %s.SizeBytes()\n\n", g.r)
- g.emit("len, err := w.Write(buf)\n")
- g.emit("// Since we bypassed the compiler's escape analysis, indicate that %s\n", g.r)
- g.emit("// must live until after the Write.\n")
- g.emit("runtime.KeepAlive(%s)\n", g.r)
- g.emit("return int64(len), err\n")
- } else {
- fallback()
- }
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c28b00d0..000000000
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/generator_tests.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package gomarshal
-import (
- "fmt"
- "go/ast"
- "io"
- "strings"
-var standardImports = []string{
- "bytes",
- "fmt",
- "reflect",
- "testing",
- "",
-type testGenerator struct {
- sourceBuffer
- // The type we're serializing.
- t *ast.TypeSpec
- // Receiver argument for generated methods.
- r string
- // Imports used by generated code.
- imports *importTable
- // Import statement for the package declaring the type we generated code
- // for. We need this to construct test instances for the type, since the
- // tests aren't written in the same package.
- decl *importStmt
-func newTestGenerator(t *ast.TypeSpec) *testGenerator {
- if _, ok := t.Type.(*ast.StructType); !ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Attempting to generate code for a not struct type %v", t))
- }
- g := &testGenerator{
- t: t,
- r: receiverName(t),
- imports: newImportTable(),
- }
- for _, i := range standardImports {
- g.imports.add(i).markUsed()
- }
- return g
-func (g *testGenerator) typeName() string {
- return g.t.Name.Name
-func (g *testGenerator) forEachField(fn func(f *ast.Field)) {
- // This is guaranteed to succeed because g.t is always a struct.
- st := g.t.Type.(*ast.StructType)
- for _, field := range st.Fields.List {
- fn(field)
- }
-func (g *testGenerator) testFuncName(base string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", base, strings.Title(g.t.Name.Name))
-func (g *testGenerator) inTestFunction(name string, body func()) {
- g.emit("func %s(t *testing.T) {\n", g.testFuncName(name))
- g.inIndent(body)
- g.emit("}\n\n")
-func (g *testGenerator) emitTestNonZeroSize() {
- g.inTestFunction("TestSizeNonZero", func() {
- g.emit("x := &%s{}\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("if x.SizeBytes() == 0 {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(\"Marshallable.Size() should not return zero\")\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- })
-func (g *testGenerator) emitTestSuspectAlignment() {
- g.inTestFunction("TestSuspectAlignment", func() {
- g.emit("x := %s{}\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("analysis.AlignmentCheck(t, reflect.TypeOf(x))\n")
- })
-func (g *testGenerator) emitTestMarshalUnmarshalPreservesData() {
- g.inTestFunction("TestSafeMarshalUnmarshalPreservesData", func() {
- g.emit("var x, y, z, yUnsafe, zUnsafe %s\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("analysis.RandomizeValue(&x)\n\n")
- g.emit("buf := make([]byte, x.SizeBytes())\n")
- g.emit("x.MarshalBytes(buf)\n")
- g.emit("bufUnsafe := make([]byte, x.SizeBytes())\n")
- g.emit("x.MarshalUnsafe(bufUnsafe)\n\n")
- g.emit("y.UnmarshalBytes(buf)\n")
- g.emit("if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, y) {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf(\"Data corrupted across MarshalBytes/UnmarshalBytes cycle:\\nBefore: %+v\\nAfter: %+v\\n\", x, y))\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- g.emit("yUnsafe.UnmarshalBytes(bufUnsafe)\n")
- g.emit("if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, yUnsafe) {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf(\"Data corrupted across MarshalUnsafe/UnmarshalBytes cycle:\\nBefore: %+v\\nAfter: %+v\\n\", x, yUnsafe))\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n\n")
- g.emit("z.UnmarshalUnsafe(buf)\n")
- g.emit("if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, z) {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf(\"Data corrupted across MarshalBytes/UnmarshalUnsafe cycle:\\nBefore: %+v\\nAfter: %+v\\n\", x, z))\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- g.emit("zUnsafe.UnmarshalUnsafe(bufUnsafe)\n")
- g.emit("if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, zUnsafe) {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf(\"Data corrupted across MarshalUnsafe/UnmarshalUnsafe cycle:\\nBefore: %+v\\nAfter: %+v\\n\", x, zUnsafe))\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- })
-func (g *testGenerator) emitTestWriteToUnmarshalPreservesData() {
- g.inTestFunction("TestWriteToUnmarshalPreservesData", func() {
- g.emit("var x, y, yUnsafe %s\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("analysis.RandomizeValue(&x)\n\n")
- g.emit("var buf bytes.Buffer\n\n")
- g.emit("x.WriteTo(&buf)\n")
- g.emit("y.UnmarshalBytes(buf.Bytes())\n\n")
- g.emit("yUnsafe.UnmarshalUnsafe(buf.Bytes())\n\n")
- g.emit("if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, y) {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf(\"Data corrupted across WriteTo/UnmarshalBytes cycle:\\nBefore: %+v\\nAfter: %+v\\n\", x, y))\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- g.emit("if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, yUnsafe) {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf(\"Data corrupted across WriteTo/UnmarshalUnsafe cycle:\\nBefore: %+v\\nAfter: %+v\\n\", x, yUnsafe))\n")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- })
-func (g *testGenerator) emitTestSizeBytesOnTypedNilPtr() {
- g.inTestFunction("TestSizeBytesOnTypedNilPtr", func() {
- g.emit("var x %s\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("sizeFromConcrete := x.SizeBytes()\n")
- g.emit("sizeFromTypedNilPtr := (*%s)(nil).SizeBytes()\n\n", g.typeName())
- g.emit("if sizeFromTypedNilPtr != sizeFromConcrete {\n")
- g.inIndent(func() {
- g.emit("t.Fatalf(\"SizeBytes() on typed nil pointer (%v) doesn't match size returned by a concrete object (%v).\\n\", sizeFromTypedNilPtr, sizeFromConcrete)")
- })
- g.emit("}\n")
- })
-func (g *testGenerator) emitTests() {
- g.emitTestNonZeroSize()
- g.emitTestSuspectAlignment()
- g.emitTestMarshalUnmarshalPreservesData()
- g.emitTestWriteToUnmarshalPreservesData()
- g.emitTestSizeBytesOnTypedNilPtr()
-func (g *testGenerator) write(out io.Writer) error {
- return g.sourceBuffer.write(out)
diff --git a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/util.go b/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/util.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e2bca4e7c..000000000
--- a/tools/go_marshal/gomarshal/util.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package gomarshal
-import (
- "bytes"
- "flag"
- "fmt"
- "go/ast"
- "go/token"
- "io"
- "os"
- "path"
- "reflect"
- "sort"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
-var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "enables debugging output")
-// receiverName returns an appropriate receiver name given a type spec.
-func receiverName(t *ast.TypeSpec) string {
- if len(t.Name.Name) < 1 {
- // Zero length type name?
- panic("unreachable")
- }
- return strings.ToLower(t.Name.Name[:1])
-// kindString returns a user-friendly representation of an AST expr type.
-func kindString(e ast.Expr) string {
- switch e.(type) {
- case *ast.Ident:
- return "scalar"
- case *ast.ArrayType:
- return "array"
- case *ast.StructType:
- return "struct"
- case *ast.StarExpr:
- return "pointer"
- case *ast.FuncType:
- return "function"
- case *ast.InterfaceType:
- return "interface"
- case *ast.MapType:
- return "map"
- case *ast.ChanType:
- return "channel"
- default:
- return reflect.TypeOf(e).String()
- }
-// fieldDispatcher is a collection of callbacks for handling different types of
-// fields in a struct declaration.
-type fieldDispatcher struct {
- primitive func(n, t *ast.Ident)
- selector func(n, tX, tSel *ast.Ident)
- array func(n, t *ast.Ident, size int)
- unhandled func(n *ast.Ident)
-// Precondition: All dispatch callbacks that will be invoked must be
-// provided. Embedded fields are not allowed, len(f.Names) >= 1.
-func (fd fieldDispatcher) dispatch(f *ast.Field) {
- // Each field declaration may actually be multiple declarations of the same
- // type. For example, consider:
- //
- // type Point struct {
- // x, y, z int
- // }
- //
- // We invoke the call-backs once per such instance. Embedded fields are not
- // allowed, and results in a panic.
- if len(f.Names) < 1 {
- panic("Precondition not met: attempted to dispatch on embedded field")
- }
- for _, name := range f.Names {
- switch v := f.Type.(type) {
- case *ast.Ident:
- fd.primitive(name, v)
- case *ast.SelectorExpr:
- fd.selector(name, v.X.(*ast.Ident), v.Sel)
- case *ast.ArrayType:
- len := 0
- if v.Len != nil {
- // Non-literal array length is handled by generatorInterfaces.validate().
- if lenLit, ok := v.Len.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
- var err error
- len, err = strconv.Atoi(lenLit.Value)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- }
- switch t := v.Elt.(type) {
- case *ast.Ident:
- fd.array(name, t, len)
- default:
- fd.array(name, nil, len)
- }
- default:
- fd.unhandled(name)
- }
- }
-// debugEnabled indicates whether debugging is enabled for gomarshal.
-func debugEnabled() bool {
- return *debug
-// abort aborts the go_marshal tool with the given error message.
-func abort(msg string) {
- if !strings.HasSuffix(msg, "\n") {
- msg += "\n"
- }
- fmt.Print(msg)
- os.Exit(1)
-// abortAt aborts the go_marshal tool with the given error message, with
-// a reference position to the input source.
-func abortAt(p token.Position, msg string) {
- abort(fmt.Sprintf("%v:\n %s\n", p, msg))
-// debugf conditionally prints a debug message.
-func debugf(f string, a ...interface{}) {
- if debugEnabled() {
- fmt.Printf(f, a...)
- }
-// debugfAt conditionally prints a debug message with a reference to a position
-// in the input source.
-func debugfAt(p token.Position, f string, a ...interface{}) {
- if debugEnabled() {
- fmt.Printf("%s:\n %s", p, fmt.Sprintf(f, a...))
- }
-// emit generates a line of code in the output file.
-// emit is a wrapper around writing a formatted string to the output
-// buffer. emit can be invoked in one of two ways:
-// (1) emit("some string")
-// When emit is called with a single string argument, it is simply copied to
-// the output buffer without any further formatting.
-// (2) emit(fmtString, args...)
-// emit can also be invoked in a similar fashion to *Printf() functions,
-// where the first argument is a format string.
-// Calling emit with a single argument that is not a string will result in a
-// panic, as the caller's intent is ambiguous.
-func emit(out io.Writer, indent int, a ...interface{}) {
- const spacesPerIndentLevel = 4
- if len(a) < 1 {
- panic("emit() called with no arguments")
- }
- if indent > 0 {
- if _, err := fmt.Fprint(out, strings.Repeat(" ", indent*spacesPerIndentLevel)); err != nil {
- // Writing to the emit output should not fail. Typically the output
- // is a byte.Buffer; writes to these never fail.
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- first, ok := a[0].(string)
- if !ok {
- // First argument must be either the string to emit (case 1 from
- // function-level comment), or a format string (case 2).
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("First argument to emit() is not a string: %+v", a[0]))
- }
- if len(a) == 1 {
- // Single string argument. Assume no formatting requested.
- if _, err := fmt.Fprint(out, first); err != nil {
- // Writing to out should not fail.
- panic(err)
- }
- return
- }
- // Formatting requested.
- if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(out, first, a[1:]...); err != nil {
- // Writing to out should not fail.
- panic(err)
- }
-// sourceBuffer represents fragments of generated go source code.
-// sourceBuffer provides a convenient way to build up go souce fragments in
-// memory. May be safely zero-value initialized. Not thread-safe.
-type sourceBuffer struct {
- // Current indentation level.
- indent int
- // Memory buffer containing contents while they're being generated.
- b bytes.Buffer
-func (b *sourceBuffer) reset() {
- b.indent = 0
- b.b.Reset()
-func (b *sourceBuffer) incIndent() {
- b.indent++
-func (b *sourceBuffer) decIndent() {
- if b.indent <= 0 {
- panic("decIndent() without matching incIndent()")
- }
- b.indent--
-func (b *sourceBuffer) emit(a ...interface{}) {
- emit(&b.b, b.indent, a...)
-func (b *sourceBuffer) emitNoIndent(a ...interface{}) {
- emit(&b.b, 0 /*indent*/, a...)
-func (b *sourceBuffer) inIndent(body func()) {
- b.incIndent()
- body()
- b.decIndent()
-func (b *sourceBuffer) write(out io.Writer) error {
- _, err := fmt.Fprint(out, b.b.String())
- return err
-// Write implements io.Writer.Write.
-func (b *sourceBuffer) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
- return (b.b.Write(buf))
-// importStmt represents a single import statement.
-type importStmt struct {
- // Local name of the imported package.
- name string
- // Import path.
- path string
- // Indicates whether the local name is an alias, or simply the final
- // component of the path.
- aliased bool
- // Indicates whether this import was referenced by generated code.
- used bool
-func newImport(p string) *importStmt {
- name := path.Base(p)
- return &importStmt{
- name: name,
- path: p,
- aliased: false,
- }
-func newImportFromSpec(spec *ast.ImportSpec, f *token.FileSet) *importStmt {
- p := spec.Path.Value[1 : len(spec.Path.Value)-1] // Strip the " quotes around path.
- name := path.Base(p)
- if name == "" || name == "/" || name == "." {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't process local package name for import at %s, (processed as %s)",
- f.Position(spec.Path.Pos()), name))
- }
- if spec.Name != nil {
- name = spec.Name.Name
- }
- return &importStmt{
- name: name,
- path: p,
- aliased: spec.Name != nil,
- }
-func (i *importStmt) String() string {
- if i.aliased {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s\"",, i.path)
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", i.path)
-func (i *importStmt) markUsed() {
- i.used = true
-func (i *importStmt) equivalent(other *importStmt) bool {
- return == && i.path == other.path && i.aliased == other.aliased
-// importTable represents a collection of importStmts.
-type importTable struct {
- // Map of imports and whether they should be copied to the output.
- is map[string]*importStmt
-func newImportTable() *importTable {
- return &importTable{
- is: make(map[string]*importStmt),
- }
-// Merges import statements from other into i. Collisions in import statements
-// result in a panic.
-func (i *importTable) merge(other *importTable) {
- for name, im := range {
- if dup, ok :=[name]; ok && !dup.equivalent(im) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Found colliding import statements: ours: %+v, other's: %+v", dup, im))
- }
-[name] = im
- }
-func (i *importTable) addStmt(s *importStmt) *importStmt {
- if old, ok :=[]; ok && !old.equivalent(s) {
- // A collision should always be between an import inserted by the
- // go-marshal tool and an import from the original source file (assuming
- // the original source file was valid). We could theoretically handle
- // the collision by assigning a local name to our import. However, this
- // would need to be plumbed throughout the generator. Given that
- // collisions should be rare, simply panic on collision.
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Import collision: old: %s as %v; new: %v as %v", old.path,, s.path,
- }
-[] = s
- return s
-func (i *importTable) add(s string) *importStmt {
- n := newImport(s)
- return i.addStmt(n)
-func (i *importTable) addFromSpec(spec *ast.ImportSpec, f *token.FileSet) *importStmt {
- return i.addStmt(newImportFromSpec(spec, f))
-// Marks the import named n as used. If no such import is in the table, returns
-// false.
-func (i *importTable) markUsed(n string) bool {
- if n, ok :=[n]; ok {
- n.markUsed()
- return true
- }
- return false
-func (i *importTable) clear() {
- for _, i := range {
- i.used = false
- }
-func (i *importTable) write(out io.Writer) error {
- if len( == 0 {
- // Nothing to import, we're done.
- return nil
- }
- imports := make([]string, 0, len(
- for _, i := range {
- if i.used {
- imports = append(imports, i.String())
- }
- }
- sort.Strings(imports)
- var b sourceBuffer
- b.emit("import (\n")
- b.incIndent()
- for _, i := range imports {
- b.emit("%s\n", i)
- }
- b.decIndent()
- b.emit(")\n\n")
- return b.write(out)