path: root/test/packetimpact/testbench/dut.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/packetimpact/testbench/dut.go')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/test/packetimpact/testbench/dut.go b/test/packetimpact/testbench/dut.go
index 3f340c6bc..f68d9d62b 100644
--- a/test/packetimpact/testbench/dut.go
+++ b/test/packetimpact/testbench/dut.go
@@ -237,6 +237,33 @@ func (dut *DUT) CloseWithErrno(ctx context.Context, fd int32) (int32, error) {
return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+// Connect calls connect on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure if it
+// doesn't succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is
+// needed, use ConnectWithErrno.
+func (dut *DUT) Connect(fd int32, sa unix.Sockaddr) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *rpcTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ ret, err := dut.ConnectWithErrno(ctx, fd, sa)
+ if ret != 0 {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to connect socket: %s", err)
+ }
+// ConnectWithErrno calls bind on the DUT.
+func (dut *DUT) ConnectWithErrno(ctx context.Context, fd int32, sa unix.Sockaddr) (int32, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ req := pb.ConnectRequest{
+ Sockfd: fd,
+ Addr: dut.sockaddrToProto(sa),
+ }
+ resp, err := dut.posixServer.Connect(ctx, &req)
+ if err != nil {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to call Connect: %s", err)
+ }
+ return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
// GetSockName calls getsockname on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure if
// it doesn't succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is
// needed, use GetSockNameWithErrno.
@@ -264,6 +291,109 @@ func (dut *DUT) GetSockNameWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd int32) (int32,
return resp.GetRet(), dut.protoToSockaddr(resp.GetAddr()), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+func (dut *DUT) getSockOpt(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname, optlen int32, typ pb.GetSockOptRequest_SockOptType) (int32, *pb.SockOptVal, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ req := pb.GetSockOptRequest{
+ Sockfd: sockfd,
+ Level: level,
+ Optname: optname,
+ Optlen: optlen,
+ Type: typ,
+ }
+ resp, err := dut.posixServer.GetSockOpt(ctx, &req)
+ if err != nil {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to call GetSockOpt: %s", err)
+ }
+ optval := resp.GetOptval()
+ if optval == nil {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt response does not contain a value")
+ }
+ return resp.GetRet(), optval, syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+// GetSockOpt calls getsockopt on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure if it
+// doesn't succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is
+// needed, use GetSockOptWithErrno. Because endianess and the width of values
+// might differ between the testbench and DUT architectures, prefer to use a
+// more specific GetSockOptXxx function.
+func (dut *DUT) GetSockOpt(sockfd, level, optname, optlen int32) []byte {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *rpcTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ ret, optval, err := dut.GetSockOptWithErrno(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, optlen)
+ if ret != 0 {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to GetSockOpt: %s", err)
+ }
+ return optval
+// GetSockOptWithErrno calls getsockopt on the DUT. Because endianess and the
+// width of values might differ between the testbench and DUT architectures,
+// prefer to use a more specific GetSockOptXxxWithErrno function.
+func (dut *DUT) GetSockOptWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname, optlen int32) (int32, []byte, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ret, optval, errno := dut.getSockOpt(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, optlen, pb.GetSockOptRequest_BYTES)
+ bytesval, ok := optval.Val.(*pb.SockOptVal_Bytesval)
+ if !ok {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt got value type: %T, want bytes", optval)
+ }
+ return ret, bytesval.Bytesval, errno
+// GetSockOptInt calls getsockopt on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure
+// if it doesn't succeed. If more control over the int optval or error handling
+// is needed, use GetSockOptIntWithErrno.
+func (dut *DUT) GetSockOptInt(sockfd, level, optname int32) int32 {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *rpcTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ ret, intval, err := dut.GetSockOptIntWithErrno(ctx, sockfd, level, optname)
+ if ret != 0 {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to GetSockOptInt: %s", err)
+ }
+ return intval
+// GetSockOptIntWithErrno calls getsockopt with an integer optval.
+func (dut *DUT) GetSockOptIntWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname int32) (int32, int32, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ret, optval, errno := dut.getSockOpt(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, 0, pb.GetSockOptRequest_INT)
+ intval, ok := optval.Val.(*pb.SockOptVal_Intval)
+ if !ok {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt got value type: %T, want int", optval)
+ }
+ return ret, intval.Intval, errno
+// GetSockOptTimeval calls getsockopt on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure
+// if it doesn't succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is
+// needed, use GetSockOptTimevalWithErrno.
+func (dut *DUT) GetSockOptTimeval(sockfd, level, optname int32) unix.Timeval {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *rpcTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ ret, timeval, err := dut.GetSockOptTimevalWithErrno(ctx, sockfd, level, optname)
+ if ret != 0 {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to GetSockOptTimeval: %s", err)
+ }
+ return timeval
+// GetSockOptTimevalWithErrno calls getsockopt and returns a timeval.
+func (dut *DUT) GetSockOptTimevalWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname int32) (int32, unix.Timeval, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ret, optval, errno := dut.getSockOpt(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, 0, pb.GetSockOptRequest_TIME)
+ tv, ok := optval.Val.(*pb.SockOptVal_Timeval)
+ if !ok {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt got value type: %T, want timeval", optval)
+ }
+ timeval := unix.Timeval{
+ Sec: tv.Timeval.Seconds,
+ Usec: tv.Timeval.Microseconds,
+ }
+ return ret, timeval, errno
// Listen calls listen on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure if it doesn't
// succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is needed, use
// ListenWithErrno.
@@ -320,6 +450,51 @@ func (dut *DUT) SendWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd int32, buf []byte, fla
return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+// SendTo calls sendto on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure if it doesn't
+// succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is needed, use
+// SendToWithErrno.
+func (dut *DUT) SendTo(sockfd int32, buf []byte, flags int32, destAddr unix.Sockaddr) int32 {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), *rpcTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ ret, err := dut.SendToWithErrno(ctx, sockfd, buf, flags, destAddr)
+ if ret == -1 {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to sendto: %s", err)
+ }
+ return ret
+// SendToWithErrno calls sendto on the DUT.
+func (dut *DUT) SendToWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd int32, buf []byte, flags int32, destAddr unix.Sockaddr) (int32, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ req := pb.SendToRequest{
+ Sockfd: sockfd,
+ Buf: buf,
+ Flags: flags,
+ DestAddr: dut.sockaddrToProto(destAddr),
+ }
+ resp, err := dut.posixServer.SendTo(ctx, &req)
+ if err != nil {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("faled to call SendTo: %s", err)
+ }
+ return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+func (dut *DUT) setSockOpt(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname int32, optval *pb.SockOptVal) (int32, error) {
+ dut.t.Helper()
+ req := pb.SetSockOptRequest{
+ Sockfd: sockfd,
+ Level: level,
+ Optname: optname,
+ Optval: optval,
+ }
+ resp, err := dut.posixServer.SetSockOpt(ctx, &req)
+ if err != nil {
+ dut.t.Fatalf("failed to call SetSockOpt: %s", err)
+ }
+ return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
// SetSockOpt calls setsockopt on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure if it
// doesn't succeed. If more control over the timeout or error handling is
// needed, use SetSockOptWithErrno. Because endianess and the width of values
@@ -340,17 +515,7 @@ func (dut *DUT) SetSockOpt(sockfd, level, optname int32, optval []byte) {
// prefer to use a more specific SetSockOptXxxWithErrno function.
func (dut *DUT) SetSockOptWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname int32, optval []byte) (int32, error) {
- req := pb.SetSockOptRequest{
- Sockfd: sockfd,
- Level: level,
- Optname: optname,
- Optval: optval,
- }
- resp, err := dut.posixServer.SetSockOpt(ctx, &req)
- if err != nil {
- dut.t.Fatalf("failed to call SetSockOpt: %s", err)
- }
- return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+ return dut.setSockOpt(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, &pb.SockOptVal{Val: &pb.SockOptVal_Bytesval{optval}})
// SetSockOptInt calls setsockopt on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure
@@ -369,17 +534,7 @@ func (dut *DUT) SetSockOptInt(sockfd, level, optname, optval int32) {
// SetSockOptIntWithErrno calls setsockopt with an integer optval.
func (dut *DUT) SetSockOptIntWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, optname, optval int32) (int32, error) {
- req := pb.SetSockOptIntRequest{
- Sockfd: sockfd,
- Level: level,
- Optname: optname,
- Intval: optval,
- }
- resp, err := dut.posixServer.SetSockOptInt(ctx, &req)
- if err != nil {
- dut.t.Fatalf("failed to call SetSockOptInt: %s", err)
- }
- return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+ return dut.setSockOpt(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, &pb.SockOptVal{Val: &pb.SockOptVal_Intval{optval}})
// SetSockOptTimeval calls setsockopt on the DUT and causes a fatal test failure
@@ -403,17 +558,7 @@ func (dut *DUT) SetSockOptTimevalWithErrno(ctx context.Context, sockfd, level, o
Seconds: int64(tv.Sec),
Microseconds: int64(tv.Usec),
- req := pb.SetSockOptTimevalRequest{
- Sockfd: sockfd,
- Level: level,
- Optname: optname,
- Timeval: &timeval,
- }
- resp, err := dut.posixServer.SetSockOptTimeval(ctx, &req)
- if err != nil {
- dut.t.Fatalf("failed to call SetSockOptTimeval: %s", err)
- }
- return resp.GetRet(), syscall.Errno(resp.GetErrno_())
+ return dut.setSockOpt(ctx, sockfd, level, optname, &pb.SockOptVal{Val: &pb.SockOptVal_Timeval{&timeval}})
// Socket calls socket on the DUT and returns the file descriptor. If socket