path: root/runsc/main.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'runsc/main.go')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/runsc/main.go b/runsc/main.go
index c9f47c579..ed244c4ba 100644
--- a/runsc/main.go
+++ b/runsc/main.go
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import (
- "path/filepath"
- "strings"
@@ -32,8 +30,8 @@ import (
- ""
+ ""
@@ -41,57 +39,17 @@ import (
var (
// Although these flags are not part of the OCI spec, they are used by
// Docker, and thus should not be changed.
- rootDir = flag.String("root", "", "root directory for storage of container state.")
- logFilename = flag.String("log", "", "file path where internal debug information is written, default is stdout.")
- logFormat = flag.String("log-format", "text", "log format: text (default), json, or json-k8s.")
- debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "enable debug logging.")
- showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "show version and exit.")
// TODO( support systemd cgroups
systemdCgroup = flag.Bool("systemd-cgroup", false, "Use systemd for cgroups. NOT SUPPORTED.")
+ showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "show version and exit.")
// These flags are unique to runsc, and are used to configure parts of the
// system that are not covered by the runtime spec.
// Debugging flags.
- debugLog = flag.String("debug-log", "", "additional location for logs. If it ends with '/', log files are created inside the directory with default names. The following variables are available: %TIMESTAMP%, %COMMAND%.")
- panicLog = flag.String("panic-log", "", "file path were panic reports and other Go's runtime messages are written.")
- logPackets = flag.Bool("log-packets", false, "enable network packet logging.")
- logFD = flag.Int("log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to log to. If set, the 'log' flag is ignored.")
- debugLogFD = flag.Int("debug-log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to write debug logs to. If set, the 'debug-log-dir' flag is ignored.")
- panicLogFD = flag.Int("panic-log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to write Go's runtime messages.")
- debugLogFormat = flag.String("debug-log-format", "text", "log format: text (default), json, or json-k8s.")
- alsoLogToStderr = flag.Bool("alsologtostderr", false, "send log messages to stderr.")
- // Debugging flags: strace related
- strace = flag.Bool("strace", false, "enable strace.")
- straceSyscalls = flag.String("strace-syscalls", "", "comma-separated list of syscalls to trace. If --strace is true and this list is empty, then all syscalls will be traced.")
- straceLogSize = flag.Uint("strace-log-size", 1024, "default size (in bytes) to log data argument blobs.")
- // Flags that control sandbox runtime behavior.
- platformName = flag.String("platform", "ptrace", "specifies which platform to use: ptrace (default), kvm.")
- network = flag.String("network", "sandbox", "specifies which network to use: sandbox (default), host, none. Using network inside the sandbox is more secure because it's isolated from the host network.")
- hardwareGSO = flag.Bool("gso", true, "enable hardware segmentation offload if it is supported by a network device.")
- softwareGSO = flag.Bool("software-gso", true, "enable software segmentation offload when hardware offload can't be enabled.")
- txChecksumOffload = flag.Bool("tx-checksum-offload", false, "enable TX checksum offload.")
- rxChecksumOffload = flag.Bool("rx-checksum-offload", true, "enable RX checksum offload.")
- qDisc = flag.String("qdisc", "fifo", "specifies which queueing discipline to apply by default to the non loopback nics used by the sandbox.")
- fileAccess = flag.String("file-access", "exclusive", "specifies which filesystem to use for the root mount: exclusive (default), shared. Volume mounts are always shared.")
- fsGoferHostUDS = flag.Bool("fsgofer-host-uds", false, "allow the gofer to mount Unix Domain Sockets.")
- overlay = flag.Bool("overlay", false, "wrap filesystem mounts with writable overlay. All modifications are stored in memory inside the sandbox.")
- overlayfsStaleRead = flag.Bool("overlayfs-stale-read", true, "assume root mount is an overlay filesystem")
- watchdogAction = flag.String("watchdog-action", "log", "sets what action the watchdog takes when triggered: log (default), panic.")
- panicSignal = flag.Int("panic-signal", -1, "register signal handling that panics. Usually set to SIGUSR2(12) to troubleshoot hangs. -1 disables it.")
- profile = flag.Bool("profile", false, "prepares the sandbox to use Golang profiler. Note that enabling profiler loosens the seccomp protection added to the sandbox (DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION).")
- netRaw = flag.Bool("net-raw", false, "enable raw sockets. When false, raw sockets are disabled by removing CAP_NET_RAW from containers (`runsc exec` will still be able to utilize raw sockets). Raw sockets allow malicious containers to craft packets and potentially attack the network.")
- numNetworkChannels = flag.Int("num-network-channels", 1, "number of underlying channels(FDs) to use for network link endpoints.")
- rootless = flag.Bool("rootless", false, "it allows the sandbox to be started with a user that is not root. Sandbox and Gofer processes may run with same privileges as current user.")
- referenceLeakMode = flag.String("ref-leak-mode", "disabled", "sets reference leak check mode: disabled (default), log-names, log-traces.")
- cpuNumFromQuota = flag.Bool("cpu-num-from-quota", false, "set cpu number to cpu quota (least integer greater or equal to quota value, but not less than 2)")
- vfs2Enabled = flag.Bool("vfs2", false, "TEST ONLY; use while VFSv2 is landing. This uses the new experimental VFS layer.")
- // Test flags, not to be used outside tests, ever.
- testOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot = flag.Bool("TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot", false, "TEST ONLY; do not ever use! This skips many security measures that isolate the host from the sandbox.")
- testOnlyTestNameEnv = flag.String("TESTONLY-test-name-env", "", "TEST ONLY; do not ever use! Used for automated tests to improve logging.")
+ logFD = flag.Int("log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to log to. If set, the 'log' flag is ignored.")
+ debugLogFD = flag.Int("debug-log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to write debug logs to. If set, the 'debug-log-dir' flag is ignored.")
+ panicLogFD = flag.Int("panic-log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to write Go's runtime messages.")
func main() {
@@ -135,6 +93,8 @@ func main() {
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Gofer), internalGroup)
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Statefile), internalGroup)
+ config.RegisterFlags()
// All subcommands must be registered before flag parsing.
@@ -146,6 +106,12 @@ func main() {
+ // Create a new Config from the flags.
+ conf, err := config.NewFromFlags()
+ if err != nil {
+ cmd.Fatalf(err.Error())
+ }
// TODO( support systemd cgroups
if *systemdCgroup {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "systemd cgroup flag passed, but systemd cgroups not supported. See")
@@ -156,102 +122,28 @@ func main() {
if *logFD > -1 {
errorLogger = os.NewFile(uintptr(*logFD), "error log file")
- } else if *logFilename != "" {
+ } else if conf.LogFilename != "" {
// We must set O_APPEND and not O_TRUNC because Docker passes
// the same log file for all commands (and also parses these
// log files), so we can't destroy them on each command.
var err error
- errorLogger, err = os.OpenFile(*logFilename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
+ errorLogger, err = os.OpenFile(conf.LogFilename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
if err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("error opening log file %q: %v", *logFilename, err)
+ cmd.Fatalf("error opening log file %q: %v", conf.LogFilename, err)
cmd.ErrorLogger = errorLogger
- platformType := *platformName
- if _, err := platform.Lookup(platformType); err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
- }
- fsAccess, err := boot.MakeFileAccessType(*fileAccess)
- if err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
- }
- if fsAccess == boot.FileAccessShared && *overlay {
- cmd.Fatalf("overlay flag is incompatible with shared file access")
- }
- netType, err := boot.MakeNetworkType(*network)
- if err != nil {
+ if _, err := platform.Lookup(conf.Platform); err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
- wa, err := boot.MakeWatchdogAction(*watchdogAction)
- if err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
- }
- if *numNetworkChannels <= 0 {
- cmd.Fatalf("num_network_channels must be > 0, got: %d", *numNetworkChannels)
- }
- refsLeakMode, err := boot.MakeRefsLeakMode(*referenceLeakMode)
- if err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
- }
- queueingDiscipline, err := boot.MakeQueueingDiscipline(*qDisc)
- if err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("%s", err)
- }
// Sets the reference leak check mode. Also set it in config below to
// propagate it to child processes.
- refs.SetLeakMode(refsLeakMode)
- // Create a new Config from the flags.
- conf := &boot.Config{
- RootDir: *rootDir,
- Debug: *debug,
- LogFilename: *logFilename,
- LogFormat: *logFormat,
- DebugLog: *debugLog,
- PanicLog: *panicLog,
- DebugLogFormat: *debugLogFormat,
- FileAccess: fsAccess,
- FSGoferHostUDS: *fsGoferHostUDS,
- Overlay: *overlay,
- Network: netType,
- HardwareGSO: *hardwareGSO,
- SoftwareGSO: *softwareGSO,
- TXChecksumOffload: *txChecksumOffload,
- RXChecksumOffload: *rxChecksumOffload,
- LogPackets: *logPackets,
- Platform: platformType,
- Strace: *strace,
- StraceLogSize: *straceLogSize,
- WatchdogAction: wa,
- PanicSignal: *panicSignal,
- ProfileEnable: *profile,
- EnableRaw: *netRaw,
- NumNetworkChannels: *numNetworkChannels,
- Rootless: *rootless,
- AlsoLogToStderr: *alsoLogToStderr,
- ReferenceLeakMode: refsLeakMode,
- OverlayfsStaleRead: *overlayfsStaleRead,
- CPUNumFromQuota: *cpuNumFromQuota,
- VFS2: *vfs2Enabled,
- QDisc: queueingDiscipline,
- TestOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot: *testOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot,
- TestOnlyTestNameEnv: *testOnlyTestNameEnv,
- }
- if len(*straceSyscalls) != 0 {
- conf.StraceSyscalls = strings.Split(*straceSyscalls, ",")
- }
+ refs.SetLeakMode(conf.ReferenceLeak)
// Set up logging.
- if *debug {
+ if conf.Debug {
@@ -273,14 +165,14 @@ func main() {
if *debugLogFD > -1 {
f := os.NewFile(uintptr(*debugLogFD), "debug log file")
- e = newEmitter(*debugLogFormat, f)
+ e = newEmitter(conf.DebugLogFormat, f)
- } else if *debugLog != "" {
- f, err := specutils.DebugLogFile(*debugLog, subcommand, "" /* name */)
+ } else if conf.DebugLog != "" {
+ f, err := specutils.DebugLogFile(conf.DebugLog, subcommand, "" /* name */)
if err != nil {
- cmd.Fatalf("error opening debug log file in %q: %v", *debugLog, err)
+ cmd.Fatalf("error opening debug log file in %q: %v", conf.DebugLog, err)
- e = newEmitter(*debugLogFormat, f)
+ e = newEmitter(conf.DebugLogFormat, f)
} else {
// Stderr is reserved for the application, just discard the logs if no debug
@@ -306,8 +198,8 @@ func main() {
if err := syscall.Dup3(fd, int(os.Stderr.Fd()), 0); err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error dup'ing fd %d to stderr: %v", fd, err)
- } else if *alsoLogToStderr {
- e = &log.MultiEmitter{e, newEmitter(*debugLogFormat, os.Stderr)}
+ } else if conf.AlsoLogToStderr {
+ e = &log.MultiEmitter{e, newEmitter(conf.DebugLogFormat, os.Stderr)}
@@ -326,7 +218,7 @@ func main() {
log.Infof("\t\tVFS2 enabled: %v", conf.VFS2)
- if *testOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot {
+ if conf.TestOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot {
// SIGTERM is sent to all processes if a test exceeds its
// timeout and this case is handled by syscall_test_runner.
log.Warningf("Block the TERM signal. This is only safe in tests!")
@@ -362,11 +254,3 @@ func newEmitter(format string, logFile io.Writer) log.Emitter {
cmd.Fatalf("invalid log format %q, must be 'text', 'json', or 'json-k8s'", format)
-func init() {
- // Set default root dir to something (hopefully) user-writeable.
- *rootDir = "/var/run/runsc"
- if runtimeDir := os.Getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); runtimeDir != "" {
- *rootDir = filepath.Join(runtimeDir, "runsc")
- }