path: root/pkg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg')
3 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/BUILD b/pkg/fdchannel/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e54e7371c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
+package(licenses = ["notice"])
+ name = "fdchannel",
+ srcs = ["fdchannel_unsafe.go"],
+ importpath = "",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ name = "fdchannel_test",
+ size = "small",
+ srcs = ["fdchannel_test.go"],
+ embed = [":fdchannel"],
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_test.go b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d01dc636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package fdchannel
+import (
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "sync"
+ "syscall"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+func TestSendRecvFD(t *testing.T) {
+ sendFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fdchannel_test_")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary file: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer sendFile.Close()
+ chanFDs, err := NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create fdchannel sockets: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[0])
+ defer sendEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[1])
+ defer recvEP.Destroy()
+ recvFD, err := recvEP.RecvFDNonblock()
+ if err != syscall.EAGAIN && err != syscall.EWOULDBLOCK {
+ t.Errorf("RecvFDNonblock before SendFD: got (%d, %v), wanted (<unspecified>, EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK", recvFD, err)
+ }
+ if err := sendEP.SendFD(int(sendFile.Fd())); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SendFD failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ recvFD, err = recvEP.RecvFD()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RecvFD failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ recvFile := os.NewFile(uintptr(recvFD), "received file")
+ defer recvFile.Close()
+ sendInfo, err := sendFile.Stat()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to stat sent file: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendInfoSys := sendInfo.Sys()
+ sendStat, ok := sendInfoSys.(*syscall.Stat_t)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("sent file's FileInfo is backed by unknown type %T", sendInfoSys)
+ }
+ recvInfo, err := recvFile.Stat()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to stat received file: %v", err)
+ }
+ recvInfoSys := recvInfo.Sys()
+ recvStat, ok := recvInfoSys.(*syscall.Stat_t)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("received file's FileInfo is backed by unknown type %T", recvInfoSys)
+ }
+ if sendStat.Dev != recvStat.Dev || sendStat.Ino != recvStat.Ino {
+ t.Errorf("sent file (dev=%d, ino=%d) does not match received file (dev=%d, ino=%d)", sendStat.Dev, sendStat.Ino, recvStat.Dev, recvStat.Ino)
+ }
+func TestShutdownThenRecvFD(t *testing.T) {
+ sendFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fdchannel_test_")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary file: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer sendFile.Close()
+ chanFDs, err := NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create fdchannel sockets: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[0])
+ defer sendEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[1])
+ defer recvEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP.Shutdown()
+ if _, err := recvEP.RecvFD(); err == nil {
+ t.Error("RecvFD succeeded unexpectedly")
+ }
+func TestRecvFDThenShutdown(t *testing.T) {
+ sendFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fdchannel_test_")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary file: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer sendFile.Close()
+ chanFDs, err := NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create fdchannel sockets: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[0])
+ defer sendEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[1])
+ defer recvEP.Destroy()
+ var receiverWG sync.WaitGroup
+ receiverWG.Add(1)
+ go func() {
+ defer receiverWG.Done()
+ if _, err := recvEP.RecvFD(); err == nil {
+ t.Error("RecvFD succeeded unexpectedly")
+ }
+ }()
+ defer receiverWG.Wait()
+ time.Sleep(time.Second) // to ensure recvEP.RecvFD() has blocked
+ recvEP.Shutdown()
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..367235be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
+// Package fdchannel implements passing file descriptors between processes over
+// Unix domain sockets.
+package fdchannel
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+// int32 is the real type of a file descriptor.
+const sizeofInt32 = int(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))
+// NewConnectedSockets returns a pair of file descriptors, owned by the caller,
+// representing connected sockets that may be passed to separate calls to
+// NewEndpoint to create connected Endpoints.
+func NewConnectedSockets() ([2]int, error) {
+ return syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_SEQPACKET|syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)
+// Endpoint sends file descriptors to, and receives them from, another
+// connected Endpoint.
+// Endpoint is not copyable or movable by value.
+type Endpoint struct {
+ sockfd int32 // accessed using atomic memory operations
+ msghdr syscall.Msghdr
+ cmsg *syscall.Cmsghdr // followed by sizeofInt32 bytes of data
+// Init must be called on zero-value Endpoints before first use. sockfd must be
+// a blocking AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET socket.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Init(sockfd int) {
+ // "Datagram sockets in various domains (e.g., the UNIX and Internet
+ // domains) permit zero-length datagrams." - recv(2). Experimentally,
+ // sendmsg+recvmsg for a zero-length datagram is slightly faster than
+ // sendmsg+recvmsg for a single byte over a stream socket.
+ cmsgSlice := make([]byte, syscall.CmsgSpace(sizeofInt32))
+ cmsgReflect := (*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer)(&cmsgSlice))
+ ep.sockfd = int32(sockfd)
+ ep.msghdr.Control = (*byte)((unsafe.Pointer)(cmsgReflect.Data))
+ ep.cmsg = (*syscall.Cmsghdr)((unsafe.Pointer)(cmsgReflect.Data))
+ // ep.msghdr.Controllen and ep.cmsg.* are mutated by recvmsg(2), so they're
+ // set before calling sendmsg/recvmsg.
+// NewEndpoint is a convenience function that returns an initialized Endpoint
+// allocated on the heap.
+func NewEndpoint(sockfd int) *Endpoint {
+ ep := &Endpoint{}
+ ep.Init(sockfd)
+ return ep
+// Destroy releases resources owned by ep. No other Endpoint methods may be
+// called after Destroy.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Destroy() {
+ // These need not use sync/atomic since there must not be any concurrent
+ // calls to Endpoint methods.
+ if ep.sockfd >= 0 {
+ syscall.Close(int(ep.sockfd))
+ ep.sockfd = -1
+ }
+// Shutdown causes concurrent and future calls to ep.SendFD(), ep.RecvFD(), and
+// ep.RecvFDNonblock(), as well as the same calls in the connected Endpoint, to
+// unblock and return errors. It does not wait for concurrent calls to return.
+// Shutdown is the only Endpoint method that may be called concurrently with
+// other methods.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Shutdown() {
+ if sockfd := int(atomic.SwapInt32(&ep.sockfd, -1)); sockfd >= 0 {
+ syscall.Shutdown(sockfd, syscall.SHUT_RDWR)
+ syscall.Close(sockfd)
+ }
+// SendFD sends the open file description represented by the given file
+// descriptor to the connected Endpoint.
+func (ep *Endpoint) SendFD(fd int) error {
+ cmsgLen := syscall.CmsgLen(sizeofInt32)
+ ep.cmsg.Level = syscall.SOL_SOCKET
+ ep.cmsg.Type = syscall.SCM_RIGHTS
+ ep.cmsg.SetLen(cmsgLen)
+ *ep.cmsgData() = int32(fd)
+ ep.msghdr.SetControllen(cmsgLen)
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.sockfd)), uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(&ep.msghdr)), 0)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+// RecvFD receives an open file description from the connected Endpoint and
+// returns a file descriptor representing it, owned by the caller.
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFD() (int, error) {
+ return ep.recvFD(0)
+// RecvFDNonblock receives an open file description from the connected Endpoint
+// and returns a file descriptor representing it, owned by the caller. If there
+// are no pending receivable open file descriptions, RecvFDNonblock returns
+// (<unspecified>, EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK).
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFDNonblock() (int, error) {
+ return ep.recvFD(syscall.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+func (ep *Endpoint) recvFD(flags uintptr) (int, error) {
+ cmsgLen := syscall.CmsgLen(sizeofInt32)
+ ep.msghdr.SetControllen(cmsgLen)
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.sockfd)), uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(&ep.msghdr)), flags|syscall.MSG_TRUNC)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return -1, e
+ }
+ if int(ep.msghdr.Controllen) != cmsgLen {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("received control message has incorrect length: got %d, wanted %d", ep.msghdr.Controllen, cmsgLen)
+ }
+ if ep.cmsg.Level != syscall.SOL_SOCKET || ep.cmsg.Type != syscall.SCM_RIGHTS {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("received control message has incorrect (level, type): got (%v, %v), wanted (%v, %v)", ep.cmsg.Level, ep.cmsg.Type, syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SCM_RIGHTS)
+ }
+ return int(*ep.cmsgData()), nil
+func (ep *Endpoint) cmsgData() *int32 {
+ // syscall.CmsgLen(0) == syscall.cmsgAlignOf(syscall.SizeofCmsghdr)
+ return (*int32)((unsafe.Pointer)(uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(ep.cmsg)) + uintptr(syscall.CmsgLen(0))))