path: root/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/tcpip/transport/udp')
4 files changed, 307 insertions, 1736 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/BUILD b/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ff123e3..000000000
--- a/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_test")
-load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template_instance")
-load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_library")
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "udp_packet_list",
- out = "udp_packet_list.go",
- package = "udp",
- prefix = "udpPacket",
- template = "//pkg/ilist:generic_list",
- types = {
- "Element": "*udpPacket",
- "Linker": "*udpPacket",
- },
- name = "udp",
- srcs = [
- "endpoint.go",
- "endpoint_state.go",
- "forwarder.go",
- "protocol.go",
- "udp_packet_list.go",
- ],
- importpath = "",
- imports = [""],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- deps = [
- "//pkg/sleep",
- "//pkg/sync",
- "//pkg/tcpip",
- "//pkg/tcpip/buffer",
- "//pkg/tcpip/header",
- "//pkg/tcpip/iptables",
- "//pkg/tcpip/ports",
- "//pkg/tcpip/stack",
- "//pkg/tcpip/transport/raw",
- "//pkg/waiter",
- ],
- name = "udp_x_test",
- size = "small",
- srcs = ["udp_test.go"],
- deps = [
- ":udp",
- "//pkg/tcpip",
- "//pkg/tcpip/buffer",
- "//pkg/tcpip/checker",
- "//pkg/tcpip/header",
- "//pkg/tcpip/link/channel",
- "//pkg/tcpip/link/loopback",
- "//pkg/tcpip/link/sniffer",
- "//pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4",
- "//pkg/tcpip/network/ipv6",
- "//pkg/tcpip/stack",
- "//pkg/waiter",
- ],
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_packet_list.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_packet_list.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..673a9373b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_packet_list.go
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package udp
+// ElementMapper provides an identity mapping by default.
+// This can be replaced to provide a struct that maps elements to linker
+// objects, if they are not the same. An ElementMapper is not typically
+// required if: Linker is left as is, Element is left as is, or Linker and
+// Element are the same type.
+type udpPacketElementMapper struct{}
+// linkerFor maps an Element to a Linker.
+// This default implementation should be inlined.
+func (udpPacketElementMapper) linkerFor(elem *udpPacket) *udpPacket { return elem }
+// List is an intrusive list. Entries can be added to or removed from the list
+// in O(1) time and with no additional memory allocations.
+// The zero value for List is an empty list ready to use.
+// To iterate over a list (where l is a List):
+// for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
+// // do something with e.
+// }
+// +stateify savable
+type udpPacketList struct {
+ head *udpPacket
+ tail *udpPacket
+// Reset resets list l to the empty state.
+func (l *udpPacketList) Reset() {
+ l.head = nil
+ l.tail = nil
+// Empty returns true iff the list is empty.
+func (l *udpPacketList) Empty() bool {
+ return l.head == nil
+// Front returns the first element of list l or nil.
+func (l *udpPacketList) Front() *udpPacket {
+ return l.head
+// Back returns the last element of list l or nil.
+func (l *udpPacketList) Back() *udpPacket {
+ return l.tail
+// PushFront inserts the element e at the front of list l.
+func (l *udpPacketList) PushFront(e *udpPacket) {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetNext(l.head)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetPrev(nil)
+ if l.head != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(l.head).SetPrev(e)
+ } else {
+ l.tail = e
+ }
+ l.head = e
+// PushBack inserts the element e at the back of list l.
+func (l *udpPacketList) PushBack(e *udpPacket) {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetNext(nil)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetPrev(l.tail)
+ if l.tail != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(l.tail).SetNext(e)
+ } else {
+ l.head = e
+ }
+ l.tail = e
+// PushBackList inserts list m at the end of list l, emptying m.
+func (l *udpPacketList) PushBackList(m *udpPacketList) {
+ if l.head == nil {
+ l.head = m.head
+ l.tail = m.tail
+ } else if m.head != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(l.tail).SetNext(m.head)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(m.head).SetPrev(l.tail)
+ l.tail = m.tail
+ }
+ m.head = nil
+ m.tail = nil
+// InsertAfter inserts e after b.
+func (l *udpPacketList) InsertAfter(b, e *udpPacket) {
+ a := udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(b).Next()
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetNext(a)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetPrev(b)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(b).SetNext(e)
+ if a != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(a).SetPrev(e)
+ } else {
+ l.tail = e
+ }
+// InsertBefore inserts e before a.
+func (l *udpPacketList) InsertBefore(a, e *udpPacket) {
+ b := udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(a).Prev()
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetNext(a)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).SetPrev(b)
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(a).SetPrev(e)
+ if b != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(b).SetNext(e)
+ } else {
+ l.head = e
+ }
+// Remove removes e from l.
+func (l *udpPacketList) Remove(e *udpPacket) {
+ prev := udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).Prev()
+ next := udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(e).Next()
+ if prev != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(prev).SetNext(next)
+ } else {
+ l.head = next
+ }
+ if next != nil {
+ udpPacketElementMapper{}.linkerFor(next).SetPrev(prev)
+ } else {
+ l.tail = prev
+ }
+// Entry is a default implementation of Linker. Users can add anonymous fields
+// of this type to their structs to make them automatically implement the
+// methods needed by List.
+// +stateify savable
+type udpPacketEntry struct {
+ next *udpPacket
+ prev *udpPacket
+// Next returns the entry that follows e in the list.
+func (e *udpPacketEntry) Next() *udpPacket {
+ return
+// Prev returns the entry that precedes e in the list.
+func (e *udpPacketEntry) Prev() *udpPacket {
+ return e.prev
+// SetNext assigns 'entry' as the entry that follows e in the list.
+func (e *udpPacketEntry) SetNext(elem *udpPacket) {
+ = elem
+// SetPrev assigns 'entry' as the entry that precedes e in the list.
+func (e *udpPacketEntry) SetPrev(elem *udpPacket) {
+ e.prev = elem
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_state_autogen.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_state_autogen.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5c4b43214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_state_autogen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// automatically generated by stateify.
+package udp
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+func (x *udpPacket) beforeSave() {}
+func (x *udpPacket) save(m state.Map) {
+ x.beforeSave()
+ var data buffer.VectorisedView = x.saveData()
+ m.SaveValue("data", data)
+ m.Save("udpPacketEntry", &x.udpPacketEntry)
+ m.Save("senderAddress", &x.senderAddress)
+ m.Save("timestamp", &x.timestamp)
+func (x *udpPacket) afterLoad() {}
+func (x *udpPacket) load(m state.Map) {
+ m.Load("udpPacketEntry", &x.udpPacketEntry)
+ m.Load("senderAddress", &x.senderAddress)
+ m.Load("timestamp", &x.timestamp)
+ m.LoadValue("data", new(buffer.VectorisedView), func(y interface{}) { x.loadData(y.(buffer.VectorisedView)) })
+func (x *endpoint) save(m state.Map) {
+ x.beforeSave()
+ var rcvBufSizeMax int = x.saveRcvBufSizeMax()
+ m.SaveValue("rcvBufSizeMax", rcvBufSizeMax)
+ m.Save("TransportEndpointInfo", &x.TransportEndpointInfo)
+ m.Save("waiterQueue", &x.waiterQueue)
+ m.Save("uniqueID", &x.uniqueID)
+ m.Save("rcvReady", &x.rcvReady)
+ m.Save("rcvList", &x.rcvList)
+ m.Save("rcvBufSize", &x.rcvBufSize)
+ m.Save("rcvClosed", &x.rcvClosed)
+ m.Save("sndBufSize", &x.sndBufSize)
+ m.Save("state", &x.state)
+ m.Save("dstPort", &x.dstPort)
+ m.Save("v6only", &x.v6only)
+ m.Save("ttl", &x.ttl)
+ m.Save("multicastTTL", &x.multicastTTL)
+ m.Save("multicastAddr", &x.multicastAddr)
+ m.Save("multicastNICID", &x.multicastNICID)
+ m.Save("multicastLoop", &x.multicastLoop)
+ m.Save("reusePort", &x.reusePort)
+ m.Save("bindToDevice", &x.bindToDevice)
+ m.Save("broadcast", &x.broadcast)
+ m.Save("boundBindToDevice", &x.boundBindToDevice)
+ m.Save("boundPortFlags", &x.boundPortFlags)
+ m.Save("sendTOS", &x.sendTOS)
+ m.Save("shutdownFlags", &x.shutdownFlags)
+ m.Save("multicastMemberships", &x.multicastMemberships)
+ m.Save("effectiveNetProtos", &x.effectiveNetProtos)
+func (x *endpoint) load(m state.Map) {
+ m.Load("TransportEndpointInfo", &x.TransportEndpointInfo)
+ m.Load("waiterQueue", &x.waiterQueue)
+ m.Load("uniqueID", &x.uniqueID)
+ m.Load("rcvReady", &x.rcvReady)
+ m.Load("rcvList", &x.rcvList)
+ m.Load("rcvBufSize", &x.rcvBufSize)
+ m.Load("rcvClosed", &x.rcvClosed)
+ m.Load("sndBufSize", &x.sndBufSize)
+ m.Load("state", &x.state)
+ m.Load("dstPort", &x.dstPort)
+ m.Load("v6only", &x.v6only)
+ m.Load("ttl", &x.ttl)
+ m.Load("multicastTTL", &x.multicastTTL)
+ m.Load("multicastAddr", &x.multicastAddr)
+ m.Load("multicastNICID", &x.multicastNICID)
+ m.Load("multicastLoop", &x.multicastLoop)
+ m.Load("reusePort", &x.reusePort)
+ m.Load("bindToDevice", &x.bindToDevice)
+ m.Load("broadcast", &x.broadcast)
+ m.Load("boundBindToDevice", &x.boundBindToDevice)
+ m.Load("boundPortFlags", &x.boundPortFlags)
+ m.Load("sendTOS", &x.sendTOS)
+ m.Load("shutdownFlags", &x.shutdownFlags)
+ m.Load("multicastMemberships", &x.multicastMemberships)
+ m.Load("effectiveNetProtos", &x.effectiveNetProtos)
+ m.LoadValue("rcvBufSizeMax", new(int), func(y interface{}) { x.loadRcvBufSizeMax(y.(int)) })
+ m.AfterLoad(x.afterLoad)
+func (x *multicastMembership) beforeSave() {}
+func (x *multicastMembership) save(m state.Map) {
+ x.beforeSave()
+ m.Save("nicID", &x.nicID)
+ m.Save("multicastAddr", &x.multicastAddr)
+func (x *multicastMembership) afterLoad() {}
+func (x *multicastMembership) load(m state.Map) {
+ m.Load("nicID", &x.nicID)
+ m.Load("multicastAddr", &x.multicastAddr)
+func (x *udpPacketList) beforeSave() {}
+func (x *udpPacketList) save(m state.Map) {
+ x.beforeSave()
+ m.Save("head", &x.head)
+ m.Save("tail", &x.tail)
+func (x *udpPacketList) afterLoad() {}
+func (x *udpPacketList) load(m state.Map) {
+ m.Load("head", &x.head)
+ m.Load("tail", &x.tail)
+func (x *udpPacketEntry) beforeSave() {}
+func (x *udpPacketEntry) save(m state.Map) {
+ x.beforeSave()
+ m.Save("next", &
+ m.Save("prev", &x.prev)
+func (x *udpPacketEntry) afterLoad() {}
+func (x *udpPacketEntry) load(m state.Map) {
+ m.Load("next", &
+ m.Load("prev", &x.prev)
+func init() {
+ state.Register("udp.udpPacket", (*udpPacket)(nil), state.Fns{Save: (*udpPacket).save, Load: (*udpPacket).load})
+ state.Register("udp.endpoint", (*endpoint)(nil), state.Fns{Save: (*endpoint).save, Load: (*endpoint).load})
+ state.Register("udp.multicastMembership", (*multicastMembership)(nil), state.Fns{Save: (*multicastMembership).save, Load: (*multicastMembership).load})
+ state.Register("udp.udpPacketList", (*udpPacketList)(nil), state.Fns{Save: (*udpPacketList).save, Load: (*udpPacketList).load})
+ state.Register("udp.udpPacketEntry", (*udpPacketEntry)(nil), state.Fns{Save: (*udpPacketEntry).save, Load: (*udpPacketEntry).load})
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a82bc4fa..000000000
--- a/pkg/tcpip/transport/udp/udp_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1673 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package udp_test
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "math/rand"
- "testing"
- "time"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
-// Addresses and ports used for testing. It is recommended that tests stick to
-// using these addresses as it allows using the testFlow helper.
-// Naming rules: 'stack*'' denotes local addresses and ports, while 'test*'
-// represents the remote endpoint.
-const (
- v4MappedAddrPrefix = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff"
- stackV6Addr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
- testV6Addr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
- stackV4MappedAddr = v4MappedAddrPrefix + stackAddr
- testV4MappedAddr = v4MappedAddrPrefix + testAddr
- multicastV4MappedAddr = v4MappedAddrPrefix + multicastAddr
- broadcastV4MappedAddr = v4MappedAddrPrefix + broadcastAddr
- v4MappedWildcardAddr = v4MappedAddrPrefix + "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
- stackAddr = "\x0a\x00\x00\x01"
- stackPort = 1234
- testAddr = "\x0a\x00\x00\x02"
- testPort = 4096
- multicastAddr = "\xe8\x2b\xd3\xea"
- multicastV6Addr = "\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
- broadcastAddr = header.IPv4Broadcast
- // defaultMTU is the MTU, in bytes, used throughout the tests, except
- // where another value is explicitly used. It is chosen to match the MTU
- // of loopback interfaces on linux systems.
- defaultMTU = 65536
-// header4Tuple stores the 4-tuple {src-IP, src-port, dst-IP, dst-port} used in
-// a packet header. These values are used to populate a header or verify one.
-// Note that because they are used in packet headers, the addresses are never in
-// a V4-mapped format.
-type header4Tuple struct {
- srcAddr tcpip.FullAddress
- dstAddr tcpip.FullAddress
-// testFlow implements a helper type used for sending and receiving test
-// packets. A given test flow value defines 1) the socket endpoint used for the
-// test and 2) the type of packet send or received on the endpoint. E.g., a
-// multicastV6Only flow is a V6 multicast packet passing through a V6-only
-// endpoint. The type provides helper methods to characterize the flow (e.g.,
-// isV4) as well as return a proper header4Tuple for it.
-type testFlow int
-const (
- unicastV4 testFlow = iota // V4 unicast on a V4 socket
- unicastV4in6 // V4-mapped unicast on a V6-dual socket
- unicastV6 // V6 unicast on a V6 socket
- unicastV6Only // V6 unicast on a V6-only socket
- multicastV4 // V4 multicast on a V4 socket
- multicastV4in6 // V4-mapped multicast on a V6-dual socket
- multicastV6 // V6 multicast on a V6 socket
- multicastV6Only // V6 multicast on a V6-only socket
- broadcast // V4 broadcast on a V4 socket
- broadcastIn6 // V4-mapped broadcast on a V6-dual socket
-func (flow testFlow) String() string {
- switch flow {
- case unicastV4:
- return "unicastV4"
- case unicastV6:
- return "unicastV6"
- case unicastV6Only:
- return "unicastV6Only"
- case unicastV4in6:
- return "unicastV4in6"
- case multicastV4:
- return "multicastV4"
- case multicastV6:
- return "multicastV6"
- case multicastV6Only:
- return "multicastV6Only"
- case multicastV4in6:
- return "multicastV4in6"
- case broadcast:
- return "broadcast"
- case broadcastIn6:
- return "broadcastIn6"
- default:
- return "unknown"
- }
-// packetDirection explains if a flow is incoming (read) or outgoing (write).
-type packetDirection int
-const (
- incoming packetDirection = iota
- outgoing
-// header4Tuple returns the header4Tuple for the given flow and direction. Note
-// that the tuple contains no mapped addresses as those only exist at the socket
-// level but not at the packet header level.
-func (flow testFlow) header4Tuple(d packetDirection) header4Tuple {
- var h header4Tuple
- if flow.isV4() {
- if d == outgoing {
- h = header4Tuple{
- srcAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackAddr, Port: stackPort},
- dstAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testAddr, Port: testPort},
- }
- } else {
- h = header4Tuple{
- srcAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testAddr, Port: testPort},
- dstAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackAddr, Port: stackPort},
- }
- }
- if flow.isMulticast() {
- h.dstAddr.Addr = multicastAddr
- } else if flow.isBroadcast() {
- h.dstAddr.Addr = broadcastAddr
- }
- } else { // IPv6
- if d == outgoing {
- h = header4Tuple{
- srcAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackV6Addr, Port: stackPort},
- dstAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort},
- }
- } else {
- h = header4Tuple{
- srcAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort},
- dstAddr: tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackV6Addr, Port: stackPort},
- }
- }
- if flow.isMulticast() {
- h.dstAddr.Addr = multicastV6Addr
- }
- }
- return h
-func (flow testFlow) getMcastAddr() tcpip.Address {
- if flow.isV4() {
- return multicastAddr
- }
- return multicastV6Addr
-// mapAddrIfApplicable converts the given V4 address into its V4-mapped version
-// if it is applicable to the flow.
-func (flow testFlow) mapAddrIfApplicable(v4Addr tcpip.Address) tcpip.Address {
- if flow.isMapped() {
- return v4MappedAddrPrefix + v4Addr
- }
- return v4Addr
-// netProto returns the protocol number used for the network packet.
-func (flow testFlow) netProto() tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber {
- if flow.isV4() {
- return ipv4.ProtocolNumber
- }
- return ipv6.ProtocolNumber
-// sockProto returns the protocol number used when creating the socket
-// endpoint for this flow.
-func (flow testFlow) sockProto() tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber {
- switch flow {
- case unicastV4in6, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, multicastV6Only, broadcastIn6:
- return ipv6.ProtocolNumber
- case unicastV4, multicastV4, broadcast:
- return ipv4.ProtocolNumber
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid testFlow given: %d", flow))
- }
-func (flow testFlow) checkerFn() func(*testing.T, []byte, ...checker.NetworkChecker) {
- if flow.isV4() {
- return checker.IPv4
- }
- return checker.IPv6
-func (flow testFlow) isV6() bool { return !flow.isV4() }
-func (flow testFlow) isV4() bool {
- return flow.sockProto() == ipv4.ProtocolNumber || flow.isMapped()
-func (flow testFlow) isV6Only() bool {
- switch flow {
- case unicastV6Only, multicastV6Only:
- return true
- case unicastV4, unicastV4in6, unicastV6, multicastV4, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, broadcast, broadcastIn6:
- return false
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid testFlow given: %d", flow))
- }
-func (flow testFlow) isMulticast() bool {
- switch flow {
- case multicastV4, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, multicastV6Only:
- return true
- case unicastV4, unicastV4in6, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, broadcast, broadcastIn6:
- return false
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid testFlow given: %d", flow))
- }
-func (flow testFlow) isBroadcast() bool {
- switch flow {
- case broadcast, broadcastIn6:
- return true
- case unicastV4, unicastV4in6, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, multicastV4, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, multicastV6Only:
- return false
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid testFlow given: %d", flow))
- }
-func (flow testFlow) isMapped() bool {
- switch flow {
- case unicastV4in6, multicastV4in6, broadcastIn6:
- return true
- case unicastV4, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, multicastV4, multicastV6, multicastV6Only, broadcast:
- return false
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid testFlow given: %d", flow))
- }
-type testContext struct {
- t *testing.T
- linkEP *channel.Endpoint
- s *stack.Stack
- ep tcpip.Endpoint
- wq waiter.Queue
-func newDualTestContext(t *testing.T, mtu uint32) *testContext {
- t.Helper()
- s := stack.New(stack.Options{
- NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv4.NewProtocol(), ipv6.NewProtocol()},
- TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()},
- })
- ep := channel.New(256, mtu, "")
- wep := stack.LinkEndpoint(ep)
- if testing.Verbose() {
- wep = sniffer.New(ep)
- }
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, wep); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC failed: %v", err)
- }
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, stackAddr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress failed: %v", err)
- }
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, stackV6Addr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress failed: %v", err)
- }
- s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{
- {
- Destination: header.IPv4EmptySubnet,
- NIC: 1,
- },
- {
- Destination: header.IPv6EmptySubnet,
- NIC: 1,
- },
- })
- return &testContext{
- t: t,
- s: s,
- linkEP: ep,
- }
-func (c *testContext) cleanup() {
- if c.ep != nil {
- c.ep.Close()
- }
-func (c *testContext) createEndpoint(proto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) {
- c.t.Helper()
- var err *tcpip.Error
- c.ep, err = c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, proto, &c.wq)
- if err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("NewEndpoint failed: ", err)
- }
-func (c *testContext) createEndpointForFlow(flow testFlow) {
- c.t.Helper()
- c.createEndpoint(flow.sockProto())
- if flow.isV6Only() {
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOptBool(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
- }
- } else if flow.isBroadcast() {
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.BroadcastOption(1)); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("SetSockOpt failed:", err)
- }
- }
-// getPacketAndVerify reads a packet from the link endpoint and verifies the
-// header against expected values from the given test flow. In addition, it
-// calls any extra checker functions provided.
-func (c *testContext) getPacketAndVerify(flow testFlow, checkers ...checker.NetworkChecker) []byte {
- c.t.Helper()
- select {
- case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
- if p.Proto != flow.netProto() {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bad network protocol: got %v, wanted %v", p.Proto, flow.netProto())
- }
- hdr := p.Pkt.Header.View()
- b := append(hdr[:len(hdr):len(hdr)], p.Pkt.Data.ToView()...)
- h := flow.header4Tuple(outgoing)
- checkers := append(
- checkers,
- checker.SrcAddr(h.srcAddr.Addr),
- checker.DstAddr(h.dstAddr.Addr),
- checker.UDP(checker.DstPort(h.dstAddr.Port)),
- )
- flow.checkerFn()(c.t, b, checkers...)
- return b
- case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
- c.t.Fatalf("Packet wasn't written out")
- }
- return nil
-// injectPacket creates a packet of the given flow and with the given payload,
-// and injects it into the link endpoint.
-func (c *testContext) injectPacket(flow testFlow, payload []byte) {
- c.t.Helper()
- h := flow.header4Tuple(incoming)
- if flow.isV4() {
- c.injectV4Packet(payload, &h, true /* valid */)
- } else {
- c.injectV6Packet(payload, &h, true /* valid */)
- }
-// injectV6Packet creates a V6 test packet with the given payload and header
-// values, and injects it into the link endpoint. valid indicates if the
-// caller intends to inject a packet with a valid or an invalid UDP header.
-// We can invalidate the header by corrupting the UDP payload length.
-func (c *testContext) injectV6Packet(payload []byte, h *header4Tuple, valid bool) {
- // Allocate a buffer for data and headers.
- buf := buffer.NewView(header.UDPMinimumSize + header.IPv6MinimumSize + len(payload))
- payloadStart := len(buf) - len(payload)
- copy(buf[payloadStart:], payload)
- // Initialize the IP header.
- ip := header.IPv6(buf)
- ip.Encode(&header.IPv6Fields{
- PayloadLength: uint16(header.UDPMinimumSize + len(payload)),
- NextHeader: uint8(udp.ProtocolNumber),
- HopLimit: 65,
- SrcAddr: h.srcAddr.Addr,
- DstAddr: h.dstAddr.Addr,
- })
- // Initialize the UDP header.
- u := header.UDP(buf[header.IPv6MinimumSize:])
- l := uint16(header.UDPMinimumSize + len(payload))
- if !valid {
- // Change the UDP payload length to corrupt the header
- // as requested by the caller.
- l++
- }
- u.Encode(&header.UDPFields{
- SrcPort: h.srcAddr.Port,
- DstPort: h.dstAddr.Port,
- Length: l,
- })
- // Calculate the UDP pseudo-header checksum.
- xsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(udp.ProtocolNumber, h.srcAddr.Addr, h.dstAddr.Addr, uint16(len(u)))
- // Calculate the UDP checksum and set it.
- xsum = header.Checksum(payload, xsum)
- u.SetChecksum(^u.CalculateChecksum(xsum))
- // Inject packet.
- c.linkEP.InjectInbound(ipv6.ProtocolNumber, tcpip.PacketBuffer{
- Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
- NetworkHeader: buffer.View(ip),
- TransportHeader: buffer.View(u),
- })
-// injectV4Packet creates a V4 test packet with the given payload and header
-// values, and injects it into the link endpoint. valid indicates if the
-// caller intends to inject a packet with a valid or an invalid UDP header.
-// We can invalidate the header by corrupting the UDP payload length.
-func (c *testContext) injectV4Packet(payload []byte, h *header4Tuple, valid bool) {
- // Allocate a buffer for data and headers.
- buf := buffer.NewView(header.UDPMinimumSize + header.IPv4MinimumSize + len(payload))
- payloadStart := len(buf) - len(payload)
- copy(buf[payloadStart:], payload)
- // Initialize the IP header.
- ip := header.IPv4(buf)
- ip.Encode(&header.IPv4Fields{
- IHL: header.IPv4MinimumSize,
- TotalLength: uint16(len(buf)),
- TTL: 65,
- Protocol: uint8(udp.ProtocolNumber),
- SrcAddr: h.srcAddr.Addr,
- DstAddr: h.dstAddr.Addr,
- })
- ip.SetChecksum(^ip.CalculateChecksum())
- // Initialize the UDP header.
- u := header.UDP(buf[header.IPv4MinimumSize:])
- u.Encode(&header.UDPFields{
- SrcPort: h.srcAddr.Port,
- DstPort: h.dstAddr.Port,
- Length: uint16(header.UDPMinimumSize + len(payload)),
- })
- // Calculate the UDP pseudo-header checksum.
- xsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(udp.ProtocolNumber, h.srcAddr.Addr, h.dstAddr.Addr, uint16(len(u)))
- // Calculate the UDP checksum and set it.
- xsum = header.Checksum(payload, xsum)
- u.SetChecksum(^u.CalculateChecksum(xsum))
- // Inject packet.
- c.linkEP.InjectInbound(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, tcpip.PacketBuffer{
- Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
- NetworkHeader: buffer.View(ip),
- TransportHeader: buffer.View(u),
- })
-func newPayload() []byte {
- return newMinPayload(30)
-func newMinPayload(minSize int) []byte {
- b := make([]byte, minSize+rand.Intn(100))
- for i := range b {
- b[i] = byte(rand.Intn(256))
- }
- return b
-func TestBindToDeviceOption(t *testing.T) {
- s := stack.New(stack.Options{
- NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv4.NewProtocol()},
- TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()}})
- ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
- }
- defer ep.Close()
- opts := stack.NICOptions{Name: "my_device"}
- if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(321, loopback.New(), opts); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("CreateNICWithOptions(_, _, %+v) failed: %v", opts, err)
- }
- // nicIDPtr is used instead of taking the address of NICID literals, which is
- // a compiler error.
- nicIDPtr := func(s tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.NICID {
- return &s
- }
- testActions := []struct {
- name string
- setBindToDevice *tcpip.NICID
- setBindToDeviceError *tcpip.Error
- getBindToDevice tcpip.BindToDeviceOption
- }{
- {"GetDefaultValue", nil, nil, 0},
- {"BindToNonExistent", nicIDPtr(999), tcpip.ErrUnknownDevice, 0},
- {"BindToExistent", nicIDPtr(321), nil, 321},
- {"UnbindToDevice", nicIDPtr(0), nil, 0},
- }
- for _, testAction := range testActions {
- t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
- if testAction.setBindToDevice != nil {
- bindToDevice := tcpip.BindToDeviceOption(*testAction.setBindToDevice)
- if gotErr, wantErr := ep.SetSockOpt(bindToDevice), testAction.setBindToDeviceError; gotErr != wantErr {
- t.Errorf("SetSockOpt(%v) got %v, want %v", bindToDevice, gotErr, wantErr)
- }
- }
- bindToDevice := tcpip.BindToDeviceOption(88888)
- if err := ep.GetSockOpt(&bindToDevice); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("GetSockOpt got %v, want %v", err, nil)
- }
- if got, want := bindToDevice, testAction.getBindToDevice; got != want {
- t.Errorf("bindToDevice got %d, want %d", got, want)
- }
- })
- }
-// testReadInternal sends a packet of the given test flow into the stack by
-// injecting it into the link endpoint. It then attempts to read it from the
-// UDP endpoint and depending on if this was expected to succeed verifies its
-// correctness.
-func testReadInternal(c *testContext, flow testFlow, packetShouldBeDropped, expectReadError bool) {
- c.t.Helper()
- payload := newPayload()
- c.injectPacket(flow, payload)
- // Try to receive the data.
- we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
- c.wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
- defer c.wq.EventUnregister(&we)
- // Take a snapshot of the stats to validate them at the end of the test.
- epstats := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).Clone()
- var addr tcpip.FullAddress
- v, _, err := c.ep.Read(&addr)
- if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
- // Wait for data to become available.
- select {
- case <-ch:
- v, _, err = c.ep.Read(&addr)
- case <-time.After(300 * time.Millisecond):
- if packetShouldBeDropped {
- return // expected to time out
- }
- c.t.Fatal("timed out waiting for data")
- }
- }
- if expectReadError && err != nil {
- c.checkEndpointReadStats(1, epstats, err)
- return
- }
- if err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("Read failed:", err)
- }
- if packetShouldBeDropped {
- c.t.Fatalf("Read unexpectedly received data from %s", addr.Addr)
- }
- // Check the peer address.
- h := flow.header4Tuple(incoming)
- if addr.Addr != h.srcAddr.Addr {
- c.t.Fatalf("unexpected remote address: got %s, want %s", addr.Addr, h.srcAddr)
- }
- // Check the payload.
- if !bytes.Equal(payload, v) {
- c.t.Fatalf("bad payload: got %x, want %x", v, payload)
- }
- c.checkEndpointReadStats(1, epstats, err)
-// testRead sends a packet of the given test flow into the stack by injecting it
-// into the link endpoint. It then reads it from the UDP endpoint and verifies
-// its correctness.
-func testRead(c *testContext, flow testFlow) {
- c.t.Helper()
- testReadInternal(c, flow, false /* packetShouldBeDropped */, false /* expectReadError */)
-// testFailingRead sends a packet of the given test flow into the stack by
-// injecting it into the link endpoint. It then tries to read it from the UDP
-// endpoint and expects this to fail.
-func testFailingRead(c *testContext, flow testFlow, expectReadError bool) {
- c.t.Helper()
- testReadInternal(c, flow, true /* packetShouldBeDropped */, expectReadError)
-func TestBindEphemeralPort(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{}); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("ep.Bind(...) failed: %v", err)
- }
-func TestBindReservedPort(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
- }
- addr, err := c.ep.GetLocalAddress()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("GetLocalAddress failed: %v", err)
- }
- // We can't bind the address reserved by the connected endpoint above.
- {
- ep, err := c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, &c.wq)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
- }
- defer ep.Close()
- if got, want := ep.Bind(addr), tcpip.ErrPortInUse; got != want {
- t.Fatalf("got ep.Bind(...) = %v, want = %v", got, want)
- }
- }
- func() {
- ep, err := c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &c.wq)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
- }
- defer ep.Close()
- // We can't bind ipv4-any on the port reserved by the connected endpoint
- // above, since the endpoint is dual-stack.
- if got, want := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: addr.Port}), tcpip.ErrPortInUse; got != want {
- t.Fatalf("got ep.Bind(...) = %v, want = %v", got, want)
- }
- // We can bind an ipv4 address on this port, though.
- if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackAddr, Port: addr.Port}); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("ep.Bind(...) failed: %v", err)
- }
- }()
- // Once the connected endpoint releases its port reservation, we are able to
- // bind ipv4-any once again.
- c.ep.Close()
- func() {
- ep, err := c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &c.wq)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
- }
- defer ep.Close()
- if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: addr.Port}); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("ep.Bind(...) failed: %v", err)
- }
- }()
-func TestV4ReadOnV6(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(unicastV4in6)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Test acceptance.
- testRead(c, unicastV4in6)
-func TestV4ReadOnBoundToV4MappedWildcard(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(unicastV4in6)
- // Bind to v4 mapped wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: v4MappedWildcardAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Test acceptance.
- testRead(c, unicastV4in6)
-func TestV4ReadOnBoundToV4Mapped(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(unicastV4in6)
- // Bind to local address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackV4MappedAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Test acceptance.
- testRead(c, unicastV4in6)
-func TestV6ReadOnV6(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(unicastV6)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Test acceptance.
- testRead(c, unicastV6)
-func TestV4ReadOnV4(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(unicastV4)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Test acceptance.
- testRead(c, unicastV4)
-// TestReadOnBoundToMulticast checks that an endpoint can bind to a multicast
-// address and receive data sent to that address.
-func TestReadOnBoundToMulticast(t *testing.T) {
- // FIXME(b/128189410): multicastV4in6 currently doesn't work as
- // AddMembershipOption doesn't handle V4in6 addresses.
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{multicastV4, multicastV6, multicastV6Only} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to multicast address.
- mcastAddr := flow.mapAddrIfApplicable(flow.getMcastAddr())
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: mcastAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("Bind failed:", err)
- }
- // Join multicast group.
- ifoptSet := tcpip.AddMembershipOption{NIC: 1, MulticastAddr: mcastAddr}
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(ifoptSet); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("SetSockOpt failed:", err)
- }
- // Check that we receive multicast packets but not unicast or broadcast
- // ones.
- testRead(c, flow)
- testFailingRead(c, broadcast, false /* expectReadError */)
- testFailingRead(c, unicastV4, false /* expectReadError */)
- })
- }
-// TestV4ReadOnBoundToBroadcast checks that an endpoint can bind to a broadcast
-// address and can receive only broadcast data.
-func TestV4ReadOnBoundToBroadcast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{broadcast, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to broadcast address.
- bcastAddr := flow.mapAddrIfApplicable(broadcastAddr)
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: bcastAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %s", err)
- }
- // Check that we receive broadcast packets but not unicast ones.
- testRead(c, flow)
- testFailingRead(c, unicastV4, false /* expectReadError */)
- })
- }
-// TestV4ReadBroadcastOnBoundToWildcard checks that an endpoint can bind to ANY
-// and receive broadcast and unicast data.
-func TestV4ReadBroadcastOnBoundToWildcard(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{broadcast, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %s (", err)
- }
- // Check that we receive both broadcast and unicast packets.
- testRead(c, flow)
- testRead(c, unicastV4)
- })
- }
-// testFailingWrite sends a packet of the given test flow into the UDP endpoint
-// and verifies it fails with the provided error code.
-func testFailingWrite(c *testContext, flow testFlow, wantErr *tcpip.Error) {
- c.t.Helper()
- // Take a snapshot of the stats to validate them at the end of the test.
- epstats := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).Clone()
- h := flow.header4Tuple(outgoing)
- writeDstAddr := flow.mapAddrIfApplicable(h.dstAddr.Addr)
- payload := buffer.View(newPayload())
- _, _, gotErr := c.ep.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(payload), tcpip.WriteOptions{
- To: &tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: writeDstAddr, Port: h.dstAddr.Port},
- })
- c.checkEndpointWriteStats(1, epstats, gotErr)
- if gotErr != wantErr {
- c.t.Fatalf("Write returned unexpected error: got %v, want %v", gotErr, wantErr)
- }
-// testWrite sends a packet of the given test flow from the UDP endpoint to the
-// flow's destination address:port. It then receives it from the link endpoint
-// and verifies its correctness including any additional checker functions
-// provided.
-func testWrite(c *testContext, flow testFlow, checkers ...checker.NetworkChecker) uint16 {
- c.t.Helper()
- return testWriteInternal(c, flow, true, checkers...)
-// testWriteWithoutDestination sends a packet of the given test flow from the
-// UDP endpoint without giving a destination address:port. It then receives it
-// from the link endpoint and verifies its correctness including any additional
-// checker functions provided.
-func testWriteWithoutDestination(c *testContext, flow testFlow, checkers ...checker.NetworkChecker) uint16 {
- c.t.Helper()
- return testWriteInternal(c, flow, false, checkers...)
-func testWriteInternal(c *testContext, flow testFlow, setDest bool, checkers ...checker.NetworkChecker) uint16 {
- c.t.Helper()
- // Take a snapshot of the stats to validate them at the end of the test.
- epstats := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).Clone()
- writeOpts := tcpip.WriteOptions{}
- if setDest {
- h := flow.header4Tuple(outgoing)
- writeDstAddr := flow.mapAddrIfApplicable(h.dstAddr.Addr)
- writeOpts = tcpip.WriteOptions{
- To: &tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: writeDstAddr, Port: h.dstAddr.Port},
- }
- }
- payload := buffer.View(newPayload())
- n, _, err := c.ep.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(payload), writeOpts)
- if err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Write failed: %v", err)
- }
- if n != int64(len(payload)) {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bad number of bytes written: got %v, want %v", n, len(payload))
- }
- c.checkEndpointWriteStats(1, epstats, err)
- // Received the packet and check the payload.
- b := c.getPacketAndVerify(flow, checkers...)
- var udp header.UDP
- if flow.isV4() {
- udp = header.UDP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
- } else {
- udp = header.UDP(header.IPv6(b).Payload())
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(payload, udp.Payload()) {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bad payload: got %x, want %x", udp.Payload(), payload)
- }
- return udp.SourcePort()
-func testDualWrite(c *testContext) uint16 {
- c.t.Helper()
- v4Port := testWrite(c, unicastV4in6)
- v6Port := testWrite(c, unicastV6)
- if v4Port != v6Port {
- c.t.Fatalf("expected v4 and v6 ports to be equal: got v4Port = %d, v6Port = %d", v4Port, v6Port)
- }
- return v4Port
-func TestDualWriteUnbound(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- testDualWrite(c)
-func TestDualWriteBoundToWildcard(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- p := testDualWrite(c)
- if p != stackPort {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bad port: got %v, want %v", p, stackPort)
- }
-func TestDualWriteConnectedToV6(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Connect to v6 address.
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, unicastV6)
- // Write to V4 mapped address.
- testFailingWrite(c, unicastV4in6, tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable)
- const want = 1
- if got := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).SendErrors.NoRoute.Value(); got != want {
- c.t.Fatalf("Endpoint stat not updated. got %d want %d", got, want)
- }
-func TestDualWriteConnectedToV4Mapped(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Connect to v4 mapped address.
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV4MappedAddr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, unicastV4in6)
- // Write to v6 address.
- testFailingWrite(c, unicastV6, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState)
-func TestV4WriteOnV6Only(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(unicastV6Only)
- // Write to V4 mapped address.
- testFailingWrite(c, unicastV4in6, tcpip.ErrNoRoute)
-func TestV6WriteOnBoundToV4Mapped(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Bind to v4 mapped address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackV4MappedAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Write to v6 address.
- testFailingWrite(c, unicastV6, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState)
-func TestV6WriteOnConnected(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Connect to v6 address.
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
- }
- testWriteWithoutDestination(c, unicastV6)
-func TestV4WriteOnConnected(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Connect to v4 mapped address.
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV4MappedAddr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
- }
- testWriteWithoutDestination(c, unicastV4)
-// TestWriteOnBoundToV4Multicast checks that we can send packets out of a socket
-// that is bound to a V4 multicast address.
-func TestWriteOnBoundToV4Multicast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4, multicastV4, broadcast} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to V4 mcast address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: multicastAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("Bind failed:", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow)
- })
- }
-// TestWriteOnBoundToV4MappedMulticast checks that we can send packets out of a
-// socket that is bound to a V4-mapped multicast address.
-func TestWriteOnBoundToV4MappedMulticast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4in6, multicastV4in6, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to V4Mapped mcast address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: multicastV4MappedAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %s", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow)
- })
- }
-// TestWriteOnBoundToV6Multicast checks that we can send packets out of a
-// socket that is bound to a V6 multicast address.
-func TestWriteOnBoundToV6Multicast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV6, multicastV6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to V6 mcast address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: multicastV6Addr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %s", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow)
- })
- }
-// TestWriteOnBoundToV6Multicast checks that we can send packets out of a
-// V6-only socket that is bound to a V6 multicast address.
-func TestWriteOnBoundToV6OnlyMulticast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV6Only, multicastV6Only} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to V6 mcast address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: multicastV6Addr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %s", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow)
- })
- }
-// TestWriteOnBoundToBroadcast checks that we can send packets out of a
-// socket that is bound to the broadcast address.
-func TestWriteOnBoundToBroadcast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4, multicastV4, broadcast} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to V4 broadcast address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: broadcastAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatal("Bind failed:", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow)
- })
- }
-// TestWriteOnBoundToV4MappedBroadcast checks that we can send packets out of a
-// socket that is bound to the V4-mapped broadcast address.
-func TestWriteOnBoundToV4MappedBroadcast(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4in6, multicastV4in6, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- // Bind to V4Mapped mcast address.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: broadcastV4MappedAddr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %s", err)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow)
- })
- }
-func TestReadIncrementsPacketsReceived(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- // Create IPv4 UDP endpoint
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- testRead(c, unicastV4)
- var want uint64 = 1
- if got := c.s.Stats().UDP.PacketsReceived.Value(); got != want {
- c.t.Fatalf("Read did not increment PacketsReceived: got %v, want %v", got, want)
- }
-func TestWriteIncrementsPacketsSent(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- testDualWrite(c)
- var want uint64 = 2
- if got := c.s.Stats().UDP.PacketsSent.Value(); got != want {
- c.t.Fatalf("Write did not increment PacketsSent: got %v, want %v", got, want)
- }
-func TestTTL(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4, unicastV4in6, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, multicastV4, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, broadcast, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- const multicastTTL = 42
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.MulticastTTLOption(multicastTTL)); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
- }
- var wantTTL uint8
- if flow.isMulticast() {
- wantTTL = multicastTTL
- } else {
- var p stack.NetworkProtocol
- if flow.isV4() {
- p = ipv4.NewProtocol()
- } else {
- p = ipv6.NewProtocol()
- }
- ep, err := p.NewEndpoint(0, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}, nil, nil, nil)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- wantTTL = ep.DefaultTTL()
- ep.Close()
- }
- testWrite(c, flow, checker.TTL(wantTTL))
- })
- }
-func TestSetTTL(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4, unicastV4in6, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, broadcast, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- for _, wantTTL := range []uint8{1, 2, 50, 64, 128, 254, 255} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("TTL:%d", wantTTL), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.TTLOption(wantTTL)); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
- }
- var p stack.NetworkProtocol
- if flow.isV4() {
- p = ipv4.NewProtocol()
- } else {
- p = ipv6.NewProtocol()
- }
- ep, err := p.NewEndpoint(0, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}, nil, nil, nil)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- ep.Close()
- testWrite(c, flow, checker.TTL(wantTTL))
- })
- }
- })
- }
-func TestTOSV4(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4, multicastV4, broadcast} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- const tos = 0xC0
- var v tcpip.IPv4TOSOption
- if err := c.ep.GetSockOpt(&v); err != nil {
- c.t.Errorf("GetSockopt failed: %s", err)
- }
- // Test for expected default value.
- if v != 0 {
- c.t.Errorf("got GetSockOpt(...) = %#v, want = %#v", v, 0)
- }
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.IPv4TOSOption(tos)); err != nil {
- c.t.Errorf("SetSockOpt(%#v) failed: %s", tcpip.IPv4TOSOption(tos), err)
- }
- if err := c.ep.GetSockOpt(&v); err != nil {
- c.t.Errorf("GetSockopt failed: %s", err)
- }
- if want := tcpip.IPv4TOSOption(tos); v != want {
- c.t.Errorf("got GetSockOpt(...) = %#v, want = %#v", v, want)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow, checker.TOS(tos, 0))
- })
- }
-func TestTOSV6(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{unicastV4in6, unicastV6, unicastV6Only, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, broadcastIn6} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpointForFlow(flow)
- const tos = 0xC0
- var v tcpip.IPv6TrafficClassOption
- if err := c.ep.GetSockOpt(&v); err != nil {
- c.t.Errorf("GetSockopt failed: %s", err)
- }
- // Test for expected default value.
- if v != 0 {
- c.t.Errorf("got GetSockOpt(...) = %#v, want = %#v", v, 0)
- }
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.IPv6TrafficClassOption(tos)); err != nil {
- c.t.Errorf("SetSockOpt failed: %s", err)
- }
- if err := c.ep.GetSockOpt(&v); err != nil {
- c.t.Errorf("GetSockopt failed: %s", err)
- }
- if want := tcpip.IPv6TrafficClassOption(tos); v != want {
- c.t.Errorf("got GetSockOpt(...) = %#v, want = %#v", v, want)
- }
- testWrite(c, flow, checker.TOS(tos, 0))
- })
- }
-func TestMulticastInterfaceOption(t *testing.T) {
- for _, flow := range []testFlow{multicastV4, multicastV4in6, multicastV6, multicastV6Only} {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s", flow), func(t *testing.T) {
- for _, bindTyp := range []string{"bound", "unbound"} {
- t.Run(bindTyp, func(t *testing.T) {
- for _, optTyp := range []string{"use local-addr", "use NICID", "use local-addr and NIC"} {
- t.Run(optTyp, func(t *testing.T) {
- h := flow.header4Tuple(outgoing)
- mcastAddr := h.dstAddr.Addr
- localIfAddr := h.srcAddr.Addr
- var ifoptSet tcpip.MulticastInterfaceOption
- switch optTyp {
- case "use local-addr":
- ifoptSet.InterfaceAddr = localIfAddr
- case "use NICID":
- ifoptSet.NIC = 1
- case "use local-addr and NIC":
- ifoptSet.InterfaceAddr = localIfAddr
- ifoptSet.NIC = 1
- default:
- t.Fatal("unknown test variant")
- }
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(flow.sockProto())
- if bindTyp == "bound" {
- // Bind the socket by connecting to the multicast address.
- // This may have an influence on how the multicast interface
- // is set.
- addr := tcpip.FullAddress{
- Addr: flow.mapAddrIfApplicable(mcastAddr),
- Port: stackPort,
- }
- if err := c.ep.Connect(addr); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
- }
- }
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(ifoptSet); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
- }
- // Verify multicast interface addr and NIC were set correctly.
- // Note that NIC must be 1 since this is our outgoing interface.
- ifoptWant := tcpip.MulticastInterfaceOption{NIC: 1, InterfaceAddr: ifoptSet.InterfaceAddr}
- var ifoptGot tcpip.MulticastInterfaceOption
- if err := c.ep.GetSockOpt(&ifoptGot); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
- }
- if ifoptGot != ifoptWant {
- c.t.Errorf("got GetSockOpt() = %#v, want = %#v", ifoptGot, ifoptWant)
- }
- })
- }
- })
- }
- })
- }
-// TestV4UnknownDestination verifies that we generate an ICMPv4 Destination
-// Unreachable message when a udp datagram is received on ports for which there
-// is no bound udp socket.
-func TestV4UnknownDestination(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- testCases := []struct {
- flow testFlow
- icmpRequired bool
- // largePayload if true, will result in a payload large enough
- // so that the final generated IPv4 packet is larger than
- // header.IPv4MinimumProcessableDatagramSize.
- largePayload bool
- }{
- {unicastV4, true, false},
- {unicastV4, true, true},
- {multicastV4, false, false},
- {multicastV4, false, true},
- {broadcast, false, false},
- {broadcast, false, true},
- }
- for _, tc := range testCases {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s icmpRequired:%t largePayload:%t", tc.flow, tc.icmpRequired, tc.largePayload), func(t *testing.T) {
- payload := newPayload()
- if tc.largePayload {
- payload = newMinPayload(576)
- }
- c.injectPacket(tc.flow, payload)
- if !tc.icmpRequired {
- select {
- case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
- t.Fatalf("unexpected packet received: %+v", p)
- case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
- return
- }
- }
- select {
- case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
- var pkt []byte
- pkt = append(pkt, p.Pkt.Header.View()...)
- pkt = append(pkt, p.Pkt.Data.ToView()...)
- if got, want := len(pkt), header.IPv4MinimumProcessableDatagramSize; got > want {
- t.Fatalf("got an ICMP packet of size: %d, want: sz <= %d", got, want)
- }
- hdr := header.IPv4(pkt)
- checker.IPv4(t, hdr, checker.ICMPv4(
- checker.ICMPv4Type(header.ICMPv4DstUnreachable),
- checker.ICMPv4Code(header.ICMPv4PortUnreachable)))
- icmpPkt := header.ICMPv4(hdr.Payload())
- payloadIPHeader := header.IPv4(icmpPkt.Payload())
- wantLen := len(payload)
- if tc.largePayload {
- wantLen = header.IPv4MinimumProcessableDatagramSize - header.IPv4MinimumSize*2 - header.ICMPv4MinimumSize - header.UDPMinimumSize
- }
- // In case of large payloads the IP packet may be truncated. Update
- // the length field before retrieving the udp datagram payload.
- payloadIPHeader.SetTotalLength(uint16(wantLen + header.UDPMinimumSize + header.IPv4MinimumSize))
- origDgram := header.UDP(payloadIPHeader.Payload())
- if got, want := len(origDgram.Payload()), wantLen; got != want {
- t.Fatalf("unexpected payload length got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
- }
- if got, want := origDgram.Payload(), payload[:wantLen]; !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
- t.Fatalf("unexpected payload got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
- }
- case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
- t.Fatalf("packet wasn't written out")
- }
- })
- }
-// TestV6UnknownDestination verifies that we generate an ICMPv6 Destination
-// Unreachable message when a udp datagram is received on ports for which there
-// is no bound udp socket.
-func TestV6UnknownDestination(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- testCases := []struct {
- flow testFlow
- icmpRequired bool
- // largePayload if true will result in a payload large enough to
- // create an IPv6 packet > header.IPv6MinimumMTU bytes.
- largePayload bool
- }{
- {unicastV6, true, false},
- {unicastV6, true, true},
- {multicastV6, false, false},
- {multicastV6, false, true},
- }
- for _, tc := range testCases {
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("flow:%s icmpRequired:%t largePayload:%t", tc.flow, tc.icmpRequired, tc.largePayload), func(t *testing.T) {
- payload := newPayload()
- if tc.largePayload {
- payload = newMinPayload(1280)
- }
- c.injectPacket(tc.flow, payload)
- if !tc.icmpRequired {
- select {
- case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
- t.Fatalf("unexpected packet received: %+v", p)
- case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
- return
- }
- }
- select {
- case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
- var pkt []byte
- pkt = append(pkt, p.Pkt.Header.View()...)
- pkt = append(pkt, p.Pkt.Data.ToView()...)
- if got, want := len(pkt), header.IPv6MinimumMTU; got > want {
- t.Fatalf("got an ICMP packet of size: %d, want: sz <= %d", got, want)
- }
- hdr := header.IPv6(pkt)
- checker.IPv6(t, hdr, checker.ICMPv6(
- checker.ICMPv6Type(header.ICMPv6DstUnreachable),
- checker.ICMPv6Code(header.ICMPv6PortUnreachable)))
- icmpPkt := header.ICMPv6(hdr.Payload())
- payloadIPHeader := header.IPv6(icmpPkt.Payload())
- wantLen := len(payload)
- if tc.largePayload {
- wantLen = header.IPv6MinimumMTU - header.IPv6MinimumSize*2 - header.ICMPv6MinimumSize - header.UDPMinimumSize
- }
- // In case of large payloads the IP packet may be truncated. Update
- // the length field before retrieving the udp datagram payload.
- payloadIPHeader.SetPayloadLength(uint16(wantLen + header.UDPMinimumSize))
- origDgram := header.UDP(payloadIPHeader.Payload())
- if got, want := len(origDgram.Payload()), wantLen; got != want {
- t.Fatalf("unexpected payload length got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
- }
- if got, want := origDgram.Payload(), payload[:wantLen]; !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
- t.Fatalf("unexpected payload got: %v, want: %v", got, want)
- }
- case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
- t.Fatalf("packet wasn't written out")
- }
- })
- }
-// TestIncrementMalformedPacketsReceived verifies if the malformed received
-// global and endpoint stats get incremented.
-func TestIncrementMalformedPacketsReceived(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- payload := newPayload()
- c.t.Helper()
- h := unicastV6.header4Tuple(incoming)
- c.injectV6Packet(payload, &h, false /* !valid */)
- var want uint64 = 1
- if got := c.s.Stats().UDP.MalformedPacketsReceived.Value(); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got stats.UDP.MalformedPacketsReceived.Value() = %v, want = %v", got, want)
- }
- if got := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).ReceiveErrors.MalformedPacketsReceived.Value(); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got EP Stats.ReceiveErrors.MalformedPacketsReceived stats = %v, want = %v", got, want)
- }
-// TestShutdownRead verifies endpoint read shutdown and error
-// stats increment on packet receive.
-func TestShutdownRead(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- // Bind to wildcard.
- if err := c.ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
- }
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
- }
- if err := c.ep.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownRead); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Shutdown failed: %v", err)
- }
- testFailingRead(c, unicastV6, true /* expectReadError */)
- var want uint64 = 1
- if got := c.s.Stats().UDP.ReceiveBufferErrors.Value(); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got stats.UDP.ReceiveBufferErrors.Value() = %v, want = %v", got, want)
- }
- if got := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).ReceiveErrors.ClosedReceiver.Value(); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got EP Stats.ReceiveErrors.ClosedReceiver stats = %v, want = %v", got, want)
- }
-// TestShutdownWrite verifies endpoint write shutdown and error
-// stats increment on packet write.
-func TestShutdownWrite(t *testing.T) {
- c := newDualTestContext(t, defaultMTU)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createEndpoint(ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
- if err := c.ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: testV6Addr, Port: testPort}); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
- }
- if err := c.ep.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Shutdown failed: %v", err)
- }
- testFailingWrite(c, unicastV6, tcpip.ErrClosedForSend)
-func (c *testContext) checkEndpointWriteStats(incr uint64, want tcpip.TransportEndpointStats, err *tcpip.Error) {
- got := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).Clone()
- switch err {
- case nil:
- want.PacketsSent.IncrementBy(incr)
- case tcpip.ErrMessageTooLong, tcpip.ErrInvalidOptionValue:
- want.WriteErrors.InvalidArgs.IncrementBy(incr)
- case tcpip.ErrClosedForSend:
- want.WriteErrors.WriteClosed.IncrementBy(incr)
- case tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState:
- want.WriteErrors.InvalidEndpointState.IncrementBy(incr)
- case tcpip.ErrNoLinkAddress:
- want.SendErrors.NoLinkAddr.IncrementBy(incr)
- case tcpip.ErrNoRoute, tcpip.ErrBroadcastDisabled, tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable:
- want.SendErrors.NoRoute.IncrementBy(incr)
- default:
- want.SendErrors.SendToNetworkFailed.IncrementBy(incr)
- }
- if got != want {
- c.t.Errorf("Endpoint stats not matching for error %s got %+v want %+v", err, got, want)
- }
-func (c *testContext) checkEndpointReadStats(incr uint64, want tcpip.TransportEndpointStats, err *tcpip.Error) {
- got := c.ep.Stats().(*tcpip.TransportEndpointStats).Clone()
- switch err {
- case nil, tcpip.ErrWouldBlock:
- case tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive:
- want.ReadErrors.ReadClosed.IncrementBy(incr)
- default:
- c.t.Errorf("Endpoint error missing stats update err %v", err)
- }
- if got != want {
- c.t.Errorf("Endpoint stats not matching for error %s got %+v want %+v", err, got, want)
- }