path: root/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 884 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/BUILD b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a845dee..000000000
--- a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "tcpconntrack",
- srcs = ["tcp_conntrack.go"],
- importpath = "",
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
- deps = [
- "//pkg/tcpip/header",
- "//pkg/tcpip/seqnum",
- ],
- name = "tcpconntrack_test",
- size = "small",
- srcs = ["tcp_conntrack_test.go"],
- deps = [
- ":tcpconntrack",
- "//pkg/tcpip/header",
- ],
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/tcp_conntrack.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/tcp_conntrack.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f1dcd36d5..000000000
--- a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/tcp_conntrack.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Package tcpconntrack implements a TCP connection tracking object. It allows
-// users with access to a segment stream to figure out when a connection is
-// established, reset, and closed (and in the last case, who closed first).
-package tcpconntrack
-import (
- ""
- ""
-// Result is returned when the state of a TCB is updated in response to an
-// inbound or outbound segment.
-type Result int
-const (
- // ResultDrop indicates that the segment should be dropped.
- ResultDrop Result = iota
- // ResultConnecting indicates that the connection remains in a
- // connecting state.
- ResultConnecting
- // ResultAlive indicates that the connection remains alive (connected).
- ResultAlive
- // ResultReset indicates that the connection was reset.
- ResultReset
- // ResultClosedByPeer indicates that the connection was gracefully
- // closed, and the inbound stream was closed first.
- ResultClosedByPeer
- // ResultClosedBySelf indicates that the connection was gracefully
- // closed, and the outbound stream was closed first.
- ResultClosedBySelf
-// TCB is a TCP Control Block. It holds state necessary to keep track of a TCP
-// connection and inform the caller when the connection has been closed.
-type TCB struct {
- inbound stream
- outbound stream
- // State handlers.
- handlerInbound func(*TCB, header.TCP) Result
- handlerOutbound func(*TCB, header.TCP) Result
- // firstFin holds a pointer to the first stream to send a FIN.
- firstFin *stream
- // state is the current state of the stream.
- state Result
-// Init initializes the state of the TCB according to the initial SYN.
-func (t *TCB) Init(initialSyn header.TCP) Result {
- t.handlerInbound = synSentStateInbound
- t.handlerOutbound = synSentStateOutbound
- iss := seqnum.Value(initialSyn.SequenceNumber())
- t.outbound.una = iss
- t.outbound.nxt = iss.Add(logicalLen(initialSyn))
- t.outbound.end = t.outbound.nxt
- // Even though "end" is a sequence number, we don't know the initial
- // receive sequence number yet, so we store the window size until we get
- // a SYN from the peer.
- t.inbound.una = 0
- t.inbound.nxt = 0
- t.inbound.end = seqnum.Value(initialSyn.WindowSize())
- t.state = ResultConnecting
- return t.state
-// UpdateStateInbound updates the state of the TCB based on the supplied inbound
-// segment.
-func (t *TCB) UpdateStateInbound(tcp header.TCP) Result {
- st := t.handlerInbound(t, tcp)
- if st != ResultDrop {
- t.state = st
- }
- return st
-// UpdateStateOutbound updates the state of the TCB based on the supplied
-// outbound segment.
-func (t *TCB) UpdateStateOutbound(tcp header.TCP) Result {
- st := t.handlerOutbound(t, tcp)
- if st != ResultDrop {
- t.state = st
- }
- return st
-// IsAlive returns true as long as the connection is established(Alive)
-// or connecting state.
-func (t *TCB) IsAlive() bool {
- return !t.inbound.rstSeen && !t.outbound.rstSeen && (!t.inbound.closed() || !t.outbound.closed())
-// OutboundSendSequenceNumber returns the snd.NXT for the outbound stream.
-func (t *TCB) OutboundSendSequenceNumber() seqnum.Value {
- return t.outbound.nxt
-// InboundSendSequenceNumber returns the snd.NXT for the inbound stream.
-func (t *TCB) InboundSendSequenceNumber() seqnum.Value {
- return t.inbound.nxt
-// adapResult modifies the supplied "Result" according to the state of the TCB;
-// if r is anything other than "Alive", or if one of the streams isn't closed
-// yet, it is returned unmodified. Otherwise it's converted to either
-// ClosedBySelf or ClosedByPeer depending on which stream was closed first.
-func (t *TCB) adaptResult(r Result) Result {
- // Check the unmodified case.
- if r != ResultAlive || !t.inbound.closed() || !t.outbound.closed() {
- return r
- }
- // Find out which was closed first.
- if t.firstFin == &t.outbound {
- return ResultClosedBySelf
- }
- return ResultClosedByPeer
-// synSentStateInbound is the state handler for inbound segments when the
-// connection is in SYN-SENT state.
-func synSentStateInbound(t *TCB, tcp header.TCP) Result {
- flags := tcp.Flags()
- ackPresent := flags&header.TCPFlagAck != 0
- ack := seqnum.Value(tcp.AckNumber())
- // Ignore segment if ack is present but not acceptable.
- if ackPresent && !(ack-1).InRange(t.outbound.una, t.outbound.nxt) {
- return ResultConnecting
- }
- // If reset is specified, we will let the packet through no matter what
- // but we will also destroy the connection if the ACK is present (and
- // implicitly acceptable).
- if flags&header.TCPFlagRst != 0 {
- if ackPresent {
- t.inbound.rstSeen = true
- return ResultReset
- }
- return ResultConnecting
- }
- // Ignore segment if SYN is not set.
- if flags&header.TCPFlagSyn == 0 {
- return ResultConnecting
- }
- // Update state informed by this SYN.
- irs := seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
- t.inbound.una = irs
- t.inbound.nxt = irs.Add(logicalLen(tcp))
- t.inbound.end += irs
- t.outbound.end = t.outbound.una.Add(seqnum.Size(tcp.WindowSize()))
- // If the ACK was set (it is acceptable), update our unacknowledgement
- // tracking.
- if ackPresent {
- // Advance the "una" and "end" indices of the outbound stream.
- if t.outbound.una.LessThan(ack) {
- t.outbound.una = ack
- }
- if end := ack.Add(seqnum.Size(tcp.WindowSize())); t.outbound.end.LessThan(end) {
- t.outbound.end = end
- }
- }
- // Update handlers so that new calls will be handled by new state.
- t.handlerInbound = allOtherInbound
- t.handlerOutbound = allOtherOutbound
- return ResultAlive
-// synSentStateOutbound is the state handler for outbound segments when the
-// connection is in SYN-SENT state.
-func synSentStateOutbound(t *TCB, tcp header.TCP) Result {
- // Drop outbound segments that aren't retransmits of the original one.
- if tcp.Flags() != header.TCPFlagSyn ||
- tcp.SequenceNumber() != uint32(t.outbound.una) {
- return ResultDrop
- }
- // Update the receive window. We only remember the largest value seen.
- if wnd := seqnum.Value(tcp.WindowSize()); wnd > t.inbound.end {
- t.inbound.end = wnd
- }
- return ResultConnecting
-// update updates the state of inbound and outbound streams, given the supplied
-// inbound segment. For outbound segments, this same function can be called with
-// swapped inbound/outbound streams.
-func update(tcp header.TCP, inbound, outbound *stream, firstFin **stream) Result {
- // Ignore segments out of the window.
- s := seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
- if !inbound.acceptable(s, dataLen(tcp)) {
- return ResultAlive
- }
- flags := tcp.Flags()
- if flags&header.TCPFlagRst != 0 {
- inbound.rstSeen = true
- return ResultReset
- }
- // Ignore segments that don't have the ACK flag, and those with the SYN
- // flag.
- if flags&header.TCPFlagAck == 0 || flags&header.TCPFlagSyn != 0 {
- return ResultAlive
- }
- // Ignore segments that acknowledge not yet sent data.
- ack := seqnum.Value(tcp.AckNumber())
- if outbound.nxt.LessThan(ack) {
- return ResultAlive
- }
- // Advance the "una" and "end" indices of the outbound stream.
- if outbound.una.LessThan(ack) {
- outbound.una = ack
- }
- if end := ack.Add(seqnum.Size(tcp.WindowSize())); outbound.end.LessThan(end) {
- outbound.end = end
- }
- // Advance the "nxt" index of the inbound stream.
- end := s.Add(logicalLen(tcp))
- if inbound.nxt.LessThan(end) {
- inbound.nxt = end
- }
- // Note the index of the FIN segment. And stash away a pointer to the
- // first stream to see a FIN.
- if flags&header.TCPFlagFin != 0 && !inbound.finSeen {
- inbound.finSeen = true
- inbound.fin = end - 1
- if *firstFin == nil {
- *firstFin = inbound
- }
- }
- return ResultAlive
-// allOtherInbound is the state handler for inbound segments in all states
-// except SYN-SENT.
-func allOtherInbound(t *TCB, tcp header.TCP) Result {
- return t.adaptResult(update(tcp, &t.inbound, &t.outbound, &t.firstFin))
-// allOtherOutbound is the state handler for outbound segments in all states
-// except SYN-SENT.
-func allOtherOutbound(t *TCB, tcp header.TCP) Result {
- return t.adaptResult(update(tcp, &t.outbound, &t.inbound, &t.firstFin))
-// streams holds the state of a TCP unidirectional stream.
-type stream struct {
- // The interval [una, end) is the allowed interval as defined by the
- // receiver, i.e., anything less than una has already been acknowledged
- // and anything greater than or equal to end is beyond the receiver
- // window. The interval [una, nxt) is the acknowledgable range, whose
- // right edge indicates the sequence number of the next byte to be sent
- // by the sender, i.e., anything greater than or equal to nxt hasn't
- // been sent yet.
- una seqnum.Value
- nxt seqnum.Value
- end seqnum.Value
- // finSeen indicates if a FIN has already been sent on this stream.
- finSeen bool
- // fin is the sequence number of the FIN. It is only valid after finSeen
- // is set to true.
- fin seqnum.Value
- // rstSeen indicates if a RST has already been sent on this stream.
- rstSeen bool
-// acceptable determines if the segment with the given sequence number and data
-// length is acceptable, i.e., if it's within the [una, end) window or, in case
-// the window is zero, if it's a packet with no payload and sequence number
-// equal to una.
-func (s *stream) acceptable(segSeq seqnum.Value, segLen seqnum.Size) bool {
- wnd := s.una.Size(s.end)
- if wnd == 0 {
- return segLen == 0 && segSeq == s.una
- }
- // Make sure [segSeq, seqSeq+segLen) is non-empty.
- if segLen == 0 {
- segLen = 1
- }
- return seqnum.Overlap(s.una, wnd, segSeq, segLen)
-// closed determines if the stream has already been closed. This happens when
-// a FIN has been set by the sender and acknowledged by the receiver.
-func (s *stream) closed() bool {
- return s.finSeen && s.fin.LessThan(s.una)
-// dataLen returns the length of the TCP segment payload.
-func dataLen(tcp header.TCP) seqnum.Size {
- return seqnum.Size(len(tcp) - int(tcp.DataOffset()))
-// logicalLen calculates the logical length of the TCP segment.
-func logicalLen(tcp header.TCP) seqnum.Size {
- l := dataLen(tcp)
- flags := tcp.Flags()
- if flags&header.TCPFlagSyn != 0 {
- l++
- }
- if flags&header.TCPFlagFin != 0 {
- l++
- }
- return l
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/tcp_conntrack_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/tcp_conntrack_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 435e136de..000000000
--- a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack/tcp_conntrack_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tcpconntrack_test
-import (
- "testing"
- ""
- ""
-// connected creates a connection tracker TCB and sets it to a connected state
-// by performing a 3-way handshake.
-func connected(t *testing.T, iss, irs uint32, isw, irw uint16) *tcpconntrack.TCB {
- // Send SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: iss,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: irw,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Receive SYN-ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: irs,
- AckNum: iss + 1,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: isw,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: iss + 1,
- AckNum: irs + 1,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: irw,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- return &tcb
-func TestConnectionRefused(t *testing.T) {
- // Send SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Receive RST.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 789,
- AckNum: 1235,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagRst | header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultReset {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultReset)
- }
-func TestConnectionRefusedInSynRcvd(t *testing.T) {
- // Send SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Receive SYN.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 789,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Receive RST with no ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 790,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagRst,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultReset {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultReset)
- }
-func TestConnectionResetInSynRcvd(t *testing.T) {
- // Send SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Receive SYN.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 789,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send RST with no ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1235,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagRst,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultReset {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultReset)
- }
-func TestRetransmitOnSynSent(t *testing.T) {
- // Send initial SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Retransmit the same SYN.
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultConnecting {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultConnecting)
- }
-func TestRetransmitOnSynRcvd(t *testing.T) {
- // Send initial SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Receive SYN. This will cause the state to go to SYN-RCVD.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 789,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Retransmit the original SYN.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Transmit a SYN-ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 790,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
-func TestClosedBySelf(t *testing.T) {
- tcb := connected(t, 1234, 789, 30000, 50000)
- // Send FIN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1235,
- AckNum: 790,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Receive FIN/ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 790,
- AckNum: 1236,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1236,
- AckNum: 791,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultClosedBySelf {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultClosedBySelf)
- }
-func TestClosedByPeer(t *testing.T) {
- tcb := connected(t, 1234, 789, 30000, 50000)
- // Receive FIN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 790,
- AckNum: 1235,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send FIN/ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1235,
- AckNum: 791,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Receive ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 791,
- AckNum: 1236,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultClosedByPeer {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultClosedByPeer)
- }
-func TestSendAndReceiveDataClosedBySelf(t *testing.T) {
- sseq := uint32(1234)
- rseq := uint32(789)
- tcb := connected(t, sseq, rseq, 30000, 50000)
- sseq++
- rseq++
- // Send some data.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize+1024)
- for i := uint32(0); i < 10; i++ {
- // Send some data.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: sseq,
- AckNum: rseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- sseq += uint32(len(tcp)) - header.TCPMinimumSize
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Receive ack for data.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: rseq,
- AckNum: sseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp[:header.TCPMinimumSize]); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- }
- for i := uint32(0); i < 10; i++ {
- // Receive some data.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: rseq,
- AckNum: sseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- rseq += uint32(len(tcp)) - header.TCPMinimumSize
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send ack for data.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: sseq,
- AckNum: rseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp[:header.TCPMinimumSize]); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- }
- // Send FIN.
- tcp = tcp[:header.TCPMinimumSize]
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: sseq,
- AckNum: rseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- sseq++
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Receive FIN/ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: rseq,
- AckNum: sseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- rseq++
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: sseq,
- AckNum: rseq,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultClosedBySelf {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultClosedBySelf)
- }
-func TestIgnoreBadResetOnSynSent(t *testing.T) {
- // Send SYN.
- tcp := make(header.TCP, header.TCPMinimumSize)
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1234,
- AckNum: 0,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- tcb := tcpconntrack.TCB{}
- tcb.Init(tcp)
- // Receive a RST with a bad ACK, it should not cause the connection to
- // be reset.
- acks := []uint32{1234, 1236, 1000, 5000}
- flags := []uint8{header.TCPFlagRst, header.TCPFlagRst | header.TCPFlagAck}
- for _, a := range acks {
- for _, f := range flags {
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 789,
- AckNum: a,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: f,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultConnecting {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- }
- }
- // Complete the handshake.
- // Receive SYN-ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 789,
- AckNum: 1235,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 50000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateInbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }
- // Send ACK.
- tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
- SeqNum: 1235,
- AckNum: 790,
- DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
- Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
- WindowSize: 30000,
- })
- if r := tcb.UpdateStateOutbound(tcp); r != tcpconntrack.ResultAlive {
- t.Fatalf("Bad result: got %v, want %v", r, tcpconntrack.ResultAlive)
- }