path: root/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp')
20 files changed, 9485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/BUILD b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0eb8b8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+package(licenses = ["notice"]) # BSD
+load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
+load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template_instance")
+load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_stateify")
+ name = "tcp_state",
+ srcs = [
+ "endpoint.go",
+ "endpoint_state.go",
+ "rcv.go",
+ "segment_heap.go",
+ "snd.go",
+ "tcp_segment_list.go",
+ ],
+ out = "tcp_state.go",
+ package = "tcp",
+ name = "tcp_segment_list",
+ out = "tcp_segment_list.go",
+ package = "tcp",
+ prefix = "segment",
+ template = "//pkg/ilist:generic_list",
+ types = {
+ "Linker": "*segment",
+ },
+ name = "tcp",
+ srcs = [
+ "accept.go",
+ "connect.go",
+ "endpoint.go",
+ "endpoint_state.go",
+ "forwarder.go",
+ "protocol.go",
+ "rcv.go",
+ "sack.go",
+ "segment.go",
+ "segment_heap.go",
+ "segment_queue.go",
+ "snd.go",
+ "tcp_segment_list.go",
+ "tcp_state.go",
+ "timer.go",
+ ],
+ importpath = "",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ deps = [
+ "//pkg/sleep",
+ "//pkg/state",
+ "//pkg/tcpip",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/buffer",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/header",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/seqnum",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/stack",
+ "//pkg/tmutex",
+ "//pkg/waiter",
+ ],
+ name = "tcp_test",
+ size = "small",
+ srcs = [
+ "dual_stack_test.go",
+ "tcp_sack_test.go",
+ "tcp_test.go",
+ "tcp_timestamp_test.go",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ ":tcp",
+ "//pkg/tcpip",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/buffer",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/checker",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/header",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/link/loopback",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/link/sniffer",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/seqnum",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/stack",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context",
+ "//pkg/waiter",
+ ],
+ name = "autogen",
+ srcs = [
+ "tcp_segment_list.go",
+ ],
+ visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/accept.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/accept.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a5b13066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/accept.go
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "crypto/sha1"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // tsLen is the length, in bits, of the timestamp in the SYN cookie.
+ tsLen = 8
+ // tsMask is a mask for timestamp values (i.e., tsLen bits).
+ tsMask = (1 << tsLen) - 1
+ // tsOffset is the offset, in bits, of the timestamp in the SYN cookie.
+ tsOffset = 24
+ // hashMask is the mask for hash values (i.e., tsOffset bits).
+ hashMask = (1 << tsOffset) - 1
+ // maxTSDiff is the maximum allowed difference between a received cookie
+ // timestamp and the current timestamp. If the difference is greater
+ // than maxTSDiff, the cookie is expired.
+ maxTSDiff = 2
+var (
+ // SynRcvdCountThreshold is the global maximum number of connections
+ // that are allowed to be in SYN-RCVD state before TCP starts using SYN
+ // cookies to accept connections.
+ //
+ // It is an exported variable only for testing, and should not otherwise
+ // be used by importers of this package.
+ SynRcvdCountThreshold uint64 = 1000
+ // mssTable is a slice containing the possible MSS values that we
+ // encode in the SYN cookie with two bits.
+ mssTable = []uint16{536, 1300, 1440, 1460}
+func encodeMSS(mss uint16) uint32 {
+ for i := len(mssTable) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
+ if mss >= mssTable[i] {
+ return uint32(i)
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+// syncRcvdCount is the number of endpoints in the SYN-RCVD state. The value is
+// protected by a mutex so that we can increment only when it's guaranteed not
+// to go above a threshold.
+var synRcvdCount struct {
+ sync.Mutex
+ value uint64
+// listenContext is used by a listening endpoint to store state used while
+// listening for connections. This struct is allocated by the listen goroutine
+// and must not be accessed or have its methods called concurrently as they
+// may mutate the stored objects.
+type listenContext struct {
+ stack *stack.Stack
+ rcvWnd seqnum.Size
+ nonce [2][sha1.BlockSize]byte
+ hasherMu sync.Mutex
+ hasher hash.Hash
+ v6only bool
+ netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
+// timeStamp returns an 8-bit timestamp with a granularity of 64 seconds.
+func timeStamp() uint32 {
+ return uint32(time.Now().Unix()>>6) & tsMask
+// incSynRcvdCount tries to increment the global number of endpoints in SYN-RCVD
+// state. It succeeds if the increment doesn't make the count go beyond the
+// threshold, and fails otherwise.
+func incSynRcvdCount() bool {
+ synRcvdCount.Lock()
+ defer synRcvdCount.Unlock()
+ if synRcvdCount.value >= SynRcvdCountThreshold {
+ return false
+ }
+ synRcvdCount.value++
+ return true
+// decSynRcvdCount atomically decrements the global number of endpoints in
+// SYN-RCVD state. It must only be called if a previous call to incSynRcvdCount
+// succeeded.
+func decSynRcvdCount() {
+ synRcvdCount.Lock()
+ defer synRcvdCount.Unlock()
+ synRcvdCount.value--
+// newListenContext creates a new listen context.
+func newListenContext(stack *stack.Stack, rcvWnd seqnum.Size, v6only bool, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) *listenContext {
+ l := &listenContext{
+ stack: stack,
+ rcvWnd: rcvWnd,
+ hasher: sha1.New(),
+ v6only: v6only,
+ netProto: netProto,
+ }
+ rand.Read(l.nonce[0][:])
+ rand.Read(l.nonce[1][:])
+ return l
+// cookieHash calculates the cookieHash for the given id, timestamp and nonce
+// index. The hash is used to create and validate cookies.
+func (l *listenContext) cookieHash(id stack.TransportEndpointID, ts uint32, nonceIndex int) uint32 {
+ // Initialize block with fixed-size data: local ports and v.
+ var payload [8]byte
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(payload[0:], id.LocalPort)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(payload[2:], id.RemotePort)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(payload[4:], ts)
+ // Feed everything to the hasher.
+ l.hasherMu.Lock()
+ l.hasher.Reset()
+ l.hasher.Write(payload[:])
+ l.hasher.Write(l.nonce[nonceIndex][:])
+ io.WriteString(l.hasher, string(id.LocalAddress))
+ io.WriteString(l.hasher, string(id.RemoteAddress))
+ // Finalize the calculation of the hash and return the first 4 bytes.
+ h := make([]byte, 0, sha1.Size)
+ h = l.hasher.Sum(h)
+ l.hasherMu.Unlock()
+ return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(h[:])
+// createCookie creates a SYN cookie for the given id and incoming sequence
+// number.
+func (l *listenContext) createCookie(id stack.TransportEndpointID, seq seqnum.Value, data uint32) seqnum.Value {
+ ts := timeStamp()
+ v := l.cookieHash(id, 0, 0) + uint32(seq) + (ts << tsOffset)
+ v += (l.cookieHash(id, ts, 1) + data) & hashMask
+ return seqnum.Value(v)
+// isCookieValid checks if the supplied cookie is valid for the given id and
+// sequence number. If it is, it also returns the data originally encoded in the
+// cookie when createCookie was called.
+func (l *listenContext) isCookieValid(id stack.TransportEndpointID, cookie seqnum.Value, seq seqnum.Value) (uint32, bool) {
+ ts := timeStamp()
+ v := uint32(cookie) - l.cookieHash(id, 0, 0) - uint32(seq)
+ cookieTS := v >> tsOffset
+ if ((ts - cookieTS) & tsMask) > maxTSDiff {
+ return 0, false
+ }
+ return (v - l.cookieHash(id, cookieTS, 1)) & hashMask, true
+// createConnectedEndpoint creates a new connected endpoint, with the connection
+// parameters given by the arguments.
+func (l *listenContext) createConnectedEndpoint(s *segment, iss seqnum.Value, irs seqnum.Value, rcvdSynOpts *header.TCPSynOptions) (*endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+ // Create a new endpoint.
+ netProto := l.netProto
+ if netProto == 0 {
+ netProto = s.route.NetProto
+ }
+ n := newEndpoint(l.stack, netProto, nil)
+ n.v6only = l.v6only
+ =
+ n.boundNICID = s.route.NICID()
+ n.route = s.route.Clone()
+ n.effectiveNetProtos = []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{s.route.NetProto}
+ n.rcvBufSize = int(l.rcvWnd)
+ n.maybeEnableTimestamp(rcvdSynOpts)
+ n.maybeEnableSACKPermitted(rcvdSynOpts)
+ // Register new endpoint so that packets are routed to it.
+ if err := n.stack.RegisterTransportEndpoint(n.boundNICID, n.effectiveNetProtos, ProtocolNumber,, n); err != nil {
+ n.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ n.isRegistered = true
+ n.state = stateConnected
+ // Create sender and receiver.
+ //
+ // The receiver at least temporarily has a zero receive window scale,
+ // but the caller may change it (before starting the protocol loop).
+ n.snd = newSender(n, iss, irs, s.window, rcvdSynOpts.MSS, rcvdSynOpts.WS)
+ n.rcv = newReceiver(n, irs, l.rcvWnd, 0)
+ return n, nil
+// createEndpoint creates a new endpoint in connected state and then performs
+// the TCP 3-way handshake.
+func (l *listenContext) createEndpointAndPerformHandshake(s *segment, opts *header.TCPSynOptions) (*endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+ // Create new endpoint.
+ irs := s.sequenceNumber
+ cookie := l.createCookie(, irs, encodeMSS(opts.MSS))
+ ep, err := l.createConnectedEndpoint(s, cookie, irs, opts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Perform the 3-way handshake.
+ h, err := newHandshake(ep, l.rcvWnd)
+ if err != nil {
+ ep.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ h.resetToSynRcvd(cookie, irs, opts)
+ if err := h.execute(); err != nil {
+ ep.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Update the receive window scaling. We can't do it before the
+ // handshake because it's possible that the peer doesn't support window
+ // scaling.
+ ep.rcv.rcvWndScale = h.effectiveRcvWndScale()
+ return ep, nil
+// deliverAccepted delivers the newly-accepted endpoint to the listener. If the
+// endpoint has transitioned out of the listen state, the new endpoint is closed
+// instead.
+func (e *endpoint) deliverAccepted(n *endpoint) {
+ if e.state == stateListen {
+ e.acceptedChan <- n
+ e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventIn)
+ } else {
+ n.Close()
+ }
+// handleSynSegment is called in its own goroutine once the listening endpoint
+// receives a SYN segment. It is responsible for completing the handshake and
+// queueing the new endpoint for acceptance.
+// A limited number of these goroutines are allowed before TCP starts using SYN
+// cookies to accept connections.
+func (e *endpoint) handleSynSegment(ctx *listenContext, s *segment, opts *header.TCPSynOptions) {
+ defer decSynRcvdCount()
+ defer s.decRef()
+ n, err := ctx.createEndpointAndPerformHandshake(s, opts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ e.deliverAccepted(n)
+// handleListenSegment is called when a listening endpoint receives a segment
+// and needs to handle it.
+func (e *endpoint) handleListenSegment(ctx *listenContext, s *segment) {
+ switch s.flags {
+ case flagSyn:
+ opts := parseSynSegmentOptions(s)
+ if incSynRcvdCount() {
+ s.incRef()
+ go e.handleSynSegment(ctx, s, &opts) // S/R-FIXME
+ } else {
+ cookie := ctx.createCookie(, s.sequenceNumber, encodeMSS(opts.MSS))
+ // Send SYN with window scaling because we currently
+ // dont't encode this information in the cookie.
+ //
+ // Enable Timestamp option if the original syn did have
+ // the timestamp option specified.
+ synOpts := header.TCPSynOptions{
+ WS: -1,
+ TS: opts.TS,
+ TSVal: tcpTimeStamp(timeStampOffset()),
+ TSEcr: opts.TSVal,
+ }
+ sendSynTCP(&s.route,, flagSyn|flagAck, cookie, s.sequenceNumber+1, ctx.rcvWnd, synOpts)
+ }
+ case flagAck:
+ if data, ok := ctx.isCookieValid(, s.ackNumber-1, s.sequenceNumber-1); ok && int(data) < len(mssTable) {
+ // Create newly accepted endpoint and deliver it.
+ rcvdSynOptions := &header.TCPSynOptions{
+ MSS: mssTable[data],
+ // Disable Window scaling as original SYN is
+ // lost.
+ WS: -1,
+ }
+ // When syn cookies are in use we enable timestamp only
+ // if the ack specifies the timestamp option assuming
+ // that the other end did in fact negotiate the
+ // timestamp option in the original SYN.
+ if s.parsedOptions.TS {
+ rcvdSynOptions.TS = true
+ rcvdSynOptions.TSVal = s.parsedOptions.TSVal
+ rcvdSynOptions.TSEcr = s.parsedOptions.TSEcr
+ }
+ n, err := ctx.createConnectedEndpoint(s, s.ackNumber-1, s.sequenceNumber-1, rcvdSynOptions)
+ if err == nil {
+ // clear the tsOffset for the newly created
+ // endpoint as the Timestamp was already
+ // randomly offset when the original SYN-ACK was
+ // sent above.
+ n.tsOffset = 0
+ e.deliverAccepted(n)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// protocolListenLoop is the main loop of a listening TCP endpoint. It runs in
+// its own goroutine and is responsible for handling connection requests.
+func (e *endpoint) protocolListenLoop(rcvWnd seqnum.Size) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer func() {
+ // Mark endpoint as closed. This will prevent goroutines running
+ // handleSynSegment() from attempting to queue new connections
+ // to the endpoint.
+ e.state = stateClosed
+ // Notify waiters that the endpoint is shutdown.
+ e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventIn | waiter.EventOut)
+ // Do cleanup if needed.
+ e.completeWorker()
+ }()
+ v6only := e.v6only
+ ctx := newListenContext(e.stack, rcvWnd, v6only, e.netProto)
+ s := sleep.Sleeper{}
+ s.AddWaker(&e.notificationWaker, wakerForNotification)
+ s.AddWaker(&e.newSegmentWaker, wakerForNewSegment)
+ for {
+ switch index, _ := s.Fetch(true); index {
+ case wakerForNotification:
+ n := e.fetchNotifications()
+ if n&notifyClose != 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if n&notifyDrain != 0 {
+ for s := e.segmentQueue.dequeue(); s != nil; s = e.segmentQueue.dequeue() {
+ e.handleListenSegment(ctx, s)
+ s.decRef()
+ }
+ e.drainDone <- struct{}{}
+ return nil
+ }
+ case wakerForNewSegment:
+ // Process at most maxSegmentsPerWake segments.
+ mayRequeue := true
+ for i := 0; i < maxSegmentsPerWake; i++ {
+ s := e.segmentQueue.dequeue()
+ if s == nil {
+ mayRequeue = false
+ break
+ }
+ e.handleListenSegment(ctx, s)
+ s.decRef()
+ }
+ // If the queue is not empty, make sure we'll wake up
+ // in the next iteration.
+ if mayRequeue && !e.segmentQueue.empty() {
+ e.newSegmentWaker.Assert()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/connect.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/connect.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d20f4d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/connect.go
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// maxSegmentsPerWake is the maximum number of segments to process in the main
+// protocol goroutine per wake-up. Yielding [after this number of segments are
+// processed] allows other events to be processed as well (e.g., timeouts,
+// resets, etc.).
+const maxSegmentsPerWake = 100
+type handshakeState int
+// The following are the possible states of the TCP connection during a 3-way
+// handshake. A depiction of the states and transitions can be found in RFC 793,
+// page 23.
+const (
+ handshakeSynSent handshakeState = iota
+ handshakeSynRcvd
+ handshakeCompleted
+// The following are used to set up sleepers.
+const (
+ wakerForNotification = iota
+ wakerForNewSegment
+ wakerForResend
+ wakerForResolution
+const (
+ // Maximum space available for options.
+ maxOptionSize = 40
+// handshake holds the state used during a TCP 3-way handshake.
+type handshake struct {
+ ep *endpoint
+ state handshakeState
+ active bool
+ flags uint8
+ ackNum seqnum.Value
+ // iss is the initial send sequence number, as defined in RFC 793.
+ iss seqnum.Value
+ // rcvWnd is the receive window, as defined in RFC 793.
+ rcvWnd seqnum.Size
+ // sndWnd is the send window, as defined in RFC 793.
+ sndWnd seqnum.Size
+ // mss is the maximum segment size received from the peer.
+ mss uint16
+ // sndWndScale is the send window scale, as defined in RFC 1323. A
+ // negative value means no scaling is supported by the peer.
+ sndWndScale int
+ // rcvWndScale is the receive window scale, as defined in RFC 1323.
+ rcvWndScale int
+func newHandshake(ep *endpoint, rcvWnd seqnum.Size) (handshake, *tcpip.Error) {
+ h := handshake{
+ ep: ep,
+ active: true,
+ rcvWnd: rcvWnd,
+ rcvWndScale: FindWndScale(rcvWnd),
+ }
+ if err := h.resetState(); err != nil {
+ return handshake{}, err
+ }
+ return h, nil
+// FindWndScale determines the window scale to use for the given maximum window
+// size.
+func FindWndScale(wnd seqnum.Size) int {
+ if wnd < 0x10000 {
+ return 0
+ }
+ max := seqnum.Size(0xffff)
+ s := 0
+ for wnd > max && s < header.MaxWndScale {
+ s++
+ max <<= 1
+ }
+ return s
+// resetState resets the state of the handshake object such that it becomes
+// ready for a new 3-way handshake.
+func (h *handshake) resetState() *tcpip.Error {
+ b := make([]byte, 4)
+ if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ h.state = handshakeSynSent
+ h.flags = flagSyn
+ h.ackNum = 0
+ h.mss = 0
+ h.iss = seqnum.Value(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24)
+ return nil
+// effectiveRcvWndScale returns the effective receive window scale to be used.
+// If the peer doesn't support window scaling, the effective rcv wnd scale is
+// zero; otherwise it's the value calculated based on the initial rcv wnd.
+func (h *handshake) effectiveRcvWndScale() uint8 {
+ if h.sndWndScale < 0 {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return uint8(h.rcvWndScale)
+// resetToSynRcvd resets the state of the handshake object to the SYN-RCVD
+// state.
+func (h *handshake) resetToSynRcvd(iss seqnum.Value, irs seqnum.Value, opts *header.TCPSynOptions) {
+ = false
+ h.state = handshakeSynRcvd
+ h.flags = flagSyn | flagAck
+ h.iss = iss
+ h.ackNum = irs + 1
+ h.mss = opts.MSS
+ h.sndWndScale = opts.WS
+// checkAck checks if the ACK number, if present, of a segment received during
+// a TCP 3-way handshake is valid. If it's not, a RST segment is sent back in
+// response.
+func (h *handshake) checkAck(s *segment) bool {
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) && s.ackNumber != h.iss+1 {
+ // RFC 793, page 36, states that a reset must be generated when
+ // the connection is in any non-synchronized state and an
+ // incoming segment acknowledges something not yet sent. The
+ // connection remains in the same state.
+ ack := s.sequenceNumber.Add(s.logicalLen())
+ h.ep.sendRaw(nil, flagRst|flagAck, s.ackNumber, ack, 0)
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// synSentState handles a segment received when the TCP 3-way handshake is in
+// the SYN-SENT state.
+func (h *handshake) synSentState(s *segment) *tcpip.Error {
+ // RFC 793, page 37, states that in the SYN-SENT state, a reset is
+ // acceptable if the ack field acknowledges the SYN.
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagRst) {
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) && s.ackNumber == h.iss+1 {
+ return tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ if !h.checkAck(s) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // We are in the SYN-SENT state. We only care about segments that have
+ // the SYN flag.
+ if !s.flagIsSet(flagSyn) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Parse the SYN options.
+ rcvSynOpts := parseSynSegmentOptions(s)
+ // Remember if the Timestamp option was negotiated.
+ h.ep.maybeEnableTimestamp(&rcvSynOpts)
+ // Remember if the SACKPermitted option was negotiated.
+ h.ep.maybeEnableSACKPermitted(&rcvSynOpts)
+ // Remember the sequence we'll ack from now on.
+ h.ackNum = s.sequenceNumber + 1
+ h.flags |= flagAck
+ h.mss = rcvSynOpts.MSS
+ h.sndWndScale = rcvSynOpts.WS
+ // If this is a SYN ACK response, we only need to acknowledge the SYN
+ // and the handshake is completed.
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) {
+ h.state = handshakeCompleted
+ h.ep.sendRaw(nil, flagAck, h.iss+1, h.ackNum, h.rcvWnd>>h.effectiveRcvWndScale())
+ return nil
+ }
+ // A SYN segment was received, but no ACK in it. We acknowledge the SYN
+ // but resend our own SYN and wait for it to be acknowledged in the
+ // SYN-RCVD state.
+ h.state = handshakeSynRcvd
+ synOpts := header.TCPSynOptions{
+ WS: h.rcvWndScale,
+ TS: rcvSynOpts.TS,
+ TSVal: h.ep.timestamp(),
+ TSEcr: h.ep.recentTS,
+ // We only send SACKPermitted if the other side indicated it
+ // permits SACK. This is not explicitly defined in the RFC but
+ // this is the behaviour implemented by Linux.
+ SACKPermitted: rcvSynOpts.SACKPermitted,
+ }
+ sendSynTCP(&s.route,, h.flags, h.iss, h.ackNum, h.rcvWnd, synOpts)
+ return nil
+// synRcvdState handles a segment received when the TCP 3-way handshake is in
+// the SYN-RCVD state.
+func (h *handshake) synRcvdState(s *segment) *tcpip.Error {
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagRst) {
+ // RFC 793, page 37, states that in the SYN-RCVD state, a reset
+ // is acceptable if the sequence number is in the window.
+ if s.sequenceNumber.InWindow(h.ackNum, h.rcvWnd) {
+ return tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ if !h.checkAck(s) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagSyn) && s.sequenceNumber != h.ackNum-1 {
+ // We received two SYN segments with different sequence
+ // numbers, so we reset this and restart the whole
+ // process, except that we don't reset the timer.
+ ack := s.sequenceNumber.Add(s.logicalLen())
+ seq := seqnum.Value(0)
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) {
+ seq = s.ackNumber
+ }
+ h.ep.sendRaw(nil, flagRst|flagAck, seq, ack, 0)
+ if ! {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ if err := h.resetState(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ synOpts := header.TCPSynOptions{
+ WS: h.rcvWndScale,
+ TS: h.ep.sendTSOk,
+ TSVal: h.ep.timestamp(),
+ TSEcr: h.ep.recentTS,
+ SACKPermitted: h.ep.sackPermitted,
+ }
+ sendSynTCP(&s.route,, h.flags, h.iss, h.ackNum, h.rcvWnd, synOpts)
+ return nil
+ }
+ // We have previously received (and acknowledged) the peer's SYN. If the
+ // peer acknowledges our SYN, the handshake is completed.
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) {
+ // If the timestamp option is negotiated and the segment does
+ // not carry a timestamp option then the segment must be dropped
+ // as per
+ if h.ep.sendTSOk && !s.parsedOptions.TS {
+ atomic.AddUint64(&h.ep.stack.MutableStats().DroppedPackets, 1)
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Update timestamp if required. See RFC7323, section-4.3.
+ h.ep.updateRecentTimestamp(s.parsedOptions.TSVal, h.ackNum, s.sequenceNumber)
+ h.state = handshakeCompleted
+ return nil
+ }
+ return nil
+// processSegments goes through the segment queue and processes up to
+// maxSegmentsPerWake (if they're available).
+func (h *handshake) processSegments() *tcpip.Error {
+ for i := 0; i < maxSegmentsPerWake; i++ {
+ s := h.ep.segmentQueue.dequeue()
+ if s == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ h.sndWnd = s.window
+ if !s.flagIsSet(flagSyn) && h.sndWndScale > 0 {
+ h.sndWnd <<= uint8(h.sndWndScale)
+ }
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ switch h.state {
+ case handshakeSynRcvd:
+ err = h.synRcvdState(s)
+ case handshakeSynSent:
+ err = h.synSentState(s)
+ }
+ s.decRef()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // We stop processing packets once the handshake is completed,
+ // otherwise we may process packets meant to be processed by
+ // the main protocol goroutine.
+ if h.state == handshakeCompleted {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // If the queue is not empty, make sure we'll wake up in the next
+ // iteration.
+ if !h.ep.segmentQueue.empty() {
+ h.ep.newSegmentWaker.Assert()
+ }
+ return nil
+func (h *handshake) resolveRoute() *tcpip.Error {
+ // Set up the wakers.
+ s := sleep.Sleeper{}
+ resolutionWaker := &sleep.Waker{}
+ s.AddWaker(resolutionWaker, wakerForResolution)
+ s.AddWaker(&h.ep.notificationWaker, wakerForNotification)
+ defer s.Done()
+ // Initial action is to resolve route.
+ index := wakerForResolution
+ for {
+ switch index {
+ case wakerForResolution:
+ if err := h.ep.route.Resolve(resolutionWaker); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Either success (err == nil) or failure.
+ return err
+ }
+ // Resolution not completed. Keep trying...
+ case wakerForNotification:
+ n := h.ep.fetchNotifications()
+ if n&notifyClose != 0 {
+ h.ep.route.RemoveWaker(resolutionWaker)
+ return tcpip.ErrAborted
+ }
+ }
+ // Wait for notification.
+ index, _ = s.Fetch(true)
+ }
+// execute executes the TCP 3-way handshake.
+func (h *handshake) execute() *tcpip.Error {
+ if h.ep.route.IsResolutionRequired() {
+ if err := h.resolveRoute(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize the resend timer.
+ resendWaker := sleep.Waker{}
+ timeOut := time.Duration(time.Second)
+ rt := time.AfterFunc(timeOut, func() {
+ resendWaker.Assert()
+ })
+ defer rt.Stop()
+ // Set up the wakers.
+ s := sleep.Sleeper{}
+ s.AddWaker(&resendWaker, wakerForResend)
+ s.AddWaker(&h.ep.notificationWaker, wakerForNotification)
+ s.AddWaker(&h.ep.newSegmentWaker, wakerForNewSegment)
+ defer s.Done()
+ var sackEnabled SACKEnabled
+ if err := h.ep.stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &sackEnabled); err != nil {
+ // If stack returned an error when checking for SACKEnabled
+ // status then just default to switching off SACK negotiation.
+ sackEnabled = false
+ }
+ // Send the initial SYN segment and loop until the handshake is
+ // completed.
+ synOpts := header.TCPSynOptions{
+ WS: h.rcvWndScale,
+ TS: true,
+ TSVal: h.ep.timestamp(),
+ TSEcr: h.ep.recentTS,
+ SACKPermitted: bool(sackEnabled),
+ }
+ // Execute is also called in a listen context so we want to make sure we
+ // only send the TS/SACK option when we received the TS/SACK in the
+ // initial SYN.
+ if h.state == handshakeSynRcvd {
+ synOpts.TS = h.ep.sendTSOk
+ synOpts.SACKPermitted = h.ep.sackPermitted && bool(sackEnabled)
+ }
+ sendSynTCP(&h.ep.route,, h.flags, h.iss, h.ackNum, h.rcvWnd, synOpts)
+ for h.state != handshakeCompleted {
+ switch index, _ := s.Fetch(true); index {
+ case wakerForResend:
+ timeOut *= 2
+ if timeOut > 60*time.Second {
+ return tcpip.ErrTimeout
+ }
+ rt.Reset(timeOut)
+ sendSynTCP(&h.ep.route,, h.flags, h.iss, h.ackNum, h.rcvWnd, synOpts)
+ case wakerForNotification:
+ n := h.ep.fetchNotifications()
+ if n&notifyClose != 0 {
+ return tcpip.ErrAborted
+ }
+ case wakerForNewSegment:
+ if err := h.processSegments(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func parseSynSegmentOptions(s *segment) header.TCPSynOptions {
+ synOpts := header.ParseSynOptions(s.options, s.flagIsSet(flagAck))
+ if synOpts.TS {
+ s.parsedOptions.TSVal = synOpts.TSVal
+ s.parsedOptions.TSEcr = synOpts.TSEcr
+ }
+ return synOpts
+var optionPool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ return make([]byte, maxOptionSize)
+ },
+func getOptions() []byte {
+ return optionPool.Get().([]byte)
+func putOptions(options []byte) {
+ // Reslice to full capacity.
+ optionPool.Put(options[0:cap(options)])
+func makeSynOptions(opts header.TCPSynOptions) []byte {
+ // Emulate linux option order. This is as follows:
+ //
+ // if md5: NOP NOP MD5SIG 18 md5sig(16)
+ // if mss: MSS 4 mss(2)
+ // if ts and sack_advertise:
+ // SACK 2 TIMESTAMP 2 timestamp(8)
+ // elif ts: NOP NOP TIMESTAMP 10 timestamp(8)
+ // elif sack: NOP NOP SACK 2
+ // if wscale: NOP WINDOW 3 ws(1)
+ // if sack_blocks: NOP NOP SACK ((2 + (#blocks * 8))
+ // [for each block] start_seq(4) end_seq(4)
+ // if fastopen_cookie:
+ // if exp: EXP (4 + len(cookie)) FASTOPEN_MAGIC(2)
+ // else: FASTOPEN (2 + len(cookie))
+ // cookie(variable) [padding to four bytes]
+ //
+ options := getOptions()
+ // Always encode the mss.
+ offset := header.EncodeMSSOption(uint32(opts.MSS), options)
+ // Special ordering is required here. If both TS and SACK are enabled,
+ // then the SACK option precedes TS, with no padding. If they are
+ // enabled individually, then we see padding before the option.
+ if opts.TS && opts.SACKPermitted {
+ offset += header.EncodeSACKPermittedOption(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeTSOption(opts.TSVal, opts.TSEcr, options[offset:])
+ } else if opts.TS {
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeTSOption(opts.TSVal, opts.TSEcr, options[offset:])
+ } else if opts.SACKPermitted {
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeSACKPermittedOption(options[offset:])
+ }
+ // Initialize the WS option.
+ if opts.WS >= 0 {
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeWSOption(opts.WS, options[offset:])
+ }
+ // Padding to the end; note that this never apply unless we add a
+ // fastopen option, we always expect the offset to remain the same.
+ if delta := header.AddTCPOptionPadding(options, offset); delta != 0 {
+ panic("unexpected option encoding")
+ }
+ return options[:offset]
+func sendSynTCP(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, flags byte, seq, ack seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size, opts header.TCPSynOptions) *tcpip.Error {
+ // The MSS in opts is automatically calculated as this function is
+ // called from many places and we don't want every call point being
+ // embedded with the MSS calculation.
+ if opts.MSS == 0 {
+ opts.MSS = uint16(r.MTU() - header.TCPMinimumSize)
+ }
+ options := makeSynOptions(opts)
+ err := sendTCPWithOptions(r, id, nil, flags, seq, ack, rcvWnd, options)
+ putOptions(options)
+ return err
+// sendTCPWithOptions sends a TCP segment with the provided options via the
+// provided network endpoint and under the provided identity.
+func sendTCPWithOptions(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, data buffer.View, flags byte, seq, ack seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size, opts []byte) *tcpip.Error {
+ optLen := len(opts)
+ // Allocate a buffer for the TCP header.
+ hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(header.TCPMinimumSize + int(r.MaxHeaderLength()) + optLen)
+ if rcvWnd > 0xffff {
+ rcvWnd = 0xffff
+ }
+ // Initialize the header.
+ tcp := header.TCP(hdr.Prepend(header.TCPMinimumSize + optLen))
+ tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
+ SrcPort: id.LocalPort,
+ DstPort: id.RemotePort,
+ SeqNum: uint32(seq),
+ AckNum: uint32(ack),
+ DataOffset: uint8(header.TCPMinimumSize + optLen),
+ Flags: flags,
+ WindowSize: uint16(rcvWnd),
+ })
+ copy(tcp[header.TCPMinimumSize:], opts)
+ // Only calculate the checksum if offloading isn't supported.
+ if r.Capabilities()&stack.CapabilityChecksumOffload == 0 {
+ length := uint16(hdr.UsedLength())
+ xsum := r.PseudoHeaderChecksum(ProtocolNumber)
+ if data != nil {
+ length += uint16(len(data))
+ xsum = header.Checksum(data, xsum)
+ }
+ tcp.SetChecksum(^tcp.CalculateChecksum(xsum, length))
+ }
+ return r.WritePacket(&hdr, data, ProtocolNumber)
+// sendTCP sends a TCP segment via the provided network endpoint and under the
+// provided identity.
+func sendTCP(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, data buffer.View, flags byte, seq, ack seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size) *tcpip.Error {
+ // Allocate a buffer for the TCP header.
+ hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(header.TCPMinimumSize + int(r.MaxHeaderLength()))
+ if rcvWnd > 0xffff {
+ rcvWnd = 0xffff
+ }
+ // Initialize the header.
+ tcp := header.TCP(hdr.Prepend(header.TCPMinimumSize))
+ tcp.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
+ SrcPort: id.LocalPort,
+ DstPort: id.RemotePort,
+ SeqNum: uint32(seq),
+ AckNum: uint32(ack),
+ DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
+ Flags: flags,
+ WindowSize: uint16(rcvWnd),
+ })
+ // Only calculate the checksum if offloading isn't supported.
+ if r.Capabilities()&stack.CapabilityChecksumOffload == 0 {
+ length := uint16(hdr.UsedLength())
+ xsum := r.PseudoHeaderChecksum(ProtocolNumber)
+ if data != nil {
+ length += uint16(len(data))
+ xsum = header.Checksum(data, xsum)
+ }
+ tcp.SetChecksum(^tcp.CalculateChecksum(xsum, length))
+ }
+ return r.WritePacket(&hdr, data, ProtocolNumber)
+// makeOptions makes an options slice.
+func (e *endpoint) makeOptions(sackBlocks []header.SACKBlock) []byte {
+ options := getOptions()
+ offset := 0
+ // N.B. the ordering here matches the ordering used by Linux internally
+ // and described in the raw makeOptions function. We don't include
+ // unnecessary cases here (post connection.)
+ if e.sendTSOk {
+ // Embed the timestamp if timestamp has been enabled.
+ //
+ // We only use the lower 32 bits of the unix time in
+ // milliseconds. This is similar to what Linux does where it
+ // uses the lower 32 bits of the jiffies value in the tsVal
+ // field of the timestamp option.
+ //
+ // Further, RFC7323 section-5.4 recommends millisecond
+ // resolution as the lowest recommended resolution for the
+ // timestamp clock.
+ //
+ // Ref:
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeTSOption(e.timestamp(), uint32(e.recentTS), options[offset:])
+ }
+ if e.sackPermitted && len(sackBlocks) > 0 {
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeNOP(options[offset:])
+ offset += header.EncodeSACKBlocks(sackBlocks, options[offset:])
+ }
+ // We expect the above to produce an aligned offset.
+ if delta := header.AddTCPOptionPadding(options, offset); delta != 0 {
+ panic("unexpected option encoding")
+ }
+ return options[:offset]
+// sendRaw sends a TCP segment to the endpoint's peer.
+func (e *endpoint) sendRaw(data buffer.View, flags byte, seq, ack seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size) *tcpip.Error {
+ var sackBlocks []header.SACKBlock
+ if e.state == stateConnected && e.rcv.pendingBufSize > 0 && (flags&flagAck != 0) {
+ sackBlocks = e.sack.Blocks[:e.sack.NumBlocks]
+ }
+ options := e.makeOptions(sackBlocks)
+ if len(options) > 0 {
+ err := sendTCPWithOptions(&e.route,, data, flags, seq, ack, rcvWnd, options)
+ putOptions(options)
+ return err
+ }
+ err := sendTCP(&e.route,, data, flags, seq, ack, rcvWnd)
+ putOptions(options)
+ return err
+func (e *endpoint) handleWrite() bool {
+ // Move packets from send queue to send list. The queue is accessible
+ // from other goroutines and protected by the send mutex, while the send
+ // list is only accessible from the handler goroutine, so it needs no
+ // mutexes.
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ first := e.sndQueue.Front()
+ if first != nil {
+ e.snd.writeList.PushBackList(&e.sndQueue)
+ e.snd.sndNxtList.UpdateForward(e.sndBufInQueue)
+ e.sndBufInQueue = 0
+ }
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ // Initialize the next segment to write if it's currently nil.
+ if e.snd.writeNext == nil {
+ e.snd.writeNext = first
+ }
+ // Push out any new packets.
+ e.snd.sendData()
+ return true
+func (e *endpoint) handleClose() bool {
+ // Drain the send queue.
+ e.handleWrite()
+ // Mark send side as closed.
+ e.snd.closed = true
+ return true
+// resetConnection sends a RST segment and puts the endpoint in an error state
+// with the given error code.
+// This method must only be called from the protocol goroutine.
+func (e *endpoint) resetConnection(err *tcpip.Error) {
+ e.sendRaw(nil, flagAck|flagRst, e.snd.sndUna, e.rcv.rcvNxt, 0)
+ e.state = stateError
+ e.hardError = err
+// completeWorker is called by the worker goroutine when it's about to exit. It
+// marks the worker as completed and performs cleanup work if requested by
+// Close().
+func (e *endpoint) completeWorker() {
+ defer
+ e.workerRunning = false
+ if e.workerCleanup {
+ e.cleanup()
+ }
+// handleSegments pulls segments from the queue and processes them. It returns
+// true if the protocol loop should continue, false otherwise.
+func (e *endpoint) handleSegments() bool {
+ checkRequeue := true
+ for i := 0; i < maxSegmentsPerWake; i++ {
+ s := e.segmentQueue.dequeue()
+ if s == nil {
+ checkRequeue = false
+ break
+ }
+ // Invoke the tcp probe if installed.
+ if e.probe != nil {
+ e.probe(e.completeState())
+ }
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagRst) {
+ if e.rcv.acceptable(s.sequenceNumber, 0) {
+ // RFC 793, page 37 states that "in all states
+ // except SYN-SENT, all reset (RST) segments are
+ // validated by checking their SEQ-fields." So
+ // we only process it if it's acceptable.
+ s.decRef()
+ e.state = stateError
+ e.hardError = tcpip.ErrConnectionReset
+ return false
+ }
+ } else if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) {
+ // Patch the window size in the segment according to the
+ // send window scale.
+ s.window <<= e.snd.sndWndScale
+ // If the timestamp option is negotiated and the segment
+ // does not carry a timestamp option then the segment
+ // must be dropped as per
+ //
+ if e.sendTSOk && !s.parsedOptions.TS {
+ atomic.AddUint64(&e.stack.MutableStats().DroppedPackets, 1)
+ s.decRef()
+ continue
+ }
+ // RFC 793, page 41 states that "once in the ESTABLISHED
+ // state all segments must carry current acknowledgment
+ // information."
+ e.rcv.handleRcvdSegment(s)
+ e.snd.handleRcvdSegment(s)
+ }
+ s.decRef()
+ }
+ // If the queue is not empty, make sure we'll wake up in the next
+ // iteration.
+ if checkRequeue && !e.segmentQueue.empty() {
+ e.newSegmentWaker.Assert()
+ }
+ // Send an ACK for all processed packets if needed.
+ if e.rcv.rcvNxt != e.snd.maxSentAck {
+ e.snd.sendAck()
+ }
+ return true
+// protocolMainLoop is the main loop of the TCP protocol. It runs in its own
+// goroutine and is responsible for sending segments and handling received
+// segments.
+func (e *endpoint) protocolMainLoop(passive bool) *tcpip.Error {
+ var closeTimer *time.Timer
+ var closeWaker sleep.Waker
+ defer func() {
+ e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventIn | waiter.EventOut)
+ e.completeWorker()
+ if e.snd != nil {
+ e.snd.resendTimer.cleanup()
+ }
+ if closeTimer != nil {
+ closeTimer.Stop()
+ }
+ }()
+ if !passive {
+ // This is an active connection, so we must initiate the 3-way
+ // handshake, and then inform potential waiters about its
+ // completion.
+ h, err := newHandshake(e, seqnum.Size(e.receiveBufferAvailable()))
+ if err == nil {
+ err = h.execute()
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ e.lastErrorMu.Lock()
+ e.lastError = err
+ e.lastErrorMu.Unlock()
+ e.state = stateError
+ e.hardError = err
+ return err
+ }
+ // Transfer handshake state to TCP connection. We disable
+ // receive window scaling if the peer doesn't support it
+ // (indicated by a negative send window scale).
+ e.snd = newSender(e, h.iss, h.ackNum-1, h.sndWnd, h.mss, h.sndWndScale)
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ e.rcv = newReceiver(e, h.ackNum-1, h.rcvWnd, h.effectiveRcvWndScale())
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ // Tell waiters that the endpoint is connected and writable.
+ e.state = stateConnected
+ e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventOut)
+ // When the protocol loop exits we should wake up our waiters with EventHUp.
+ defer e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventHUp)
+ // Set up the functions that will be called when the main protocol loop
+ // wakes up.
+ funcs := []struct {
+ w *sleep.Waker
+ f func() bool
+ }{
+ {
+ w: &e.sndWaker,
+ f: e.handleWrite,
+ },
+ {
+ w: &e.sndCloseWaker,
+ f: e.handleClose,
+ },
+ {
+ w: &e.newSegmentWaker,
+ f: e.handleSegments,
+ },
+ {
+ w: &closeWaker,
+ f: func() bool {
+ e.resetConnection(tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted)
+ return false
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ w: &e.snd.resendWaker,
+ f: func() bool {
+ if !e.snd.retransmitTimerExpired() {
+ e.resetConnection(tcpip.ErrTimeout)
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ w: &e.notificationWaker,
+ f: func() bool {
+ n := e.fetchNotifications()
+ if n&notifyNonZeroReceiveWindow != 0 {
+ e.rcv.nonZeroWindow()
+ }
+ if n&notifyReceiveWindowChanged != 0 {
+ e.rcv.pendingBufSize = seqnum.Size(e.receiveBufferSize())
+ }
+ if n&notifyMTUChanged != 0 {
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ count := e.packetTooBigCount
+ e.packetTooBigCount = 0
+ mtu := e.sndMTU
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ e.snd.updateMaxPayloadSize(mtu, count)
+ }
+ if n&notifyClose != 0 && closeTimer == nil {
+ // Reset the connection 3 seconds after the
+ // endpoint has been closed.
+ closeTimer = time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
+ closeWaker.Assert()
+ })
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ // Initialize the sleeper based on the wakers in funcs.
+ s := sleep.Sleeper{}
+ for i := range funcs {
+ s.AddWaker(funcs[i].w, i)
+ }
+ // Main loop. Handle segments until both send and receive ends of the
+ // connection have completed.
+ for !e.rcv.closed || !e.snd.closed || e.snd.sndUna != e.snd.sndNxtList {
+ e.workMu.Unlock()
+ v, _ := s.Fetch(true)
+ e.workMu.Lock()
+ if !funcs[v].f() {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark endpoint as closed.
+ e.state = stateClosed
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dual_stack_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dual_stack_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a89af4559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/dual_stack_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp_test
+import (
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestV4MappedConnectOnV6Only(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(true)
+ // Start connection attempt, it must fail.
+ err := c.EP.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.TestV4MappedAddr, Port: context.TestPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrNoRoute {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+func testV4Connect(t *testing.T, c *context.Context) {
+ // Start connection attempt.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ err := c.EP.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.TestV4MappedAddr, Port: context.TestPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Receive SYN packet.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ ),
+ )
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ c.IRS = seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ iss := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: tcp.DestinationPort(),
+ DstPort: tcp.SourcePort(),
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: iss,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive ACK packet.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(iss)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ err = c.EP.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when connecting: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for connection")
+ }
+func TestV4MappedConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV4Connect(t, c)
+func TestV4ConnectWhenBoundToWildcard(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV4Connect(t, c)
+func TestV4ConnectWhenBoundToV4MappedWildcard(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to v4 mapped wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.V4MappedWildcardAddr}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV4Connect(t, c)
+func TestV4ConnectWhenBoundToV4Mapped(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to v4 mapped address.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.StackV4MappedAddr}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV4Connect(t, c)
+func testV6Connect(t *testing.T, c *context.Context) {
+ // Start connection attempt to IPv6 address.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ err := c.EP.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.TestV6Addr, Port: context.TestPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Receive SYN packet.
+ b := c.GetV6Packet()
+ checker.IPv6(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ ),
+ )
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv6(b).Payload())
+ c.IRS = seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ iss := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendV6Packet(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: tcp.DestinationPort(),
+ DstPort: tcp.SourcePort(),
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: iss,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive ACK packet.
+ checker.IPv6(t, c.GetV6Packet(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(iss)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ err = c.EP.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when connecting: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for connection")
+ }
+func TestV6Connect(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV6Connect(t, c)
+func TestV6ConnectV6Only(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(true)
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV6Connect(t, c)
+func TestV6ConnectWhenBoundToWildcard(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV6Connect(t, c)
+func TestV6ConnectWhenBoundToLocalAddress(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to local address.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.StackV6Addr}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test the connection request.
+ testV6Connect(t, c)
+func TestV4RefuseOnV6Only(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(true)
+ // Bind to wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Start listening.
+ if err := c.EP.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send a SYN request.
+ irs := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: context.StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
+ SeqNum: irs,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive the RST reply.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.SrcPort(context.StackPort),
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagRst|header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(irs)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestV6RefuseOnBoundToV4Mapped(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind and listen.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.V4MappedWildcardAddr, Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send a SYN request.
+ irs := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendV6Packet(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: context.StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
+ SeqNum: irs,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive the RST reply.
+ checker.IPv6(t, c.GetV6Packet(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.SrcPort(context.StackPort),
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagRst|header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(irs)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+func testV4Accept(t *testing.T, c *context.Context) {
+ // Start listening.
+ if err := c.EP.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send a SYN request.
+ irs := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: context.StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
+ SeqNum: irs,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive the SYN-ACK reply.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ iss := seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.SrcPort(context.StackPort),
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(irs)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Send ACK.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: context.StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: irs + 1,
+ AckNum: iss + 1,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ nep, _, err := c.EP.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ nep, _, err = c.EP.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure we get the same error when calling the original ep and the
+ // new one. This validates that v4-mapped endpoints are still able to
+ // query the V6Only flag, whereas pure v4 endpoints are not.
+ var v tcpip.V6OnlyOption
+ expected := c.EP.GetSockOpt(&v)
+ if err := nep.GetSockOpt(&v); err != expected {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt returned unexpected value: got %v, want %v", err, expected)
+ }
+ // Check the peer address.
+ addr, err := nep.GetRemoteAddress()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetRemoteAddress failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if addr.Addr != context.TestAddr {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected remote address: got %v, want %v", addr.Addr, context.TestAddr)
+ }
+func TestV4AcceptOnV6(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test acceptance.
+ testV4Accept(t, c)
+func TestV4AcceptOnBoundToV4MappedWildcard(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind to v4 mapped wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.V4MappedWildcardAddr, Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test acceptance.
+ testV4Accept(t, c)
+func TestV4AcceptOnBoundToV4Mapped(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind and listen.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.StackV4MappedAddr, Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test acceptance.
+ testV4Accept(t, c)
+func TestV6AcceptOnV6(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateV6Endpoint(false)
+ // Bind and listen.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send a SYN request.
+ irs := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendV6Packet(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: context.StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
+ SeqNum: irs,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive the SYN-ACK reply.
+ b := c.GetV6Packet()
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv6(b).Payload())
+ iss := seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ checker.IPv6(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.SrcPort(context.StackPort),
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(irs)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Send ACK.
+ c.SendV6Packet(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: context.StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: irs + 1,
+ AckNum: iss + 1,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ nep, _, err := c.EP.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ nep, _, err = c.EP.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure we can still query the v6 only status of the new endpoint,
+ // that is, that it is in fact a v6 socket.
+ var v tcpip.V6OnlyOption
+ if err := nep.GetSockOpt(&v); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check the peer address.
+ addr, err := nep.GetRemoteAddress()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetRemoteAddress failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if addr.Addr != context.TestV6Addr {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected remote address: got %v, want %v", addr.Addr, context.TestV6Addr)
+ }
+func TestV4AcceptOnV4(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create TCP endpoint.
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &c.WQ)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Bind to wildcard.
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Test acceptance.
+ testV4Accept(t, c)
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/endpoint.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/endpoint.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d62589d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/endpoint.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1371 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "math"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+type endpointState int
+const (
+ stateInitial endpointState = iota
+ stateBound
+ stateListen
+ stateConnecting
+ stateConnected
+ stateClosed
+ stateError
+// Reasons for notifying the protocol goroutine.
+const (
+ notifyNonZeroReceiveWindow = 1 << iota
+ notifyReceiveWindowChanged
+ notifyClose
+ notifyMTUChanged
+ notifyDrain
+// SACKInfo holds TCP SACK related information for a given endpoint.
+type SACKInfo struct {
+ // Blocks is the maximum number of SACK blocks we track
+ // per endpoint.
+ Blocks [MaxSACKBlocks]header.SACKBlock
+ // NumBlocks is the number of valid SACK blocks stored in the
+ // blocks array above.
+ NumBlocks int
+// endpoint represents a TCP endpoint. This struct serves as the interface
+// between users of the endpoint and the protocol implementation; it is legal to
+// have concurrent goroutines make calls into the endpoint, they are properly
+// synchronized. The protocol implementation, however, runs in a single
+// goroutine.
+type endpoint struct {
+ // workMu is used to arbitrate which goroutine may perform protocol
+ // work. Only the main protocol goroutine is expected to call Lock() on
+ // it, but other goroutines (e.g., send) may call TryLock() to eagerly
+ // perform work without having to wait for the main one to wake up.
+ workMu tmutex.Mutex `state:"nosave"`
+ // The following fields are initialized at creation time and do not
+ // change throughout the lifetime of the endpoint.
+ stack *stack.Stack `state:"manual"`
+ netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
+ waiterQueue *waiter.Queue
+ // lastError represents the last error that the endpoint reported;
+ // access to it is protected by the following mutex.
+ lastErrorMu sync.Mutex `state:"nosave"`
+ lastError *tcpip.Error
+ // The following fields are used to manage the receive queue. The
+ // protocol goroutine adds ready-for-delivery segments to rcvList,
+ // which are returned by Read() calls to users.
+ //
+ // Once the peer has closed its send side, rcvClosed is set to true
+ // to indicate to users that no more data is coming.
+ rcvListMu sync.Mutex `state:"nosave"`
+ rcvList segmentList
+ rcvClosed bool
+ rcvBufSize int
+ rcvBufUsed int
+ // The following fields are protected by the mutex.
+ mu sync.RWMutex `state:"nosave"`
+ id stack.TransportEndpointID
+ state endpointState
+ isPortReserved bool
+ isRegistered bool
+ boundNICID tcpip.NICID
+ route stack.Route `state:"manual"`
+ v6only bool
+ isConnectNotified bool
+ // effectiveNetProtos contains the network protocols actually in use. In
+ // most cases it will only contain "netProto", but in cases like IPv6
+ // endpoints with v6only set to false, this could include multiple
+ // protocols (e.g., IPv6 and IPv4) or a single different protocol (e.g.,
+ // IPv4 when IPv6 endpoint is bound or connected to an IPv4 mapped
+ // address).
+ effectiveNetProtos []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
+ // hardError is meaningful only when state is stateError, it stores the
+ // error to be returned when read/write syscalls are called and the
+ // endpoint is in this state.
+ hardError *tcpip.Error
+ // workerRunning specifies if a worker goroutine is running.
+ workerRunning bool
+ // workerCleanup specifies if the worker goroutine must perform cleanup
+ // before exitting. This can only be set to true when workerRunning is
+ // also true, and they're both protected by the mutex.
+ workerCleanup bool
+ // sendTSOk is used to indicate when the TS Option has been negotiated.
+ // When sendTSOk is true every non-RST segment should carry a TS as per
+ // RFC7323#section-1.1
+ sendTSOk bool
+ // recentTS is the timestamp that should be sent in the TSEcr field of
+ // the timestamp for future segments sent by the endpoint. This field is
+ // updated if required when a new segment is received by this endpoint.
+ recentTS uint32
+ // tsOffset is a randomized offset added to the value of the
+ // TSVal field in the timestamp option.
+ tsOffset uint32
+ // shutdownFlags represent the current shutdown state of the endpoint.
+ shutdownFlags tcpip.ShutdownFlags
+ // sackPermitted is set to true if the peer sends the TCPSACKPermitted
+ // option in the SYN/SYN-ACK.
+ sackPermitted bool
+ // sack holds TCP SACK related information for this endpoint.
+ sack SACKInfo
+ // The options below aren't implemented, but we remember the user
+ // settings because applications expect to be able to set/query these
+ // options.
+ noDelay bool
+ reuseAddr bool
+ // segmentQueue is used to hand received segments to the protocol
+ // goroutine. Segments are queued as long as the queue is not full,
+ // and dropped when it is.
+ segmentQueue segmentQueue `state:"zerovalue"`
+ // The following fields are used to manage the send buffer. When
+ // segments are ready to be sent, they are added to sndQueue and the
+ // protocol goroutine is signaled via sndWaker.
+ //
+ // When the send side is closed, the protocol goroutine is notified via
+ // sndCloseWaker, and sndClosed is set to true.
+ sndBufMu sync.Mutex `state:"nosave"`
+ sndBufSize int
+ sndBufUsed int
+ sndClosed bool
+ sndBufInQueue seqnum.Size
+ sndQueue segmentList
+ sndWaker sleep.Waker `state:"manual"`
+ sndCloseWaker sleep.Waker `state:"manual"`
+ // The following are used when a "packet too big" control packet is
+ // received. They are protected by sndBufMu. They are used to
+ // communicate to the main protocol goroutine how many such control
+ // messages have been received since the last notification was processed
+ // and what was the smallest MTU seen.
+ packetTooBigCount int
+ sndMTU int
+ // newSegmentWaker is used to indicate to the protocol goroutine that
+ // it needs to wake up and handle new segments queued to it.
+ newSegmentWaker sleep.Waker `state:"manual"`
+ // notificationWaker is used to indicate to the protocol goroutine that
+ // it needs to wake up and check for notifications.
+ notificationWaker sleep.Waker `state:"manual"`
+ // notifyFlags is a bitmask of flags used to indicate to the protocol
+ // goroutine what it was notified; this is only accessed atomically.
+ notifyFlags uint32 `state:"zerovalue"`
+ // acceptedChan is used by a listening endpoint protocol goroutine to
+ // send newly accepted connections to the endpoint so that they can be
+ // read by Accept() calls.
+ acceptedChan chan *endpoint `state:".(endpointChan)"`
+ // The following are only used from the protocol goroutine, and
+ // therefore don't need locks to protect them.
+ rcv *receiver
+ snd *sender
+ // The goroutine drain completion notification channel.
+ drainDone chan struct{} `state:"nosave"`
+ // probe if not nil is invoked on every received segment. It is passed
+ // a copy of the current state of the endpoint.
+ probe stack.TCPProbeFunc `state:"nosave"`
+func newEndpoint(stack *stack.Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waiterQueue *waiter.Queue) *endpoint {
+ e := &endpoint{
+ stack: stack,
+ netProto: netProto,
+ waiterQueue: waiterQueue,
+ rcvBufSize: DefaultBufferSize,
+ sndBufSize: DefaultBufferSize,
+ sndMTU: int(math.MaxInt32),
+ noDelay: false,
+ reuseAddr: true,
+ }
+ var ss SendBufferSizeOption
+ if err := stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &ss); err == nil {
+ e.sndBufSize = ss.Default
+ }
+ var rs ReceiveBufferSizeOption
+ if err := stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &rs); err == nil {
+ e.rcvBufSize = rs.Default
+ }
+ if p := stack.GetTCPProbe(); p != nil {
+ e.probe = p
+ }
+ e.segmentQueue.setLimit(2 * e.rcvBufSize)
+ e.workMu.Init()
+ e.workMu.Lock()
+ e.tsOffset = timeStampOffset()
+ return e
+// Readiness returns the current readiness of the endpoint. For example, if
+// waiter.EventIn is set, the endpoint is immediately readable.
+func (e *endpoint) Readiness(mask waiter.EventMask) waiter.EventMask {
+ result := waiter.EventMask(0)
+ defer
+ switch e.state {
+ case stateInitial, stateBound, stateConnecting:
+ // Ready for nothing.
+ case stateClosed, stateError:
+ // Ready for anything.
+ result = mask
+ case stateListen:
+ // Check if there's anything in the accepted channel.
+ if (mask & waiter.EventIn) != 0 {
+ if len(e.acceptedChan) > 0 {
+ result |= waiter.EventIn
+ }
+ }
+ case stateConnected:
+ // Determine if the endpoint is writable if requested.
+ if (mask & waiter.EventOut) != 0 {
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ if e.sndClosed || e.sndBufUsed < e.sndBufSize {
+ result |= waiter.EventOut
+ }
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ // Determine if the endpoint is readable if requested.
+ if (mask & waiter.EventIn) != 0 {
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ if e.rcvBufUsed > 0 || e.rcvClosed {
+ result |= waiter.EventIn
+ }
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+func (e *endpoint) fetchNotifications() uint32 {
+ return atomic.SwapUint32(&e.notifyFlags, 0)
+func (e *endpoint) notifyProtocolGoroutine(n uint32) {
+ for {
+ v := atomic.LoadUint32(&e.notifyFlags)
+ if v&n == n {
+ // The flags are already set.
+ return
+ }
+ if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&e.notifyFlags, v, v|n) {
+ if v == 0 {
+ // We are causing a transition from no flags to
+ // at least one flag set, so we must cause the
+ // protocol goroutine to wake up.
+ e.notificationWaker.Assert()
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// Close puts the endpoint in a closed state and frees all resources associated
+// with it. It must be called only once and with no other concurrent calls to
+// the endpoint.
+func (e *endpoint) Close() {
+ // Issue a shutdown so that the peer knows we won't send any more data
+ // if we're connected, or stop accepting if we're listening.
+ e.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite | tcpip.ShutdownRead)
+ // While we hold the lock, determine if the cleanup should happen
+ // inline or if we should tell the worker (if any) to do the cleanup.
+ worker := e.workerRunning
+ if worker {
+ e.workerCleanup = true
+ }
+ // We always release ports inline so that they are immediately available
+ // for reuse after Close() is called. If also registered, it means this
+ // is a listening socket, so we must unregister as well otherwise the
+ // next user would fail in Listen() when trying to register.
+ if e.isPortReserved {
+ e.stack.ReleasePort(e.effectiveNetProtos, ProtocolNumber,,
+ e.isPortReserved = false
+ if e.isRegistered {
+ e.stack.UnregisterTransportEndpoint(e.boundNICID, e.effectiveNetProtos, ProtocolNumber,
+ e.isRegistered = false
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we don't hold the lock anymore, either perform the local
+ // cleanup or kick the worker to make sure it knows it needs to cleanup.
+ if !worker {
+ e.cleanup()
+ } else {
+ e.notifyProtocolGoroutine(notifyClose)
+ }
+// cleanup frees all resources associated with the endpoint. It is called after
+// Close() is called and the worker goroutine (if any) is done with its work.
+func (e *endpoint) cleanup() {
+ // Close all endpoints that might have been accepted by TCP but not by
+ // the client.
+ if e.acceptedChan != nil {
+ close(e.acceptedChan)
+ for n := range e.acceptedChan {
+ n.resetConnection(tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted)
+ n.Close()
+ }
+ }
+ if e.isRegistered {
+ e.stack.UnregisterTransportEndpoint(e.boundNICID, e.effectiveNetProtos, ProtocolNumber,
+ }
+ e.route.Release()
+// Read reads data from the endpoint.
+func (e *endpoint) Read(*tcpip.FullAddress) (buffer.View, *tcpip.Error) {
+ // The endpoint can be read if it's connected, or if it's already closed
+ // but has some pending unread data. Also note that a RST being received
+ // would cause the state to become stateError so we should allow the
+ // reads to proceed before returning a ECONNRESET.
+ if s := e.state; s != stateConnected && s != stateClosed && e.rcvBufUsed == 0 {
+ if s == stateError {
+ return buffer.View{}, e.hardError
+ }
+ return buffer.View{}, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ v, err := e.readLocked()
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ return v, err
+func (e *endpoint) readLocked() (buffer.View, *tcpip.Error) {
+ if e.rcvBufUsed == 0 {
+ if e.rcvClosed || e.state != stateConnected {
+ return buffer.View{}, tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive
+ }
+ return buffer.View{}, tcpip.ErrWouldBlock
+ }
+ s := e.rcvList.Front()
+ views :=
+ v := views[s.viewToDeliver]
+ s.viewToDeliver++
+ if s.viewToDeliver >= len(views) {
+ e.rcvList.Remove(s)
+ s.decRef()
+ }
+ scale := e.rcv.rcvWndScale
+ wasZero := e.zeroReceiveWindow(scale)
+ e.rcvBufUsed -= len(v)
+ if wasZero && !e.zeroReceiveWindow(scale) {
+ e.notifyProtocolGoroutine(notifyNonZeroReceiveWindow)
+ }
+ return v, nil
+// Write writes data to the endpoint's peer.
+func (e *endpoint) Write(p tcpip.Payload, opts tcpip.WriteOptions) (uintptr, *tcpip.Error) {
+ // Linux completely ignores any address passed to sendto(2) for TCP sockets
+ // (without the MSG_FASTOPEN flag). Corking is unimplemented, so opts.More
+ // and opts.EndOfRecord are also ignored.
+ defer
+ // The endpoint cannot be written to if it's not connected.
+ if e.state != stateConnected {
+ switch e.state {
+ case stateError:
+ return 0, e.hardError
+ default:
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrClosedForSend
+ }
+ }
+ // Nothing to do if the buffer is empty.
+ if p.Size() == 0 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ // Check if the connection has already been closed for sends.
+ if e.sndClosed {
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrClosedForSend
+ }
+ // Check against the limit.
+ avail := e.sndBufSize - e.sndBufUsed
+ if avail <= 0 {
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrWouldBlock
+ }
+ v, perr := p.Get(avail)
+ if perr != nil {
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ return 0, perr
+ }
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ if p.Size() > avail {
+ err = tcpip.ErrWouldBlock
+ }
+ l := len(v)
+ s := newSegmentFromView(&e.route,, v)
+ // Add data to the send queue.
+ e.sndBufUsed += l
+ e.sndBufInQueue += seqnum.Size(l)
+ e.sndQueue.PushBack(s)
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ if e.workMu.TryLock() {
+ // Do the work inline.
+ e.handleWrite()
+ e.workMu.Unlock()
+ } else {
+ // Let the protocol goroutine do the work.
+ e.sndWaker.Assert()
+ }
+ return uintptr(l), err
+// Peek reads data without consuming it from the endpoint.
+// This method does not block if there is no data pending.
+func (e *endpoint) Peek(vec [][]byte) (uintptr, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ // The endpoint can be read if it's connected, or if it's already closed
+ // but has some pending unread data.
+ if s := e.state; s != stateConnected && s != stateClosed {
+ if s == stateError {
+ return 0, e.hardError
+ }
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ defer e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ if e.rcvBufUsed == 0 {
+ if e.rcvClosed || e.state != stateConnected {
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive
+ }
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrWouldBlock
+ }
+ // Make a copy of vec so we can modify the slide headers.
+ vec = append([][]byte(nil), vec...)
+ var num uintptr
+ for s := e.rcvList.Front(); s != nil; s = s.Next() {
+ views :=
+ for i := s.viewToDeliver; i < len(views); i++ {
+ v := views[i]
+ for len(v) > 0 {
+ if len(vec) == 0 {
+ return num, nil
+ }
+ if len(vec[0]) == 0 {
+ vec = vec[1:]
+ continue
+ }
+ n := copy(vec[0], v)
+ v = v[n:]
+ vec[0] = vec[0][n:]
+ num += uintptr(n)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return num, nil
+// zeroReceiveWindow checks if the receive window to be announced now would be
+// zero, based on the amount of available buffer and the receive window scaling.
+// It must be called with rcvListMu held.
+func (e *endpoint) zeroReceiveWindow(scale uint8) bool {
+ if e.rcvBufUsed >= e.rcvBufSize {
+ return true
+ }
+ return ((e.rcvBufSize - e.rcvBufUsed) >> scale) == 0
+// SetSockOpt sets a socket option.
+func (e *endpoint) SetSockOpt(opt interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+ switch v := opt.(type) {
+ case tcpip.NoDelayOption:
+ e.noDelay = v != 0
+ return nil
+ case tcpip.ReuseAddressOption:
+ e.reuseAddr = v != 0
+ return nil
+ case tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption:
+ // Make sure the receive buffer size is within the min and max
+ // allowed.
+ var rs ReceiveBufferSizeOption
+ size := int(v)
+ if err := e.stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &rs); err == nil {
+ if size < rs.Min {
+ size = rs.Min
+ }
+ if size > rs.Max {
+ size = rs.Max
+ }
+ }
+ mask := uint32(notifyReceiveWindowChanged)
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ // Make sure the receive buffer size allows us to send a
+ // non-zero window size.
+ scale := uint8(0)
+ if e.rcv != nil {
+ scale = e.rcv.rcvWndScale
+ }
+ if size>>scale == 0 {
+ size = 1 << scale
+ }
+ // Make sure 2*size doesn't overflow.
+ if size > math.MaxInt32/2 {
+ size = math.MaxInt32 / 2
+ }
+ wasZero := e.zeroReceiveWindow(scale)
+ e.rcvBufSize = size
+ if wasZero && !e.zeroReceiveWindow(scale) {
+ mask |= notifyNonZeroReceiveWindow
+ }
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ e.segmentQueue.setLimit(2 * size)
+ e.notifyProtocolGoroutine(mask)
+ return nil
+ case tcpip.SendBufferSizeOption:
+ // Make sure the send buffer size is within the min and max
+ // allowed.
+ size := int(v)
+ var ss SendBufferSizeOption
+ if err := e.stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &ss); err == nil {
+ if size < ss.Min {
+ size = ss.Min
+ }
+ if size > ss.Max {
+ size = ss.Max
+ }
+ }
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ e.sndBufSize = size
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ return nil
+ case tcpip.V6OnlyOption:
+ // We only recognize this option on v6 endpoints.
+ if e.netProto != header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ defer
+ // We only allow this to be set when we're in the initial state.
+ if e.state != stateInitial {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ e.v6only = v != 0
+ }
+ return nil
+// readyReceiveSize returns the number of bytes ready to be received.
+func (e *endpoint) readyReceiveSize() (int, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ // The endpoint cannot be in listen state.
+ if e.state == stateListen {
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ defer e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ return e.rcvBufUsed, nil
+// GetSockOpt implements tcpip.Endpoint.GetSockOpt.
+func (e *endpoint) GetSockOpt(opt interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+ switch o := opt.(type) {
+ case tcpip.ErrorOption:
+ e.lastErrorMu.Lock()
+ err := e.lastError
+ e.lastError = nil
+ e.lastErrorMu.Unlock()
+ return err
+ case *tcpip.SendBufferSizeOption:
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ *o = tcpip.SendBufferSizeOption(e.sndBufSize)
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ return nil
+ case *tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption:
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ *o = tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(e.rcvBufSize)
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ return nil
+ case *tcpip.ReceiveQueueSizeOption:
+ v, err := e.readyReceiveSize()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *o = tcpip.ReceiveQueueSizeOption(v)
+ return nil
+ case *tcpip.NoDelayOption:
+ v := e.noDelay
+ *o = 0
+ if v {
+ *o = 1
+ }
+ return nil
+ case *tcpip.ReuseAddressOption:
+ v := e.reuseAddr
+ *o = 0
+ if v {
+ *o = 1
+ }
+ return nil
+ case *tcpip.V6OnlyOption:
+ // We only recognize this option on v6 endpoints.
+ if e.netProto != header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
+ }
+ v := e.v6only
+ *o = 0
+ if v {
+ *o = 1
+ }
+ return nil
+ case *tcpip.TCPInfoOption:
+ *o = tcpip.TCPInfoOption{}
+ return nil
+ }
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
+func (e *endpoint) checkV4Mapped(addr *tcpip.FullAddress) (tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, *tcpip.Error) {
+ netProto := e.netProto
+ if header.IsV4MappedAddress(addr.Addr) {
+ // Fail if using a v4 mapped address on a v6only endpoint.
+ if e.v6only {
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrNoRoute
+ }
+ netProto = header.IPv4ProtocolNumber
+ addr.Addr = addr.Addr[header.IPv6AddressSize-header.IPv4AddressSize:]
+ if addr.Addr == "\x00\x00\x00\x00" {
+ addr.Addr = ""
+ }
+ }
+ // Fail if we're bound to an address length different from the one we're
+ // checking.
+ if l := len(; l != 0 && len(addr.Addr) != 0 && l != len(addr.Addr) {
+ return 0, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ return netProto, nil
+// Connect connects the endpoint to its peer.
+func (e *endpoint) Connect(addr tcpip.FullAddress) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ netProto, err := e.checkV4Mapped(&addr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ nicid := addr.NIC
+ switch e.state {
+ case stateBound:
+ // If we're already bound to a NIC but the caller is requesting
+ // that we use a different one now, we cannot proceed.
+ if e.boundNICID == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ if nicid != 0 && nicid != e.boundNICID {
+ return tcpip.ErrNoRoute
+ }
+ nicid = e.boundNICID
+ case stateInitial:
+ // Nothing to do. We'll eventually fill-in the gaps in the ID
+ // (if any) when we find a route.
+ case stateConnecting:
+ // A connection request has already been issued but hasn't
+ // completed yet.
+ return tcpip.ErrAlreadyConnecting
+ case stateConnected:
+ // The endpoint is already connected. If caller hasn't been notified yet, return success.
+ if !e.isConnectNotified {
+ e.isConnectNotified = true
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Otherwise return that it's already connected.
+ return tcpip.ErrAlreadyConnected
+ case stateError:
+ return e.hardError
+ default:
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ // Find a route to the desired destination.
+ r, err := e.stack.FindRoute(nicid,, addr.Addr, netProto)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer r.Release()
+ origID :=
+ netProtos := []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{netProto}
+ = r.LocalAddress
+ = r.RemoteAddress
+ = addr.Port
+ if != 0 {
+ // The endpoint is bound to a port, attempt to register it.
+ err := e.stack.RegisterTransportEndpoint(nicid, netProtos, ProtocolNumber,, e)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The endpoint doesn't have a local port yet, so try to get
+ // one. Make sure that it isn't one that will result in the same
+ // address/port for both local and remote (otherwise this
+ // endpoint would be trying to connect to itself).
+ sameAddr := ==
+ _, err := e.stack.PickEphemeralPort(func(p uint16) (bool, *tcpip.Error) {
+ if sameAddr && p == {
+ return false, nil
+ }
+ = p
+ err := e.stack.RegisterTransportEndpoint(nicid, netProtos, ProtocolNumber,, e)
+ switch err {
+ case nil:
+ return true, nil
+ case tcpip.ErrPortInUse:
+ return false, nil
+ default:
+ return false, err
+ }
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the port reservation. This can happen when Bind is called
+ // before Connect: in such a case we don't want to hold on to
+ // reservations anymore.
+ if e.isPortReserved {
+ e.stack.ReleasePort(e.effectiveNetProtos, ProtocolNumber, origID.LocalAddress, origID.LocalPort)
+ e.isPortReserved = false
+ }
+ e.isRegistered = true
+ e.state = stateConnecting
+ e.route = r.Clone()
+ e.boundNICID = nicid
+ e.effectiveNetProtos = netProtos
+ e.workerRunning = true
+ go e.protocolMainLoop(false) // S/R-FIXME
+ return tcpip.ErrConnectStarted
+// ConnectEndpoint is not supported.
+func (*endpoint) ConnectEndpoint(tcpip.Endpoint) *tcpip.Error {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+// Shutdown closes the read and/or write end of the endpoint connection to its
+// peer.
+func (e *endpoint) Shutdown(flags tcpip.ShutdownFlags) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ e.shutdownFlags |= flags
+ switch e.state {
+ case stateConnected:
+ // Close for write.
+ if (flags & tcpip.ShutdownWrite) != 0 {
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ if e.sndClosed {
+ // Already closed.
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ break
+ }
+ // Queue fin segment.
+ s := newSegmentFromView(&e.route,, nil)
+ e.sndQueue.PushBack(s)
+ e.sndBufInQueue++
+ // Mark endpoint as closed.
+ e.sndClosed = true
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ // Tell protocol goroutine to close.
+ e.sndCloseWaker.Assert()
+ }
+ case stateListen:
+ // Tell protocolListenLoop to stop.
+ if flags&tcpip.ShutdownRead != 0 {
+ e.notifyProtocolGoroutine(notifyClose)
+ }
+ default:
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ return nil
+// Listen puts the endpoint in "listen" mode, which allows it to accept
+// new connections.
+func (e *endpoint) Listen(backlog int) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ // Allow the backlog to be adjusted if the endpoint is not shutting down.
+ // When the endpoint shuts down, it sets workerCleanup to true, and from
+ // that point onward, acceptedChan is the responsibility of the cleanup()
+ // method (and should not be touched anywhere else, including here).
+ if e.state == stateListen && !e.workerCleanup {
+ // Adjust the size of the channel iff we can fix existing
+ // pending connections into the new one.
+ if len(e.acceptedChan) > backlog {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ origChan := e.acceptedChan
+ e.acceptedChan = make(chan *endpoint, backlog)
+ close(origChan)
+ for ep := range origChan {
+ e.acceptedChan <- ep
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Endpoint must be bound before it can transition to listen mode.
+ if e.state != stateBound {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ // Register the endpoint.
+ if err := e.stack.RegisterTransportEndpoint(e.boundNICID, e.effectiveNetProtos, ProtocolNumber,, e); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ e.isRegistered = true
+ e.state = stateListen
+ if e.acceptedChan == nil {
+ e.acceptedChan = make(chan *endpoint, backlog)
+ }
+ e.workerRunning = true
+ go e.protocolListenLoop( // S/R-SAFE: drained on save.
+ seqnum.Size(e.receiveBufferAvailable()))
+ return nil
+// startAcceptedLoop sets up required state and starts a goroutine with the
+// main loop for accepted connections.
+func (e *endpoint) startAcceptedLoop(waiterQueue *waiter.Queue) {
+ e.waiterQueue = waiterQueue
+ e.workerRunning = true
+ go e.protocolMainLoop(true) // S/R-FIXME
+// Accept returns a new endpoint if a peer has established a connection
+// to an endpoint previously set to listen mode.
+func (e *endpoint) Accept() (tcpip.Endpoint, *waiter.Queue, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ // Endpoint must be in listen state before it can accept connections.
+ if e.state != stateListen {
+ return nil, nil, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ // Get the new accepted endpoint.
+ var n *endpoint
+ select {
+ case n = <-e.acceptedChan:
+ default:
+ return nil, nil, tcpip.ErrWouldBlock
+ }
+ // Start the protocol goroutine.
+ wq := &waiter.Queue{}
+ n.startAcceptedLoop(wq)
+ return n, wq, nil
+// Bind binds the endpoint to a specific local port and optionally address.
+func (e *endpoint) Bind(addr tcpip.FullAddress, commit func() *tcpip.Error) (retErr *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ // Don't allow binding once endpoint is not in the initial state
+ // anymore. This is because once the endpoint goes into a connected or
+ // listen state, it is already bound.
+ if e.state != stateInitial {
+ return tcpip.ErrAlreadyBound
+ }
+ netProto, err := e.checkV4Mapped(&addr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Expand netProtos to include v4 and v6 if the caller is binding to a
+ // wildcard (empty) address, and this is an IPv6 endpoint with v6only
+ // set to false.
+ netProtos := []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{netProto}
+ if netProto == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber && !e.v6only && addr.Addr == "" {
+ netProtos = []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{
+ header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ header.IPv4ProtocolNumber,
+ }
+ }
+ // Reserve the port.
+ port, err := e.stack.ReservePort(netProtos, ProtocolNumber, addr.Addr, addr.Port)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ e.isPortReserved = true
+ e.effectiveNetProtos = netProtos
+ = port
+ // Any failures beyond this point must remove the port registration.
+ defer func() {
+ if retErr != nil {
+ e.stack.ReleasePort(netProtos, ProtocolNumber, addr.Addr, port)
+ e.isPortReserved = false
+ e.effectiveNetProtos = nil
+ = 0
+ = ""
+ e.boundNICID = 0
+ }
+ }()
+ // If an address is specified, we must ensure that it's one of our
+ // local addresses.
+ if len(addr.Addr) != 0 {
+ nic := e.stack.CheckLocalAddress(addr.NIC, netProto, addr.Addr)
+ if nic == 0 {
+ return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress
+ }
+ e.boundNICID = nic
+ = addr.Addr
+ }
+ // Check the commit function.
+ if commit != nil {
+ if err := commit(); err != nil {
+ // The defer takes care of unwind.
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Mark endpoint as bound.
+ e.state = stateBound
+ return nil
+// GetLocalAddress returns the address to which the endpoint is bound.
+func (e *endpoint) GetLocalAddress() (tcpip.FullAddress, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{
+ Addr:,
+ Port:,
+ NIC: e.boundNICID,
+ }, nil
+// GetRemoteAddress returns the address to which the endpoint is connected.
+func (e *endpoint) GetRemoteAddress() (tcpip.FullAddress, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ if e.state != stateConnected {
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{}, tcpip.ErrNotConnected
+ }
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{
+ Addr:,
+ Port:,
+ NIC: e.boundNICID,
+ }, nil
+// HandlePacket is called by the stack when new packets arrive to this transport
+// endpoint.
+func (e *endpoint) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, vv *buffer.VectorisedView) {
+ s := newSegment(r, id, vv)
+ if !s.parse() {
+ atomic.AddUint64(&e.stack.MutableStats().MalformedRcvdPackets, 1)
+ s.decRef()
+ return
+ }
+ // Send packet to worker goroutine.
+ if e.segmentQueue.enqueue(s) {
+ e.newSegmentWaker.Assert()
+ } else {
+ // The queue is full, so we drop the segment.
+ atomic.AddUint64(&e.stack.MutableStats().DroppedPackets, 1)
+ s.decRef()
+ }
+// HandleControlPacket implements stack.TransportEndpoint.HandleControlPacket.
+func (e *endpoint) HandleControlPacket(id stack.TransportEndpointID, typ stack.ControlType, extra uint32, vv *buffer.VectorisedView) {
+ switch typ {
+ case stack.ControlPacketTooBig:
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ e.packetTooBigCount++
+ if v := int(extra); v < e.sndMTU {
+ e.sndMTU = v
+ }
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ e.notifyProtocolGoroutine(notifyMTUChanged)
+ }
+// updateSndBufferUsage is called by the protocol goroutine when room opens up
+// in the send buffer. The number of newly available bytes is v.
+func (e *endpoint) updateSndBufferUsage(v int) {
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ notify := e.sndBufUsed >= e.sndBufSize>>1
+ e.sndBufUsed -= v
+ // We only notify when there is half the sndBufSize available after
+ // a full buffer event occurs. This ensures that we don't wake up
+ // writers to queue just 1-2 segments and go back to sleep.
+ notify = notify && e.sndBufUsed < e.sndBufSize>>1
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ if notify {
+ e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventOut)
+ }
+// readyToRead is called by the protocol goroutine when a new segment is ready
+// to be read, or when the connection is closed for receiving (in which case
+// s will be nil).
+func (e *endpoint) readyToRead(s *segment) {
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ if s != nil {
+ s.incRef()
+ e.rcvBufUsed +=
+ e.rcvList.PushBack(s)
+ } else {
+ e.rcvClosed = true
+ }
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ e.waiterQueue.Notify(waiter.EventIn)
+// receiveBufferAvailable calculates how many bytes are still available in the
+// receive buffer.
+func (e *endpoint) receiveBufferAvailable() int {
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ size := e.rcvBufSize
+ used := e.rcvBufUsed
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ // We may use more bytes than the buffer size when the receive buffer
+ // shrinks.
+ if used >= size {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return size - used
+func (e *endpoint) receiveBufferSize() int {
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ size := e.rcvBufSize
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ return size
+// updateRecentTimestamp updates the recent timestamp using the algorithm
+// described in
+func (e *endpoint) updateRecentTimestamp(tsVal uint32, maxSentAck seqnum.Value, segSeq seqnum.Value) {
+ if e.sendTSOk && seqnum.Value(e.recentTS).LessThan(seqnum.Value(tsVal)) && segSeq.LessThanEq(maxSentAck) {
+ e.recentTS = tsVal
+ }
+// maybeEnableTimestamp marks the timestamp option enabled for this endpoint if
+// the SYN options indicate that timestamp option was negotiated. It also
+// initializes the recentTS with the value provided in synOpts.TSval.
+func (e *endpoint) maybeEnableTimestamp(synOpts *header.TCPSynOptions) {
+ if synOpts.TS {
+ e.sendTSOk = true
+ e.recentTS = synOpts.TSVal
+ }
+// timestamp returns the timestamp value to be used in the TSVal field of the
+// timestamp option for outgoing TCP segments for a given endpoint.
+func (e *endpoint) timestamp() uint32 {
+ return tcpTimeStamp(e.tsOffset)
+// tcpTimeStamp returns a timestamp offset by the provided offset. This is
+// not inlined above as it's used when SYN cookies are in use and endpoint
+// is not created at the time when the SYN cookie is sent.
+func tcpTimeStamp(offset uint32) uint32 {
+ now := time.Now()
+ return uint32(now.Unix()*1000+int64(now.Nanosecond()/1e6)) + offset
+// timeStampOffset returns a randomized timestamp offset to be used when sending
+// timestamp values in a timestamp option for a TCP segment.
+func timeStampOffset() uint32 {
+ b := make([]byte, 4)
+ if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // Initialize a random tsOffset that will be added to the recentTS
+ // everytime the timestamp is sent when the Timestamp option is enabled.
+ //
+ // See for details on
+ // why this is required.
+ //
+ // NOTE: This is not completely to spec as normally this should be
+ // initialized in a manner analogous to how sequence numbers are
+ // randomized per connection basis. But for now this is sufficient.
+ return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
+// maybeEnableSACKPermitted marks the SACKPermitted option enabled for this endpoint
+// if the SYN options indicate that the SACK option was negotiated and the TCP
+// stack is configured to enable TCP SACK option.
+func (e *endpoint) maybeEnableSACKPermitted(synOpts *header.TCPSynOptions) {
+ var v SACKEnabled
+ if err := e.stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &v); err != nil {
+ // Stack doesn't support SACK. So just return.
+ return
+ }
+ if bool(v) && synOpts.SACKPermitted {
+ e.sackPermitted = true
+ }
+// completeState makes a full copy of the endpoint and returns it. This is used
+// before invoking the probe. The state returned may not be fully consistent if
+// there are intervening syscalls when the state is being copied.
+func (e *endpoint) completeState() stack.TCPEndpointState {
+ var s stack.TCPEndpointState
+ s.SegTime = time.Now()
+ // Copy EndpointID.
+ s.ID = stack.TCPEndpointID(
+ // Copy endpoint rcv state.
+ e.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ s.RcvBufSize = e.rcvBufSize
+ s.RcvBufUsed = e.rcvBufUsed
+ s.RcvClosed = e.rcvClosed
+ e.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ // Endpoint TCP Option state.
+ s.SendTSOk = e.sendTSOk
+ s.RecentTS = e.recentTS
+ s.TSOffset = e.tsOffset
+ s.SACKPermitted = e.sackPermitted
+ s.SACK.Blocks = make([]header.SACKBlock, e.sack.NumBlocks)
+ copy(s.SACK.Blocks, e.sack.Blocks[:e.sack.NumBlocks])
+ // Copy endpoint send state.
+ e.sndBufMu.Lock()
+ s.SndBufSize = e.sndBufSize
+ s.SndBufUsed = e.sndBufUsed
+ s.SndClosed = e.sndClosed
+ s.SndBufInQueue = e.sndBufInQueue
+ s.PacketTooBigCount = e.packetTooBigCount
+ s.SndMTU = e.sndMTU
+ e.sndBufMu.Unlock()
+ // Copy receiver state.
+ s.Receiver = stack.TCPReceiverState{
+ RcvNxt: e.rcv.rcvNxt,
+ RcvAcc: e.rcv.rcvAcc,
+ RcvWndScale: e.rcv.rcvWndScale,
+ PendingBufUsed: e.rcv.pendingBufUsed,
+ PendingBufSize: e.rcv.pendingBufSize,
+ }
+ // Copy sender state.
+ s.Sender = stack.TCPSenderState{
+ LastSendTime: e.snd.lastSendTime,
+ DupAckCount: e.snd.dupAckCount,
+ FastRecovery: stack.TCPFastRecoveryState{
+ Active:,
+ First:,
+ Last:,
+ MaxCwnd:,
+ },
+ SndCwnd: e.snd.sndCwnd,
+ Ssthresh: e.snd.sndSsthresh,
+ SndCAAckCount: e.snd.sndCAAckCount,
+ Outstanding: e.snd.outstanding,
+ SndWnd: e.snd.sndWnd,
+ SndUna: e.snd.sndUna,
+ SndNxt: e.snd.sndNxt,
+ RTTMeasureSeqNum: e.snd.rttMeasureSeqNum,
+ RTTMeasureTime: e.snd.rttMeasureTime,
+ Closed: e.snd.closed,
+ SRTT: e.snd.srtt,
+ RTO: e.snd.rto,
+ SRTTInited: e.snd.srttInited,
+ MaxPayloadSize: e.snd.maxPayloadSize,
+ SndWndScale: e.snd.sndWndScale,
+ MaxSentAck: e.snd.maxSentAck,
+ }
+ return s
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/endpoint_state.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/endpoint_state.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbb70ff21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/endpoint_state.go
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+// ErrSaveRejection indicates a failed save due to unsupported tcp endpoint
+// state.
+type ErrSaveRejection struct {
+ Err error
+// Error returns a sensible description of the save rejection error.
+func (e ErrSaveRejection) Error() string {
+ return "save rejected due to unsupported endpoint state: " + e.Err.Error()
+// beforeSave is invoked by stateify.
+func (e *endpoint) beforeSave() {
+ // Stop incoming packets.
+ e.segmentQueue.setLimit(0)
+ defer
+ switch e.state {
+ case stateInitial:
+ case stateBound:
+ case stateListen:
+ if !e.segmentQueue.empty() {
+ e.drainDone = make(chan struct{}, 1)
+ e.notificationWaker.Assert()
+ <-e.drainDone
+ }
+ case stateConnecting:
+ panic(ErrSaveRejection{fmt.Errorf("endpoint in connecting state upon save: local %v:%v, remote %v:%v",,,,})
+ case stateConnected:
+ // FIXME
+ panic(ErrSaveRejection{fmt.Errorf("endpoint cannot be saved in connected state: local %v:%v, remote %v:%v",,,,})
+ case stateClosed:
+ case stateError:
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint in unknown state %v", e.state))
+ }
+// afterLoad is invoked by stateify.
+func (e *endpoint) afterLoad() {
+ e.stack = stack.StackFromEnv
+ if e.state == stateListen {
+ e.state = stateBound
+ backlog := cap(e.acceptedChan)
+ e.acceptedChan = nil
+ defer func() {
+ if err := e.Listen(backlog); err != nil {
+ panic("endpoint listening failed: " + err.String())
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+ if e.state == stateBound {
+ e.state = stateInitial
+ defer func() {
+ if err := e.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr:, Port:}, nil); err != nil {
+ panic("endpoint binding failed: " + err.String())
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+ if e.state == stateInitial {
+ var ss SendBufferSizeOption
+ if err := e.stack.TransportProtocolOption(ProtocolNumber, &ss); err == nil {
+ if e.sndBufSize < ss.Min || e.sndBufSize > ss.Max {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint.sndBufSize %d is outside the min and max allowed [%d, %d]", e.sndBufSize, ss.Min, ss.Max))
+ }
+ if e.rcvBufSize < ss.Min || e.rcvBufSize > ss.Max {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint.rcvBufSize %d is outside the min and max allowed [%d, %d]", e.rcvBufSize, ss.Min, ss.Max))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e.segmentQueue.setLimit(2 * e.rcvBufSize)
+ e.workMu.Init()
+// saveAcceptedChan is invoked by stateify.
+func (e *endpoint) saveAcceptedChan() endpointChan {
+ if e.acceptedChan == nil {
+ return endpointChan{}
+ }
+ close(e.acceptedChan)
+ buffer := make([]*endpoint, 0, len(e.acceptedChan))
+ for ep := range e.acceptedChan {
+ buffer = append(buffer, ep)
+ }
+ if len(buffer) != cap(buffer) {
+ panic("endpoint.acceptedChan buffer got consumed by background context")
+ }
+ c := cap(e.acceptedChan)
+ e.acceptedChan = nil
+ return endpointChan{buffer: buffer, cap: c}
+// loadAcceptedChan is invoked by stateify.
+func (e *endpoint) loadAcceptedChan(c endpointChan) {
+ if c.cap == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ e.acceptedChan = make(chan *endpoint, c.cap)
+ for _, ep := range c.buffer {
+ e.acceptedChan <- ep
+ }
+type endpointChan struct {
+ buffer []*endpoint
+ cap int
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/forwarder.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/forwarder.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..657ac524f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/forwarder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "sync"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// Forwarder is a connection request forwarder, which allows clients to decide
+// what to do with a connection request, for example: ignore it, send a RST, or
+// attempt to complete the 3-way handshake.
+// The canonical way of using it is to pass the Forwarder.HandlePacket function
+// to stack.SetTransportProtocolHandler.
+type Forwarder struct {
+ maxInFlight int
+ handler func(*ForwarderRequest)
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ inFlight map[stack.TransportEndpointID]struct{}
+ listen *listenContext
+// NewForwarder allocates and initializes a new forwarder with the given
+// maximum number of in-flight connection attempts. Once the maximum is reached
+// new incoming connection requests will be ignored.
+// If rcvWnd is set to zero, the default buffer size is used instead.
+func NewForwarder(s *stack.Stack, rcvWnd, maxInFlight int, handler func(*ForwarderRequest)) *Forwarder {
+ if rcvWnd == 0 {
+ rcvWnd = DefaultBufferSize
+ }
+ return &Forwarder{
+ maxInFlight: maxInFlight,
+ handler: handler,
+ inFlight: make(map[stack.TransportEndpointID]struct{}),
+ listen: newListenContext(s, seqnum.Size(rcvWnd), true, 0),
+ }
+// HandlePacket handles a packet if it is of interest to the forwarder (i.e., if
+// it's a SYN packet), returning true if it's the case. Otherwise the packet
+// is not handled and false is returned.
+// This function is expected to be passed as an argument to the
+// stack.SetTransportProtocolHandler function.
+func (f *Forwarder) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, vv *buffer.VectorisedView) bool {
+ s := newSegment(r, id, vv)
+ defer s.decRef()
+ // We only care about well-formed SYN packets.
+ if !s.parse() || s.flags != flagSyn {
+ return false
+ }
+ opts := parseSynSegmentOptions(s)
+ defer
+ // We have an inflight request for this id, ignore this one for now.
+ if _, ok := f.inFlight[id]; ok {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Ignore the segment if we're beyond the limit.
+ if len(f.inFlight) >= f.maxInFlight {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Launch a new goroutine to handle the request.
+ f.inFlight[id] = struct{}{}
+ s.incRef()
+ go f.handler(&ForwarderRequest{ // S/R-FIXME
+ forwarder: f,
+ segment: s,
+ synOptions: opts,
+ })
+ return true
+// ForwarderRequest represents a connection request received by the forwarder
+// and passed to the client. Clients must eventually call Complete() on it, and
+// may optionally create an endpoint to represent it via CreateEndpoint.
+type ForwarderRequest struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ forwarder *Forwarder
+ segment *segment
+ synOptions header.TCPSynOptions
+// ID returns the 4-tuple (src address, src port, dst address, dst port) that
+// represents the connection request.
+func (r *ForwarderRequest) ID() stack.TransportEndpointID {
+ return
+// Complete completes the request, and optionally sends a RST segment back to the
+// sender.
+func (r *ForwarderRequest) Complete(sendReset bool) {
+ defer
+ if r.segment == nil {
+ panic("Completing already completed forwarder request")
+ }
+ // Remove request from the forwarder.
+ delete(r.forwarder.inFlight,
+ // If the caller requested, send a reset.
+ if sendReset {
+ replyWithReset(r.segment)
+ }
+ // Release all resources.
+ r.segment.decRef()
+ r.segment = nil
+ r.forwarder = nil
+// CreateEndpoint creates a TCP endpoint for the connection request, performing
+// the 3-way handshake in the process.
+func (r *ForwarderRequest) CreateEndpoint(queue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ if r.segment == nil {
+ return nil, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ f := r.forwarder
+ ep, err := f.listen.createEndpointAndPerformHandshake(r.segment, &header.TCPSynOptions{
+ MSS: r.synOptions.MSS,
+ WS: r.synOptions.WS,
+ TS: r.synOptions.TS,
+ TSVal: r.synOptions.TSVal,
+ TSEcr: r.synOptions.TSEcr,
+ SACKPermitted: r.synOptions.SACKPermitted,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Start the protocol goroutine.
+ ep.startAcceptedLoop(queue)
+ return ep, nil
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/protocol.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/protocol.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d81a1dd9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/protocol.go
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package tcp contains the implementation of the TCP transport protocol. To use
+// it in the networking stack, this package must be added to the project, and
+// activated on the stack by passing tcp.ProtocolName (or "tcp") as one of the
+// transport protocols when calling stack.New(). Then endpoints can be created
+// by passing tcp.ProtocolNumber as the transport protocol number when calling
+// Stack.NewEndpoint().
+package tcp
+import (
+ "sync"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // ProtocolName is the string representation of the tcp protocol name.
+ ProtocolName = "tcp"
+ // ProtocolNumber is the tcp protocol number.
+ ProtocolNumber = header.TCPProtocolNumber
+ // MinBufferSize is the smallest size of a receive or send buffer.
+ minBufferSize = 4 << 10 // 4096 bytes.
+ // DefaultBufferSize is the default size of the receive and send buffers.
+ DefaultBufferSize = 1 << 20 // 1MB
+ // MaxBufferSize is the largest size a receive and send buffer can grow to.
+ maxBufferSize = 4 << 20 // 4MB
+// SACKEnabled option can be used to enable SACK support in the TCP
+// protocol. See:
+type SACKEnabled bool
+// SendBufferSizeOption allows the default, min and max send buffer sizes for
+// TCP endpoints to be queried or configured.
+type SendBufferSizeOption struct {
+ Min int
+ Default int
+ Max int
+// ReceiveBufferSizeOption allows the default, min and max receive buffer size
+// for TCP endpoints to be queried or configured.
+type ReceiveBufferSizeOption struct {
+ Min int
+ Default int
+ Max int
+type protocol struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ sackEnabled bool
+ sendBufferSize SendBufferSizeOption
+ recvBufferSize ReceiveBufferSizeOption
+// Number returns the tcp protocol number.
+func (*protocol) Number() tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber {
+ return ProtocolNumber
+// NewEndpoint creates a new tcp endpoint.
+func (*protocol) NewEndpoint(stack *stack.Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waiterQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+ return newEndpoint(stack, netProto, waiterQueue), nil
+// MinimumPacketSize returns the minimum valid tcp packet size.
+func (*protocol) MinimumPacketSize() int {
+ return header.TCPMinimumSize
+// ParsePorts returns the source and destination ports stored in the given tcp
+// packet.
+func (*protocol) ParsePorts(v buffer.View) (src, dst uint16, err *tcpip.Error) {
+ h := header.TCP(v)
+ return h.SourcePort(), h.DestinationPort(), nil
+// HandleUnknownDestinationPacket handles packets targeted at this protocol but
+// that don't match any existing endpoint.
+// RFC 793, page 36, states that "If the connection does not exist (CLOSED) then
+// a reset is sent in response to any incoming segment except another reset. In
+// particular, SYNs addressed to a non-existent connection are rejected by this
+// means."
+func (*protocol) HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, vv *buffer.VectorisedView) bool {
+ s := newSegment(r, id, vv)
+ defer s.decRef()
+ if !s.parse() {
+ return false
+ }
+ // There's nothing to do if this is already a reset packet.
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagRst) {
+ return true
+ }
+ replyWithReset(s)
+ return true
+// replyWithReset replies to the given segment with a reset segment.
+func replyWithReset(s *segment) {
+ // Get the seqnum from the packet if the ack flag is set.
+ seq := seqnum.Value(0)
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagAck) {
+ seq = s.ackNumber
+ }
+ ack := s.sequenceNumber.Add(s.logicalLen())
+ sendTCP(&s.route,, nil, flagRst|flagAck, seq, ack, 0)
+// SetOption implements TransportProtocol.SetOption.
+func (p *protocol) SetOption(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+ switch v := option.(type) {
+ case SACKEnabled:
+ p.sackEnabled = bool(v)
+ return nil
+ case SendBufferSizeOption:
+ if v.Min <= 0 || v.Default < v.Min || v.Default > v.Max {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidOptionValue
+ }
+ p.sendBufferSize = v
+ return nil
+ case ReceiveBufferSizeOption:
+ if v.Min <= 0 || v.Default < v.Min || v.Default > v.Max {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidOptionValue
+ }
+ p.recvBufferSize = v
+ return nil
+ default:
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
+ }
+// Option implements TransportProtocol.Option.
+func (p *protocol) Option(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+ switch v := option.(type) {
+ case *SACKEnabled:
+ *v = SACKEnabled(p.sackEnabled)
+ return nil
+ case *SendBufferSizeOption:
+ *v = p.sendBufferSize
+ return nil
+ case *ReceiveBufferSizeOption:
+ *v = p.recvBufferSize
+ return nil
+ default:
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
+ }
+func init() {
+ stack.RegisterTransportProtocolFactory(ProtocolName, func() stack.TransportProtocol {
+ return &protocol{
+ sendBufferSize: SendBufferSizeOption{minBufferSize, DefaultBufferSize, maxBufferSize},
+ recvBufferSize: ReceiveBufferSizeOption{minBufferSize, DefaultBufferSize, maxBufferSize},
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/rcv.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/rcv.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..574602105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/rcv.go
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "container/heap"
+ ""
+// receiver holds the state necessary to receive TCP segments and turn them
+// into a stream of bytes.
+type receiver struct {
+ ep *endpoint
+ rcvNxt seqnum.Value
+ // rcvAcc is one beyond the last acceptable sequence number. That is,
+ // the "largest" sequence value that the receiver has announced to the
+ // its peer that it's willing to accept. This may be different than
+ // rcvNxt + rcvWnd if the receive window is reduced; in that case we
+ // have to reduce the window as we receive more data instead of
+ // shrinking it.
+ rcvAcc seqnum.Value
+ rcvWndScale uint8
+ closed bool
+ pendingRcvdSegments segmentHeap
+ pendingBufUsed seqnum.Size
+ pendingBufSize seqnum.Size
+func newReceiver(ep *endpoint, irs seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size, rcvWndScale uint8) *receiver {
+ return &receiver{
+ ep: ep,
+ rcvNxt: irs + 1,
+ rcvAcc: irs.Add(rcvWnd + 1),
+ rcvWndScale: rcvWndScale,
+ pendingBufSize: rcvWnd,
+ }
+// acceptable checks if the segment sequence number range is acceptable
+// according to the table on page 26 of RFC 793.
+func (r *receiver) acceptable(segSeq seqnum.Value, segLen seqnum.Size) bool {
+ rcvWnd := r.rcvNxt.Size(r.rcvAcc)
+ if rcvWnd == 0 {
+ return segLen == 0 && segSeq == r.rcvNxt
+ }
+ return segSeq.InWindow(r.rcvNxt, rcvWnd) ||
+ seqnum.Overlap(r.rcvNxt, rcvWnd, segSeq, segLen)
+// getSendParams returns the parameters needed by the sender when building
+// segments to send.
+func (r *receiver) getSendParams() (rcvNxt seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size) {
+ // Calculate the window size based on the current buffer size.
+ n := r.ep.receiveBufferAvailable()
+ acc := r.rcvNxt.Add(seqnum.Size(n))
+ if r.rcvAcc.LessThan(acc) {
+ r.rcvAcc = acc
+ }
+ return r.rcvNxt, r.rcvNxt.Size(r.rcvAcc) >> r.rcvWndScale
+// nonZeroWindow is called when the receive window grows from zero to nonzero;
+// in such cases we may need to send an ack to indicate to our peer that it can
+// resume sending data.
+func (r *receiver) nonZeroWindow() {
+ if (r.rcvAcc-r.rcvNxt)>>r.rcvWndScale != 0 {
+ // We never got around to announcing a zero window size, so we
+ // don't need to immediately announce a nonzero one.
+ return
+ }
+ // Immediately send an ack.
+ r.ep.snd.sendAck()
+// consumeSegment attempts to consume a segment that was received by r. The
+// segment may have just been received or may have been received earlier but
+// wasn't ready to be consumed then.
+// Returns true if the segment was consumed, false if it cannot be consumed
+// yet because of a missing segment.
+func (r *receiver) consumeSegment(s *segment, segSeq seqnum.Value, segLen seqnum.Size) bool {
+ if segLen > 0 {
+ // If the segment doesn't include the seqnum we're expecting to
+ // consume now, we're missing a segment. We cannot proceed until
+ // we receive that segment though.
+ if !r.rcvNxt.InWindow(segSeq, segLen) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Trim segment to eliminate already acknowledged data.
+ if segSeq.LessThan(r.rcvNxt) {
+ diff := segSeq.Size(r.rcvNxt)
+ segLen -= diff
+ segSeq.UpdateForward(diff)
+ s.sequenceNumber.UpdateForward(diff)
+ }
+ // Move segment to ready-to-deliver list. Wakeup any waiters.
+ r.ep.readyToRead(s)
+ } else if segSeq != r.rcvNxt {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Update the segment that we're expecting to consume.
+ r.rcvNxt = segSeq.Add(segLen)
+ // Trim SACK Blocks to remove any SACK information that covers
+ // sequence numbers that have been consumed.
+ TrimSACKBlockList(&r.ep.sack, r.rcvNxt)
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagFin) {
+ r.rcvNxt++
+ // Send ACK immediately.
+ r.ep.snd.sendAck()
+ // Tell any readers that no more data will come.
+ r.closed = true
+ r.ep.readyToRead(nil)
+ // Flush out any pending segments, except the very first one if
+ // it happens to be the one we're handling now because the
+ // caller is using it.
+ first := 0
+ if len(r.pendingRcvdSegments) != 0 && r.pendingRcvdSegments[0] == s {
+ first = 1
+ }
+ for i := first; i < len(r.pendingRcvdSegments); i++ {
+ r.pendingRcvdSegments[i].decRef()
+ }
+ r.pendingRcvdSegments = r.pendingRcvdSegments[:first]
+ }
+ return true
+// handleRcvdSegment handles TCP segments directed at the connection managed by
+// r as they arrive. It is called by the protocol main loop.
+func (r *receiver) handleRcvdSegment(s *segment) {
+ // We don't care about receive processing anymore if the receive side
+ // is closed.
+ if r.closed {
+ return
+ }
+ segLen := seqnum.Size(
+ segSeq := s.sequenceNumber
+ // If the sequence number range is outside the acceptable range, just
+ // send an ACK. This is according to RFC 793, page 37.
+ if !r.acceptable(segSeq, segLen) {
+ r.ep.snd.sendAck()
+ return
+ }
+ // Defer segment processing if it can't be consumed now.
+ if !r.consumeSegment(s, segSeq, segLen) {
+ if segLen > 0 || s.flagIsSet(flagFin) {
+ // We only store the segment if it's within our buffer
+ // size limit.
+ if r.pendingBufUsed < r.pendingBufSize {
+ r.pendingBufUsed += s.logicalLen()
+ s.incRef()
+ heap.Push(&r.pendingRcvdSegments, s)
+ }
+ UpdateSACKBlocks(&r.ep.sack, segSeq, segSeq.Add(segLen), r.rcvNxt)
+ // Immediately send an ack so that the peer knows it may
+ // have to retransmit.
+ r.ep.snd.sendAck()
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ // By consuming the current segment, we may have filled a gap in the
+ // sequence number domain that allows pending segments to be consumed
+ // now. So try to do it.
+ for !r.closed && r.pendingRcvdSegments.Len() > 0 {
+ s := r.pendingRcvdSegments[0]
+ segLen := seqnum.Size(
+ segSeq := s.sequenceNumber
+ // Skip segment altogether if it has already been acknowledged.
+ if !segSeq.Add(segLen-1).LessThan(r.rcvNxt) &&
+ !r.consumeSegment(s, segSeq, segLen) {
+ break
+ }
+ heap.Pop(&r.pendingRcvdSegments)
+ r.pendingBufUsed -= s.logicalLen()
+ s.decRef()
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/sack.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/sack.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b66305a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/sack.go
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package tcp
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // MaxSACKBlocks is the maximum number of SACK blocks stored
+ // at receiver side.
+ MaxSACKBlocks = 6
+// UpdateSACKBlocks updates the list of SACK blocks to include the segment
+// specified by segStart->segEnd. If the segment happens to be an out of order
+// delivery then the first block in the sack.blocks always includes the
+// segment identified by segStart->segEnd.
+func UpdateSACKBlocks(sack *SACKInfo, segStart seqnum.Value, segEnd seqnum.Value, rcvNxt seqnum.Value) {
+ newSB := header.SACKBlock{Start: segStart, End: segEnd}
+ if sack.NumBlocks == 0 {
+ sack.Blocks[0] = newSB
+ sack.NumBlocks = 1
+ return
+ }
+ var n = 0
+ for i := 0; i < sack.NumBlocks; i++ {
+ start, end := sack.Blocks[i].Start, sack.Blocks[i].End
+ if end.LessThanEq(start) || start.LessThanEq(rcvNxt) {
+ // Discard any invalid blocks where end is before start
+ // and discard any sack blocks that are before rcvNxt as
+ // those have already been acked.
+ continue
+ }
+ if newSB.Start.LessThanEq(end) && start.LessThanEq(newSB.End) {
+ // Merge this SACK block into newSB and discard this SACK
+ // block.
+ if start.LessThan(newSB.Start) {
+ newSB.Start = start
+ }
+ if newSB.End.LessThan(end) {
+ newSB.End = end
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Save this block.
+ sack.Blocks[n] = sack.Blocks[i]
+ n++
+ }
+ }
+ if rcvNxt.LessThan(newSB.Start) {
+ // If this was an out of order segment then make sure that the
+ // first SACK block is the one that includes the segment.
+ //
+ // See the first bullet point in
+ //
+ if n == MaxSACKBlocks {
+ // If the number of SACK blocks is equal to
+ // MaxSACKBlocks then discard the last SACK block.
+ n--
+ }
+ for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ sack.Blocks[i+1] = sack.Blocks[i]
+ }
+ sack.Blocks[0] = newSB
+ n++
+ }
+ sack.NumBlocks = n
+// TrimSACKBlockList updates the sack block list by removing/modifying any block
+// where start is < rcvNxt.
+func TrimSACKBlockList(sack *SACKInfo, rcvNxt seqnum.Value) {
+ n := 0
+ for i := 0; i < sack.NumBlocks; i++ {
+ if sack.Blocks[i].End.LessThanEq(rcvNxt) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if sack.Blocks[i].Start.LessThan(rcvNxt) {
+ // Shrink this SACK block.
+ sack.Blocks[i].Start = rcvNxt
+ }
+ sack.Blocks[n] = sack.Blocks[i]
+ n++
+ }
+ sack.NumBlocks = n
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c742fc394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment.go
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// Flags that may be set in a TCP segment.
+const (
+ flagFin = 1 << iota
+ flagSyn
+ flagRst
+ flagPsh
+ flagAck
+ flagUrg
+// segment represents a TCP segment. It holds the payload and parsed TCP segment
+// information, and can be added to intrusive lists.
+// segment is mostly immutable, the only field allowed to change is viewToDeliver.
+type segment struct {
+ segmentEntry
+ refCnt int32
+ id stack.TransportEndpointID
+ route stack.Route
+ data buffer.VectorisedView
+ // views is used as buffer for data when its length is large
+ // enough to store a VectorisedView.
+ views [8]buffer.View
+ // viewToDeliver keeps track of the next View that should be
+ // delivered by the Read endpoint.
+ viewToDeliver int
+ sequenceNumber seqnum.Value
+ ackNumber seqnum.Value
+ flags uint8
+ window seqnum.Size
+ // parsedOptions stores the parsed values from the options in the segment.
+ parsedOptions header.TCPOptions
+ options []byte
+func newSegment(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, vv *buffer.VectorisedView) *segment {
+ s := &segment{
+ refCnt: 1,
+ id: id,
+ route: r.Clone(),
+ }
+ = vv.Clone(s.views[:])
+ return s
+func newSegmentFromView(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, v buffer.View) *segment {
+ s := &segment{
+ refCnt: 1,
+ id: id,
+ route: r.Clone(),
+ }
+ s.views[0] = v
+ = buffer.NewVectorisedView(len(v), s.views[:1])
+ return s
+func (s *segment) clone() *segment {
+ t := &segment{
+ refCnt: 1,
+ id:,
+ sequenceNumber: s.sequenceNumber,
+ ackNumber: s.ackNumber,
+ flags: s.flags,
+ window: s.window,
+ route: s.route.Clone(),
+ viewToDeliver: s.viewToDeliver,
+ }
+ =[:])
+ return t
+func (s *segment) flagIsSet(flag uint8) bool {
+ return (s.flags & flag) != 0
+func (s *segment) decRef() {
+ if atomic.AddInt32(&s.refCnt, -1) == 0 {
+ s.route.Release()
+ }
+func (s *segment) incRef() {
+ atomic.AddInt32(&s.refCnt, 1)
+// logicalLen is the segment length in the sequence number space. It's defined
+// as the data length plus one for each of the SYN and FIN bits set.
+func (s *segment) logicalLen() seqnum.Size {
+ l := seqnum.Size(
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagSyn) {
+ l++
+ }
+ if s.flagIsSet(flagFin) {
+ l++
+ }
+ return l
+// parse populates the sequence & ack numbers, flags, and window fields of the
+// segment from the TCP header stored in the data. It then updates the view to
+// skip the data. Returns boolean indicating if the parsing was successful.
+func (s *segment) parse() bool {
+ h := header.TCP(
+ // h is the header followed by the payload. We check that the offset to
+ // the data respects the following constraints:
+ // 1. That it's at least the minimum header size; if we don't do this
+ // then part of the header would be delivered to user.
+ // 2. That the header fits within the buffer; if we don't do this, we
+ // would panic when we tried to access data beyond the buffer.
+ //
+ // N.B. The segment has already been validated as having at least the
+ // minimum TCP size before reaching here, so it's safe to read the
+ // fields.
+ offset := int(h.DataOffset())
+ if offset < header.TCPMinimumSize || offset > len(h) {
+ return false
+ }
+ s.options = []byte(h[header.TCPMinimumSize:offset])
+ s.parsedOptions = header.ParseTCPOptions(s.options)
+ s.sequenceNumber = seqnum.Value(h.SequenceNumber())
+ s.ackNumber = seqnum.Value(h.AckNumber())
+ s.flags = h.Flags()
+ s.window = seqnum.Size(h.WindowSize())
+ return true
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment_heap.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment_heap.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..137ddbdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment_heap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+type segmentHeap []*segment
+// Len returns the length of h.
+func (h segmentHeap) Len() int {
+ return len(h)
+// Less determines whether the i-th element of h is less than the j-th element.
+func (h segmentHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return h[i].sequenceNumber.LessThan(h[j].sequenceNumber)
+// Swap swaps the i-th and j-th elements of h.
+func (h segmentHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
+ h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]
+// Push adds x as the last element of h.
+func (h *segmentHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
+ *h = append(*h, x.(*segment))
+// Pop removes the last element of h and returns it.
+func (h *segmentHeap) Pop() interface{} {
+ old := *h
+ n := len(old)
+ x := old[n-1]
+ *h = old[:n-1]
+ return x
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment_queue.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment_queue.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4a7f7d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/segment_queue.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "sync"
+ ""
+// segmentQueue is a bounded, thread-safe queue of TCP segments.
+type segmentQueue struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ list segmentList
+ limit int
+ used int
+// empty determines if the queue is empty.
+func (q *segmentQueue) empty() bool {
+ r := q.used == 0
+ return r
+// setLimit updates the limit. No segments are immediately dropped in case the
+// queue becomes full due to the new limit.
+func (q *segmentQueue) setLimit(limit int) {
+ q.limit = limit
+// enqueue adds the given segment to the queue.
+// Returns true when the segment is successfully added to the queue, in which
+// case ownership of the reference is transferred to the queue. And returns
+// false if the queue is full, in which case ownership is retained by the
+// caller.
+func (q *segmentQueue) enqueue(s *segment) bool {
+ r := q.used < q.limit
+ if r {
+ q.list.PushBack(s)
+ q.used += + header.TCPMinimumSize
+ }
+ return r
+// dequeue removes and returns the next segment from queue, if one exists.
+// Ownership is transferred to the caller, who is responsible for decrementing
+// the ref count when done.
+func (q *segmentQueue) dequeue() *segment {
+ s := q.list.Front()
+ if s != nil {
+ q.list.Remove(s)
+ q.used -= + header.TCPMinimumSize
+ }
+ return s
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/snd.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/snd.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad94aecd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/snd.go
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "math"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // minRTO is the minimum allowed value for the retransmit timeout.
+ minRTO = 200 * time.Millisecond
+ // InitialCwnd is the initial congestion window.
+ InitialCwnd = 10
+// sender holds the state necessary to send TCP segments.
+type sender struct {
+ ep *endpoint
+ // lastSendTime is the timestamp when the last packet was sent.
+ lastSendTime time.Time
+ // dupAckCount is the number of duplicated acks received. It is used for
+ // fast retransmit.
+ dupAckCount int
+ // fr holds state related to fast recovery.
+ fr fastRecovery
+ // sndCwnd is the congestion window, in packets.
+ sndCwnd int
+ // sndSsthresh is the threshold between slow start and congestion
+ // avoidance.
+ sndSsthresh int
+ // sndCAAckCount is the number of packets acknowledged during congestion
+ // avoidance. When enough packets have been ack'd (typically cwnd
+ // packets), the congestion window is incremented by one.
+ sndCAAckCount int
+ // outstanding is the number of outstanding packets, that is, packets
+ // that have been sent but not yet acknowledged.
+ outstanding int
+ // sndWnd is the send window size.
+ sndWnd seqnum.Size
+ // sndUna is the next unacknowledged sequence number.
+ sndUna seqnum.Value
+ // sndNxt is the sequence number of the next segment to be sent.
+ sndNxt seqnum.Value
+ // sndNxtList is the sequence number of the next segment to be added to
+ // the send list.
+ sndNxtList seqnum.Value
+ // rttMeasureSeqNum is the sequence number being used for the latest RTT
+ // measurement.
+ rttMeasureSeqNum seqnum.Value
+ // rttMeasureTime is the time when the rttMeasureSeqNum was sent.
+ rttMeasureTime time.Time
+ closed bool
+ writeNext *segment
+ writeList segmentList
+ resendTimer timer `state:"nosave"`
+ resendWaker sleep.Waker `state:"nosave"`
+ // srtt, rttvar & rto are the "smoothed round-trip time", "round-trip
+ // time variation" and "retransmit timeout", as defined in section 2 of
+ // RFC 6298.
+ srtt time.Duration
+ rttvar time.Duration
+ rto time.Duration
+ srttInited bool
+ // maxPayloadSize is the maximum size of the payload of a given segment.
+ // It is initialized on demand.
+ maxPayloadSize int
+ // sndWndScale is the number of bits to shift left when reading the send
+ // window size from a segment.
+ sndWndScale uint8
+ // maxSentAck is the maxium acknowledgement actually sent.
+ maxSentAck seqnum.Value
+// fastRecovery holds information related to fast recovery from a packet loss.
+type fastRecovery struct {
+ // active whether the endpoint is in fast recovery. The following fields
+ // are only meaningful when active is true.
+ active bool
+ // first and last represent the inclusive sequence number range being
+ // recovered.
+ first seqnum.Value
+ last seqnum.Value
+ // maxCwnd is the maximum value the congestion window may be inflated to
+ // due to duplicate acks. This exists to avoid attacks where the
+ // receiver intentionally sends duplicate acks to artificially inflate
+ // the sender's cwnd.
+ maxCwnd int
+func newSender(ep *endpoint, iss, irs seqnum.Value, sndWnd seqnum.Size, mss uint16, sndWndScale int) *sender {
+ s := &sender{
+ ep: ep,
+ sndCwnd: InitialCwnd,
+ sndSsthresh: math.MaxInt64,
+ sndWnd: sndWnd,
+ sndUna: iss + 1,
+ sndNxt: iss + 1,
+ sndNxtList: iss + 1,
+ rto: 1 * time.Second,
+ rttMeasureSeqNum: iss + 1,
+ lastSendTime: time.Now(),
+ maxPayloadSize: int(mss),
+ maxSentAck: irs + 1,
+ fr: fastRecovery{
+ // See: Step 1.
+ last: iss,
+ },
+ }
+ // A negative sndWndScale means that no scaling is in use, otherwise we
+ // store the scaling value.
+ if sndWndScale > 0 {
+ s.sndWndScale = uint8(sndWndScale)
+ }
+ s.updateMaxPayloadSize(int(ep.route.MTU()), 0)
+ s.resendTimer.init(&s.resendWaker)
+ return s
+// updateMaxPayloadSize updates the maximum payload size based on the given
+// MTU. If this is in response to "packet too big" control packets (indicated
+// by the count argument), it also reduces the number of oustanding packets and
+// attempts to retransmit the first packet above the MTU size.
+func (s *sender) updateMaxPayloadSize(mtu, count int) {
+ m := mtu - header.TCPMinimumSize
+ // Calculate the maximum option size.
+ var maxSackBlocks [header.TCPMaxSACKBlocks]header.SACKBlock
+ options := s.ep.makeOptions(maxSackBlocks[:])
+ m -= len(options)
+ putOptions(options)
+ // We don't adjust up for now.
+ if m >= s.maxPayloadSize {
+ return
+ }
+ // Make sure we can transmit at least one byte.
+ if m <= 0 {
+ m = 1
+ }
+ s.maxPayloadSize = m
+ s.outstanding -= count
+ if s.outstanding < 0 {
+ s.outstanding = 0
+ }
+ // Rewind writeNext to the first segment exceeding the MTU. Do nothing
+ // if it is already before such a packet.
+ for seg := s.writeList.Front(); seg != nil; seg = seg.Next() {
+ if seg == s.writeNext {
+ // We got to writeNext before we could find a segment
+ // exceeding the MTU.
+ break
+ }
+ if > m {
+ // We found a segment exceeding the MTU. Rewind
+ // writeNext and try to retransmit it.
+ s.writeNext = seg
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Since we likely reduced the number of outstanding packets, we may be
+ // ready to send some more.
+ s.sendData()
+// sendAck sends an ACK segment.
+func (s *sender) sendAck() {
+ s.sendSegment(nil, flagAck, s.sndNxt)
+// updateRTO updates the retransmit timeout when a new roud-trip time is
+// available. This is done in accordance with section 2 of RFC 6298.
+func (s *sender) updateRTO(rtt time.Duration) {
+ if !s.srttInited {
+ s.rttvar = rtt / 2
+ s.srtt = rtt
+ s.srttInited = true
+ } else {
+ diff := s.srtt - rtt
+ if diff < 0 {
+ diff = -diff
+ }
+ s.rttvar = (3*s.rttvar + diff) / 4
+ s.srtt = (7*s.srtt + rtt) / 8
+ }
+ s.rto = s.srtt + 4*s.rttvar
+ if s.rto < minRTO {
+ s.rto = minRTO
+ }
+// resendSegment resends the first unacknowledged segment.
+func (s *sender) resendSegment() {
+ // Don't use any segments we already sent to measure RTT as they may
+ // have been affected by packets being lost.
+ s.rttMeasureSeqNum = s.sndNxt
+ // Resend the segment.
+ if seg := s.writeList.Front(); seg != nil {
+ s.sendSegment(&, seg.flags, seg.sequenceNumber)
+ }
+// reduceSlowStartThreshold reduces the slow-start threshold per RFC 5681,
+// page 6, eq. 4. It is called when we detect congestion in the network.
+func (s *sender) reduceSlowStartThreshold() {
+ s.sndSsthresh = s.outstanding / 2
+ if s.sndSsthresh < 2 {
+ s.sndSsthresh = 2
+ }
+// retransmitTimerExpired is called when the retransmit timer expires, and
+// unacknowledged segments are assumed lost, and thus need to be resent.
+// Returns true if the connection is still usable, or false if the connection
+// is deemed lost.
+func (s *sender) retransmitTimerExpired() bool {
+ // Check if the timer actually expired or if it's a spurious wake due
+ // to a previously orphaned runtime timer.
+ if !s.resendTimer.checkExpiration() {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Give up if we've waited more than a minute since the last resend.
+ if s.rto >= 60*time.Second {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Set new timeout. The timer will be restarted by the call to sendData
+ // below.
+ s.rto *= 2
+ if {
+ // We were attempting fast recovery but were not successful.
+ // Leave the state. We don't need to update ssthresh because it
+ // has already been updated when entered fast-recovery.
+ s.leaveFastRecovery()
+ }
+ // See: Step 4.
+ // We store the highest sequence number transmitted in cases where
+ // we were not in fast recovery.
+ = s.sndNxt - 1
+ // We lost a packet, so reduce ssthresh.
+ s.reduceSlowStartThreshold()
+ // Reduce the congestion window to 1, i.e., enter slow-start. Per
+ // RFC 5681, page 7, we must use 1 regardless of the value of the
+ // initial congestion window.
+ s.sndCwnd = 1
+ // Mark the next segment to be sent as the first unacknowledged one and
+ // start sending again. Set the number of outstanding packets to 0 so
+ // that we'll be able to retransmit.
+ //
+ // We'll keep on transmitting (or retransmitting) as we get acks for
+ // the data we transmit.
+ s.outstanding = 0
+ s.writeNext = s.writeList.Front()
+ s.sendData()
+ return true
+// sendData sends new data segments. It is called when data becomes available or
+// when the send window opens up.
+func (s *sender) sendData() {
+ limit := s.maxPayloadSize
+ // Reduce the congestion window to min(IW, cwnd) per RFC 5681, page 10.
+ // "A TCP SHOULD set cwnd to no more than RW before beginning
+ // transmission if the TCP has not sent data in the interval exceeding
+ // the retrasmission timeout."
+ if ! && time.Now().Sub(s.lastSendTime) > s.rto {
+ if s.sndCwnd > InitialCwnd {
+ s.sndCwnd = InitialCwnd
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: We currently don't merge multiple send buffers
+ // into one segment if they happen to fit. We should do that
+ // eventually.
+ var seg *segment
+ end := s.sndUna.Add(s.sndWnd)
+ for seg = s.writeNext; seg != nil && s.outstanding < s.sndCwnd; seg = seg.Next() {
+ // We abuse the flags field to determine if we have already
+ // assigned a sequence number to this segment.
+ if seg.flags == 0 {
+ seg.sequenceNumber = s.sndNxt
+ seg.flags = flagAck | flagPsh
+ }
+ var segEnd seqnum.Value
+ if == 0 {
+ seg.flags = flagAck
+ s.ep.rcvListMu.Lock()
+ rcvBufUsed := s.ep.rcvBufUsed
+ s.ep.rcvListMu.Unlock()
+ // We're sending a FIN by default
+ fl := flagFin
+ if (s.ep.shutdownFlags&tcpip.ShutdownRead) != 0 && rcvBufUsed > 0 {
+ // If there is unread data we must send a RST.
+ // For more information see RFC 2525 section 2.17.
+ fl = flagRst
+ }
+ seg.flags |= uint8(fl)
+ segEnd = seg.sequenceNumber.Add(1)
+ } else {
+ // We're sending a non-FIN segment.
+ if !seg.sequenceNumber.LessThan(end) {
+ break
+ }
+ available := int(seg.sequenceNumber.Size(end))
+ if available > limit {
+ available = limit
+ }
+ if > available {
+ // Split this segment up.
+ nSeg := seg.clone()
+ nSeg.sequenceNumber.UpdateForward(seqnum.Size(available))
+ s.writeList.InsertAfter(seg, nSeg)
+ }
+ s.outstanding++
+ segEnd = seg.sequenceNumber.Add(seqnum.Size(
+ }
+ s.sendSegment(&, seg.flags, seg.sequenceNumber)
+ // Update sndNxt if we actually sent new data (as opposed to
+ // retransmitting some previously sent data).
+ if s.sndNxt.LessThan(segEnd) {
+ s.sndNxt = segEnd
+ }
+ }
+ // Remember the next segment we'll write.
+ s.writeNext = seg
+ // Enable the timer if we have pending data and it's not enabled yet.
+ if !s.resendTimer.enabled() && s.sndUna != s.sndNxt {
+ s.resendTimer.enable(s.rto)
+ }
+func (s *sender) enterFastRecovery() {
+ // Save state to reflect we're now in fast recovery.
+ s.reduceSlowStartThreshold()
+ // Save state to reflect we're now in fast recovery.
+ // See : Step 3.
+ // We inflat the cwnd by 3 to account for the 3 packets which triggered
+ // the 3 duplicate ACKs and are now not in flight.
+ s.sndCwnd = s.sndSsthresh + 3
+ = s.sndUna
+ = s.sndNxt - 1
+ = s.sndCwnd + s.outstanding
+ = true
+func (s *sender) leaveFastRecovery() {
+ = false
+ = 0
+ = s.sndNxt - 1
+ = 0
+ s.dupAckCount = 0
+ // Deflate cwnd. It had been artificially inflated when new dups arrived.
+ s.sndCwnd = s.sndSsthresh
+// checkDuplicateAck is called when an ack is received. It manages the state
+// related to duplicate acks and determines if a retransmit is needed according
+// to the rules in RFC 6582 (NewReno).
+func (s *sender) checkDuplicateAck(seg *segment) bool {
+ ack := seg.ackNumber
+ if {
+ // We are in fast recovery mode. Ignore the ack if it's out of
+ // range.
+ if !ack.InRange(s.sndUna, s.sndNxt+1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Leave fast recovery if it acknowledges all the data covered by
+ // this fast recovery session.
+ if {
+ s.leaveFastRecovery()
+ return false
+ }
+ // Don't count this as a duplicate if it is carrying data or
+ // updating the window.
+ if seg.logicalLen() != 0 || s.sndWnd != seg.window {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Inflate the congestion window if we're getting duplicate acks
+ // for the packet we retransmitted.
+ if ack == {
+ // We received a dup, inflate the congestion window by 1
+ // packet if we're not at the max yet.
+ if s.sndCwnd < {
+ s.sndCwnd++
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ // A partial ack was received. Retransmit this packet and
+ // remember it so that we don't retransmit it again. We don't
+ // inflate the window because we're putting the same packet back
+ // onto the wire.
+ //
+ // N.B. The retransmit timer will be reset by the caller.
+ = ack
+ return true
+ }
+ // We're not in fast recovery yet. A segment is considered a duplicate
+ // only if it doesn't carry any data and doesn't update the send window,
+ // because if it does, it wasn't sent in response to an out-of-order
+ // segment.
+ if ack != s.sndUna || seg.logicalLen() != 0 || s.sndWnd != seg.window || ack == s.sndNxt {
+ s.dupAckCount = 0
+ return false
+ }
+ // Enter fast recovery when we reach 3 dups.
+ s.dupAckCount++
+ if s.dupAckCount != 3 {
+ return false
+ }
+ // See: Step 2
+ //
+ // We only do the check here, the incrementing of last to the highest
+ // sequence number transmitted till now is done when enterFastRecovery
+ // is invoked.
+ if ! {
+ s.dupAckCount = 0
+ return false
+ }
+ s.enterFastRecovery()
+ s.dupAckCount = 0
+ return true
+// updateCwnd updates the congestion window based on the number of packets that
+// were acknowledged.
+func (s *sender) updateCwnd(packetsAcked int) {
+ if s.sndCwnd < s.sndSsthresh {
+ // Don't let the congestion window cross into the congestion
+ // avoidance range.
+ newcwnd := s.sndCwnd + packetsAcked
+ if newcwnd >= s.sndSsthresh {
+ newcwnd = s.sndSsthresh
+ s.sndCAAckCount = 0
+ }
+ packetsAcked -= newcwnd - s.sndCwnd
+ s.sndCwnd = newcwnd
+ if packetsAcked == 0 {
+ // We've consumed all ack'd packets.
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Consume the packets in congestion avoidance mode.
+ s.sndCAAckCount += packetsAcked
+ if s.sndCAAckCount >= s.sndCwnd {
+ s.sndCwnd += s.sndCAAckCount / s.sndCwnd
+ s.sndCAAckCount = s.sndCAAckCount % s.sndCwnd
+ }
+// handleRcvdSegment is called when a segment is received; it is responsible for
+// updating the send-related state.
+func (s *sender) handleRcvdSegment(seg *segment) {
+ // Check if we can extract an RTT measurement from this ack.
+ if s.rttMeasureSeqNum.LessThan(seg.ackNumber) {
+ s.updateRTO(time.Now().Sub(s.rttMeasureTime))
+ s.rttMeasureSeqNum = s.sndNxt
+ }
+ // Update Timestamp if required. See RFC7323, section-4.3.
+ s.ep.updateRecentTimestamp(seg.parsedOptions.TSVal, s.maxSentAck, seg.sequenceNumber)
+ // Count the duplicates and do the fast retransmit if needed.
+ rtx := s.checkDuplicateAck(seg)
+ // Stash away the current window size.
+ s.sndWnd = seg.window
+ // Ignore ack if it doesn't acknowledge any new data.
+ ack := seg.ackNumber
+ if (ack - 1).InRange(s.sndUna, s.sndNxt) {
+ // When an ack is received we must reset the timer. We stop it
+ // here and it will be restarted later if needed.
+ s.resendTimer.disable()
+ // Remove all acknowledged data from the write list.
+ acked := s.sndUna.Size(ack)
+ s.sndUna = ack
+ ackLeft := acked
+ originalOutstanding := s.outstanding
+ for ackLeft > 0 {
+ // We use logicalLen here because we can have FIN
+ // segments (which are always at the end of list) that
+ // have no data, but do consume a sequence number.
+ seg := s.writeList.Front()
+ datalen := seg.logicalLen()
+ if datalen > ackLeft {
+ break
+ }
+ if s.writeNext == seg {
+ s.writeNext = seg.Next()
+ }
+ s.writeList.Remove(seg)
+ s.outstanding--
+ seg.decRef()
+ ackLeft -= datalen
+ }
+ // Update the send buffer usage and notify potential waiters.
+ s.ep.updateSndBufferUsage(int(acked))
+ // If we are not in fast recovery then update the congestion
+ // window based on the number of acknowledged packets.
+ if ! {
+ s.updateCwnd(originalOutstanding - s.outstanding)
+ }
+ // It is possible for s.outstanding to drop below zero if we get
+ // a retransmit timeout, reset outstanding to zero but later
+ // get an ack that cover previously sent data.
+ if s.outstanding < 0 {
+ s.outstanding = 0
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we've popped all acknowledged data from the retransmit
+ // queue, retransmit if needed.
+ if rtx {
+ s.resendSegment()
+ }
+ // Send more data now that some of the pending data has been ack'd, or
+ // that the window opened up, or the congestion window was inflated due
+ // to a duplicate ack during fast recovery. This will also re-enable
+ // the retransmit timer if needed.
+ s.sendData()
+// sendSegment sends a new segment containing the given payload, flags and
+// sequence number.
+func (s *sender) sendSegment(data *buffer.VectorisedView, flags byte, seq seqnum.Value) *tcpip.Error {
+ s.lastSendTime = time.Now()
+ if seq == s.rttMeasureSeqNum {
+ s.rttMeasureTime = s.lastSendTime
+ }
+ rcvNxt, rcvWnd := s.ep.rcv.getSendParams()
+ // Remember the max sent ack.
+ s.maxSentAck = rcvNxt
+ if data == nil {
+ return s.ep.sendRaw(nil, flags, seq, rcvNxt, rcvWnd)
+ }
+ if len(data.Views()) > 1 {
+ panic("send path does not support views with multiple buffers")
+ }
+ return s.ep.sendRaw(data.First(), flags, seq, rcvNxt, rcvWnd)
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_sack_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_sack_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19de96dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_sack_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+package tcp_test
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// createConnectWithSACKPermittedOption creates and connects c.ep with the
+// SACKPermitted option enabled if the stack in the context has the SACK support
+// enabled.
+func createConnectedWithSACKPermittedOption(c *context.Context) *context.RawEndpoint {
+ return c.CreateConnectedWithOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{SACKPermitted: c.SACKEnabled()})
+func setStackSACKPermitted(t *testing.T, c *context.Context, enable bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if err := c.Stack().SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.SACKEnabled(enable)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("c.s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, SACKEnabled(%v) = %v", enable, err)
+ }
+// TestSackPermittedConnect establishes a connection with the SACK option
+// enabled.
+func TestSackPermittedConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, sackEnabled := range []bool{false, true} {
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("stack.sackEnabled: %v", sackEnabled), func(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ setStackSACKPermitted(t, c, sackEnabled)
+ rep := createConnectedWithSACKPermittedOption(c)
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ savedSeqNum := rep.NextSeqNum
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ // Make an out of order packet and send it.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ sackBlocks := []header.SACKBlock{
+ {rep.NextSeqNum, rep.NextSeqNum.Add(seqnum.Size(len(data)))},
+ }
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // Restore the saved sequence number so that the
+ // VerifyXXX calls use the right sequence number for
+ // checking ACK numbers.
+ rep.NextSeqNum = savedSeqNum
+ if sackEnabled {
+ rep.VerifyACKHasSACK(sackBlocks)
+ } else {
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ }
+ // Send the missing segment.
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the cumulative ACK for all 9
+ // bytes sent and no SACK blocks.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ // Check that no SACK block is returned in the ACK.
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ })
+ }
+// TestSackDisabledConnect establishes a connection with the SACK option
+// disabled and verifies that no SACKs are sent for out of order segments.
+func TestSackDisabledConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, sackEnabled := range []bool{false, true} {
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("sackEnabled: %v", sackEnabled), func(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ setStackSACKPermitted(t, c, sackEnabled)
+ rep := c.CreateConnectedWithOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{})
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ savedSeqNum := rep.NextSeqNum
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ // Make an out of order packet and send it.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the older sequence number and
+ // no SACK blocks.
+ rep.NextSeqNum = savedSeqNum
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ // Send the missing segment.
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the cumulative ACK for all 9
+ // bytes sent and no SACK blocks.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ // Check that no SACK block is returned in the ACK.
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ })
+ }
+// TestSackPermittedAccept accepts and establishes a connection with the
+// SACKPermitted option enabled if the connection request specifies the
+// SACKPermitted option. In case of SYN cookies SACK should be disabled as we
+// don't encode the SACK information in the cookie.
+func TestSackPermittedAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ type testCase struct {
+ cookieEnabled bool
+ sackPermitted bool
+ wndScale int
+ wndSize uint16
+ }
+ testCases := []testCase{
+ // When cookie is used window scaling is disabled.
+ {true, false, -1, 0xffff}, // When cookie is used window scaling is disabled.
+ {false, true, 5, 0x8000}, // 0x8000 * 2^5 = 1<<20 = 1MB window (the default).
+ }
+ savedSynCountThreshold := tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold
+ defer func() {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = savedSynCountThreshold
+ }()
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test: %#v", tc), func(t *testing.T) {
+ if tc.cookieEnabled {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = 0
+ } else {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = savedSynCountThreshold
+ }
+ for _, sackEnabled := range []bool{false, true} {
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test stack.sackEnabled: %v", sackEnabled), func(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ setStackSACKPermitted(t, c, sackEnabled)
+ rep := c.AcceptWithOptions(tc.wndScale, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: defaultIPv4MSS, SACKPermitted: tc.sackPermitted})
+ // Now verify no SACK blocks are
+ // received when sack is disabled.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ savedSeqNum := rep.NextSeqNum
+ // Make an out of order packet and send
+ // it.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ sackBlocks := []header.SACKBlock{
+ {rep.NextSeqNum, rep.NextSeqNum.Add(seqnum.Size(len(data)))},
+ }
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the older
+ // sequence number.
+ rep.NextSeqNum = savedSeqNum
+ if sackEnabled && tc.sackPermitted {
+ rep.VerifyACKHasSACK(sackBlocks)
+ } else {
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ }
+ // Send the missing segment.
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the cumulative
+ // ACK for all 9 bytes sent and no SACK
+ // blocks.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ // Check that no SACK block is returned
+ // in the ACK.
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestSackDisabledAccept accepts and establishes a connection with
+// the SACKPermitted option disabled and verifies that no SACKs are
+// sent for out of order packets.
+func TestSackDisabledAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ type testCase struct {
+ cookieEnabled bool
+ wndScale int
+ wndSize uint16
+ }
+ testCases := []testCase{
+ // When cookie is used window scaling is disabled.
+ {true, -1, 0xffff}, // When cookie is used window scaling is disabled.
+ {false, 5, 0x8000}, // 0x8000 * 2^5 = 1<<20 = 1MB window (the default).
+ }
+ savedSynCountThreshold := tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold
+ defer func() {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = savedSynCountThreshold
+ }()
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test: %#v", tc), func(t *testing.T) {
+ if tc.cookieEnabled {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = 0
+ } else {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = savedSynCountThreshold
+ }
+ for _, sackEnabled := range []bool{false, true} {
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test: sackEnabled: %v", sackEnabled), func(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ setStackSACKPermitted(t, c, sackEnabled)
+ rep := c.AcceptWithOptions(tc.wndScale, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: defaultIPv4MSS})
+ // Now verify no SACK blocks are
+ // received when sack is disabled.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ savedSeqNum := rep.NextSeqNum
+ // Make an out of order packet and send
+ // it.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the older
+ // sequence number and no SACK blocks.
+ rep.NextSeqNum = savedSeqNum
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ // Send the missing segment.
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ // The ACK should contain the cumulative
+ // ACK for all 9 bytes sent and no SACK
+ // blocks.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ // Check that no SACK block is returned
+ // in the ACK.
+ rep.VerifyACKNoSACK()
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestUpdateSACKBlocks(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ segStart seqnum.Value
+ segEnd seqnum.Value
+ rcvNxt seqnum.Value
+ sackBlocks []header.SACKBlock
+ updated []header.SACKBlock
+ }{
+ // Trivial cases where current SACK block list is empty and we
+ // have an out of order delivery.
+ {10, 11, 2, []header.SACKBlock{}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 11}}},
+ {10, 12, 2, []header.SACKBlock{}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 12}}},
+ {10, 20, 2, []header.SACKBlock{}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}}},
+ // Cases where current SACK block list is not empty and we have
+ // an out of order delivery. Tests that the updated SACK block
+ // list has the first block as the one that contains the new
+ // SACK block representing the segment that was just delivered.
+ {10, 11, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 11}, {12, 20}}},
+ {24, 30, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{24, 30}, {12, 20}}},
+ {24, 30, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{24, 30}, {12, 20}, {32, 40}}},
+ // Ensure that we only retain header.MaxSACKBlocks and drop the
+ // oldest one if adding a new block exceeds
+ // header.MaxSACKBlocks.
+ {24, 30, 9,
+ []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}, {42, 50}, {52, 60}, {62, 70}, {72, 80}},
+ []header.SACKBlock{{24, 30}, {12, 20}, {32, 40}, {42, 50}, {52, 60}, {62, 70}}},
+ // Cases where segment extends an existing SACK block.
+ {10, 12, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}}},
+ {10, 22, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 22}}},
+ {10, 22, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 22}}},
+ {15, 22, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 22}}},
+ {15, 25, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 25}}},
+ {11, 25, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}}, []header.SACKBlock{{11, 25}}},
+ {10, 12, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {32, 40}}},
+ {10, 22, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 22}, {32, 40}}},
+ {10, 22, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 22}, {32, 40}}},
+ {15, 22, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 22}, {32, 40}}},
+ {15, 25, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 25}, {32, 40}}},
+ {11, 25, 9, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{11, 25}, {32, 40}}},
+ // Cases where segment contains rcvNxt.
+ {10, 20, 15, []header.SACKBlock{{20, 30}, {40, 50}}, []header.SACKBlock{{40, 50}}},
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ var sack tcp.SACKInfo
+ copy(sack.Blocks[:], tc.sackBlocks)
+ sack.NumBlocks = len(tc.sackBlocks)
+ tcp.UpdateSACKBlocks(&sack, tc.segStart, tc.segEnd, tc.rcvNxt)
+ if got, want := sack.Blocks[:sack.NumBlocks], tc.updated; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
+ t.Errorf("UpdateSACKBlocks(%v, %v, %v, %v), got: %v, want: %v", tc.sackBlocks, tc.segStart, tc.segEnd, tc.rcvNxt, got, want)
+ }
+ }
+func TestTrimSackBlockList(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ rcvNxt seqnum.Value
+ sackBlocks []header.SACKBlock
+ trimmed []header.SACKBlock
+ }{
+ // Simple cases where we trim whole entries.
+ {2, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}},
+ {21, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{22, 30}, {32, 40}}},
+ {31, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{32, 40}}},
+ {40, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{}},
+ // Cases where we need to update a block.
+ {12, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{12, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}},
+ {23, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{23, 30}, {32, 40}}},
+ {33, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{{33, 40}}},
+ {41, []header.SACKBlock{{10, 20}, {22, 30}, {32, 40}}, []header.SACKBlock{}},
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ var sack tcp.SACKInfo
+ copy(sack.Blocks[:], tc.sackBlocks)
+ sack.NumBlocks = len(tc.sackBlocks)
+ tcp.TrimSACKBlockList(&sack, tc.rcvNxt)
+ if got, want := sack.Blocks[:sack.NumBlocks], tc.trimmed; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
+ t.Errorf("TrimSackBlockList(%v, %v), got: %v, want: %v", tc.sackBlocks, tc.rcvNxt, got, want)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..118d861ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,2759 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp_test
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // defaultMTU is the MTU, in bytes, used throughout the tests, except
+ // where another value is explicitly used. It is chosen to match the MTU
+ // of loopback interfaces on linux systems.
+ defaultMTU = 65535
+ // defaultIPv4MSS is the MSS sent by the network stack in SYN/SYN-ACK for an
+ // IPv4 endpoint when the MTU is set to defaultMTU in the test.
+ defaultIPv4MSS = defaultMTU - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize
+func TestGiveUpConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ var wq waiter.Queue
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Register for notification, then start connection attempt.
+ waitEntry, notifyCh := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&waitEntry, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&waitEntry)
+ if err := ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.TestAddr, Port: context.TestPort}); err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Close the connection, wait for completion.
+ ep.Close()
+ // Wait for ep to become writable.
+ <-notifyCh
+ if err := ep.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{}); err != tcpip.ErrAborted {
+ t.Fatalf("got ep.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{}) = %v, want = %v", err, tcpip.ErrAborted)
+ }
+func TestActiveHandshake(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+func TestNonBlockingClose(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ ep := c.EP
+ c.EP = nil
+ // Close the endpoint and measure how long it takes.
+ t0 := time.Now()
+ ep.Close()
+ if diff := time.Now().Sub(t0); diff > 3*time.Second {
+ t.Fatalf("Took too long to close: %v", diff)
+ }
+func TestConnectResetAfterClose(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ ep := c.EP
+ c.EP = nil
+ // Close the endpoint, make sure we get a FIN segment, then acknowledge
+ // to complete closure of sender, but don't send our own FIN.
+ ep.Close()
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Wait for the ep to give up waiting for a FIN, and send a RST.
+ time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
+ for {
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ if tcp.Flags() == header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin {
+ // This is a retransmit of the FIN, ignore it.
+ continue
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagRst),
+ ),
+ )
+ break
+ }
+func TestSimpleReceive(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Wait for receive to be notified.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // Receive data.
+ v, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ if bytes.Compare(data, v) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, v)
+ }
+ // Check that ACK is received.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestOutOfOrderReceive(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send second half of data first, with seqnum 3 ahead of expected.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
+ c.SendPacket(data[3:], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 793,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that we get an ACK specifying which seqnum is expected.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Wait 200ms and check that no data has been received.
+ time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send the first 3 bytes now.
+ c.SendPacket(data[:3], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive data.
+ read := make([]byte, 0, 6)
+ for len(read) < len(data) {
+ v, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for receive to be notified.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ read = append(read, v...)
+ }
+ // Check that we received the data in proper order.
+ if bytes.Compare(data, read) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, read)
+ }
+ // Check that the whole data is acknowledged.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestOutOfOrderFlood(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create a new connection with initial window size of 10.
+ opt := tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(10)
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, &opt)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send 100 packets before the actual one that is expected.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
+ for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
+ c.SendPacket(data[3:], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 796,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ // Send packet with seqnum 793. It must be discarded because the
+ // out-of-order buffer was filled by the previous packets.
+ c.SendPacket(data[3:], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 793,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Now send the expected packet, seqnum 790.
+ c.SendPacket(data[:3], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that only packet 790 is acknowledged.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(793),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestRstOnCloseWithUnreadData(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Wait for receive to be notified.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // Check that ACK is received, this happens regardless of the read.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Now that we know we have unread data, let's just close the connection
+ // and verify that netstack sends an RST rather than a FIN.
+ c.EP.Close()
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagRst),
+ ))
+func TestFullWindowReceive(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ opt := tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(10)
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, &opt)
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ _, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Fill up the window.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Wait for receive to be notified.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // Check that data is acknowledged, and window goes to zero.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.Window(0),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Receive data and check it.
+ v, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ if bytes.Compare(data, v) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, v)
+ }
+ // Check that we get an ACK for the newly non-zero window.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.Window(10),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestNoWindowShrinking(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Start off with a window size of 10, then shrink it to 5.
+ opt := tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(10)
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, &opt)
+ opt = 5
+ if err := c.EP.SetSockOpt(opt); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ _, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Send 3 bytes, check that the peer acknowledges them.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
+ c.SendPacket(data[:3], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Wait for receive to be notified.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // Check that data is acknowledged, and that window doesn't go to zero
+ // just yet because it was previously set to 10. It must go to 7 now.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(793),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.Window(7),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Send 7 more bytes, check that the window fills up.
+ c.SendPacket(data[3:], &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 793,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.Window(0),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Receive data and check it.
+ read := make([]byte, 0, 10)
+ for len(read) < len(data) {
+ v, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ read = append(read, v...)
+ }
+ if bytes.Compare(data, read) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, read)
+ }
+ // Check that we get an ACK for the newly non-zero window, which is the
+ // new size.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.Window(5),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestSimpleSend(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ if p := b[header.IPv4MinimumSize+header.TCPMinimumSize:]; bytes.Compare(data, p) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, p)
+ }
+ // Acknowledge the data.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1 + seqnum.Size(len(data))),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+func TestZeroWindowSend(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 0, nil)
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Since the window is currently zero, check that no packet is received.
+ c.CheckNoPacket("Packet received when window is zero")
+ // Open up the window. Data should be received now.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that data is received.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ if p := b[header.IPv4MinimumSize+header.TCPMinimumSize:]; bytes.Compare(data, p) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, p)
+ }
+ // Acknowledge the data.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1 + seqnum.Size(len(data))),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+func TestScaledWindowConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that window scaling is used when the peer
+ // does advertise it and connection is established with Connect().
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Set the window size greater than the maximum non-scaled window.
+ opt := tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(65535 * 3)
+ c.CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(789, 30000, &opt, []byte{
+ header.TCPOptionWS, 3, 0, header.TCPOptionNOP,
+ })
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received, and that advertised window is 0xbfff,
+ // that is, that it is scaled.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.Window(0xbfff),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestNonScaledWindowConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that window scaling is not used when the peer
+ // doesn't advertise it and connection is established with Connect().
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Set the window size greater than the maximum non-scaled window.
+ opt := tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(65535 * 3)
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, &opt)
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received, and that advertised window is 0xffff,
+ // that is, that it's not scaled.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.Window(0xffff),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestScaledWindowAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that window scaling is used when the peer
+ // does advertise it and connection is established with Accept().
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create EP and start listening.
+ wq := &waiter.Queue{}
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ // Set the window size greater than the maximum non-scaled window.
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(65535 * 3)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do 3-way handshake.
+ c.PassiveConnectWithOptions(100, 2, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: defaultIPv4MSS})
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received, and that advertised window is 0xbfff,
+ // that is, that it is scaled.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.Window(0xbfff),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestNonScaledWindowAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that window scaling is not used when the peer
+ // doesn't advertise it and connection is established with Accept().
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create EP and start listening.
+ wq := &waiter.Queue{}
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ // Set the window size greater than the maximum non-scaled window.
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(65535 * 3)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do 3-way handshake.
+ c.PassiveConnect(100, 2, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: defaultIPv4MSS})
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received, and that advertised window is 0xffff,
+ // that is, that it's not scaled.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.Window(0xffff),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestZeroScaledWindowReceive(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that the endpoint sends a non-zero window size
+ // advertisement when the scaled window transitions from 0 to non-zero,
+ // but the actual window (not scaled) hasn't gotten to zero.
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Set the window size such that a window scale of 4 will be used.
+ const wnd = 65535 * 10
+ const ws = uint32(4)
+ opt := tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(wnd)
+ c.CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(789, 30000, &opt, []byte{
+ header.TCPOptionWS, 3, 0, header.TCPOptionNOP,
+ })
+ // Write chunks of 50000 bytes.
+ remain := wnd
+ sent := 0
+ data := make([]byte, 50000)
+ for remain > len(data) {
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: seqnum.Value(790 + sent),
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ sent += len(data)
+ remain -= len(data)
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+sent)),
+ checker.Window(uint16(remain>>ws)),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ // Make the window non-zero, but the scaled window zero.
+ if remain >= 16 {
+ data = data[:remain-15]
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: seqnum.Value(790 + sent),
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ sent += len(data)
+ remain -= len(data)
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+sent)),
+ checker.Window(0),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ // Read some data. An ack should be sent in response to that.
+ v, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(790+sent)),
+ checker.Window(uint16(len(v)>>ws)),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func testBrokenUpWrite(t *testing.T, c *context.Context, maxPayload int) {
+ payloadMultiplier := 10
+ dataLen := payloadMultiplier * maxPayload
+ data := make([]byte, dataLen)
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received in chunks.
+ bytesReceived := 0
+ numPackets := 0
+ for bytesReceived != dataLen {
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ numPackets++
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ payloadLen := len(tcp.Payload())
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1+uint32(bytesReceived)),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ pdata := data[bytesReceived : bytesReceived+payloadLen]
+ if p := tcp.Payload(); bytes.Compare(pdata, p) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", pdata, p)
+ }
+ bytesReceived += payloadLen
+ var options []byte
+ if c.TimeStampEnabled {
+ // If timestamp option is enabled, echo back the timestamp and increment
+ // the TSEcr value included in the packet and send that back as the TSVal.
+ parsedOpts := tcp.ParsedOptions()
+ tsOpt := [12]byte{header.TCPOptionNOP, header.TCPOptionNOP}
+ header.EncodeTSOption(parsedOpts.TSEcr+1, parsedOpts.TSVal, tsOpt[2:])
+ options = tsOpt[:]
+ }
+ // Acknowledge the data.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1 + seqnum.Size(bytesReceived)),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ TCPOpts: options,
+ })
+ }
+ if numPackets == 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("expected write to be broken up into multiple packets, but got 1 packet")
+ }
+func TestSendGreaterThanMTU(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 100
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ testBrokenUpWrite(t, c, maxPayload)
+func TestActiveSendMSSLessThanMTU(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 100
+ c := context.New(t, 65535)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(789, 30000, nil, []byte{
+ header.TCPOptionMSS, 4, byte(maxPayload / 256), byte(maxPayload % 256),
+ })
+ testBrokenUpWrite(t, c, maxPayload)
+func TestPassiveSendMSSLessThanMTU(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 100
+ const mtu = 1200
+ c := context.New(t, mtu)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create EP and start listening.
+ wq := &waiter.Queue{}
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ // Set the buffer size to a deterministic size so that we can check the
+ // window scaling option.
+ const rcvBufferSize = 0x20000
+ const wndScale = 2
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(rcvBufferSize)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do 3-way handshake.
+ c.PassiveConnect(maxPayload, wndScale, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: mtu - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize})
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that data gets properly segmented.
+ testBrokenUpWrite(t, c, maxPayload)
+func TestSynCookiePassiveSendMSSLessThanMTU(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 536
+ const mtu = 2000
+ c := context.New(t, mtu)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Set the SynRcvd threshold to zero to force a syn cookie based accept
+ // to happen.
+ saved := tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold
+ defer func() {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = saved
+ }()
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = 0
+ // Create EP and start listening.
+ wq := &waiter.Queue{}
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do 3-way handshake.
+ c.PassiveConnect(maxPayload, -1, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: mtu - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize})
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that data gets properly segmented.
+ testBrokenUpWrite(t, c, maxPayload)
+func TestForwarderSendMSSLessThanMTU(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 100
+ const mtu = 1200
+ c := context.New(t, mtu)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ s := c.Stack()
+ ch := make(chan *tcpip.Error, 1)
+ f := tcp.NewForwarder(s, 65536, 10, func(r *tcp.ForwarderRequest) {
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = r.CreateEndpoint(&c.WQ)
+ ch <- err
+ })
+ s.SetTransportProtocolHandler(tcp.ProtocolNumber, f.HandlePacket)
+ // Do 3-way handshake.
+ c.PassiveConnect(maxPayload, 1, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: mtu - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize})
+ // Wait for connection to be available.
+ select {
+ case err := <-ch:
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Error creating endpoint: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for connection")
+ }
+ // Check that data gets properly segmented.
+ testBrokenUpWrite(t, c, maxPayload)
+func TestSynOptionsOnActiveConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ const mtu = 1400
+ c := context.New(t, mtu)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create TCP endpoint.
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &c.WQ)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Set the buffer size to a deterministic size so that we can check the
+ // window scaling option.
+ const rcvBufferSize = 0x20000
+ const wndScale = 2
+ if err := c.EP.SetSockOpt(tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(rcvBufferSize)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Start connection attempt.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ err = c.EP.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.TestAddr, Port: context.TestPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Receive SYN packet.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ checker.TCPSynOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: mtu - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize, WS: wndScale}),
+ ),
+ )
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ c.IRS = seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ // Wait for retransmit.
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ checker.SrcPort(tcp.SourcePort()),
+ checker.SeqNum(tcp.SequenceNumber()),
+ checker.TCPSynOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: mtu - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize, WS: wndScale}),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Send SYN-ACK.
+ iss := seqnum.Value(789)
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: tcp.DestinationPort(),
+ DstPort: tcp.SourcePort(),
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: iss,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Receive ACK packet.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(iss)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ err = c.EP.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when connecting: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for connection")
+ }
+func TestCloseListener(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create listener.
+ var wq waiter.Queue
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Close the listener and measure how long it takes.
+ t0 := time.Now()
+ ep.Close()
+ if diff := time.Now().Sub(t0); diff > 3*time.Second {
+ t.Fatalf("Took too long to close: %v", diff)
+ }
+func TestReceiveOnResetConnection(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Send RST segment.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagRst,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Try to read.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ for {
+ switch _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err {
+ case nil:
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected success.")
+ case tcpip.ErrWouldBlock:
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for reset to arrive")
+ }
+ case tcpip.ErrConnectionReset:
+ break loop
+ default:
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: want %v, got %v", tcpip.ErrConnectionReset, err)
+ }
+ }
+func TestSendOnResetConnection(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Send RST segment.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagRst,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Wait for the RST to be received.
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ // Try to write.
+ view := buffer.NewView(10)
+ _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectionReset {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: want %v, got %v", tcpip.ErrConnectionReset, err)
+ }
+func TestFinImmediately(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Shutdown immediately, check that we get a FIN.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Ack and send FIN as well.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(2),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that the stack acks the FIN.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+2),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestFinRetransmit(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Shutdown immediately, check that we get a FIN.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Don't acknowledge yet. We should get a retransmit of the FIN.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Ack and send FIN as well.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(2),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that the stack acks the FIN.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+2),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestFinWithNoPendingData(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Write something out, and have it acknowledged.
+ view := buffer.NewView(10)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ next := uint32(c.IRS) + 1
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ next += uint32(len(view))
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Shutdown, check that we get a FIN.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ next++
+ // Ack and send FIN as well.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that the stack acks the FIN.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestFinWithPendingDataCwndFull(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Write enough segments to fill the congestion window before ACK'ing
+ // any of them.
+ view := buffer.NewView(10)
+ for i := tcp.InitialCwnd; i > 0; i-- {
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ next := uint32(c.IRS) + 1
+ for i := tcp.InitialCwnd; i > 0; i-- {
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ next += uint32(len(view))
+ }
+ // Shutdown the connection, check that the FIN segment isn't sent
+ // because the congestion window doesn't allow it. Wait until a
+ // retransmit is received.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Send the ACK that will allow the FIN to be sent as well.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ next++
+ // Send a FIN that acknowledges everything. Get an ACK back.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestFinWithPendingData(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Write something out, and acknowledge it to get cwnd to 2.
+ view := buffer.NewView(10)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ next := uint32(c.IRS) + 1
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ next += uint32(len(view))
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Write new data, but don't acknowledge it.
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ next += uint32(len(view))
+ // Shutdown the connection, check that we do get a FIN.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ next++
+ // Send a FIN that acknowledges everything. Get an ACK back.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+func TestFinWithPartialAck(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Write something out, and acknowledge it to get cwnd to 2. Also send
+ // FIN from the test side.
+ view := buffer.NewView(10)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ next := uint32(c.IRS) + 1
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ next += uint32(len(view))
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that we get an ACK for the fin.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Write new data, but don't acknowledge it.
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(view)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ next += uint32(len(view))
+ // Shutdown the connection, check that we do get a FIN.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(next),
+ checker.AckNum(791),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ next++
+ // Send an ACK for the data, but not for the FIN yet.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 791,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next - 1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that we don't get a retransmit of the FIN.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("FIN retransmitted when data was ack'd", 100*time.Millisecond)
+ // Ack the FIN.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 791,
+ AckNum: seqnum.Value(next),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+func TestExponentialIncreaseDuringSlowStart(t *testing.T) {
+ maxPayload := 10
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ const iterations = 7
+ data := buffer.NewView(maxPayload * (tcp.InitialCwnd << (iterations + 1)))
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ // Write all the data in one shot. Packets will only be written at the
+ // MTU size though.
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(data), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ expected := tcp.InitialCwnd
+ bytesRead := 0
+ for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
+ // Read all packets expected on this iteration. Don't
+ // acknowledge any of them just yet, so that we can measure the
+ // congestion window.
+ for j := 0; j < expected; j++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // Check we don't receive any more packets on this iteration.
+ // The timeout can't be too high or we'll trigger a timeout.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected for this cwnd.", 50*time.Millisecond)
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ // Double the number of expected packets for the next iteration.
+ expected *= 2
+ }
+func TestCongestionAvoidance(t *testing.T) {
+ maxPayload := 10
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ const iterations = 7
+ data := buffer.NewView(2 * maxPayload * (tcp.InitialCwnd << (iterations + 1)))
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ // Write all the data in one shot. Packets will only be written at the
+ // MTU size though.
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(data), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do slow start for a few iterations.
+ expected := tcp.InitialCwnd
+ bytesRead := 0
+ for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
+ expected = tcp.InitialCwnd << uint(i)
+ if i > 0 {
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far if not on
+ // first iteration.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ }
+ // Read all packets expected on this iteration. Don't
+ // acknowledge any of them just yet, so that we can measure the
+ // congestion window.
+ for j := 0; j < expected; j++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // Check we don't receive any more packets on this iteration.
+ // The timeout can't be too high or we'll trigger a timeout.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected for this cwnd.", 50*time.Millisecond)
+ }
+ // Don't acknowledge the first packet of the last packet train. Let's
+ // wait for them to time out, which will trigger a restart of slow
+ // start, and initialization of ssthresh to cwnd/2.
+ rtxOffset := bytesRead - maxPayload*expected
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, rtxOffset, maxPayload)
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ // This part is tricky: when the timeout happened, we had "expected"
+ // packets pending, cwnd reset to 1, and ssthresh set to expected/2.
+ // By acknowledging "expected" packets, the slow-start part will
+ // increase cwnd to expected/2 (which "consumes" expected/2-1 of the
+ // acknowledgements), then the congestion avoidance part will consume
+ // an extra expected/2 acks to take cwnd to expected/2 + 1. One ack
+ // remains in the "ack count" (which will cause cwnd to be incremented
+ // once it reaches cwnd acks).
+ //
+ // So we're straight into congestion avoidance with cwnd set to
+ // expected/2 + 1.
+ //
+ // Check that packets trains of cwnd packets are sent, and that cwnd is
+ // incremented by 1 after we acknowledge each packet.
+ expected = expected/2 + 1
+ for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
+ // Read all packets expected on this iteration. Don't
+ // acknowledge any of them just yet, so that we can measure the
+ // congestion window.
+ for j := 0; j < expected; j++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // Check we don't receive any more packets on this iteration.
+ // The timeout can't be too high or we'll trigger a timeout.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected for this cwnd.", 50*time.Millisecond)
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ // In cogestion avoidance, the packets trains increase by 1 in
+ // each iteration.
+ expected++
+ }
+func TestFastRecovery(t *testing.T) {
+ maxPayload := 10
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ const iterations = 7
+ data := buffer.NewView(2 * maxPayload * (tcp.InitialCwnd << (iterations + 1)))
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ // Write all the data in one shot. Packets will only be written at the
+ // MTU size though.
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(data), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do slow start for a few iterations.
+ expected := tcp.InitialCwnd
+ bytesRead := 0
+ for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
+ expected = tcp.InitialCwnd << uint(i)
+ if i > 0 {
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far if not on
+ // first iteration.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ }
+ // Read all packets expected on this iteration. Don't
+ // acknowledge any of them just yet, so that we can measure the
+ // congestion window.
+ for j := 0; j < expected; j++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // Check we don't receive any more packets on this iteration.
+ // The timeout can't be too high or we'll trigger a timeout.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected for this cwnd.", 50*time.Millisecond)
+ }
+ // Send 3 duplicate acks. This should force an immediate retransmit of
+ // the pending packet and put the sender into fast recovery.
+ rtxOffset := bytesRead - maxPayload*expected
+ for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
+ c.SendAck(790, rtxOffset)
+ }
+ // Receive the retransmitted packet.
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, rtxOffset, maxPayload)
+ // Now send 7 mode duplicate acks. Each of these should cause a window
+ // inflation by 1 and cause the sender to send an extra packet.
+ for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
+ c.SendAck(790, rtxOffset)
+ }
+ recover := bytesRead
+ // Ensure no new packets arrive.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected during recovery after dupacks for this cwnd.",
+ 50*time.Millisecond)
+ // Acknowledge half of the pending data.
+ rtxOffset = bytesRead - expected*maxPayload/2
+ c.SendAck(790, rtxOffset)
+ // Receive the retransmit due to partial ack.
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, rtxOffset, maxPayload)
+ // Receive the 10 extra packets that should have been released due to
+ // the congestion window inflation in recovery.
+ for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // A partial ACK during recovery should reduce congestion window by the
+ // number acked. Since we had "expected" packets outstanding before sending
+ // partial ack and we acked expected/2 , the cwnd and outstanding should
+ // be expected/2 + 7. Which means the sender should not send any more packets
+ // till we ack this one.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected during recovery after partial ack for this cwnd.",
+ 50*time.Millisecond)
+ // Acknowledge all pending data to recover point.
+ c.SendAck(790, recover)
+ // At this point, the cwnd should reset to expected/2 and there are 10
+ // packets outstanding.
+ //
+ // NOTE: Technically netstack is incorrect in that we adjust the cwnd on
+ // the same segment that takes us out of recovery. But because of that
+ // the actual cwnd at exit of recovery will be expected/2 + 1 as we
+ // acked a cwnd worth of packets which will increase the cwnd further by
+ // 1 in congestion avoidance.
+ //
+ // Now in the first iteration since there are 10 packets outstanding.
+ // We would expect to get expected/2 +1 - 10 packets. But subsequent
+ // iterations will send us expected/2 + 1 + 1 (per iteration).
+ expected = expected/2 + 1 - 10
+ for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
+ // Read all packets expected on this iteration. Don't
+ // acknowledge any of them just yet, so that we can measure the
+ // congestion window.
+ for j := 0; j < expected; j++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // Check we don't receive any more packets on this iteration.
+ // The timeout can't be too high or we'll trigger a timeout.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout(fmt.Sprintf("More packets received(after deflation) than expected %d for this cwnd.", expected), 50*time.Millisecond)
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ // In cogestion avoidance, the packets trains increase by 1 in
+ // each iteration.
+ if i == 0 {
+ // After the first iteration we expect to get the full
+ // congestion window worth of packets in every
+ // iteration.
+ expected += 10
+ }
+ expected++
+ }
+func TestRetransmit(t *testing.T) {
+ maxPayload := 10
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ const iterations = 7
+ data := buffer.NewView(maxPayload * (tcp.InitialCwnd << (iterations + 1)))
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ // Write all the data in two shots. Packets will only be written at the
+ // MTU size though.
+ half := data[:len(data)/2]
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(half), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ half = data[len(data)/2:]
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(half), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Do slow start for a few iterations.
+ expected := tcp.InitialCwnd
+ bytesRead := 0
+ for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
+ expected = tcp.InitialCwnd << uint(i)
+ if i > 0 {
+ // Acknowledge all the data received so far if not on
+ // first iteration.
+ c.SendAck(790, bytesRead)
+ }
+ // Read all packets expected on this iteration. Don't
+ // acknowledge any of them just yet, so that we can measure the
+ // congestion window.
+ for j := 0; j < expected; j++ {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, bytesRead, maxPayload)
+ bytesRead += maxPayload
+ }
+ // Check we don't receive any more packets on this iteration.
+ // The timeout can't be too high or we'll trigger a timeout.
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected for this cwnd.", 50*time.Millisecond)
+ }
+ // Wait for a timeout and retransmit.
+ rtxOffset := bytesRead - maxPayload*expected
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, rtxOffset, maxPayload)
+ // Acknowledge half of the pending data.
+ rtxOffset = bytesRead - expected*maxPayload/2
+ c.SendAck(790, rtxOffset)
+ // Receive the remaining data, making sure that acknowledged data is not
+ // retransmitted.
+ for offset := rtxOffset; offset < len(data); offset += maxPayload {
+ c.ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data, offset, maxPayload)
+ c.SendAck(790, offset+maxPayload)
+ }
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout("More packets received than expected for this cwnd.", 50*time.Millisecond)
+func TestUpdateListenBacklog(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create listener.
+ var wq waiter.Queue
+ ep, err := c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Update the backlog with another Listen() on the same endpoint.
+ if err := ep.Listen(20); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed to update backlog: %v", err)
+ }
+ ep.Close()
+func scaledSendWindow(t *testing.T, scale uint8) {
+ // This test ensures that the endpoint is using the right scaling by
+ // sending a buffer that is larger than the window size, and ensuring
+ // that the endpoint doesn't send more than allowed.
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ maxPayload := defaultMTU - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize
+ c.CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(789, 0, nil, []byte{
+ header.TCPOptionMSS, 4, byte(maxPayload / 256), byte(maxPayload % 256),
+ header.TCPOptionWS, 3, scale, header.TCPOptionNOP,
+ })
+ // Open up the window with a scaled value.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 1,
+ })
+ // Send some data. Check that it's capped by the window size.
+ view := buffer.NewView(65535)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that only data that fits in the scaled window is sent.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen((1<<scale)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Reset the connection to free resources.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagRst,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ })
+func TestScaledSendWindow(t *testing.T) {
+ for scale := uint8(0); scale <= 14; scale++ {
+ scaledSendWindow(t, scale)
+ }
+func TestReceivedSegmentQueuing(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test sends 200 segments containing a few bytes each to an
+ // endpoint and checks that they're all received and acknowledged by
+ // the endpoint, that is, that none of the segments are dropped by
+ // internal queues.
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ // Send 200 segments.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: seqnum.Value(790 + i*len(data)),
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ }
+ // Receive ACKs for all segments.
+ last := seqnum.Value(790 + 200*len(data))
+ for {
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ ack := seqnum.Value(tcp.AckNumber())
+ if ack == last {
+ break
+ }
+ if last.LessThan(ack) {
+ t.Fatalf("Acknowledge (%v) beyond the expected (%v)", ack, last)
+ }
+ }
+func TestReadAfterClosedState(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that calling Read() or Peek() after the endpoint
+ // has transitioned to closedState still works if there is pending
+ // data. To transition to stateClosed without calling Close(), we must
+ // shutdown the send path and the peer must send its own FIN.
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Shutdown immediately for write, check that we get a FIN.
+ if err := c.EP.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.PayloadLen(header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagFin),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Send some data and acknowledge the FIN.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagFin,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(2),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ // Check that ACK is received.
+ checker.IPv4(t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+2),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(791+len(data))),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Give the stack the chance to transition to closed state.
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ // Wait for receive to be notified.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // Check that peek works.
+ peekBuf := make([]byte, 10)
+ n, err := c.EP.Peek([][]byte{peekBuf})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Peek: %v", err)
+ }
+ peekBuf = peekBuf[:n]
+ if bytes.Compare(data, peekBuf) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, peekBuf)
+ }
+ // Receive data.
+ v, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ if bytes.Compare(data, v) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", data, v)
+ }
+ // Now that we drained the queue, check that functions fail with the
+ // right error code.
+ if _, err := c.EP.Read(nil); err != tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return from Read: got %v, want %v", err, tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive)
+ }
+ if _, err := c.EP.Peek([][]byte{peekBuf}); err != tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return from Peek: got %v, want %v", err, tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive)
+ }
+func TestReusePort(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that ports are immediately available for reuse
+ // after Close on the endpoints using them returns.
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // First case, just an endpoint that was bound.
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ c.EP.Close()
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ c.EP.Close()
+ // Second case, an endpoint that was bound and is connecting..
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ err = c.EP.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.TestAddr, Port: context.TestPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ c.EP.Close()
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ c.EP.Close()
+ // Third case, an endpoint that was bound and is listening.
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ err = c.EP.Listen(10)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ c.EP.Close()
+ c.EP, err = c.Stack().NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ err = c.EP.Listen(10)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+func checkRecvBufferSize(t *testing.T, ep tcpip.Endpoint, v int) {
+ t.Helper()
+ var s tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption
+ if err := ep.GetSockOpt(&s); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if int(s) != v {
+ t.Fatalf("Bad receive buffer size: want=%v, got=%v", v, s)
+ }
+func checkSendBufferSize(t *testing.T, ep tcpip.Endpoint, v int) {
+ t.Helper()
+ var s tcpip.SendBufferSizeOption
+ if err := ep.GetSockOpt(&s); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if int(s) != v {
+ t.Fatalf("Bad send buffer size: want=%v, got=%v", v, s)
+ }
+func TestDefaultBufferSizes(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New([]string{ipv4.ProtocolName}, []string{tcp.ProtocolName})
+ // Check the default values.
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if ep != nil {
+ ep.Close()
+ }
+ }()
+ checkSendBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize)
+ checkRecvBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize)
+ // Change the default send buffer size.
+ if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.SendBufferSizeOption{1, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 2, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 20}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ ep.Close()
+ ep, err = s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ checkSendBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize*2)
+ checkRecvBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize)
+ // Change the default receive buffer size.
+ if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.ReceiveBufferSizeOption{1, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 3, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 30}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ ep.Close()
+ ep, err = s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ checkSendBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize*2)
+ checkRecvBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize*3)
+func TestMinMaxBufferSizes(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New([]string{ipv4.ProtocolName}, []string{tcp.ProtocolName})
+ // Check the default values.
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &waiter.Queue{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed; %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ // Change the min/max values for send/receive
+ if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.ReceiveBufferSizeOption{200, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 2, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 20}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.SendBufferSizeOption{300, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 3, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 30}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Set values below the min.
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(199)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ checkRecvBufferSize(t, ep, 200)
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.SendBufferSizeOption(299)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ checkSendBufferSize(t, ep, 300)
+ // Set values above the max.
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption(1 + tcp.DefaultBufferSize*20)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ checkRecvBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize*20)
+ if err := ep.SetSockOpt(tcpip.SendBufferSizeOption(1 + tcp.DefaultBufferSize*30)); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("GetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ checkSendBufferSize(t, ep, tcp.DefaultBufferSize*30)
+func TestSelfConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test ensures that intentional self-connects work. In particular,
+ // it checks that if an endpoint binds to say then
+ // connects to, then it will be connected to itself, and
+ // is able to send and receive data through the same endpoint.
+ s := stack.New([]string{ipv4.ProtocolName}, []string{tcp.ProtocolName})
+ id := loopback.New()
+ if testing.Verbose() {
+ id = sniffer.New(id)
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, id); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(1, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, context.StackAddr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{
+ {
+ Destination: "\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ Mask: "\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ Gateway: "",
+ NIC: 1,
+ },
+ })
+ var wq waiter.Queue
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: context.StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Register for notification, then start connection attempt.
+ waitEntry, notifyCh := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&waitEntry, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&waitEntry)
+ err = ep.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: context.StackAddr, Port: context.StackPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ <-notifyCh
+ err = ep.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{})
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Write something.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err = ep.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Write failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Read back what was written.
+ wq.EventUnregister(&waitEntry)
+ wq.EventRegister(&waitEntry, waiter.EventIn)
+ rd, err := ep.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ t.Fatalf("Read failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ <-notifyCh
+ rd, err = ep.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Read failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if bytes.Compare(data, rd) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: want=%v, got=%v", data, rd)
+ }
+func TestPathMTUDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test verifies the stack retransmits packets after it receives an
+ // ICMP packet indicating that the path MTU has been exceeded.
+ c := context.New(t, 1500)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ // Create new connection with MSS of 1460.
+ const maxPayload = 1500 - header.TCPMinimumSize - header.IPv4MinimumSize
+ c.CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(789, 30000, nil, []byte{
+ header.TCPOptionMSS, 4, byte(maxPayload / 256), byte(maxPayload % 256),
+ })
+ // Send 3200 bytes of data.
+ const writeSize = 3200
+ data := buffer.NewView(writeSize)
+ for i := range data {
+ data[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(data), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Write failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ receivePackets := func(c *context.Context, sizes []int, which int, seqNum uint32) []byte {
+ var ret []byte
+ for i, size := range sizes {
+ p := c.GetPacket()
+ if i == which {
+ ret = p
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(t, p,
+ checker.PayloadLen(size+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(seqNum),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ seqNum += uint32(size)
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ // Receive three packets.
+ sizes := []int{maxPayload, maxPayload, writeSize - 2*maxPayload}
+ first := receivePackets(c, sizes, 0, uint32(c.IRS)+1)
+ // Send "packet too big" messages back to netstack.
+ const newMTU = 1200
+ const newMaxPayload = newMTU - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize
+ mtu := []byte{0, 0, newMTU / 256, newMTU % 256}
+ c.SendICMPPacket(header.ICMPv4DstUnreachable, header.ICMPv4FragmentationNeeded, mtu, first, newMTU)
+ // See retransmitted packets. None exceeding the new max.
+ sizes = []int{newMaxPayload, maxPayload - newMaxPayload, newMaxPayload, maxPayload - newMaxPayload, writeSize - 2*maxPayload}
+ receivePackets(c, sizes, -1, uint32(c.IRS)+1)
+func TestTCPEndpointProbe(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, 1500)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ invoked := make(chan struct{})
+ c.Stack().AddTCPProbe(func(state stack.TCPEndpointState) {
+ // Validate that the endpoint ID is what we expect.
+ //
+ // We don't do an extensive validation of every field but a
+ // basic sanity test.
+ if got, want := state.ID.LocalAddress, tcpip.Address(context.StackAddr); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected LocalAddress got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
+ }
+ if got, want := state.ID.LocalPort, c.Port; got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected LocalPort got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
+ }
+ if got, want := state.ID.RemoteAddress, tcpip.Address(context.TestAddr); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected RemoteAddress got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
+ }
+ if got, want := state.ID.RemotePort, uint16(context.TestPort); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected RemotePort got: %d, want: %d", got, want)
+ }
+ invoked <- struct{}{}
+ })
+ c.CreateConnected(789, 30000, nil)
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ c.SendPacket(data, &context.Headers{
+ SrcPort: context.TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: 790,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+ select {
+ case <-invoked:
+ case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
+ t.Fatalf("TCP Probe function was not called")
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_timestamp_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_timestamp_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae1b578c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/tcp_timestamp_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+package tcp_test
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "math/rand"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// createConnectedWithTimestampOption creates and connects c.ep with the
+// timestamp option enabled.
+func createConnectedWithTimestampOption(c *context.Context) *context.RawEndpoint {
+ return c.CreateConnectedWithOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{TS: true, TSVal: 1})
+// TestTimeStampEnabledConnect tests that netstack sends the timestamp option on
+// an active connect and sets the TS Echo Reply fields correctly when the
+// SYN-ACK also indicates support for the TS option and provides a TSVal.
+func TestTimeStampEnabledConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ rep := createConnectedWithTimestampOption(c)
+ // Register for read and validate that we have data to read.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ // The following tests ensure that TS option once enabled behaves
+ // correctly as described in
+ //
+ //
+ // We are not testing delayed ACKs here, but we do test out of order
+ // packet delivery and filling the sequence number hole created due to
+ // the out of order packet.
+ //
+ // The test also verifies that the sequence numbers and timestamps are
+ // as expected.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ // First we increment tsVal by a small amount.
+ tsVal := rep.TSVal + 100
+ rep.SendPacketWithTS(data, tsVal)
+ rep.VerifyACKWithTS(tsVal)
+ // Next we send an out of order packet.
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ tsVal += 200
+ rep.SendPacketWithTS(data, tsVal)
+ // The ACK should contain the original sequenceNumber and an older TS.
+ rep.NextSeqNum -= 6
+ rep.VerifyACKWithTS(tsVal - 200)
+ // Next we fill the hole and the returned ACK should contain the
+ // cumulative sequence number acking all data sent till now and have the
+ // latest timestamp sent below in its TSEcr field.
+ tsVal -= 100
+ rep.SendPacketWithTS(data, tsVal)
+ rep.NextSeqNum += 3
+ rep.VerifyACKWithTS(tsVal)
+ // Increment tsVal by a large value that doesn't result in a wrap around.
+ tsVal += 0x7fffffff
+ rep.SendPacketWithTS(data, tsVal)
+ rep.VerifyACKWithTS(tsVal)
+ // Increment tsVal again by a large value which should cause the
+ // timestamp value to wrap around. The returned ACK should contain the
+ // wrapped around timestamp in its tsEcr field and not the tsVal from
+ // the previous packet sent above.
+ tsVal += 0x7fffffff
+ rep.SendPacketWithTS(data, tsVal)
+ rep.VerifyACKWithTS(tsVal)
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // There should be 5 views to read and each of them should
+ // contain the same data.
+ for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
+ got, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ if want := data; bytes.Compare(got, want) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: got: %v, want: %v", got, want)
+ }
+ }
+// TestTimeStampDisabledConnect tests that netstack sends timestamp option on an
+// active connect but if the SYN-ACK doesn't specify the TS option then
+// timestamp option is not enabled and future packets do not contain a
+// timestamp.
+func TestTimeStampDisabledConnect(t *testing.T) {
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ c.CreateConnectedWithOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{})
+func timeStampEnabledAccept(t *testing.T, cookieEnabled bool, wndScale int, wndSize uint16) {
+ savedSynCountThreshold := tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold
+ defer func() {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = savedSynCountThreshold
+ }()
+ if cookieEnabled {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = 0
+ }
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ t.Logf("Test w/ CookieEnabled = %v", cookieEnabled)
+ tsVal := rand.Uint32()
+ c.AcceptWithOptions(wndScale, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: defaultIPv4MSS, TS: true, TSVal: tsVal})
+ // Now send some data and validate that timestamp is echoed correctly in the ACK.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received and that the timestamp option TSEcr field
+ // matches the expected value.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ // Add 12 bytes for the timestamp option + 2 NOPs to align at 4
+ // byte boundary.
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize+12),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.Window(wndSize),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ checker.TCPTimestampChecker(true, 0, tsVal+1),
+ ),
+ )
+// TestTimeStampEnabledAccept tests that if the SYN on a passive connect
+// specifies the Timestamp option then the Timestamp option is sent on a SYN-ACK
+// and echoes the tsVal field of the original SYN in the tcEcr field of the
+// SYN-ACK. We cover the cases where SYN cookies are enabled/disabled and verify
+// that Timestamp option is enabled in both cases if requested in the original
+// SYN.
+func TestTimeStampEnabledAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ cookieEnabled bool
+ wndScale int
+ wndSize uint16
+ }{
+ {true, -1, 0xffff}, // When cookie is used window scaling is disabled.
+ {false, 5, 0x8000}, // 0x8000 * 2^5 = 1<<20 = 1MB window (the default).
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ timeStampEnabledAccept(t, tc.cookieEnabled, tc.wndScale, tc.wndSize)
+ }
+func timeStampDisabledAccept(t *testing.T, cookieEnabled bool, wndScale int, wndSize uint16) {
+ savedSynCountThreshold := tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold
+ defer func() {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = savedSynCountThreshold
+ }()
+ if cookieEnabled {
+ tcp.SynRcvdCountThreshold = 0
+ }
+ c := context.New(t, defaultMTU)
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ t.Logf("Test w/ CookieEnabled = %v", cookieEnabled)
+ c.AcceptWithOptions(wndScale, header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: defaultIPv4MSS})
+ // Now send some data with the accepted connection endpoint and validate
+ // that no timestamp option is sent in the TCP segment.
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ view := buffer.NewView(len(data))
+ copy(view, data)
+ if _, err := c.EP.Write(tcpip.SlicePayload(view), tcpip.WriteOptions{}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Write: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Check that data is received and that the timestamp option is disabled
+ // when SYN cookies are enabled/disabled.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(len(data)+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(context.TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(790),
+ checker.Window(wndSize),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ checker.TCPTimestampChecker(false, 0, 0),
+ ),
+ )
+// TestTimeStampDisabledAccept tests that Timestamp option is not used when the
+// peer doesn't advertise it and connection is established with Accept().
+func TestTimeStampDisabledAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ cookieEnabled bool
+ wndScale int
+ wndSize uint16
+ }{
+ {true, -1, 0xffff}, // When cookie is used window scaling is disabled.
+ {false, 5, 0x8000}, // 0x8000 * 2^5 = 1<<20 = 1MB window (the default).
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ timeStampDisabledAccept(t, tc.cookieEnabled, tc.wndScale, tc.wndSize)
+ }
+func TestSendGreaterThanMTUWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 100
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ createConnectedWithTimestampOption(c)
+ testBrokenUpWrite(t, c, maxPayload)
+func TestSegmentDropWhenTimestampMissing(t *testing.T) {
+ const maxPayload = 100
+ c := context.New(t, uint32(header.TCPMinimumSize+header.IPv4MinimumSize+maxPayload))
+ defer c.Cleanup()
+ rep := createConnectedWithTimestampOption(c)
+ // Register for read.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&we)
+ stk := c.Stack()
+ droppedPackets := stk.Stats().DroppedPackets
+ data := []byte{1, 2, 3}
+ // Save the sequence number as we will reset it later down
+ // in the test.
+ savedSeqNum := rep.NextSeqNum
+ rep.SendPacket(data, nil)
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ t.Fatalf("Got data to read when we expect packet to be dropped")
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ // We expect that no data will be available to read.
+ }
+ // Assert that DroppedPackets was incremented by 1.
+ if got, want := stk.Stats().DroppedPackets, droppedPackets+1; got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("incorrect number of dropped packets, got: %v, want: %v", got, want)
+ }
+ droppedPackets = stk.Stats().DroppedPackets
+ // Reset the sequence number so that the other endpoint accepts
+ // this segment and does not treat it like an out of order delivery.
+ rep.NextSeqNum = savedSeqNum
+ // Now send a packet with timestamp and we should get the data.
+ rep.SendPacketWithTS(data, rep.TSVal+1)
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for data to arrive")
+ }
+ // Assert that DroppedPackets was not incremented by 1.
+ if got, want := stk.Stats().DroppedPackets, droppedPackets; got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("incorrect number of dropped packets, got: %v, want: %v", got, want)
+ }
+ // Issue a read and we should data.
+ got, err := c.EP.Read(nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from Read: %v", err)
+ }
+ if want := data; bytes.Compare(got, want) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Data is different: got: %v, want: %v", got, want)
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context/BUILD b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40850c3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package(licenses = ["notice"]) # BSD
+load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
+ name = "context",
+ testonly = 1,
+ srcs = ["context.go"],
+ importpath = "",
+ visibility = [
+ "//:sandbox",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ "//pkg/tcpip",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/buffer",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/checker",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/header",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/link/channel",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/link/sniffer",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/network/ipv4",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/network/ipv6",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/seqnum",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/stack",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp",
+ "//pkg/waiter",
+ ],
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context/context.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context/context.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a402d150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/testing/context/context.go
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package context provides a test context for use in tcp tests. It also
+// provides helper methods to assert/check certain behaviours.
+package context
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // StackAddr is the IPv4 address assigned to the stack.
+ StackAddr = "\x0a\x00\x00\x01"
+ // StackPort is used as the listening port in tests for passive
+ // connects.
+ StackPort = 1234
+ // TestAddr is the source address for packets sent to the stack via the
+ // link layer endpoint.
+ TestAddr = "\x0a\x00\x00\x02"
+ // TestPort is the TCP port used for packets sent to the stack
+ // via the link layer endpoint.
+ TestPort = 4096
+ // StackV6Addr is the IPv6 address assigned to the stack.
+ StackV6Addr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
+ // TestV6Addr is the source address for packets sent to the stack via
+ // the link layer endpoint.
+ TestV6Addr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
+ // StackV4MappedAddr is StackAddr as a mapped v6 address.
+ StackV4MappedAddr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + StackAddr
+ // TestV4MappedAddr is TestAddr as a mapped v6 address.
+ TestV4MappedAddr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" + TestAddr
+ // V4MappedWildcardAddr is the mapped v6 representation of
+ V4MappedWildcardAddr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+ // testInitialSequenceNumber is the initial sequence number sent in packets that
+ // are sent in response to a SYN or in the initial SYN sent to the stack.
+ testInitialSequenceNumber = 789
+// defaultWindowScale value specified here depends on the tcp.DefaultBufferSize
+// constant defined in the tcp/endpoint.go because the tcp.DefaultBufferSize is
+// used in tcp.newHandshake to determine the window scale to use when sending a
+var defaultWindowScale = tcp.FindWndScale(tcp.DefaultBufferSize)
+// Headers is used to represent the TCP header fields when building a
+// new packet.
+type Headers struct {
+ // SrcPort holds the src port value to be used in the packet.
+ SrcPort uint16
+ // DstPort holds the destination port value to be used in the packet.
+ DstPort uint16
+ // SeqNum is the value of the sequence number field in the TCP header.
+ SeqNum seqnum.Value
+ // AckNum represents the acknowledgement number field in the TCP header.
+ AckNum seqnum.Value
+ // Flags are the TCP flags in the TCP header.
+ Flags int
+ // RcvWnd is the window to be advertised in the ReceiveWindow field of
+ // the TCP header.
+ RcvWnd seqnum.Size
+ // TCPOpts holds the options to be sent in the option field of the TCP
+ // header.
+ TCPOpts []byte
+// Context provides an initialized Network stack and a link layer endpoint
+// for use in TCP tests.
+type Context struct {
+ t *testing.T
+ linkEP *channel.Endpoint
+ s *stack.Stack
+ // IRS holds the initial sequence number in the SYN sent by endpoint in
+ // case of an active connect or the sequence number sent by the endpoint
+ // in the SYN-ACK sent in response to a SYN when listening in passive
+ // mode.
+ IRS seqnum.Value
+ // Port holds the port bound by EP below in case of an active connect or
+ // the listening port number in case of a passive connect.
+ Port uint16
+ // EP is the test endpoint in the stack owned by this context. This endpoint
+ // is used in various tests to either initiate an active connect or is used
+ // as a passive listening endpoint to accept inbound connections.
+ EP tcpip.Endpoint
+ // Wq is the wait queue associated with EP and is used to block for events
+ // on EP.
+ WQ waiter.Queue
+ // TimeStampEnabled is true if ep is connected with the timestamp option
+ // enabled.
+ TimeStampEnabled bool
+// New allocates and initializes a test context containing a new
+// stack and a link-layer endpoint.
+func New(t *testing.T, mtu uint32) *Context {
+ s := stack.New([]string{ipv4.ProtocolName, ipv6.ProtocolName}, []string{tcp.ProtocolName})
+ // Allow minimum send/receive buffer sizes to be 1 during tests.
+ if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.SendBufferSizeOption{1, tcp.DefaultBufferSize, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 10}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, tcp.ReceiveBufferSizeOption{1, tcp.DefaultBufferSize, tcp.DefaultBufferSize * 10}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Some of the congestion control tests send up to 640 packets, we so
+ // set the channel size to 1000.
+ id, linkEP := channel.New(1000, mtu, "")
+ if testing.Verbose() {
+ id = sniffer.New(id)
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, id); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(1, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, StackAddr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(1, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, StackV6Addr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{
+ {
+ Destination: "\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ Mask: "\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ Gateway: "",
+ NIC: 1,
+ },
+ {
+ Destination: "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ Mask: "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ Gateway: "",
+ NIC: 1,
+ },
+ })
+ return &Context{
+ t: t,
+ s: s,
+ linkEP: linkEP,
+ }
+// Cleanup closes the context endpoint if required.
+func (c *Context) Cleanup() {
+ if c.EP != nil {
+ c.EP.Close()
+ }
+// Stack returns a reference to the stack in the Context.
+func (c *Context) Stack() *stack.Stack {
+ return c.s
+// CheckNoPacketTimeout verifies that no packet is received during the time
+// specified by wait.
+func (c *Context) CheckNoPacketTimeout(errMsg string, wait time.Duration) {
+ select {
+ case <-c.linkEP.C:
+ c.t.Fatalf(errMsg)
+ case <-time.After(wait):
+ }
+// CheckNoPacket verifies that no packet is received for 1 second.
+func (c *Context) CheckNoPacket(errMsg string) {
+ c.CheckNoPacketTimeout(errMsg, 1*time.Second)
+// GetPacket reads a packet from the link layer endpoint and verifies
+// that it is an IPv4 packet with the expected source and destination
+// addresses. It will fail with an error if no packet is received for
+// 2 seconds.
+func (c *Context) GetPacket() []byte {
+ select {
+ case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
+ if p.Proto != ipv4.ProtocolNumber {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Bad network protocol: got %v, wanted %v", p.Proto, ipv4.ProtocolNumber)
+ }
+ b := make([]byte, len(p.Header)+len(p.Payload))
+ copy(b, p.Header)
+ copy(b[len(p.Header):], p.Payload)
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, b, checker.SrcAddr(StackAddr), checker.DstAddr(TestAddr))
+ return b
+ case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
+ c.t.Fatalf("Packet wasn't written out")
+ }
+ return nil
+// SendICMPPacket builds and sends an ICMPv4 packet via the link layer endpoint.
+func (c *Context) SendICMPPacket(typ header.ICMPv4Type, code uint8, p1, p2 []byte, maxTotalSize int) {
+ // Allocate a buffer data and headers.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(header.IPv4MinimumSize + header.ICMPv4MinimumSize + len(p1) + len(p2))
+ if len(buf) > maxTotalSize {
+ buf = buf[:maxTotalSize]
+ }
+ ip := header.IPv4(buf)
+ ip.Encode(&header.IPv4Fields{
+ IHL: header.IPv4MinimumSize,
+ TotalLength: uint16(len(buf)),
+ TTL: 65,
+ Protocol: uint8(header.ICMPv4ProtocolNumber),
+ SrcAddr: TestAddr,
+ DstAddr: StackAddr,
+ })
+ ip.SetChecksum(^ip.CalculateChecksum())
+ icmp := header.ICMPv4(buf[header.IPv4MinimumSize:])
+ icmp.SetType(typ)
+ icmp.SetCode(code)
+ copy(icmp[header.ICMPv4MinimumSize:], p1)
+ copy(icmp[header.ICMPv4MinimumSize+len(p1):], p2)
+ // Inject packet.
+ var views [1]buffer.View
+ vv := buf.ToVectorisedView(views)
+ c.linkEP.Inject(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &vv)
+// SendPacket builds and sends a TCP segment(with the provided payload & TCP
+// headers) in an IPv4 packet via the link layer endpoint.
+func (c *Context) SendPacket(payload []byte, h *Headers) {
+ // Allocate a buffer for data and headers.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(header.TCPMinimumSize + header.IPv4MinimumSize + len(h.TCPOpts) + len(payload))
+ copy(buf[len(buf)-len(payload):], payload)
+ copy(buf[len(buf)-len(payload)-len(h.TCPOpts):], h.TCPOpts)
+ // Initialize the IP header.
+ ip := header.IPv4(buf)
+ ip.Encode(&header.IPv4Fields{
+ IHL: header.IPv4MinimumSize,
+ TotalLength: uint16(len(buf)),
+ TTL: 65,
+ Protocol: uint8(tcp.ProtocolNumber),
+ SrcAddr: TestAddr,
+ DstAddr: StackAddr,
+ })
+ ip.SetChecksum(^ip.CalculateChecksum())
+ // Initialize the TCP header.
+ t := header.TCP(buf[header.IPv4MinimumSize:])
+ t.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
+ SrcPort: h.SrcPort,
+ DstPort: h.DstPort,
+ SeqNum: uint32(h.SeqNum),
+ AckNum: uint32(h.AckNum),
+ DataOffset: uint8(header.TCPMinimumSize + len(h.TCPOpts)),
+ Flags: uint8(h.Flags),
+ WindowSize: uint16(h.RcvWnd),
+ })
+ // Calculate the TCP pseudo-header checksum.
+ xsum := header.Checksum([]byte(TestAddr), 0)
+ xsum = header.Checksum([]byte(StackAddr), xsum)
+ xsum = header.Checksum([]byte{0, uint8(tcp.ProtocolNumber)}, xsum)
+ // Calculate the TCP checksum and set it.
+ length := uint16(header.TCPMinimumSize + len(h.TCPOpts) + len(payload))
+ xsum = header.Checksum(payload, xsum)
+ t.SetChecksum(^t.CalculateChecksum(xsum, length))
+ // Inject packet.
+ var views [1]buffer.View
+ vv := buf.ToVectorisedView(views)
+ c.linkEP.Inject(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &vv)
+// SendAck sends an ACK packet.
+func (c *Context) SendAck(seq seqnum.Value, bytesReceived int) {
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &Headers{
+ SrcPort: TestPort,
+ DstPort: c.Port,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: seqnum.Value(testInitialSequenceNumber).Add(1),
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1 + seqnum.Size(bytesReceived)),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ })
+// ReceiveAndCheckPacket reads a packet from the link layer endpoint and
+// verifies that the packet packet payload of packet matches the slice
+// of data indicated by offset & size.
+func (c *Context) ReceiveAndCheckPacket(data []byte, offset, size int) {
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, b,
+ checker.PayloadLen(size+header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(TestPort),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS.Add(seqnum.Size(1+offset)))),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(seqnum.Value(testInitialSequenceNumber).Add(1))),
+ checker.TCPFlagsMatch(header.TCPFlagAck, ^uint8(header.TCPFlagPsh)),
+ ),
+ )
+ pdata := data[offset:][:size]
+ if p := b[header.IPv4MinimumSize+header.TCPMinimumSize:]; bytes.Compare(pdata, p) != 0 {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Data is different: expected %v, got %v", pdata, p)
+ }
+// CreateV6Endpoint creates and initializes c.ep as a IPv6 Endpoint. If v6Only
+// is true then it sets the IP_V6ONLY option on the socket to make it a IPv6
+// only endpoint instead of a default dual stack socket.
+func (c *Context) CreateV6Endpoint(v6only bool) {
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = c.s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, &c.WQ)
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ var v tcpip.V6OnlyOption
+ if v6only {
+ v = 1
+ }
+ if err := c.EP.SetSockOpt(v); err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+// GetV6Packet reads a single packet from the link layer endpoint of the context
+// and asserts that it is an IPv6 Packet with the expected src/dest addresses.
+func (c *Context) GetV6Packet() []byte {
+ select {
+ case p := <-c.linkEP.C:
+ if p.Proto != ipv6.ProtocolNumber {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Bad network protocol: got %v, wanted %v", p.Proto, ipv6.ProtocolNumber)
+ }
+ b := make([]byte, len(p.Header)+len(p.Payload))
+ copy(b, p.Header)
+ copy(b[len(p.Header):], p.Payload)
+ checker.IPv6(c.t, b, checker.SrcAddr(StackV6Addr), checker.DstAddr(TestV6Addr))
+ return b
+ case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
+ c.t.Fatalf("Packet wasn't written out")
+ }
+ return nil
+// SendV6Packet builds and sends an IPv6 Packet via the link layer endpoint of
+// the context.
+func (c *Context) SendV6Packet(payload []byte, h *Headers) {
+ // Allocate a buffer for data and headers.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(header.TCPMinimumSize + header.IPv6MinimumSize + len(payload))
+ copy(buf[len(buf)-len(payload):], payload)
+ // Initialize the IP header.
+ ip := header.IPv6(buf)
+ ip.Encode(&header.IPv6Fields{
+ PayloadLength: uint16(header.TCPMinimumSize + len(payload)),
+ NextHeader: uint8(tcp.ProtocolNumber),
+ HopLimit: 65,
+ SrcAddr: TestV6Addr,
+ DstAddr: StackV6Addr,
+ })
+ // Initialize the TCP header.
+ t := header.TCP(buf[header.IPv6MinimumSize:])
+ t.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
+ SrcPort: h.SrcPort,
+ DstPort: h.DstPort,
+ SeqNum: uint32(h.SeqNum),
+ AckNum: uint32(h.AckNum),
+ DataOffset: header.TCPMinimumSize,
+ Flags: uint8(h.Flags),
+ WindowSize: uint16(h.RcvWnd),
+ })
+ // Calculate the TCP pseudo-header checksum.
+ xsum := header.Checksum([]byte(TestV6Addr), 0)
+ xsum = header.Checksum([]byte(StackV6Addr), xsum)
+ xsum = header.Checksum([]byte{0, uint8(tcp.ProtocolNumber)}, xsum)
+ // Calculate the TCP checksum and set it.
+ length := uint16(header.TCPMinimumSize + len(payload))
+ xsum = header.Checksum(payload, xsum)
+ t.SetChecksum(^t.CalculateChecksum(xsum, length))
+ // Inject packet.
+ var views [1]buffer.View
+ vv := buf.ToVectorisedView(views)
+ c.linkEP.Inject(ipv6.ProtocolNumber, &vv)
+// CreateConnected creates a connected TCP endpoint.
+func (c *Context) CreateConnected(iss seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size, epRcvBuf *tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption) {
+ c.CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(iss, rcvWnd, epRcvBuf, nil)
+// CreateConnectedWithRawOptions creates a connected TCP endpoint and sends
+// the specified option bytes as the Option field in the initial SYN packet.
+// It also sets the receive buffer for the endpoint to the specified
+// value in epRcvBuf.
+func (c *Context) CreateConnectedWithRawOptions(iss seqnum.Value, rcvWnd seqnum.Size, epRcvBuf *tcpip.ReceiveBufferSizeOption, options []byte) {
+ // Create TCP endpoint.
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = c.s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &c.WQ)
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if epRcvBuf != nil {
+ if err := c.EP.SetSockOpt(*epRcvBuf); err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Start connection attempt.
+ waitEntry, notifyCh := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&waitEntry, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&waitEntry)
+ err = c.EP.Connect(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: TestAddr, Port: TestPort})
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Unexpected return value from Connect: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Receive SYN packet.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ ),
+ )
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ c.IRS = seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &Headers{
+ SrcPort: tcp.DestinationPort(),
+ DstPort: tcp.SourcePort(),
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: iss,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: rcvWnd,
+ TCPOpts: options,
+ })
+ // Receive ACK packet.
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, c.GetPacket(),
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS)+1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(iss)+1),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-notifyCh:
+ err = c.EP.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{})
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when connecting: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ c.t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for connection")
+ }
+ c.Port = tcp.SourcePort()
+// RawEndpoint is just a small wrapper around a TCP endpoint's state to make
+// sending data and ACK packets easy while being able to manipulate the sequence
+// numbers and timestamp values as needed.
+type RawEndpoint struct {
+ C *Context
+ SrcPort uint16
+ DstPort uint16
+ Flags int
+ NextSeqNum seqnum.Value
+ AckNum seqnum.Value
+ WndSize seqnum.Size
+ RecentTS uint32 // Stores the latest timestamp to echo back.
+ TSVal uint32 // TSVal stores the last timestamp sent by this endpoint.
+ // SackPermitted is true if SACKPermitted option was negotiated for this endpoint.
+ SACKPermitted bool
+// SendPacketWithTS embeds the provided tsVal in the Timestamp option
+// for the packet to be sent out.
+func (r *RawEndpoint) SendPacketWithTS(payload []byte, tsVal uint32) {
+ r.TSVal = tsVal
+ tsOpt := [12]byte{header.TCPOptionNOP, header.TCPOptionNOP}
+ header.EncodeTSOption(r.TSVal, r.RecentTS, tsOpt[2:])
+ r.SendPacket(payload, tsOpt[:])
+// SendPacket is a small wrapper function to build and send packets.
+func (r *RawEndpoint) SendPacket(payload []byte, opts []byte) {
+ packetHeaders := &Headers{
+ SrcPort: r.SrcPort,
+ DstPort: r.DstPort,
+ Flags: r.Flags,
+ SeqNum: r.NextSeqNum,
+ AckNum: r.AckNum,
+ RcvWnd: r.WndSize,
+ TCPOpts: opts,
+ }
+ r.C.SendPacket(payload, packetHeaders)
+ r.NextSeqNum = r.NextSeqNum.Add(seqnum.Size(len(payload)))
+// VerifyACKWithTS verifies that the tsEcr field in the ack matches the provided
+// tsVal.
+func (r *RawEndpoint) VerifyACKWithTS(tsVal uint32) {
+ // Read ACK and verify that tsEcr of ACK packet is [1,2,3,4]
+ ackPacket := r.C.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(r.C.t, ackPacket,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(r.SrcPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(r.AckNum)),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(r.NextSeqNum)),
+ checker.TCPTimestampChecker(true, 0, tsVal),
+ ),
+ )
+ // Store the parsed TSVal from the ack as recentTS.
+ tcpSeg := header.TCP(header.IPv4(ackPacket).Payload())
+ opts := tcpSeg.ParsedOptions()
+ r.RecentTS = opts.TSVal
+// VerifyACKNoSACK verifies that the ACK does not contain a SACK block.
+func (r *RawEndpoint) VerifyACKNoSACK() {
+ r.VerifyACKHasSACK(nil)
+// VerifyACKHasSACK verifies that the ACK contains the specified SACKBlocks.
+func (r *RawEndpoint) VerifyACKHasSACK(sackBlocks []header.SACKBlock) {
+ // Read ACK and verify that the TCP options in the segment do
+ // not contain a SACK block.
+ ackPacket := r.C.GetPacket()
+ checker.IPv4(r.C.t, ackPacket,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(r.SrcPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(r.AckNum)),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(r.NextSeqNum)),
+ checker.TCPSACKBlockChecker(sackBlocks),
+ ),
+ )
+// CreateConnectedWithOptions creates and connects c.ep with the specified TCP
+// options enabled and returns a RawEndpoint which represents the other end of
+// the connection.
+// It also verifies where required(eg.Timestamp) that the ACK to the SYN-ACK
+// does not carry an option that was not requested.
+func (c *Context) CreateConnectedWithOptions(wantOptions header.TCPSynOptions) *RawEndpoint {
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ c.EP, err = c.s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &c.WQ)
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("c.s.NewEndpoint(tcp, ipv4...) = %v", err)
+ }
+ // Start connection attempt.
+ waitEntry, notifyCh := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ c.WQ.EventRegister(&waitEntry, waiter.EventOut)
+ defer c.WQ.EventUnregister(&waitEntry)
+ testFullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: TestAddr, Port: TestPort}
+ err = c.EP.Connect(testFullAddr)
+ if err != tcpip.ErrConnectStarted {
+ c.t.Fatalf("c.ep.Connect(%v) = %v", testFullAddr, err)
+ }
+ // Receive SYN packet.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ // Validate that the syn has the timestamp option and a valid
+ // TS value.
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, b,
+ checker.TCP(
+ checker.DstPort(TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ checker.TCPSynOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{
+ MSS: uint16(c.linkEP.MTU() - header.IPv4MinimumSize - header.TCPMinimumSize),
+ TS: true,
+ WS: defaultWindowScale,
+ SACKPermitted: c.SACKEnabled(),
+ }),
+ ),
+ )
+ tcpSeg := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ synOptions := header.ParseSynOptions(tcpSeg.Options(), false)
+ // Build options w/ tsVal to be sent in the SYN-ACK.
+ synAckOptions := make([]byte, 40)
+ offset := 0
+ if wantOptions.TS {
+ offset += header.EncodeTSOption(wantOptions.TSVal, synOptions.TSVal, synAckOptions[offset:])
+ }
+ if wantOptions.SACKPermitted {
+ offset += header.EncodeSACKPermittedOption(synAckOptions[offset:])
+ }
+ offset += header.AddTCPOptionPadding(synAckOptions, offset)
+ // Build SYN-ACK.
+ c.IRS = seqnum.Value(tcpSeg.SequenceNumber())
+ iss := seqnum.Value(testInitialSequenceNumber)
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &Headers{
+ SrcPort: tcpSeg.DestinationPort(),
+ DstPort: tcpSeg.SourcePort(),
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn | header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: iss,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ TCPOpts: synAckOptions[:offset],
+ })
+ // Read ACK.
+ ackPacket := c.GetPacket()
+ // Verify TCP header fields.
+ tcpCheckers := []checker.TransportChecker{
+ checker.DstPort(TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck),
+ checker.SeqNum(uint32(c.IRS) + 1),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(iss) + 1),
+ }
+ // Verify that tsEcr of ACK packet is wantOptions.TSVal if the
+ // timestamp option was enabled, if not then we verify that
+ // there is no timestamp in the ACK packet.
+ if wantOptions.TS {
+ tcpCheckers = append(tcpCheckers, checker.TCPTimestampChecker(true, 0, wantOptions.TSVal))
+ } else {
+ tcpCheckers = append(tcpCheckers, checker.TCPTimestampChecker(false, 0, 0))
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, ackPacket, checker.TCP(tcpCheckers...))
+ ackSeg := header.TCP(header.IPv4(ackPacket).Payload())
+ ackOptions := ackSeg.ParsedOptions()
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-notifyCh:
+ err = c.EP.GetSockOpt(tcpip.ErrorOption{})
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when connecting: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ c.t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for connection")
+ }
+ // Store the source port in use by the endpoint.
+ c.Port = tcpSeg.SourcePort()
+ // Mark in context that timestamp option is enabled for this endpoint.
+ c.TimeStampEnabled = true
+ return &RawEndpoint{
+ C: c,
+ SrcPort: tcpSeg.DestinationPort(),
+ DstPort: tcpSeg.SourcePort(),
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagPsh,
+ NextSeqNum: iss + 1,
+ AckNum: c.IRS.Add(1),
+ WndSize: 30000,
+ RecentTS: ackOptions.TSVal,
+ TSVal: wantOptions.TSVal,
+ SACKPermitted: wantOptions.SACKPermitted,
+ }
+// AcceptWithOptions initializes a listening endpoint and connects to it with the
+// provided options enabled. It also verifies that the SYN-ACK has the expected
+// values for the provided options.
+// The function returns a RawEndpoint representing the other end of the accepted
+// endpoint.
+func (c *Context) AcceptWithOptions(wndScale int, synOptions header.TCPSynOptions) *RawEndpoint {
+ // Create EP and start listening.
+ wq := &waiter.Queue{}
+ ep, err := c.s.NewEndpoint(tcp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Port: StackPort}, nil); err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Bind failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Listen(10); err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Listen failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ rep := c.PassiveConnectWithOptions(100, wndScale, synOptions)
+ // Try to accept the connection.
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ // Wait for connection to be established.
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ c.EP, _, err = ep.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ c.t.Fatalf("Accept failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
+ c.t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for accept")
+ }
+ }
+ return rep
+// PassiveConnect just disables WindowScaling and delegates the call to
+// PassiveConnectWithOptions.
+func (c *Context) PassiveConnect(maxPayload, wndScale int, synOptions header.TCPSynOptions) {
+ synOptions.WS = -1
+ c.PassiveConnectWithOptions(maxPayload, wndScale, synOptions)
+// PassiveConnectWithOptions initiates a new connection (with the specified TCP
+// options enabled) to the port on which the Context.ep is listening for new
+// connections. It also validates that the SYN-ACK has the expected values for
+// the enabled options.
+// NOTE: MSS is not a negotiated option and it can be asymmetric
+// in each direction. This function uses the maxPayload to set the MSS to be
+// sent to the peer on a connect and validates that the MSS in the SYN-ACK
+// response is equal to the MTU - (tcphdr len + iphdr len).
+// wndScale is the expected window scale in the SYN-ACK and synOptions.WS is the
+// value of the window scaling option to be sent in the SYN. If synOptions.WS >
+// 0 then we send the WindowScale option.
+func (c *Context) PassiveConnectWithOptions(maxPayload, wndScale int, synOptions header.TCPSynOptions) *RawEndpoint {
+ opts := make([]byte, 40)
+ offset := 0
+ offset += header.EncodeMSSOption(uint32(maxPayload), opts)
+ if synOptions.WS >= 0 {
+ offset += header.EncodeWSOption(3, opts[offset:])
+ }
+ if synOptions.TS {
+ offset += header.EncodeTSOption(synOptions.TSVal, synOptions.TSEcr, opts[offset:])
+ }
+ if synOptions.SACKPermitted {
+ offset += header.EncodeSACKPermittedOption(opts[offset:])
+ }
+ paddingToAdd := 4 - offset%4
+ // Now add any padding bytes that might be required to quad align the
+ // options.
+ for i := offset; i < offset+paddingToAdd; i++ {
+ opts[i] = header.TCPOptionNOP
+ }
+ offset += paddingToAdd
+ // Send a SYN request.
+ iss := seqnum.Value(testInitialSequenceNumber)
+ c.SendPacket(nil, &Headers{
+ SrcPort: TestPort,
+ DstPort: StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagSyn,
+ SeqNum: iss,
+ RcvWnd: 30000,
+ TCPOpts: opts[:offset],
+ })
+ // Receive the SYN-ACK reply. Make sure MSS and other expected options
+ // are present.
+ b := c.GetPacket()
+ tcp := header.TCP(header.IPv4(b).Payload())
+ c.IRS = seqnum.Value(tcp.SequenceNumber())
+ tcpCheckers := []checker.TransportChecker{
+ checker.SrcPort(StackPort),
+ checker.DstPort(TestPort),
+ checker.TCPFlags(header.TCPFlagAck | header.TCPFlagSyn),
+ checker.AckNum(uint32(iss) + 1),
+ checker.TCPSynOptions(header.TCPSynOptions{MSS: synOptions.MSS, WS: wndScale, SACKPermitted: synOptions.SACKPermitted && c.SACKEnabled()}),
+ }
+ // If TS option was enabled in the original SYN then add a checker to
+ // validate the Timestamp option in the SYN-ACK.
+ if synOptions.TS {
+ tcpCheckers = append(tcpCheckers, checker.TCPTimestampChecker(synOptions.TS, 0, synOptions.TSVal))
+ } else {
+ tcpCheckers = append(tcpCheckers, checker.TCPTimestampChecker(false, 0, 0))
+ }
+ checker.IPv4(c.t, b, checker.TCP(tcpCheckers...))
+ rcvWnd := seqnum.Size(30000)
+ ackHeaders := &Headers{
+ SrcPort: TestPort,
+ DstPort: StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagAck,
+ SeqNum: iss + 1,
+ AckNum: c.IRS + 1,
+ RcvWnd: rcvWnd,
+ }
+ // If WS was expected to be in effect then scale the advertised window
+ // correspondingly.
+ if synOptions.WS > 0 {
+ ackHeaders.RcvWnd = rcvWnd >> byte(synOptions.WS)
+ }
+ parsedOpts := tcp.ParsedOptions()
+ if synOptions.TS {
+ // Echo the tsVal back to the peer in the tsEcr field of the
+ // timestamp option.
+ // Increment TSVal by 1 from the value sent in the SYN and echo
+ // the TSVal in the SYN-ACK in the TSEcr field.
+ opts := [12]byte{header.TCPOptionNOP, header.TCPOptionNOP}
+ header.EncodeTSOption(synOptions.TSVal+1, parsedOpts.TSVal, opts[2:])
+ ackHeaders.TCPOpts = opts[:]
+ }
+ // Send ACK.
+ c.SendPacket(nil, ackHeaders)
+ c.Port = StackPort
+ return &RawEndpoint{
+ C: c,
+ SrcPort: TestPort,
+ DstPort: StackPort,
+ Flags: header.TCPFlagPsh | header.TCPFlagAck,
+ NextSeqNum: iss + 1,
+ AckNum: c.IRS + 1,
+ WndSize: rcvWnd,
+ SACKPermitted: synOptions.SACKPermitted && c.SACKEnabled(),
+ RecentTS: parsedOpts.TSVal,
+ TSVal: synOptions.TSVal + 1,
+ }
+// SACKEnabled returns true if the TCP Protocol option SACKEnabled is set to true
+// for the Stack in the context.
+func (c *Context) SACKEnabled() bool {
+ var v tcp.SACKEnabled
+ if err := c.Stack().TransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, &v); err != nil {
+ // Stack doesn't support SACK. So just return.
+ return false
+ }
+ return bool(v)
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/timer.go b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/timer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7aa824d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/transport/tcp/timer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package tcp
+import (
+ "time"
+ ""
+type timerState int
+const (
+ timerStateDisabled timerState = iota
+ timerStateEnabled
+ timerStateOrphaned
+// timer is a timer implementation that reduces the interactions with the
+// runtime timer infrastructure by letting timers run (and potentially
+// eventually expire) even if they are stopped. It makes it cheaper to
+// disable/reenable timers at the expense of spurious wakes. This is useful for
+// cases when the same timer is disabled/reenabled repeatedly with relatively
+// long timeouts farther into the future.
+// TCP retransmit timers benefit from this because they the timeouts are long
+// (currently at least 200ms), and get disabled when acks are received, and
+// reenabled when new pending segments are sent.
+// It is advantageous to avoid interacting with the runtime because it acquires
+// a global mutex and performs O(log n) operations, where n is the global number
+// of timers, whenever a timer is enabled or disabled, and may make a syscall.
+// This struct is thread-compatible.
+type timer struct {
+ // state is the current state of the timer, it can be one of the
+ // following values:
+ // disabled - the timer is disabled.
+ // orphaned - the timer is disabled, but the runtime timer is
+ // enabled, which means that it will evetually cause a
+ // spurious wake (unless it gets enabled again before
+ // then).
+ // enabled - the timer is enabled, but the runtime timer may be set
+ // to an earlier expiration time due to a previous
+ // orphaned state.
+ state timerState
+ // target is the expiration time of the current timer. It is only
+ // meaningful in the enabled state.
+ target time.Time
+ // runtimeTarget is the expiration time of the runtime timer. It is
+ // meaningful in the enabled and orphaned states.
+ runtimeTarget time.Time
+ // timer is the runtime timer used to wait on.
+ timer *time.Timer
+// init initializes the timer. Once it expires, it the given waker will be
+// asserted.
+func (t *timer) init(w *sleep.Waker) {
+ t.state = timerStateDisabled
+ // Initialize a runtime timer that will assert the waker, then
+ // immediately stop it.
+ t.timer = time.AfterFunc(time.Hour, func() {
+ w.Assert()
+ })
+ t.timer.Stop()
+// cleanup frees all resources associated with the timer.
+func (t *timer) cleanup() {
+ t.timer.Stop()
+// checkExpiration checks if the given timer has actually expired, it should be
+// called whenever a sleeper wakes up due to the waker being asserted, and is
+// used to check if it's a supurious wake (due to a previously orphaned timer)
+// or a legitimate one.
+func (t *timer) checkExpiration() bool {
+ // Transition to fully disabled state if we're just consuming an
+ // orphaned timer.
+ if t.state == timerStateOrphaned {
+ t.state = timerStateDisabled
+ return false
+ }
+ // The timer is enabled, but it may have expired early. Check if that's
+ // the case, and if so, reset the runtime timer to the correct time.
+ now := time.Now()
+ if now.Before( {
+ t.runtimeTarget =
+ t.timer.Reset(
+ return false
+ }
+ // The timer has actually expired, disable it for now and inform the
+ // caller.
+ t.state = timerStateDisabled
+ return true
+// disable disables the timer, leaving it in an orphaned state if it wasn't
+// already disabled.
+func (t *timer) disable() {
+ if t.state != timerStateDisabled {
+ t.state = timerStateOrphaned
+ }
+// enabled returns true if the timer is currently enabled, false otherwise.
+func (t *timer) enabled() bool {
+ return t.state == timerStateEnabled
+// enable enables the timer, programming the runtime timer if necessary.
+func (t *timer) enable(d time.Duration) {
+ = time.Now().Add(d)
+ // Check if we need to set the runtime timer.
+ if t.state == timerStateDisabled || {
+ t.runtimeTarget =
+ t.timer.Reset(d)
+ }
+ t.state = timerStateEnabled