path: root/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
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1 files changed, 282 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
index 780a5ebde..defb9129b 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
package stack
import (
+ "fmt"
@@ -152,10 +154,10 @@ type TransportProtocol interface {
Number() tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber
// NewEndpoint creates a new endpoint of the transport protocol.
- NewEndpoint(stack *Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waitQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error)
+ NewEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waitQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error)
// NewRawEndpoint creates a new raw endpoint of the transport protocol.
- NewRawEndpoint(stack *Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waitQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error)
+ NewRawEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waitQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error)
// MinimumPacketSize returns the minimum valid packet size of this
// transport protocol. The stack automatically drops any packets smaller
@@ -206,6 +208,10 @@ const (
// transport layer and callers need not take any further action.
TransportPacketHandled TransportPacketDisposition = iota
+ // TransportPacketProtocolUnreachable indicates that the transport
+ // protocol requested in the packet is not supported.
+ TransportPacketProtocolUnreachable
// TransportPacketDestinationPortUnreachable indicates that there weren't any
// listeners interested in the packet and the transport protocol has no means
// to notify the sender.
@@ -259,9 +265,252 @@ type NetworkHeaderParams struct {
TOS uint8
+// GroupAddressableEndpoint is an endpoint that supports group addressing.
+// An endpoint is considered to support group addressing when one or more
+// endpoints may associate themselves with the same identifier (group address).
+type GroupAddressableEndpoint interface {
+ // JoinGroup joins the spcified group.
+ //
+ // Returns true if the group was newly joined.
+ JoinGroup(group tcpip.Address) (bool, *tcpip.Error)
+ // LeaveGroup attempts to leave the specified group.
+ //
+ // Returns tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress if the endpoint has not joined the group.
+ LeaveGroup(group tcpip.Address) (bool, *tcpip.Error)
+ // IsInGroup returns true if the endpoint is a member of the specified group.
+ IsInGroup(group tcpip.Address) bool
+// PrimaryEndpointBehavior is an enumeration of an AddressEndpoint's primary
+// behavior.
+type PrimaryEndpointBehavior int
+const (
+ // CanBePrimaryEndpoint indicates the endpoint can be used as a primary
+ // endpoint for new connections with no local address. This is the
+ // default when calling NIC.AddAddress.
+ CanBePrimaryEndpoint PrimaryEndpointBehavior = iota
+ // FirstPrimaryEndpoint indicates the endpoint should be the first
+ // primary endpoint considered. If there are multiple endpoints with
+ // this behavior, they are ordered by recency.
+ FirstPrimaryEndpoint
+ // NeverPrimaryEndpoint indicates the endpoint should never be a
+ // primary endpoint.
+ NeverPrimaryEndpoint
+// AddressConfigType is the method used to add an address.
+type AddressConfigType int
+const (
+ // AddressConfigStatic is a statically configured address endpoint that was
+ // added by some user-specified action (adding an explicit address, joining a
+ // multicast group).
+ AddressConfigStatic AddressConfigType = iota
+ // AddressConfigSlaac is an address endpoint added by SLAAC, as per RFC 4862
+ // section 5.5.3.
+ AddressConfigSlaac
+ // AddressConfigSlaacTemp is a temporary address endpoint added by SLAAC as
+ // per RFC 4941. Temporary SLAAC addresses are short-lived and are not
+ // to be valid (or preferred) forever; hence the term temporary.
+ AddressConfigSlaacTemp
+// AssignableAddressEndpoint is a reference counted address endpoint that may be
+// assigned to a NetworkEndpoint.
+type AssignableAddressEndpoint interface {
+ // AddressWithPrefix returns the endpoint's address.
+ AddressWithPrefix() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
+ // IsAssigned returns whether or not the endpoint is considered bound
+ // to its NetworkEndpoint.
+ IsAssigned(allowExpired bool) bool
+ // IncRef increments this endpoint's reference count.
+ //
+ // Returns true if it was successfully incremented. If it returns false, then
+ // the endpoint is considered expired and should no longer be used.
+ IncRef() bool
+ // DecRef decrements this endpoint's reference count.
+ DecRef()
+// AddressEndpoint is an endpoint representing an address assigned to an
+// AddressableEndpoint.
+type AddressEndpoint interface {
+ AssignableAddressEndpoint
+ // GetKind returns the address kind for this endpoint.
+ GetKind() AddressKind
+ // SetKind sets the address kind for this endpoint.
+ SetKind(AddressKind)
+ // ConfigType returns the method used to add the address.
+ ConfigType() AddressConfigType
+ // Deprecated returns whether or not this endpoint is deprecated.
+ Deprecated() bool
+ // SetDeprecated sets this endpoint's deprecated status.
+ SetDeprecated(bool)
+// AddressKind is the kind of of an address.
+// See the values of AddressKind for more details.
+type AddressKind int
+const (
+ // PermanentTentative is a permanent address endpoint that is not yet
+ // considered to be fully bound to an interface in the traditional
+ // sense. That is, the address is associated with a NIC, but packets
+ // destined to the address MUST NOT be accepted and MUST be silently
+ // dropped, and the address MUST NOT be used as a source address for
+ // outgoing packets. For IPv6, addresses are of this kind until NDP's
+ // Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) resolves. If DAD fails, the address
+ // is removed.
+ PermanentTentative AddressKind = iota
+ // Permanent is a permanent endpoint (vs. a temporary one) assigned to the
+ // NIC. Its reference count is biased by 1 to avoid removal when no route
+ // holds a reference to it. It is removed by explicitly removing the address
+ // from the NIC.
+ Permanent
+ // PermanentExpired is a permanent endpoint that had its address removed from
+ // the NIC, and it is waiting to be removed once no references to it are held.
+ //
+ // If the address is re-added before the endpoint is removed, its type
+ // changes back to Permanent.
+ PermanentExpired
+ // Temporary is an endpoint, created on a one-off basis to temporarily
+ // consider the NIC bound an an address that it is not explictiy bound to
+ // (such as a permanent address). Its reference count must not be biased by 1
+ // so that the address is removed immediately when references to it are no
+ // longer held.
+ //
+ // A temporary endpoint may be promoted to permanent if the address is added
+ // permanently.
+ Temporary
+// IsPermanent returns true if the AddressKind represents a permanent address.
+func (k AddressKind) IsPermanent() bool {
+ switch k {
+ case Permanent, PermanentTentative:
+ return true
+ case Temporary, PermanentExpired:
+ return false
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized address kind = %d", k))
+ }
+// AddressableEndpoint is an endpoint that supports addressing.
+// An endpoint is considered to support addressing when the endpoint may
+// associate itself with an identifier (address).
+type AddressableEndpoint interface {
+ // AddAndAcquirePermanentAddress adds the passed permanent address.
+ //
+ // Returns tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress if the address exists.
+ //
+ // Acquires and returns the AddressEndpoint for the added address.
+ AddAndAcquirePermanentAddress(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, configType AddressConfigType, deprecated bool) (AddressEndpoint, *tcpip.Error)
+ // RemovePermanentAddress removes the passed address if it is a permanent
+ // address.
+ //
+ // Returns tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress if the endpoint does not have the passed
+ // permanent address.
+ RemovePermanentAddress(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error
+ // MainAddress returns the endpoint's primary permanent address.
+ MainAddress() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
+ // AcquireAssignedAddress returns an address endpoint for the passed address
+ // that is considered bound to the endpoint, optionally creating a temporary
+ // endpoint if requested and no existing address exists.
+ //
+ // The returned endpoint's reference count is incremented.
+ //
+ // Returns nil if the specified address is not local to this endpoint.
+ AcquireAssignedAddress(localAddr tcpip.Address, allowTemp bool, tempPEB PrimaryEndpointBehavior) AddressEndpoint
+ // AcquireOutgoingPrimaryAddress returns a primary address that may be used as
+ // a source address when sending packets to the passed remote address.
+ //
+ // If allowExpired is true, expired addresses may be returned.
+ //
+ // The returned endpoint's reference count is incremented.
+ //
+ // Returns nil if a primary address is not available.
+ AcquireOutgoingPrimaryAddress(remoteAddr tcpip.Address, allowExpired bool) AddressEndpoint
+ // PrimaryAddresses returns the primary addresses.
+ PrimaryAddresses() []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
+ // PermanentAddresses returns all the permanent addresses.
+ PermanentAddresses() []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
+// NDPEndpoint is a network endpoint that supports NDP.
+type NDPEndpoint interface {
+ NetworkEndpoint
+ // InvalidateDefaultRouter invalidates a default router discovered through
+ // NDP.
+ InvalidateDefaultRouter(tcpip.Address)
+// NetworkInterface is a network interface.
+type NetworkInterface interface {
+ NetworkLinkEndpoint
+ // ID returns the interface's ID.
+ ID() tcpip.NICID
+ // IsLoopback returns true if the interface is a loopback interface.
+ IsLoopback() bool
+ // Name returns the name of the interface.
+ //
+ // May return an empty string if the interface is not configured with a name.
+ Name() string
+ // Enabled returns true if the interface is enabled.
+ Enabled() bool
// NetworkEndpoint is the interface that needs to be implemented by endpoints
// of network layer protocols (e.g., ipv4, ipv6).
type NetworkEndpoint interface {
+ AddressableEndpoint
+ // Enable enables the endpoint.
+ //
+ // Must only be called when the stack is in a state that allows the endpoint
+ // to send and receive packets.
+ //
+ // Returns tcpip.ErrNotPermitted if the endpoint cannot be enabled.
+ Enable() *tcpip.Error
+ // Enabled returns true if the endpoint is enabled.
+ Enabled() bool
+ // Disable disables the endpoint.
+ Disable()
// DefaultTTL is the default time-to-live value (or hop limit, in ipv6)
// for this endpoint.
DefaultTTL() uint8
@@ -271,10 +520,6 @@ type NetworkEndpoint interface {
// minus the network endpoint max header length.
MTU() uint32
- // Capabilities returns the set of capabilities supported by the
- // underlying link-layer endpoint.
- Capabilities() LinkEndpointCapabilities
// MaxHeaderLength returns the maximum size the network (and lower
// level layers combined) headers can have. Higher levels use this
// information to reserve space in the front of the packets they're
@@ -295,9 +540,6 @@ type NetworkEndpoint interface {
// header to the given destination address. It takes ownership of pkt.
WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r *Route, pkt *PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error
- // NICID returns the id of the NIC this endpoint belongs to.
- NICID() tcpip.NICID
// HandlePacket is called by the link layer when new packets arrive to
// this network endpoint. It sets pkt.NetworkHeader.
@@ -312,6 +554,17 @@ type NetworkEndpoint interface {
NetworkProtocolNumber() tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
+// ForwardingNetworkProtocol is a NetworkProtocol that may forward packets.
+type ForwardingNetworkProtocol interface {
+ NetworkProtocol
+ // Forwarding returns the forwarding configuration.
+ Forwarding() bool
+ // SetForwarding sets the forwarding configuration.
+ SetForwarding(bool)
// NetworkProtocol is the interface that needs to be implemented by network
// protocols (e.g., ipv4, ipv6) that want to be part of the networking stack.
type NetworkProtocol interface {
@@ -331,7 +584,7 @@ type NetworkProtocol interface {
ParseAddresses(v buffer.View) (src, dst tcpip.Address)
// NewEndpoint creates a new endpoint of this protocol.
- NewEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, linkAddrCache LinkAddressCache, nud NUDHandler, dispatcher TransportDispatcher, sender LinkEndpoint, st *Stack) NetworkEndpoint
+ NewEndpoint(nic NetworkInterface, linkAddrCache LinkAddressCache, nud NUDHandler, dispatcher TransportDispatcher) NetworkEndpoint
// SetOption allows enabling/disabling protocol specific features.
// SetOption returns an error if the option is not supported or the
@@ -409,22 +662,15 @@ const (
-// LinkEndpoint is the interface implemented by data link layer protocols (e.g.,
-// ethernet, loopback, raw) and used by network layer protocols to send packets
-// out through the implementer's data link endpoint. When a link header exists,
-// it sets each PacketBuffer's LinkHeader field before passing it up the
-// stack.
-type LinkEndpoint interface {
+// NetworkLinkEndpoint is a data-link layer that supports sending network
+// layer packets.
+type NetworkLinkEndpoint interface {
// MTU is the maximum transmission unit for this endpoint. This is
// usually dictated by the backing physical network; when such a
// physical network doesn't exist, the limit is generally 64k, which
// includes the maximum size of an IP packet.
MTU() uint32
- // Capabilities returns the set of capabilities supported by the
- // endpoint.
- Capabilities() LinkEndpointCapabilities
// MaxHeaderLength returns the maximum size the data link (and
// lower level layers combined) headers can have. Higher levels use this
// information to reserve space in the front of the packets they're
@@ -432,7 +678,7 @@ type LinkEndpoint interface {
MaxHeaderLength() uint16
// LinkAddress returns the link address (typically a MAC) of the
- // link endpoint.
+ // endpoint.
LinkAddress() tcpip.LinkAddress
// WritePacket writes a packet with the given protocol through the
@@ -452,6 +698,19 @@ type LinkEndpoint interface {
// offload is enabled. If it will be used for something else, it may
// require to change syscall filters.
WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, pkts PacketBufferList, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (int, *tcpip.Error)
+// LinkEndpoint is the interface implemented by data link layer protocols (e.g.,
+// ethernet, loopback, raw) and used by network layer protocols to send packets
+// out through the implementer's data link endpoint. When a link header exists,
+// it sets each PacketBuffer's LinkHeader field before passing it up the
+// stack.
+type LinkEndpoint interface {
+ NetworkLinkEndpoint
+ // Capabilities returns the set of capabilities supported by the
+ // endpoint.
+ Capabilities() LinkEndpointCapabilities
// WriteRawPacket writes a packet directly to the link. The packet
// should already have an ethernet header. It takes ownership of vv.
@@ -460,8 +719,8 @@ type LinkEndpoint interface {
// Attach attaches the data link layer endpoint to the network-layer
// dispatcher of the stack.
- // Attach will be called with a nil dispatcher if the receiver's associated
- // NIC is being removed.
+ // Attach is called with a nil dispatcher when the endpoint's NIC is being
+ // removed.
Attach(dispatcher NetworkDispatcher)
// IsAttached returns whether a NetworkDispatcher is attached to the