path: root/pkg/syserr/syserr.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/syserr/syserr.go')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/syserr/syserr.go b/pkg/syserr/syserr.go
index d70521f32..b679f3046 100644
--- a/pkg/syserr/syserr.go
+++ b/pkg/syserr/syserr.go
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ import (
- ""
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
// Error represents an internal error.
@@ -31,34 +33,33 @@ type Error struct {
message string
// noTranslation indicates that this Error cannot be translated to a
- // linux.Errno.
+ // errno.Errno.
noTranslation bool
- // errno is the linux.Errno this Error should be translated to.
- errno linux.Errno
+ // errno is the errno.Errno this Error should be translated to.
+ errno errno.Errno
// New creates a new Error and adds a translation for it.
// New must only be called at init.
-func New(message string, linuxTranslation linux.Errno) *Error {
+func New(message string, linuxTranslation errno.Errno) *Error {
err := &Error{message: message, errno: linuxTranslation}
// TODO(b/34162363): Remove this.
- errno := linuxTranslation
- if errno < 0 || int(errno) >= len(linuxBackwardsTranslations) {
- panic(fmt.Sprint("invalid errno: ", errno))
+ if int(err.errno) >= len(linuxBackwardsTranslations) {
+ panic(fmt.Sprint("invalid errno: ", err.errno))
- e := error(unix.Errno(errno))
- // syserror.ErrWouldBlock gets translated to syserror.EWOULDBLOCK and
+ e := error(unix.Errno(err.errno))
+ // linuxerr.ErrWouldBlock gets translated to linuxerr.EWOULDBLOCK and
// enables proper blocking semantics. This should temporary address the
// class of blocking bugs that keep popping up with the current state of
// the error space.
- if e == syserror.EWOULDBLOCK {
- e = syserror.ErrWouldBlock
+ if err.errno == linuxerr.EWOULDBLOCK.Errno() {
+ e = linuxerr.ErrWouldBlock
- linuxBackwardsTranslations[errno] = linuxBackwardsTranslation{err: e, ok: true}
+ linuxBackwardsTranslations[err.errno] = linuxBackwardsTranslation{err: e, ok: true}
return err
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ func New(message string, linuxTranslation linux.Errno) *Error {
// NewDynamic should only be used sparingly and not be used for static error
// messages. Errors with static error messages should be declared with New as
// global variables.
-func NewDynamic(message string, linuxTranslation linux.Errno) *Error {
+func NewDynamic(message string, linuxTranslation errno.Errno) *Error {
return &Error{message: message, errno: linuxTranslation}
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ func NewWithoutTranslation(message string) *Error {
return &Error{message: message, noTranslation: true}
-func newWithHost(message string, linuxTranslation linux.Errno, hostErrno unix.Errno) *Error {
+func newWithHost(message string, linuxTranslation errno.Errno, hostErrno unix.Errno) *Error {
e := New(message, linuxTranslation)
addLinuxHostTranslation(hostErrno, e)
return e
@@ -114,19 +115,19 @@ func (e *Error) ToError() error {
if e.noTranslation {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error %q does not support translation", e.message))
- errno := int(e.errno)
- if errno == linux.NOERRNO {
+ err := int(e.errno)
+ if err == errno.NOERRNO {
return nil
- if errno <= 0 || errno >= len(linuxBackwardsTranslations) || !linuxBackwardsTranslations[errno].ok {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown error %q (%d)", e.message, errno))
+ if err >= len(linuxBackwardsTranslations) || !linuxBackwardsTranslations[err].ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown error %q (%d)", e.message, err))
- return linuxBackwardsTranslations[errno].err
+ return linuxBackwardsTranslations[err].err
// ToLinux converts the Error to a Linux ABI error that can be returned to the
// application.
-func (e *Error) ToLinux() linux.Errno {
+func (e *Error) ToLinux() errno.Errno {
if e.noTranslation {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No Linux ABI translation available for %q", e.message))
@@ -138,137 +139,137 @@ func (e *Error) ToLinux() linux.Errno {
// Some of the errors should be replaced with package specific errors and
// others should be removed entirely.
var (
- ErrNotPermitted = newWithHost("operation not permitted", linux.EPERM, unix.EPERM)
- ErrNoFileOrDir = newWithHost("no such file or directory", linux.ENOENT, unix.ENOENT)
- ErrNoProcess = newWithHost("no such process", linux.ESRCH, unix.ESRCH)
- ErrInterrupted = newWithHost("interrupted system call", linux.EINTR, unix.EINTR)
- ErrIO = newWithHost("I/O error", linux.EIO, unix.EIO)
- ErrDeviceOrAddress = newWithHost("no such device or address", linux.ENXIO, unix.ENXIO)
- ErrTooManyArgs = newWithHost("argument list too long", linux.E2BIG, unix.E2BIG)
- ErrEcec = newWithHost("exec format error", linux.ENOEXEC, unix.ENOEXEC)
- ErrBadFD = newWithHost("bad file number", linux.EBADF, unix.EBADF)
- ErrNoChild = newWithHost("no child processes", linux.ECHILD, unix.ECHILD)
- ErrTryAgain = newWithHost("try again", linux.EAGAIN, unix.EAGAIN)
- ErrNoMemory = newWithHost("out of memory", linux.ENOMEM, unix.ENOMEM)
- ErrPermissionDenied = newWithHost("permission denied", linux.EACCES, unix.EACCES)
- ErrBadAddress = newWithHost("bad address", linux.EFAULT, unix.EFAULT)
- ErrNotBlockDevice = newWithHost("block device required", linux.ENOTBLK, unix.ENOTBLK)
- ErrBusy = newWithHost("device or resource busy", linux.EBUSY, unix.EBUSY)
- ErrExists = newWithHost("file exists", linux.EEXIST, unix.EEXIST)
- ErrCrossDeviceLink = newWithHost("cross-device link", linux.EXDEV, unix.EXDEV)
- ErrNoDevice = newWithHost("no such device", linux.ENODEV, unix.ENODEV)
- ErrNotDir = newWithHost("not a directory", linux.ENOTDIR, unix.ENOTDIR)
- ErrIsDir = newWithHost("is a directory", linux.EISDIR, unix.EISDIR)
- ErrInvalidArgument = newWithHost("invalid argument", linux.EINVAL, unix.EINVAL)
- ErrFileTableOverflow = newWithHost("file table overflow", linux.ENFILE, unix.ENFILE)
- ErrTooManyOpenFiles = newWithHost("too many open files", linux.EMFILE, unix.EMFILE)
- ErrNotTTY = newWithHost("not a typewriter", linux.ENOTTY, unix.ENOTTY)
- ErrTestFileBusy = newWithHost("text file busy", linux.ETXTBSY, unix.ETXTBSY)
- ErrFileTooBig = newWithHost("file too large", linux.EFBIG, unix.EFBIG)
- ErrNoSpace = newWithHost("no space left on device", linux.ENOSPC, unix.ENOSPC)
- ErrIllegalSeek = newWithHost("illegal seek", linux.ESPIPE, unix.ESPIPE)
- ErrReadOnlyFS = newWithHost("read-only file system", linux.EROFS, unix.EROFS)
- ErrTooManyLinks = newWithHost("too many links", linux.EMLINK, unix.EMLINK)
- ErrBrokenPipe = newWithHost("broken pipe", linux.EPIPE, unix.EPIPE)
- ErrDomain = newWithHost("math argument out of domain of func", linux.EDOM, unix.EDOM)
- ErrRange = newWithHost("math result not representable", linux.ERANGE, unix.ERANGE)
- ErrDeadlock = newWithHost("resource deadlock would occur", linux.EDEADLOCK, unix.EDEADLOCK)
- ErrNameTooLong = newWithHost("file name too long", linux.ENAMETOOLONG, unix.ENAMETOOLONG)
- ErrNoLocksAvailable = newWithHost("no record locks available", linux.ENOLCK, unix.ENOLCK)
- ErrInvalidSyscall = newWithHost("invalid system call number", linux.ENOSYS, unix.ENOSYS)
- ErrDirNotEmpty = newWithHost("directory not empty", linux.ENOTEMPTY, unix.ENOTEMPTY)
- ErrLinkLoop = newWithHost("too many symbolic links encountered", linux.ELOOP, unix.ELOOP)
- ErrNoMessage = newWithHost("no message of desired type", linux.ENOMSG, unix.ENOMSG)
- ErrIdentifierRemoved = newWithHost("identifier removed", linux.EIDRM, unix.EIDRM)
- ErrChannelOutOfRange = newWithHost("channel number out of range", linux.ECHRNG, unix.ECHRNG)
- ErrLevelTwoNotSynced = newWithHost("level 2 not synchronized", linux.EL2NSYNC, unix.EL2NSYNC)
- ErrLevelThreeHalted = newWithHost("level 3 halted", linux.EL3HLT, unix.EL3HLT)
- ErrLevelThreeReset = newWithHost("level 3 reset", linux.EL3RST, unix.EL3RST)
- ErrLinkNumberOutOfRange = newWithHost("link number out of range", linux.ELNRNG, unix.ELNRNG)
- ErrProtocolDriverNotAttached = newWithHost("protocol driver not attached", linux.EUNATCH, unix.EUNATCH)
- ErrNoCSIAvailable = newWithHost("no CSI structure available", linux.ENOCSI, unix.ENOCSI)
- ErrLevelTwoHalted = newWithHost("level 2 halted", linux.EL2HLT, unix.EL2HLT)
- ErrInvalidExchange = newWithHost("invalid exchange", linux.EBADE, unix.EBADE)
- ErrInvalidRequestDescriptor = newWithHost("invalid request descriptor", linux.EBADR, unix.EBADR)
- ErrExchangeFull = newWithHost("exchange full", linux.EXFULL, unix.EXFULL)
- ErrNoAnode = newWithHost("no anode", linux.ENOANO, unix.ENOANO)
- ErrInvalidRequestCode = newWithHost("invalid request code", linux.EBADRQC, unix.EBADRQC)
- ErrInvalidSlot = newWithHost("invalid slot", linux.EBADSLT, unix.EBADSLT)
- ErrBadFontFile = newWithHost("bad font file format", linux.EBFONT, unix.EBFONT)
- ErrNotStream = newWithHost("device not a stream", linux.ENOSTR, unix.ENOSTR)
- ErrNoDataAvailable = newWithHost("no data available", linux.ENODATA, unix.ENODATA)
- ErrTimerExpired = newWithHost("timer expired", linux.ETIME, unix.ETIME)
- ErrStreamsResourceDepleted = newWithHost("out of streams resources", linux.ENOSR, unix.ENOSR)
- ErrMachineNotOnNetwork = newWithHost("machine is not on the network", linux.ENONET, unix.ENONET)
- ErrPackageNotInstalled = newWithHost("package not installed", linux.ENOPKG, unix.ENOPKG)
- ErrIsRemote = newWithHost("object is remote", linux.EREMOTE, unix.EREMOTE)
- ErrNoLink = newWithHost("link has been severed", linux.ENOLINK, unix.ENOLINK)
- ErrAdvertise = newWithHost("advertise error", linux.EADV, unix.EADV)
- ErrSRMount = newWithHost("srmount error", linux.ESRMNT, unix.ESRMNT)
- ErrSendCommunication = newWithHost("communication error on send", linux.ECOMM, unix.ECOMM)
- ErrProtocol = newWithHost("protocol error", linux.EPROTO, unix.EPROTO)
- ErrMultihopAttempted = newWithHost("multihop attempted", linux.EMULTIHOP, unix.EMULTIHOP)
- ErrRFS = newWithHost("RFS specific error", linux.EDOTDOT, unix.EDOTDOT)
- ErrInvalidDataMessage = newWithHost("not a data message", linux.EBADMSG, unix.EBADMSG)
- ErrOverflow = newWithHost("value too large for defined data type", linux.EOVERFLOW, unix.EOVERFLOW)
- ErrNetworkNameNotUnique = newWithHost("name not unique on network", linux.ENOTUNIQ, unix.ENOTUNIQ)
- ErrFDInBadState = newWithHost("file descriptor in bad state", linux.EBADFD, unix.EBADFD)
- ErrRemoteAddressChanged = newWithHost("remote address changed", linux.EREMCHG, unix.EREMCHG)
- ErrSharedLibraryInaccessible = newWithHost("can not access a needed shared library", linux.ELIBACC, unix.ELIBACC)
- ErrCorruptedSharedLibrary = newWithHost("accessing a corrupted shared library", linux.ELIBBAD, unix.ELIBBAD)
- ErrLibSectionCorrupted = newWithHost(".lib section in a.out corrupted", linux.ELIBSCN, unix.ELIBSCN)
- ErrTooManySharedLibraries = newWithHost("attempting to link in too many shared libraries", linux.ELIBMAX, unix.ELIBMAX)
- ErrSharedLibraryExeced = newWithHost("cannot exec a shared library directly", linux.ELIBEXEC, unix.ELIBEXEC)
- ErrIllegalByteSequence = newWithHost("illegal byte sequence", linux.EILSEQ, unix.EILSEQ)
- ErrShouldRestart = newWithHost("interrupted system call should be restarted", linux.ERESTART, unix.ERESTART)
- ErrStreamPipe = newWithHost("streams pipe error", linux.ESTRPIPE, unix.ESTRPIPE)
- ErrTooManyUsers = newWithHost("too many users", linux.EUSERS, unix.EUSERS)
- ErrNotASocket = newWithHost("socket operation on non-socket", linux.ENOTSOCK, unix.ENOTSOCK)
- ErrDestinationAddressRequired = newWithHost("destination address required", linux.EDESTADDRREQ, unix.EDESTADDRREQ)
- ErrMessageTooLong = newWithHost("message too long", linux.EMSGSIZE, unix.EMSGSIZE)
- ErrWrongProtocolForSocket = newWithHost("protocol wrong type for socket", linux.EPROTOTYPE, unix.EPROTOTYPE)
- ErrProtocolNotAvailable = newWithHost("protocol not available", linux.ENOPROTOOPT, unix.ENOPROTOOPT)
- ErrProtocolNotSupported = newWithHost("protocol not supported", linux.EPROTONOSUPPORT, unix.EPROTONOSUPPORT)
- ErrSocketNotSupported = newWithHost("socket type not supported", linux.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, unix.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT)
- ErrEndpointOperation = newWithHost("operation not supported on transport endpoint", linux.EOPNOTSUPP, unix.EOPNOTSUPP)
- ErrProtocolFamilyNotSupported = newWithHost("protocol family not supported", linux.EPFNOSUPPORT, unix.EPFNOSUPPORT)
- ErrAddressFamilyNotSupported = newWithHost("address family not supported by protocol", linux.EAFNOSUPPORT, unix.EAFNOSUPPORT)
- ErrAddressInUse = newWithHost("address already in use", linux.EADDRINUSE, unix.EADDRINUSE)
- ErrAddressNotAvailable = newWithHost("cannot assign requested address", linux.EADDRNOTAVAIL, unix.EADDRNOTAVAIL)
- ErrNetworkDown = newWithHost("network is down", linux.ENETDOWN, unix.ENETDOWN)
- ErrNetworkUnreachable = newWithHost("network is unreachable", linux.ENETUNREACH, unix.ENETUNREACH)
- ErrNetworkReset = newWithHost("network dropped connection because of reset", linux.ENETRESET, unix.ENETRESET)
- ErrConnectionAborted = newWithHost("software caused connection abort", linux.ECONNABORTED, unix.ECONNABORTED)
- ErrConnectionReset = newWithHost("connection reset by peer", linux.ECONNRESET, unix.ECONNRESET)
- ErrNoBufferSpace = newWithHost("no buffer space available", linux.ENOBUFS, unix.ENOBUFS)
- ErrAlreadyConnected = newWithHost("transport endpoint is already connected", linux.EISCONN, unix.EISCONN)
- ErrNotConnected = newWithHost("transport endpoint is not connected", linux.ENOTCONN, unix.ENOTCONN)
- ErrShutdown = newWithHost("cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown", linux.ESHUTDOWN, unix.ESHUTDOWN)
- ErrTooManyRefs = newWithHost("too many references: cannot splice", linux.ETOOMANYREFS, unix.ETOOMANYREFS)
- ErrTimedOut = newWithHost("connection timed out", linux.ETIMEDOUT, unix.ETIMEDOUT)
- ErrConnectionRefused = newWithHost("connection refused", linux.ECONNREFUSED, unix.ECONNREFUSED)
- ErrHostDown = newWithHost("host is down", linux.EHOSTDOWN, unix.EHOSTDOWN)
- ErrNoRoute = newWithHost("no route to host", linux.EHOSTUNREACH, unix.EHOSTUNREACH)
- ErrAlreadyInProgress = newWithHost("operation already in progress", linux.EALREADY, unix.EALREADY)
- ErrInProgress = newWithHost("operation now in progress", linux.EINPROGRESS, unix.EINPROGRESS)
- ErrStaleFileHandle = newWithHost("stale file handle", linux.ESTALE, unix.ESTALE)
- ErrStructureNeedsCleaning = newWithHost("structure needs cleaning", linux.EUCLEAN, unix.EUCLEAN)
- ErrIsNamedFile = newWithHost("is a named type file", linux.ENOTNAM, unix.ENOTNAM)
- ErrRemoteIO = newWithHost("remote I/O error", linux.EREMOTEIO, unix.EREMOTEIO)
- ErrQuotaExceeded = newWithHost("quota exceeded", linux.EDQUOT, unix.EDQUOT)
- ErrNoMedium = newWithHost("no medium found", linux.ENOMEDIUM, unix.ENOMEDIUM)
- ErrWrongMediumType = newWithHost("wrong medium type", linux.EMEDIUMTYPE, unix.EMEDIUMTYPE)
- ErrCanceled = newWithHost("operation canceled", linux.ECANCELED, unix.ECANCELED)
- ErrNoKey = newWithHost("required key not available", linux.ENOKEY, unix.ENOKEY)
- ErrKeyExpired = newWithHost("key has expired", linux.EKEYEXPIRED, unix.EKEYEXPIRED)
- ErrKeyRevoked = newWithHost("key has been revoked", linux.EKEYREVOKED, unix.EKEYREVOKED)
- ErrKeyRejected = newWithHost("key was rejected by service", linux.EKEYREJECTED, unix.EKEYREJECTED)
- ErrOwnerDied = newWithHost("owner died", linux.EOWNERDEAD, unix.EOWNERDEAD)
- ErrNotRecoverable = newWithHost("state not recoverable", linux.ENOTRECOVERABLE, unix.ENOTRECOVERABLE)
+ ErrNotPermitted = newWithHost("operation not permitted", errno.EPERM, unix.EPERM)
+ ErrNoFileOrDir = newWithHost("no such file or directory", errno.ENOENT, unix.ENOENT)
+ ErrNoProcess = newWithHost("no such process", errno.ESRCH, unix.ESRCH)
+ ErrInterrupted = newWithHost("interrupted system call", errno.EINTR, unix.EINTR)
+ ErrIO = newWithHost("I/O error", errno.EIO, unix.EIO)
+ ErrDeviceOrAddress = newWithHost("no such device or address", errno.ENXIO, unix.ENXIO)
+ ErrTooManyArgs = newWithHost("argument list too long", errno.E2BIG, unix.E2BIG)
+ ErrEcec = newWithHost("exec format error", errno.ENOEXEC, unix.ENOEXEC)
+ ErrBadFD = newWithHost("bad file number", errno.EBADF, unix.EBADF)
+ ErrNoChild = newWithHost("no child processes", errno.ECHILD, unix.ECHILD)
+ ErrTryAgain = newWithHost("try again", errno.EAGAIN, unix.EAGAIN)
+ ErrNoMemory = newWithHost("out of memory", errno.ENOMEM, unix.ENOMEM)
+ ErrPermissionDenied = newWithHost("permission denied", errno.EACCES, unix.EACCES)
+ ErrBadAddress = newWithHost("bad address", errno.EFAULT, unix.EFAULT)
+ ErrNotBlockDevice = newWithHost("block device required", errno.ENOTBLK, unix.ENOTBLK)
+ ErrBusy = newWithHost("device or resource busy", errno.EBUSY, unix.EBUSY)
+ ErrExists = newWithHost("file exists", errno.EEXIST, unix.EEXIST)
+ ErrCrossDeviceLink = newWithHost("cross-device link", errno.EXDEV, unix.EXDEV)
+ ErrNoDevice = newWithHost("no such device", errno.ENODEV, unix.ENODEV)
+ ErrNotDir = newWithHost("not a directory", errno.ENOTDIR, unix.ENOTDIR)
+ ErrIsDir = newWithHost("is a directory", errno.EISDIR, unix.EISDIR)
+ ErrInvalidArgument = newWithHost("invalid argument", errno.EINVAL, unix.EINVAL)
+ ErrFileTableOverflow = newWithHost("file table overflow", errno.ENFILE, unix.ENFILE)
+ ErrTooManyOpenFiles = newWithHost("too many open files", errno.EMFILE, unix.EMFILE)
+ ErrNotTTY = newWithHost("not a typewriter", errno.ENOTTY, unix.ENOTTY)
+ ErrTestFileBusy = newWithHost("text file busy", errno.ETXTBSY, unix.ETXTBSY)
+ ErrFileTooBig = newWithHost("file too large", errno.EFBIG, unix.EFBIG)
+ ErrNoSpace = newWithHost("no space left on device", errno.ENOSPC, unix.ENOSPC)
+ ErrIllegalSeek = newWithHost("illegal seek", errno.ESPIPE, unix.ESPIPE)
+ ErrReadOnlyFS = newWithHost("read-only file system", errno.EROFS, unix.EROFS)
+ ErrTooManyLinks = newWithHost("too many links", errno.EMLINK, unix.EMLINK)
+ ErrBrokenPipe = newWithHost("broken pipe", errno.EPIPE, unix.EPIPE)
+ ErrDomain = newWithHost("math argument out of domain of func", errno.EDOM, unix.EDOM)
+ ErrRange = newWithHost("math result not representable", errno.ERANGE, unix.ERANGE)
+ ErrDeadlock = newWithHost("resource deadlock would occur", errno.EDEADLOCK, unix.EDEADLOCK)
+ ErrNameTooLong = newWithHost("file name too long", errno.ENAMETOOLONG, unix.ENAMETOOLONG)
+ ErrNoLocksAvailable = newWithHost("no record locks available", errno.ENOLCK, unix.ENOLCK)
+ ErrInvalidSyscall = newWithHost("invalid system call number", errno.ENOSYS, unix.ENOSYS)
+ ErrDirNotEmpty = newWithHost("directory not empty", errno.ENOTEMPTY, unix.ENOTEMPTY)
+ ErrLinkLoop = newWithHost("too many symbolic links encountered", errno.ELOOP, unix.ELOOP)
+ ErrNoMessage = newWithHost("no message of desired type", errno.ENOMSG, unix.ENOMSG)
+ ErrIdentifierRemoved = newWithHost("identifier removed", errno.EIDRM, unix.EIDRM)
+ ErrChannelOutOfRange = newWithHost("channel number out of range", errno.ECHRNG, unix.ECHRNG)
+ ErrLevelTwoNotSynced = newWithHost("level 2 not synchronized", errno.EL2NSYNC, unix.EL2NSYNC)
+ ErrLevelThreeHalted = newWithHost("level 3 halted", errno.EL3HLT, unix.EL3HLT)
+ ErrLevelThreeReset = newWithHost("level 3 reset", errno.EL3RST, unix.EL3RST)
+ ErrLinkNumberOutOfRange = newWithHost("link number out of range", errno.ELNRNG, unix.ELNRNG)
+ ErrProtocolDriverNotAttached = newWithHost("protocol driver not attached", errno.EUNATCH, unix.EUNATCH)
+ ErrNoCSIAvailable = newWithHost("no CSI structure available", errno.ENOCSI, unix.ENOCSI)
+ ErrLevelTwoHalted = newWithHost("level 2 halted", errno.EL2HLT, unix.EL2HLT)
+ ErrInvalidExchange = newWithHost("invalid exchange", errno.EBADE, unix.EBADE)
+ ErrInvalidRequestDescriptor = newWithHost("invalid request descriptor", errno.EBADR, unix.EBADR)
+ ErrExchangeFull = newWithHost("exchange full", errno.EXFULL, unix.EXFULL)
+ ErrNoAnode = newWithHost("no anode", errno.ENOANO, unix.ENOANO)
+ ErrInvalidRequestCode = newWithHost("invalid request code", errno.EBADRQC, unix.EBADRQC)
+ ErrInvalidSlot = newWithHost("invalid slot", errno.EBADSLT, unix.EBADSLT)
+ ErrBadFontFile = newWithHost("bad font file format", errno.EBFONT, unix.EBFONT)
+ ErrNotStream = newWithHost("device not a stream", errno.ENOSTR, unix.ENOSTR)
+ ErrNoDataAvailable = newWithHost("no data available", errno.ENODATA, unix.ENODATA)
+ ErrTimerExpired = newWithHost("timer expired", errno.ETIME, unix.ETIME)
+ ErrStreamsResourceDepleted = newWithHost("out of streams resources", errno.ENOSR, unix.ENOSR)
+ ErrMachineNotOnNetwork = newWithHost("machine is not on the network", errno.ENONET, unix.ENONET)
+ ErrPackageNotInstalled = newWithHost("package not installed", errno.ENOPKG, unix.ENOPKG)
+ ErrIsRemote = newWithHost("object is remote", errno.EREMOTE, unix.EREMOTE)
+ ErrNoLink = newWithHost("link has been severed", errno.ENOLINK, unix.ENOLINK)
+ ErrAdvertise = newWithHost("advertise error", errno.EADV, unix.EADV)
+ ErrSRMount = newWithHost("srmount error", errno.ESRMNT, unix.ESRMNT)
+ ErrSendCommunication = newWithHost("communication error on send", errno.ECOMM, unix.ECOMM)
+ ErrProtocol = newWithHost("protocol error", errno.EPROTO, unix.EPROTO)
+ ErrMultihopAttempted = newWithHost("multihop attempted", errno.EMULTIHOP, unix.EMULTIHOP)
+ ErrRFS = newWithHost("RFS specific error", errno.EDOTDOT, unix.EDOTDOT)
+ ErrInvalidDataMessage = newWithHost("not a data message", errno.EBADMSG, unix.EBADMSG)
+ ErrOverflow = newWithHost("value too large for defined data type", errno.EOVERFLOW, unix.EOVERFLOW)
+ ErrNetworkNameNotUnique = newWithHost("name not unique on network", errno.ENOTUNIQ, unix.ENOTUNIQ)
+ ErrFDInBadState = newWithHost("file descriptor in bad state", errno.EBADFD, unix.EBADFD)
+ ErrRemoteAddressChanged = newWithHost("remote address changed", errno.EREMCHG, unix.EREMCHG)
+ ErrSharedLibraryInaccessible = newWithHost("can not access a needed shared library", errno.ELIBACC, unix.ELIBACC)
+ ErrCorruptedSharedLibrary = newWithHost("accessing a corrupted shared library", errno.ELIBBAD, unix.ELIBBAD)
+ ErrLibSectionCorrupted = newWithHost(".lib section in a.out corrupted", errno.ELIBSCN, unix.ELIBSCN)
+ ErrTooManySharedLibraries = newWithHost("attempting to link in too many shared libraries", errno.ELIBMAX, unix.ELIBMAX)
+ ErrSharedLibraryExeced = newWithHost("cannot exec a shared library directly", errno.ELIBEXEC, unix.ELIBEXEC)
+ ErrIllegalByteSequence = newWithHost("illegal byte sequence", errno.EILSEQ, unix.EILSEQ)
+ ErrShouldRestart = newWithHost("interrupted system call should be restarted", errno.ERESTART, unix.ERESTART)
+ ErrStreamPipe = newWithHost("streams pipe error", errno.ESTRPIPE, unix.ESTRPIPE)
+ ErrTooManyUsers = newWithHost("too many users", errno.EUSERS, unix.EUSERS)
+ ErrNotASocket = newWithHost("socket operation on non-socket", errno.ENOTSOCK, unix.ENOTSOCK)
+ ErrDestinationAddressRequired = newWithHost("destination address required", errno.EDESTADDRREQ, unix.EDESTADDRREQ)
+ ErrMessageTooLong = newWithHost("message too long", errno.EMSGSIZE, unix.EMSGSIZE)
+ ErrWrongProtocolForSocket = newWithHost("protocol wrong type for socket", errno.EPROTOTYPE, unix.EPROTOTYPE)
+ ErrProtocolNotAvailable = newWithHost("protocol not available", errno.ENOPROTOOPT, unix.ENOPROTOOPT)
+ ErrProtocolNotSupported = newWithHost("protocol not supported", errno.EPROTONOSUPPORT, unix.EPROTONOSUPPORT)
+ ErrSocketNotSupported = newWithHost("socket type not supported", errno.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, unix.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT)
+ ErrEndpointOperation = newWithHost("operation not supported on transport endpoint", errno.EOPNOTSUPP, unix.EOPNOTSUPP)
+ ErrProtocolFamilyNotSupported = newWithHost("protocol family not supported", errno.EPFNOSUPPORT, unix.EPFNOSUPPORT)
+ ErrAddressFamilyNotSupported = newWithHost("address family not supported by protocol", errno.EAFNOSUPPORT, unix.EAFNOSUPPORT)
+ ErrAddressInUse = newWithHost("address already in use", errno.EADDRINUSE, unix.EADDRINUSE)
+ ErrAddressNotAvailable = newWithHost("cannot assign requested address", errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL, unix.EADDRNOTAVAIL)
+ ErrNetworkDown = newWithHost("network is down", errno.ENETDOWN, unix.ENETDOWN)
+ ErrNetworkUnreachable = newWithHost("network is unreachable", errno.ENETUNREACH, unix.ENETUNREACH)
+ ErrNetworkReset = newWithHost("network dropped connection because of reset", errno.ENETRESET, unix.ENETRESET)
+ ErrConnectionAborted = newWithHost("software caused connection abort", errno.ECONNABORTED, unix.ECONNABORTED)
+ ErrConnectionReset = newWithHost("connection reset by peer", errno.ECONNRESET, unix.ECONNRESET)
+ ErrNoBufferSpace = newWithHost("no buffer space available", errno.ENOBUFS, unix.ENOBUFS)
+ ErrAlreadyConnected = newWithHost("transport endpoint is already connected", errno.EISCONN, unix.EISCONN)
+ ErrNotConnected = newWithHost("transport endpoint is not connected", errno.ENOTCONN, unix.ENOTCONN)
+ ErrShutdown = newWithHost("cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown", errno.ESHUTDOWN, unix.ESHUTDOWN)
+ ErrTooManyRefs = newWithHost("too many references: cannot splice", errno.ETOOMANYREFS, unix.ETOOMANYREFS)
+ ErrTimedOut = newWithHost("connection timed out", errno.ETIMEDOUT, unix.ETIMEDOUT)
+ ErrConnectionRefused = newWithHost("connection refused", errno.ECONNREFUSED, unix.ECONNREFUSED)
+ ErrHostDown = newWithHost("host is down", errno.EHOSTDOWN, unix.EHOSTDOWN)
+ ErrNoRoute = newWithHost("no route to host", errno.EHOSTUNREACH, unix.EHOSTUNREACH)
+ ErrAlreadyInProgress = newWithHost("operation already in progress", errno.EALREADY, unix.EALREADY)
+ ErrInProgress = newWithHost("operation now in progress", errno.EINPROGRESS, unix.EINPROGRESS)
+ ErrStaleFileHandle = newWithHost("stale file handle", errno.ESTALE, unix.ESTALE)
+ ErrStructureNeedsCleaning = newWithHost("structure needs cleaning", errno.EUCLEAN, unix.EUCLEAN)
+ ErrIsNamedFile = newWithHost("is a named type file", errno.ENOTNAM, unix.ENOTNAM)
+ ErrRemoteIO = newWithHost("remote I/O error", errno.EREMOTEIO, unix.EREMOTEIO)
+ ErrQuotaExceeded = newWithHost("quota exceeded", errno.EDQUOT, unix.EDQUOT)
+ ErrNoMedium = newWithHost("no medium found", errno.ENOMEDIUM, unix.ENOMEDIUM)
+ ErrWrongMediumType = newWithHost("wrong medium type", errno.EMEDIUMTYPE, unix.EMEDIUMTYPE)
+ ErrCanceled = newWithHost("operation canceled", errno.ECANCELED, unix.ECANCELED)
+ ErrNoKey = newWithHost("required key not available", errno.ENOKEY, unix.ENOKEY)
+ ErrKeyExpired = newWithHost("key has expired", errno.EKEYEXPIRED, unix.EKEYEXPIRED)
+ ErrKeyRevoked = newWithHost("key has been revoked", errno.EKEYREVOKED, unix.EKEYREVOKED)
+ ErrKeyRejected = newWithHost("key was rejected by service", errno.EKEYREJECTED, unix.EKEYREJECTED)
+ ErrOwnerDied = newWithHost("owner died", errno.EOWNERDEAD, unix.EOWNERDEAD)
+ ErrNotRecoverable = newWithHost("state not recoverable", errno.ENOTRECOVERABLE, unix.ENOTRECOVERABLE)
// ErrWouldBlock translates to EWOULDBLOCK which is the same as EAGAIN
// on Linux.
- ErrWouldBlock = New("operation would block", linux.EWOULDBLOCK)
+ ErrWouldBlock = New("operation would block", errno.EWOULDBLOCK)
// FromError converts a generic error to an *Error.
@@ -278,11 +279,25 @@ func FromError(err error) *Error {
if err == nil {
return nil
- if errno, ok := err.(unix.Errno); ok {
- return FromHost(errno)
+ switch e := err.(type) {
+ case unix.Errno:
+ return FromHost(e)
+ case *errors.Error:
+ return FromHost(unix.Errno(e.Errno()))
+ case safecopy.SegvError, safecopy.BusError, safecopy.AlignmentError:
+ return FromHost(unix.EFAULT)
- if errno, ok := syserror.TranslateError(err); ok {
- return FromHost(errno)
+ msg := fmt.Sprintf("err: %s type: %T", err.Error(), err)
+ panic(msg)
+// ConvertIntr converts the provided error code (err) to another one (intr) if
+// the first error corresponds to an interrupted operation.
+func ConvertIntr(err, intr error) error {
+ if err == linuxerr.ErrInterrupted {
+ return intr
- panic("unknown error: " + err.Error())
+ return err