path: root/pkg/sentry/pgalloc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/sentry/pgalloc')
4 files changed, 325 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/BUILD
index 1eeb9f317..7a3311a70 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/BUILD
+++ b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/BUILD
@@ -33,21 +33,42 @@ go_template_instance(
out = "usage_set.go",
consts = {
"minDegree": "10",
+ "trackGaps": "1",
imports = {
- "platform": "",
+ "memmap": "",
package = "pgalloc",
prefix = "usage",
template = "//pkg/segment:generic_set",
types = {
"Key": "uint64",
- "Range": "platform.FileRange",
+ "Range": "memmap.FileRange",
"Value": "usageInfo",
"Functions": "usageSetFunctions",
+ name = "reclaim_set",
+ out = "reclaim_set.go",
+ consts = {
+ "minDegree": "10",
+ },
+ imports = {
+ "memmap": "",
+ },
+ package = "pgalloc",
+ prefix = "reclaim",
+ template = "//pkg/segment:generic_set",
+ types = {
+ "Key": "uint64",
+ "Range": "memmap.FileRange",
+ "Value": "reclaimSetValue",
+ "Functions": "reclaimSetFunctions",
+ },
name = "pgalloc",
srcs = [
@@ -56,6 +77,7 @@ go_library(
+ "reclaim_set.go",
@@ -67,9 +89,10 @@ go_library(
- "//pkg/sentry/platform",
+ "//pkg/sentry/memmap",
+ "//pkg/state/wire",
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go
index 2b11ea4ae..3243d7214 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc.go
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ import (
- ""
+ ""
-// MemoryFile is a platform.File whose pages may be allocated to arbitrary
+// MemoryFile is a memmap.File whose pages may be allocated to arbitrary
// users.
type MemoryFile struct {
// opts holds options passed to NewMemoryFile. opts is immutable.
@@ -108,12 +108,6 @@ type MemoryFile struct {
usageSwapped uint64
usageLast time.Time
- // minUnallocatedPage is the minimum page that may be unallocated.
- // i.e., there are no unallocated pages below minUnallocatedPage.
- //
- // minUnallocatedPage is protected by mu.
- minUnallocatedPage uint64
// fileSize is the size of the backing memory file in bytes. fileSize is
// always a power-of-two multiple of chunkSize.
@@ -146,11 +140,9 @@ type MemoryFile struct {
// is protected by mu.
reclaimable bool
- // minReclaimablePage is the minimum page that may be reclaimable.
- // i.e., all reclaimable pages are >= minReclaimablePage.
- //
- // minReclaimablePage is protected by mu.
- minReclaimablePage uint64
+ // relcaim is the collection of regions for reclaim. relcaim is protected
+ // by mu.
+ reclaim reclaimSet
// reclaimCond is signaled (with mu locked) when reclaimable or destroyed
// transitions from false to true.
@@ -273,12 +265,10 @@ type evictableMemoryUserInfo struct {
const (
- chunkShift = 24
- chunkSize = 1 << chunkShift // 16 MB
+ chunkShift = 30
+ chunkSize = 1 << chunkShift // 1 GB
chunkMask = chunkSize - 1
- initialSize = chunkSize
// maxPage is the highest 64-bit page.
maxPage = math.MaxUint64 &^ (usermem.PageSize - 1)
@@ -302,19 +292,12 @@ func NewMemoryFile(file *os.File, opts MemoryFileOpts) (*MemoryFile, error) {
if err := file.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return nil, err
- if err := file.Truncate(initialSize); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
f := &MemoryFile{
- opts: opts,
- fileSize: initialSize,
- file: file,
- // No pages are reclaimable. DecRef will always be able to
- // decrease minReclaimablePage from this point.
- minReclaimablePage: maxPage,
- evictable: make(map[EvictableMemoryUser]*evictableMemoryUserInfo),
+ opts: opts,
+ file: file,
+ evictable: make(map[EvictableMemoryUser]*evictableMemoryUserInfo),
- f.mappings.Store(make([]uintptr, initialSize/chunkSize))
+ f.mappings.Store(make([]uintptr, 0))
f.reclaimCond.L = &
if f.opts.DelayedEviction == DelayedEvictionEnabled && f.opts.UseHostMemcgPressure {
@@ -389,7 +372,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) Destroy() {
// to Allocate.
// Preconditions: length must be page-aligned and non-zero.
-func (f *MemoryFile) Allocate(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind) (platform.FileRange, error) {
+func (f *MemoryFile) Allocate(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind) (memmap.FileRange, error) {
if length == 0 || length%usermem.PageSize != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid allocation length: %#x", length))
@@ -404,46 +387,36 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) Allocate(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind) (platform.Fi
alignment = usermem.HugePageSize
- start, minUnallocatedPage := findUnallocatedRange(&f.usage, f.minUnallocatedPage, length, alignment)
- end := start + length
- // File offsets are int64s. Since length must be strictly positive, end
- // cannot legitimately be 0.
- if end < start || int64(end) <= 0 {
- return platform.FileRange{}, syserror.ENOMEM
+ // Find a range in the underlying file.
+ fr, ok := findAvailableRange(&f.usage, f.fileSize, length, alignment)
+ if !ok {
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, syserror.ENOMEM
- // Expand the file if needed. Double the file size on each expansion;
- // uncommitted pages have effectively no cost.
- fileSize := f.fileSize
- for int64(end) > fileSize {
- if fileSize >= 2*fileSize {
- // fileSize overflow.
- return platform.FileRange{}, syserror.ENOMEM
+ // Expand the file if needed.
+ if int64(fr.End) > f.fileSize {
+ // Round the new file size up to be chunk-aligned.
+ newFileSize := (int64(fr.End) + chunkMask) &^ chunkMask
+ if err := f.file.Truncate(newFileSize); err != nil {
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, err
- fileSize *= 2
- }
- if fileSize > f.fileSize {
- if err := f.file.Truncate(fileSize); err != nil {
- return platform.FileRange{}, err
- }
- f.fileSize = fileSize
+ f.fileSize = newFileSize
oldMappings := f.mappings.Load().([]uintptr)
- newMappings := make([]uintptr, fileSize>>chunkShift)
+ newMappings := make([]uintptr, newFileSize>>chunkShift)
copy(newMappings, oldMappings)
// Mark selected pages as in use.
- fr := platform.FileRange{start, end}
if f.opts.ManualZeroing {
if err := f.forEachMappingSlice(fr, func(bs []byte) {
for i := range bs {
bs[i] = 0
}); err != nil {
- return platform.FileRange{}, err
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, err
if !f.usage.Add(fr, usageInfo{
@@ -453,49 +426,79 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) Allocate(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind) (platform.Fi
panic(fmt.Sprintf("allocating %v: failed to insert into usage set:\n%v", fr, &f.usage))
- if minUnallocatedPage < start {
- f.minUnallocatedPage = minUnallocatedPage
- } else {
- // start was the first unallocated page. The next must be
- // somewhere beyond end.
- f.minUnallocatedPage = end
- }
return fr, nil
-// findUnallocatedRange returns the first unallocated page in usage of the
-// specified length and alignment beginning at page start and the first single
-// unallocated page.
-func findUnallocatedRange(usage *usageSet, start, length, alignment uint64) (uint64, uint64) {
- // Only searched until the first page is found.
- firstPage := start
- foundFirstPage := false
- alignMask := alignment - 1
- for seg := usage.LowerBoundSegment(start); seg.Ok(); seg = seg.NextSegment() {
- r := seg.Range()
- if !foundFirstPage && r.Start > firstPage {
- foundFirstPage = true
+// findAvailableRange returns an available range in the usageSet.
+// Note that scanning for available slots takes place from end first backwards,
+// then forwards. This heuristic has important consequence for how sequential
+// mappings can be merged in the host VMAs, given that addresses for both
+// application and sentry mappings are allocated top-down (from higher to
+// lower addresses). The file is also grown expoentially in order to create
+// space for mappings to be allocated downwards.
+// Precondition: alignment must be a power of 2.
+func findAvailableRange(usage *usageSet, fileSize int64, length, alignment uint64) (memmap.FileRange, bool) {
+ alignmentMask := alignment - 1
+ // Search for space in existing gaps, starting at the current end of the
+ // file and working backward.
+ lastGap := usage.LastGap()
+ gap := lastGap
+ for {
+ end := gap.End()
+ if end > uint64(fileSize) {
+ end = uint64(fileSize)
- if start >= r.End {
- // start was rounded up to an alignment boundary from the end
- // of a previous segment and is now beyond r.End.
- continue
+ // Try to allocate from the end of this gap, with the start of the
+ // allocated range aligned down to alignment.
+ unalignedStart := end - length
+ if unalignedStart > end {
+ // Negative overflow: this and all preceding gaps are too small to
+ // accommodate length.
+ break
- // This segment represents allocated or reclaimable pages; only the
- // range from start to the segment's beginning is allocatable, and the
- // next allocatable range begins after the segment.
- if r.Start > start && r.Start-start >= length {
+ if start := unalignedStart &^ alignmentMask; start >= gap.Start() {
+ return memmap.FileRange{start, start + length}, true
+ }
+ gap = gap.PrevLargeEnoughGap(length)
+ if !gap.Ok() {
- start = (r.End + alignMask) &^ alignMask
- if !foundFirstPage {
- firstPage = r.End
+ }
+ // Check that it's possible to fit this allocation at the end of a file of any size.
+ min := lastGap.Start()
+ min = (min + alignmentMask) &^ alignmentMask
+ if min+length < min {
+ // Overflow: allocation would exceed the range of uint64.
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, false
+ }
+ // Determine the minimum file size required to fit this allocation at its end.
+ for {
+ newFileSize := 2 * fileSize
+ if newFileSize <= fileSize {
+ if fileSize != 0 {
+ // Overflow: allocation would exceed the range of int64.
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, false
+ }
+ newFileSize = chunkSize
+ }
+ fileSize = newFileSize
+ unalignedStart := uint64(fileSize) - length
+ if unalignedStart > uint64(fileSize) {
+ // Negative overflow: fileSize is still inadequate.
+ continue
+ }
+ if start := unalignedStart &^ alignmentMask; start >= min {
+ return memmap.FileRange{start, start + length}, true
- return start, firstPage
// AllocateAndFill allocates memory of the given kind and fills it by calling
@@ -505,22 +508,22 @@ func findUnallocatedRange(usage *usageSet, start, length, alignment uint64) (uin
// by r.ReadToBlocks(), it returns that error.
// Preconditions: length > 0. length must be page-aligned.
-func (f *MemoryFile) AllocateAndFill(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind, r safemem.Reader) (platform.FileRange, error) {
+func (f *MemoryFile) AllocateAndFill(length uint64, kind usage.MemoryKind, r safemem.Reader) (memmap.FileRange, error) {
fr, err := f.Allocate(length, kind)
if err != nil {
- return platform.FileRange{}, err
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, err
dsts, err := f.MapInternal(fr, usermem.Write)
if err != nil {
- return platform.FileRange{}, err
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, err
n, err := safemem.ReadFullToBlocks(r, dsts)
un := uint64(usermem.Addr(n).RoundDown())
if un < length {
// Free unused memory and update fr to contain only the memory that is
// still allocated.
- f.DecRef(platform.FileRange{fr.Start + un, fr.End})
+ f.DecRef(memmap.FileRange{fr.Start + un, fr.End})
fr.End = fr.Start + un
return fr, err
@@ -537,7 +540,7 @@ const (
// will read zeroes.
// Preconditions: fr.Length() > 0.
-func (f *MemoryFile) Decommit(fr platform.FileRange) error {
+func (f *MemoryFile) Decommit(fr memmap.FileRange) error {
if !fr.WellFormed() || fr.Length() == 0 || fr.Start%usermem.PageSize != 0 || fr.End%usermem.PageSize != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid range: %v", fr))
@@ -557,7 +560,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) Decommit(fr platform.FileRange) error {
return nil
-func (f *MemoryFile) markDecommitted(fr platform.FileRange) {
+func (f *MemoryFile) markDecommitted(fr memmap.FileRange) {
// Since we're changing the knownCommitted attribute, we need to merge
@@ -578,8 +581,8 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) markDecommitted(fr platform.FileRange) {
-// IncRef implements platform.File.IncRef.
-func (f *MemoryFile) IncRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
+// IncRef implements memmap.File.IncRef.
+func (f *MemoryFile) IncRef(fr memmap.FileRange) {
if !fr.WellFormed() || fr.Length() == 0 || fr.Start%usermem.PageSize != 0 || fr.End%usermem.PageSize != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid range: %v", fr))
@@ -597,8 +600,8 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) IncRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
-// DecRef implements platform.File.DecRef.
-func (f *MemoryFile) DecRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
+// DecRef implements memmap.File.DecRef.
+func (f *MemoryFile) DecRef(fr memmap.FileRange) {
if !fr.WellFormed() || fr.Length() == 0 || fr.Start%usermem.PageSize != 0 || fr.End%usermem.PageSize != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid range: %v", fr))
@@ -616,6 +619,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) DecRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
if val.refs == 0 {
+ f.reclaim.Add(seg.Range(), reclaimSetValue{})
freed = true
// Reclassify memory as System, until it's freed by the reclaim
// goroutine.
@@ -628,17 +632,13 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) DecRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
if freed {
- if fr.Start < f.minReclaimablePage {
- // We've freed at least one lower page.
- f.minReclaimablePage = fr.Start
- }
f.reclaimable = true
-// MapInternal implements platform.File.MapInternal.
-func (f *MemoryFile) MapInternal(fr platform.FileRange, at usermem.AccessType) (safemem.BlockSeq, error) {
+// MapInternal implements memmap.File.MapInternal.
+func (f *MemoryFile) MapInternal(fr memmap.FileRange, at usermem.AccessType) (safemem.BlockSeq, error) {
if !fr.WellFormed() || fr.Length() == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid range: %v", fr))
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) MapInternal(fr platform.FileRange, at usermem.AccessType) (
// forEachMappingSlice invokes fn on a sequence of byte slices that
// collectively map all bytes in fr.
-func (f *MemoryFile) forEachMappingSlice(fr platform.FileRange, fn func([]byte)) error {
+func (f *MemoryFile) forEachMappingSlice(fr memmap.FileRange, fn func([]byte)) error {
mappings := f.mappings.Load().([]uintptr)
for chunkStart := fr.Start &^ chunkMask; chunkStart < fr.End; chunkStart += chunkSize {
chunk := int(chunkStart >> chunkShift)
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) updateUsageLocked(currentUsage uint64, checkCommitted func(
case !populated && populatedRun:
// Finish the run by changing this segment.
- runRange := platform.FileRange{
+ runRange := memmap.FileRange{
Start: r.Start + uint64(populatedRunStart*usermem.PageSize),
End: r.Start + uint64(i*usermem.PageSize),
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) File() *os.File {
return f.file
-// FD implements platform.File.FD.
+// FD implements memmap.File.FD.
func (f *MemoryFile) FD() int {
return int(f.file.Fd())
@@ -1030,6 +1030,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) String() string {
// for allocation.
func (f *MemoryFile) runReclaim() {
for {
+ // N.B. We must call f.markReclaimed on the returned FrameRange.
fr, ok := f.findReclaimable()
if !ok {
@@ -1085,13 +1086,17 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) runReclaim() {
-func (f *MemoryFile) findReclaimable() (platform.FileRange, bool) {
+// findReclaimable finds memory that has been marked for reclaim.
+// Note that there returned range will be removed from tracking. It
+// must be reclaimed (removed from f.usage) at this point.
+func (f *MemoryFile) findReclaimable() (memmap.FileRange, bool) {
for {
for {
if f.destroyed {
- return platform.FileRange{}, false
+ return memmap.FileRange{}, false
if f.reclaimable {
@@ -1103,27 +1108,24 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) findReclaimable() (platform.FileRange, bool) {
- // Allocate returns the first usable range in offset order and is
- // currently a linear scan, so reclaiming from the beginning of the
- // file minimizes the expected latency of Allocate.
- for seg := f.usage.LowerBoundSegment(f.minReclaimablePage); seg.Ok(); seg = seg.NextSegment() {
- if seg.ValuePtr().refs == 0 {
- f.minReclaimablePage = seg.End()
- return seg.Range(), true
- }
+ // Allocate works from the back of the file inwards, so reclaim
+ // preserves this order to minimize the cost of the search.
+ if seg := f.reclaim.LastSegment(); seg.Ok() {
+ fr := seg.Range()
+ f.reclaim.Remove(seg)
+ return fr, true
- // No pages are reclaimable.
+ // Nothing is reclaimable.
f.reclaimable = false
- f.minReclaimablePage = maxPage
-func (f *MemoryFile) markReclaimed(fr platform.FileRange) {
+func (f *MemoryFile) markReclaimed(fr memmap.FileRange) {
seg := f.usage.FindSegment(fr.Start)
- // All of fr should be mapped to a single uncommitted reclaimable segment
- // accounted to System.
+ // All of fr should be mapped to a single uncommitted reclaimable
+ // segment accounted to System.
if !seg.Ok() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reclaimed pages %v include unreferenced pages:\n%v", fr, &f.usage))
@@ -1137,14 +1139,10 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) markReclaimed(fr platform.FileRange) {
}); got != want {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("reclaimed pages %v in segment %v has incorrect state %v, wanted %v:\n%v", fr, seg.Range(), got, want, &f.usage))
- // Deallocate reclaimed pages. Even though all of seg is reclaimable, the
- // caller of markReclaimed may not have decommitted it, so we can only mark
- // fr as reclaimed.
+ // Deallocate reclaimed pages. Even though all of seg is reclaimable,
+ // the caller of markReclaimed may not have decommitted it, so we can
+ // only mark fr as reclaimed.
f.usage.Remove(f.usage.Isolate(seg, fr))
- if fr.Start < f.minUnallocatedPage {
- // We've deallocated at least one lower page.
- f.minUnallocatedPage = fr.Start
- }
// StartEvictions requests that f evict all evictable allocations. It does not
@@ -1224,11 +1222,11 @@ func (usageSetFunctions) MaxKey() uint64 {
func (usageSetFunctions) ClearValue(val *usageInfo) {
-func (usageSetFunctions) Merge(_ platform.FileRange, val1 usageInfo, _ platform.FileRange, val2 usageInfo) (usageInfo, bool) {
+func (usageSetFunctions) Merge(_ memmap.FileRange, val1 usageInfo, _ memmap.FileRange, val2 usageInfo) (usageInfo, bool) {
return val1, val1 == val2
-func (usageSetFunctions) Split(_ platform.FileRange, val usageInfo, _ uint64) (usageInfo, usageInfo) {
+func (usageSetFunctions) Split(_ memmap.FileRange, val usageInfo, _ uint64) (usageInfo, usageInfo) {
return val, val
@@ -1255,3 +1253,27 @@ func (evictableRangeSetFunctions) Merge(_ EvictableRange, _ evictableRangeSetVal
func (evictableRangeSetFunctions) Split(_ EvictableRange, _ evictableRangeSetValue, _ uint64) (evictableRangeSetValue, evictableRangeSetValue) {
return evictableRangeSetValue{}, evictableRangeSetValue{}
+// reclaimSetValue is the value type of reclaimSet.
+type reclaimSetValue struct{}
+type reclaimSetFunctions struct{}
+func (reclaimSetFunctions) MinKey() uint64 {
+ return 0
+func (reclaimSetFunctions) MaxKey() uint64 {
+ return math.MaxUint64
+func (reclaimSetFunctions) ClearValue(val *reclaimSetValue) {
+func (reclaimSetFunctions) Merge(_ memmap.FileRange, _ reclaimSetValue, _ memmap.FileRange, _ reclaimSetValue) (reclaimSetValue, bool) {
+ return reclaimSetValue{}, true
+func (reclaimSetFunctions) Split(_ memmap.FileRange, _ reclaimSetValue, _ uint64) (reclaimSetValue, reclaimSetValue) {
+ return reclaimSetValue{}, reclaimSetValue{}
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc_test.go b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc_test.go
index 293f22c6b..405db141f 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc_test.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/pgalloc_test.go
@@ -23,39 +23,49 @@ import (
const (
page = usermem.PageSize
hugepage = usermem.HugePageSize
+ topPage = (1 << 63) - page
func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
- desc string
- usage *usageSegmentDataSlices
- start uint64
- length uint64
- alignment uint64
- unallocated uint64
- minUnallocated uint64
+ desc string
+ usage *usageSegmentDataSlices
+ fileSize int64
+ length uint64
+ alignment uint64
+ start uint64
+ expectFail bool
- desc: "Initial allocation succeeds",
- usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{},
- start: 0,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 0,
- minUnallocated: 0,
+ desc: "Initial allocation succeeds",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{},
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: chunkSize - page, // Grows by chunkSize, allocate down.
- desc: "Allocation begins at start of file",
+ desc: "Allocation finds empty space at start of file",
usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
Start: []uint64{page},
End: []uint64{2 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}},
- start: 0,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 0,
- minUnallocated: 0,
+ fileSize: 2 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Allocation finds empty space at end of file",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
+ Start: []uint64{0},
+ End: []uint64{page},
+ Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}},
+ },
+ fileSize: 2 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: page,
desc: "In-use frames are not allocatable",
@@ -64,11 +74,10 @@ func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
End: []uint64{page, 2 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 2}},
- start: 0,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 2 * page,
- minUnallocated: 2 * page,
+ fileSize: 2 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 3 * page, // Double fileSize, allocate top-down.
desc: "Reclaimable frames are not allocatable",
@@ -77,11 +86,10 @@ func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
End: []uint64{page, 2 * page, 3 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 0}, {refs: 1}},
- start: 0,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 3 * page,
- minUnallocated: 3 * page,
+ fileSize: 3 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 5 * page, // Double fileSize, grow down.
desc: "Gaps between in-use frames are allocatable",
@@ -90,11 +98,10 @@ func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
End: []uint64{page, 3 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 1}},
- start: 0,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: page,
- minUnallocated: page,
+ fileSize: 3 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: page,
desc: "Inadequately-sized gaps are rejected",
@@ -103,14 +110,13 @@ func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
End: []uint64{page, 3 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 1}},
- start: 0,
- length: 2 * page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 3 * page,
- minUnallocated: page,
+ fileSize: 3 * page,
+ length: 2 * page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 4 * page, // Double fileSize, grow down.
- desc: "Hugepage alignment is honored",
+ desc: "Alignment is honored at end of file",
usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
Start: []uint64{0, hugepage + page},
// Hugepage-sized gap here that shouldn't be allocated from
@@ -118,37 +124,103 @@ func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
End: []uint64{page, hugepage + 2*page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 1}},
- start: 0,
- length: hugepage,
- alignment: hugepage,
- unallocated: 2 * hugepage,
- minUnallocated: page,
+ fileSize: hugepage + 2*page,
+ length: hugepage,
+ alignment: hugepage,
+ start: 3 * hugepage, // Double fileSize until alignment is satisfied, grow down.
- desc: "Pages before start ignored",
+ desc: "Alignment is honored before end of file",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
+ Start: []uint64{0, 2*hugepage + page},
+ // Page will need to be shifted down from top.
+ End: []uint64{page, 2*hugepage + 2*page},
+ Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 1}},
+ },
+ fileSize: 2*hugepage + 2*page,
+ length: hugepage,
+ alignment: hugepage,
+ start: hugepage,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Allocation doubles file size more than once if necessary",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{},
+ fileSize: page,
+ length: 4 * page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Allocations are compact if possible",
usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
Start: []uint64{page, 3 * page},
End: []uint64{2 * page, 4 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 2}},
- start: page,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 2 * page,
- minUnallocated: 2 * page,
+ fileSize: 4 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 2 * page,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Top-down allocation within one gap",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
+ Start: []uint64{page, 4 * page, 7 * page},
+ End: []uint64{2 * page, 5 * page, 8 * page},
+ Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 2}, {refs: 1}},
+ },
+ fileSize: 8 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 6 * page,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Top-down allocation between multiple gaps",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
+ Start: []uint64{page, 3 * page, 5 * page},
+ End: []uint64{2 * page, 4 * page, 6 * page},
+ Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 2}, {refs: 1}},
+ },
+ fileSize: 6 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 4 * page,
- desc: "start may be in the middle of segment",
+ desc: "Top-down allocation with large top gap",
usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
- Start: []uint64{0, 3 * page},
+ Start: []uint64{page, 3 * page},
End: []uint64{2 * page, 4 * page},
Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 2}},
- start: page,
- length: page,
- alignment: page,
- unallocated: 2 * page,
- minUnallocated: 2 * page,
+ fileSize: 8 * page,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: 7 * page,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Gaps found with possible overflow",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
+ Start: []uint64{page, topPage - page},
+ End: []uint64{2 * page, topPage},
+ Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}, {refs: 1}},
+ },
+ fileSize: topPage,
+ length: page,
+ alignment: page,
+ start: topPage - 2*page,
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Overflow detected",
+ usage: &usageSegmentDataSlices{
+ Start: []uint64{page},
+ End: []uint64{topPage},
+ Values: []usageInfo{{refs: 1}},
+ },
+ fileSize: topPage,
+ length: 2 * page,
+ alignment: page,
+ expectFail: true,
} {
t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
@@ -156,12 +228,18 @@ func TestFindUnallocatedRange(t *testing.T) {
if err := usage.ImportSortedSlices(test.usage); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize usage from %v: %v", test.usage, err)
- unallocated, minUnallocated := findUnallocatedRange(&usage, test.start, test.length, test.alignment)
- if unallocated != test.unallocated {
- t.Errorf("findUnallocatedRange(%v, %x, %x, %x): got unallocated %x, wanted %x", test.usage, test.start, test.length, test.alignment, unallocated, test.unallocated)
+ fr, ok := findAvailableRange(&usage, test.fileSize, test.length, test.alignment)
+ if !test.expectFail && !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("findAvailableRange(%v, %x, %x, %x): got %x, false wanted %x, true", test.usage, test.fileSize, test.length, test.alignment, fr.Start, test.start)
+ }
+ if test.expectFail && ok {
+ t.Fatalf("findAvailableRange(%v, %x, %x, %x): got %x, true wanted %x, false", test.usage, test.fileSize, test.length, test.alignment, fr.Start, test.start)
+ }
+ if ok && fr.Start != test.start {
+ t.Errorf("findAvailableRange(%v, %x, %x, %x): got start=%x, wanted %x", test.usage, test.fileSize, test.length, test.alignment, fr.Start, test.start)
- if minUnallocated != test.minUnallocated {
- t.Errorf("findUnallocatedRange(%v, %x, %x, %x): got minUnallocated %x, wanted %x", test.usage, test.start, test.length, test.alignment, minUnallocated, test.minUnallocated)
+ if ok && fr.End != test.start+test.length {
+ t.Errorf("findAvailableRange(%v, %x, %x, %x): got end=%x, wanted %x", test.usage, test.fileSize, test.length, test.alignment, fr.End, test.start+test.length)
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/save_restore.go b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/save_restore.go
index f8385c146..78317fa35 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/save_restore.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/pgalloc/save_restore.go
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ import (
+ ""
// SaveTo writes f's state to the given stream.
-func (f *MemoryFile) SaveTo(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
+func (f *MemoryFile) SaveTo(ctx context.Context, w wire.Writer) error {
// Wait for reclaim.
@@ -79,10 +80,10 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) SaveTo(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
// Save metadata.
- if err := state.Save(ctx, w, &f.fileSize, nil); err != nil {
+ if _, err := state.Save(ctx, w, &f.fileSize); err != nil {
return err
- if err := state.Save(ctx, w, &f.usage, nil); err != nil {
+ if _, err := state.Save(ctx, w, &f.usage); err != nil {
return err
@@ -115,9 +116,9 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) SaveTo(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
// LoadFrom loads MemoryFile state from the given stream.
-func (f *MemoryFile) LoadFrom(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) error {
+func (f *MemoryFile) LoadFrom(ctx context.Context, r wire.Reader) error {
// Load metadata.
- if err := state.Load(ctx, r, &f.fileSize, nil); err != nil {
+ if _, err := state.Load(ctx, r, &f.fileSize); err != nil {
return err
if err := f.file.Truncate(f.fileSize); err != nil {
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ func (f *MemoryFile) LoadFrom(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) error {
newMappings := make([]uintptr, f.fileSize>>chunkShift)
- if err := state.Load(ctx, r, &f.usage, nil); err != nil {
+ if _, err := state.Load(ctx, r, &f.usage); err != nil {
return err