path: root/pkg/sentry/memmap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/sentry/memmap')
7 files changed, 2011 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/memmap/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c95669cd..000000000
--- a/pkg/sentry/memmap/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
-load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template_instance")
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "mappable_range",
- out = "mappable_range.go",
- package = "memmap",
- prefix = "Mappable",
- template = "//pkg/segment:generic_range",
- types = {
- "T": "uint64",
- },
- name = "mapping_set_impl",
- out = "mapping_set_impl.go",
- package = "memmap",
- prefix = "Mapping",
- template = "//pkg/segment:generic_set",
- types = {
- "Key": "uint64",
- "Range": "MappableRange",
- "Value": "MappingsOfRange",
- "Functions": "mappingSetFunctions",
- },
- name = "file_range",
- out = "file_range.go",
- package = "memmap",
- prefix = "File",
- template = "//pkg/segment:generic_range",
- types = {
- "T": "uint64",
- },
- name = "memmap",
- srcs = [
- "file_range.go",
- "mappable_range.go",
- "mapping_set.go",
- "mapping_set_impl.go",
- "memmap.go",
- ],
- visibility = ["//pkg/sentry:internal"],
- deps = [
- "//pkg/context",
- "//pkg/log",
- "//pkg/safemem",
- "//pkg/syserror",
- "//pkg/usermem",
- ],
- name = "memmap_test",
- size = "small",
- srcs = ["mapping_set_test.go"],
- library = ":memmap",
- deps = ["//pkg/usermem"],
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/file_range.go b/pkg/sentry/memmap/file_range.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f0b4bde4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/memmap/file_range.go
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package memmap
+// A Range represents a contiguous range of T.
+// +stateify savable
+type FileRange struct {
+ // Start is the inclusive start of the range.
+ Start uint64
+ // End is the exclusive end of the range.
+ End uint64
+// WellFormed returns true if r.Start <= r.End. All other methods on a Range
+// require that the Range is well-formed.
+func (r FileRange) WellFormed() bool {
+ return r.Start <= r.End
+// Length returns the length of the range.
+func (r FileRange) Length() uint64 {
+ return r.End - r.Start
+// Contains returns true if r contains x.
+func (r FileRange) Contains(x uint64) bool {
+ return r.Start <= x && x < r.End
+// Overlaps returns true if r and r2 overlap.
+func (r FileRange) Overlaps(r2 FileRange) bool {
+ return r.Start < r2.End && r2.Start < r.End
+// IsSupersetOf returns true if r is a superset of r2; that is, the range r2 is
+// contained within r.
+func (r FileRange) IsSupersetOf(r2 FileRange) bool {
+ return r.Start <= r2.Start && r.End >= r2.End
+// Intersect returns a range consisting of the intersection between r and r2.
+// If r and r2 do not overlap, Intersect returns a range with unspecified
+// bounds, but for which Length() == 0.
+func (r FileRange) Intersect(r2 FileRange) FileRange {
+ if r.Start < r2.Start {
+ r.Start = r2.Start
+ }
+ if r.End > r2.End {
+ r.End = r2.End
+ }
+ if r.End < r.Start {
+ r.End = r.Start
+ }
+ return r
+// CanSplitAt returns true if it is legal to split a segment spanning the range
+// r at x; that is, splitting at x would produce two ranges, both of which have
+// non-zero length.
+func (r FileRange) CanSplitAt(x uint64) bool {
+ return r.Contains(x) && r.Start < x
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/mappable_range.go b/pkg/sentry/memmap/mappable_range.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b7312cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/memmap/mappable_range.go
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package memmap
+// A Range represents a contiguous range of T.
+// +stateify savable
+type MappableRange struct {
+ // Start is the inclusive start of the range.
+ Start uint64
+ // End is the exclusive end of the range.
+ End uint64
+// WellFormed returns true if r.Start <= r.End. All other methods on a Range
+// require that the Range is well-formed.
+func (r MappableRange) WellFormed() bool {
+ return r.Start <= r.End
+// Length returns the length of the range.
+func (r MappableRange) Length() uint64 {
+ return r.End - r.Start
+// Contains returns true if r contains x.
+func (r MappableRange) Contains(x uint64) bool {
+ return r.Start <= x && x < r.End
+// Overlaps returns true if r and r2 overlap.
+func (r MappableRange) Overlaps(r2 MappableRange) bool {
+ return r.Start < r2.End && r2.Start < r.End
+// IsSupersetOf returns true if r is a superset of r2; that is, the range r2 is
+// contained within r.
+func (r MappableRange) IsSupersetOf(r2 MappableRange) bool {
+ return r.Start <= r2.Start && r.End >= r2.End
+// Intersect returns a range consisting of the intersection between r and r2.
+// If r and r2 do not overlap, Intersect returns a range with unspecified
+// bounds, but for which Length() == 0.
+func (r MappableRange) Intersect(r2 MappableRange) MappableRange {
+ if r.Start < r2.Start {
+ r.Start = r2.Start
+ }
+ if r.End > r2.End {
+ r.End = r2.End
+ }
+ if r.End < r.Start {
+ r.End = r.Start
+ }
+ return r
+// CanSplitAt returns true if it is legal to split a segment spanning the range
+// r at x; that is, splitting at x would produce two ranges, both of which have
+// non-zero length.
+func (r MappableRange) CanSplitAt(x uint64) bool {
+ return r.Contains(x) && r.Start < x
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/mapping_set_impl.go b/pkg/sentry/memmap/mapping_set_impl.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c32df9259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/memmap/mapping_set_impl.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1643 @@
+package memmap
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+// trackGaps is an optional parameter.
+// If trackGaps is 1, the Set will track maximum gap size recursively,
+// enabling the GapIterator.{Prev,Next}LargeEnoughGap functions. In this
+// case, Key must be an unsigned integer.
+// trackGaps must be 0 or 1.
+const MappingtrackGaps = 0
+var _ = uint8(MappingtrackGaps << 7) // Will fail if not zero or one.
+// dynamicGap is a type that disappears if trackGaps is 0.
+type MappingdynamicGap [MappingtrackGaps]uint64
+// Get returns the value of the gap.
+// Precondition: trackGaps must be non-zero.
+func (d *MappingdynamicGap) Get() uint64 {
+ return d[:][0]
+// Set sets the value of the gap.
+// Precondition: trackGaps must be non-zero.
+func (d *MappingdynamicGap) Set(v uint64) {
+ d[:][0] = v
+const (
+ // minDegree is the minimum degree of an internal node in a Set B-tree.
+ //
+ // - Any non-root node has at least minDegree-1 segments.
+ //
+ // - Any non-root internal (non-leaf) node has at least minDegree children.
+ //
+ // - The root node may have fewer than minDegree-1 segments, but it may
+ // only have 0 segments if the tree is empty.
+ //
+ // Our implementation requires minDegree >= 3. Higher values of minDegree
+ // usually improve performance, but increase memory usage for small sets.
+ MappingminDegree = 3
+ MappingmaxDegree = 2 * MappingminDegree
+// A Set is a mapping of segments with non-overlapping Range keys. The zero
+// value for a Set is an empty set. Set values are not safely movable nor
+// copyable. Set is thread-compatible.
+// +stateify savable
+type MappingSet struct {
+ root Mappingnode `state:".(*MappingSegmentDataSlices)"`
+// IsEmpty returns true if the set contains no segments.
+func (s *MappingSet) IsEmpty() bool {
+ return s.root.nrSegments == 0
+// IsEmptyRange returns true iff no segments in the set overlap the given
+// range. This is semantically equivalent to s.SpanRange(r) == 0, but may be
+// more efficient.
+func (s *MappingSet) IsEmptyRange(r MappableRange) bool {
+ switch {
+ case r.Length() < 0:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid range %v", r))
+ case r.Length() == 0:
+ return true
+ }
+ _, gap := s.Find(r.Start)
+ if !gap.Ok() {
+ return false
+ }
+ return r.End <= gap.End()
+// Span returns the total size of all segments in the set.
+func (s *MappingSet) Span() uint64 {
+ var sz uint64
+ for seg := s.FirstSegment(); seg.Ok(); seg = seg.NextSegment() {
+ sz += seg.Range().Length()
+ }
+ return sz
+// SpanRange returns the total size of the intersection of segments in the set
+// with the given range.
+func (s *MappingSet) SpanRange(r MappableRange) uint64 {
+ switch {
+ case r.Length() < 0:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid range %v", r))
+ case r.Length() == 0:
+ return 0
+ }
+ var sz uint64
+ for seg := s.LowerBoundSegment(r.Start); seg.Ok() && seg.Start() < r.End; seg = seg.NextSegment() {
+ sz += seg.Range().Intersect(r).Length()
+ }
+ return sz
+// FirstSegment returns the first segment in the set. If the set is empty,
+// FirstSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (s *MappingSet) FirstSegment() MappingIterator {
+ if s.root.nrSegments == 0 {
+ return MappingIterator{}
+ }
+ return s.root.firstSegment()
+// LastSegment returns the last segment in the set. If the set is empty,
+// LastSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (s *MappingSet) LastSegment() MappingIterator {
+ if s.root.nrSegments == 0 {
+ return MappingIterator{}
+ }
+ return s.root.lastSegment()
+// FirstGap returns the first gap in the set.
+func (s *MappingSet) FirstGap() MappingGapIterator {
+ n := &s.root
+ for n.hasChildren {
+ n = n.children[0]
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{n, 0}
+// LastGap returns the last gap in the set.
+func (s *MappingSet) LastGap() MappingGapIterator {
+ n := &s.root
+ for n.hasChildren {
+ n = n.children[n.nrSegments]
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{n, n.nrSegments}
+// Find returns the segment or gap whose range contains the given key. If a
+// segment is found, the returned Iterator is non-terminal and the
+// returned GapIterator is terminal. Otherwise, the returned Iterator is
+// terminal and the returned GapIterator is non-terminal.
+func (s *MappingSet) Find(key uint64) (MappingIterator, MappingGapIterator) {
+ n := &s.root
+ for {
+ lower := 0
+ upper := n.nrSegments
+ for lower < upper {
+ i := lower + (upper-lower)/2
+ if r := n.keys[i]; key < r.End {
+ if key >= r.Start {
+ return MappingIterator{n, i}, MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ upper = i
+ } else {
+ lower = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ i := lower
+ if !n.hasChildren {
+ return MappingIterator{}, MappingGapIterator{n, i}
+ }
+ n = n.children[i]
+ }
+// FindSegment returns the segment whose range contains the given key. If no
+// such segment exists, FindSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (s *MappingSet) FindSegment(key uint64) MappingIterator {
+ seg, _ := s.Find(key)
+ return seg
+// LowerBoundSegment returns the segment with the lowest range that contains a
+// key greater than or equal to min. If no such segment exists,
+// LowerBoundSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (s *MappingSet) LowerBoundSegment(min uint64) MappingIterator {
+ seg, gap := s.Find(min)
+ if seg.Ok() {
+ return seg
+ }
+ return gap.NextSegment()
+// UpperBoundSegment returns the segment with the highest range that contains a
+// key less than or equal to max. If no such segment exists, UpperBoundSegment
+// returns a terminal iterator.
+func (s *MappingSet) UpperBoundSegment(max uint64) MappingIterator {
+ seg, gap := s.Find(max)
+ if seg.Ok() {
+ return seg
+ }
+ return gap.PrevSegment()
+// FindGap returns the gap containing the given key. If no such gap exists
+// (i.e. the set contains a segment containing that key), FindGap returns a
+// terminal iterator.
+func (s *MappingSet) FindGap(key uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ _, gap := s.Find(key)
+ return gap
+// LowerBoundGap returns the gap with the lowest range that is greater than or
+// equal to min.
+func (s *MappingSet) LowerBoundGap(min uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ seg, gap := s.Find(min)
+ if gap.Ok() {
+ return gap
+ }
+ return seg.NextGap()
+// UpperBoundGap returns the gap with the highest range that is less than or
+// equal to max.
+func (s *MappingSet) UpperBoundGap(max uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ seg, gap := s.Find(max)
+ if gap.Ok() {
+ return gap
+ }
+ return seg.PrevGap()
+// Add inserts the given segment into the set and returns true. If the new
+// segment can be merged with adjacent segments, Add will do so. If the new
+// segment would overlap an existing segment, Add returns false. If Add
+// succeeds, all existing iterators are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) Add(r MappableRange, val MappingsOfRange) bool {
+ if r.Length() <= 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid segment range %v", r))
+ }
+ gap := s.FindGap(r.Start)
+ if !gap.Ok() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if r.End > gap.End() {
+ return false
+ }
+ s.Insert(gap, r, val)
+ return true
+// AddWithoutMerging inserts the given segment into the set and returns true.
+// If it would overlap an existing segment, AddWithoutMerging does nothing and
+// returns false. If AddWithoutMerging succeeds, all existing iterators are
+// invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) AddWithoutMerging(r MappableRange, val MappingsOfRange) bool {
+ if r.Length() <= 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid segment range %v", r))
+ }
+ gap := s.FindGap(r.Start)
+ if !gap.Ok() {
+ return false
+ }
+ if r.End > gap.End() {
+ return false
+ }
+ s.InsertWithoutMergingUnchecked(gap, r, val)
+ return true
+// Insert inserts the given segment into the given gap. If the new segment can
+// be merged with adjacent segments, Insert will do so. Insert returns an
+// iterator to the segment containing the inserted value (which may have been
+// merged with other values). All existing iterators (including gap, but not
+// including the returned iterator) are invalidated.
+// If the gap cannot accommodate the segment, or if r is invalid, Insert panics.
+// Insert is semantically equivalent to a InsertWithoutMerging followed by a
+// Merge, but may be more efficient. Note that there is no unchecked variant of
+// Insert since Insert must retrieve and inspect gap's predecessor and
+// successor segments regardless.
+func (s *MappingSet) Insert(gap MappingGapIterator, r MappableRange, val MappingsOfRange) MappingIterator {
+ if r.Length() <= 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid segment range %v", r))
+ }
+ prev, next := gap.PrevSegment(), gap.NextSegment()
+ if prev.Ok() && prev.End() > r.Start {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new segment %v overlaps predecessor %v", r, prev.Range()))
+ }
+ if next.Ok() && next.Start() < r.End {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new segment %v overlaps successor %v", r, next.Range()))
+ }
+ if prev.Ok() && prev.End() == r.Start {
+ if mval, ok := (mappingSetFunctions{}).Merge(prev.Range(), prev.Value(), r, val); ok {
+ shrinkMaxGap := MappingtrackGaps != 0 && gap.Range().Length() == gap.node.maxGap.Get()
+ prev.SetEndUnchecked(r.End)
+ prev.SetValue(mval)
+ if shrinkMaxGap {
+ gap.node.updateMaxGapLeaf()
+ }
+ if next.Ok() && next.Start() == r.End {
+ val = mval
+ if mval, ok := (mappingSetFunctions{}).Merge(prev.Range(), val, next.Range(), next.Value()); ok {
+ prev.SetEndUnchecked(next.End())
+ prev.SetValue(mval)
+ return s.Remove(next).PrevSegment()
+ }
+ }
+ return prev
+ }
+ }
+ if next.Ok() && next.Start() == r.End {
+ if mval, ok := (mappingSetFunctions{}).Merge(r, val, next.Range(), next.Value()); ok {
+ shrinkMaxGap := MappingtrackGaps != 0 && gap.Range().Length() == gap.node.maxGap.Get()
+ next.SetStartUnchecked(r.Start)
+ next.SetValue(mval)
+ if shrinkMaxGap {
+ gap.node.updateMaxGapLeaf()
+ }
+ return next
+ }
+ }
+ return s.InsertWithoutMergingUnchecked(gap, r, val)
+// InsertWithoutMerging inserts the given segment into the given gap and
+// returns an iterator to the inserted segment. All existing iterators
+// (including gap, but not including the returned iterator) are invalidated.
+// If the gap cannot accommodate the segment, or if r is invalid,
+// InsertWithoutMerging panics.
+func (s *MappingSet) InsertWithoutMerging(gap MappingGapIterator, r MappableRange, val MappingsOfRange) MappingIterator {
+ if r.Length() <= 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid segment range %v", r))
+ }
+ if gr := gap.Range(); !gr.IsSupersetOf(r) {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot insert segment range %v into gap range %v", r, gr))
+ }
+ return s.InsertWithoutMergingUnchecked(gap, r, val)
+// InsertWithoutMergingUnchecked inserts the given segment into the given gap
+// and returns an iterator to the inserted segment. All existing iterators
+// (including gap, but not including the returned iterator) are invalidated.
+// Preconditions:
+// * r.Start >= gap.Start().
+// * r.End <= gap.End().
+func (s *MappingSet) InsertWithoutMergingUnchecked(gap MappingGapIterator, r MappableRange, val MappingsOfRange) MappingIterator {
+ gap = gap.node.rebalanceBeforeInsert(gap)
+ splitMaxGap := MappingtrackGaps != 0 && (gap.node.nrSegments == 0 || gap.Range().Length() == gap.node.maxGap.Get())
+ copy(gap.node.keys[gap.index+1:], gap.node.keys[gap.index:gap.node.nrSegments])
+ copy(gap.node.values[gap.index+1:], gap.node.values[gap.index:gap.node.nrSegments])
+ gap.node.keys[gap.index] = r
+ gap.node.values[gap.index] = val
+ gap.node.nrSegments++
+ if splitMaxGap {
+ gap.node.updateMaxGapLeaf()
+ }
+ return MappingIterator{gap.node, gap.index}
+// Remove removes the given segment and returns an iterator to the vacated gap.
+// All existing iterators (including seg, but not including the returned
+// iterator) are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) Remove(seg MappingIterator) MappingGapIterator {
+ if seg.node.hasChildren {
+ victim := seg.PrevSegment()
+ seg.SetRangeUnchecked(victim.Range())
+ seg.SetValue(victim.Value())
+ nextAdjacentNode := seg.NextSegment().node
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ nextAdjacentNode.updateMaxGapLeaf()
+ }
+ return s.Remove(victim).NextGap()
+ }
+ copy(seg.node.keys[seg.index:], seg.node.keys[seg.index+1:seg.node.nrSegments])
+ copy(seg.node.values[seg.index:], seg.node.values[seg.index+1:seg.node.nrSegments])
+ mappingSetFunctions{}.ClearValue(&seg.node.values[seg.node.nrSegments-1])
+ seg.node.nrSegments--
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ seg.node.updateMaxGapLeaf()
+ }
+ return seg.node.rebalanceAfterRemove(MappingGapIterator{seg.node, seg.index})
+// RemoveAll removes all segments from the set. All existing iterators are
+// invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) RemoveAll() {
+ s.root = Mappingnode{}
+// RemoveRange removes all segments in the given range. An iterator to the
+// newly formed gap is returned, and all existing iterators are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) RemoveRange(r MappableRange) MappingGapIterator {
+ seg, gap := s.Find(r.Start)
+ if seg.Ok() {
+ seg = s.Isolate(seg, r)
+ gap = s.Remove(seg)
+ }
+ for seg = gap.NextSegment(); seg.Ok() && seg.Start() < r.End; seg = gap.NextSegment() {
+ seg = s.Isolate(seg, r)
+ gap = s.Remove(seg)
+ }
+ return gap
+// Merge attempts to merge two neighboring segments. If successful, Merge
+// returns an iterator to the merged segment, and all existing iterators are
+// invalidated. Otherwise, Merge returns a terminal iterator.
+// If first is not the predecessor of second, Merge panics.
+func (s *MappingSet) Merge(first, second MappingIterator) MappingIterator {
+ if first.NextSegment() != second {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempt to merge non-neighboring segments %v, %v", first.Range(), second.Range()))
+ }
+ return s.MergeUnchecked(first, second)
+// MergeUnchecked attempts to merge two neighboring segments. If successful,
+// MergeUnchecked returns an iterator to the merged segment, and all existing
+// iterators are invalidated. Otherwise, MergeUnchecked returns a terminal
+// iterator.
+// Precondition: first is the predecessor of second: first.NextSegment() ==
+// second, first == second.PrevSegment().
+func (s *MappingSet) MergeUnchecked(first, second MappingIterator) MappingIterator {
+ if first.End() == second.Start() {
+ if mval, ok := (mappingSetFunctions{}).Merge(first.Range(), first.Value(), second.Range(), second.Value()); ok {
+ first.SetEndUnchecked(second.End())
+ first.SetValue(mval)
+ return s.Remove(second).PrevSegment()
+ }
+ }
+ return MappingIterator{}
+// MergeAll attempts to merge all adjacent segments in the set. All existing
+// iterators are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) MergeAll() {
+ seg := s.FirstSegment()
+ if !seg.Ok() {
+ return
+ }
+ next := seg.NextSegment()
+ for next.Ok() {
+ if mseg := s.MergeUnchecked(seg, next); mseg.Ok() {
+ seg, next = mseg, mseg.NextSegment()
+ } else {
+ seg, next = next, next.NextSegment()
+ }
+ }
+// MergeRange attempts to merge all adjacent segments that contain a key in the
+// specific range. All existing iterators are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) MergeRange(r MappableRange) {
+ seg := s.LowerBoundSegment(r.Start)
+ if !seg.Ok() {
+ return
+ }
+ next := seg.NextSegment()
+ for next.Ok() && next.Range().Start < r.End {
+ if mseg := s.MergeUnchecked(seg, next); mseg.Ok() {
+ seg, next = mseg, mseg.NextSegment()
+ } else {
+ seg, next = next, next.NextSegment()
+ }
+ }
+// MergeAdjacent attempts to merge the segment containing r.Start with its
+// predecessor, and the segment containing r.End-1 with its successor.
+func (s *MappingSet) MergeAdjacent(r MappableRange) {
+ first := s.FindSegment(r.Start)
+ if first.Ok() {
+ if prev := first.PrevSegment(); prev.Ok() {
+ s.Merge(prev, first)
+ }
+ }
+ last := s.FindSegment(r.End - 1)
+ if last.Ok() {
+ if next := last.NextSegment(); next.Ok() {
+ s.Merge(last, next)
+ }
+ }
+// Split splits the given segment at the given key and returns iterators to the
+// two resulting segments. All existing iterators (including seg, but not
+// including the returned iterators) are invalidated.
+// If the segment cannot be split at split (because split is at the start or
+// end of the segment's range, so splitting would produce a segment with zero
+// length, or because split falls outside the segment's range altogether),
+// Split panics.
+func (s *MappingSet) Split(seg MappingIterator, split uint64) (MappingIterator, MappingIterator) {
+ if !seg.Range().CanSplitAt(split) {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't split %v at %v", seg.Range(), split))
+ }
+ return s.SplitUnchecked(seg, split)
+// SplitUnchecked splits the given segment at the given key and returns
+// iterators to the two resulting segments. All existing iterators (including
+// seg, but not including the returned iterators) are invalidated.
+// Preconditions: seg.Start() < key < seg.End().
+func (s *MappingSet) SplitUnchecked(seg MappingIterator, split uint64) (MappingIterator, MappingIterator) {
+ val1, val2 := (mappingSetFunctions{}).Split(seg.Range(), seg.Value(), split)
+ end2 := seg.End()
+ seg.SetEndUnchecked(split)
+ seg.SetValue(val1)
+ seg2 := s.InsertWithoutMergingUnchecked(seg.NextGap(), MappableRange{split, end2}, val2)
+ return seg2.PrevSegment(), seg2
+// SplitAt splits the segment straddling split, if one exists. SplitAt returns
+// true if a segment was split and false otherwise. If SplitAt splits a
+// segment, all existing iterators are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) SplitAt(split uint64) bool {
+ if seg := s.FindSegment(split); seg.Ok() && seg.Range().CanSplitAt(split) {
+ s.SplitUnchecked(seg, split)
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// Isolate ensures that the given segment's range does not escape r by
+// splitting at r.Start and r.End if necessary, and returns an updated iterator
+// to the bounded segment. All existing iterators (including seg, but not
+// including the returned iterators) are invalidated.
+func (s *MappingSet) Isolate(seg MappingIterator, r MappableRange) MappingIterator {
+ if seg.Range().CanSplitAt(r.Start) {
+ _, seg = s.SplitUnchecked(seg, r.Start)
+ }
+ if seg.Range().CanSplitAt(r.End) {
+ seg, _ = s.SplitUnchecked(seg, r.End)
+ }
+ return seg
+// ApplyContiguous applies a function to a contiguous range of segments,
+// splitting if necessary. The function is applied until the first gap is
+// encountered, at which point the gap is returned. If the function is applied
+// across the entire range, a terminal gap is returned. All existing iterators
+// are invalidated.
+// N.B. The Iterator must not be invalidated by the function.
+func (s *MappingSet) ApplyContiguous(r MappableRange, fn func(seg MappingIterator)) MappingGapIterator {
+ seg, gap := s.Find(r.Start)
+ if !seg.Ok() {
+ return gap
+ }
+ for {
+ seg = s.Isolate(seg, r)
+ fn(seg)
+ if seg.End() >= r.End {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ gap = seg.NextGap()
+ if !gap.IsEmpty() {
+ return gap
+ }
+ seg = gap.NextSegment()
+ if !seg.Ok() {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ }
+// +stateify savable
+type Mappingnode struct {
+ // An internal binary tree node looks like:
+ //
+ // K
+ // / \
+ // Cl Cr
+ //
+ // where all keys in the subtree rooted by Cl (the left subtree) are less
+ // than K (the key of the parent node), and all keys in the subtree rooted
+ // by Cr (the right subtree) are greater than K.
+ //
+ // An internal B-tree node's indexes work out to look like:
+ //
+ // K0 K1 K2 ... Kn-1
+ // / \/ \/ \ ... / \
+ // C0 C1 C2 C3 ... Cn-1 Cn
+ //
+ // where n is nrSegments.
+ nrSegments int
+ // parent is a pointer to this node's parent. If this node is root, parent
+ // is nil.
+ parent *Mappingnode
+ // parentIndex is the index of this node in parent.children.
+ parentIndex int
+ // Flag for internal nodes that is technically redundant with "children[0]
+ // != nil", but is stored in the first cache line. "hasChildren" rather
+ // than "isLeaf" because false must be the correct value for an empty root.
+ hasChildren bool
+ // The longest gap within this node. If the node is a leaf, it's simply the
+ // maximum gap among all the (nrSegments+1) gaps formed by its nrSegments keys
+ // including the 0th and nrSegments-th gap possibly shared with its upper-level
+ // nodes; if it's a non-leaf node, it's the max of all children's maxGap.
+ maxGap MappingdynamicGap
+ // Nodes store keys and values in separate arrays to maximize locality in
+ // the common case (scanning keys for lookup).
+ keys [MappingmaxDegree - 1]MappableRange
+ values [MappingmaxDegree - 1]MappingsOfRange
+ children [MappingmaxDegree]*Mappingnode
+// firstSegment returns the first segment in the subtree rooted by n.
+// Preconditions: n.nrSegments != 0.
+func (n *Mappingnode) firstSegment() MappingIterator {
+ for n.hasChildren {
+ n = n.children[0]
+ }
+ return MappingIterator{n, 0}
+// lastSegment returns the last segment in the subtree rooted by n.
+// Preconditions: n.nrSegments != 0.
+func (n *Mappingnode) lastSegment() MappingIterator {
+ for n.hasChildren {
+ n = n.children[n.nrSegments]
+ }
+ return MappingIterator{n, n.nrSegments - 1}
+func (n *Mappingnode) prevSibling() *Mappingnode {
+ if n.parent == nil || n.parentIndex == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return n.parent.children[n.parentIndex-1]
+func (n *Mappingnode) nextSibling() *Mappingnode {
+ if n.parent == nil || n.parentIndex == n.parent.nrSegments {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return n.parent.children[n.parentIndex+1]
+// rebalanceBeforeInsert splits n and its ancestors if they are full, as
+// required for insertion, and returns an updated iterator to the position
+// represented by gap.
+func (n *Mappingnode) rebalanceBeforeInsert(gap MappingGapIterator) MappingGapIterator {
+ if n.nrSegments < MappingmaxDegree-1 {
+ return gap
+ }
+ if n.parent != nil {
+ gap = n.parent.rebalanceBeforeInsert(gap)
+ }
+ if n.parent == nil {
+ left := &Mappingnode{
+ nrSegments: MappingminDegree - 1,
+ parent: n,
+ parentIndex: 0,
+ hasChildren: n.hasChildren,
+ }
+ right := &Mappingnode{
+ nrSegments: MappingminDegree - 1,
+ parent: n,
+ parentIndex: 1,
+ hasChildren: n.hasChildren,
+ }
+ copy(left.keys[:MappingminDegree-1], n.keys[:MappingminDegree-1])
+ copy(left.values[:MappingminDegree-1], n.values[:MappingminDegree-1])
+ copy(right.keys[:MappingminDegree-1], n.keys[MappingminDegree:])
+ copy(right.values[:MappingminDegree-1], n.values[MappingminDegree:])
+ n.keys[0], n.values[0] = n.keys[MappingminDegree-1], n.values[MappingminDegree-1]
+ MappingzeroValueSlice(n.values[1:])
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ copy(left.children[:MappingminDegree], n.children[:MappingminDegree])
+ copy(right.children[:MappingminDegree], n.children[MappingminDegree:])
+ MappingzeroNodeSlice(n.children[2:])
+ for i := 0; i < MappingminDegree; i++ {
+ left.children[i].parent = left
+ left.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ right.children[i].parent = right
+ right.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ }
+ n.nrSegments = 1
+ n.hasChildren = true
+ n.children[0] = left
+ n.children[1] = right
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ left.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ right.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ }
+ if gap.node != n {
+ return gap
+ }
+ if gap.index < MappingminDegree {
+ return MappingGapIterator{left, gap.index}
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{right, gap.index - MappingminDegree}
+ }
+ copy(n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex+1:], n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex:n.parent.nrSegments])
+ copy(n.parent.values[n.parentIndex+1:], n.parent.values[n.parentIndex:n.parent.nrSegments])
+ n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex], n.parent.values[n.parentIndex] = n.keys[MappingminDegree-1], n.values[MappingminDegree-1]
+ copy(n.parent.children[n.parentIndex+2:], n.parent.children[n.parentIndex+1:n.parent.nrSegments+1])
+ for i := n.parentIndex + 2; i < n.parent.nrSegments+2; i++ {
+ n.parent.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ sibling := &Mappingnode{
+ nrSegments: MappingminDegree - 1,
+ parent: n.parent,
+ parentIndex: n.parentIndex + 1,
+ hasChildren: n.hasChildren,
+ }
+ n.parent.children[n.parentIndex+1] = sibling
+ n.parent.nrSegments++
+ copy(sibling.keys[:MappingminDegree-1], n.keys[MappingminDegree:])
+ copy(sibling.values[:MappingminDegree-1], n.values[MappingminDegree:])
+ MappingzeroValueSlice(n.values[MappingminDegree-1:])
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ copy(sibling.children[:MappingminDegree], n.children[MappingminDegree:])
+ MappingzeroNodeSlice(n.children[MappingminDegree:])
+ for i := 0; i < MappingminDegree; i++ {
+ sibling.children[i].parent = sibling
+ sibling.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ }
+ n.nrSegments = MappingminDegree - 1
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ n.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ sibling.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ }
+ if gap.node != n {
+ return gap
+ }
+ if gap.index < MappingminDegree {
+ return gap
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{sibling, gap.index - MappingminDegree}
+// rebalanceAfterRemove "unsplits" n and its ancestors if they are deficient
+// (contain fewer segments than required by B-tree invariants), as required for
+// removal, and returns an updated iterator to the position represented by gap.
+// Precondition: n is the only node in the tree that may currently violate a
+// B-tree invariant.
+func (n *Mappingnode) rebalanceAfterRemove(gap MappingGapIterator) MappingGapIterator {
+ for {
+ if n.nrSegments >= MappingminDegree-1 {
+ return gap
+ }
+ if n.parent == nil {
+ return gap
+ }
+ if sibling := n.prevSibling(); sibling != nil && sibling.nrSegments >= MappingminDegree {
+ copy(n.keys[1:], n.keys[:n.nrSegments])
+ copy(n.values[1:], n.values[:n.nrSegments])
+ n.keys[0] = n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex-1]
+ n.values[0] = n.parent.values[n.parentIndex-1]
+ n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex-1] = sibling.keys[sibling.nrSegments-1]
+ n.parent.values[n.parentIndex-1] = sibling.values[sibling.nrSegments-1]
+ mappingSetFunctions{}.ClearValue(&sibling.values[sibling.nrSegments-1])
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ copy(n.children[1:], n.children[:n.nrSegments+1])
+ n.children[0] = sibling.children[sibling.nrSegments]
+ sibling.children[sibling.nrSegments] = nil
+ n.children[0].parent = n
+ n.children[0].parentIndex = 0
+ for i := 1; i < n.nrSegments+2; i++ {
+ n.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ }
+ n.nrSegments++
+ sibling.nrSegments--
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ n.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ sibling.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ }
+ if gap.node == sibling && gap.index == sibling.nrSegments {
+ return MappingGapIterator{n, 0}
+ }
+ if gap.node == n {
+ return MappingGapIterator{n, gap.index + 1}
+ }
+ return gap
+ }
+ if sibling := n.nextSibling(); sibling != nil && sibling.nrSegments >= MappingminDegree {
+ n.keys[n.nrSegments] = n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex]
+ n.values[n.nrSegments] = n.parent.values[n.parentIndex]
+ n.parent.keys[n.parentIndex] = sibling.keys[0]
+ n.parent.values[n.parentIndex] = sibling.values[0]
+ copy(sibling.keys[:sibling.nrSegments-1], sibling.keys[1:])
+ copy(sibling.values[:sibling.nrSegments-1], sibling.values[1:])
+ mappingSetFunctions{}.ClearValue(&sibling.values[sibling.nrSegments-1])
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ n.children[n.nrSegments+1] = sibling.children[0]
+ copy(sibling.children[:sibling.nrSegments], sibling.children[1:])
+ sibling.children[sibling.nrSegments] = nil
+ n.children[n.nrSegments+1].parent = n
+ n.children[n.nrSegments+1].parentIndex = n.nrSegments + 1
+ for i := 0; i < sibling.nrSegments; i++ {
+ sibling.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ }
+ n.nrSegments++
+ sibling.nrSegments--
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ n.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ sibling.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ }
+ if gap.node == sibling {
+ if gap.index == 0 {
+ return MappingGapIterator{n, n.nrSegments}
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{sibling, gap.index - 1}
+ }
+ return gap
+ }
+ p := n.parent
+ if p.nrSegments == 1 {
+ left, right := p.children[0], p.children[1]
+ p.nrSegments = left.nrSegments + right.nrSegments + 1
+ p.hasChildren = left.hasChildren
+ p.keys[left.nrSegments] = p.keys[0]
+ p.values[left.nrSegments] = p.values[0]
+ copy(p.keys[:left.nrSegments], left.keys[:left.nrSegments])
+ copy(p.values[:left.nrSegments], left.values[:left.nrSegments])
+ copy(p.keys[left.nrSegments+1:], right.keys[:right.nrSegments])
+ copy(p.values[left.nrSegments+1:], right.values[:right.nrSegments])
+ if left.hasChildren {
+ copy(p.children[:left.nrSegments+1], left.children[:left.nrSegments+1])
+ copy(p.children[left.nrSegments+1:], right.children[:right.nrSegments+1])
+ for i := 0; i < p.nrSegments+1; i++ {
+ p.children[i].parent = p
+ p.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ } else {
+ p.children[0] = nil
+ p.children[1] = nil
+ }
+ if gap.node == left {
+ return MappingGapIterator{p, gap.index}
+ }
+ if gap.node == right {
+ return MappingGapIterator{p, gap.index + left.nrSegments + 1}
+ }
+ return gap
+ }
+ // Merge n and either sibling, along with the segment separating the
+ // two, into whichever of the two nodes comes first. This is the
+ // reverse of the non-root splitting case in
+ // node.rebalanceBeforeInsert.
+ var left, right *Mappingnode
+ if n.parentIndex > 0 {
+ left = n.prevSibling()
+ right = n
+ } else {
+ left = n
+ right = n.nextSibling()
+ }
+ if gap.node == right {
+ gap = MappingGapIterator{left, gap.index + left.nrSegments + 1}
+ }
+ left.keys[left.nrSegments] = p.keys[left.parentIndex]
+ left.values[left.nrSegments] = p.values[left.parentIndex]
+ copy(left.keys[left.nrSegments+1:], right.keys[:right.nrSegments])
+ copy(left.values[left.nrSegments+1:], right.values[:right.nrSegments])
+ if left.hasChildren {
+ copy(left.children[left.nrSegments+1:], right.children[:right.nrSegments+1])
+ for i := left.nrSegments + 1; i < left.nrSegments+right.nrSegments+2; i++ {
+ left.children[i].parent = left
+ left.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ }
+ left.nrSegments += right.nrSegments + 1
+ copy(p.keys[left.parentIndex:], p.keys[left.parentIndex+1:p.nrSegments])
+ copy(p.values[left.parentIndex:], p.values[left.parentIndex+1:p.nrSegments])
+ mappingSetFunctions{}.ClearValue(&p.values[p.nrSegments-1])
+ copy(p.children[left.parentIndex+1:], p.children[left.parentIndex+2:p.nrSegments+1])
+ for i := 0; i < p.nrSegments; i++ {
+ p.children[i].parentIndex = i
+ }
+ p.children[p.nrSegments] = nil
+ p.nrSegments--
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ left.updateMaxGapLocal()
+ }
+ n = p
+ }
+// updateMaxGapLeaf updates maxGap bottom-up from the calling leaf until no
+// necessary update.
+// Preconditions: n must be a leaf node, trackGaps must be 1.
+func (n *Mappingnode) updateMaxGapLeaf() {
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("updateMaxGapLeaf should always be called on leaf node: %v", n))
+ }
+ max := n.calculateMaxGapLeaf()
+ if max == n.maxGap.Get() {
+ return
+ }
+ oldMax := n.maxGap.Get()
+ n.maxGap.Set(max)
+ if max > oldMax {
+ for p := n.parent; p != nil; p = p.parent {
+ if p.maxGap.Get() >= max {
+ break
+ }
+ p.maxGap.Set(max)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ for p := n.parent; p != nil; p = p.parent {
+ if p.maxGap.Get() > oldMax {
+ break
+ }
+ parentNewMax := p.calculateMaxGapInternal()
+ if p.maxGap.Get() == parentNewMax {
+ break
+ }
+ p.maxGap.Set(parentNewMax)
+ }
+// updateMaxGapLocal updates maxGap of the calling node solely with no
+// propagation to ancestor nodes.
+// Precondition: trackGaps must be 1.
+func (n *Mappingnode) updateMaxGapLocal() {
+ if !n.hasChildren {
+ n.maxGap.Set(n.calculateMaxGapLeaf())
+ } else {
+ n.maxGap.Set(n.calculateMaxGapInternal())
+ }
+// calculateMaxGapLeaf iterates the gaps within a leaf node and calculate the
+// max.
+// Preconditions: n must be a leaf node.
+func (n *Mappingnode) calculateMaxGapLeaf() uint64 {
+ max := MappingGapIterator{n, 0}.Range().Length()
+ for i := 1; i <= n.nrSegments; i++ {
+ if current := (MappingGapIterator{n, i}).Range().Length(); current > max {
+ max = current
+ }
+ }
+ return max
+// calculateMaxGapInternal iterates children's maxGap within an internal node n
+// and calculate the max.
+// Preconditions: n must be a non-leaf node.
+func (n *Mappingnode) calculateMaxGapInternal() uint64 {
+ max := n.children[0].maxGap.Get()
+ for i := 1; i <= n.nrSegments; i++ {
+ if current := n.children[i].maxGap.Get(); current > max {
+ max = current
+ }
+ }
+ return max
+// searchFirstLargeEnoughGap returns the first gap having at least minSize length
+// in the subtree rooted by n. If not found, return a terminal gap iterator.
+func (n *Mappingnode) searchFirstLargeEnoughGap(minSize uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ if n.maxGap.Get() < minSize {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ for i := 0; i <= n.nrSegments; i++ {
+ if largeEnoughGap := n.children[i].searchFirstLargeEnoughGap(minSize); largeEnoughGap.Ok() {
+ return largeEnoughGap
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for i := 0; i <= n.nrSegments; i++ {
+ currentGap := MappingGapIterator{n, i}
+ if currentGap.Range().Length() >= minSize {
+ return currentGap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid maxGap in %v", n))
+// searchLastLargeEnoughGap returns the last gap having at least minSize length
+// in the subtree rooted by n. If not found, return a terminal gap iterator.
+func (n *Mappingnode) searchLastLargeEnoughGap(minSize uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ if n.maxGap.Get() < minSize {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ for i := n.nrSegments; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if largeEnoughGap := n.children[i].searchLastLargeEnoughGap(minSize); largeEnoughGap.Ok() {
+ return largeEnoughGap
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for i := n.nrSegments; i >= 0; i-- {
+ currentGap := MappingGapIterator{n, i}
+ if currentGap.Range().Length() >= minSize {
+ return currentGap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid maxGap in %v", n))
+// A Iterator is conceptually one of:
+// - A pointer to a segment in a set; or
+// - A terminal iterator, which is a sentinel indicating that the end of
+// iteration has been reached.
+// Iterators are copyable values and are meaningfully equality-comparable. The
+// zero value of Iterator is a terminal iterator.
+// Unless otherwise specified, any mutation of a set invalidates all existing
+// iterators into the set.
+type MappingIterator struct {
+ // node is the node containing the iterated segment. If the iterator is
+ // terminal, node is nil.
+ node *Mappingnode
+ // index is the index of the segment in node.keys/values.
+ index int
+// Ok returns true if the iterator is not terminal. All other methods are only
+// valid for non-terminal iterators.
+func (seg MappingIterator) Ok() bool {
+ return seg.node != nil
+// Range returns the iterated segment's range key.
+func (seg MappingIterator) Range() MappableRange {
+ return seg.node.keys[seg.index]
+// Start is equivalent to Range().Start, but should be preferred if only the
+// start of the range is needed.
+func (seg MappingIterator) Start() uint64 {
+ return seg.node.keys[seg.index].Start
+// End is equivalent to Range().End, but should be preferred if only the end of
+// the range is needed.
+func (seg MappingIterator) End() uint64 {
+ return seg.node.keys[seg.index].End
+// SetRangeUnchecked mutates the iterated segment's range key. This operation
+// does not invalidate any iterators.
+// Preconditions:
+// * r.Length() > 0.
+// * The new range must not overlap an existing one:
+// * If seg.NextSegment().Ok(), then r.end <= seg.NextSegment().Start().
+// * If seg.PrevSegment().Ok(), then r.start >= seg.PrevSegment().End().
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetRangeUnchecked(r MappableRange) {
+ seg.node.keys[seg.index] = r
+// SetRange mutates the iterated segment's range key. If the new range would
+// cause the iterated segment to overlap another segment, or if the new range
+// is invalid, SetRange panics. This operation does not invalidate any
+// iterators.
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetRange(r MappableRange) {
+ if r.Length() <= 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid segment range %v", r))
+ }
+ if prev := seg.PrevSegment(); prev.Ok() && r.Start < prev.End() {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new segment range %v overlaps segment range %v", r, prev.Range()))
+ }
+ if next := seg.NextSegment(); next.Ok() && r.End > next.Start() {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new segment range %v overlaps segment range %v", r, next.Range()))
+ }
+ seg.SetRangeUnchecked(r)
+// SetStartUnchecked mutates the iterated segment's start. This operation does
+// not invalidate any iterators.
+// Preconditions: The new start must be valid:
+// * start < seg.End()
+// * If seg.PrevSegment().Ok(), then start >= seg.PrevSegment().End().
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetStartUnchecked(start uint64) {
+ seg.node.keys[seg.index].Start = start
+// SetStart mutates the iterated segment's start. If the new start value would
+// cause the iterated segment to overlap another segment, or would result in an
+// invalid range, SetStart panics. This operation does not invalidate any
+// iterators.
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetStart(start uint64) {
+ if start >= seg.End() {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new start %v would invalidate segment range %v", start, seg.Range()))
+ }
+ if prev := seg.PrevSegment(); prev.Ok() && start < prev.End() {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new start %v would cause segment range %v to overlap segment range %v", start, seg.Range(), prev.Range()))
+ }
+ seg.SetStartUnchecked(start)
+// SetEndUnchecked mutates the iterated segment's end. This operation does not
+// invalidate any iterators.
+// Preconditions: The new end must be valid:
+// * end > seg.Start().
+// * If seg.NextSegment().Ok(), then end <= seg.NextSegment().Start().
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetEndUnchecked(end uint64) {
+ seg.node.keys[seg.index].End = end
+// SetEnd mutates the iterated segment's end. If the new end value would cause
+// the iterated segment to overlap another segment, or would result in an
+// invalid range, SetEnd panics. This operation does not invalidate any
+// iterators.
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetEnd(end uint64) {
+ if end <= seg.Start() {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new end %v would invalidate segment range %v", end, seg.Range()))
+ }
+ if next := seg.NextSegment(); next.Ok() && end > next.Start() {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("new end %v would cause segment range %v to overlap segment range %v", end, seg.Range(), next.Range()))
+ }
+ seg.SetEndUnchecked(end)
+// Value returns a copy of the iterated segment's value.
+func (seg MappingIterator) Value() MappingsOfRange {
+ return seg.node.values[seg.index]
+// ValuePtr returns a pointer to the iterated segment's value. The pointer is
+// invalidated if the iterator is invalidated. This operation does not
+// invalidate any iterators.
+func (seg MappingIterator) ValuePtr() *MappingsOfRange {
+ return &seg.node.values[seg.index]
+// SetValue mutates the iterated segment's value. This operation does not
+// invalidate any iterators.
+func (seg MappingIterator) SetValue(val MappingsOfRange) {
+ seg.node.values[seg.index] = val
+// PrevSegment returns the iterated segment's predecessor. If there is no
+// preceding segment, PrevSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (seg MappingIterator) PrevSegment() MappingIterator {
+ if seg.node.hasChildren {
+ return seg.node.children[seg.index].lastSegment()
+ }
+ if seg.index > 0 {
+ return MappingIterator{seg.node, seg.index - 1}
+ }
+ if seg.node.parent == nil {
+ return MappingIterator{}
+ }
+ return MappingsegmentBeforePosition(seg.node.parent, seg.node.parentIndex)
+// NextSegment returns the iterated segment's successor. If there is no
+// succeeding segment, NextSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (seg MappingIterator) NextSegment() MappingIterator {
+ if seg.node.hasChildren {
+ return seg.node.children[seg.index+1].firstSegment()
+ }
+ if seg.index < seg.node.nrSegments-1 {
+ return MappingIterator{seg.node, seg.index + 1}
+ }
+ if seg.node.parent == nil {
+ return MappingIterator{}
+ }
+ return MappingsegmentAfterPosition(seg.node.parent, seg.node.parentIndex)
+// PrevGap returns the gap immediately before the iterated segment.
+func (seg MappingIterator) PrevGap() MappingGapIterator {
+ if seg.node.hasChildren {
+ return seg.node.children[seg.index].lastSegment().NextGap()
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{seg.node, seg.index}
+// NextGap returns the gap immediately after the iterated segment.
+func (seg MappingIterator) NextGap() MappingGapIterator {
+ if seg.node.hasChildren {
+ return seg.node.children[seg.index+1].firstSegment().PrevGap()
+ }
+ return MappingGapIterator{seg.node, seg.index + 1}
+// PrevNonEmpty returns the iterated segment's predecessor if it is adjacent,
+// or the gap before the iterated segment otherwise. If seg.Start() ==
+// Functions.MinKey(), PrevNonEmpty will return two terminal iterators.
+// Otherwise, exactly one of the iterators returned by PrevNonEmpty will be
+// non-terminal.
+func (seg MappingIterator) PrevNonEmpty() (MappingIterator, MappingGapIterator) {
+ gap := seg.PrevGap()
+ if gap.Range().Length() != 0 {
+ return MappingIterator{}, gap
+ }
+ return gap.PrevSegment(), MappingGapIterator{}
+// NextNonEmpty returns the iterated segment's successor if it is adjacent, or
+// the gap after the iterated segment otherwise. If seg.End() ==
+// Functions.MaxKey(), NextNonEmpty will return two terminal iterators.
+// Otherwise, exactly one of the iterators returned by NextNonEmpty will be
+// non-terminal.
+func (seg MappingIterator) NextNonEmpty() (MappingIterator, MappingGapIterator) {
+ gap := seg.NextGap()
+ if gap.Range().Length() != 0 {
+ return MappingIterator{}, gap
+ }
+ return gap.NextSegment(), MappingGapIterator{}
+// A GapIterator is conceptually one of:
+// - A pointer to a position between two segments, before the first segment, or
+// after the last segment in a set, called a *gap*; or
+// - A terminal iterator, which is a sentinel indicating that the end of
+// iteration has been reached.
+// Note that the gap between two adjacent segments exists (iterators to it are
+// non-terminal), but has a length of zero. GapIterator.IsEmpty returns true
+// for such gaps. An empty set contains a single gap, spanning the entire range
+// of the set's keys.
+// GapIterators are copyable values and are meaningfully equality-comparable.
+// The zero value of GapIterator is a terminal iterator.
+// Unless otherwise specified, any mutation of a set invalidates all existing
+// iterators into the set.
+type MappingGapIterator struct {
+ // The representation of a GapIterator is identical to that of an Iterator,
+ // except that index corresponds to positions between segments in the same
+ // way as for node.children (see comment for node.nrSegments).
+ node *Mappingnode
+ index int
+// Ok returns true if the iterator is not terminal. All other methods are only
+// valid for non-terminal iterators.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) Ok() bool {
+ return gap.node != nil
+// Range returns the range spanned by the iterated gap.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) Range() MappableRange {
+ return MappableRange{gap.Start(), gap.End()}
+// Start is equivalent to Range().Start, but should be preferred if only the
+// start of the range is needed.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) Start() uint64 {
+ if ps := gap.PrevSegment(); ps.Ok() {
+ return ps.End()
+ }
+ return mappingSetFunctions{}.MinKey()
+// End is equivalent to Range().End, but should be preferred if only the end of
+// the range is needed.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) End() uint64 {
+ if ns := gap.NextSegment(); ns.Ok() {
+ return ns.Start()
+ }
+ return mappingSetFunctions{}.MaxKey()
+// IsEmpty returns true if the iterated gap is empty (that is, the "gap" is
+// between two adjacent segments.)
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) IsEmpty() bool {
+ return gap.Range().Length() == 0
+// PrevSegment returns the segment immediately before the iterated gap. If no
+// such segment exists, PrevSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) PrevSegment() MappingIterator {
+ return MappingsegmentBeforePosition(gap.node, gap.index)
+// NextSegment returns the segment immediately after the iterated gap. If no
+// such segment exists, NextSegment returns a terminal iterator.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) NextSegment() MappingIterator {
+ return MappingsegmentAfterPosition(gap.node, gap.index)
+// PrevGap returns the iterated gap's predecessor. If no such gap exists,
+// PrevGap returns a terminal iterator.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) PrevGap() MappingGapIterator {
+ seg := gap.PrevSegment()
+ if !seg.Ok() {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ return seg.PrevGap()
+// NextGap returns the iterated gap's successor. If no such gap exists, NextGap
+// returns a terminal iterator.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) NextGap() MappingGapIterator {
+ seg := gap.NextSegment()
+ if !seg.Ok() {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ return seg.NextGap()
+// NextLargeEnoughGap returns the iterated gap's first next gap with larger
+// length than minSize. If not found, return a terminal gap iterator (does NOT
+// include this gap itself).
+// Precondition: trackGaps must be 1.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) NextLargeEnoughGap(minSize uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 1 {
+ panic("set is not tracking gaps")
+ }
+ if gap.node != nil && gap.node.hasChildren && gap.index == gap.node.nrSegments {
+ gap.node = gap.NextSegment().node
+ gap.index = 0
+ return gap.nextLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize)
+ }
+ return gap.nextLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize)
+// nextLargeEnoughGapHelper is the helper function used by NextLargeEnoughGap
+// to do the real recursions.
+// Preconditions: gap is NOT the trailing gap of a non-leaf node.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) nextLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ for gap.node != nil &&
+ (gap.node.maxGap.Get() < minSize || (!gap.node.hasChildren && gap.index == gap.node.nrSegments)) {
+ gap.node, gap.index = gap.node.parent, gap.node.parentIndex
+ }
+ if gap.node == nil {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ gap.index++
+ for gap.index <= gap.node.nrSegments {
+ if gap.node.hasChildren {
+ if largeEnoughGap := gap.node.children[gap.index].searchFirstLargeEnoughGap(minSize); largeEnoughGap.Ok() {
+ return largeEnoughGap
+ }
+ } else {
+ if gap.Range().Length() >= minSize {
+ return gap
+ }
+ }
+ gap.index++
+ }
+ gap.node, gap.index = gap.node.parent, gap.node.parentIndex
+ if gap.node != nil && gap.index == gap.node.nrSegments {
+ gap.node, gap.index = gap.node.parent, gap.node.parentIndex
+ }
+ return gap.nextLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize)
+// PrevLargeEnoughGap returns the iterated gap's first prev gap with larger or
+// equal length than minSize. If not found, return a terminal gap iterator
+// (does NOT include this gap itself).
+// Precondition: trackGaps must be 1.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) PrevLargeEnoughGap(minSize uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 1 {
+ panic("set is not tracking gaps")
+ }
+ if gap.node != nil && gap.node.hasChildren && gap.index == 0 {
+ gap.node = gap.PrevSegment().node
+ gap.index = gap.node.nrSegments
+ return gap.prevLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize)
+ }
+ return gap.prevLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize)
+// prevLargeEnoughGapHelper is the helper function used by PrevLargeEnoughGap
+// to do the real recursions.
+// Preconditions: gap is NOT the first gap of a non-leaf node.
+func (gap MappingGapIterator) prevLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize uint64) MappingGapIterator {
+ for gap.node != nil &&
+ (gap.node.maxGap.Get() < minSize || (!gap.node.hasChildren && gap.index == 0)) {
+ gap.node, gap.index = gap.node.parent, gap.node.parentIndex
+ }
+ if gap.node == nil {
+ return MappingGapIterator{}
+ }
+ gap.index--
+ for gap.index >= 0 {
+ if gap.node.hasChildren {
+ if largeEnoughGap := gap.node.children[gap.index].searchLastLargeEnoughGap(minSize); largeEnoughGap.Ok() {
+ return largeEnoughGap
+ }
+ } else {
+ if gap.Range().Length() >= minSize {
+ return gap
+ }
+ }
+ gap.index--
+ }
+ gap.node, gap.index = gap.node.parent, gap.node.parentIndex
+ if gap.node != nil && gap.index == 0 {
+ gap.node, gap.index = gap.node.parent, gap.node.parentIndex
+ }
+ return gap.prevLargeEnoughGapHelper(minSize)
+// segmentBeforePosition returns the predecessor segment of the position given
+// by n.children[i], which may or may not contain a child. If no such segment
+// exists, segmentBeforePosition returns a terminal iterator.
+func MappingsegmentBeforePosition(n *Mappingnode, i int) MappingIterator {
+ for i == 0 {
+ if n.parent == nil {
+ return MappingIterator{}
+ }
+ n, i = n.parent, n.parentIndex
+ }
+ return MappingIterator{n, i - 1}
+// segmentAfterPosition returns the successor segment of the position given by
+// n.children[i], which may or may not contain a child. If no such segment
+// exists, segmentAfterPosition returns a terminal iterator.
+func MappingsegmentAfterPosition(n *Mappingnode, i int) MappingIterator {
+ for i == n.nrSegments {
+ if n.parent == nil {
+ return MappingIterator{}
+ }
+ n, i = n.parent, n.parentIndex
+ }
+ return MappingIterator{n, i}
+func MappingzeroValueSlice(slice []MappingsOfRange) {
+ for i := range slice {
+ mappingSetFunctions{}.ClearValue(&slice[i])
+ }
+func MappingzeroNodeSlice(slice []*Mappingnode) {
+ for i := range slice {
+ slice[i] = nil
+ }
+// String stringifies a Set for debugging.
+func (s *MappingSet) String() string {
+ return s.root.String()
+// String stringifies a node (and all of its children) for debugging.
+func (n *Mappingnode) String() string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ n.writeDebugString(&buf, "")
+ return buf.String()
+func (n *Mappingnode) writeDebugString(buf *bytes.Buffer, prefix string) {
+ if n.hasChildren != (n.nrSegments > 0 && n.children[0] != nil) {
+ buf.WriteString(prefix)
+ buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: inconsistent value of hasChildren: got %v, want %v\n", n.hasChildren, !n.hasChildren))
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < n.nrSegments; i++ {
+ if child := n.children[i]; child != nil {
+ cprefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s- % 3d ", prefix, i)
+ if child.parent != n || child.parentIndex != i {
+ buf.WriteString(cprefix)
+ buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: inconsistent linkage to parent: got (%p, %d), want (%p, %d)\n", child.parent, child.parentIndex, n, i))
+ }
+ child.writeDebugString(buf, fmt.Sprintf("%s- % 3d ", prefix, i))
+ }
+ buf.WriteString(prefix)
+ if n.hasChildren {
+ if MappingtrackGaps != 0 {
+ buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- % 3d: %v => %v, maxGap: %d\n", i, n.keys[i], n.values[i], n.maxGap.Get()))
+ } else {
+ buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- % 3d: %v => %v\n", i, n.keys[i], n.values[i]))
+ }
+ } else {
+ buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- % 3d: %v => %v\n", i, n.keys[i], n.values[i]))
+ }
+ }
+ if child := n.children[n.nrSegments]; child != nil {
+ child.writeDebugString(buf, fmt.Sprintf("%s- % 3d ", prefix, n.nrSegments))
+ }
+// SegmentDataSlices represents segments from a set as slices of start, end, and
+// values. SegmentDataSlices is primarily used as an intermediate representation
+// for save/restore and the layout here is optimized for that.
+// +stateify savable
+type MappingSegmentDataSlices struct {
+ Start []uint64
+ End []uint64
+ Values []MappingsOfRange
+// ExportSortedSlices returns a copy of all segments in the given set, in
+// ascending key order.
+func (s *MappingSet) ExportSortedSlices() *MappingSegmentDataSlices {
+ var sds MappingSegmentDataSlices
+ for seg := s.FirstSegment(); seg.Ok(); seg = seg.NextSegment() {
+ sds.Start = append(sds.Start, seg.Start())
+ sds.End = append(sds.End, seg.End())
+ sds.Values = append(sds.Values, seg.Value())
+ }
+ sds.Start = sds.Start[:len(sds.Start):len(sds.Start)]
+ sds.End = sds.End[:len(sds.End):len(sds.End)]
+ sds.Values = sds.Values[:len(sds.Values):len(sds.Values)]
+ return &sds
+// ImportSortedSlices initializes the given set from the given slice.
+// Preconditions:
+// * s must be empty.
+// * sds must represent a valid set (the segments in sds must have valid
+// lengths that do not overlap).
+// * The segments in sds must be sorted in ascending key order.
+func (s *MappingSet) ImportSortedSlices(sds *MappingSegmentDataSlices) error {
+ if !s.IsEmpty() {
+ return fmt.Errorf("cannot import into non-empty set %v", s)
+ }
+ gap := s.FirstGap()
+ for i := range sds.Start {
+ r := MappableRange{sds.Start[i], sds.End[i]}
+ if !gap.Range().IsSupersetOf(r) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("segment overlaps a preceding segment or is incorrectly sorted: [%d, %d) => %v", sds.Start[i], sds.End[i], sds.Values[i])
+ }
+ gap = s.InsertWithoutMerging(gap, r, sds.Values[i]).NextGap()
+ }
+ return nil
+// segmentTestCheck returns an error if s is incorrectly sorted, does not
+// contain exactly expectedSegments segments, or contains a segment which
+// fails the passed check.
+// This should be used only for testing, and has been added to this package for
+// templating convenience.
+func (s *MappingSet) segmentTestCheck(expectedSegments int, segFunc func(int, MappableRange, MappingsOfRange) error) error {
+ havePrev := false
+ prev := uint64(0)
+ nrSegments := 0
+ for seg := s.FirstSegment(); seg.Ok(); seg = seg.NextSegment() {
+ next := seg.Start()
+ if havePrev && prev >= next {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incorrect order: key %d (segment %d) >= key %d (segment %d)", prev, nrSegments-1, next, nrSegments)
+ }
+ if segFunc != nil {
+ if err := segFunc(nrSegments, seg.Range(), seg.Value()); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ prev = next
+ havePrev = true
+ nrSegments++
+ }
+ if nrSegments != expectedSegments {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incorrect number of segments: got %d, wanted %d", nrSegments, expectedSegments)
+ }
+ return nil
+// countSegments counts the number of segments in the set.
+// Similar to Check, this should only be used for testing.
+func (s *MappingSet) countSegments() (segments int) {
+ for seg := s.FirstSegment(); seg.Ok(); seg = seg.NextSegment() {
+ segments++
+ }
+ return segments
+func (s *MappingSet) saveRoot() *MappingSegmentDataSlices {
+ return s.ExportSortedSlices()
+func (s *MappingSet) loadRoot(sds *MappingSegmentDataSlices) {
+ if err := s.ImportSortedSlices(sds); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/mapping_set_test.go b/pkg/sentry/memmap/mapping_set_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d39efe38f..000000000
--- a/pkg/sentry/memmap/mapping_set_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package memmap
-import (
- "reflect"
- "testing"
- ""
-type testMappingSpace struct {
- // Ideally we'd store the full ranges that were invalidated, rather
- // than individual calls to Invalidate, as they are an implementation
- // detail, but this is the simplest way for now.
- inv []usermem.AddrRange
-func (n *testMappingSpace) reset() {
- n.inv = []usermem.AddrRange{}
-func (n *testMappingSpace) Invalidate(ar usermem.AddrRange, opts InvalidateOpts) {
- n.inv = append(n.inv, ar)
-func TestAddRemoveMapping(t *testing.T) {
- set := MappingSet{}
- ms := &testMappingSpace{}
- mapped := set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x12000}, 0x1000, true)
- if got, want := mapped, []MappableRange{{0x1000, 0x3000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("AddMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings (usermem.AddrRanges => memmap.MappableRange):
- // [0x10000, 0x12000) => [0x1000, 0x3000)
- t.Log(&set)
- mapped = set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x21000}, 0x2000, true)
- if len(mapped) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("AddMapping: got %+v, wanted []", mapped)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x11000) => [0x1000, 0x2000)
- // [0x11000, 0x12000) and [0x20000, 0x21000) => [0x2000, 0x3000)
- t.Log(&set)
- mapped = set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x30000, 0x31000}, 0x4000, true)
- if got, want := mapped, []MappableRange{{0x4000, 0x5000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("AddMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x11000) => [0x1000, 0x2000)
- // [0x11000, 0x12000) and [0x20000, 0x21000) => [0x2000, 0x3000)
- // [0x30000, 0x31000) => [0x4000, 0x5000)
- t.Log(&set)
- mapped = set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x12000, 0x15000}, 0x3000, true)
- if got, want := mapped, []MappableRange{{0x3000, 0x4000}, {0x5000, 0x6000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("AddMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x11000) => [0x1000, 0x2000)
- // [0x11000, 0x12000) and [0x20000, 0x21000) => [0x2000, 0x3000)
- // [0x12000, 0x13000) => [0x3000, 0x4000)
- // [0x13000, 0x14000) and [0x30000, 0x31000) => [0x4000, 0x5000)
- // [0x14000, 0x15000) => [0x5000, 0x6000)
- t.Log(&set)
- unmapped := set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x11000}, 0x1000, true)
- if got, want := unmapped, []MappableRange{{0x1000, 0x2000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x11000, 0x12000) and [0x20000, 0x21000) => [0x2000, 0x3000)
- // [0x12000, 0x13000) => [0x3000, 0x4000)
- // [0x13000, 0x14000) and [0x30000, 0x31000) => [0x4000, 0x5000)
- // [0x14000, 0x15000) => [0x5000, 0x6000)
- t.Log(&set)
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x21000}, 0x2000, true)
- if len(unmapped) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted []", unmapped)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x11000, 0x13000) => [0x2000, 0x4000)
- // [0x13000, 0x14000) and [0x30000, 0x31000) => [0x4000, 0x5000)
- // [0x14000, 0x15000) => [0x5000, 0x6000)
- t.Log(&set)
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x11000, 0x15000}, 0x2000, true)
- if got, want := unmapped, []MappableRange{{0x2000, 0x4000}, {0x5000, 0x6000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x30000, 0x31000) => [0x4000, 0x5000)
- t.Log(&set)
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x30000, 0x31000}, 0x4000, true)
- if got, want := unmapped, []MappableRange{{0x4000, 0x5000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
-func TestInvalidateWholeMapping(t *testing.T) {
- set := MappingSet{}
- ms := &testMappingSpace{}
- set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x11000}, 0, true)
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x11000) => [0, 0x1000)
- t.Log(&set)
- set.Invalidate(MappableRange{0, 0x1000}, InvalidateOpts{})
- if got, want := ms.inv, []usermem.AddrRange{{0x10000, 0x11000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("Invalidate: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
-func TestInvalidatePartialMapping(t *testing.T) {
- set := MappingSet{}
- ms := &testMappingSpace{}
- set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x13000}, 0, true)
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x13000) => [0, 0x3000)
- t.Log(&set)
- set.Invalidate(MappableRange{0x1000, 0x2000}, InvalidateOpts{})
- if got, want := ms.inv, []usermem.AddrRange{{0x11000, 0x12000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("Invalidate: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
-func TestInvalidateMultipleMappings(t *testing.T) {
- set := MappingSet{}
- ms := &testMappingSpace{}
- set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x11000}, 0, true)
- set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x21000}, 0x2000, true)
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x11000) => [0, 0x1000)
- // [0x12000, 0x13000) => [0x2000, 0x3000)
- t.Log(&set)
- set.Invalidate(MappableRange{0, 0x3000}, InvalidateOpts{})
- if got, want := ms.inv, []usermem.AddrRange{{0x10000, 0x11000}, {0x20000, 0x21000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("Invalidate: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
-func TestInvalidateOverlappingMappings(t *testing.T) {
- set := MappingSet{}
- ms1 := &testMappingSpace{}
- ms2 := &testMappingSpace{}
- set.AddMapping(ms1, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x12000}, 0, true)
- set.AddMapping(ms2, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x22000}, 0x1000, true)
- // Mappings:
- // ms1:[0x10000, 0x12000) => [0, 0x2000)
- // ms2:[0x11000, 0x13000) => [0x1000, 0x3000)
- t.Log(&set)
- set.Invalidate(MappableRange{0x1000, 0x2000}, InvalidateOpts{})
- if got, want := ms1.inv, []usermem.AddrRange{{0x11000, 0x12000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("Invalidate: ms1: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- if got, want := ms2.inv, []usermem.AddrRange{{0x20000, 0x21000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("Invalidate: ms1: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
-func TestMixedWritableMappings(t *testing.T) {
- set := MappingSet{}
- ms := &testMappingSpace{}
- mapped := set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x12000}, 0x1000, true)
- if got, want := mapped, []MappableRange{{0x1000, 0x3000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("AddMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x12000) writable => [0x1000, 0x3000)
- t.Log(&set)
- mapped = set.AddMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x22000}, 0x2000, false)
- if got, want := mapped, []MappableRange{{0x3000, 0x4000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("AddMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x11000) writable => [0x1000, 0x2000)
- // [0x11000, 0x12000) writable and [0x20000, 0x21000) readonly => [0x2000, 0x3000)
- // [0x21000, 0x22000) readonly => [0x3000, 0x4000)
- t.Log(&set)
- // Unmap should fail because we specified the readonly map address range, but
- // asked to unmap a writable segment.
- unmapped := set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x21000}, 0x2000, true)
- if len(unmapped) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted []", unmapped)
- }
- // Readonly mapping removed, but writable mapping still exists in the range,
- // so no mappable range fully unmapped.
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x20000, 0x21000}, 0x2000, false)
- if len(unmapped) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted []", unmapped)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x12000) writable => [0x1000, 0x3000)
- // [0x21000, 0x22000) readonly => [0x3000, 0x4000)
- t.Log(&set)
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x11000, 0x12000}, 0x2000, true)
- if got, want := unmapped, []MappableRange{{0x2000, 0x3000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x10000, 0x12000) writable => [0x1000, 0x3000)
- // [0x21000, 0x22000) readonly => [0x3000, 0x4000)
- t.Log(&set)
- // Unmap should fail since writable bit doesn't match.
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x12000}, 0x1000, false)
- if len(unmapped) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted []", unmapped)
- }
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x10000, 0x12000}, 0x1000, true)
- if got, want := unmapped, []MappableRange{{0x1000, 0x2000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
- // Mappings:
- // [0x21000, 0x22000) readonly => [0x3000, 0x4000)
- t.Log(&set)
- unmapped = set.RemoveMapping(ms, usermem.AddrRange{0x21000, 0x22000}, 0x3000, false)
- if got, want := unmapped, []MappableRange{{0x3000, 0x4000}}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("RemoveMapping: got %+v, wanted %+v", got, want)
- }
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/memmap_impl_state_autogen.go b/pkg/sentry/memmap/memmap_impl_state_autogen.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d65558bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/memmap/memmap_impl_state_autogen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// automatically generated by stateify.
+package memmap
+import (
+ ""
+func (s *MappingSet) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/memmap.MappingSet"
+func (s *MappingSet) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "root",
+ }
+func (s *MappingSet) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (s *MappingSet) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ s.beforeSave()
+ var rootValue *MappingSegmentDataSlices = s.saveRoot()
+ stateSinkObject.SaveValue(0, rootValue)
+func (s *MappingSet) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (s *MappingSet) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.LoadValue(0, new(*MappingSegmentDataSlices), func(y interface{}) { s.loadRoot(y.(*MappingSegmentDataSlices)) })
+func (n *Mappingnode) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/memmap.Mappingnode"
+func (n *Mappingnode) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "nrSegments",
+ "parent",
+ "parentIndex",
+ "hasChildren",
+ "maxGap",
+ "keys",
+ "values",
+ "children",
+ }
+func (n *Mappingnode) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (n *Mappingnode) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ n.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &n.nrSegments)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &n.parent)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &n.parentIndex)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(3, &n.hasChildren)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(4, &n.maxGap)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(5, &n.keys)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(6, &n.values)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(7, &n.children)
+func (n *Mappingnode) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (n *Mappingnode) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &n.nrSegments)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &n.parent)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &n.parentIndex)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(3, &n.hasChildren)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(4, &n.maxGap)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(5, &n.keys)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(6, &n.values)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(7, &n.children)
+func (m *MappingSegmentDataSlices) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/memmap.MappingSegmentDataSlices"
+func (m *MappingSegmentDataSlices) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "Start",
+ "End",
+ "Values",
+ }
+func (m *MappingSegmentDataSlices) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (m *MappingSegmentDataSlices) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ m.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &m.Start)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &m.End)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &m.Values)
+func (m *MappingSegmentDataSlices) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (m *MappingSegmentDataSlices) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &m.Start)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &m.End)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &m.Values)
+func init() {
+ state.Register((*MappingSet)(nil))
+ state.Register((*Mappingnode)(nil))
+ state.Register((*MappingSegmentDataSlices)(nil))
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/memmap/memmap_state_autogen.go b/pkg/sentry/memmap/memmap_state_autogen.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8624ecb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/memmap/memmap_state_autogen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// automatically generated by stateify.
+package memmap
+import (
+ ""
+func (fr *FileRange) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/memmap.FileRange"
+func (fr *FileRange) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "Start",
+ "End",
+ }
+func (fr *FileRange) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (fr *FileRange) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ fr.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &fr.Start)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &fr.End)
+func (fr *FileRange) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (fr *FileRange) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &fr.Start)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &fr.End)
+func (mr *MappableRange) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/memmap.MappableRange"
+func (mr *MappableRange) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "Start",
+ "End",
+ }
+func (mr *MappableRange) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (mr *MappableRange) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ mr.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &mr.Start)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &mr.End)
+func (mr *MappableRange) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (mr *MappableRange) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &mr.Start)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &mr.End)
+func (r *MappingOfRange) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/memmap.MappingOfRange"
+func (r *MappingOfRange) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "MappingSpace",
+ "AddrRange",
+ "Writable",
+ }
+func (r *MappingOfRange) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (r *MappingOfRange) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ r.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &r.MappingSpace)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &r.AddrRange)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &r.Writable)
+func (r *MappingOfRange) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (r *MappingOfRange) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &r.MappingSpace)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &r.AddrRange)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &r.Writable)
+func init() {
+ state.Register((*FileRange)(nil))
+ state.Register((*MappableRange)(nil))
+ state.Register((*MappingOfRange)(nil))