path: root/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs')
3 files changed, 403 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 332c9b504..000000000
--- a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library")
-load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template_instance")
-package(licenses = ["notice"])
- name = "root_inode_refs",
- out = "root_inode_refs.go",
- package = "mqfs",
- prefix = "rootInode",
- template = "//pkg/refsvfs2:refs_template",
- types = {
- "T": "rootInode",
- },
- name = "mqfs",
- srcs = [
- "mqfs.go",
- "queue.go",
- "registry.go",
- "root.go",
- "root_inode_refs.go",
- ],
- visibility = ["//pkg/sentry:internal"],
- deps = [
- "//pkg/abi/linux",
- "//pkg/context",
- "//pkg/errors/linuxerr",
- "//pkg/refsvfs2",
- "//pkg/sentry/fs",
- "//pkg/sentry/fsimpl/kernfs",
- "//pkg/sentry/kernel/auth",
- "//pkg/sentry/kernel/ipc",
- "//pkg/sentry/kernel/mq",
- "//pkg/sentry/vfs",
- "//pkg/usermem",
- "//pkg/waiter",
- ],
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/mqfs_state_autogen.go b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/mqfs_state_autogen.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6154efc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/mqfs_state_autogen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// automatically generated by stateify.
+package mqfs
+import (
+ ""
+func (ft *FilesystemType) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.FilesystemType"
+func (ft *FilesystemType) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{}
+func (ft *FilesystemType) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (ft *FilesystemType) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ ft.beforeSave()
+func (ft *FilesystemType) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (ft *FilesystemType) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+func (fs *filesystem) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.filesystem"
+func (fs *filesystem) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "Filesystem",
+ "devMinor",
+ "root",
+ }
+func (fs *filesystem) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (fs *filesystem) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ fs.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &fs.Filesystem)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &fs.devMinor)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &fs.root)
+func (fs *filesystem) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (fs *filesystem) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &fs.Filesystem)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &fs.devMinor)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &fs.root)
+func (q *queueInode) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.queueInode"
+func (q *queueInode) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "DynamicBytesFile",
+ "queue",
+ }
+func (q *queueInode) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (q *queueInode) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ q.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &q.DynamicBytesFile)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &q.queue)
+func (q *queueInode) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (q *queueInode) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &q.DynamicBytesFile)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &q.queue)
+func (fd *queueFD) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.queueFD"
+func (fd *queueFD) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "FileDescriptionDefaultImpl",
+ "DynamicBytesFileDescriptionImpl",
+ "LockFD",
+ "vfsfd",
+ "inode",
+ "queue",
+ }
+func (fd *queueFD) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (fd *queueFD) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ fd.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &fd.FileDescriptionDefaultImpl)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &fd.DynamicBytesFileDescriptionImpl)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &fd.LockFD)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(3, &fd.vfsfd)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(4, &fd.inode)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(5, &fd.queue)
+func (fd *queueFD) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (fd *queueFD) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &fd.FileDescriptionDefaultImpl)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &fd.DynamicBytesFileDescriptionImpl)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &fd.LockFD)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(3, &fd.vfsfd)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(4, &fd.inode)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(5, &fd.queue)
+func (r *RegistryImpl) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.RegistryImpl"
+func (r *RegistryImpl) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "root",
+ "fs",
+ "mount",
+ }
+func (r *RegistryImpl) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (r *RegistryImpl) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ r.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &r.root)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &r.fs)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &r.mount)
+func (r *RegistryImpl) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (r *RegistryImpl) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &r.root)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &r.fs)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &r.mount)
+func (i *rootInode) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.rootInode"
+func (i *rootInode) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "rootInodeRefs",
+ "InodeAlwaysValid",
+ "InodeAttrs",
+ "InodeDirectoryNoNewChildren",
+ "InodeNotSymlink",
+ "InodeTemporary",
+ "OrderedChildren",
+ "implStatFS",
+ "locks",
+ }
+func (i *rootInode) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (i *rootInode) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ i.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &i.rootInodeRefs)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(1, &i.InodeAlwaysValid)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(2, &i.InodeAttrs)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(3, &i.InodeDirectoryNoNewChildren)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(4, &i.InodeNotSymlink)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(5, &i.InodeTemporary)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(6, &i.OrderedChildren)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(7, &i.implStatFS)
+ stateSinkObject.Save(8, &i.locks)
+func (i *rootInode) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (i *rootInode) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &i.rootInodeRefs)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(1, &i.InodeAlwaysValid)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(2, &i.InodeAttrs)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(3, &i.InodeDirectoryNoNewChildren)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(4, &i.InodeNotSymlink)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(5, &i.InodeTemporary)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(6, &i.OrderedChildren)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(7, &i.implStatFS)
+ stateSourceObject.Load(8, &i.locks)
+func (i *implStatFS) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.implStatFS"
+func (i *implStatFS) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{}
+func (i *implStatFS) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (i *implStatFS) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ i.beforeSave()
+func (i *implStatFS) afterLoad() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (i *implStatFS) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) StateTypeName() string {
+ return "pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs.rootInodeRefs"
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) StateFields() []string {
+ return []string{
+ "refCount",
+ }
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) beforeSave() {}
+// +checklocksignore
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) StateSave(stateSinkObject state.Sink) {
+ r.beforeSave()
+ stateSinkObject.Save(0, &r.refCount)
+// +checklocksignore
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) StateLoad(stateSourceObject state.Source) {
+ stateSourceObject.Load(0, &r.refCount)
+ stateSourceObject.AfterLoad(r.afterLoad)
+func init() {
+ state.Register((*FilesystemType)(nil))
+ state.Register((*filesystem)(nil))
+ state.Register((*queueInode)(nil))
+ state.Register((*queueFD)(nil))
+ state.Register((*RegistryImpl)(nil))
+ state.Register((*rootInode)(nil))
+ state.Register((*implStatFS)(nil))
+ state.Register((*rootInodeRefs)(nil))
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/root_inode_refs.go b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/root_inode_refs.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7462467a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/mqfs/root_inode_refs.go
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+package mqfs
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
+// enableLogging indicates whether reference-related events should be logged (with
+// stack traces). This is false by default and should only be set to true for
+// debugging purposes, as it can generate an extremely large amount of output
+// and drastically degrade performance.
+const rootInodeenableLogging = false
+// obj is used to customize logging. Note that we use a pointer to T so that
+// we do not copy the entire object when passed as a format parameter.
+var rootInodeobj *rootInode
+// Refs implements refs.RefCounter. It keeps a reference count using atomic
+// operations and calls the destructor when the count reaches zero.
+// NOTE: Do not introduce additional fields to the Refs struct. It is used by
+// many filesystem objects, and we want to keep it as small as possible (i.e.,
+// the same size as using an int64 directly) to avoid taking up extra cache
+// space. In general, this template should not be extended at the cost of
+// performance. If it does not offer enough flexibility for a particular object
+// (example: b/187877947), we should implement the RefCounter/CheckedObject
+// interfaces manually.
+// +stateify savable
+type rootInodeRefs struct {
+ // refCount is composed of two fields:
+ //
+ // [32-bit speculative references]:[32-bit real references]
+ //
+ // Speculative references are used for TryIncRef, to avoid a CompareAndSwap
+ // loop. See IncRef, DecRef and TryIncRef for details of how these fields are
+ // used.
+ refCount int64
+// InitRefs initializes r with one reference and, if enabled, activates leak
+// checking.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) InitRefs() {
+ atomic.StoreInt64(&r.refCount, 1)
+ refsvfs2.Register(r)
+// RefType implements refsvfs2.CheckedObject.RefType.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) RefType() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%T", rootInodeobj)[1:]
+// LeakMessage implements refsvfs2.CheckedObject.LeakMessage.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) LeakMessage() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("[%s %p] reference count of %d instead of 0", r.RefType(), r, r.ReadRefs())
+// LogRefs implements refsvfs2.CheckedObject.LogRefs.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) LogRefs() bool {
+ return rootInodeenableLogging
+// ReadRefs returns the current number of references. The returned count is
+// inherently racy and is unsafe to use without external synchronization.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) ReadRefs() int64 {
+ return atomic.LoadInt64(&r.refCount)
+// IncRef implements refs.RefCounter.IncRef.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) IncRef() {
+ v := atomic.AddInt64(&r.refCount, 1)
+ if rootInodeenableLogging {
+ refsvfs2.LogIncRef(r, v)
+ }
+ if v <= 1 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Incrementing non-positive count %p on %s", r, r.RefType()))
+ }
+// TryIncRef implements refs.TryRefCounter.TryIncRef.
+// To do this safely without a loop, a speculative reference is first acquired
+// on the object. This allows multiple concurrent TryIncRef calls to distinguish
+// other TryIncRef calls from genuine references held.
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) TryIncRef() bool {
+ const speculativeRef = 1 << 32
+ if v := atomic.AddInt64(&r.refCount, speculativeRef); int32(v) == 0 {
+ atomic.AddInt64(&r.refCount, -speculativeRef)
+ return false
+ }
+ v := atomic.AddInt64(&r.refCount, -speculativeRef+1)
+ if rootInodeenableLogging {
+ refsvfs2.LogTryIncRef(r, v)
+ }
+ return true
+// DecRef implements refs.RefCounter.DecRef.
+// Note that speculative references are counted here. Since they were added
+// prior to real references reaching zero, they will successfully convert to
+// real references. In other words, we see speculative references only in the
+// following case:
+// A: TryIncRef [speculative increase => sees non-negative references]
+// B: DecRef [real decrease]
+// A: TryIncRef [transform speculative to real]
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) DecRef(destroy func()) {
+ v := atomic.AddInt64(&r.refCount, -1)
+ if rootInodeenableLogging {
+ refsvfs2.LogDecRef(r, v)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case v < 0:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Decrementing non-positive ref count %p, owned by %s", r, r.RefType()))
+ case v == 0:
+ refsvfs2.Unregister(r)
+ if destroy != nil {
+ destroy()
+ }
+ }
+func (r *rootInodeRefs) afterLoad() {
+ if r.ReadRefs() > 0 {
+ refsvfs2.Register(r)
+ }