path: root/benchmarks/harness/machine_producers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'benchmarks/harness/machine_producers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/benchmarks/harness/machine_producers/ b/benchmarks/harness/machine_producers/
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index 4693dd8a2..000000000
--- a/benchmarks/harness/machine_producers/
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-# python3
-# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A machine producer which produces machine objects using `gcloud`.
-Machine producers produce valid harness.Machine objects which are backed by
-real machines. This producer produces those machines on the given user's GCP
-account using the `gcloud` tool.
-GCloudProducer creates instances on the given GCP account named like:
-`machine-XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX` in a randomized fashion such that name
-collisions with user instances shouldn't happen.
- Typical usage example:
- producer = GCloudProducer(args)
- machines = producer.get_machines(NUM_MACHINES)
- # run stuff on machines with machines[i].run(CMD)
- producer.release_machines(NUM_MACHINES)
-import datetime
-import getpass
-import json
-import subprocess
-import threading
-from typing import List, Dict, Any
-import uuid
-from benchmarks.harness import machine
-from benchmarks.harness.machine_producers import gcloud_mock_recorder
-from benchmarks.harness.machine_producers import machine_producer
-DEFAULT_USER = getpass.getuser()
-class GCloudProducer(machine_producer.MachineProducer):
- """Implementation of MachineProducer backed by GCP.
- Produces Machine objects backed by GCP instances.
- Attributes:
- project: The GCP project name under which to create the machines.
- ssh_key_path: path to a valid ssh key. See README on vaild ssh keys.
- image: image name as a string.
- image_project: image project as a string.
- zone: string to a valid GCP zone.
- ssh_user: string of user name for ssh_key
- ssh_password: string of password for ssh key
- mock: a mock printer which will print mock data if required. Mock data is
- recorded output from subprocess calls (returncode, stdout, args).
- condition: mutex for this class around machine creation and deleteion.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- project: str,
- ssh_key_path: str,
- image: str,
- image_project: str,
- zone: str,
- ssh_user: str,
- mock: gcloud_mock_recorder.MockPrinter = None):
- self.project = project
- self.ssh_key_path = ssh_key_path
- self.image = image
- self.image_project = image_project
- = zone
- self.ssh_user = ssh_user if ssh_user else DEFAULT_USER
- self.mock = mock
- self.condition = threading.Condition()
- def get_machines(self, num_machines: int) -> List[machine.Machine]:
- """Returns requested number of machines backed by GCP instances."""
- if num_machines <= 0:
- raise ValueError(
- "Cannot ask for {num} machines!".format(num=num_machines))
- with self.condition:
- names = self._get_unique_names(num_machines)
- self._build_instances(names)
- instances = self._start_command(names)
- self._add_ssh_key_to_instances(names)
- return self._machines_from_instances(instances)
- def release_machines(self, machine_list: List[machine.Machine]):
- """Releases the requested number of machines, deleting the instances."""
- if not machine_list:
- return
- with self.condition:
- cmd = "gcloud compute instances delete --quiet".split(" ")
- names = [str(m) for m in machine_list]
- cmd.extend(names)
- cmd.append("--zone={zone}".format(
- self._run_command(cmd)
- def _machines_from_instances(
- self, instances: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[machine.Machine]:
- """Creates Machine Objects from json data describing created instances."""
- machines = []
- for instance in instances:
- name = instance["name"]
- kwargs = {
- "hostname":
- instance["networkInterfaces"][0]["accessConfigs"][0]["natIP"],
- "key_path":
- self.ssh_key_path,
- "username":
- self.ssh_user
- }
- machines.append(machine.RemoteMachine(name=name, **kwargs))
- return machines
- def _get_unique_names(self, num_names) -> List[str]:
- """Returns num_names unique names based on data from the GCP project."""
- curr_machines = self._list_machines()
- curr_names = set([machine["name"] for machine in curr_machines])
- ret = []
- while len(ret) < num_names:
- new_name = "machine-" + str(uuid.uuid4())
- if new_name not in curr_names:
- ret.append(new_name)
- curr_names.update(new_name)
- return ret
- def _build_instances(self, names: List[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
- """Creates instances using gcloud command.
- Runs the command `gcloud compute instances create` and returns json data
- on created instances on success. Creates len(names) instances, one for each
- name.
- Args:
- names: list of names of instances to create.
- Returns:
- List of json data describing created machines.
- """
- if not names:
- raise ValueError(
- "_build_instances cannot create instances without names.")
- cmd = "gcloud compute instances create".split(" ")
- cmd.extend(names)
- cmd.extend("--preemptible --image={image} --zone={zone}".format(
- image=self.image," "))
- if self.image_project:
- cmd.append("--image-project={project}".format(project=self.image_project))
- res = self._run_command(cmd)
- return json.loads(res.stdout)
- def _start_command(self, names):
- """Starts instances using gcloud command.
- Runs the command `gcloud compute instances start` on list of instances by
- name and returns json data on started instances on success.
- Args:
- names: list of names of instances to start.
- Returns:
- List of json data describing started machines.
- """
- if not names:
- raise ValueError("_start_command cannot start empty instance list.")
- cmd = "gcloud compute instances start".split(" ")
- cmd.extend(names)
- cmd.append("--zone={zone}".format(
- cmd.append("--project={project}".format(project=self.project))
- res = self._run_command(cmd)
- return json.loads(res.stdout)
- def _add_ssh_key_to_instances(self, names: List[str]) -> None:
- """Adds ssh key to instances by calling gcloud ssh command.
- Runs the command `gcloud compute ssh instance_name` on list of images by
- name. Tries to ssh into given instance
- Args:
- names: list of machine names to which to add the ssh-key
- self.ssh_key_path.
- Raises:
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: when underlying subprocess call returns an
- error other than 255 (Connection closed by remote host).
- TimeoutError: when 3 unsuccessful tries to ssh into the host return 255.
- """
- for name in names:
- cmd = "gcloud compute ssh {name}".format(name=name).split(" ")
- cmd.append("--ssh-key-file={key}".format(key=self.ssh_key_path))
- cmd.append("--zone={zone}".format(
- cmd.append("--command=uname")
- timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5 * 60)
- start =
- while <= timeout + start:
- try:
- self._run_command(cmd)
- break
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- if > timeout + start:
- raise TimeoutError(
- "Could not SSH into instance after 5 min: {name}".format(
- name=name))
- # 255 is the returncode for ssh connection refused.
- elif e.returncode == 255:
- continue
- else:
- raise e
- def _list_machines(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
- """Runs `list` gcloud command and returns list of Machine data."""
- cmd = "gcloud compute instances list --project {project}".format(
- project=self.project).split(" ")
- res = self._run_command(cmd)
- return json.loads(res.stdout)
- def _run_command(self, cmd: List[str]) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
- """Runs command as a subprocess.
- Runs command as subprocess and returns the result.
- If this has a mock recorder, use the record method to record the subprocess
- call.
- Args:
- cmd: command to be run as a list of strings.
- Returns:
- Completed process object to be parsed by caller.
- Raises:
- CalledProcessError: if returns an error.
- """
- cmd = cmd + ["--format=json"]
- res =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- if self.mock:
- self.mock.record(res)
- if res.returncode != 0:
- raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
- cmd=res.args,
- output=res.stdout,
- stderr=res.stderr,
- returncode=res.returncode)
- return res