diff options
40 files changed, 1468 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/BUILD b/pkg/fdchannel/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e54e7371c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
+package(licenses = ["notice"])
+ name = "fdchannel",
+ srcs = ["fdchannel_unsafe.go"],
+ importpath = "",
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+ name = "fdchannel_test",
+ size = "small",
+ srcs = ["fdchannel_test.go"],
+ embed = [":fdchannel"],
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_test.go b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d01dc636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package fdchannel
+import (
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "sync"
+ "syscall"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+func TestSendRecvFD(t *testing.T) {
+ sendFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fdchannel_test_")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary file: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer sendFile.Close()
+ chanFDs, err := NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create fdchannel sockets: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[0])
+ defer sendEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[1])
+ defer recvEP.Destroy()
+ recvFD, err := recvEP.RecvFDNonblock()
+ if err != syscall.EAGAIN && err != syscall.EWOULDBLOCK {
+ t.Errorf("RecvFDNonblock before SendFD: got (%d, %v), wanted (<unspecified>, EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK", recvFD, err)
+ }
+ if err := sendEP.SendFD(int(sendFile.Fd())); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SendFD failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ recvFD, err = recvEP.RecvFD()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RecvFD failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ recvFile := os.NewFile(uintptr(recvFD), "received file")
+ defer recvFile.Close()
+ sendInfo, err := sendFile.Stat()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to stat sent file: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendInfoSys := sendInfo.Sys()
+ sendStat, ok := sendInfoSys.(*syscall.Stat_t)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("sent file's FileInfo is backed by unknown type %T", sendInfoSys)
+ }
+ recvInfo, err := recvFile.Stat()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to stat received file: %v", err)
+ }
+ recvInfoSys := recvInfo.Sys()
+ recvStat, ok := recvInfoSys.(*syscall.Stat_t)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("received file's FileInfo is backed by unknown type %T", recvInfoSys)
+ }
+ if sendStat.Dev != recvStat.Dev || sendStat.Ino != recvStat.Ino {
+ t.Errorf("sent file (dev=%d, ino=%d) does not match received file (dev=%d, ino=%d)", sendStat.Dev, sendStat.Ino, recvStat.Dev, recvStat.Ino)
+ }
+func TestShutdownThenRecvFD(t *testing.T) {
+ sendFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fdchannel_test_")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary file: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer sendFile.Close()
+ chanFDs, err := NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create fdchannel sockets: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[0])
+ defer sendEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[1])
+ defer recvEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP.Shutdown()
+ if _, err := recvEP.RecvFD(); err == nil {
+ t.Error("RecvFD succeeded unexpectedly")
+ }
+func TestRecvFDThenShutdown(t *testing.T) {
+ sendFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "fdchannel_test_")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary file: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer sendFile.Close()
+ chanFDs, err := NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("failed to create fdchannel sockets: %v", err)
+ }
+ sendEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[0])
+ defer sendEP.Destroy()
+ recvEP := NewEndpoint(chanFDs[1])
+ defer recvEP.Destroy()
+ var receiverWG sync.WaitGroup
+ receiverWG.Add(1)
+ go func() {
+ defer receiverWG.Done()
+ if _, err := recvEP.RecvFD(); err == nil {
+ t.Error("RecvFD succeeded unexpectedly")
+ }
+ }()
+ defer receiverWG.Wait()
+ time.Sleep(time.Second) // to ensure recvEP.RecvFD() has blocked
+ recvEP.Shutdown()
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..367235be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
+// Package fdchannel implements passing file descriptors between processes over
+// Unix domain sockets.
+package fdchannel
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+// int32 is the real type of a file descriptor.
+const sizeofInt32 = int(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))
+// NewConnectedSockets returns a pair of file descriptors, owned by the caller,
+// representing connected sockets that may be passed to separate calls to
+// NewEndpoint to create connected Endpoints.
+func NewConnectedSockets() ([2]int, error) {
+ return syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_SEQPACKET|syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)
+// Endpoint sends file descriptors to, and receives them from, another
+// connected Endpoint.
+// Endpoint is not copyable or movable by value.
+type Endpoint struct {
+ sockfd int32 // accessed using atomic memory operations
+ msghdr syscall.Msghdr
+ cmsg *syscall.Cmsghdr // followed by sizeofInt32 bytes of data
+// Init must be called on zero-value Endpoints before first use. sockfd must be
+// a blocking AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET socket.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Init(sockfd int) {
+ // "Datagram sockets in various domains (e.g., the UNIX and Internet
+ // domains) permit zero-length datagrams." - recv(2). Experimentally,
+ // sendmsg+recvmsg for a zero-length datagram is slightly faster than
+ // sendmsg+recvmsg for a single byte over a stream socket.
+ cmsgSlice := make([]byte, syscall.CmsgSpace(sizeofInt32))
+ cmsgReflect := (*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer)(&cmsgSlice))
+ ep.sockfd = int32(sockfd)
+ ep.msghdr.Control = (*byte)((unsafe.Pointer)(cmsgReflect.Data))
+ ep.cmsg = (*syscall.Cmsghdr)((unsafe.Pointer)(cmsgReflect.Data))
+ // ep.msghdr.Controllen and ep.cmsg.* are mutated by recvmsg(2), so they're
+ // set before calling sendmsg/recvmsg.
+// NewEndpoint is a convenience function that returns an initialized Endpoint
+// allocated on the heap.
+func NewEndpoint(sockfd int) *Endpoint {
+ ep := &Endpoint{}
+ ep.Init(sockfd)
+ return ep
+// Destroy releases resources owned by ep. No other Endpoint methods may be
+// called after Destroy.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Destroy() {
+ // These need not use sync/atomic since there must not be any concurrent
+ // calls to Endpoint methods.
+ if ep.sockfd >= 0 {
+ syscall.Close(int(ep.sockfd))
+ ep.sockfd = -1
+ }
+// Shutdown causes concurrent and future calls to ep.SendFD(), ep.RecvFD(), and
+// ep.RecvFDNonblock(), as well as the same calls in the connected Endpoint, to
+// unblock and return errors. It does not wait for concurrent calls to return.
+// Shutdown is the only Endpoint method that may be called concurrently with
+// other methods.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Shutdown() {
+ if sockfd := int(atomic.SwapInt32(&ep.sockfd, -1)); sockfd >= 0 {
+ syscall.Shutdown(sockfd, syscall.SHUT_RDWR)
+ syscall.Close(sockfd)
+ }
+// SendFD sends the open file description represented by the given file
+// descriptor to the connected Endpoint.
+func (ep *Endpoint) SendFD(fd int) error {
+ cmsgLen := syscall.CmsgLen(sizeofInt32)
+ ep.cmsg.Level = syscall.SOL_SOCKET
+ ep.cmsg.Type = syscall.SCM_RIGHTS
+ ep.cmsg.SetLen(cmsgLen)
+ *ep.cmsgData() = int32(fd)
+ ep.msghdr.SetControllen(cmsgLen)
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.sockfd)), uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(&ep.msghdr)), 0)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+// RecvFD receives an open file description from the connected Endpoint and
+// returns a file descriptor representing it, owned by the caller.
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFD() (int, error) {
+ return ep.recvFD(0)
+// RecvFDNonblock receives an open file description from the connected Endpoint
+// and returns a file descriptor representing it, owned by the caller. If there
+// are no pending receivable open file descriptions, RecvFDNonblock returns
+// (<unspecified>, EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK).
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFDNonblock() (int, error) {
+ return ep.recvFD(syscall.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+func (ep *Endpoint) recvFD(flags uintptr) (int, error) {
+ cmsgLen := syscall.CmsgLen(sizeofInt32)
+ ep.msghdr.SetControllen(cmsgLen)
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.sockfd)), uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(&ep.msghdr)), flags|syscall.MSG_TRUNC)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return -1, e
+ }
+ if int(ep.msghdr.Controllen) != cmsgLen {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("received control message has incorrect length: got %d, wanted %d", ep.msghdr.Controllen, cmsgLen)
+ }
+ if ep.cmsg.Level != syscall.SOL_SOCKET || ep.cmsg.Type != syscall.SCM_RIGHTS {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("received control message has incorrect (level, type): got (%v, %v), wanted (%v, %v)", ep.cmsg.Level, ep.cmsg.Type, syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SCM_RIGHTS)
+ }
+ return int(*ep.cmsgData()), nil
+func (ep *Endpoint) cmsgData() *int32 {
+ // syscall.CmsgLen(0) == syscall.cmsgAlignOf(syscall.SizeofCmsghdr)
+ return (*int32)((unsafe.Pointer)(uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(ep.cmsg)) + uintptr(syscall.CmsgLen(0))))
diff --git a/pkg/log/log.go b/pkg/log/log.go
index 0765a1963..ab9ad01ef 100644
--- a/pkg/log/log.go
+++ b/pkg/log/log.go
@@ -50,6 +50,19 @@ const (
+func (l Level) String() string {
+ switch l {
+ case Warning:
+ return "Warning"
+ case Info:
+ return "Info"
+ case Debug:
+ return "Debug"
+ default:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid level: %d", l)
+ }
// Emitter is the final destination for logs.
type Emitter interface {
// Emit emits the given log statement. This allows for control over the
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/control/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/control/BUILD
index 15a1fe8a9..5dccb8e3c 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/control/BUILD
+++ b/pkg/sentry/control/BUILD
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ go_library(
name = "control",
srcs = [
+ "logging.go",
@@ -26,8 +27,10 @@ go_library(
+ "//pkg/sentry/strace",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/link/sniffer",
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/control/logging.go b/pkg/sentry/control/logging.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..811f24324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/control/logging.go
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package control
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// LoggingArgs are the arguments to use for changing the logging
+// level and strace list.
+type LoggingArgs struct {
+ // SetLevel is a flag used to indicate that we should update
+ // the logging level. We should be able to change the strace
+ // list without affecting the logging level and vice versa.
+ SetLevel bool
+ // Level is the log level that will be set if SetLevel is true.
+ Level log.Level
+ // SetLogPackets indicates that we should update the log packets flag.
+ SetLogPackets bool
+ // LogPackets is the actual value to set for LogPackets.
+ // SetLogPackets must be enabled to indicate that we're changing
+ // the value.
+ LogPackets bool
+ // SetStrace is a flag used to indicate that strace related
+ // arguments were passed in.
+ SetStrace bool
+ // EnableStrace is a flag from the CLI that specifies whether to
+ // enable strace at all. If this flag is false then a completely
+ // pristine copy of the syscall table will be swapped in. This
+ // approach is used to remain consistent with an empty strace
+ // whitelist meaning trace all system calls.
+ EnableStrace bool
+ // Strace is the whitelist of syscalls to trace to log. If this
+ // and StraceEventWhitelist are empty trace all system calls.
+ StraceWhitelist []string
+ // SetEventStrace is a flag used to indicate that event strace
+ // related arguments were passed in.
+ SetEventStrace bool
+ // StraceEventWhitelist is the whitelist of syscalls to trace
+ // to event log.
+ StraceEventWhitelist []string
+// Logging provides functions related to logging.
+type Logging struct{}
+// Change will change the log level and strace arguments. Although
+// this functions signature requires an error it never acctually
+// return san error. It's required by the URPC interface.
+// Additionally, it may look odd that this is the only method
+// attached to an empty struct but this is also part of how
+// URPC dispatches.
+func (l *Logging) Change(args *LoggingArgs, code *int) error {
+ if args.SetLevel {
+ // Logging uses an atomic for the level so this is thread safe.
+ log.SetLevel(args.Level)
+ }
+ if args.SetLogPackets {
+ if args.LogPackets {
+ atomic.StoreUint32(&sniffer.LogPackets, 1)
+ } else {
+ atomic.StoreUint32(&sniffer.LogPackets, 0)
+ }
+ log.Infof("LogPackets set to: %v", atomic.LoadUint32(&sniffer.LogPackets))
+ }
+ if args.SetStrace {
+ if err := l.configureStrace(args); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error configuring strace: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if args.SetEventStrace {
+ if err := l.configureEventStrace(args); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error configuring event strace: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (l *Logging) configureStrace(args *LoggingArgs) error {
+ if args.EnableStrace {
+ // Install the whitelist specified.
+ if len(args.StraceWhitelist) > 0 {
+ if err := strace.Enable(args.StraceWhitelist, strace.SinkTypeLog); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ } else {
+ // For convenience, if strace is enabled but whitelist
+ // is empty, enable everything to log.
+ strace.EnableAll(strace.SinkTypeLog)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Uninstall all strace functions.
+ strace.Disable(strace.SinkTypeLog)
+ }
+ return nil
+func (l *Logging) configureEventStrace(args *LoggingArgs) error {
+ if len(args.StraceEventWhitelist) > 0 {
+ if err := strace.Enable(args.StraceEventWhitelist, strace.SinkTypeEvent); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ } else {
+ strace.Disable(strace.SinkTypeEvent)
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/file.go b/pkg/sentry/fs/file.go
index 55ffe6c0c..8e1f5674d 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/file.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/file.go
@@ -310,9 +310,11 @@ func (f *File) Writev(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error
return 0, syserror.ErrInterrupted
+ unlockAppendMu := f.Dirent.Inode.lockAppendMu(f.Flags().Append)
// Handle append mode.
if f.Flags().Append {
if err := f.offsetForAppend(ctx, &f.offset); err != nil {
+ unlockAppendMu()
return 0, err
@@ -322,6 +324,7 @@ func (f *File) Writev(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error
limit, ok := f.checkLimit(ctx, f.offset)
switch {
case ok && limit == 0:
+ unlockAppendMu()
return 0, syserror.ErrExceedsFileSizeLimit
case ok:
@@ -333,6 +336,7 @@ func (f *File) Writev(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence) (int64, error
if n >= 0 && !f.flags.NonSeekable {
atomic.StoreInt64(&f.offset, f.offset+n)
+ unlockAppendMu()
return n, err
@@ -348,13 +352,11 @@ func (f *File) Pwritev(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence, offset int64
// However, on Linux, if a file is opened with O_APPEND, pwrite()
// appends data to the end of the file, regardless of the value of
// offset."
+ unlockAppendMu := f.Dirent.Inode.lockAppendMu(f.Flags().Append)
+ defer unlockAppendMu()
if f.Flags().Append {
- if ! {
- return 0, syserror.ErrInterrupted
- }
- defer
if err := f.offsetForAppend(ctx, &offset); err != nil {
return 0, err
@@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ func (f *File) Pwritev(ctx context.Context, src usermem.IOSequence, offset int64
// offsetForAppend sets the given offset to the end of the file.
-// Precondition: the underlying file mutex should be held.
+// Precondition: the file.Dirent.Inode.appendMu mutex should be held for writing.
func (f *File) offsetForAppend(ctx context.Context, offset *int64) error {
uattr, err := f.Dirent.Inode.UnstableAttr(ctx)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/inode.go b/pkg/sentry/fs/inode.go
index a889586aa..e4aae1135 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/inode.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/inode.go
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
package fs
import (
+ "sync"
@@ -55,6 +57,12 @@ type Inode struct {
// overlay is the overlay entry for this Inode.
overlay *overlayEntry
+ // appendMu is used to synchronize write operations into files which
+ // have been opened with O_APPEND. Operations which change a file size
+ // have to take this lock for read. Write operations to files with
+ // O_APPEND have to take this lock for write.
+ appendMu sync.RWMutex `state:"nosave"`
// LockCtx is an Inode's lock context and contains different personalities of locks; both
@@ -337,6 +345,8 @@ func (i *Inode) Truncate(ctx context.Context, d *Dirent, size int64) error {
if i.overlay != nil {
return overlayTruncate(ctx, i.overlay, d, size)
+ i.appendMu.RLock()
+ defer i.appendMu.RUnlock()
return i.InodeOperations.Truncate(ctx, i, size)
@@ -438,3 +448,12 @@ func (i *Inode) CheckCapability(ctx context.Context, cp linux.Capability) bool {
return creds.HasCapability(cp)
+func (i *Inode) lockAppendMu(appendMode bool) func() {
+ if appendMode {
+ i.appendMu.Lock()
+ return i.appendMu.Unlock
+ }
+ i.appendMu.RLock()
+ return i.appendMu.RUnlock
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/inode_overlay.go b/pkg/sentry/fs/inode_overlay.go
index 57b8b14e3..920d86042 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/inode_overlay.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/inode_overlay.go
@@ -537,12 +537,6 @@ func overlayCheck(ctx context.Context, o *overlayEntry, p PermMask) error {
if o.upper != nil {
err = o.upper.check(ctx, p)
} else {
- if p.Write {
- // Since writes will be redirected to the upper filesystem, the lower
- // filesystem need not be writable, but must be readable for copy-up.
- p.Write = false
- p.Read = true
- }
err = o.lower.check(ctx, p)
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/BUILD
index b70c583f3..da41a10ab 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/BUILD
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/BUILD
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ go_library(
visibility = ["//pkg/sentry:internal"],
deps = [
+ "//pkg/binary",
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/net.go b/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/net.go
index caa1a5c4d..37694620c 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/net.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/proc/net.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
+ ""
@@ -55,9 +56,8 @@ func (p *proc) newNetDir(ctx context.Context, k *kernel.Kernel, msrc *fs.MountSo
"psched": newStaticProcInode(ctx, msrc, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%08x %08x %08x %08x\n", uint64(time.Microsecond/time.Nanosecond), 64, 1000000, uint64(time.Second/time.Nanosecond)))),
"ptype": newStaticProcInode(ctx, msrc, []byte("Type Device Function")),
"route": newStaticProcInode(ctx, msrc, []byte("Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT")),
- "tcp": newStaticProcInode(ctx, msrc, []byte(" sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode")),
- "udp": newStaticProcInode(ctx, msrc, []byte(" sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops")),
+ "tcp": seqfile.NewSeqFileInode(ctx, &netTCP{k: k}, msrc),
+ "udp": newStaticProcInode(ctx, msrc, []byte(" sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops")),
"unix": seqfile.NewSeqFileInode(ctx, &netUnix{k: k}, msrc),
@@ -210,10 +210,6 @@ func (n *netUnix) ReadSeqFileData(ctx context.Context, h seqfile.SeqHandle) ([]s
var buf bytes.Buffer
- // Header
- fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Num RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Inode Path\n")
- // Entries
for _, se := range n.k.ListSockets() {
s := se.Sock.Get()
if s == nil {
@@ -222,6 +218,7 @@ func (n *netUnix) ReadSeqFileData(ctx context.Context, h seqfile.SeqHandle) ([]s
sfile := s.(*fs.File)
if family, _, _ := sfile.FileOperations.(socket.Socket).Type(); family != linux.AF_UNIX {
+ s.DecRef()
// Not a unix socket.
@@ -281,12 +278,160 @@ func (n *netUnix) ReadSeqFileData(ctx context.Context, h seqfile.SeqHandle) ([]s
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\n")
- sfile.DecRef()
+ s.DecRef()
+ }
+ data := []seqfile.SeqData{
+ {
+ Buf: []byte("Num RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Inode Path\n"),
+ Handle: n,
+ },
+ {
+ Buf: buf.Bytes(),
+ Handle: n,
+ },
+ }
+ return data, 0
+// netTCP implements seqfile.SeqSource for /proc/net/tcp.
+// +stateify savable
+type netTCP struct {
+ k *kernel.Kernel
+// NeedsUpdate implements seqfile.SeqSource.NeedsUpdate.
+func (*netTCP) NeedsUpdate(generation int64) bool {
+ return true
+// ReadSeqFileData implements seqfile.SeqSource.ReadSeqFileData.
+func (n *netTCP) ReadSeqFileData(ctx context.Context, h seqfile.SeqHandle) ([]seqfile.SeqData, int64) {
+ t := kernel.TaskFromContext(ctx)
+ if h != nil {
+ return nil, 0
+ }
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for _, se := range n.k.ListSockets() {
+ s := se.Sock.Get()
+ if s == nil {
+ log.Debugf("Couldn't resolve weakref %+v in socket table, racing with destruction?", se.Sock)
+ continue
+ }
+ sfile := s.(*fs.File)
+ sops, ok := sfile.FileOperations.(socket.Socket)
+ if !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Found non-socket file in socket table: %+v", sfile))
+ }
+ if family, stype, _ := sops.Type(); !(family == linux.AF_INET && stype == linux.SOCK_STREAM) {
+ s.DecRef()
+ // Not tcp4 sockets.
+ continue
+ }
+ // Linux's documentation for the fields below can be found at
+ //
+ // For Linux's implementation, see net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c:get_tcp4_sock().
+ // Note that the header doesn't contain labels for all the fields.
+ // Field: sl; entry number.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%4d: ", se.ID)
+ portBuf := make([]byte, 2)
+ // Field: local_adddress.
+ var localAddr linux.SockAddrInet
+ if local, _, err := sops.GetSockName(t); err == nil {
+ localAddr = local.(linux.SockAddrInet)
+ }
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(portBuf, localAddr.Port)
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%08X:%04X ",
+ binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(localAddr.Addr[:]),
+ portBuf)
+ // Field: rem_address.
+ var remoteAddr linux.SockAddrInet
+ if remote, _, err := sops.GetPeerName(t); err == nil {
+ remoteAddr = remote.(linux.SockAddrInet)
+ }
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(portBuf, remoteAddr.Port)
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%08X:%04X ",
+ binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(remoteAddr.Addr[:]),
+ portBuf)
+ // Field: state; socket state.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%02X ", sops.State())
+ // Field: tx_queue, rx_queue; number of packets in the transmit and
+ // receive queue. Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%08X:%08X ", 0, 0)
+ // Field: tr, tm->when; timer active state and number of jiffies
+ // until timer expires. Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%02X:%08X ", 0, 0)
+ // Field: retrnsmt; number of unrecovered RTO timeouts.
+ // Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%08X ", 0)
+ // Field: uid.
+ uattr, err := sfile.Dirent.Inode.UnstableAttr(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Warningf("Failed to retrieve unstable attr for socket file: %v", err)
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%5d ", 0)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%5d ", uint32(uattr.Owner.UID.In(t.UserNamespace()).OrOverflow()))
+ }
+ // Field: timeout; number of unanswered 0-window probes.
+ // Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%8d ", 0)
+ // Field: inode.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%8d ", sfile.InodeID())
+ // Field: refcount. Don't count the ref we obtain while deferencing
+ // the weakref to this socket.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d ", sfile.ReadRefs()-1)
+ // Field: Socket struct address. Redacted due to the same reason as
+ // the 'Num' field in /proc/net/unix, see netUnix.ReadSeqFileData.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%#016p ", (*socket.Socket)(nil))
+ // Field: retransmit timeout. Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d ", 0)
+ // Field: predicted tick of soft clock (delayed ACK control data).
+ // Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d ", 0)
+ // Field: (ack.quick<<1)|ack.pingpong, Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d ", 0)
+ // Field: sending congestion window, Unimplemented.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d ", 0)
+ // Field: Slow start size threshold, -1 if threshold >= 0xFFFF.
+ // Unimplemented, report as large threshold.
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", -1)
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\n")
+ s.DecRef()
- data := []seqfile.SeqData{{
- Buf: buf.Bytes(),
- Handle: (*netUnix)(nil),
- }}
+ data := []seqfile.SeqData{
+ {
+ Buf: []byte(" sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode \n"),
+ Handle: n,
+ },
+ {
+ Buf: buf.Bytes(),
+ Handle: n,
+ },
+ }
return data, 0
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/splice.go b/pkg/sentry/fs/splice.go
index 978dc679b..eed1c2854 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/splice.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/splice.go
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ func Splice(ctx context.Context, dst *File, src *File, opts SpliceOpts) (int64,
// Check append-only mode and the limit.
if !dstPipe {
+ unlock := dst.Dirent.Inode.lockAppendMu(dst.Flags().Append)
+ defer unlock()
if dst.Flags().Append {
if opts.DstOffset {
// We need to acquire the lock.
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fs/tmpfs/fs.go b/pkg/sentry/fs/tmpfs/fs.go
index a5fcdf969..881dd89b0 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/fs/tmpfs/fs.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fs/tmpfs/fs.go
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ func (f *Filesystem) Mount(ctx context.Context, device string, flags fs.MountSou
// Construct a mount which will follow the cache options provided.
+ //
+ // TODO( There should be no reason to disable
+ // caching once bind mounts are properly supported.
var msrc *fs.MountSource
switch options[cacheKey] {
case "", cacheAll:
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/kernel/auth/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/kernel/auth/BUILD
index 37cb8c8b9..42779baa9 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/kernel/auth/BUILD
+++ b/pkg/sentry/kernel/auth/BUILD
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template_instance")
load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_library")
+ name = "atomicptr_credentials",
+ out = "atomicptr_credentials.go",
+ package = "auth",
+ suffix = "Credentials",
+ template = "//third_party/gvsync:generic_atomicptr",
+ types = {
+ "Value": "Credentials",
+ },
name = "id_map_range",
out = "id_map_range.go",
package = "auth",
@@ -34,6 +45,7 @@ go_template_instance(
name = "auth",
srcs = [
+ "atomicptr_credentials.go",
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task.go b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task.go
index c297c5973..2e3a39d3b 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task.go
@@ -386,10 +386,11 @@ type Task struct {
// creds is the task's credentials.
- // creds is protected by mu, however the value itself is immutable and can
- // only be changed by a copy. After reading the pointer, access will
- // proceed outside the scope of mu. creds is owned by the task goroutine.
- creds *auth.Credentials
+ // creds.Load() may be called without synchronization. creds.Store() is
+ // serialized by mu. creds is owned by the task goroutine. All
+ // auth.Credentials objects that creds may point to, or have pointed to
+ // in the past, must be treated as immutable.
+ creds auth.AtomicPtrCredentials
// utsns is the task's UTS namespace.
@@ -597,7 +598,7 @@ func (t *Task) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
case CtxTask:
return t
case auth.CtxCredentials:
- return t.creds
+ return t.Credentials()
case context.CtxThreadGroupID:
return int32(t.ThreadGroup().ID())
case fs.CtxRoot:
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_clone.go b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_clone.go
index 0e621f0d1..b5cc3860d 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_clone.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_clone.go
@@ -425,6 +425,7 @@ func (t *Task) Unshare(opts *SharingOptions) error {
if opts.NewAddressSpace || opts.NewSignalHandlers {
return syserror.EINVAL
+ creds := t.Credentials()
if opts.NewThreadGroup {
if != 1 {
@@ -439,8 +440,6 @@ func (t *Task) Unshare(opts *SharingOptions) error {
if t.IsChrooted() {
return syserror.EPERM
- // This temporary is needed because Go.
- creds := t.Credentials()
newUserNS, err := creds.NewChildUserNamespace()
if err != nil {
return err
@@ -449,6 +448,8 @@ func (t *Task) Unshare(opts *SharingOptions) error {
if err != nil {
return err
+ // Need to reload creds, becaue t.SetUserNamespace() changed task credentials.
+ creds = t.Credentials()
haveCapSysAdmin := t.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SYS_ADMIN)
if opts.NewPIDNamespace {
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ func (t *Task) Unshare(opts *SharingOptions) error {
// Note that this must happen after NewUserNamespace, so the
// new user namespace is used if there is one.
- t.utsns = t.utsns.Clone(t.creds.UserNamespace)
+ t.utsns = t.utsns.Clone(creds.UserNamespace)
if opts.NewIPCNamespace {
if !haveCapSysAdmin {
@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ func (t *Task) Unshare(opts *SharingOptions) error {
// Note that "If CLONE_NEWIPC is set, then create the process in a new IPC
// namespace"
- t.ipcns = NewIPCNamespace(t.creds.UserNamespace)
+ t.ipcns = NewIPCNamespace(creds.UserNamespace)
var oldfds *FDMap
if opts.NewFiles {
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_identity.go b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_identity.go
index 39c138925..78ff14b20 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_identity.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_identity.go
@@ -25,30 +25,22 @@ import (
// This value must be considered immutable.
func (t *Task) Credentials() *auth.Credentials {
- defer
- return t.creds
+ return t.creds.Load()
// UserNamespace returns the user namespace associated with the task.
func (t *Task) UserNamespace() *auth.UserNamespace {
- defer
- return t.creds.UserNamespace
+ return t.Credentials().UserNamespace
// HasCapabilityIn checks if the task has capability cp in user namespace ns.
func (t *Task) HasCapabilityIn(cp linux.Capability, ns *auth.UserNamespace) bool {
- defer
- return t.creds.HasCapabilityIn(cp, ns)
+ return t.Credentials().HasCapabilityIn(cp, ns)
// HasCapability checks if the task has capability cp in its user namespace.
func (t *Task) HasCapability(cp linux.Capability) bool {
- defer
- return t.creds.HasCapability(cp)
+ return t.Credentials().HasCapability(cp)
// SetUID implements the semantics of setuid(2).
@@ -57,9 +49,12 @@ func (t *Task) SetUID(uid auth.UID) error {
if !uid.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- kuid := t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(uid)
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ kuid := creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(uid)
if !kuid.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
@@ -67,17 +62,17 @@ func (t *Task) SetUID(uid auth.UID) error {
// effective UID of the caller is root (more precisely: if the caller has
// the CAP_SETUID capability), the real UID and saved set-user-ID are also
// set." - setuid(2)
- if t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETUID) {
+ if creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETUID) {
t.setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(kuid, kuid, kuid)
return nil
// "EPERM: The user is not privileged (Linux: does not have the CAP_SETUID
// capability) and uid does not match the real UID or saved set-user-ID of
// the calling process."
- if kuid != t.creds.RealKUID && kuid != t.creds.SavedKUID {
+ if kuid != creds.RealKUID && kuid != creds.SavedKUID {
return syserror.EPERM
- t.setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(t.creds.RealKUID, kuid, t.creds.SavedKUID)
+ t.setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(creds.RealKUID, kuid, creds.SavedKUID)
return nil
@@ -87,37 +82,38 @@ func (t *Task) SetREUID(r, e auth.UID) error {
// "Supplying a value of -1 for either the real or effective user ID forces
// the system to leave that ID unchanged." - setreuid(2)
- newR := t.creds.RealKUID
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ newR := creds.RealKUID
if r.Ok() {
- newR = t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(r)
+ newR = creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(r)
if !newR.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- newE := t.creds.EffectiveKUID
+ newE := creds.EffectiveKUID
if e.Ok() {
- newE = t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(e)
+ newE = creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(e)
if !newE.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- if !t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETUID) {
+ if !creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETUID) {
// "Unprivileged processes may only set the effective user ID to the
// real user ID, the effective user ID, or the saved set-user-ID."
- if newE != t.creds.RealKUID && newE != t.creds.EffectiveKUID && newE != t.creds.SavedKUID {
+ if newE != creds.RealKUID && newE != creds.EffectiveKUID && newE != creds.SavedKUID {
return syserror.EPERM
// "Unprivileged users may only set the real user ID to the real user
// ID or the effective user ID."
- if newR != t.creds.RealKUID && newR != t.creds.EffectiveKUID {
+ if newR != creds.RealKUID && newR != creds.EffectiveKUID {
return syserror.EPERM
// "If the real user ID is set (i.e., ruid is not -1) or the effective user
// ID is set to a value not equal to the previous real user ID, the saved
// set-user-ID will be set to the new effective user ID."
- newS := t.creds.SavedKUID
- if r.Ok() || (e.Ok() && newE != t.creds.EffectiveKUID) {
+ newS := creds.SavedKUID
+ if r.Ok() || (e.Ok() && newE != creds.EffectiveKUID) {
newS = newE
t.setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS)
@@ -136,23 +132,24 @@ func (t *Task) SetRESUID(r, e, s auth.UID) error {
// arguments equals -1, the corresponding value is not changed." -
// setresuid(2)
var err error
- newR := t.creds.RealKUID
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ newR := creds.RealKUID
if r.Ok() {
- newR, err = t.creds.UseUID(r)
+ newR, err = creds.UseUID(r)
if err != nil {
return err
- newE := t.creds.EffectiveKUID
+ newE := creds.EffectiveKUID
if e.Ok() {
- newE, err = t.creds.UseUID(e)
+ newE, err = creds.UseUID(e)
if err != nil {
return err
- newS := t.creds.SavedKUID
+ newS := creds.SavedKUID
if s.Ok() {
- newS, err = t.creds.UseUID(s)
+ newS, err = creds.UseUID(s)
if err != nil {
return err
@@ -163,10 +160,10 @@ func (t *Task) SetRESUID(r, e, s auth.UID) error {
// Preconditions: must be locked.
func (t *Task) setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KUID) {
- root := t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(auth.RootUID)
- oldR, oldE, oldS := t.creds.RealKUID, t.creds.EffectiveKUID, t.creds.SavedKUID
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.RealKUID, t.creds.EffectiveKUID, t.creds.SavedKUID = newR, newE, newS
+ creds := t.Credentials().Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ root := creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(auth.RootUID)
+ oldR, oldE, oldS := creds.RealKUID, creds.EffectiveKUID, creds.SavedKUID
+ creds.RealKUID, creds.EffectiveKUID, creds.SavedKUID = newR, newE, newS
// "1. If one or more of the real, effective or saved set user IDs was
// previously 0, and as a result of the UID changes all of these IDs have a
@@ -184,9 +181,9 @@ func (t *Task) setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KUID) {
// being cleared." (A thread's effective capability set is always
// cleared when such a credential change is made,
// regardless of the setting of the "keep capabilities" flag.)
- if !t.creds.KeepCaps {
- t.creds.PermittedCaps = 0
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = 0
+ if !creds.KeepCaps {
+ creds.PermittedCaps = 0
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = 0
// """
@@ -197,9 +194,9 @@ func (t *Task) setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KUID) {
// permitted set is copied to the effective set.
// """
if oldE == root && newE != root {
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = 0
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = 0
} else if oldE != root && newE == root {
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = t.creds.PermittedCaps
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = creds.PermittedCaps
// "4. If the filesystem user ID is changed from 0 to nonzero (see
// setfsuid(2)), then the following capabilities are cleared from the
@@ -220,6 +217,7 @@ func (t *Task) setKUIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KUID) {
// Not documented, but compare Linux's kernel/cred.c:commit_creds().
t.parentDeathSignal = 0
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
// SetGID implements the semantics of setgid(2).
@@ -227,20 +225,23 @@ func (t *Task) SetGID(gid auth.GID) error {
if !gid.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- kgid := t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(gid)
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ kgid := creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(gid)
if !kgid.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- if t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETGID) {
+ if creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETGID) {
t.setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(kgid, kgid, kgid)
return nil
- if kgid != t.creds.RealKGID && kgid != t.creds.SavedKGID {
+ if kgid != creds.RealKGID && kgid != creds.SavedKGID {
return syserror.EPERM
- t.setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(t.creds.RealKGID, kgid, t.creds.SavedKGID)
+ t.setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(creds.RealKGID, kgid, creds.SavedKGID)
return nil
@@ -248,30 +249,32 @@ func (t *Task) SetGID(gid auth.GID) error {
func (t *Task) SetREGID(r, e auth.GID) error {
- newR := t.creds.RealKGID
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ newR := creds.RealKGID
if r.Ok() {
- newR = t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(r)
+ newR = creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(r)
if !newR.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- newE := t.creds.EffectiveKGID
+ newE := creds.EffectiveKGID
if e.Ok() {
- newE = t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(e)
+ newE = creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(e)
if !newE.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
- if !t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETGID) {
- if newE != t.creds.RealKGID && newE != t.creds.EffectiveKGID && newE != t.creds.SavedKGID {
+ if !creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETGID) {
+ if newE != creds.RealKGID && newE != creds.EffectiveKGID && newE != creds.SavedKGID {
return syserror.EPERM
- if newR != t.creds.RealKGID && newR != t.creds.EffectiveKGID {
+ if newR != creds.RealKGID && newR != creds.EffectiveKGID {
return syserror.EPERM
- newS := t.creds.SavedKGID
- if r.Ok() || (e.Ok() && newE != t.creds.EffectiveKGID) {
+ newS := creds.SavedKGID
+ if r.Ok() || (e.Ok() && newE != creds.EffectiveKGID) {
newS = newE
t.setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS)
@@ -280,26 +283,29 @@ func (t *Task) SetREGID(r, e auth.GID) error {
// SetRESGID implements the semantics of the setresgid(2) syscall.
func (t *Task) SetRESGID(r, e, s auth.GID) error {
+ var err error
- var err error
- newR := t.creds.RealKGID
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ newR := creds.RealKGID
if r.Ok() {
- newR, err = t.creds.UseGID(r)
+ newR, err = creds.UseGID(r)
if err != nil {
return err
- newE := t.creds.EffectiveKGID
+ newE := creds.EffectiveKGID
if e.Ok() {
- newE, err = t.creds.UseGID(e)
+ newE, err = creds.UseGID(e)
if err != nil {
return err
- newS := t.creds.SavedKGID
+ newS := creds.SavedKGID
if s.Ok() {
- newS, err = t.creds.UseGID(s)
+ newS, err = creds.UseGID(s)
if err != nil {
return err
@@ -309,9 +315,9 @@ func (t *Task) SetRESGID(r, e, s auth.GID) error {
func (t *Task) setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KGID) {
- oldE := t.creds.EffectiveKGID
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.RealKGID, t.creds.EffectiveKGID, t.creds.SavedKGID = newR, newE, newS
+ creds := t.Credentials().Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ oldE := creds.EffectiveKGID
+ creds.RealKGID, creds.EffectiveKGID, creds.SavedKGID = newR, newE, newS
if oldE != newE {
// "[dumpability] is reset to the current value contained in
@@ -327,6 +333,7 @@ func (t *Task) setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KGID) {
// kernel/cred.c:commit_creds().
t.parentDeathSignal = 0
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
// SetExtraGIDs attempts to change t's supplemental groups. All IDs are
@@ -334,19 +341,21 @@ func (t *Task) setKGIDsUncheckedLocked(newR, newE, newS auth.KGID) {
func (t *Task) SetExtraGIDs(gids []auth.GID) error {
- if !t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETGID) {
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ if !creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETGID) {
return syserror.EPERM
kgids := make([]auth.KGID, len(gids))
for i, gid := range gids {
- kgid := t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(gid)
+ kgid := creds.UserNamespace.MapToKGID(gid)
if !kgid.Ok() {
return syserror.EINVAL
kgids[i] = kgid
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.ExtraKGIDs = kgids
+ creds = creds.Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ creds.ExtraKGIDs = kgids
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
return nil
@@ -360,27 +369,29 @@ func (t *Task) SetCapabilitySets(permitted, inheritable, effective auth.Capabili
if effective & ^permitted != 0 {
return syserror.EPERM
+ creds := t.Credentials()
// "It is also a limiting superset for the capabilities that may be added
// to the inheritable set by a thread that does not have the CAP_SETPCAP
// capability in its effective set."
- if !t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETPCAP) && (inheritable & ^(t.creds.InheritableCaps|t.creds.PermittedCaps) != 0) {
+ if !creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETPCAP) && (inheritable & ^(creds.InheritableCaps|creds.PermittedCaps) != 0) {
return syserror.EPERM
// "If a thread drops a capability from its permitted set, it can never
// reacquire that capability (unless it execve(2)s ..."
- if permitted & ^t.creds.PermittedCaps != 0 {
+ if permitted & ^creds.PermittedCaps != 0 {
return syserror.EPERM
// "... if a capability is not in the bounding set, then a thread can't add
// this capability to its inheritable set, even if it was in its permitted
// capabilities ..."
- if inheritable & ^(t.creds.InheritableCaps|t.creds.BoundingCaps) != 0 {
+ if inheritable & ^(creds.InheritableCaps|creds.BoundingCaps) != 0 {
return syserror.EPERM
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.PermittedCaps = permitted
- t.creds.InheritableCaps = inheritable
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = effective
+ creds = creds.Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ creds.PermittedCaps = permitted
+ creds.InheritableCaps = inheritable
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = effective
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
return nil
@@ -389,11 +400,13 @@ func (t *Task) SetCapabilitySets(permitted, inheritable, effective auth.Capabili
func (t *Task) DropBoundingCapability(cp linux.Capability) error {
- if !t.creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETPCAP) {
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ if !creds.HasCapability(linux.CAP_SETPCAP) {
return syserror.EPERM
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.BoundingCaps &^= auth.CapabilitySetOf(cp)
+ creds = creds.Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ creds.BoundingCaps &^= auth.CapabilitySetOf(cp)
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
return nil
@@ -402,31 +415,33 @@ func (t *Task) SetUserNamespace(ns *auth.UserNamespace) error {
+ creds := t.Credentials()
// "A process reassociating itself with a user namespace must have the
// CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability in the target user namespace." - setns(2)
// If t just created ns, then t.creds is guaranteed to have CAP_SYS_ADMIN
// in ns (by rule 3 in auth.Credentials.HasCapability).
- if !t.creds.HasCapabilityIn(linux.CAP_SYS_ADMIN, ns) {
+ if !creds.HasCapabilityIn(linux.CAP_SYS_ADMIN, ns) {
return syserror.EPERM
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.UserNamespace = ns
+ creds = creds.Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ creds.UserNamespace = ns
// "The child process created by clone(2) with the CLONE_NEWUSER flag
// starts out with a complete set of capabilities in the new user
// namespace. Likewise, a process that creates a new user namespace using
// unshare(2) or joins an existing user namespace using setns(2) gains a
// full set of capabilities in that namespace."
- t.creds.PermittedCaps = auth.AllCapabilities
- t.creds.InheritableCaps = 0
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = auth.AllCapabilities
- t.creds.BoundingCaps = auth.AllCapabilities
+ creds.PermittedCaps = auth.AllCapabilities
+ creds.InheritableCaps = 0
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = auth.AllCapabilities
+ creds.BoundingCaps = auth.AllCapabilities
// "A call to clone(2), unshare(2), or setns(2) using the CLONE_NEWUSER
// flag sets the "securebits" flags (see capabilities(7)) to their default
// values (all flags disabled) in the child (for clone(2)) or caller (for
// unshare(2), or setns(2)." - user_namespaces(7)
- t.creds.KeepCaps = false
+ creds.KeepCaps = false
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
return nil
@@ -435,8 +450,9 @@ func (t *Task) SetUserNamespace(ns *auth.UserNamespace) error {
func (t *Task) SetKeepCaps(k bool) {
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
- t.creds.KeepCaps = k
+ creds := t.Credentials().Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
+ creds.KeepCaps = k
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
// updateCredsForExec updates t.creds to reflect an execve().
@@ -512,15 +528,16 @@ func (t *Task) updateCredsForExecLocked() {
// the effective user ID.
var newPermitted auth.CapabilitySet // since F(inheritable) == F(permitted) == 0
fileEffective := false
- root := t.creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(auth.RootUID)
- if t.creds.EffectiveKUID == root || t.creds.RealKUID == root {
- newPermitted = t.creds.InheritableCaps | t.creds.BoundingCaps
- if t.creds.EffectiveKUID == root {
+ creds := t.Credentials()
+ root := creds.UserNamespace.MapToKUID(auth.RootUID)
+ if creds.EffectiveKUID == root || creds.RealKUID == root {
+ newPermitted = creds.InheritableCaps | creds.BoundingCaps
+ if creds.EffectiveKUID == root {
fileEffective = true
- t.creds = t.creds.Fork() // See doc for creds.
+ creds = creds.Fork() // The credentials object is immutable. See doc for creds.
// Now we enter poorly-documented, somewhat confusing territory. (The
// accompanying comment in Linux's security/commoncap.c:cap_bprm_set_creds
@@ -562,27 +579,28 @@ func (t *Task) updateCredsForExecLocked() {
// But since no_new_privs is always set (A3 is always true), this becomes
// much simpler. If B1 and B2 are false, C2 is a no-op. If B3 is false, C1
// is a no-op. So we can just do C1 and C2 unconditionally.
- if t.creds.EffectiveKUID != t.creds.RealKUID || t.creds.EffectiveKGID != t.creds.RealKGID {
- t.creds.EffectiveKUID = t.creds.RealKUID
- t.creds.EffectiveKGID = t.creds.RealKGID
+ if creds.EffectiveKUID != creds.RealKUID || creds.EffectiveKGID != creds.RealKGID {
+ creds.EffectiveKUID = creds.RealKUID
+ creds.EffectiveKGID = creds.RealKGID
t.parentDeathSignal = 0
// (Saved set-user-ID is always set to the new effective user ID, and saved
// set-group-ID is always set to the new effective group ID, regardless of
// the above.)
- t.creds.SavedKUID = t.creds.RealKUID
- t.creds.SavedKGID = t.creds.RealKGID
- t.creds.PermittedCaps &= newPermitted
+ creds.SavedKUID = creds.RealKUID
+ creds.SavedKGID = creds.RealKGID
+ creds.PermittedCaps &= newPermitted
if fileEffective {
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = t.creds.PermittedCaps
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = creds.PermittedCaps
} else {
- t.creds.EffectiveCaps = 0
+ creds.EffectiveCaps = 0
// prctl(2): The "keep capabilities" value will be reset to 0 on subsequent
// calls to execve(2).
- t.creds.KeepCaps = false
+ creds.KeepCaps = false
// "The bounding set is inherited at fork(2) from the thread's parent, and
// is preserved across an execve(2)". So we're done.
+ t.creds.Store(creds)
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_start.go b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_start.go
index 9458f5c2a..72caae537 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_start.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/kernel/task_start.go
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ func (ts *TaskSet) newTask(cfg *TaskConfig) (*Task, error) {
ptraceTracees: make(map[*Task]struct{}),
allowedCPUMask: cfg.AllowedCPUMask.Copy(),
ioUsage: &usage.IO{},
- creds: cfg.Credentials,
niceness: cfg.Niceness,
netns: cfg.NetworkNamespaced,
utsns: cfg.UTSNamespace,
@@ -129,6 +128,7 @@ func (ts *TaskSet) newTask(cfg *TaskConfig) (*Task, error) {
futexWaiter: futex.NewWaiter(),
containerID: cfg.ContainerID,
+ t.creds.Store(cfg.Credentials)
t.endStopCond.L = &
// We don't construct t.blockingTimer until; see that function
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace/subprocess.go b/pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace/subprocess.go
index dca8e4c0e..f15b3415a 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace/subprocess.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/platform/ptrace/subprocess.go
@@ -370,13 +370,16 @@ func (t *thread) destroy() {
// init initializes trace options.
func (t *thread) init() {
- // Set our TRACESYSGOOD option to differeniate real SIGTRAP.
+ // Set our TRACESYSGOOD option to differeniate real SIGTRAP. We also
+ // set PTRACE_O_EXITKILL to ensure that the unexpected exit of the
+ // sentry will immediately kill the associated stubs.
+ const PTRACE_O_EXITKILL = 0x100000
_, _, errno := syscall.RawSyscall6(
0, 0)
if errno != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ptrace set options failed: %v", errno))
@@ -419,7 +422,7 @@ func (t *thread) syscall(regs *syscall.PtraceRegs) (uintptr, error) {
// between syscall-enter-stop and syscall-exit-stop; it happens *after*
// syscall-exit-stop.)" - ptrace(2), "Syscall-stops"
if sig := t.wait(stopped); sig != (syscallEvent | syscall.SIGTRAP) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("wait failed: expected SIGTRAP, got %v [%d]", sig, sig))
+ t.dumpAndPanic(fmt.Sprintf("wait failed: expected SIGTRAP, got %v [%d]", sig, sig))
// Grab registers.
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/linux64.go b/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/linux64.go
index 2a41e8176..7f18b1ac8 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/linux64.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/linux64.go
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ var AMD64 = &kernel.SyscallTable{
326: syscalls.ErrorWithEvent("copy_file_range", syscall.ENOSYS, "", nil),
327: syscalls.Undocumented("preadv2", Preadv2),
328: syscalls.Undocumented("pwritev2", Pwritev2),
- 397: syscalls.Undocumented("statx", Statx),
+ 332: syscalls.Supported("statx", Statx),
Emulate: map[usermem.Addr]uintptr{
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_file.go b/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_file.go
index d9ed02c99..04962726a 100644
--- a/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_file.go
+++ b/pkg/sentry/syscalls/linux/sys_file.go
@@ -304,44 +304,100 @@ func createAt(t *kernel.Task, dirFD kdefs.FD, addr usermem.Addr, flags uint, mod
return 0, syserror.ENOENT
- err = fileOpAt(t, dirFD, path, func(root *fs.Dirent, d *fs.Dirent, name string, remainingTraversals uint) error {
- if !fs.IsDir(d.Inode.StableAttr) {
- return syserror.ENOTDIR
- }
+ fileFlags := linuxToFlags(flags)
+ // Linux always adds the O_LARGEFILE flag when running in 64-bit mode.
+ fileFlags.LargeFile = true
+ err = fileOpAt(t, dirFD, path, func(root *fs.Dirent, parent *fs.Dirent, name string, remainingTraversals uint) error {
+ // Resolve the name to see if it exists, and follow any
+ // symlinks along the way. We must do the symlink resolution
+ // manually because if the symlink target does not exist, we
+ // must create the target (and not the symlink itself).
+ var (
+ found *fs.Dirent
+ err error
+ )
+ for {
+ if !fs.IsDir(parent.Inode.StableAttr) {
+ return syserror.ENOTDIR
+ }
- fileFlags := linuxToFlags(flags)
- // Linux always adds the O_LARGEFILE flag when running in 64-bit mode.
- fileFlags.LargeFile = true
+ // Start by looking up the dirent at 'name'.
+ found, err = t.MountNamespace().FindLink(t, root, parent, name, &remainingTraversals)
+ if err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ // We found something (possibly a symlink). If the
+ // O_EXCL flag was passed, then we can immediately
+ // return EEXIST.
+ if flags&linux.O_EXCL != 0 {
+ return syserror.EEXIST
+ }
+ // If we have a non-symlink, then we can proceed.
+ if !fs.IsSymlink(found.Inode.StableAttr) {
+ break
+ }
+ // If O_NOFOLLOW was passed, then don't try to resolve
+ // anything.
+ if flags&linux.O_NOFOLLOW != 0 {
+ return syserror.ELOOP
+ }
+ // Try to resolve the symlink directly to a Dirent.
+ resolved, err := found.Inode.Getlink(t)
+ if err == nil || err != fs.ErrResolveViaReadlink {
+ // No more resolution necessary.
+ found.DecRef()
+ found = resolved
+ break
+ }
+ // Resolve the symlink to a path via Readlink.
+ path, err := found.Inode.Readlink(t)
+ if err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ remainingTraversals--
+ // Get the new parent from the target path.
+ newParentPath, newName := fs.SplitLast(path)
+ newParent, err := t.MountNamespace().FindInode(t, root, parent, newParentPath, &remainingTraversals)
+ if err != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ // Repeat the process with the parent and name of the
+ // symlink target.
+ parent.DecRef()
+ parent = newParent
+ name = newName
+ }
- // Does this file exist already?
- targetDirent, err := t.MountNamespace().FindInode(t, root, d, name, &remainingTraversals)
var newFile *fs.File
switch err {
case nil:
// The file existed.
- defer targetDirent.DecRef()
- // Check if we wanted to create.
- if flags&linux.O_EXCL != 0 {
- return syserror.EEXIST
- }
+ defer found.DecRef()
// Like sys_open, check for a few things about the
// filesystem before trying to get a reference to the
// fs.File. The same constraints on Check apply.
- if err := targetDirent.Inode.CheckPermission(t, flagsToPermissions(flags)); err != nil {
+ if err := found.Inode.CheckPermission(t, flagsToPermissions(flags)); err != nil {
return err
// Should we truncate the file?
if flags&linux.O_TRUNC != 0 {
- if err := targetDirent.Inode.Truncate(t, targetDirent, 0); err != nil {
+ if err := found.Inode.Truncate(t, found, 0); err != nil {
return err
// Create a new fs.File.
- newFile, err = targetDirent.Inode.GetFile(t, targetDirent, fileFlags)
+ newFile, err = found.Inode.GetFile(t, found, fileFlags)
if err != nil {
return syserror.ConvertIntr(err, kernel.ERESTARTSYS)
@@ -350,19 +406,19 @@ func createAt(t *kernel.Task, dirFD kdefs.FD, addr usermem.Addr, flags uint, mod
// File does not exist. Proceed with creation.
// Do we have write permissions on the parent?
- if err := d.Inode.CheckPermission(t, fs.PermMask{Write: true, Execute: true}); err != nil {
+ if err := parent.Inode.CheckPermission(t, fs.PermMask{Write: true, Execute: true}); err != nil {
return err
// Attempt a creation.
perms := fs.FilePermsFromMode(mode &^ linux.FileMode(t.FSContext().Umask()))
- newFile, err = d.Create(t, root, name, fileFlags, perms)
+ newFile, err = parent.Create(t, root, name, fileFlags, perms)
if err != nil {
// No luck, bail.
return err
defer newFile.DecRef()
- targetDirent = newFile.Dirent
+ found = newFile.Dirent
return err
@@ -378,10 +434,10 @@ func createAt(t *kernel.Task, dirFD kdefs.FD, addr usermem.Addr, flags uint, mod
fd = uintptr(newFD)
// Queue the open inotify event. The creation event is
- // automatically queued when the dirent is targetDirent. The
- // open events are implemented at the syscall layer so we need
- // to manually queue one here.
- targetDirent.InotifyEvent(linux.IN_OPEN, 0)
+ // automatically queued when the dirent is found. The open
+ // events are implemented at the syscall layer so we need to
+ // manually queue one here.
+ found.InotifyEvent(linux.IN_OPEN, 0)
return nil
diff --git a/runsc/boot/controller.go b/runsc/boot/controller.go
index 7f41a9c53..d79aaff60 100644
--- a/runsc/boot/controller.go
+++ b/runsc/boot/controller.go
@@ -96,8 +96,10 @@ const (
// SandboxStacks collects sandbox stacks for debugging.
SandboxStacks = "debug.Stacks"
- // Profiling related commands (see pprof.go for more details).
+// Profiling related commands (see pprof.go for more details).
+const (
StartCPUProfile = "Profile.StartCPUProfile"
StopCPUProfile = "Profile.StopCPUProfile"
HeapProfile = "Profile.HeapProfile"
@@ -105,6 +107,11 @@ const (
StopTrace = "Profile.StopTrace"
+// Logging related commands (see logging.go for more details).
+const (
+ ChangeLogging = "Logging.Change"
// ControlSocketAddr generates an abstract unix socket name for the given ID.
func ControlSocketAddr(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x00runsc-sandbox.%s", id)
@@ -143,6 +150,7 @@ func newController(fd int, l *Loader) (*controller, error) {
+ srv.Register(&control.Logging{})
if l.conf.ProfileEnable {
diff --git a/runsc/boot/fs.go b/runsc/boot/fs.go
index 67a286212..5c2220d83 100644
--- a/runsc/boot/fs.go
+++ b/runsc/boot/fs.go
@@ -85,6 +85,19 @@ func addOverlay(ctx context.Context, conf *Config, lower *fs.Inode, name string,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating tmpfs overlay: %v", err)
+ // Replicate permissions and owner from lower to upper mount point.
+ attr, err := lower.UnstableAttr(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading attributes from lower mount point: %v", err)
+ }
+ if !upper.InodeOperations.SetPermissions(ctx, upper, attr.Perms) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting permission to upper mount point")
+ }
+ if err := upper.InodeOperations.SetOwner(ctx, upper, attr.Owner); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("setting owner to upper mount point: %v", err)
+ }
return fs.NewOverlayRoot(ctx, upper, lower, upperFlags)
diff --git a/runsc/boot/loader_test.go b/runsc/boot/loader_test.go
index 4af45bfcc..eca592e5b 100644
--- a/runsc/boot/loader_test.go
+++ b/runsc/boot/loader_test.go
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ import (
func init() {
+ if err := fsgofer.OpenProcSelfFD(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
func testConfig() *Config {
diff --git a/runsc/cmd/debug.go b/runsc/cmd/debug.go
index 30a69acf0..7313e473f 100644
--- a/runsc/cmd/debug.go
+++ b/runsc/cmd/debug.go
@@ -17,12 +17,15 @@ package cmd
import (
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ ""
@@ -36,6 +39,9 @@ type Debug struct {
profileCPU string
profileDelay int
trace string
+ strace string
+ logLevel string
+ logPackets string
// Name implements subcommands.Command.
@@ -62,6 +68,9 @@ func (d *Debug) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.IntVar(&d.profileDelay, "profile-delay", 5, "amount of time to wait before stoping CPU profile")
f.StringVar(&d.trace, "trace", "", "writes an execution trace to the given file.")
f.IntVar(&d.signal, "signal", -1, "sends signal to the sandbox")
+ f.StringVar(&d.strace, "strace", "", `A comma separated list of syscalls to trace. "all" enables all traces, "off" disables all`)
+ f.StringVar(&d.logLevel, "log-level", "", "The log level to set: warning (0), info (1), or debug (2).")
+ f.StringVar(&d.logPackets, "log-packets", "", "A boolean value to enable or disable packet logging: true or false.")
// Execute implements subcommands.Command.Execute.
@@ -78,7 +87,7 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
var err error
c, err = container.Load(conf.RootDir, f.Arg(0))
if err != nil {
- Fatalf("loading container %q: %v", f.Arg(0), err)
+ return Errorf("loading container %q: %v", f.Arg(0), err)
} else {
if f.NArg() != 0 {
@@ -88,12 +97,12 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
// Go over all sandboxes and find the one that matches PID.
ids, err := container.List(conf.RootDir)
if err != nil {
- Fatalf("listing containers: %v", err)
+ return Errorf("listing containers: %v", err)
for _, id := range ids {
candidate, err := container.Load(conf.RootDir, id)
if err != nil {
- Fatalf("loading container %q: %v", id, err)
+ return Errorf("loading container %q: %v", id, err)
if candidate.SandboxPid() == {
c = candidate
@@ -101,38 +110,38 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
if c == nil {
- Fatalf("container with PID %d not found",
+ return Errorf("container with PID %d not found",
if c.Sandbox == nil || !c.Sandbox.IsRunning() {
- Fatalf("container sandbox is not running")
+ return Errorf("container sandbox is not running")
log.Infof("Found sandbox %q, PID: %d", c.Sandbox.ID, c.Sandbox.Pid)
if d.signal > 0 {
log.Infof("Sending signal %d to process: %d", d.signal, c.Sandbox.Pid)
if err := syscall.Kill(c.Sandbox.Pid, syscall.Signal(d.signal)); err != nil {
- Fatalf("failed to send signal %d to processs %d", d.signal, c.Sandbox.Pid)
+ return Errorf("failed to send signal %d to processs %d", d.signal, c.Sandbox.Pid)
if d.stacks {
log.Infof("Retrieving sandbox stacks")
stacks, err := c.Sandbox.Stacks()
if err != nil {
- Fatalf("retrieving stacks: %v", err)
+ return Errorf("retrieving stacks: %v", err)
log.Infof(" *** Stack dump ***\n%s", stacks)
if d.profileHeap != "" {
f, err := os.Create(d.profileHeap)
if err != nil {
- Fatalf(err.Error())
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
defer f.Close()
if err := c.Sandbox.HeapProfile(f); err != nil {
- Fatalf(err.Error())
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
log.Infof("Heap profile written to %q", d.profileHeap)
@@ -142,7 +151,7 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
delay = true
f, err := os.Create(d.profileCPU)
if err != nil {
- Fatalf(err.Error())
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
defer func() {
@@ -152,7 +161,7 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
log.Infof("CPU profile written to %q", d.profileCPU)
if err := c.Sandbox.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
- Fatalf(err.Error())
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
log.Infof("CPU profile started for %d sec, writing to %q", d.profileDelay, d.profileCPU)
@@ -160,7 +169,7 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
delay = true
f, err := os.Create(d.trace)
if err != nil {
- Fatalf(err.Error())
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
defer func() {
@@ -170,15 +179,71 @@ func (d *Debug) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
log.Infof("Trace written to %q", d.trace)
if err := c.Sandbox.StartTrace(f); err != nil {
- Fatalf(err.Error())
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
log.Infof("Tracing started for %d sec, writing to %q", d.profileDelay, d.trace)
+ if d.strace != "" || len(d.logLevel) != 0 || len(d.logPackets) != 0 {
+ args := control.LoggingArgs{}
+ switch strings.ToLower(d.strace) {
+ case "":
+ // strace not set, nothing to do here.
+ case "off":
+ log.Infof("Disabling strace")
+ args.SetStrace = true
+ case "all":
+ log.Infof("Enabling all straces")
+ args.SetStrace = true
+ args.EnableStrace = true
+ default:
+ log.Infof("Enabling strace for syscalls: %s", d.strace)
+ args.SetStrace = true
+ args.EnableStrace = true
+ args.StraceWhitelist = strings.Split(d.strace, ",")
+ }
+ if len(d.logLevel) != 0 {
+ args.SetLevel = true
+ switch strings.ToLower(d.logLevel) {
+ case "warning", "0":
+ args.Level = log.Warning
+ case "info", "1":
+ args.Level = log.Info
+ case "debug", "2":
+ args.Level = log.Debug
+ default:
+ return Errorf("invalid log level %q", d.logLevel)
+ }
+ log.Infof("Setting log level %v", args.Level)
+ }
+ if len(d.logPackets) != 0 {
+ args.SetLogPackets = true
+ lp, err := strconv.ParseBool(d.logPackets)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Errorf("invalid value for log_packets %q", d.logPackets)
+ }
+ args.LogPackets = lp
+ if args.LogPackets {
+ log.Infof("Enabling packet logging")
+ } else {
+ log.Infof("Disabling packet logging")
+ }
+ }
+ if err := c.Sandbox.ChangeLogging(args); err != nil {
+ return Errorf(err.Error())
+ }
+ log.Infof("Logging options changed")
+ }
if delay {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(d.profileDelay) * time.Second)
return subcommands.ExitSuccess
diff --git a/runsc/cmd/exec.go b/runsc/cmd/exec.go
index 7adc23a77..e817eff77 100644
--- a/runsc/cmd/exec.go
+++ b/runsc/cmd/exec.go
@@ -235,7 +235,11 @@ func (ex *Exec) execChildAndWait(waitStatus *syscall.WaitStatus) subcommands.Exi
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Setsid: true,
Setctty: true,
- Ctty: int(tty.Fd()),
+ // The Ctty FD must be the FD in the child process's FD
+ // table. Since we set cmd.Stdin/Stdout/Stderr to the
+ // tty FD, we can use any of 0, 1, or 2 here.
+ // See
+ Ctty: 0,
diff --git a/runsc/cmd/gofer.go b/runsc/cmd/gofer.go
index 52609a57a..9faabf494 100644
--- a/runsc/cmd/gofer.go
+++ b/runsc/cmd/gofer.go
@@ -152,6 +152,10 @@ func (g *Gofer) Execute(_ context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, args ...interface{})
// modes exactly as sent by the sandbox, which will have applied its own umask.
+ if err := fsgofer.OpenProcSelfFD(); err != nil {
+ Fatalf("failed to open /proc/self/fd: %v", err)
+ }
if err := syscall.Chroot(root); err != nil {
Fatalf("failed to chroot to %q: %v", root, err)
diff --git a/runsc/console/BUILD b/runsc/console/BUILD
index 2d71cd371..e623c1a0f 100644
--- a/runsc/console/BUILD
+++ b/runsc/console/BUILD
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ package(licenses = ["notice"])
name = "console",
- srcs = ["console.go"],
+ srcs = [
+ "console.go",
+ ],
importpath = "",
visibility = [
diff --git a/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer.go b/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer.go
index 8f50af780..f970ce88d 100644
--- a/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer.go
+++ b/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer.go
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
+ "strconv"
@@ -223,6 +224,28 @@ type localFile struct {
lastDirentOffset uint64
+var procSelfFD *fd.FD
+// OpenProcSelfFD opens the /proc/self/fd directory, which will be used to
+// reopen file descriptors.
+func OpenProcSelfFD() error {
+ d, err := syscall.Open("/proc/self/fd", syscall.O_RDONLY|syscall.O_DIRECTORY, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error opening /proc/self/fd: %v", err)
+ }
+ procSelfFD = fd.New(d)
+ return nil
+func reopenProcFd(f *fd.FD, mode int) (*fd.FD, error) {
+ d, err := syscall.Openat(int(procSelfFD.FD()), strconv.Itoa(f.FD()), mode&^syscall.O_NOFOLLOW, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return fd.New(d), nil
func openAnyFileFromParent(parent *localFile, name string) (*fd.FD, string, error) {
path := path.Join(parent.hostPath, name)
f, err := openAnyFile(path, func(mode int) (*fd.FD, error) {
@@ -348,7 +371,7 @@ func (l *localFile) Open(mode p9.OpenFlags) (*fd.FD, p9.QID, uint32, error) {
// name_to_handle_at and open_by_handle_at aren't supported by overlay2.
log.Debugf("Open reopening file, mode: %v, %q", mode, l.hostPath)
var err error
- newFile, err = fd.Open(l.hostPath, openFlags|mode.OSFlags(), 0)
+ newFile, err = reopenProcFd(l.file, openFlags|mode.OSFlags())
if err != nil {
return nil, p9.QID{}, 0, extractErrno(err)
@@ -477,7 +500,7 @@ func (l *localFile) Walk(names []string) ([]p9.QID, p9.File, error) {
// Duplicate current file if 'names' is empty.
if len(names) == 0 {
newFile, err := openAnyFile(l.hostPath, func(mode int) (*fd.FD, error) {
- return fd.Open(l.hostPath, openFlags|mode, 0)
+ return reopenProcFd(l.file, openFlags|mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, extractErrno(err)
@@ -635,7 +658,7 @@ func (l *localFile) SetAttr(valid p9.SetAttrMask, attr p9.SetAttr) error {
f := l.file
if l.ft == regular && l.mode != p9.WriteOnly && l.mode != p9.ReadWrite {
var err error
- f, err = fd.Open(l.hostPath, openFlags|syscall.O_WRONLY, 0)
+ f, err = reopenProcFd(l.file, openFlags|os.O_WRONLY)
if err != nil {
return extractErrno(err)
diff --git a/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer_test.go b/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer_test.go
index 68267df1b..0a162bb8a 100644
--- a/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer_test.go
+++ b/runsc/fsgofer/fsgofer_test.go
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ func init() {
allConfs = append(allConfs, rwConfs...)
allConfs = append(allConfs, roConfs...)
+ if err := OpenProcSelfFD(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
func assertPanic(t *testing.T, f func()) {
diff --git a/runsc/sandbox/sandbox.go b/runsc/sandbox/sandbox.go
index 3bd0291c0..6bebf0737 100644
--- a/runsc/sandbox/sandbox.go
+++ b/runsc/sandbox/sandbox.go
@@ -437,10 +437,10 @@ func (s *Sandbox) createSandboxProcess(conf *boot.Config, args *Args, startSyncF
defer tty.Close()
// Set the TTY as a controlling TTY on the sandbox process.
- // Note that the Ctty field must be the FD of the TTY in the
- // *new* process, not this process. Since we are about to
- // assign the TTY to nextFD, we can use that value here.
cmd.SysProcAttr.Setctty = true
+ // The Ctty FD must be the FD in the child process's FD table,
+ // which will be nextFD in this case.
+ // See
cmd.SysProcAttr.Ctty = nextFD
// Pass the tty as all stdio fds to sandbox.
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ func (s *Sandbox) StartTrace(f *os.File) error {
return nil
-// StopTrace stops a previously started trace..
+// StopTrace stops a previously started trace.
func (s *Sandbox) StopTrace() error {
log.Debugf("Trace stop %q", s.ID)
conn, err := s.sandboxConnect()
@@ -975,6 +975,21 @@ func (s *Sandbox) StopTrace() error {
return nil
+// ChangeLogging changes logging options.
+func (s *Sandbox) ChangeLogging(args control.LoggingArgs) error {
+ log.Debugf("Change logging start %q", s.ID)
+ conn, err := s.sandboxConnect()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer conn.Close()
+ if err := conn.Call(boot.ChangeLogging, &args, nil); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("changing sandbox %q logging: %v", s.ID, err)
+ }
+ return nil
// DestroyContainer destroys the given container. If it is the root container,
// then the entire sandbox is destroyed.
func (s *Sandbox) DestroyContainer(cid string) error {
diff --git a/test/syscalls/BUILD b/test/syscalls/BUILD
index 731e2aa85..b06e46c03 100644
--- a/test/syscalls/BUILD
+++ b/test/syscalls/BUILD
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ syscall_test(
syscall_test(test = "//test/syscalls/linux:munmap_test")
- add_overlay = False, # TODO( enable when fixed.
+ add_overlay = True,
test = "//test/syscalls/linux:open_create_test",
diff --git a/test/syscalls/linux/BUILD b/test/syscalls/linux/BUILD
index 0618fea58..8a24d8c0b 100644
--- a/test/syscalls/linux/BUILD
+++ b/test/syscalls/linux/BUILD
@@ -1177,6 +1177,7 @@ cc_binary(
+ "//test/util:thread_util",
@@ -2940,6 +2941,8 @@ cc_binary(
testonly = 1,
srcs = [""],
linkstatic = 1,
+ # FIXME(b/135470853)
+ tags = ["flaky"],
deps = [
@@ -3340,3 +3343,18 @@ cc_binary(
+ name = "proc_net_tcp_test",
+ testonly = 1,
+ srcs = [""],
+ linkstatic = 1,
+ deps = [
+ ":ip_socket_test_util",
+ "//test/util:file_descriptor",
+ "//test/util:test_main",
+ "//test/util:test_util",
+ "@com_google_absl//absl/strings",
+ "@com_google_googletest//:gtest",
+ ],
diff --git a/test/syscalls/linux/ b/test/syscalls/linux/
index 42646bb02..e0525f386 100644
--- a/test/syscalls/linux/
+++ b/test/syscalls/linux/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "test/util/fs_util.h"
#include "test/util/temp_path.h"
#include "test/util/test_util.h"
+#include "test/util/thread_util.h"
namespace gvisor {
namespace testing {
@@ -214,6 +215,42 @@ TEST_F(OpenTest, AppendOnly) {
SyscallSucceedsWithValue(kBufSize * 3));
+TEST_F(OpenTest, AppendConcurrentWrite) {
+ constexpr int kThreadCount = 5;
+ constexpr int kBytesPerThread = 10000;
+ std::unique_ptr<ScopedThread> threads[kThreadCount];
+ // In case of the uncached policy, we expect that a file system can be changed
+ // externally, so we create a new inode each time when we open a file and we
+ // can't guarantee that writes to files with O_APPEND will work correctly.
+ EXPECT_THAT(truncate(test_file_name_.c_str(), 0), SyscallSucceeds());
+ std::string filename = test_file_name_;
+ DisableSave ds; // Too many syscalls.
+ // Start kThreadCount threads which will write concurrently into the same
+ // file.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kThreadCount; i++) {
+ threads[i] = absl::make_unique<ScopedThread>([filename]() {
+ const FileDescriptor fd =
+ for (int j = 0; j < kBytesPerThread; j++) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(WriteFd(fd.get(), &j, 1), SyscallSucceedsWithValue(1));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < kThreadCount; i++) {
+ threads[i]->Join();
+ }
+ // Check that the size of the file is correct.
+ struct stat st;
+ EXPECT_THAT(stat(test_file_name_.c_str(), &st), SyscallSucceeds());
+ EXPECT_EQ(st.st_size, kThreadCount * kBytesPerThread);
TEST_F(OpenTest, Truncate) {
// First write some data to the new file and close it.
diff --git a/test/syscalls/linux/ b/test/syscalls/linux/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..578b20680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/syscalls/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
+#include "test/syscalls/linux/ip_socket_test_util.h"
+#include "test/util/file_descriptor.h"
+#include "test/util/test_util.h"
+namespace gvisor {
+namespace testing {
+namespace {
+using absl::StrCat;
+using absl::StrSplit;
+constexpr char kProcNetTCPHeader[] =
+ " sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when "
+ "retrnsmt uid timeout inode "
+ " ";
+// Possible values of the "st" field in a /proc/net/tcp entry. Source: Linux
+// kernel, include/net/tcp_states.h.
+enum {
+// TCPEntry represents a single entry from /proc/net/tcp.
+struct TCPEntry {
+ uint32_t local_addr;
+ uint16_t local_port;
+ uint32_t remote_addr;
+ uint16_t remote_port;
+ uint64_t state;
+ uint64_t uid;
+ uint64_t inode;
+uint32_t IP(const struct sockaddr* addr) {
+ auto* in_addr = reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(addr);
+ return in_addr->sin_addr.s_addr;
+uint16_t Port(const struct sockaddr* addr) {
+ auto* in_addr = reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_in*>(addr);
+ return ntohs(in_addr->sin_port);
+// Finds the first entry in 'entries' for which 'predicate' returns true.
+// Returns true on match, and sets 'match' to point to the matching entry.
+bool FindBy(std::vector<TCPEntry> entries, TCPEntry* match,
+ std::function<bool(const TCPEntry&)> predicate) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) {
+ if (predicate(entries[i])) {
+ *match = entries[i];
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool FindByLocalAddr(std::vector<TCPEntry> entries, TCPEntry* match,
+ const struct sockaddr* addr) {
+ uint32_t host = IP(addr);
+ uint16_t port = Port(addr);
+ return FindBy(entries, match, [host, port](const TCPEntry& e) {
+ return (e.local_addr == host && e.local_port == port);
+ });
+bool FindByRemoteAddr(std::vector<TCPEntry> entries, TCPEntry* match,
+ const struct sockaddr* addr) {
+ uint32_t host = IP(addr);
+ uint16_t port = Port(addr);
+ return FindBy(entries, match, [host, port](const TCPEntry& e) {
+ return (e.remote_addr == host && e.remote_port == port);
+ });
+// Returns a parsed representation of /proc/net/tcp entries.
+PosixErrorOr<std::vector<TCPEntry>> ProcNetTCPEntries() {
+ std::string content;
+ RETURN_IF_ERRNO(GetContents("/proc/net/tcp", &content));
+ bool found_header = false;
+ std::vector<TCPEntry> entries;
+ std::vector<std::string> lines = StrSplit(content, '\n');
+ std::cerr << "<contents of /proc/net/tcp>" << std::endl;
+ for (std::string line : lines) {
+ std::cerr << line << std::endl;
+ if (!found_header) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(line, kProcNetTCPHeader);
+ found_header = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (line.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Parse a single entry from /proc/net/tcp.
+ //
+ // Example entries:
+ //
+ // clang-format off
+ //
+ // sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode
+ // 0: 00000000:006F 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 1968 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
+ // 1: 0100007F:7533 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 120 0 10684 1 0000000000000000 100 0 0 10 0
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
+ //
+ // clang-format on
+ TCPEntry entry;
+ std::vector<std::string> fields =
+ StrSplit(line, absl::ByAnyChar(": "), absl::SkipEmpty());
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.local_addr, AtoiBase(fields[1], 16));
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.local_port, AtoiBase(fields[2], 16));
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.remote_addr, AtoiBase(fields[3], 16));
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.remote_port, AtoiBase(fields[4], 16));
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.state, AtoiBase(fields[5], 16));
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.uid, Atoi<uint64_t>(fields[11]));
+ ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_ERRNO(entry.inode, Atoi<uint64_t>(fields[13]));
+ entries.push_back(entry);
+ }
+ std::cerr << "<end of /proc/net/tcp>" << std::endl;
+ return entries;
+TEST(ProcNetTCP, Exists) {
+ const std::string content =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(GetContents("/proc/net/tcp"));
+ const std::string header_line = StrCat(kProcNetTCPHeader, "\n");
+ if (IsRunningOnGvisor()) {
+ // Should be just the header since we don't have any tcp sockets yet.
+ EXPECT_EQ(content, header_line);
+ } else {
+ // On a general linux machine, we could have abitrary sockets on the system,
+ // so just check the header.
+ EXPECT_THAT(content, ::testing::StartsWith(header_line));
+ }
+TEST(ProcNetTCP, EntryUID) {
+ auto sockets =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(IPv4TCPAcceptBindSocketPair(0).Create());
+ std::vector<TCPEntry> entries =
+ TCPEntry e;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FindByLocalAddr(entries, &e, sockets->first_addr()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(e.uid, geteuid());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FindByRemoteAddr(entries, &e, sockets->first_addr()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(e.uid, geteuid());
+TEST(ProcNetTCP, BindAcceptConnect) {
+ auto sockets =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(IPv4TCPAcceptBindSocketPair(0).Create());
+ std::vector<TCPEntry> entries =
+ // We can only make assertions about the total number of entries if we control
+ // the entire "machine".
+ if (IsRunningOnGvisor()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(entries.size(), 2);
+ }
+ TCPEntry e;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FindByLocalAddr(entries, &e, sockets->first_addr()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FindByRemoteAddr(entries, &e, sockets->first_addr()));
+TEST(ProcNetTCP, InodeReasonable) {
+ auto sockets =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(IPv4TCPAcceptBindSocketPair(0).Create());
+ std::vector<TCPEntry> entries =
+ TCPEntry accepted_entry;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FindByLocalAddr(entries, &accepted_entry, sockets->first_addr()));
+ EXPECT_NE(accepted_entry.inode, 0);
+ TCPEntry client_entry;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FindByRemoteAddr(entries, &client_entry, sockets->first_addr()));
+ EXPECT_NE(client_entry.inode, 0);
+ EXPECT_NE(accepted_entry.inode, client_entry.inode);
+TEST(ProcNetTCP, State) {
+ std::unique_ptr<FileDescriptor> server =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(IPv4TCPUnboundSocket(0).Create());
+ auto test_addr = V4Loopback();
+ bind(server->get(), reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&test_addr.addr),
+ test_addr.addr_len),
+ SyscallSucceeds());
+ struct sockaddr addr;
+ socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
+ ASSERT_THAT(getsockname(server->get(), &addr, &addrlen), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_EQ(addrlen, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
+ ASSERT_THAT(listen(server->get(), 10), SyscallSucceeds());
+ std::vector<TCPEntry> entries =
+ TCPEntry listen_entry;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FindByLocalAddr(entries, &listen_entry, &addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(listen_entry.state, TCP_LISTEN);
+ std::unique_ptr<FileDescriptor> client =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(IPv4TCPUnboundSocket(0).Create());
+ ASSERT_THAT(connect(client->get(), &addr, addrlen), SyscallSucceeds());
+ entries = ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(ProcNetTCPEntries());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FindByLocalAddr(entries, &listen_entry, &addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(listen_entry.state, TCP_LISTEN);
+ TCPEntry client_entry;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FindByRemoteAddr(entries, &client_entry, &addr));
+ EXPECT_EQ(client_entry.state, TCP_ESTABLISHED);
+ FileDescriptor accepted =
+ ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(Accept(server->get(), nullptr, nullptr));
+ const uint32_t accepted_local_host = IP(&addr);
+ const uint16_t accepted_local_port = Port(&addr);
+ entries = ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(ProcNetTCPEntries());
+ TCPEntry accepted_entry;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FindBy(entries, &accepted_entry,
+ [client_entry, accepted_local_host,
+ accepted_local_port](const TCPEntry& e) {
+ return e.local_addr == accepted_local_host &&
+ e.local_port == accepted_local_port &&
+ e.remote_addr == client_entry.local_addr &&
+ e.remote_port == client_entry.local_port;
+ }));
+ EXPECT_EQ(accepted_entry.state, TCP_ESTABLISHED);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace testing
+} // namespace gvisor
diff --git a/test/syscalls/linux/ b/test/syscalls/linux/
index 82d325c17..74acbe92c 100644
--- a/test/syscalls/linux/
+++ b/test/syscalls/linux/
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ PosixErrorOr<std::vector<UnixEntry>> ProcNetUnixEntries() {
// Finds the first entry in 'entries' for which 'predicate' returns true.
// Returns true on match, and sets 'match' to point to the matching entry.
bool FindBy(std::vector<UnixEntry> entries, UnixEntry* match,
- std::function<bool(UnixEntry)> predicate) {
+ std::function<bool(const UnixEntry&)> predicate) {
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) {
if (predicate(entries[i])) {
*match = entries[i];
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ bool FindBy(std::vector<UnixEntry> entries, UnixEntry* match,
bool FindByPath(std::vector<UnixEntry> entries, UnixEntry* match,
const std::string& path) {
- return FindBy(entries, match, [path](UnixEntry e) { return e.path == path; });
+ return FindBy(entries, match,
+ [path](const UnixEntry& e) { return e.path == path; });
TEST(ProcNetUnix, Exists) {
diff --git a/test/syscalls/linux/ b/test/syscalls/linux/
index 0e914215d..510f7bee5 100644
--- a/test/syscalls/linux/
+++ b/test/syscalls/linux/
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ TEST(SimpleStatTest, AnonDeviceAllocatesUniqueInodesAcrossSaveRestore) {
#ifndef SYS_statx
#if defined(__x86_64__)
-#define SYS_statx 397
+#define SYS_statx 332
#error "Unknown architecture"
@@ -607,7 +607,8 @@ int statx(int dirfd, const char *pathname, int flags, unsigned int mask,
TEST_F(StatTest, StatxAbsPath) {
- SKIP_IF(statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 && errno == ENOSYS);
+ SKIP_IF(!IsRunningOnGvisor() && statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 &&
+ errno == ENOSYS);
struct kernel_statx stx;
EXPECT_THAT(statx(-1, test_file_name_.c_str(), 0, STATX_ALL, &stx),
@@ -616,7 +617,8 @@ TEST_F(StatTest, StatxAbsPath) {
TEST_F(StatTest, StatxRelPathDirFD) {
- SKIP_IF(statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 && errno == ENOSYS);
+ SKIP_IF(!IsRunningOnGvisor() && statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 &&
+ errno == ENOSYS);
struct kernel_statx stx;
auto const dirfd =
@@ -629,7 +631,8 @@ TEST_F(StatTest, StatxRelPathDirFD) {
TEST_F(StatTest, StatxRelPathCwd) {
- SKIP_IF(statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 && errno == ENOSYS);
+ SKIP_IF(!IsRunningOnGvisor() && statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 &&
+ errno == ENOSYS);
ASSERT_THAT(chdir(GetAbsoluteTestTmpdir().c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
auto filename = std::string(Basename(test_file_name_));
@@ -640,7 +643,8 @@ TEST_F(StatTest, StatxRelPathCwd) {
TEST_F(StatTest, StatxEmptyPath) {
- SKIP_IF(statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 && errno == ENOSYS);
+ SKIP_IF(!IsRunningOnGvisor() && statx(-1, nullptr, 0, 0, 0) < 0 &&
+ errno == ENOSYS);
const auto fd = ASSERT_NO_ERRNO_AND_VALUE(Open(test_file_name_, O_RDONLY));
struct kernel_statx stx;
diff --git a/test/syscalls/linux/ b/test/syscalls/linux/
index 494072a9b..dce8de9ec 100644
--- a/test/syscalls/linux/
+++ b/test/syscalls/linux/
@@ -272,6 +272,77 @@ TEST(SymlinkTest, ChmodSymlink) {
EXPECT_EQ(FilePermission(newpath), 0777);
+class ParamSymlinkTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {};
+// Test that creating an existing symlink with creat will create the target.
+TEST_P(ParamSymlinkTest, CreatLinkCreatesTarget) {
+ const std::string target = GetParam();
+ const std::string linkpath = NewTempAbsPath();
+ ASSERT_THAT(symlink(target.c_str(), linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ int fd;
+ EXPECT_THAT(fd = creat(linkpath.c_str(), 0666), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(close(fd), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(chdir(GetAbsoluteTestTmpdir().c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ struct stat st;
+ EXPECT_THAT(stat(target.c_str(), &st), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(unlink(linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(unlink(target.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+// Test that opening an existing symlink with O_CREAT will create the target.
+TEST_P(ParamSymlinkTest, OpenLinkCreatesTarget) {
+ const std::string target = GetParam();
+ const std::string linkpath = NewTempAbsPath();
+ ASSERT_THAT(symlink(target.c_str(), linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ int fd;
+ EXPECT_THAT(fd = open(linkpath.c_str(), O_CREAT, 0666), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(close(fd), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(chdir(GetAbsoluteTestTmpdir().c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ struct stat st;
+ EXPECT_THAT(stat(target.c_str(), &st), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(unlink(linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ ASSERT_THAT(unlink(target.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+// Test that opening an existing symlink with O_CREAT|O_EXCL will fail with
+TEST_P(ParamSymlinkTest, OpenLinkExclFails) {
+ const std::string target = GetParam();
+ const std::string linkpath = NewTempAbsPath();
+ ASSERT_THAT(symlink(target.c_str(), linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ EXPECT_THAT(open(linkpath.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666),
+ SyscallFailsWithErrno(EEXIST));
+ ASSERT_THAT(unlink(linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+// Test that opening an existing symlink with O_CREAT|O_NOFOLLOW will fail with
+// ELOOP.
+TEST_P(ParamSymlinkTest, OpenLinkNoFollowFails) {
+ const std::string target = GetParam();
+ const std::string linkpath = NewTempAbsPath();
+ ASSERT_THAT(symlink(target.c_str(), linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+ EXPECT_THAT(open(linkpath.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_NOFOLLOW, 0666),
+ SyscallFailsWithErrno(ELOOP));
+ ASSERT_THAT(unlink(linkpath.c_str()), SyscallSucceeds());
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AbsAndRelTarget, ParamSymlinkTest,
+ ::testing::Values(NewTempAbsPath(), NewTempRelPath()));
} // namespace
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/third_party/gvsync/atomicptr_unsafe.go b/third_party/gvsync/atomicptr_unsafe.go
index 53a943282..525c4beed 100644
--- a/third_party/gvsync/atomicptr_unsafe.go
+++ b/third_party/gvsync/atomicptr_unsafe.go
@@ -21,8 +21,18 @@ type Value struct{}
// Note that copying AtomicPtr by value performs a non-atomic read of the
// stored pointer, which is unsafe if Store() can be called concurrently; in
// this case, do `dst.Store(src.Load())` instead.
+// +stateify savable
type AtomicPtr struct {
- ptr unsafe.Pointer
+ ptr unsafe.Pointer `state:".(*Value)"`
+func (p *AtomicPtr) savePtr() *Value {
+ return p.Load()
+func (p *AtomicPtr) loadPtr(v *Value) {
+ p.Store(v)
// Load returns the value set by the most recent Store. It returns nil if there
diff --git a/tools/go_generics/generics.go b/tools/go_generics/generics.go
index 4e5cc53a2..22c714c13 100644
--- a/tools/go_generics/generics.go
+++ b/tools/go_generics/generics.go
@@ -222,7 +222,11 @@ func main() {
// Modify the state tag appropriately.
if m := stateTagRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(ident.Name); m != nil {
if t := identifierRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(m[2]); t != nil {
- ident.Name = m[1] + `state:".(` + t[1] + *prefix + t[2] + *suffix + t[3] + `)"` + m[3]
+ typeName := *prefix + t[2] + *suffix
+ if n, ok := types[t[2]]; ok {
+ typeName = n
+ }
+ ident.Name = m[1] + `state:".(` + t[1] + typeName + t[3] + `)"` + m[3]