path: root/.buildkite/pipeline.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.buildkite/pipeline.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/.buildkite/pipeline.yaml b/.buildkite/pipeline.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee993c46a..000000000
--- a/.buildkite/pipeline.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- common: &common
- timeout_in_minutes: 30
- retry:
- automatic:
- - exit_status: -1
- limit: 10
- - exit_status: "*"
- limit: 2
- benchmarks: &benchmarks
- timeout_in_minutes: 120
- retry:
- automatic: false
- soft_fail: true
- if: build.branch == "master"
- env:
- # BENCHMARKS_OFFICIAL is set from hooks/pre-command, based
- # on whether this is executing on the master branch.
- BENCHMARKS_PROJECT: gvisor-benchmarks
- BENCHMARKS_TABLE: benchmarks
- # Run basic smoke tests before preceding to other tests.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":fire: Smoke tests"
- command: make smoke-tests
- - wait
- # Check that the Go branch builds.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":golang: Go branch"
- commands:
- - make go
- - git checkout go && git clean -f
- - go build ./...
- # Release workflow.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":ship: Release tests"
- commands: make release
- # Basic unit tests.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":test_tube: Unit tests"
- command: make unit-tests
- # All system call tests.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":toolbox: System call tests"
- command: make syscall-tests
- parallelism: 20
- # Integration tests.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":parachute: FUSE tests"
- command: make fuse-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":docker: Docker tests"
- command: make docker-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":goggles: Overlay tests"
- command: make overlay-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":safety_pin: Host network tests"
- command: make hostnet-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":satellite: SWGSO tests"
- command: make swgso-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":coffee: Do tests"
- command: make do-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":person_in_lotus_position: KVM tests"
- command: make kvm-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":docker: Containerd 1.3.9 tests"
- command: make containerd-test-1.3.9
- - <<: *common
- label: ":docker: Containerd 1.4.3 tests"
- command: make containerd-test-1.4.3
- # Check the website builds.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":earth_americas: Website tests"
- command: make website-build
- # Networking tests.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":table_tennis_paddle_and_ball: IPTables tests"
- command: make iptables-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":construction_worker: Packetdrill tests"
- command: make packetdrill-tests
- - <<: *common
- label: ":hammer: Packetimpact tests"
- command: make packetimpact-tests
- # Runtime tests.
- - <<: *common
- label: ":php: PHP runtime tests"
- command: make php7.3.6-runtime-tests_vfs2
- parallelism: 10
- - <<: *common
- label: ":java: Java runtime tests"
- command: make java11-runtime-tests_vfs2
- parallelism: 40
- - <<: *common
- label: ":golang: Go runtime tests"
- command: make go1.12-runtime-tests_vfs2
- parallelism: 10
- - <<: *common
- label: ":node: NodeJS runtime tests"
- command: make nodejs12.4.0-runtime-tests_vfs2
- parallelism: 10
- - <<: *common
- label: ":python: Python runtime tests"
- command: make python3.7.3-runtime-tests_vfs2
- parallelism: 10
- # Runtime tests (VFS1).
- - <<: *common
- label: ":php: PHP runtime tests (VFS1)"
- command: make php7.3.6-runtime-tests
- parallelism: 10
- if: build.message =~ /VFS1/ || build.branch == "master"
- - <<: *common
- label: ":java: Java runtime tests (VFS1)"
- command: make java11-runtime-tests
- parallelism: 40
- if: build.message =~ /VFS1/ || build.branch == "master"
- - <<: *common
- label: ":golang: Go runtime tests (VFS1)"
- command: make go1.12-runtime-tests
- parallelism: 10
- if: build.message =~ /VFS1/ || build.branch == "master"
- - <<: *common
- label: ":node: NodeJS runtime tests (VFS1)"
- command: make nodejs12.4.0-runtime-tests
- parallelism: 10
- if: build.message =~ /VFS1/ || build.branch == "master"
- - <<: *common
- label: ":python: Python runtime tests (VFS1)"
- command: make python3.7.3-runtime-tests
- parallelism: 10
- if: build.message =~ /VFS1/ || build.branch == "master"
- # Run basic benchmarks smoke tests (no upload).
- - <<: *common
- label: ":fire: Benchmarks smoke test"
- command: make benchmark-platforms
- # Use the opposite of the benchmarks filter.
- if: build.branch != "master"
- # Run all benchmarks.
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":bazel: ABSL build benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_FILTER="ABSL/page_cache.clean" BENCHMARKS_SUITE=absl BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/fs:bazel_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":metal: FFMPEG benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=ffmpeg BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/media:ffmpeg_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":floppy_disk: FIO benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=fio BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/fs:fio_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":globe_with_meridians: HTTPD benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_FILTER="Continuous" BENCHMARKS_SUITE=httpd BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/network:httpd_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":piedpiper: iperf benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=iperf BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/network:iperf_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":nginx: nginx benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_FILTER="Continuous" BENCHMARKS_SUITE=nginx BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/network:nginx_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":node: node benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=node BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/network:node_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":redis: Redis benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=redis BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/database:redis_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":ruby: Ruby benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=ruby BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/network:ruby_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":weight_lifter: Size benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=size BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/base:size_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":speedboat: Startup benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=startup BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/base:startup_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":computer: sysbench benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=sysbench BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/base:sysbench_test
- - <<: *benchmarks
- label: ":tensorflow: TensorFlow benchmarks"
- command: make benchmark-platforms BENCHMARKS_SUITE=tensorflow BENCHMARKS_TARGETS=test/benchmarks/ml:tensorflow_test