path: root/.buildkite/hooks/post-command
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.buildkite/hooks/post-command')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/.buildkite/hooks/post-command b/.buildkite/hooks/post-command
index b0396bec7..5cd974002 100644
--- a/.buildkite/hooks/post-command
+++ b/.buildkite/hooks/post-command
@@ -1,72 +1,54 @@
-# Upload test logs on failure, if there are any.
-if test "${BUILDKITE_COMMAND_EXIT_STATUS}" -ne "0"; then
- # Generate a metafile that ends with .output, and contains all the
- # test failures that have been uploaded. These will all be sorted and
- # aggregated by a failure stage in the build pipeline.
- declare output=$(mktemp "${BUILDKITE_JOB_ID}".XXXXXX.output)
- make -s testlogs 2>/dev/null | grep // | sort | uniq | (
- declare log_count=0
- while read target log; do
- if test -z "${target}"; then
- continue
- fi
+# Upload all relevant test failures.
+make -s testlogs 2>/dev/null | grep // | sort | uniq | (
+ declare log_count=0
+ while read target log; do
+ if test -z "${target}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # N.B. If *all* tests fail due to some common cause, then we will
+ # end up spending way too much time uploading logs. Instead, we just
+ # upload the first 10 and stop. That is hopefully enough to debug.
+ #
+ # We include this test in the metadata, but note that we cannot
+ # upload the actual test logs. The user should rerun locally.
+ log_count=$((${log_count}+1))
+ if test "${log_count}" -ge 10; then
+ echo " * ${target} (no upload)" | \
+ buildkite-agent annotate --style error --context failures --append
+ else
+ buildkite-agent artifact upload "${log}"
+ echo " * [${target}](artifact://${log#/}) (${BUILDKITE_LABEL})" | \
+ buildkite-agent annotate --style error --context failures --append
+ fi
+ done
- # N.B. If *all* tests fail due to some common cause, then we will
- # end up spending way too much time uploading logs. Instead, we just
- # upload the first 10 and stop. That is hopefully enough to debug.
- #
- # We include this test in the metadata, but note that we cannot
- # upload the actual test logs. The user should rerun locally.
- log_count=$((${log_count}+1))
- if test "${log_count}" -ge 10; then
- echo " * ${target} (no upload)" | tee -a "${output}"
- else
- buildkite-agent artifact upload "${log}"
- echo " * [${target}](artifact://${log#/})" | tee -a "${output}"
- fi
- done
- )
+# Upload all profiles, and include in an annotation.
+declare profile_output=$(mktemp --tmpdir)
+for file in $(find /tmp/profile -name \*.pprof -print 2>/dev/null | sort); do
+ # Generate a link to the profile file at the top.
+ profile_name="${file#/tmp/profile/}"
+ buildkite-agent artifact upload "${file}"
+ echo "<li><a href='artifact://${file#/}'>${profile_name}</a></li>" >> "${profile_output}"
- # Upload if we had outputs.
- if test -s "${output}"; then
- buildkite-agent artifact upload "${output}"
- fi
- rm -rf "${output}"
+# Upload if we had outputs.
+if test -s "${profile_output}"; then
+ # Make the list a collapsible section in markdown.
+ sed -i "1s|^|<details><summary>${BUILDKITE_LABEL}</summary><ul>\n|" "${profile_output}"
+ echo "</ul></details>" >> "${profile_output}"
+ cat "${profile_output}" | buildkite-agent annotate --style info --context profiles --append
+rm -rf "${profile_output}"
+# Clean the bazel cache, if there's failure.
+if test "${BUILDKITE_COMMAND_EXIT_STATUS}" -ne "0"; then
# Attempt to clear the cache and shut down.
make clean || echo "make clean failed with code $?"
make bazel-shutdown || echo "make bazel-shutdown failed with code $?"
-# Upload all profiles, and include in an annotation.
-if test -d /tmp/profile; then
- # Same as above.
- declare profile_output=$(mktemp "${BUILDKITE_JOB_ID}".XXXXXX.profile_output)
- for file in $(find /tmp/profile -name \*.pprof -print 2>/dev/null | sort); do
- # Generate a link to speedscope, with a URL-encoded link to the BuildKite
- # artifact location. Note that we use do a fixed URL encode below, since
- # the link can be uniquely determined. If the storage location changes,
- # this schema may break and these links may stop working. The artifacts
- # uploaded however, will still work just fine.
- profile_name="${file#/tmp/profile/}"
- public_url="${BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID}/${BUILDKITE_JOB_ID}/${file#/}"
- encoded_url=$(jq -rn --arg x "${public_url}" '$x|@uri')
- encoded_title=$(jq -rn --arg x "${profile_name}" '$x|@uri')
- profile_url="${encoded_url}&title=${encoded_title}"
- buildkite-agent artifact upload "${file}"
- echo " * [${profile_name}](${profile_url}) ([pprof](artifact://${file#/}))" | tee -a "${profile_output}"
- done
- # Upload if we had outputs.
- if test -s "${profile_output}"; then
- buildkite-agent artifact upload "${profile_output}"
- fi
- rm -rf "${profile_output}"
- # Remove stale profiles, which may be owned by root.
- sudo rm -rf /tmp/profile
# Kill any running containers (clear state).
CONTAINERS="$(docker ps -q)"
if ! test -z "${CONTAINERS}"; then