path: root/website/BUILD
diff options
authorAdin Scannell <>2020-04-27 22:24:58 -0700
committerAdin Scannell <>2020-05-06 14:15:18 -0700
commit508e25b6d6e9a81edb6ddf8738450b79898b446a (patch)
treea7f6105ac25c8a879ed880e477d89ec6b6eb1a24 /website/BUILD
parent8cb33ce5ded7d417710e7e749524b895deb20397 (diff)
Adapt website to use g3doc sources and bazel.
This adapts the merged website repository to use the image and bazel build framework. It explicitly avoids the container_image rules provided by bazel, opting instead to build with direct docker commands when necessary. The relevant build commands are incorporated into the top-level Makefile.
Diffstat (limited to 'website/BUILD')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/website/BUILD b/website/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8121d81a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_binary", "pkg_tar")
+load("//website:defs.bzl", "docs")
+package(licenses = ["notice"])
+# website is the full container image. Note that this actually just collects
+# other dependendcies and runs Docker locally to import and tag the image.
+ name = "website",
+ srcs = [""],
+ data = [":files"],
+ tags = [
+ "local",
+ "manual",
+ ],
+# files is the full file system of the generated container.
+# It must collect the all tarballs (produced by the rules below), and run it
+# through the Dockerfile to generate the site. Note that this checks all links,
+# and therefore requires all static content to be present as well.
+# Note that this rule violates most aspects of hermetic builds. However, this
+# works much more reliably than depending on the container_image rules from
+# bazel itself, which are convoluted and seem to have a hard time even finding
+# the toolchain.
+ name = "files",
+ srcs = [
+ ":config",
+ ":docs",
+ ":posts",
+ ":static",
+ ":syscallmd",
+ "//website/cmd/server",
+ ],
+ outs = ["files.tgz"],
+ cmd = "set -x; " +
+ "rm -rf $(@D)/input && mkdir -p $(@D)/input && " +
+ "rm -rf $(@D)/output && mkdir -p $(@D)/output/_site && " +
+ "tar -xf $(location :config) -C $(@D)/input && " +
+ "tar -xf $(location :docs) -C $(@D)/input && " +
+ "tar -xf $(location :posts) -C $(@D)/input && " +
+ "tar -xf $(location :syscallmd) -C $(@D)/input && " +
+ "find $(@D)/input -type f -exec chmod u+rw {} \\; && " +
+ "docker run -i --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) " +
+ "-v $$(readlink -m $(@D)/input):/input " +
+ "-v $$(readlink -m $(@D)/output/_site):/output " +
+ " && " +
+ "tar -xf $(location :static) -C $(@D)/output/_site && " +
+ "docker run -i --user $$(id -u):$$(id -g) " +
+ "-v $$(readlink -m $(@D)/output/_site):/output " +
+ " " +
+ "/usr/gem/bin/htmlproofer " +
+ "--disable-external " +
+ "--check-html " +
+ "/output && " +
+ "cp $(location //website/cmd/server) $(@D)/output/server && " +
+ "tar -zcf $@ -C $(@D)/output . && " +
+ "rm -rf $(@D)/input $(@D)/output",
+ tags = [
+ "local",
+ "manual",
+ "nosandbox",
+ ],
+# static are the purely static parts of the site. These are effectively copied
+# in after jekyll generates all the dynamic content.
+ name = "static",
+ srcs = glob([
+ "archive.key",
+ "performance/**",
+ ]),
+ strip_prefix = "./",
+# config is "mostly" static content. These are parts of the site that are
+# present when jekyll runs, but are not dynamically generated.
+ name = "config",
+ srcs = glob([
+ "assets/**",
+ "blog/*.html",
+ "*.yml",
+ "css/**",
+ "",
+ "_includes/**",
+ "_layouts/**",
+ "_plugins/**",
+ "_sass/**",
+ ]),
+ strip_prefix = "./",
+# docs is the dynamic content of the site.
+ name = "docs",
+ deps = [
+ "//:code_of_conduct",
+ "//:contributing",
+ "//:governance",
+ "//:security",
+ "//g3doc:community",
+ "//g3doc:index",
+ "//g3doc:roadmap",
+ "//g3doc/architecture_guide:index",
+ "//g3doc/architecture_guide:performance",
+ "//g3doc/architecture_guide:platforms",
+ "//g3doc/architecture_guide:resources",
+ "//g3doc/architecture_guide:security",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:FAQ",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:checkpoint_restore",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:compatibility",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:debugging",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:filesystem",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:install",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:networking",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide:platforms",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide/quick_start:docker",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide/quick_start:kubernetes",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide/quick_start:oci",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:cni",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:docker",
+ "//g3doc/user_guide/tutorials:kubernetes",
+ ],
+# posts are moved to the _posts directory.
+ name = "posts",
+ srcs = glob([
+ "blog/*.md",
+ ]),
+ package_dir = "_posts",
+# Generate JSON for system call tables
+ name = "syscalljson",
+ outs = ["syscalls.json"],
+ cmd = "$(location //runsc) -- help syscalls -format json -filename $@",
+ tools = ["//runsc"],
+# Generate markdown from the json dump.
+ name = "syscallmd",
+ srcs = [":syscalljson"],
+ outs = ["syscallsmd"],
+ cmd = "mkdir $(@D)/_tmp && \
+ $(location //website/cmd/generate-syscall-docs) -in $< -out $(@D)/_tmp && \
+ tar -C $(@D)/_tmp -czf $@ . && \
+ rm -rf $(@D)/_tmp",
+ tools = ["//website/cmd/generate-syscall-docs"],