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authorIan Lewis <>2018-12-04 04:55:39 -0500
committerIan Lewis <>2018-12-04 04:55:39 -0500
commitae2250b1dd07fcdb6a2212022b75d63d26966499 (patch)
tree7c155cffdcf66ea800a0d812dee11b9a6044eabd /vendor/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
36 files changed, 5385 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+ the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+ "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+ other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+ control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+ "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+ direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+ outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+ "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+ exercising permissions granted by this License.
+ "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+ source, and configuration files.
+ "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+ transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+ not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+ and conversions to other media types.
+ "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+ Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+ copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+ (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+ "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+ form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+ editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+ represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+ of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+ separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+ the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+ "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+ the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+ to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+ submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+ or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+ the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+ means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+ to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+ communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+ and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+ Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+ excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+ designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+ "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+ on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+ subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+ publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+ Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+ use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+ where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+ by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+ Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+ with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+ institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+ or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+ or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+ granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+ Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+ modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+ meet the following conditions:
+ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+ Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+ (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
+ (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+ that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+ attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+ excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+ the Derivative Works; and
+ (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+ distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+ include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+ within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+ pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+ of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+ as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+ documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+ within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+ wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+ of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+ do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+ notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+ or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+ that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+ as modifying the License.
+ You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+ may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+ for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+ for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+ reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+ the conditions stated in this License.
+ 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+ any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+ by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+ this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+ Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+ the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+ with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+ 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+ names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+ except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+ origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+ 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+ agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+ Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+ appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+ risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+ 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+ whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+ unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+ negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+ liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+ incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+ result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+ Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+ work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+ the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+ and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+ or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+ License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+ on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+ of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+ defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+ incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+ of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+ Copyright 2016 Docker, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
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+# go-digest
+[![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](]( [![Build Status](](
+Common digest package used across the container ecosystem.
+Please see the [godoc]( for more information.
+# What is a digest?
+A digest is just a hash.
+The most common use case for a digest is to create a content
+identifier for use in [Content Addressable Storage](
+id := digest.FromBytes([]byte("my content"))
+In the example above, the id can be used to uniquely identify
+the byte slice "my content". This allows two disparate applications
+to agree on a verifiable identifier without having to trust one
+An identifying digest can be verified, as follows:
+if id != digest.FromBytes([]byte("my content")) {
+ return errors.New("the content has changed!")
+A `Verifier` type can be used to handle cases where an `io.Reader`
+makes more sense:
+rd := getContent()
+verifier := id.Verifier()
+io.Copy(verifier, rd)
+if !verifier.Verified() {
+ return errors.New("the content has changed!")
+Using [Merkle DAGs](, this
+can power a rich, safe, content distribution system.
+# Usage
+While the [godoc]( is
+considered the best resource, a few important items need to be called
+out when using this package.
+1. Make sure to import the hash implementations into your application
+ or the package will panic. You should have something like the
+ following in the main (or other entrypoint) of your application:
+ ```go
+ import (
+ _ "crypto/sha256"
+ _ "crypto/sha512"
+ )
+ ```
+ This may seem inconvenient but it allows you replace the hash
+ implementations with others, such as
+2. Even though `digest.Digest` may be assemable as a string, _always_
+ verify your input with `digest.Parse` or use `Digest.Validate`
+ when accepting untrusted input. While there are measures to
+ avoid common problems, this will ensure you have valid digests
+ in the rest of your application.
+# Stability
+The Go API, at this stage, is considered stable, unless otherwise noted.
+As always, before using a package export, read the [godoc](
+# Contributing
+This package is considered fairly complete. It has been in production
+in thousands (millions?) of deployments and is fairly battle-hardened.
+New additions will be met with skepticism. If you think there is a
+missing feature, please file a bug clearly describing the problem and
+the alternatives you tried before submitting a PR.
+# Reporting security issues
+Please DO NOT file a public issue, instead send your report privately to
+The maintainers take security seriously. If you discover a security issue,
+please bring it to their attention right away!
+If you are reporting a security issue, do not create an issue or file a pull
+request on GitHub. Instead, disclose the issue responsibly by sending an email
+to (which is inhabited only by the maintainers of
+the various OCI projects).
+# Copyright and license
+Copyright © 2016 Docker, Inc. All rights reserved, except as follows. Code is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE). This `` file and the [``]( file are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License under the terms and conditions set forth in the file [``]( You may obtain a duplicate copy of the same license, titled CC BY-SA 4.0, at
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+// Copyright 2017 Docker, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package digest
+import (
+ "crypto"
+ "fmt"
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+ "regexp"
+// Algorithm identifies and implementation of a digester by an identifier.
+// Note the that this defines both the hash algorithm used and the string
+// encoding.
+type Algorithm string
+// supported digest types
+const (
+ SHA256 Algorithm = "sha256" // sha256 with hex encoding (lower case only)
+ SHA384 Algorithm = "sha384" // sha384 with hex encoding (lower case only)
+ SHA512 Algorithm = "sha512" // sha512 with hex encoding (lower case only)
+ // Canonical is the primary digest algorithm used with the distribution
+ // project. Other digests may be used but this one is the primary storage
+ // digest.
+ Canonical = SHA256
+var (
+ // TODO(stevvooe): Follow the pattern of the standard crypto package for
+ // registration of digests. Effectively, we are a registerable set and
+ // common symbol access.
+ // algorithms maps values to hash.Hash implementations. Other algorithms
+ // may be available but they cannot be calculated by the digest package.
+ algorithms = map[Algorithm]crypto.Hash{
+ SHA256: crypto.SHA256,
+ SHA384: crypto.SHA384,
+ SHA512: crypto.SHA512,
+ }
+ // anchoredEncodedRegexps contains anchored regular expressions for hex-encoded digests.
+ // Note that /A-F/ disallowed.
+ anchoredEncodedRegexps = map[Algorithm]*regexp.Regexp{
+ SHA256: regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-f0-9]{64}$`),
+ SHA384: regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-f0-9]{96}$`),
+ SHA512: regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-f0-9]{128}$`),
+ }
+// Available returns true if the digest type is available for use. If this
+// returns false, Digester and Hash will return nil.
+func (a Algorithm) Available() bool {
+ h, ok := algorithms[a]
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ // check availability of the hash, as well
+ return h.Available()
+func (a Algorithm) String() string {
+ return string(a)
+// Size returns number of bytes returned by the hash.
+func (a Algorithm) Size() int {
+ h, ok := algorithms[a]
+ if !ok {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return h.Size()
+// Set implemented to allow use of Algorithm as a command line flag.
+func (a *Algorithm) Set(value string) error {
+ if value == "" {
+ *a = Canonical
+ } else {
+ // just do a type conversion, support is queried with Available.
+ *a = Algorithm(value)
+ }
+ if !a.Available() {
+ return ErrDigestUnsupported
+ }
+ return nil
+// Digester returns a new digester for the specified algorithm. If the algorithm
+// does not have a digester implementation, nil will be returned. This can be
+// checked by calling Available before calling Digester.
+func (a Algorithm) Digester() Digester {
+ return &digester{
+ alg: a,
+ hash: a.Hash(),
+ }
+// Hash returns a new hash as used by the algorithm. If not available, the
+// method will panic. Check Algorithm.Available() before calling.
+func (a Algorithm) Hash() hash.Hash {
+ if !a.Available() {
+ // Empty algorithm string is invalid
+ if a == "" {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("empty digest algorithm, validate before calling Algorithm.Hash()"))
+ }
+ // NOTE(stevvooe): A missing hash is usually a programming error that
+ // must be resolved at compile time. We don't import in the digest
+ // package to allow users to choose their hash implementation (such as
+ // when using stevvooe/resumable or a hardware accelerated package).
+ //
+ // Applications that may want to resolve the hash at runtime should
+ // call Algorithm.Available before call Algorithm.Hash().
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v not available (make sure it is imported)", a))
+ }
+ return algorithms[a].New()
+// Encode encodes the raw bytes of a digest, typically from a hash.Hash, into
+// the encoded portion of the digest.
+func (a Algorithm) Encode(d []byte) string {
+ // TODO(stevvooe): Currently, all algorithms use a hex encoding. When we
+ // add support for back registration, we can modify this accordingly.
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%x", d)
+// FromReader returns the digest of the reader using the algorithm.
+func (a Algorithm) FromReader(rd io.Reader) (Digest, error) {
+ digester := a.Digester()
+ if _, err := io.Copy(digester.Hash(), rd); err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return digester.Digest(), nil
+// FromBytes digests the input and returns a Digest.
+func (a Algorithm) FromBytes(p []byte) Digest {
+ digester := a.Digester()
+ if _, err := digester.Hash().Write(p); err != nil {
+ // Writes to a Hash should never fail. None of the existing
+ // hash implementations in the stdlib or hashes vendored
+ // here can return errors from Write. Having a panic in this
+ // condition instead of having FromBytes return an error value
+ // avoids unnecessary error handling paths in all callers.
+ panic("write to hash function returned error: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ return digester.Digest()
+// FromString digests the string input and returns a Digest.
+func (a Algorithm) FromString(s string) Digest {
+ return a.FromBytes([]byte(s))
+// Validate validates the encoded portion string
+func (a Algorithm) Validate(encoded string) error {
+ r, ok := anchoredEncodedRegexps[a]
+ if !ok {
+ return ErrDigestUnsupported
+ }
+ // Digests much always be hex-encoded, ensuring that their hex portion will
+ // always be size*2
+ if a.Size()*2 != len(encoded) {
+ return ErrDigestInvalidLength
+ }
+ if r.MatchString(encoded) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return ErrDigestInvalidFormat
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+// Copyright 2017 Docker, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package digest
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+// Digest allows simple protection of hex formatted digest strings, prefixed
+// by their algorithm. Strings of type Digest have some guarantee of being in
+// the correct format and it provides quick access to the components of a
+// digest string.
+// The following is an example of the contents of Digest types:
+// sha256:7173b809ca12ec5dee4506cd86be934c4596dd234ee82c0662eac04a8c2c71dc
+// This allows to abstract the digest behind this type and work only in those
+// terms.
+type Digest string
+// NewDigest returns a Digest from alg and a hash.Hash object.
+func NewDigest(alg Algorithm, h hash.Hash) Digest {
+ return NewDigestFromBytes(alg, h.Sum(nil))
+// NewDigestFromBytes returns a new digest from the byte contents of p.
+// Typically, this can come from hash.Hash.Sum(...) or xxx.SumXXX(...)
+// functions. This is also useful for rebuilding digests from binary
+// serializations.
+func NewDigestFromBytes(alg Algorithm, p []byte) Digest {
+ return NewDigestFromEncoded(alg, alg.Encode(p))
+// NewDigestFromHex is deprecated. Please use NewDigestFromEncoded.
+func NewDigestFromHex(alg, hex string) Digest {
+ return NewDigestFromEncoded(Algorithm(alg), hex)
+// NewDigestFromEncoded returns a Digest from alg and the encoded digest.
+func NewDigestFromEncoded(alg Algorithm, encoded string) Digest {
+ return Digest(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", alg, encoded))
+// DigestRegexp matches valid digest types.
+var DigestRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`[a-z0-9]+(?:[.+_-][a-z0-9]+)*:[a-zA-Z0-9=_-]+`)
+// DigestRegexpAnchored matches valid digest types, anchored to the start and end of the match.
+var DigestRegexpAnchored = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + DigestRegexp.String() + `$`)
+var (
+ // ErrDigestInvalidFormat returned when digest format invalid.
+ ErrDigestInvalidFormat = fmt.Errorf("invalid checksum digest format")
+ // ErrDigestInvalidLength returned when digest has invalid length.
+ ErrDigestInvalidLength = fmt.Errorf("invalid checksum digest length")
+ // ErrDigestUnsupported returned when the digest algorithm is unsupported.
+ ErrDigestUnsupported = fmt.Errorf("unsupported digest algorithm")
+// Parse parses s and returns the validated digest object. An error will
+// be returned if the format is invalid.
+func Parse(s string) (Digest, error) {
+ d := Digest(s)
+ return d, d.Validate()
+// FromReader consumes the content of rd until io.EOF, returning canonical digest.
+func FromReader(rd io.Reader) (Digest, error) {
+ return Canonical.FromReader(rd)
+// FromBytes digests the input and returns a Digest.
+func FromBytes(p []byte) Digest {
+ return Canonical.FromBytes(p)
+// FromString digests the input and returns a Digest.
+func FromString(s string) Digest {
+ return Canonical.FromString(s)
+// Validate checks that the contents of d is a valid digest, returning an
+// error if not.
+func (d Digest) Validate() error {
+ s := string(d)
+ i := strings.Index(s, ":")
+ if i <= 0 || i+1 == len(s) {
+ return ErrDigestInvalidFormat
+ }
+ algorithm, encoded := Algorithm(s[:i]), s[i+1:]
+ if !algorithm.Available() {
+ if !DigestRegexpAnchored.MatchString(s) {
+ return ErrDigestInvalidFormat
+ }
+ return ErrDigestUnsupported
+ }
+ return algorithm.Validate(encoded)
+// Algorithm returns the algorithm portion of the digest. This will panic if
+// the underlying digest is not in a valid format.
+func (d Digest) Algorithm() Algorithm {
+ return Algorithm(d[:d.sepIndex()])
+// Verifier returns a writer object that can be used to verify a stream of
+// content against the digest. If the digest is invalid, the method will panic.
+func (d Digest) Verifier() Verifier {
+ return hashVerifier{
+ hash: d.Algorithm().Hash(),
+ digest: d,
+ }
+// Encoded returns the encoded portion of the digest. This will panic if the
+// underlying digest is not in a valid format.
+func (d Digest) Encoded() string {
+ return string(d[d.sepIndex()+1:])
+// Hex is deprecated. Please use Digest.Encoded.
+func (d Digest) Hex() string {
+ return d.Encoded()
+func (d Digest) String() string {
+ return string(d)
+func (d Digest) sepIndex() int {
+ i := strings.Index(string(d), ":")
+ if i < 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("no ':' separator in digest %q", d))
+ }
+ return i
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+// Copyright 2017 Docker, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package digest
+import "hash"
+// Digester calculates the digest of written data. Writes should go directly
+// to the return value of Hash, while calling Digest will return the current
+// value of the digest.
+type Digester interface {
+ Hash() hash.Hash // provides direct access to underlying hash instance.
+ Digest() Digest
+// digester provides a simple digester definition that embeds a hasher.
+type digester struct {
+ alg Algorithm
+ hash hash.Hash
+func (d *digester) Hash() hash.Hash {
+ return d.hash
+func (d *digester) Digest() Digest {
+ return NewDigest(d.alg, d.hash)
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index 000000000..491ea1ef1
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+// Copyright 2017 Docker, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Package digest provides a generalized type to opaquely represent message
+// digests and their operations within the registry. The Digest type is
+// designed to serve as a flexible identifier in a content-addressable system.
+// More importantly, it provides tools and wrappers to work with
+// hash.Hash-based digests with little effort.
+// Basics
+// The format of a digest is simply a string with two parts, dubbed the
+// "algorithm" and the "digest", separated by a colon:
+// <algorithm>:<digest>
+// An example of a sha256 digest representation follows:
+// sha256:7173b809ca12ec5dee4506cd86be934c4596dd234ee82c0662eac04a8c2c71dc
+// In this case, the string "sha256" is the algorithm and the hex bytes are
+// the "digest".
+// Because the Digest type is simply a string, once a valid Digest is
+// obtained, comparisons are cheap, quick and simple to express with the
+// standard equality operator.
+// Verification
+// The main benefit of using the Digest type is simple verification against a
+// given digest. The Verifier interface, modeled after the stdlib hash.Hash
+// interface, provides a common write sink for digest verification. After
+// writing is complete, calling the Verifier.Verified method will indicate
+// whether or not the stream of bytes matches the target digest.
+// Missing Features
+// In addition to the above, we intend to add the following features to this
+// package:
+// 1. A Digester type that supports write sink digest calculation.
+// 2. Suspend and resume of ongoing digest calculations to support efficient digest verification in the registry.
+package digest
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+// Copyright 2017 Docker, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package digest
+import (
+ "hash"
+ "io"
+// Verifier presents a general verification interface to be used with message
+// digests and other byte stream verifications. Users instantiate a Verifier
+// from one of the various methods, write the data under test to it then check
+// the result with the Verified method.
+type Verifier interface {
+ io.Writer
+ // Verified will return true if the content written to Verifier matches
+ // the digest.
+ Verified() bool
+type hashVerifier struct {
+ digest Digest
+ hash hash.Hash
+func (hv hashVerifier) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ return hv.hash.Write(p)
+func (hv hashVerifier) Verified() bool {
+ return hv.digest == NewDigest(hv.digest.Algorithm(), hv.hash)
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+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
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+ Copyright 2014 Docker, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
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+Copyright 2012-2015 Docker, Inc.
+This product includes software developed at Docker, Inc. (
+The following is courtesy of our legal counsel:
+Use and transfer of Docker may be subject to certain restrictions by the
+United States and other governments.
+It is your responsibility to ensure that your use and/or transfer does not
+violate applicable laws.
+For more information, please see
+See also and/or seek legal counsel.
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+# runc
+[![Build Status](](
+[![Go Report Card](](
+## Introduction
+`runc` is a CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification.
+## Releases
+`runc` depends on and tracks the [runtime-spec]( repository.
+We will try to make sure that `runc` and the OCI specification major versions stay in lockstep.
+This means that `runc` 1.0.0 should implement the 1.0 version of the specification.
+You can find official releases of `runc` on the [release]( page.
+### Security
+If you wish to report a security issue, please disclose the issue responsibly
+## Building
+`runc` currently supports the Linux platform with various architecture support.
+It must be built with Go version 1.6 or higher in order for some features to function properly.
+In order to enable seccomp support you will need to install `libseccomp` on your platform.
+> e.g. `libseccomp-devel` for CentOS, or `libseccomp-dev` for Ubuntu
+Otherwise, if you do not want to build `runc` with seccomp support you can add `BUILDTAGS=""` when running make.
+# create a '' in your GOPATH/src
+git clone
+cd runc
+sudo make install
+You can also use `go get` to install to your `GOPATH`, assuming that you have a `` parent folder already created under `src`:
+go get
+cd $GOPATH/src/
+sudo make install
+`runc` will be installed to `/usr/local/sbin/runc` on your system.
+#### Build Tags
+`runc` supports optional build tags for compiling support of various features.
+To add build tags to the make option the `BUILDTAGS` variable must be set.
+make BUILDTAGS='seccomp apparmor'
+| Build Tag | Feature | Dependency |
+| seccomp | Syscall filtering | libseccomp |
+| selinux | selinux process and mount labeling | <none> |
+| apparmor | apparmor profile support | <none> |
+| ambient | ambient capability support | kernel 4.3 |
+### Running the test suite
+`runc` currently supports running its test suite via Docker.
+To run the suite just type `make test`.
+make test
+There are additional make targets for running the tests outside of a container but this is not recommended as the tests are written with the expectation that they can write and remove anywhere.
+You can run a specific test case by setting the `TESTFLAGS` variable.
+# make test TESTFLAGS="-run=SomeTestFunction"
+You can run a specific integration test by setting the `TESTPATH` variable.
+# make test TESTPATH="/checkpoint.bats"
+You can run a test in your proxy environment by setting `DOCKER_BUILD_PROXY` and `DOCKER_RUN_PROXY` variables.
+# make test DOCKER_BUILD_PROXY="--build-arg HTTP_PROXY=http://yourproxy/" DOCKER_RUN_PROXY="-e HTTP_PROXY=http://yourproxy/"
+### Dependencies Management
+`runc` uses [vndr]( for dependencies management.
+Please refer to [vndr]( for how to add or update
+new dependencies.
+## Using runc
+### Creating an OCI Bundle
+In order to use runc you must have your container in the format of an OCI bundle.
+If you have Docker installed you can use its `export` method to acquire a root filesystem from an existing Docker container.
+# create the top most bundle directory
+mkdir /mycontainer
+cd /mycontainer
+# create the rootfs directory
+mkdir rootfs
+# export busybox via Docker into the rootfs directory
+docker export $(docker create busybox) | tar -C rootfs -xvf -
+After a root filesystem is populated you just generate a spec in the format of a `config.json` file inside your bundle.
+`runc` provides a `spec` command to generate a base template spec that you are then able to edit.
+To find features and documentation for fields in the spec please refer to the [specs]( repository.
+runc spec
+### Running Containers
+Assuming you have an OCI bundle from the previous step you can execute the container in two different ways.
+The first way is to use the convenience command `run` that will handle creating, starting, and deleting the container after it exits.
+# run as root
+cd /mycontainer
+runc run mycontainerid
+If you used the unmodified `runc spec` template this should give you a `sh` session inside the container.
+The second way to start a container is using the specs lifecycle operations.
+This gives you more power over how the container is created and managed while it is running.
+This will also launch the container in the background so you will have to edit the `config.json` to remove the `terminal` setting for the simple examples here.
+Your process field in the `config.json` should look like this below with `"terminal": false` and `"args": ["sleep", "5"]`.
+ "process": {
+ "terminal": false,
+ "user": {
+ "uid": 0,
+ "gid": 0
+ },
+ "args": [
+ "sleep", "5"
+ ],
+ "env": [
+ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
+ "TERM=xterm"
+ ],
+ "cwd": "/",
+ "capabilities": {
+ "bounding": [
+ ],
+ "effective": [
+ ],
+ "inheritable": [
+ ],
+ "permitted": [
+ ],
+ "ambient": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "rlimits": [
+ {
+ "type": "RLIMIT_NOFILE",
+ "hard": 1024,
+ "soft": 1024
+ }
+ ],
+ "noNewPrivileges": true
+ },
+Now we can go through the lifecycle operations in your shell.
+# run as root
+cd /mycontainer
+runc create mycontainerid
+# view the container is created and in the "created" state
+runc list
+# start the process inside the container
+runc start mycontainerid
+# after 5 seconds view that the container has exited and is now in the stopped state
+runc list
+# now delete the container
+runc delete mycontainerid
+This allows higher level systems to augment the containers creation logic with setup of various settings after the container is created and/or before it is deleted. For example, the container's network stack is commonly set up after `create` but before `start`.
+#### Rootless containers
+`runc` has the ability to run containers without root privileges. This is called `rootless`. You need to pass some parameters to `runc` in order to run rootless containers. See below and compare with the previous version. Run the following commands as an ordinary user:
+# Same as the first example
+mkdir ~/mycontainer
+cd ~/mycontainer
+mkdir rootfs
+docker export $(docker create busybox) | tar -C rootfs -xvf -
+# The --rootless parameter instructs runc spec to generate a configuration for a rootless container, which will allow you to run the container as a non-root user.
+runc spec --rootless
+# The --root parameter tells runc where to store the container state. It must be writable by the user.
+runc --root /tmp/runc run mycontainerid
+#### Supervisors
+`runc` can be used with process supervisors and init systems to ensure that containers are restarted when they exit.
+An example systemd unit file looks something like this.
+Description=Start My Container
+ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/runc run -d --pid-file /run/ mycontainerid
+ExecStopPost=/usr/local/sbin/runc delete mycontainerid
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42f3efe56
--- /dev/null
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+# libcontainer
+Libcontainer provides a native Go implementation for creating containers
+with namespaces, cgroups, capabilities, and filesystem access controls.
+It allows you to manage the lifecycle of the container performing additional operations
+after the container is created.
+#### Container
+A container is a self contained execution environment that shares the kernel of the
+host system and which is (optionally) isolated from other containers in the system.
+#### Using libcontainer
+Because containers are spawned in a two step process you will need a binary that
+will be executed as the init process for the container. In libcontainer, we use
+the current binary (/proc/self/exe) to be executed as the init process, and use
+arg "init", we call the first step process "bootstrap", so you always need a "init"
+function as the entry of "bootstrap".
+In addition to the go init function the early stage bootstrap is handled by importing
+import (
+ _ ""
+func init() {
+ if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "init" {
+ runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1)
+ runtime.LockOSThread()
+ factory, _ := libcontainer.New("")
+ if err := factory.StartInitialization(); err != nil {
+ logrus.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ panic("--this line should have never been executed, congratulations--")
+ }
+Then to create a container you first have to initialize an instance of a factory
+that will handle the creation and initialization for a container.
+factory, err := libcontainer.New("/var/lib/container", libcontainer.Cgroupfs, libcontainer.InitArgs(os.Args[0], "init"))
+if err != nil {
+ logrus.Fatal(err)
+ return
+Once you have an instance of the factory created we can create a configuration
+struct describing how the container is to be created. A sample would look similar to this:
+defaultMountFlags := unix.MS_NOEXEC | unix.MS_NOSUID | unix.MS_NODEV
+config := &configs.Config{
+ Rootfs: "/your/path/to/rootfs",
+ Capabilities: &configs.Capabilities{
+ Bounding: []string{
+ },
+ Effective: []string{
+ },
+ Inheritable: []string{
+ },
+ Permitted: []string{
+ },
+ Ambient: []string{
+ },
+ },
+ Namespaces: configs.Namespaces([]configs.Namespace{
+ {Type: configs.NEWNS},
+ {Type: configs.NEWUTS},
+ {Type: configs.NEWIPC},
+ {Type: configs.NEWPID},
+ {Type: configs.NEWUSER},
+ {Type: configs.NEWNET},
+ }),
+ Cgroups: &configs.Cgroup{
+ Name: "test-container",
+ Parent: "system",
+ Resources: &configs.Resources{
+ MemorySwappiness: nil,
+ AllowAllDevices: nil,
+ AllowedDevices: configs.DefaultAllowedDevices,
+ },
+ },
+ MaskPaths: []string{
+ "/proc/kcore",
+ "/sys/firmware",
+ },
+ ReadonlyPaths: []string{
+ "/proc/sys", "/proc/sysrq-trigger", "/proc/irq", "/proc/bus",
+ },
+ Devices: configs.DefaultAutoCreatedDevices,
+ Hostname: "testing",
+ Mounts: []*configs.Mount{
+ {
+ Source: "proc",
+ Destination: "/proc",
+ Device: "proc",
+ Flags: defaultMountFlags,
+ },
+ {
+ Source: "tmpfs",
+ Destination: "/dev",
+ Device: "tmpfs",
+ Flags: unix.MS_NOSUID | unix.MS_STRICTATIME,
+ Data: "mode=755",
+ },
+ {
+ Source: "devpts",
+ Destination: "/dev/pts",
+ Device: "devpts",
+ Flags: unix.MS_NOSUID | unix.MS_NOEXEC,
+ Data: "newinstance,ptmxmode=0666,mode=0620,gid=5",
+ },
+ {
+ Device: "tmpfs",
+ Source: "shm",
+ Destination: "/dev/shm",
+ Data: "mode=1777,size=65536k",
+ Flags: defaultMountFlags,
+ },
+ {
+ Source: "mqueue",
+ Destination: "/dev/mqueue",
+ Device: "mqueue",
+ Flags: defaultMountFlags,
+ },
+ {
+ Source: "sysfs",
+ Destination: "/sys",
+ Device: "sysfs",
+ Flags: defaultMountFlags | unix.MS_RDONLY,
+ },
+ },
+ UidMappings: []configs.IDMap{
+ {
+ ContainerID: 0,
+ HostID: 1000,
+ Size: 65536,
+ },
+ },
+ GidMappings: []configs.IDMap{
+ {
+ ContainerID: 0,
+ HostID: 1000,
+ Size: 65536,
+ },
+ },
+ Networks: []*configs.Network{
+ {
+ Type: "loopback",
+ Address: "",
+ Gateway: "localhost",
+ },
+ },
+ Rlimits: []configs.Rlimit{
+ {
+ Type: unix.RLIMIT_NOFILE,
+ Hard: uint64(1025),
+ Soft: uint64(1025),
+ },
+ },
+Once you have the configuration populated you can create a container:
+container, err := factory.Create("container-id", config)
+if err != nil {
+ logrus.Fatal(err)
+ return
+To spawn bash as the initial process inside the container and have the
+processes pid returned in order to wait, signal, or kill the process:
+process := &libcontainer.Process{
+ Args: []string{"/bin/bash"},
+ Env: []string{"PATH=/bin"},
+ User: "daemon",
+ Stdin: os.Stdin,
+ Stdout: os.Stdout,
+ Stderr: os.Stderr,
+err := container.Run(process)
+if err != nil {
+ container.Destroy()
+ logrus.Fatal(err)
+ return
+// wait for the process to finish.
+_, err := process.Wait()
+if err != nil {
+ logrus.Fatal(err)
+// destroy the container.
+Additional ways to interact with a running container are:
+// return all the pids for all processes running inside the container.
+processes, err := container.Processes()
+// get detailed cpu, memory, io, and network statistics for the container and
+// it's processes.
+stats, err := container.Stats()
+// pause all processes inside the container.
+// resume all paused processes.
+// send signal to container's init process.
+// update container resource constraints.
+// get current status of the container.
+status, err := container.Status()
+// get current container's state information.
+state, err := container.State()
+#### Checkpoint & Restore
+libcontainer now integrates [CRIU]( for checkpointing and restoring containers.
+This let's you save the state of a process running inside a container to disk, and then restore
+that state into a new process, on the same machine or on another machine.
+`criu` version 1.5.2 or higher is required to use checkpoint and restore.
+If you don't already have `criu` installed, you can build it from source, following the
+[online instructions]( `criu` is also installed in the docker image
+generated when building libcontainer with docker.
+## Copyright and license
+Code and documentation copyright 2014 Docker, inc. Code released under the Apache 2.0 license.
+Docs released under Creative commons.
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+## nsenter
+The `nsenter` package registers a special init constructor that is called before
+the Go runtime has a chance to boot. This provides us the ability to `setns` on
+existing namespaces and avoid the issues that the Go runtime has with multiple
+threads. This constructor will be called if this package is registered,
+imported, in your go application.
+The `nsenter` package will `import "C"` and it uses [cgo](
+package. In cgo, if the import of "C" is immediately preceded by a comment, that comment,
+called the preamble, is used as a header when compiling the C parts of the package.
+So every time we import package `nsenter`, the C code function `nsexec()` would be
+called. And package `nsenter` is only imported in `init.go`, so every time the runc
+`init` command is invoked, that C code is run.
+Because `nsexec()` must be run before the Go runtime in order to use the
+Linux kernel namespace, you must `import` this library into a package if
+you plan to use `libcontainer` directly. Otherwise Go will not execute
+the `nsexec()` constructor, which means that the re-exec will not cause
+the namespaces to be joined. You can import it like this:
+import _ ""
+`nsexec()` will first get the file descriptor number for the init pipe
+from the environment variable `_LIBCONTAINER_INITPIPE` (which was opened
+by the parent and kept open across the fork-exec of the `nsexec()` init
+process). The init pipe is used to read bootstrap data (namespace paths,
+clone flags, uid and gid mappings, and the console path) from the parent
+process. `nsexec()` will then call `setns(2)` to join the namespaces
+provided in the bootstrap data (if available), `clone(2)` a child process
+with the provided clone flags, update the user and group ID mappings, do
+some further miscellaneous setup steps, and then send the PID of the
+child process to the parent of the `nsexec()` "caller". Finally,
+the parent `nsexec()` will exit and the child `nsexec()` process will
+return to allow the Go runtime take over.
+NOTE: We do both `setns(2)` and `clone(2)` even if we don't have any
+`CLONE_NEW*` clone flags because we must fork a new process in order to
+enter the PID namespace.
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+#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
+# define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <sched.h>
+/* All of these are taken from include/uapi/linux/sched.h */
+#ifndef CLONE_NEWNS
+# define CLONE_NEWNS 0x00020000 /* New mount namespace group */
+# define CLONE_NEWCGROUP 0x02000000 /* New cgroup namespace */
+# define CLONE_NEWUTS 0x04000000 /* New utsname namespace */
+# define CLONE_NEWIPC 0x08000000 /* New ipc namespace */
+# define CLONE_NEWUSER 0x10000000 /* New user namespace */
+# define CLONE_NEWPID 0x20000000 /* New pid namespace */
+# define CLONE_NEWNET 0x40000000 /* New network namespace */
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// +build linux,!gccgo
+package nsenter
+#cgo CFLAGS: -Wall
+extern void nsexec();
+void __attribute__((constructor)) init(void) {
+ nsexec();
+import "C"
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63c7a3ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// +build linux,gccgo
+package nsenter
+#cgo CFLAGS: -Wall
+extern void nsexec();
+void __attribute__((constructor)) init(void) {
+ nsexec();
+import "C"
+// AlwaysFalse is here to stay false
+// (and be exported so the compiler doesn't optimize out its reference)
+var AlwaysFalse bool
+func init() {
+ if AlwaysFalse {
+ // by referencing this C init() in a noop test, it will ensure the compiler
+ // links in the C function.
+ //
+ C.init()
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac701ca39
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+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// +build !linux !cgo
+package nsenter
+import "C"
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+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/prctl.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <linux/netlink.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+/* Get all of the CLONE_NEW* flags. */
+#include "namespace.h"
+/* Synchronisation values. */
+enum sync_t {
+ SYNC_USERMAP_PLS = 0x40, /* Request parent to map our users. */
+ SYNC_USERMAP_ACK = 0x41, /* Mapping finished by the parent. */
+ SYNC_RECVPID_PLS = 0x42, /* Tell parent we're sending the PID. */
+ SYNC_RECVPID_ACK = 0x43, /* PID was correctly received by parent. */
+ SYNC_GRANDCHILD = 0x44, /* The grandchild is ready to run. */
+ SYNC_CHILD_READY = 0x45, /* The child or grandchild is ready to return. */
+ /* XXX: This doesn't help with segfaults and other such issues. */
+ SYNC_ERR = 0xFF, /* Fatal error, no turning back. The error code follows. */
+/* longjmp() arguments. */
+#define JUMP_PARENT 0x00
+#define JUMP_CHILD 0xA0
+#define JUMP_INIT 0xA1
+/* JSON buffer. */
+#define JSON_MAX 4096
+/* Assume the stack grows down, so arguments should be above it. */
+struct clone_t {
+ /*
+ * Reserve some space for clone() to locate arguments
+ * and retcode in this place
+ */
+ char stack[4096] __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));
+ char stack_ptr[0];
+ /* There's two children. This is used to execute the different code. */
+ jmp_buf *env;
+ int jmpval;
+struct nlconfig_t {
+ char *data;
+ /* Process settings. */
+ uint32_t cloneflags;
+ char *oom_score_adj;
+ size_t oom_score_adj_len;
+ /* User namespace settings. */
+ char *uidmap;
+ size_t uidmap_len;
+ char *gidmap;
+ size_t gidmap_len;
+ char *namespaces;
+ size_t namespaces_len;
+ uint8_t is_setgroup;
+ /* Rootless container settings. */
+ uint8_t is_rootless_euid; /* boolean */
+ char *uidmappath;
+ size_t uidmappath_len;
+ char *gidmappath;
+ size_t gidmappath_len;
+ * List of netlink message types sent to us as part of bootstrapping the init.
+ * These constants are defined in libcontainer/message_linux.go.
+ */
+#define INIT_MSG 62000
+#define CLONE_FLAGS_ATTR 27281
+#define NS_PATHS_ATTR 27282
+#define UIDMAP_ATTR 27283
+#define GIDMAP_ATTR 27284
+#define SETGROUP_ATTR 27285
+#define OOM_SCORE_ADJ_ATTR 27286
+#define ROOTLESS_EUID_ATTR 27287
+#define UIDMAPPATH_ATTR 27288
+#define GIDMAPPATH_ATTR 27289
+ * Use the raw syscall for versions of glibc which don't include a function for
+ * it, namely (glibc 2.12).
+ */
+#if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 14
+# define _GNU_SOURCE
+# include "syscall.h"
+# if !defined(SYS_setns) && defined(__NR_setns)
+# define SYS_setns __NR_setns
+# endif
+#ifndef SYS_setns
+# error "setns(2) syscall not supported by glibc version"
+int setns(int fd, int nstype)
+ return syscall(SYS_setns, fd, nstype);
+/* XXX: This is ugly. */
+static int syncfd = -1;
+/* TODO(cyphar): Fix this so it correctly deals with syncT. */
+#define bail(fmt, ...) \
+ do { \
+ int ret = __COUNTER__ + 1; \
+ fprintf(stderr, "nsenter: " fmt ": %m\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ if (syncfd >= 0) { \
+ enum sync_t s = SYNC_ERR; \
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) \
+ fprintf(stderr, "nsenter: failed: write(s)"); \
+ if (write(syncfd, &ret, sizeof(ret)) != sizeof(ret)) \
+ fprintf(stderr, "nsenter: failed: write(ret)"); \
+ } \
+ exit(ret); \
+ } while(0)
+static int write_file(char *data, size_t data_len, char *pathfmt, ...)
+ int fd, len, ret = 0;
+ char path[PATH_MAX];
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, pathfmt);
+ len = vsnprintf(path, PATH_MAX, pathfmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (len < 0)
+ return -1;
+ fd = open(path, O_RDWR);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len = write(fd, data, data_len);
+ if (len != data_len) {
+ ret = -1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ out:
+ close(fd);
+ return ret;
+enum policy_t {
+/* This *must* be called before we touch gid_map. */
+static void update_setgroups(int pid, enum policy_t setgroup)
+ char *policy;
+ switch (setgroup) {
+ policy = "allow";
+ break;
+ policy = "deny";
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Nothing to do. */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (write_file(policy, strlen(policy), "/proc/%d/setgroups", pid) < 0) {
+ /*
+ * If the kernel is too old to support /proc/pid/setgroups,
+ * open(2) or write(2) will return ENOENT. This is fine.
+ */
+ if (errno != ENOENT)
+ bail("failed to write '%s' to /proc/%d/setgroups", policy, pid);
+ }
+static int try_mapping_tool(const char *app, int pid, char *map, size_t map_len)
+ int child;
+ /*
+ * If @app is NULL, execve will segfault. Just check it here and bail (if
+ * we're in this path, the caller is already getting desperate and there
+ * isn't a backup to this failing). This usually would be a configuration
+ * or programming issue.
+ */
+ if (!app)
+ bail("mapping tool not present");
+ child = fork();
+ if (child < 0)
+ bail("failed to fork");
+ if (!child) {
+#define MAX_ARGV 20
+ char *argv[MAX_ARGV];
+ char *envp[] = { NULL };
+ char pid_fmt[16];
+ int argc = 0;
+ char *next;
+ snprintf(pid_fmt, 16, "%d", pid);
+ argv[argc++] = (char *)app;
+ argv[argc++] = pid_fmt;
+ /*
+ * Convert the map string into a list of argument that
+ * newuidmap/newgidmap can understand.
+ */
+ while (argc < MAX_ARGV) {
+ if (*map == '\0') {
+ argv[argc++] = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ argv[argc++] = map;
+ next = strpbrk(map, "\n ");
+ if (next == NULL)
+ break;
+ *next++ = '\0';
+ map = next + strspn(next, "\n ");
+ }
+ execve(app, argv, envp);
+ bail("failed to execv");
+ } else {
+ int status;
+ while (true) {
+ if (waitpid(child, &status, 0) < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ bail("failed to waitpid");
+ }
+ if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status))
+ return WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+static void update_uidmap(const char *path, int pid, char *map, size_t map_len)
+ if (map == NULL || map_len <= 0)
+ return;
+ if (write_file(map, map_len, "/proc/%d/uid_map", pid) < 0) {
+ if (errno != EPERM)
+ bail("failed to update /proc/%d/uid_map", pid);
+ if (try_mapping_tool(path, pid, map, map_len))
+ bail("failed to use newuid map on %d", pid);
+ }
+static void update_gidmap(const char *path, int pid, char *map, size_t map_len)
+ if (map == NULL || map_len <= 0)
+ return;
+ if (write_file(map, map_len, "/proc/%d/gid_map", pid) < 0) {
+ if (errno != EPERM)
+ bail("failed to update /proc/%d/gid_map", pid);
+ if (try_mapping_tool(path, pid, map, map_len))
+ bail("failed to use newgid map on %d", pid);
+ }
+static void update_oom_score_adj(char *data, size_t len)
+ if (data == NULL || len <= 0)
+ return;
+ if (write_file(data, len, "/proc/self/oom_score_adj") < 0)
+ bail("failed to update /proc/self/oom_score_adj");
+/* A dummy function that just jumps to the given jumpval. */
+static int child_func(void *arg) __attribute__ ((noinline));
+static int child_func(void *arg)
+ struct clone_t *ca = (struct clone_t *)arg;
+ longjmp(*ca->env, ca->jmpval);
+static int clone_parent(jmp_buf *env, int jmpval) __attribute__ ((noinline));
+static int clone_parent(jmp_buf *env, int jmpval)
+ struct clone_t ca = {
+ .env = env,
+ .jmpval = jmpval,
+ };
+ return clone(child_func, ca.stack_ptr, CLONE_PARENT | SIGCHLD, &ca);
+ * Gets the init pipe fd from the environment, which is used to read the
+ * bootstrap data and tell the parent what the new pid is after we finish
+ * setting up the environment.
+ */
+static int initpipe(void)
+ int pipenum;
+ char *initpipe, *endptr;
+ initpipe = getenv("_LIBCONTAINER_INITPIPE");
+ if (initpipe == NULL || *initpipe == '\0')
+ return -1;
+ pipenum = strtol(initpipe, &endptr, 10);
+ if (*endptr != '\0')
+ bail("unable to parse _LIBCONTAINER_INITPIPE");
+ return pipenum;
+/* Returns the clone(2) flag for a namespace, given the name of a namespace. */
+static int nsflag(char *name)
+ if (!strcmp(name, "cgroup"))
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "ipc"))
+ return CLONE_NEWIPC;
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "mnt"))
+ return CLONE_NEWNS;
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "net"))
+ return CLONE_NEWNET;
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "pid"))
+ return CLONE_NEWPID;
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "user"))
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "uts"))
+ return CLONE_NEWUTS;
+ /* If we don't recognise a name, fallback to 0. */
+ return 0;
+static uint32_t readint32(char *buf)
+ return *(uint32_t *) buf;
+static uint8_t readint8(char *buf)
+ return *(uint8_t *) buf;
+static void nl_parse(int fd, struct nlconfig_t *config)
+ size_t len, size;
+ struct nlmsghdr hdr;
+ char *data, *current;
+ /* Retrieve the netlink header. */
+ len = read(fd, &hdr, NLMSG_HDRLEN);
+ if (len != NLMSG_HDRLEN)
+ bail("invalid netlink header length %zu", len);
+ if (hdr.nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR)
+ bail("failed to read netlink message");
+ if (hdr.nlmsg_type != INIT_MSG)
+ bail("unexpected msg type %d", hdr.nlmsg_type);
+ /* Retrieve data. */
+ size = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(&hdr, 0);
+ current = data = malloc(size);
+ if (!data)
+ bail("failed to allocate %zu bytes of memory for nl_payload", size);
+ len = read(fd, data, size);
+ if (len != size)
+ bail("failed to read netlink payload, %zu != %zu", len, size);
+ /* Parse the netlink payload. */
+ config->data = data;
+ while (current < data + size) {
+ struct nlattr *nlattr = (struct nlattr *)current;
+ size_t payload_len = nlattr->nla_len - NLA_HDRLEN;
+ /* Advance to payload. */
+ current += NLA_HDRLEN;
+ /* Handle payload. */
+ switch (nlattr->nla_type) {
+ config->cloneflags = readint32(current);
+ break;
+ config->is_rootless_euid = readint8(current); /* boolean */
+ break;
+ config->oom_score_adj = current;
+ config->oom_score_adj_len = payload_len;
+ break;
+ config->namespaces = current;
+ config->namespaces_len = payload_len;
+ break;
+ config->uidmap = current;
+ config->uidmap_len = payload_len;
+ break;
+ config->gidmap = current;
+ config->gidmap_len = payload_len;
+ break;
+ config->uidmappath = current;
+ config->uidmappath_len = payload_len;
+ break;
+ config->gidmappath = current;
+ config->gidmappath_len = payload_len;
+ break;
+ config->is_setgroup = readint8(current);
+ break;
+ default:
+ bail("unknown netlink message type %d", nlattr->nla_type);
+ }
+ current += NLA_ALIGN(payload_len);
+ }
+void nl_free(struct nlconfig_t *config)
+ free(config->data);
+void join_namespaces(char *nslist)
+ int num = 0, i;
+ char *saveptr = NULL;
+ char *namespace = strtok_r(nslist, ",", &saveptr);
+ struct namespace_t {
+ int fd;
+ int ns;
+ char type[PATH_MAX];
+ char path[PATH_MAX];
+ } *namespaces = NULL;
+ if (!namespace || !strlen(namespace) || !strlen(nslist))
+ bail("ns paths are empty");
+ /*
+ * We have to open the file descriptors first, since after
+ * we join the mnt namespace we might no longer be able to
+ * access the paths.
+ */
+ do {
+ int fd;
+ char *path;
+ struct namespace_t *ns;
+ /* Resize the namespace array. */
+ namespaces = realloc(namespaces, ++num * sizeof(struct namespace_t));
+ if (!namespaces)
+ bail("failed to reallocate namespace array");
+ ns = &namespaces[num - 1];
+ /* Split 'ns:path'. */
+ path = strstr(namespace, ":");
+ if (!path)
+ bail("failed to parse %s", namespace);
+ *path++ = '\0';
+ fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ bail("failed to open %s", path);
+ ns->fd = fd;
+ ns->ns = nsflag(namespace);
+ strncpy(ns->path, path, PATH_MAX - 1);
+ ns->path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
+ } while ((namespace = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saveptr)) != NULL);
+ /*
+ * The ordering in which we join namespaces is important. We should
+ * always join the user namespace *first*. This is all guaranteed
+ * from the container_linux.go side of this, so we're just going to
+ * follow the order given to us.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ struct namespace_t ns = namespaces[i];
+ if (setns(ns.fd, ns.ns) < 0)
+ bail("failed to setns to %s", ns.path);
+ close(ns.fd);
+ }
+ free(namespaces);
+void nsexec(void)
+ int pipenum;
+ jmp_buf env;
+ int sync_child_pipe[2], sync_grandchild_pipe[2];
+ struct nlconfig_t config = { 0 };
+ /*
+ * If we don't have an init pipe, just return to the go routine.
+ * We'll only get an init pipe for start or exec.
+ */
+ pipenum = initpipe();
+ if (pipenum == -1)
+ return;
+ /* Parse all of the netlink configuration. */
+ nl_parse(pipenum, &config);
+ /* Set oom_score_adj. This has to be done before !dumpable because
+ * /proc/self/oom_score_adj is not writeable unless you're an privileged
+ * user (if !dumpable is set). All children inherit their parent's
+ * oom_score_adj value on fork(2) so this will always be propagated
+ * properly.
+ */
+ update_oom_score_adj(config.oom_score_adj, config.oom_score_adj_len);
+ /*
+ * Make the process non-dumpable, to avoid various race conditions that
+ * could cause processes in namespaces we're joining to access host
+ * resources (or potentially execute code).
+ *
+ * However, if the number of namespaces we are joining is 0, we are not
+ * going to be switching to a different security context. Thus setting
+ * ourselves to be non-dumpable only breaks things (like rootless
+ * containers), which is the recommendation from the kernel folks.
+ */
+ if (config.namespaces) {
+ if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
+ bail("failed to set process as non-dumpable");
+ }
+ /* Pipe so we can tell the child when we've finished setting up. */
+ if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sync_child_pipe) < 0)
+ bail("failed to setup sync pipe between parent and child");
+ /*
+ * We need a new socketpair to sync with grandchild so we don't have
+ * race condition with child.
+ */
+ if (socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sync_grandchild_pipe) < 0)
+ bail("failed to setup sync pipe between parent and grandchild");
+ /* TODO: Currently we aren't dealing with child deaths properly. */
+ /*
+ * Okay, so this is quite annoying.
+ *
+ * In order for this unsharing code to be more extensible we need to split
+ * up unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER) and clone() in various ways. The ideal case
+ * would be if we did clone(CLONE_NEWUSER) and the other namespaces
+ * separately, but because of SELinux issues we cannot really do that. But
+ * we cannot just dump the namespace flags into clone(...) because several
+ * usecases (such as rootless containers) require more granularity around
+ * the namespace setup. In addition, some older kernels had issues where
+ * CLONE_NEWUSER wasn't handled before other namespaces (but we cannot
+ * handle this while also dealing with SELinux so we choose SELinux support
+ * over broken kernel support).
+ *
+ * However, if we unshare(2) the user namespace *before* we clone(2), then
+ * all hell breaks loose.
+ *
+ * The parent no longer has permissions to do many things (unshare(2) drops
+ * all capabilities in your old namespace), and the container cannot be set
+ * up to have more than one {uid,gid} mapping. This is obviously less than
+ * ideal. In order to fix this, we have to first clone(2) and then unshare.
+ *
+ * Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. We have to fork to enter the
+ * PID namespace (the PID namespace only applies to children). Since we'll
+ * have to double-fork, this clone_parent() call won't be able to get the
+ * PID of the _actual_ init process (without doing more synchronisation than
+ * I can deal with at the moment). So we'll just get the parent to send it
+ * for us, the only job of this process is to update
+ * /proc/pid/{setgroups,uid_map,gid_map}.
+ *
+ * And as a result of the above, we also need to setns(2) in the first child
+ * because if we join a PID namespace in the topmost parent then our child
+ * will be in that namespace (and it will not be able to give us a PID value
+ * that makes sense without resorting to sending things with cmsg).
+ *
+ * This also deals with an older issue caused by dumping cloneflags into
+ * clone(2): On old kernels, CLONE_PARENT didn't work with CLONE_NEWPID, so
+ * we have to unshare(2) before clone(2) in order to do this. This was fixed
+ * in upstream commit 1f7f4dde5c945f41a7abc2285be43d918029ecc5, and was
+ * introduced by 40a0d32d1eaffe6aac7324ca92604b6b3977eb0e. As far as we're
+ * aware, the last mainline kernel which had this bug was Linux 3.12.
+ * However, we cannot comment on which kernels the broken patch was
+ * backported to.
+ *
+ * -- Aleksa "what has my life come to?" Sarai
+ */
+ switch (setjmp(env)) {
+ /*
+ * Stage 0: We're in the parent. Our job is just to create a new child
+ * (stage 1: JUMP_CHILD) process and write its uid_map and
+ * gid_map. That process will go on to create a new process, then
+ * it will send us its PID which we will send to the bootstrap
+ * process.
+ */
+ case JUMP_PARENT:{
+ int len;
+ pid_t child, first_child = -1;
+ char buf[JSON_MAX];
+ bool ready = false;
+ /* For debugging. */
+ prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"runc:[0:PARENT]", 0, 0, 0);
+ /* Start the process of getting a container. */
+ child = clone_parent(&env, JUMP_CHILD);
+ if (child < 0)
+ bail("unable to fork: child_func");
+ /*
+ * State machine for synchronisation with the children.
+ *
+ * Father only return when both child and grandchild are
+ * ready, so we can receive all possible error codes
+ * generated by children.
+ */
+ while (!ready) {
+ enum sync_t s;
+ int ret;
+ syncfd = sync_child_pipe[1];
+ close(sync_child_pipe[0]);
+ if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
+ bail("failed to sync with child: next state");
+ switch (s) {
+ case SYNC_ERR:
+ /* We have to mirror the error code of the child. */
+ if (read(syncfd, &ret, sizeof(ret)) != sizeof(ret))
+ bail("failed to sync with child: read(error code)");
+ exit(ret);
+ /*
+ * Enable setgroups(2) if we've been asked to. But we also
+ * have to explicitly disable setgroups(2) if we're
+ * creating a rootless container for single-entry mapping.
+ * i.e. config.is_setgroup == false.
+ * (this is required since Linux 3.19).
+ *
+ * For rootless multi-entry mapping, config.is_setgroup shall be true and
+ * newuidmap/newgidmap shall be used.
+ */
+ if (config.is_rootless_euid && !config.is_setgroup)
+ update_setgroups(child, SETGROUPS_DENY);
+ /* Set up mappings. */
+ update_uidmap(config.uidmappath, child, config.uidmap, config.uidmap_len);
+ update_gidmap(config.gidmappath, child, config.gidmap, config.gidmap_len);
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with child: write(SYNC_USERMAP_ACK)");
+ }
+ break;
+ first_child = child;
+ /* Get the init_func pid. */
+ if (read(syncfd, &child, sizeof(child)) != sizeof(child)) {
+ kill(first_child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with child: read(childpid)");
+ }
+ /* Send ACK. */
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
+ kill(first_child, SIGKILL);
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with child: write(SYNC_RECVPID_ACK)");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ ready = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ bail("unexpected sync value: %u", s);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now sync with grandchild. */
+ ready = false;
+ while (!ready) {
+ enum sync_t s;
+ int ret;
+ syncfd = sync_grandchild_pipe[1];
+ close(sync_grandchild_pipe[0]);
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with child: write(SYNC_GRANDCHILD)");
+ }
+ if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
+ bail("failed to sync with child: next state");
+ switch (s) {
+ case SYNC_ERR:
+ /* We have to mirror the error code of the child. */
+ if (read(syncfd, &ret, sizeof(ret)) != sizeof(ret))
+ bail("failed to sync with child: read(error code)");
+ exit(ret);
+ ready = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ bail("unexpected sync value: %u", s);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Send the init_func pid and the pid of the first child back to our parent.
+ *
+ * We need to send both back because we can't reap the first child we created (CLONE_PARENT).
+ * It becomes the responsibility of our parent to reap the first child.
+ */
+ len = snprintf(buf, JSON_MAX, "{\"pid\": %d, \"pid_first\": %d}\n", child, first_child);
+ if (len < 0) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("unable to generate JSON for child pid");
+ }
+ if (write(pipenum, buf, len) != len) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("unable to send child pid to bootstrapper");
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Stage 1: We're in the first child process. Our job is to join any
+ * provided namespaces in the netlink payload and unshare all
+ * of the requested namespaces. If we've been asked to
+ * CLONE_NEWUSER, we will ask our parent (stage 0) to set up
+ * our user mappings for us. Then, we create a new child
+ * (stage 2: JUMP_INIT) for PID namespace. We then send the
+ * child's PID to our parent (stage 0).
+ */
+ case JUMP_CHILD:{
+ pid_t child;
+ enum sync_t s;
+ /* We're in a child and thus need to tell the parent if we die. */
+ syncfd = sync_child_pipe[0];
+ close(sync_child_pipe[1]);
+ /* For debugging. */
+ prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"runc:[1:CHILD]", 0, 0, 0);
+ /*
+ * We need to setns first. We cannot do this earlier (in stage 0)
+ * because of the fact that we forked to get here (the PID of
+ * [stage 2: JUMP_INIT]) would be meaningless). We could send it
+ * using cmsg(3) but that's just annoying.
+ */
+ if (config.namespaces)
+ join_namespaces(config.namespaces);
+ /*
+ * Deal with user namespaces first. They are quite special, as they
+ * affect our ability to unshare other namespaces and are used as
+ * context for privilege checks.
+ *
+ * We don't unshare all namespaces in one go. The reason for this
+ * is that, while the kernel documentation may claim otherwise,
+ * there are certain cases where unsharing all namespaces at once
+ * will result in namespace objects being owned incorrectly.
+ * Ideally we should just fix these kernel bugs, but it's better to
+ * be safe than sorry, and fix them separately.
+ *
+ * A specific case of this is that the SELinux label of the
+ * internal kern-mount that mqueue uses will be incorrect if the
+ * UTS namespace is cloned before the USER namespace is mapped.
+ * I've also heard of similar problems with the network namespace
+ * in some scenarios. This also mirrors how LXC deals with this
+ * problem.
+ */
+ if (config.cloneflags & CLONE_NEWUSER) {
+ if (unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER) < 0)
+ bail("failed to unshare user namespace");
+ config.cloneflags &= ~CLONE_NEWUSER;
+ /*
+ * We don't have the privileges to do any mapping here (see the
+ * clone_parent rant). So signal our parent to hook us up.
+ */
+ /* Switching is only necessary if we joined namespaces. */
+ if (config.namespaces) {
+ if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
+ bail("failed to set process as dumpable");
+ }
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: write(SYNC_USERMAP_PLS)");
+ /* ... wait for mapping ... */
+ if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: read(SYNC_USERMAP_ACK)");
+ if (s != SYNC_USERMAP_ACK)
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: SYNC_USERMAP_ACK: got %u", s);
+ /* Switching is only necessary if we joined namespaces. */
+ if (config.namespaces) {
+ if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
+ bail("failed to set process as dumpable");
+ }
+ /* Become root in the namespace proper. */
+ if (setresuid(0, 0, 0) < 0)
+ bail("failed to become root in user namespace");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Unshare all of the namespaces. Note that we don't merge this
+ * with clone() because there were some old kernel versions where
+ * clone(CLONE_PARENT | CLONE_NEWPID) was broken, so we'll just do
+ * it the long way.
+ */
+ if (unshare(config.cloneflags) < 0)
+ bail("failed to unshare namespaces");
+ /*
+ * TODO: What about non-namespace clone flags that we're dropping here?
+ *
+ * We fork again because of PID namespace, setns(2) or unshare(2) don't
+ * change the PID namespace of the calling process, because doing so
+ * would change the caller's idea of its own PID (as reported by getpid()),
+ * which would break many applications and libraries, so we must fork
+ * to actually enter the new PID namespace.
+ */
+ child = clone_parent(&env, JUMP_INIT);
+ if (child < 0)
+ bail("unable to fork: init_func");
+ /* Send the child to our parent, which knows what it's doing. */
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: write(SYNC_RECVPID_PLS)");
+ }
+ if (write(syncfd, &child, sizeof(child)) != sizeof(child)) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: write(childpid)");
+ }
+ /* ... wait for parent to get the pid ... */
+ if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: read(SYNC_RECVPID_ACK)");
+ }
+ if (s != SYNC_RECVPID_ACK) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: SYNC_RECVPID_ACK: got %u", s);
+ }
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s)) {
+ kill(child, SIGKILL);
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: write(SYNC_CHILD_READY)");
+ }
+ /* Our work is done. [Stage 2: JUMP_INIT] is doing the rest of the work. */
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Stage 2: We're the final child process, and the only process that will
+ * actually return to the Go runtime. Our job is to just do the
+ * final cleanup steps and then return to the Go runtime to allow
+ * init_linux.go to run.
+ */
+ case JUMP_INIT:{
+ /*
+ * We're inside the child now, having jumped from the
+ * start_child() code after forking in the parent.
+ */
+ enum sync_t s;
+ /* We're in a child and thus need to tell the parent if we die. */
+ syncfd = sync_grandchild_pipe[0];
+ close(sync_grandchild_pipe[1]);
+ close(sync_child_pipe[0]);
+ close(sync_child_pipe[1]);
+ /* For debugging. */
+ prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"runc:[2:INIT]", 0, 0, 0);
+ if (read(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: read(SYNC_GRANDCHILD)");
+ bail("failed to sync with parent: SYNC_GRANDCHILD: got %u", s);
+ if (setsid() < 0)
+ bail("setsid failed");
+ if (setuid(0) < 0)
+ bail("setuid failed");
+ if (setgid(0) < 0)
+ bail("setgid failed");
+ if (!config.is_rootless_euid && config.is_setgroup) {
+ if (setgroups(0, NULL) < 0)
+ bail("setgroups failed");
+ }
+ if (write(syncfd, &s, sizeof(s)) != sizeof(s))
+ bail("failed to sync with patent: write(SYNC_CHILD_READY)");
+ /* Close sync pipes. */
+ close(sync_grandchild_pipe[0]);
+ /* Free netlink data. */
+ nl_free(&config);
+ /* Finish executing, let the Go runtime take over. */
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ bail("unexpected jump value");
+ }
+ /* Should never be reached. */
+ bail("should never be reached");
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4ae8901a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// +build linux
+package system
+import (
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "syscall" // only for exec
+ "unsafe"
+ ""
+ ""
+// If arg2 is nonzero, set the "child subreaper" attribute of the
+// calling process; if arg2 is zero, unset the attribute. When a
+// process is marked as a child subreaper, all of the children
+// that it creates, and their descendants, will be marked as
+// having a subreaper. In effect, a subreaper fulfills the role
+// of init(1) for its descendant processes. Upon termination of
+// a process that is orphaned (i.e., its immediate parent has
+// already terminated) and marked as having a subreaper, the
+// nearest still living ancestor subreaper will receive a SIGCHLD
+// signal and be able to wait(2) on the process to discover its
+// termination status.
+type ParentDeathSignal int
+func (p ParentDeathSignal) Restore() error {
+ if p == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ current, err := GetParentDeathSignal()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if p == current {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return p.Set()
+func (p ParentDeathSignal) Set() error {
+ return SetParentDeathSignal(uintptr(p))
+func Execv(cmd string, args []string, env []string) error {
+ name, err := exec.LookPath(cmd)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return syscall.Exec(name, args, env)
+func Prlimit(pid, resource int, limit unix.Rlimit) error {
+ _, _, err := unix.RawSyscall6(unix.SYS_PRLIMIT64, uintptr(pid), uintptr(resource), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&limit)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&limit)), 0, 0)
+ if err != 0 {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func SetParentDeathSignal(sig uintptr) error {
+ if err := unix.Prctl(unix.PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, sig, 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func GetParentDeathSignal() (ParentDeathSignal, error) {
+ var sig int
+ if err := unix.Prctl(unix.PR_GET_PDEATHSIG, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&sig)), 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
+ return -1, err
+ }
+ return ParentDeathSignal(sig), nil
+func SetKeepCaps() error {
+ if err := unix.Prctl(unix.PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1, 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func ClearKeepCaps() error {
+ if err := unix.Prctl(unix.PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 0, 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func Setctty() error {
+ if err := unix.IoctlSetInt(0, unix.TIOCSCTTY, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// RunningInUserNS detects whether we are currently running in a user namespace.
+// Originally copied from
+func RunningInUserNS() bool {
+ uidmap, err := user.CurrentProcessUIDMap()
+ if err != nil {
+ // This kernel-provided file only exists if user namespaces are supported
+ return false
+ }
+ return UIDMapInUserNS(uidmap)
+func UIDMapInUserNS(uidmap []user.IDMap) bool {
+ /*
+ * We assume we are in the initial user namespace if we have a full
+ * range - 4294967295 uids starting at uid 0.
+ */
+ if len(uidmap) == 1 && uidmap[0].ID == 0 && uidmap[0].ParentID == 0 && uidmap[0].Count == 4294967295 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// GetParentNSeuid returns the euid within the parent user namespace
+func GetParentNSeuid() int64 {
+ euid := int64(os.Geteuid())
+ uidmap, err := user.CurrentProcessUIDMap()
+ if err != nil {
+ // This kernel-provided file only exists if user namespaces are supported
+ return euid
+ }
+ for _, um := range uidmap {
+ if um.ID <= euid && euid <= um.ID+um.Count-1 {
+ return um.ParentID + euid - um.ID
+ }
+ }
+ return euid
+// SetSubreaper sets the value i as the subreaper setting for the calling process
+func SetSubreaper(i int) error {
+ return unix.Prctl(PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER, uintptr(i), 0, 0, 0)
+// GetSubreaper returns the subreaper setting for the calling process
+func GetSubreaper() (int, error) {
+ var i uintptr
+ if err := unix.Prctl(unix.PR_GET_CHILD_SUBREAPER, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&i)), 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
+ return -1, err
+ }
+ return int(i), nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79232a437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package system
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+// State is the status of a process.
+type State rune
+const ( // Only values for Linux 3.14 and later are listed here
+ Dead State = 'X'
+ DiskSleep State = 'D'
+ Running State = 'R'
+ Sleeping State = 'S'
+ Stopped State = 'T'
+ TracingStop State = 't'
+ Zombie State = 'Z'
+// String forms of the state from proc(5)'s documentation for
+// /proc/[pid]/status' "State" field.
+func (s State) String() string {
+ switch s {
+ case Dead:
+ return "dead"
+ case DiskSleep:
+ return "disk sleep"
+ case Running:
+ return "running"
+ case Sleeping:
+ return "sleeping"
+ case Stopped:
+ return "stopped"
+ case TracingStop:
+ return "tracing stop"
+ case Zombie:
+ return "zombie"
+ default:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("unknown (%c)", s)
+ }
+// Stat_t represents the information from /proc/[pid]/stat, as
+// described in proc(5) with names based on the /proc/[pid]/status
+// fields.
+type Stat_t struct {
+ // PID is the process ID.
+ PID uint
+ // Name is the command run by the process.
+ Name string
+ // State is the state of the process.
+ State State
+ // StartTime is the number of clock ticks after system boot (since
+ // Linux 2.6).
+ StartTime uint64
+// Stat returns a Stat_t instance for the specified process.
+func Stat(pid int) (stat Stat_t, err error) {
+ bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("/proc", strconv.Itoa(pid), "stat"))
+ if err != nil {
+ return stat, err
+ }
+ return parseStat(string(bytes))
+// GetProcessStartTime is deprecated. Use Stat(pid) and
+// Stat_t.StartTime instead.
+func GetProcessStartTime(pid int) (string, error) {
+ stat, err := Stat(pid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d", stat.StartTime), nil
+func parseStat(data string) (stat Stat_t, err error) {
+ // From proc(5), field 2 could contain space and is inside `(` and `)`.
+ // The following is an example:
+ // 89653 (gunicorn: maste) S 89630 89653 89653 0 -1 4194560 29689 28896 0 3 146 32 76 19 20 0 1 0 2971844 52965376 3920 18446744073709551615 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 16781312 137447943 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ i := strings.LastIndex(data, ")")
+ if i <= 2 || i >= len(data)-1 {
+ return stat, fmt.Errorf("invalid stat data: %q", data)
+ }
+ parts := strings.SplitN(data[:i], "(", 2)
+ if len(parts) != 2 {
+ return stat, fmt.Errorf("invalid stat data: %q", data)
+ }
+ stat.Name = parts[1]
+ _, err = fmt.Sscanf(parts[0], "%d", &stat.PID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return stat, err
+ }
+ // parts indexes should be offset by 3 from the field number given
+ // proc(5), because parts is zero-indexed and we've removed fields
+ // one (PID) and two (Name) in the paren-split.
+ parts = strings.Split(data[i+2:], " ")
+ var state int
+ fmt.Sscanf(parts[3-3], "%c", &state)
+ stat.State = State(state)
+ fmt.Sscanf(parts[22-3], "%d", &stat.StartTime)
+ return stat, nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5ca5d862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// +build linux
+// +build 386 arm
+package system
+import (
+ ""
+// Setuid sets the uid of the calling thread to the specified uid.
+func Setuid(uid int) (err error) {
+ _, _, e1 := unix.RawSyscall(unix.SYS_SETUID32, uintptr(uid), 0, 0)
+ if e1 != 0 {
+ err = e1
+ }
+ return
+// Setgid sets the gid of the calling thread to the specified gid.
+func Setgid(gid int) (err error) {
+ _, _, e1 := unix.RawSyscall(unix.SYS_SETGID32, uintptr(gid), 0, 0)
+ if e1 != 0 {
+ err = e1
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11c3faafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// +build linux
+// +build arm64 amd64 mips mipsle mips64 mips64le ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390x
+package system
+import (
+ ""
+// Setuid sets the uid of the calling thread to the specified uid.
+func Setuid(uid int) (err error) {
+ _, _, e1 := unix.RawSyscall(unix.SYS_SETUID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0)
+ if e1 != 0 {
+ err = e1
+ }
+ return
+// Setgid sets the gid of the calling thread to the specified gid.
+func Setgid(gid int) (err error) {
+ _, _, e1 := unix.RawSyscall(unix.SYS_SETGID, uintptr(gid), 0, 0)
+ if e1 != 0 {
+ err = e1
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8434f105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// +build cgo,linux
+package system
+#include <unistd.h>
+import "C"
+func GetClockTicks() int {
+ return int(C.sysconf(C._SC_CLK_TCK))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d93b5d5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// +build !cgo windows
+package system
+func GetClockTicks() int {
+ // TODO figure out a better alternative for platforms where we're missing cgo
+ //
+ // TODO Windows. This could be implemented using Win32 QueryPerformanceFrequency().
+ //
+ //
+ // An example of its usage can be found here.
+ //
+ return 100
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b94be74a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// +build !linux
+package system
+import (
+ "os"
+ ""
+// RunningInUserNS is a stub for non-Linux systems
+// Always returns false
+func RunningInUserNS() bool {
+ return false
+// UIDMapInUserNS is a stub for non-Linux systems
+// Always returns false
+func UIDMapInUserNS(uidmap []user.IDMap) bool {
+ return false
+// GetParentNSeuid returns the euid within the parent user namespace
+// Always returns os.Geteuid on non-linux
+func GetParentNSeuid() int {
+ return os.Geteuid()
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6823fc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package system
+import ""
+// Returns a []byte slice if the xattr is set and nil otherwise
+// Requires path and its attribute as arguments
+func Lgetxattr(path string, attr string) ([]byte, error) {
+ var sz int
+ // Start with a 128 length byte array
+ dest := make([]byte, 128)
+ sz, errno := unix.Lgetxattr(path, attr, dest)
+ switch {
+ case errno == unix.ENODATA:
+ return nil, errno
+ case errno == unix.ENOTSUP:
+ return nil, errno
+ case errno == unix.ERANGE:
+ // 128 byte array might just not be good enough,
+ // A dummy buffer is used to get the real size
+ // of the xattrs on disk
+ sz, errno = unix.Lgetxattr(path, attr, []byte{})
+ if errno != nil {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ dest = make([]byte, sz)
+ sz, errno = unix.Lgetxattr(path, attr, dest)
+ if errno != nil {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ case errno != nil:
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ return dest[:sz], nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fd8dd0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package user
+import (
+ "errors"
+var (
+ // The current operating system does not provide the required data for user lookups.
+ ErrUnsupported = errors.New("user lookup: operating system does not provide passwd-formatted data")
+ // No matching entries found in file.
+ ErrNoPasswdEntries = errors.New("no matching entries in passwd file")
+ ErrNoGroupEntries = errors.New("no matching entries in group file")
+// LookupUser looks up a user by their username in /etc/passwd. If the user
+// cannot be found (or there is no /etc/passwd file on the filesystem), then
+// LookupUser returns an error.
+func LookupUser(username string) (User, error) {
+ return lookupUser(username)
+// LookupUid looks up a user by their user id in /etc/passwd. If the user cannot
+// be found (or there is no /etc/passwd file on the filesystem), then LookupId
+// returns an error.
+func LookupUid(uid int) (User, error) {
+ return lookupUid(uid)
+// LookupGroup looks up a group by its name in /etc/group. If the group cannot
+// be found (or there is no /etc/group file on the filesystem), then LookupGroup
+// returns an error.
+func LookupGroup(groupname string) (Group, error) {
+ return lookupGroup(groupname)
+// LookupGid looks up a group by its group id in /etc/group. If the group cannot
+// be found (or there is no /etc/group file on the filesystem), then LookupGid
+// returns an error.
+func LookupGid(gid int) (Group, error) {
+ return lookupGid(gid)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92b5ae8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
+package user
+import (
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+ ""
+// Unix-specific path to the passwd and group formatted files.
+const (
+ unixPasswdPath = "/etc/passwd"
+ unixGroupPath = "/etc/group"
+func lookupUser(username string) (User, error) {
+ return lookupUserFunc(func(u User) bool {
+ return u.Name == username
+ })
+func lookupUid(uid int) (User, error) {
+ return lookupUserFunc(func(u User) bool {
+ return u.Uid == uid
+ })
+func lookupUserFunc(filter func(u User) bool) (User, error) {
+ // Get operating system-specific passwd reader-closer.
+ passwd, err := GetPasswd()
+ if err != nil {
+ return User{}, err
+ }
+ defer passwd.Close()
+ // Get the users.
+ users, err := ParsePasswdFilter(passwd, filter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return User{}, err
+ }
+ // No user entries found.
+ if len(users) == 0 {
+ return User{}, ErrNoPasswdEntries
+ }
+ // Assume the first entry is the "correct" one.
+ return users[0], nil
+func lookupGroup(groupname string) (Group, error) {
+ return lookupGroupFunc(func(g Group) bool {
+ return g.Name == groupname
+ })
+func lookupGid(gid int) (Group, error) {
+ return lookupGroupFunc(func(g Group) bool {
+ return g.Gid == gid
+ })
+func lookupGroupFunc(filter func(g Group) bool) (Group, error) {
+ // Get operating system-specific group reader-closer.
+ group, err := GetGroup()
+ if err != nil {
+ return Group{}, err
+ }
+ defer group.Close()
+ // Get the users.
+ groups, err := ParseGroupFilter(group, filter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Group{}, err
+ }
+ // No user entries found.
+ if len(groups) == 0 {
+ return Group{}, ErrNoGroupEntries
+ }
+ // Assume the first entry is the "correct" one.
+ return groups[0], nil
+func GetPasswdPath() (string, error) {
+ return unixPasswdPath, nil
+func GetPasswd() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
+ return os.Open(unixPasswdPath)
+func GetGroupPath() (string, error) {
+ return unixGroupPath, nil
+func GetGroup() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
+ return os.Open(unixGroupPath)
+// CurrentUser looks up the current user by their user id in /etc/passwd. If the
+// user cannot be found (or there is no /etc/passwd file on the filesystem),
+// then CurrentUser returns an error.
+func CurrentUser() (User, error) {
+ return LookupUid(unix.Getuid())
+// CurrentGroup looks up the current user's group by their primary group id's
+// entry in /etc/passwd. If the group cannot be found (or there is no
+// /etc/group file on the filesystem), then CurrentGroup returns an error.
+func CurrentGroup() (Group, error) {
+ return LookupGid(unix.Getgid())
+func currentUserSubIDs(fileName string) ([]SubID, error) {
+ u, err := CurrentUser()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ filter := func(entry SubID) bool {
+ return entry.Name == u.Name || entry.Name == strconv.Itoa(u.Uid)
+ }
+ return ParseSubIDFileFilter(fileName, filter)
+func CurrentUserSubUIDs() ([]SubID, error) {
+ return currentUserSubIDs("/etc/subuid")
+func CurrentUserSubGIDs() ([]SubID, error) {
+ return currentUserSubIDs("/etc/subgid")
+func CurrentProcessUIDMap() ([]IDMap, error) {
+ return ParseIDMapFile("/proc/self/uid_map")
+func CurrentProcessGIDMap() ([]IDMap, error) {
+ return ParseIDMapFile("/proc/self/gid_map")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65cd40e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// +build windows
+package user
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os/user"
+func lookupUser(username string) (User, error) {
+ u, err := user.Lookup(username)
+ if err != nil {
+ return User{}, err
+ }
+ return userFromOS(u)
+func lookupUid(uid int) (User, error) {
+ u, err := user.LookupId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uid))
+ if err != nil {
+ return User{}, err
+ }
+ return userFromOS(u)
+func lookupGroup(groupname string) (Group, error) {
+ g, err := user.LookupGroup(groupname)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Group{}, err
+ }
+ return groupFromOS(g)
+func lookupGid(gid int) (Group, error) {
+ g, err := user.LookupGroupId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", gid))
+ if err != nil {
+ return Group{}, err
+ }
+ return groupFromOS(g)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b912bbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+package user
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "os/user"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+const (
+ minId = 0
+ maxId = 1<<31 - 1 //for 32-bit systems compatibility
+var (
+ ErrRange = fmt.Errorf("uids and gids must be in range %d-%d", minId, maxId)
+type User struct {
+ Name string
+ Pass string
+ Uid int
+ Gid int
+ Gecos string
+ Home string
+ Shell string
+// userFromOS converts an os/user.(*User) to local User
+// (This does not include Pass, Shell or Gecos)
+func userFromOS(u *user.User) (User, error) {
+ newUser := User{
+ Name: u.Username,
+ Home: u.HomeDir,
+ }
+ id, err := strconv.Atoi(u.Uid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return newUser, err
+ }
+ newUser.Uid = id
+ id, err = strconv.Atoi(u.Gid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return newUser, err
+ }
+ newUser.Gid = id
+ return newUser, nil
+type Group struct {
+ Name string
+ Pass string
+ Gid int
+ List []string
+// groupFromOS converts an os/user.(*Group) to local Group
+// (This does not include Pass, Shell or Gecos)
+func groupFromOS(g *user.Group) (Group, error) {
+ newGroup := Group{
+ Name: g.Name,
+ }
+ id, err := strconv.Atoi(g.Gid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return newGroup, err
+ }
+ newGroup.Gid = id
+ return newGroup, nil
+// SubID represents an entry in /etc/sub{u,g}id
+type SubID struct {
+ Name string
+ SubID int64
+ Count int64
+// IDMap represents an entry in /proc/PID/{u,g}id_map
+type IDMap struct {
+ ID int64
+ ParentID int64
+ Count int64
+func parseLine(line string, v ...interface{}) {
+ parseParts(strings.Split(line, ":"), v...)
+func parseParts(parts []string, v ...interface{}) {
+ if len(parts) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ for i, p := range parts {
+ // Ignore cases where we don't have enough fields to populate the arguments.
+ // Some configuration files like to misbehave.
+ if len(v) <= i {
+ break
+ }
+ // Use the type of the argument to figure out how to parse it, scanf() style.
+ // This is legit.
+ switch e := v[i].(type) {
+ case *string:
+ *e = p
+ case *int:
+ // "numbers", with conversion errors ignored because of some misbehaving configuration files.
+ *e, _ = strconv.Atoi(p)
+ case *int64:
+ *e, _ = strconv.ParseInt(p, 10, 64)
+ case *[]string:
+ // Comma-separated lists.
+ if p != "" {
+ *e = strings.Split(p, ",")
+ } else {
+ *e = []string{}
+ }
+ default:
+ // Someone goof'd when writing code using this function. Scream so they can hear us.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("parseLine only accepts {*string, *int, *int64, *[]string} as arguments! %#v is not a pointer!", e))
+ }
+ }
+func ParsePasswdFile(path string) ([]User, error) {
+ passwd, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer passwd.Close()
+ return ParsePasswd(passwd)
+func ParsePasswd(passwd io.Reader) ([]User, error) {
+ return ParsePasswdFilter(passwd, nil)
+func ParsePasswdFileFilter(path string, filter func(User) bool) ([]User, error) {
+ passwd, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer passwd.Close()
+ return ParsePasswdFilter(passwd, filter)
+func ParsePasswdFilter(r io.Reader, filter func(User) bool) ([]User, error) {
+ if r == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil source for passwd-formatted data")
+ }
+ var (
+ s = bufio.NewScanner(r)
+ out = []User{}
+ )
+ for s.Scan() {
+ if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ line := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
+ if line == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ // see: man 5 passwd
+ // name:password:UID:GID:GECOS:directory:shell
+ // Name:Pass:Uid:Gid:Gecos:Home:Shell
+ // root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
+ // adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/bin/false
+ p := User{}
+ parseLine(line, &p.Name, &p.Pass, &p.Uid, &p.Gid, &p.Gecos, &p.Home, &p.Shell)
+ if filter == nil || filter(p) {
+ out = append(out, p)
+ }
+ }
+ return out, nil
+func ParseGroupFile(path string) ([]Group, error) {
+ group, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer group.Close()
+ return ParseGroup(group)
+func ParseGroup(group io.Reader) ([]Group, error) {
+ return ParseGroupFilter(group, nil)
+func ParseGroupFileFilter(path string, filter func(Group) bool) ([]Group, error) {
+ group, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer group.Close()
+ return ParseGroupFilter(group, filter)
+func ParseGroupFilter(r io.Reader, filter func(Group) bool) ([]Group, error) {
+ if r == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil source for group-formatted data")
+ }
+ var (
+ s = bufio.NewScanner(r)
+ out = []Group{}
+ )
+ for s.Scan() {
+ if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ text := s.Text()
+ if text == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ // see: man 5 group
+ // group_name:password:GID:user_list
+ // Name:Pass:Gid:List
+ // root:x:0:root
+ // adm:x:4:root,adm,daemon
+ p := Group{}
+ parseLine(text, &p.Name, &p.Pass, &p.Gid, &p.List)
+ if filter == nil || filter(p) {
+ out = append(out, p)
+ }
+ }
+ return out, nil
+type ExecUser struct {
+ Uid int
+ Gid int
+ Sgids []int
+ Home string
+// GetExecUserPath is a wrapper for GetExecUser. It reads data from each of the
+// given file paths and uses that data as the arguments to GetExecUser. If the
+// files cannot be opened for any reason, the error is ignored and a nil
+// io.Reader is passed instead.
+func GetExecUserPath(userSpec string, defaults *ExecUser, passwdPath, groupPath string) (*ExecUser, error) {
+ var passwd, group io.Reader
+ if passwdFile, err := os.Open(passwdPath); err == nil {
+ passwd = passwdFile
+ defer passwdFile.Close()
+ }
+ if groupFile, err := os.Open(groupPath); err == nil {
+ group = groupFile
+ defer groupFile.Close()
+ }
+ return GetExecUser(userSpec, defaults, passwd, group)
+// GetExecUser parses a user specification string (using the passwd and group
+// readers as sources for /etc/passwd and /etc/group data, respectively). In
+// the case of blank fields or missing data from the sources, the values in
+// defaults is used.
+// GetExecUser will return an error if a user or group literal could not be
+// found in any entry in passwd and group respectively.
+// Examples of valid user specifications are:
+// * ""
+// * "user"
+// * "uid"
+// * "user:group"
+// * "uid:gid
+// * "user:gid"
+// * "uid:group"
+// It should be noted that if you specify a numeric user or group id, they will
+// not be evaluated as usernames (only the metadata will be filled). So attempting
+// to parse a user with user.Name = "1337" will produce the user with a UID of
+// 1337.
+func GetExecUser(userSpec string, defaults *ExecUser, passwd, group io.Reader) (*ExecUser, error) {
+ if defaults == nil {
+ defaults = new(ExecUser)
+ }
+ // Copy over defaults.
+ user := &ExecUser{
+ Uid: defaults.Uid,
+ Gid: defaults.Gid,
+ Sgids: defaults.Sgids,
+ Home: defaults.Home,
+ }
+ // Sgids slice *cannot* be nil.
+ if user.Sgids == nil {
+ user.Sgids = []int{}
+ }
+ // Allow for userArg to have either "user" syntax, or optionally "user:group" syntax
+ var userArg, groupArg string
+ parseLine(userSpec, &userArg, &groupArg)
+ // Convert userArg and groupArg to be numeric, so we don't have to execute
+ // Atoi *twice* for each iteration over lines.
+ uidArg, uidErr := strconv.Atoi(userArg)
+ gidArg, gidErr := strconv.Atoi(groupArg)
+ // Find the matching user.
+ users, err := ParsePasswdFilter(passwd, func(u User) bool {
+ if userArg == "" {
+ // Default to current state of the user.
+ return u.Uid == user.Uid
+ }
+ if uidErr == nil {
+ // If the userArg is numeric, always treat it as a UID.
+ return uidArg == u.Uid
+ }
+ return u.Name == userArg
+ })
+ // If we can't find the user, we have to bail.
+ if err != nil && passwd != nil {
+ if userArg == "" {
+ userArg = strconv.Itoa(user.Uid)
+ }
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find user %s: %v", userArg, err)
+ }
+ var matchedUserName string
+ if len(users) > 0 {
+ // First match wins, even if there's more than one matching entry.
+ matchedUserName = users[0].Name
+ user.Uid = users[0].Uid
+ user.Gid = users[0].Gid
+ user.Home = users[0].Home
+ } else if userArg != "" {
+ // If we can't find a user with the given username, the only other valid
+ // option is if it's a numeric username with no associated entry in passwd.
+ if uidErr != nil {
+ // Not numeric.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find user %s: %v", userArg, ErrNoPasswdEntries)
+ }
+ user.Uid = uidArg
+ // Must be inside valid uid range.
+ if user.Uid < minId || user.Uid > maxId {
+ return nil, ErrRange
+ }
+ // Okay, so it's numeric. We can just roll with this.
+ }
+ // On to the groups. If we matched a username, we need to do this because of
+ // the supplementary group IDs.
+ if groupArg != "" || matchedUserName != "" {
+ groups, err := ParseGroupFilter(group, func(g Group) bool {
+ // If the group argument isn't explicit, we'll just search for it.
+ if groupArg == "" {
+ // Check if user is a member of this group.
+ for _, u := range g.List {
+ if u == matchedUserName {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ if gidErr == nil {
+ // If the groupArg is numeric, always treat it as a GID.
+ return gidArg == g.Gid
+ }
+ return g.Name == groupArg
+ })
+ if err != nil && group != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find groups for spec %v: %v", matchedUserName, err)
+ }
+ // Only start modifying user.Gid if it is in explicit form.
+ if groupArg != "" {
+ if len(groups) > 0 {
+ // First match wins, even if there's more than one matching entry.
+ user.Gid = groups[0].Gid
+ } else {
+ // If we can't find a group with the given name, the only other valid
+ // option is if it's a numeric group name with no associated entry in group.
+ if gidErr != nil {
+ // Not numeric.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find group %s: %v", groupArg, ErrNoGroupEntries)
+ }
+ user.Gid = gidArg
+ // Must be inside valid gid range.
+ if user.Gid < minId || user.Gid > maxId {
+ return nil, ErrRange
+ }
+ // Okay, so it's numeric. We can just roll with this.
+ }
+ } else if len(groups) > 0 {
+ // Supplementary group ids only make sense if in the implicit form.
+ user.Sgids = make([]int, len(groups))
+ for i, group := range groups {
+ user.Sgids[i] = group.Gid
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return user, nil
+// GetAdditionalGroups looks up a list of groups by name or group id
+// against the given /etc/group formatted data. If a group name cannot
+// be found, an error will be returned. If a group id cannot be found,
+// or the given group data is nil, the id will be returned as-is
+// provided it is in the legal range.
+func GetAdditionalGroups(additionalGroups []string, group io.Reader) ([]int, error) {
+ var groups = []Group{}
+ if group != nil {
+ var err error
+ groups, err = ParseGroupFilter(group, func(g Group) bool {
+ for _, ag := range additionalGroups {
+ if g.Name == ag || strconv.Itoa(g.Gid) == ag {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find additional groups %v: %v", additionalGroups, err)
+ }
+ }
+ gidMap := make(map[int]struct{})
+ for _, ag := range additionalGroups {
+ var found bool
+ for _, g := range groups {
+ // if we found a matched group either by name or gid, take the
+ // first matched as correct
+ if g.Name == ag || strconv.Itoa(g.Gid) == ag {
+ if _, ok := gidMap[g.Gid]; !ok {
+ gidMap[g.Gid] = struct{}{}
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // we asked for a group but didn't find it. let's check to see
+ // if we wanted a numeric group
+ if !found {
+ gid, err := strconv.Atoi(ag)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find group %s", ag)
+ }
+ // Ensure gid is inside gid range.
+ if gid < minId || gid > maxId {
+ return nil, ErrRange
+ }
+ gidMap[gid] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ gids := []int{}
+ for gid := range gidMap {
+ gids = append(gids, gid)
+ }
+ return gids, nil
+// GetAdditionalGroupsPath is a wrapper around GetAdditionalGroups
+// that opens the groupPath given and gives it as an argument to
+// GetAdditionalGroups.
+func GetAdditionalGroupsPath(additionalGroups []string, groupPath string) ([]int, error) {
+ var group io.Reader
+ if groupFile, err := os.Open(groupPath); err == nil {
+ group = groupFile
+ defer groupFile.Close()
+ }
+ return GetAdditionalGroups(additionalGroups, group)
+func ParseSubIDFile(path string) ([]SubID, error) {
+ subid, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer subid.Close()
+ return ParseSubID(subid)
+func ParseSubID(subid io.Reader) ([]SubID, error) {
+ return ParseSubIDFilter(subid, nil)
+func ParseSubIDFileFilter(path string, filter func(SubID) bool) ([]SubID, error) {
+ subid, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer subid.Close()
+ return ParseSubIDFilter(subid, filter)
+func ParseSubIDFilter(r io.Reader, filter func(SubID) bool) ([]SubID, error) {
+ if r == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil source for subid-formatted data")
+ }
+ var (
+ s = bufio.NewScanner(r)
+ out = []SubID{}
+ )
+ for s.Scan() {
+ if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ line := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
+ if line == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ // see: man 5 subuid
+ p := SubID{}
+ parseLine(line, &p.Name, &p.SubID, &p.Count)
+ if filter == nil || filter(p) {
+ out = append(out, p)
+ }
+ }
+ return out, nil
+func ParseIDMapFile(path string) ([]IDMap, error) {
+ r, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer r.Close()
+ return ParseIDMap(r)
+func ParseIDMap(r io.Reader) ([]IDMap, error) {
+ return ParseIDMapFilter(r, nil)
+func ParseIDMapFileFilter(path string, filter func(IDMap) bool) ([]IDMap, error) {
+ r, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer r.Close()
+ return ParseIDMapFilter(r, filter)
+func ParseIDMapFilter(r io.Reader, filter func(IDMap) bool) ([]IDMap, error) {
+ if r == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil source for idmap-formatted data")
+ }
+ var (
+ s = bufio.NewScanner(r)
+ out = []IDMap{}
+ )
+ for s.Scan() {
+ if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ line := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
+ if line == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ // see: man 7 user_namespaces
+ p := IDMap{}
+ parseParts(strings.Fields(line), &p.ID, &p.ParentID, &p.Count)
+ if filter == nil || filter(p) {
+ out = append(out, p)
+ }
+ }
+ return out, nil
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fadbe0707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# OCI runtime-spec. When updating this, make sure you use a version tag rather
+# than a commit ID so it's much more obvious what version of the spec we are
+# using. 5684b8af48c1ac3b1451fa499724e30e3c20a294
+# Core libcontainer functionality. ed869b029674c0e9ce4c0dfa781405c2d9946d08 v1.0.0-rc1 84e90a91acea0f4e51e62bc1a75de18b1fc0790f a3f95b5c423586578a4e099b11a46c2479628cac db04d3cc01c8b54962a58ec7e491717d06cfcc16 1e2e08e8a2dcdacaae3f14ac44c5cfa31361f270
+# systemd integration. v14 v3 v3 18c9bb3261723cd5401db4d0c9fbc5c3b6c70fe8
+# Command-line interface. v0.2.1 v0.2.0 d53eb991652b1d438abdd34ce4bfa3ef1539108e 7ddbeae9ae08c6a06a59597f0c9edbc5ff2444ce
+# console dependencies 2748ece16665b45a47f884001d5831ec79703880 v0.8.0
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdc403653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+ the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+ "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+ other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+ control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+ "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+ direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+ outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+ "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+ exercising permissions granted by this License.
+ "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+ source, and configuration files.
+ "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+ transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+ not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+ and conversions to other media types.
+ "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+ Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+ copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+ (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+ "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+ form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+ editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+ represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+ of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+ separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+ the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+ "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+ the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+ to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+ submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+ or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+ the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+ means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+ to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+ communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+ and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+ Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+ excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+ designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+ "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+ on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+ subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+ publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+ Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+ use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+ where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+ by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+ Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+ with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+ institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+ or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+ or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+ granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+ Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+ modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+ meet the following conditions:
+ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+ Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+ (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
+ (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+ that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+ attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+ excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+ the Derivative Works; and
+ (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+ distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+ include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+ within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+ pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+ of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+ as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+ documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+ within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+ wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+ of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+ do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+ notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+ or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+ that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+ as modifying the License.
+ You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+ may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+ for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+ for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+ reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+ the conditions stated in this License.
+ 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+ any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+ by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+ this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+ Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+ the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+ with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+ 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+ names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+ except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+ origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+ 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+ agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+ Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+ appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+ risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+ 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+ whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+ unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+ negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+ liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+ incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+ result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+ Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+ work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+ the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+ and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+ or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+ License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+ on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+ of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+ defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+ incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+ of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+ Copyright 2015 The Linux Foundation.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
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@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Open Container Initiative Runtime Specification
+The [Open Container Initiative][oci] develops specifications for standards on Operating System process and application containers.
+The specification can be found [here](
+## Table of Contents
+Additional documentation about how this group operates:
+- [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]
+- [Style and Conventions](
+- [Implementations](
+- [Releases](
+- [project](
+- [charter][charter]
+## Use Cases
+To provide context for users the following section gives example use cases for each part of the spec.
+### Application Bundle Builders
+Application bundle builders can create a [bundle]( directory that includes all of the files required for launching an application as a container.
+The bundle contains an OCI [configuration file]( where the builder can specify host-independent details such as [which executable to launch]( and host-specific settings such as [mount]( locations, [hook]( paths, Linux [namespaces]( and [cgroups](
+Because the configuration includes host-specific settings, application bundle directories copied between two hosts may require configuration adjustments.
+### Hook Developers
+[Hook]( developers can extend the functionality of an OCI-compliant runtime by hooking into a container's lifecycle with an external application.
+Example use cases include sophisticated network configuration, volume garbage collection, etc.
+### Runtime Developers
+Runtime developers can build runtime implementations that run OCI-compliant bundles and container configuration, containing low-level OS and host-specific details, on a particular platform.
+## Contributing
+Development happens on GitHub for the spec.
+Issues are used for bugs and actionable items and longer discussions can happen on the [mailing list](#mailing-list).
+The specification and code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found in the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file.
+### Discuss your design
+The project welcomes submissions, but please let everyone know what you are working on.
+Before undertaking a nontrivial change to this specification, send mail to the [mailing list](#mailing-list) to discuss what you plan to do.
+This gives everyone a chance to validate the design, helps prevent duplication of effort, and ensures that the idea fits.
+It also guarantees that the design is sound before code is written; a GitHub pull-request is not the place for high-level discussions.
+Typos and grammatical errors can go straight to a pull-request.
+When in doubt, start on the [mailing-list](#mailing-list).
+### Meetings
+The contributors and maintainers of all OCI projects have monthly meetings, which are usually at 2:00 PM (USA Pacific) on the first Wednesday of every month.
+There is an [iCalendar][rfc5545] format for the meetings [here](meeting.ics).
+Everyone is welcome to participate via [UberConference web][uberconference] or audio-only: +1 415 968 0849 (no PIN needed).
+An initial agenda will be posted to the [mailing list](#mailing-list) in the week before each meeting, and everyone is welcome to propose additional topics or suggest other agenda alterations there.
+Minutes are posted to the [mailing list](#mailing-list) and minutes from past calls are archived [here][minutes], with minutes from especially old meetings (September 2015 and earlier) archived [here][runtime-wiki].
+### Mailing List
+You can subscribe and join the mailing list on [Google Groups][dev-list].
+### IRC
+OCI discussion happens on #opencontainers on Freenode ([logs][irc-logs]).
+### Git commit
+#### Sign your work
+The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch.
+The rules are pretty simple: if you can certify the below (from
+Developer Certificate of Origin
+Version 1.1
+Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
+660 York Street, Suite 102,
+San Francisco, CA 94110 USA
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
+license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
+By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
+(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
+ have the right to submit it under the open source license
+ indicated in the file; or
+(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
+ of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
+ license and I have the right under that license to submit that
+ work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
+ by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
+ permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
+ in the file; or
+(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
+ person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
+ it.
+(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
+ are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
+ personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
+ maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
+ this project or the open source license(s) involved.
+then you just add a line to every git commit message:
+ Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>
+using your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)
+You can add the sign off when creating the git commit via `git commit -s`.
+#### Commit Style
+Simple house-keeping for clean git history.
+Read more on [How to Write a Git Commit Message][how-to-git-commit] or the Discussion section of [git-commit(1)][git-commit.1].
+1. Separate the subject from body with a blank line
+2. Limit the subject line to 50 characters
+3. Capitalize the subject line
+4. Do not end the subject line with a period
+5. Use the imperative mood in the subject line
+6. Wrap the body at 72 characters
+7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
+ * If there was important/useful/essential conversation or information, copy or include a reference
+8. When possible, one keyword to scope the change in the subject (i.e. "README: ...", "runtime: ...")
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f32698cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+package specs
+import "os"
+// Spec is the base configuration for the container.
+type Spec struct {
+ // Version of the Open Container Initiative Runtime Specification with which the bundle complies.
+ Version string `json:"ociVersion"`
+ // Process configures the container process.
+ Process *Process `json:"process,omitempty"`
+ // Root configures the container's root filesystem.
+ Root *Root `json:"root,omitempty"`
+ // Hostname configures the container's hostname.
+ Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`
+ // Mounts configures additional mounts (on top of Root).
+ Mounts []Mount `json:"mounts,omitempty"`
+ // Hooks configures callbacks for container lifecycle events.
+ Hooks *Hooks `json:"hooks,omitempty" platform:"linux,solaris"`
+ // Annotations contains arbitrary metadata for the container.
+ Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
+ // Linux is platform-specific configuration for Linux based containers.
+ Linux *Linux `json:"linux,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Solaris is platform-specific configuration for Solaris based containers.
+ Solaris *Solaris `json:"solaris,omitempty" platform:"solaris"`
+ // Windows is platform-specific configuration for Windows based containers.
+ Windows *Windows `json:"windows,omitempty" platform:"windows"`
+ // VM specifies configuration for virtual-machine-based containers.
+ VM *VM `json:"vm,omitempty" platform:"vm"`
+// Process contains information to start a specific application inside the container.
+type Process struct {
+ // Terminal creates an interactive terminal for the container.
+ Terminal bool `json:"terminal,omitempty"`
+ // ConsoleSize specifies the size of the console.
+ ConsoleSize *Box `json:"consoleSize,omitempty"`
+ // User specifies user information for the process.
+ User User `json:"user"`
+ // Args specifies the binary and arguments for the application to execute.
+ Args []string `json:"args"`
+ // Env populates the process environment for the process.
+ Env []string `json:"env,omitempty"`
+ // Cwd is the current working directory for the process and must be
+ // relative to the container's root.
+ Cwd string `json:"cwd"`
+ // Capabilities are Linux capabilities that are kept for the process.
+ Capabilities *LinuxCapabilities `json:"capabilities,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Rlimits specifies rlimit options to apply to the process.
+ Rlimits []POSIXRlimit `json:"rlimits,omitempty" platform:"linux,solaris"`
+ // NoNewPrivileges controls whether additional privileges could be gained by processes in the container.
+ NoNewPrivileges bool `json:"noNewPrivileges,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // ApparmorProfile specifies the apparmor profile for the container.
+ ApparmorProfile string `json:"apparmorProfile,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Specify an oom_score_adj for the container.
+ OOMScoreAdj *int `json:"oomScoreAdj,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // SelinuxLabel specifies the selinux context that the container process is run as.
+ SelinuxLabel string `json:"selinuxLabel,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+// LinuxCapabilities specifies the whitelist of capabilities that are kept for a process.
+type LinuxCapabilities struct {
+ // Bounding is the set of capabilities checked by the kernel.
+ Bounding []string `json:"bounding,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Effective is the set of capabilities checked by the kernel.
+ Effective []string `json:"effective,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Inheritable is the capabilities preserved across execve.
+ Inheritable []string `json:"inheritable,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Permitted is the limiting superset for effective capabilities.
+ Permitted []string `json:"permitted,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+ // Ambient is the ambient set of capabilities that are kept.
+ Ambient []string `json:"ambient,omitempty" platform:"linux"`
+// Box specifies dimensions of a rectangle. Used for specifying the size of a console.
+type Box struct {
+ // Height is the vertical dimension of a box.
+ Height uint `json:"height"`
+ // Width is the horizontal dimension of a box.
+ Width uint `json:"width"`
+// User specifies specific user (and group) information for the container process.
+type User struct {
+ // UID is the user id.
+ UID uint32 `json:"uid" platform:"linux,solaris"`
+ // GID is the group id.
+ GID uint32 `json:"gid" platform:"linux,solaris"`
+ // AdditionalGids are additional group ids set for the container's process.
+ AdditionalGids []uint32 `json:"additionalGids,omitempty" platform:"linux,solaris"`
+ // Username is the user name.
+ Username string `json:"username,omitempty" platform:"windows"`
+// Root contains information about the container's root filesystem on the host.
+type Root struct {
+ // Path is the absolute path to the container's root filesystem.
+ Path string `json:"path"`
+ // Readonly makes the root filesystem for the container readonly before the process is executed.
+ Readonly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"`
+// Mount specifies a mount for a container.
+type Mount struct {
+ // Destination is the absolute path where the mount will be placed in the container.
+ Destination string `json:"destination"`
+ // Type specifies the mount kind.
+ Type string `json:"type,omitempty" platform:"linux,solaris"`
+ // Source specifies the source path of the mount.
+ Source string `json:"source,omitempty"`
+ // Options are fstab style mount options.
+ Options []string `json:"options,omitempty"`
+// Hook specifies a command that is run at a particular event in the lifecycle of a container
+type Hook struct {
+ Path string `json:"path"`
+ Args []string `json:"args,omitempty"`
+ Env []string `json:"env,omitempty"`
+ Timeout *int `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
+// Hooks for container setup and teardown
+type Hooks struct {
+ // Prestart is a list of hooks to be run before the container process is executed.
+ Prestart []Hook `json:"prestart,omitempty"`
+ // Poststart is a list of hooks to be run after the container process is started.
+ Poststart []Hook `json:"poststart,omitempty"`
+ // Poststop is a list of hooks to be run after the container process exits.
+ Poststop []Hook `json:"poststop,omitempty"`
+// Linux contains platform-specific configuration for Linux based containers.
+type Linux struct {
+ // UIDMapping specifies user mappings for supporting user namespaces.
+ UIDMappings []LinuxIDMapping `json:"uidMappings,omitempty"`
+ // GIDMapping specifies group mappings for supporting user namespaces.
+ GIDMappings []LinuxIDMapping `json:"gidMappings,omitempty"`
+ // Sysctl are a set of key value pairs that are set for the container on start
+ Sysctl map[string]string `json:"sysctl,omitempty"`
+ // Resources contain cgroup information for handling resource constraints
+ // for the container
+ Resources *LinuxResources `json:"resources,omitempty"`
+ // CgroupsPath specifies the path to cgroups that are created and/or joined by the container.
+ // The path is expected to be relative to the cgroups mountpoint.
+ // If resources are specified, the cgroups at CgroupsPath will be updated based on resources.
+ CgroupsPath string `json:"cgroupsPath,omitempty"`
+ // Namespaces contains the namespaces that are created and/or joined by the container
+ Namespaces []LinuxNamespace `json:"namespaces,omitempty"`
+ // Devices are a list of device nodes that are created for the container
+ Devices []LinuxDevice `json:"devices,omitempty"`
+ // Seccomp specifies the seccomp security settings for the container.
+ Seccomp *LinuxSeccomp `json:"seccomp,omitempty"`
+ // RootfsPropagation is the rootfs mount propagation mode for the container.
+ RootfsPropagation string `json:"rootfsPropagation,omitempty"`
+ // MaskedPaths masks over the provided paths inside the container.
+ MaskedPaths []string `json:"maskedPaths,omitempty"`
+ // ReadonlyPaths sets the provided paths as RO inside the container.
+ ReadonlyPaths []string `json:"readonlyPaths,omitempty"`
+ // MountLabel specifies the selinux context for the mounts in the container.
+ MountLabel string `json:"mountLabel,omitempty"`
+ // IntelRdt contains Intel Resource Director Technology (RDT) information
+ // for handling resource constraints (e.g., L3 cache) for the container
+ IntelRdt *LinuxIntelRdt `json:"intelRdt,omitempty"`
+// LinuxNamespace is the configuration for a Linux namespace
+type LinuxNamespace struct {
+ // Type is the type of namespace
+ Type LinuxNamespaceType `json:"type"`
+ // Path is a path to an existing namespace persisted on disk that can be joined
+ // and is of the same type
+ Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
+// LinuxNamespaceType is one of the Linux namespaces
+type LinuxNamespaceType string
+const (
+ // PIDNamespace for isolating process IDs
+ PIDNamespace LinuxNamespaceType = "pid"
+ // NetworkNamespace for isolating network devices, stacks, ports, etc
+ NetworkNamespace = "network"
+ // MountNamespace for isolating mount points
+ MountNamespace = "mount"
+ // IPCNamespace for isolating System V IPC, POSIX message queues
+ IPCNamespace = "ipc"
+ // UTSNamespace for isolating hostname and NIS domain name
+ UTSNamespace = "uts"
+ // UserNamespace for isolating user and group IDs
+ UserNamespace = "user"
+ // CgroupNamespace for isolating cgroup hierarchies
+ CgroupNamespace = "cgroup"
+// LinuxIDMapping specifies UID/GID mappings
+type LinuxIDMapping struct {
+ // ContainerID is the starting UID/GID in the container
+ ContainerID uint32 `json:"containerID"`
+ // HostID is the starting UID/GID on the host to be mapped to 'ContainerID'
+ HostID uint32 `json:"hostID"`
+ // Size is the number of IDs to be mapped
+ Size uint32 `json:"size"`
+// POSIXRlimit type and restrictions
+type POSIXRlimit struct {
+ // Type of the rlimit to set
+ Type string `json:"type"`
+ // Hard is the hard limit for the specified type
+ Hard uint64 `json:"hard"`
+ // Soft is the soft limit for the specified type
+ Soft uint64 `json:"soft"`
+// LinuxHugepageLimit structure corresponds to limiting kernel hugepages
+type LinuxHugepageLimit struct {
+ // Pagesize is the hugepage size
+ Pagesize string `json:"pageSize"`
+ // Limit is the limit of "hugepagesize" hugetlb usage
+ Limit uint64 `json:"limit"`
+// LinuxInterfacePriority for network interfaces
+type LinuxInterfacePriority struct {
+ // Name is the name of the network interface
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // Priority for the interface
+ Priority uint32 `json:"priority"`
+// linuxBlockIODevice holds major:minor format supported in blkio cgroup
+type linuxBlockIODevice struct {
+ // Major is the device's major number.
+ Major int64 `json:"major"`
+ // Minor is the device's minor number.
+ Minor int64 `json:"minor"`
+// LinuxWeightDevice struct holds a `major:minor weight` pair for weightDevice
+type LinuxWeightDevice struct {
+ linuxBlockIODevice
+ // Weight is the bandwidth rate for the device.
+ Weight *uint16 `json:"weight,omitempty"`
+ // LeafWeight is the bandwidth rate for the device while competing with the cgroup's child cgroups, CFQ scheduler only
+ LeafWeight *uint16 `json:"leafWeight,omitempty"`
+// LinuxThrottleDevice struct holds a `major:minor rate_per_second` pair
+type LinuxThrottleDevice struct {
+ linuxBlockIODevice
+ // Rate is the IO rate limit per cgroup per device
+ Rate uint64 `json:"rate"`
+// LinuxBlockIO for Linux cgroup 'blkio' resource management
+type LinuxBlockIO struct {
+ // Specifies per cgroup weight
+ Weight *uint16 `json:"weight,omitempty"`
+ // Specifies tasks' weight in the given cgroup while competing with the cgroup's child cgroups, CFQ scheduler only
+ LeafWeight *uint16 `json:"leafWeight,omitempty"`
+ // Weight per cgroup per device, can override BlkioWeight
+ WeightDevice []LinuxWeightDevice `json:"weightDevice,omitempty"`
+ // IO read rate limit per cgroup per device, bytes per second
+ ThrottleReadBpsDevice []LinuxThrottleDevice `json:"throttleReadBpsDevice,omitempty"`
+ // IO write rate limit per cgroup per device, bytes per second
+ ThrottleWriteBpsDevice []LinuxThrottleDevice `json:"throttleWriteBpsDevice,omitempty"`
+ // IO read rate limit per cgroup per device, IO per second
+ ThrottleReadIOPSDevice []LinuxThrottleDevice `json:"throttleReadIOPSDevice,omitempty"`
+ // IO write rate limit per cgroup per device, IO per second
+ ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice []LinuxThrottleDevice `json:"throttleWriteIOPSDevice,omitempty"`
+// LinuxMemory for Linux cgroup 'memory' resource management
+type LinuxMemory struct {
+ // Memory limit (in bytes).
+ Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`
+ // Memory reservation or soft_limit (in bytes).
+ Reservation *int64 `json:"reservation,omitempty"`
+ // Total memory limit (memory + swap).
+ Swap *int64 `json:"swap,omitempty"`
+ // Kernel memory limit (in bytes).
+ Kernel *int64 `json:"kernel,omitempty"`
+ // Kernel memory limit for tcp (in bytes)
+ KernelTCP *int64 `json:"kernelTCP,omitempty"`
+ // How aggressive the kernel will swap memory pages.
+ Swappiness *uint64 `json:"swappiness,omitempty"`
+ // DisableOOMKiller disables the OOM killer for out of memory conditions
+ DisableOOMKiller *bool `json:"disableOOMKiller,omitempty"`
+// LinuxCPU for Linux cgroup 'cpu' resource management
+type LinuxCPU struct {
+ // CPU shares (relative weight (ratio) vs. other cgroups with cpu shares).
+ Shares *uint64 `json:"shares,omitempty"`
+ // CPU hardcap limit (in usecs). Allowed cpu time in a given period.
+ Quota *int64 `json:"quota,omitempty"`
+ // CPU period to be used for hardcapping (in usecs).
+ Period *uint64 `json:"period,omitempty"`
+ // How much time realtime scheduling may use (in usecs).
+ RealtimeRuntime *int64 `json:"realtimeRuntime,omitempty"`
+ // CPU period to be used for realtime scheduling (in usecs).
+ RealtimePeriod *uint64 `json:"realtimePeriod,omitempty"`
+ // CPUs to use within the cpuset. Default is to use any CPU available.
+ Cpus string `json:"cpus,omitempty"`
+ // List of memory nodes in the cpuset. Default is to use any available memory node.
+ Mems string `json:"mems,omitempty"`
+// LinuxPids for Linux cgroup 'pids' resource management (Linux 4.3)
+type LinuxPids struct {
+ // Maximum number of PIDs. Default is "no limit".
+ Limit int64 `json:"limit"`
+// LinuxNetwork identification and priority configuration
+type LinuxNetwork struct {
+ // Set class identifier for container's network packets
+ ClassID *uint32 `json:"classID,omitempty"`
+ // Set priority of network traffic for container
+ Priorities []LinuxInterfacePriority `json:"priorities,omitempty"`
+// LinuxRdma for Linux cgroup 'rdma' resource management (Linux 4.11)
+type LinuxRdma struct {
+ // Maximum number of HCA handles that can be opened. Default is "no limit".
+ HcaHandles *uint32 `json:"hcaHandles,omitempty"`
+ // Maximum number of HCA objects that can be created. Default is "no limit".
+ HcaObjects *uint32 `json:"hcaObjects,omitempty"`
+// LinuxResources has container runtime resource constraints
+type LinuxResources struct {
+ // Devices configures the device whitelist.
+ Devices []LinuxDeviceCgroup `json:"devices,omitempty"`
+ // Memory restriction configuration
+ Memory *LinuxMemory `json:"memory,omitempty"`
+ // CPU resource restriction configuration
+ CPU *LinuxCPU `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
+ // Task resource restriction configuration.
+ Pids *LinuxPids `json:"pids,omitempty"`
+ // BlockIO restriction configuration
+ BlockIO *LinuxBlockIO `json:"blockIO,omitempty"`
+ // Hugetlb limit (in bytes)
+ HugepageLimits []LinuxHugepageLimit `json:"hugepageLimits,omitempty"`
+ // Network restriction configuration
+ Network *LinuxNetwork `json:"network,omitempty"`
+ // Rdma resource restriction configuration.
+ // Limits are a set of key value pairs that define RDMA resource limits,
+ // where the key is device name and value is resource limits.
+ Rdma map[string]LinuxRdma `json:"rdma,omitempty"`
+// LinuxDevice represents the mknod information for a Linux special device file
+type LinuxDevice struct {
+ // Path to the device.
+ Path string `json:"path"`
+ // Device type, block, char, etc.
+ Type string `json:"type"`
+ // Major is the device's major number.
+ Major int64 `json:"major"`
+ // Minor is the device's minor number.
+ Minor int64 `json:"minor"`
+ // FileMode permission bits for the device.
+ FileMode *os.FileMode `json:"fileMode,omitempty"`
+ // UID of the device.
+ UID *uint32 `json:"uid,omitempty"`
+ // Gid of the device.
+ GID *uint32 `json:"gid,omitempty"`
+// LinuxDeviceCgroup represents a device rule for the whitelist controller
+type LinuxDeviceCgroup struct {
+ // Allow or deny
+ Allow bool `json:"allow"`
+ // Device type, block, char, etc.
+ Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
+ // Major is the device's major number.
+ Major *int64 `json:"major,omitempty"`
+ // Minor is the device's minor number.
+ Minor *int64 `json:"minor,omitempty"`
+ // Cgroup access permissions format, rwm.
+ Access string `json:"access,omitempty"`
+// Solaris contains platform-specific configuration for Solaris application containers.
+type Solaris struct {
+ // SMF FMRI which should go "online" before we start the container process.
+ Milestone string `json:"milestone,omitempty"`
+ // Maximum set of privileges any process in this container can obtain.
+ LimitPriv string `json:"limitpriv,omitempty"`
+ // The maximum amount of shared memory allowed for this container.
+ MaxShmMemory string `json:"maxShmMemory,omitempty"`
+ // Specification for automatic creation of network resources for this container.
+ Anet []SolarisAnet `json:"anet,omitempty"`
+ // Set limit on the amount of CPU time that can be used by container.
+ CappedCPU *SolarisCappedCPU `json:"cappedCPU,omitempty"`
+ // The physical and swap caps on the memory that can be used by this container.
+ CappedMemory *SolarisCappedMemory `json:"cappedMemory,omitempty"`
+// SolarisCappedCPU allows users to set limit on the amount of CPU time that can be used by container.
+type SolarisCappedCPU struct {
+ Ncpus string `json:"ncpus,omitempty"`
+// SolarisCappedMemory allows users to set the physical and swap caps on the memory that can be used by this container.
+type SolarisCappedMemory struct {
+ Physical string `json:"physical,omitempty"`
+ Swap string `json:"swap,omitempty"`
+// SolarisAnet provides the specification for automatic creation of network resources for this container.
+type SolarisAnet struct {
+ // Specify a name for the automatically created VNIC datalink.
+ Linkname string `json:"linkname,omitempty"`
+ // Specify the link over which the VNIC will be created.
+ Lowerlink string `json:"lowerLink,omitempty"`
+ // The set of IP addresses that the container can use.
+ Allowedaddr string `json:"allowedAddress,omitempty"`
+ // Specifies whether allowedAddress limitation is to be applied to the VNIC.
+ Configallowedaddr string `json:"configureAllowedAddress,omitempty"`
+ // The value of the optional default router.
+ Defrouter string `json:"defrouter,omitempty"`
+ // Enable one or more types of link protection.
+ Linkprotection string `json:"linkProtection,omitempty"`
+ // Set the VNIC's macAddress
+ Macaddress string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"`
+// Windows defines the runtime configuration for Windows based containers, including Hyper-V containers.
+type Windows struct {
+ // LayerFolders contains a list of absolute paths to directories containing image layers.
+ LayerFolders []string `json:"layerFolders"`
+ // Devices are the list of devices to be mapped into the container.
+ Devices []WindowsDevice `json:"devices,omitempty"`
+ // Resources contains information for handling resource constraints for the container.
+ Resources *WindowsResources `json:"resources,omitempty"`
+ // CredentialSpec contains a JSON object describing a group Managed Service Account (gMSA) specification.
+ CredentialSpec interface{} `json:"credentialSpec,omitempty"`
+ // Servicing indicates if the container is being started in a mode to apply a Windows Update servicing operation.
+ Servicing bool `json:"servicing,omitempty"`
+ // IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot indicates if the container is being started in a mode where disk writes are not flushed during its boot process.
+ IgnoreFlushesDuringBoot bool `json:"ignoreFlushesDuringBoot,omitempty"`
+ // HyperV contains information for running a container with Hyper-V isolation.
+ HyperV *WindowsHyperV `json:"hyperv,omitempty"`
+ // Network restriction configuration.
+ Network *WindowsNetwork `json:"network,omitempty"`
+// WindowsDevice represents information about a host device to be mapped into the container.
+type WindowsDevice struct {
+ // Device identifier: interface class GUID, etc.
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ // Device identifier type: "class", etc.
+ IDType string `json:"idType"`
+// WindowsResources has container runtime resource constraints for containers running on Windows.
+type WindowsResources struct {
+ // Memory restriction configuration.
+ Memory *WindowsMemoryResources `json:"memory,omitempty"`
+ // CPU resource restriction configuration.
+ CPU *WindowsCPUResources `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
+ // Storage restriction configuration.
+ Storage *WindowsStorageResources `json:"storage,omitempty"`
+// WindowsMemoryResources contains memory resource management settings.
+type WindowsMemoryResources struct {
+ // Memory limit in bytes.
+ Limit *uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`
+// WindowsCPUResources contains CPU resource management settings.
+type WindowsCPUResources struct {
+ // Number of CPUs available to the container.
+ Count *uint64 `json:"count,omitempty"`
+ // CPU shares (relative weight to other containers with cpu shares).
+ Shares *uint16 `json:"shares,omitempty"`
+ // Specifies the portion of processor cycles that this container can use as a percentage times 100.
+ Maximum *uint16 `json:"maximum,omitempty"`
+// WindowsStorageResources contains storage resource management settings.
+type WindowsStorageResources struct {
+ // Specifies maximum Iops for the system drive.
+ Iops *uint64 `json:"iops,omitempty"`
+ // Specifies maximum bytes per second for the system drive.
+ Bps *uint64 `json:"bps,omitempty"`
+ // Sandbox size specifies the minimum size of the system drive in bytes.
+ SandboxSize *uint64 `json:"sandboxSize,omitempty"`
+// WindowsNetwork contains network settings for Windows containers.
+type WindowsNetwork struct {
+ // List of HNS endpoints that the container should connect to.
+ EndpointList []string `json:"endpointList,omitempty"`
+ // Specifies if unqualified DNS name resolution is allowed.
+ AllowUnqualifiedDNSQuery bool `json:"allowUnqualifiedDNSQuery,omitempty"`
+ // Comma separated list of DNS suffixes to use for name resolution.
+ DNSSearchList []string `json:"DNSSearchList,omitempty"`
+ // Name (ID) of the container that we will share with the network stack.
+ NetworkSharedContainerName string `json:"networkSharedContainerName,omitempty"`
+ // name (ID) of the network namespace that will be used for the container.
+ NetworkNamespace string `json:"networkNamespace,omitempty"`
+// WindowsHyperV contains information for configuring a container to run with Hyper-V isolation.
+type WindowsHyperV struct {
+ // UtilityVMPath is an optional path to the image used for the Utility VM.
+ UtilityVMPath string `json:"utilityVMPath,omitempty"`
+// VM contains information for virtual-machine-based containers.
+type VM struct {
+ // Hypervisor specifies hypervisor-related configuration for virtual-machine-based containers.
+ Hypervisor VMHypervisor `json:"hypervisor,omitempty"`
+ // Kernel specifies kernel-related configuration for virtual-machine-based containers.
+ Kernel VMKernel `json:"kernel"`
+ // Image specifies guest image related configuration for virtual-machine-based containers.
+ Image VMImage `json:"image,omitempty"`
+// VMHypervisor contains information about the hypervisor to use for a virtual machine.
+type VMHypervisor struct {
+ // Path is the host path to the hypervisor used to manage the virtual machine.
+ Path string `json:"path"`
+ // Parameters specifies parameters to pass to the hypervisor.
+ Parameters string `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+// VMKernel contains information about the kernel to use for a virtual machine.
+type VMKernel struct {
+ // Path is the host path to the kernel used to boot the virtual machine.
+ Path string `json:"path"`
+ // Parameters specifies parameters to pass to the kernel.
+ Parameters string `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
+ // InitRD is the host path to an initial ramdisk to be used by the kernel.
+ InitRD string `json:"initrd,omitempty"`
+// VMImage contains information about the virtual machine root image.
+type VMImage struct {
+ // Path is the host path to the root image that the VM kernel would boot into.
+ Path string `json:"path"`
+ // Format is the root image format type (e.g. "qcow2", "raw", "vhd", etc).
+ Format string `json:"format"`
+// LinuxSeccomp represents syscall restrictions
+type LinuxSeccomp struct {
+ DefaultAction LinuxSeccompAction `json:"defaultAction"`
+ Architectures []Arch `json:"architectures,omitempty"`
+ Syscalls []LinuxSyscall `json:"syscalls,omitempty"`
+// Arch used for additional architectures
+type Arch string
+// Additional architectures permitted to be used for system calls
+// By default only the native architecture of the kernel is permitted
+const (
+ ArchX86 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_X86"
+ ArchX86_64 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_X86_64"
+ ArchX32 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_X32"
+ ArchARM Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_ARM"
+ ArchAARCH64 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_AARCH64"
+ ArchMIPS64 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64"
+ ArchMIPS64N32 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64N32"
+ ArchMIPSEL64N32 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64N32"
+ ArchPPC Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_PPC"
+ ArchPPC64 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_PPC64"
+ ArchPPC64LE Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_PPC64LE"
+ ArchS390 Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_S390"
+ ArchS390X Arch = "SCMP_ARCH_S390X"
+// LinuxSeccompAction taken upon Seccomp rule match
+type LinuxSeccompAction string
+// Define actions for Seccomp rules
+const (
+ ActKill LinuxSeccompAction = "SCMP_ACT_KILL"
+ ActTrap LinuxSeccompAction = "SCMP_ACT_TRAP"
+ ActErrno LinuxSeccompAction = "SCMP_ACT_ERRNO"
+ ActTrace LinuxSeccompAction = "SCMP_ACT_TRACE"
+ ActAllow LinuxSeccompAction = "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW"
+// LinuxSeccompOperator used to match syscall arguments in Seccomp
+type LinuxSeccompOperator string
+// Define operators for syscall arguments in Seccomp
+const (
+ OpNotEqual LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_NE"
+ OpLessThan LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_LT"
+ OpLessEqual LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_LE"
+ OpEqualTo LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_EQ"
+ OpGreaterEqual LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_GE"
+ OpGreaterThan LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_GT"
+ OpMaskedEqual LinuxSeccompOperator = "SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ"
+// LinuxSeccompArg used for matching specific syscall arguments in Seccomp
+type LinuxSeccompArg struct {
+ Index uint `json:"index"`
+ Value uint64 `json:"value"`
+ ValueTwo uint64 `json:"valueTwo,omitempty"`
+ Op LinuxSeccompOperator `json:"op"`
+// LinuxSyscall is used to match a syscall in Seccomp
+type LinuxSyscall struct {
+ Names []string `json:"names"`
+ Action LinuxSeccompAction `json:"action"`
+ Args []LinuxSeccompArg `json:"args,omitempty"`
+// LinuxIntelRdt has container runtime resource constraints
+// for Intel RDT/CAT which introduced in Linux 4.10 kernel
+type LinuxIntelRdt struct {
+ // The schema for L3 cache id and capacity bitmask (CBM)
+ // Format: "L3:<cache_id0>=<cbm0>;<cache_id1>=<cbm1>;..."
+ L3CacheSchema string `json:"l3CacheSchema,omitempty"`
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89dce34be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package specs
+// State holds information about the runtime state of the container.
+type State struct {
+ // Version is the version of the specification that is supported.
+ Version string `json:"ociVersion"`
+ // ID is the container ID
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ // Status is the runtime status of the container.
+ Status string `json:"status"`
+ // Pid is the process ID for the container process.
+ Pid int `json:"pid,omitempty"`
+ // Bundle is the path to the container's bundle directory.
+ Bundle string `json:"bundle"`
+ // Annotations are key values associated with the container.
+ Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b920fc1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package specs
+import "fmt"
+const (
+ // VersionMajor is for an API incompatible changes
+ VersionMajor = 1
+ // VersionMinor is for functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
+ VersionMinor = 0
+ // VersionPatch is for backwards-compatible bug fixes
+ VersionPatch = 1
+ // VersionDev indicates development branch. Releases will be empty string.
+ VersionDev = "-dev"
+// Version is the specification version that the package types support.
+var Version = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d%s", VersionMajor, VersionMinor, VersionPatch, VersionDev)