path: root/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger
diff options
authorIan Lewis <>2020-01-17 01:47:38 -0500
committerIan Lewis <>2020-01-17 01:47:38 -0500
commit6d055f33a19203b8589142b74737dbe5f67d18e3 (patch)
treea19d52458e1453b48d4c568f70bbb114ad30aed2 /themes/docsy/layouts/swagger
parentc73410c0bda98fa617d82cf423ce96ee5e6af6a4 (diff)
parentdcd8504d9866a9b0d95fadbff79e599f5d6893db (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into lint-md
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/docsy/layouts/swagger')
3 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/baseof.html b/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/baseof.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..160ef0ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/baseof.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="{{ .Site.Language.Lang }}" class="no-js">
+ <head>
+ {{ partial "head.html" . }}
+ <title>{{ if .IsHome }}{{ .Site.Title }}{{ else }}{{ with .Title }}{{ . }} | {{ end }}{{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/swagger-ui.css">
+ </head>
+ <body class="td-{{ .Kind }}">
+ <header>
+ {{ partial "navbar.html" . }}
+ </header>
+ <div class="container-fluid td-outer">
+ <div class="td-main">
+ <div class="row flex-xl-nowrap">
+ <div class="col-12 col-md-3 col-xl-2 td-sidebar d-print-none">
+ {{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="d-none d-xl-block col-xl-2 td-toc d-print-none">
+ {{ partial "toc.html" . }}
+ </div>
+ <main class="col-12 col-md-9 col-xl-8 pl-md-5" role="main">
+ {{ if not .Site.Params.ui.breadcrumb_disable }}{{ partial "breadcrumb.html" . }}{{ end }}
+ <script src="/js/swagger-ui-bundle.js"></script>
+ <script src="/js/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js"></script>
+ {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
+ </main>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{ partial "footer.html" . }}
+ </div>
+ {{ partial "scripts.html" . }}
+ </body>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/list.html b/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/list.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..712247801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{{ define "main" }}
+<div class="td-content">
+ <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
+ {{ with .Params.description }}<div class="lead">{{ . | markdownify }}</div>{{ end }}
+ {{ .Content }}
+ {{ partial "section-index.html" . }}
+ {{ if (and (not .Params.hide_feedback) ( (.Site.GoogleAnalytics)) }}
+ {{ partial "feedback.html" }}
+ <br />
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ if (.Site.DisqusShortname) }}
+ <br />
+ {{ partial "disqus-comment.html" . }}
+ {{ end }}
+ <div class="text-muted mt-5 pt-3 border-top">{{ partial "page-meta-lastmod.html" . }}</div>
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/single.html b/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/single.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00cb3ab91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/docsy/layouts/swagger/single.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{{ define "main" }}
+{{ .Render "content" }}
+{{ end }} \ No newline at end of file