path: root/pkg/tcpip/stack
diff options
authorkevin.xu <>2020-04-27 21:51:31 +0800
committerGitHub <>2020-04-27 21:51:31 +0800
commite896ca54db67524afc20b644d43c72185e72dc0e (patch)
tree2a16f3a62a5cafd098f1f028c621f1b655589d69 /pkg/tcpip/stack
parent1f19624fa127d7d59cabe29593cc80b7fe6c81f8 (diff)
parent3c67754663f424f2ebbc0ff2a4c80e30618d5355 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from google/master
catch up
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/tcpip/stack')
22 files changed, 10390 insertions, 1177 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/BUILD b/pkg/tcpip/stack/BUILD
index 460db3cf8..5e963a4af 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/BUILD
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/BUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_test")
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template_instance")
-load("//tools/go_stateify:defs.bzl", "go_library")
package(licenses = ["notice"])
@@ -16,33 +15,51 @@ go_template_instance(
+ name = "packet_buffer_list",
+ out = "packet_buffer_list.go",
+ package = "stack",
+ prefix = "PacketBuffer",
+ template = "//pkg/ilist:generic_list",
+ types = {
+ "Element": "*PacketBuffer",
+ "Linker": "*PacketBuffer",
+ },
name = "stack",
srcs = [
+ "dhcpv6configurationfromndpra_string.go",
+ "forwarder.go",
+ "iptables.go",
+ "iptables_targets.go",
+ "iptables_types.go",
+ "packet_buffer.go",
+ "packet_buffer_list.go",
+ "rand.go",
- importpath = "",
- visibility = [
- "//visibility:public",
- ],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
+ "//pkg/log",
+ "//pkg/sync",
- "//pkg/tcpip/iptables",
@@ -52,7 +69,7 @@ go_library(
name = "stack_x_test",
- size = "small",
+ size = "medium",
srcs = [
@@ -61,11 +78,11 @@ go_test(
deps = [
+ "//pkg/rand",
- "//pkg/tcpip/iptables",
@@ -80,18 +97,16 @@ go_test(
name = "stack_test",
size = "small",
- srcs = ["linkaddrcache_test.go"],
- embed = [":stack"],
+ srcs = [
+ "forwarder_test.go",
+ "linkaddrcache_test.go",
+ "nic_test.go",
+ ],
+ library = ":stack",
deps = [
+ "//pkg/sync",
+ "//pkg/tcpip/buffer",
- name = "autogen",
- srcs = [
- "linkaddrentry_list.go",
- ],
- visibility = ["//:sandbox"],
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/dhcpv6configurationfromndpra_string.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/dhcpv6configurationfromndpra_string.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b4213eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/dhcpv6configurationfromndpra_string.go
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Code generated by "stringer -type=DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA"; DO NOT EDIT.
+package stack
+import "strconv"
+func _() {
+ // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed.
+ // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again.
+ var x [1]struct{}
+ _ = x[DHCPv6NoConfiguration-0]
+ _ = x[DHCPv6ManagedAddress-1]
+ _ = x[DHCPv6OtherConfigurations-2]
+const _DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA_name = "DHCPv6NoConfigurationDHCPv6ManagedAddressDHCPv6OtherConfigurations"
+var _DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA_index = [...]uint8{0, 21, 41, 66}
+func (i DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA) String() string {
+ if i < 0 || i >= DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA(len(_DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA_index)-1) {
+ return "DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
+ }
+ return _DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA_name[_DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA_index[i]:_DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA_index[i+1]]
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/forwarder.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/forwarder.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b64cd37f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/forwarder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ // maxPendingResolutions is the maximum number of pending link-address
+ // resolutions.
+ maxPendingResolutions = 64
+ maxPendingPacketsPerResolution = 256
+type pendingPacket struct {
+ nic *NIC
+ route *Route
+ proto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
+ pkt PacketBuffer
+type forwardQueue struct {
+ sync.Mutex
+ // The packets to send once the resolver completes.
+ packets map[<-chan struct{}][]*pendingPacket
+ // FIFO of channels used to cancel the oldest goroutine waiting for
+ // link-address resolution.
+ cancelChans []chan struct{}
+func newForwardQueue() *forwardQueue {
+ return &forwardQueue{packets: make(map[<-chan struct{}][]*pendingPacket)}
+func (f *forwardQueue) enqueue(ch <-chan struct{}, n *NIC, r *Route, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ shouldWait := false
+ f.Lock()
+ packets, ok := f.packets[ch]
+ if !ok {
+ shouldWait = true
+ }
+ for len(packets) == maxPendingPacketsPerResolution {
+ p := packets[0]
+ packets = packets[1:]
+ p.nic.stack.stats.IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.Increment()
+ p.route.Release()
+ }
+ if l := len(packets); l >= maxPendingPacketsPerResolution {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("max pending packets for resolution reached; got %d packets, max = %d", l, maxPendingPacketsPerResolution))
+ }
+ f.packets[ch] = append(packets, &pendingPacket{
+ nic: n,
+ route: r,
+ proto: protocol,
+ pkt: pkt,
+ })
+ f.Unlock()
+ if !shouldWait {
+ return
+ }
+ // Wait for the link-address resolution to complete.
+ // Start a goroutine with a forwarding-cancel channel so that we can
+ // limit the maximum number of goroutines running concurrently.
+ cancel := f.newCancelChannel()
+ go func() {
+ cancelled := false
+ select {
+ case <-ch:
+ case <-cancel:
+ cancelled = true
+ }
+ f.Lock()
+ packets := f.packets[ch]
+ delete(f.packets, ch)
+ f.Unlock()
+ for _, p := range packets {
+ if cancelled {
+ p.nic.stack.stats.IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.Increment()
+ } else if _, err := p.route.Resolve(nil); err != nil {
+ p.nic.stack.stats.IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.Increment()
+ } else {
+ p.nic.forwardPacket(p.route, p.proto, p.pkt)
+ }
+ p.route.Release()
+ }
+ }()
+// newCancelChannel creates a channel that can cancel a pending forwarding
+// activity. The oldest channel is closed if the number of open channels would
+// exceed maxPendingResolutions.
+func (f *forwardQueue) newCancelChannel() chan struct{} {
+ f.Lock()
+ defer f.Unlock()
+ if len(f.cancelChans) == maxPendingResolutions {
+ ch := f.cancelChans[0]
+ f.cancelChans = f.cancelChans[1:]
+ close(ch)
+ }
+ if l := len(f.cancelChans); l >= maxPendingResolutions {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("max pending resolutions reached; got %d active resolutions, max = %d", l, maxPendingResolutions))
+ }
+ ch := make(chan struct{})
+ f.cancelChans = append(f.cancelChans, ch)
+ return ch
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/forwarder_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/forwarder_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7c663498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/forwarder_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "math"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ fwdTestNetNumber tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber = math.MaxUint32
+ fwdTestNetHeaderLen = 12
+ fwdTestNetDefaultPrefixLen = 8
+ // fwdTestNetDefaultMTU is the MTU, in bytes, used throughout the tests,
+ // except where another value is explicitly used. It is chosen to match
+ // the MTU of loopback interfaces on linux systems.
+ fwdTestNetDefaultMTU = 65536
+// fwdTestNetworkEndpoint is a network-layer protocol endpoint.
+// Headers of this protocol are fwdTestNetHeaderLen bytes, but we currently only
+// use the first three: destination address, source address, and transport
+// protocol. They're all one byte fields to simplify parsing.
+type fwdTestNetworkEndpoint struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ id NetworkEndpointID
+ prefixLen int
+ proto *fwdTestNetworkProtocol
+ dispatcher TransportDispatcher
+ ep LinkEndpoint
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) MTU() uint32 {
+ return f.ep.MTU() - uint32(f.MaxHeaderLength())
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) NICID() tcpip.NICID {
+ return f.nicID
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) PrefixLen() int {
+ return f.prefixLen
+func (*fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) DefaultTTL() uint8 {
+ return 123
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) ID() *NetworkEndpointID {
+ return &
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) HandlePacket(r *Route, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ // Consume the network header.
+ b, ok := pkt.Data.PullUp(fwdTestNetHeaderLen)
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ pkt.Data.TrimFront(fwdTestNetHeaderLen)
+ // Dispatch the packet to the transport protocol.
+ f.dispatcher.DeliverTransportPacket(r, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber(b[2]), pkt)
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) MaxHeaderLength() uint16 {
+ return f.ep.MaxHeaderLength() + fwdTestNetHeaderLen
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) PseudoHeaderChecksum(protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, dstAddr tcpip.Address) uint16 {
+ return 0
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) Capabilities() LinkEndpointCapabilities {
+ return f.ep.Capabilities()
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) WritePacket(r *Route, gso *GSO, params NetworkHeaderParams, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
+ // Add the protocol's header to the packet and send it to the link
+ // endpoint.
+ b := pkt.Header.Prepend(fwdTestNetHeaderLen)
+ b[0] = r.RemoteAddress[0]
+ b[1] =[0]
+ b[2] = byte(params.Protocol)
+ return f.ep.WritePacket(r, gso, fwdTestNetNumber, pkt)
+// WritePackets implements LinkEndpoint.WritePackets.
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, pkts PacketBufferList, params NetworkHeaderParams) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
+ panic("not implemented")
+func (*fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r *Route, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
+ return tcpip.ErrNotSupported
+func (*fwdTestNetworkEndpoint) Close() {}
+// fwdTestNetworkProtocol is a network-layer protocol that implements Address
+// resolution.
+type fwdTestNetworkProtocol struct {
+ addrCache *linkAddrCache
+ addrResolveDelay time.Duration
+ onLinkAddressResolved func(cache *linkAddrCache, addr tcpip.Address)
+ onResolveStaticAddress func(tcpip.Address) (tcpip.LinkAddress, bool)
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) Number() tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber {
+ return fwdTestNetNumber
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) MinimumPacketSize() int {
+ return fwdTestNetHeaderLen
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) DefaultPrefixLen() int {
+ return fwdTestNetDefaultPrefixLen
+func (*fwdTestNetworkProtocol) ParseAddresses(v buffer.View) (src, dst tcpip.Address) {
+ return tcpip.Address(v[1:2]), tcpip.Address(v[0:1])
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) NewEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, linkAddrCache LinkAddressCache, dispatcher TransportDispatcher, ep LinkEndpoint, _ *Stack) (NetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+ return &fwdTestNetworkEndpoint{
+ nicID: nicID,
+ id: NetworkEndpointID{LocalAddress: addrWithPrefix.Address},
+ prefixLen: addrWithPrefix.PrefixLen,
+ proto: f,
+ dispatcher: dispatcher,
+ ep: ep,
+ }, nil
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) SetOption(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) Option(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) Close() {}
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) Wait() {}
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) LinkAddressRequest(addr, localAddr tcpip.Address, linkEP LinkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
+ if f.addrCache != nil && f.onLinkAddressResolved != nil {
+ time.AfterFunc(f.addrResolveDelay, func() {
+ f.onLinkAddressResolved(f.addrCache, addr)
+ })
+ }
+ return nil
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) ResolveStaticAddress(addr tcpip.Address) (tcpip.LinkAddress, bool) {
+ if f.onResolveStaticAddress != nil {
+ return f.onResolveStaticAddress(addr)
+ }
+ return "", false
+func (f *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) LinkAddressProtocol() tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber {
+ return fwdTestNetNumber
+// fwdTestPacketInfo holds all the information about an outbound packet.
+type fwdTestPacketInfo struct {
+ RemoteLinkAddress tcpip.LinkAddress
+ LocalLinkAddress tcpip.LinkAddress
+ Pkt PacketBuffer
+type fwdTestLinkEndpoint struct {
+ dispatcher NetworkDispatcher
+ mtu uint32
+ linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress
+ // C is where outbound packets are queued.
+ C chan fwdTestPacketInfo
+// InjectInbound injects an inbound packet.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) InjectInbound(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ e.InjectLinkAddr(protocol, "", pkt)
+// InjectLinkAddr injects an inbound packet with a remote link address.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) InjectLinkAddr(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, remote tcpip.LinkAddress, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ e.dispatcher.DeliverNetworkPacket(e, remote, "" /* local */, protocol, pkt)
+// Attach saves the stack network-layer dispatcher for use later when packets
+// are injected.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) Attach(dispatcher NetworkDispatcher) {
+ e.dispatcher = dispatcher
+// IsAttached implements stack.LinkEndpoint.IsAttached.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) IsAttached() bool {
+ return e.dispatcher != nil
+// MTU implements stack.LinkEndpoint.MTU. It returns the value initialized
+// during construction.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) MTU() uint32 {
+ return e.mtu
+// Capabilities implements stack.LinkEndpoint.Capabilities.
+func (e fwdTestLinkEndpoint) Capabilities() LinkEndpointCapabilities {
+ caps := LinkEndpointCapabilities(0)
+ return caps | CapabilityResolutionRequired
+// GSOMaxSize returns the maximum GSO packet size.
+func (*fwdTestLinkEndpoint) GSOMaxSize() uint32 {
+ return 1 << 15
+// MaxHeaderLength returns the maximum size of the link layer header. Given it
+// doesn't have a header, it just returns 0.
+func (*fwdTestLinkEndpoint) MaxHeaderLength() uint16 {
+ return 0
+// LinkAddress returns the link address of this endpoint.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) LinkAddress() tcpip.LinkAddress {
+ return e.linkAddr
+func (e fwdTestLinkEndpoint) WritePacket(r *Route, gso *GSO, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
+ p := fwdTestPacketInfo{
+ RemoteLinkAddress: r.RemoteLinkAddress,
+ LocalLinkAddress: r.LocalLinkAddress,
+ Pkt: pkt,
+ }
+ select {
+ case e.C <- p:
+ default:
+ }
+ return nil
+// WritePackets stores outbound packets into the channel.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, pkts PacketBufferList, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
+ n := 0
+ for pkt := pkts.Front(); pkt != nil; pkt = pkt.Next() {
+ e.WritePacket(r, gso, protocol, *pkt)
+ n++
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// WriteRawPacket implements stack.LinkEndpoint.WriteRawPacket.
+func (e *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) WriteRawPacket(vv buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error {
+ p := fwdTestPacketInfo{
+ Pkt: PacketBuffer{Data: vv},
+ }
+ select {
+ case e.C <- p:
+ default:
+ }
+ return nil
+// Wait implements stack.LinkEndpoint.Wait.
+func (*fwdTestLinkEndpoint) Wait() {}
+func fwdTestNetFactory(t *testing.T, proto *fwdTestNetworkProtocol) (ep1, ep2 *fwdTestLinkEndpoint) {
+ // Create a stack with the network protocol and two NICs.
+ s := New(Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []NetworkProtocol{proto},
+ })
+ proto.addrCache = s.linkAddrCache
+ // Enable forwarding.
+ s.SetForwarding(true)
+ // NIC 1 has the link address "a", and added the network address 1.
+ ep1 = &fwdTestLinkEndpoint{
+ C: make(chan fwdTestPacketInfo, 300),
+ mtu: fwdTestNetDefaultMTU,
+ linkAddr: "a",
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, ep1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("CreateNIC #1 failed:", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(1, fwdTestNetNumber, "\x01"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("AddAddress #1 failed:", err)
+ }
+ // NIC 2 has the link address "b", and added the network address 2.
+ ep2 = &fwdTestLinkEndpoint{
+ C: make(chan fwdTestPacketInfo, 300),
+ mtu: fwdTestNetDefaultMTU,
+ linkAddr: "b",
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(2, ep2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("CreateNIC #2 failed:", err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(2, fwdTestNetNumber, "\x02"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal("AddAddress #2 failed:", err)
+ }
+ // Route all packets to NIC 2.
+ {
+ subnet, err := tcpip.NewSubnet("\x00", "\x00")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{{Destination: subnet, NIC: 2}})
+ }
+ return ep1, ep2
+func TestForwardingWithStaticResolver(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol with a static resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{
+ onResolveStaticAddress:
+ // The network address 3 is resolved to the link address "c".
+ func(addr tcpip.Address) (tcpip.LinkAddress, bool) {
+ if addr == "\x03" {
+ return "c", true
+ }
+ return "", false
+ },
+ }
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ // Inject an inbound packet to address 3 on NIC 1, and see if it is
+ // forwarded to NIC 2.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 3
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ var p fwdTestPacketInfo
+ select {
+ case p = <-ep2.C:
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ // Test that the static address resolution happened correctly.
+ if p.RemoteLinkAddress != "c" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.RemoteLinkAddress = %s, want = c", p.RemoteLinkAddress)
+ }
+ if p.LocalLinkAddress != "b" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.LocalLinkAddress = %s, want = b", p.LocalLinkAddress)
+ }
+func TestForwardingWithFakeResolver(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol with a fake resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{
+ addrResolveDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ onLinkAddressResolved: func(cache *linkAddrCache, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ // Any address will be resolved to the link address "c".
+ cache.add(tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: 2, Addr: addr}, "c")
+ },
+ }
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ // Inject an inbound packet to address 3 on NIC 1, and see if it is
+ // forwarded to NIC 2.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 3
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ var p fwdTestPacketInfo
+ select {
+ case p = <-ep2.C:
+ case <-time.After(time.Second):
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ // Test that the address resolution happened correctly.
+ if p.RemoteLinkAddress != "c" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.RemoteLinkAddress = %s, want = c", p.RemoteLinkAddress)
+ }
+ if p.LocalLinkAddress != "b" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.LocalLinkAddress = %s, want = b", p.LocalLinkAddress)
+ }
+func TestForwardingWithNoResolver(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol without a resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{}
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ // inject an inbound packet to address 3 on NIC 1, and see if it is
+ // forwarded to NIC 2.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 3
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ select {
+ case <-ep2.C:
+ t.Fatal("Packet should not be forwarded")
+ case <-time.After(time.Second):
+ }
+func TestForwardingWithFakeResolverPartialTimeout(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol with a fake resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{
+ addrResolveDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ onLinkAddressResolved: func(cache *linkAddrCache, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ // Only packets to address 3 will be resolved to the
+ // link address "c".
+ if addr == "\x03" {
+ cache.add(tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: 2, Addr: addr}, "c")
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ // Inject an inbound packet to address 4 on NIC 1. This packet should
+ // not be forwarded.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 4
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ // Inject an inbound packet to address 3 on NIC 1, and see if it is
+ // forwarded to NIC 2.
+ buf = buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 3
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ var p fwdTestPacketInfo
+ select {
+ case p = <-ep2.C:
+ case <-time.After(time.Second):
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ b := p.Pkt.Data.ToView()
+ if b[0] != 3 {
+ t.Fatalf("got b[0] = %d, want = 3", b[0])
+ }
+ // Test that the address resolution happened correctly.
+ if p.RemoteLinkAddress != "c" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.RemoteLinkAddress = %s, want = c", p.RemoteLinkAddress)
+ }
+ if p.LocalLinkAddress != "b" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.LocalLinkAddress = %s, want = b", p.LocalLinkAddress)
+ }
+func TestForwardingWithFakeResolverTwoPackets(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol with a fake resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{
+ addrResolveDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ onLinkAddressResolved: func(cache *linkAddrCache, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ // Any packets will be resolved to the link address "c".
+ cache.add(tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: 2, Addr: addr}, "c")
+ },
+ }
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ // Inject two inbound packets to address 3 on NIC 1.
+ for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 3
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
+ var p fwdTestPacketInfo
+ select {
+ case p = <-ep2.C:
+ case <-time.After(time.Second):
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ b := p.Pkt.Data.ToView()
+ if b[0] != 3 {
+ t.Fatalf("got b[0] = %d, want = 3", b[0])
+ }
+ // Test that the address resolution happened correctly.
+ if p.RemoteLinkAddress != "c" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.RemoteLinkAddress = %s, want = c", p.RemoteLinkAddress)
+ }
+ if p.LocalLinkAddress != "b" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.LocalLinkAddress = %s, want = b", p.LocalLinkAddress)
+ }
+ }
+func TestForwardingWithFakeResolverManyPackets(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol with a fake resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{
+ addrResolveDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ onLinkAddressResolved: func(cache *linkAddrCache, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ // Any packets will be resolved to the link address "c".
+ cache.add(tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: 2, Addr: addr}, "c")
+ },
+ }
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ for i := 0; i < maxPendingPacketsPerResolution+5; i++ {
+ // Inject inbound 'maxPendingPacketsPerResolution + 5' packets on NIC 1.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = 3
+ // Set the packet sequence number.
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[fwdTestNetHeaderLen:], uint16(i))
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < maxPendingPacketsPerResolution; i++ {
+ var p fwdTestPacketInfo
+ select {
+ case p = <-ep2.C:
+ case <-time.After(time.Second):
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ b := p.Pkt.Data.ToView()
+ if b[0] != 3 {
+ t.Fatalf("got b[0] = %d, want = 3", b[0])
+ }
+ // The first 5 packets should not be forwarded so the the
+ // sequemnce number should start with 5.
+ want := uint16(i + 5)
+ if n := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[fwdTestNetHeaderLen:]); n != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got the packet #%d, want = #%d", n, want)
+ }
+ // Test that the address resolution happened correctly.
+ if p.RemoteLinkAddress != "c" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.RemoteLinkAddress = %s, want = c", p.RemoteLinkAddress)
+ }
+ if p.LocalLinkAddress != "b" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.LocalLinkAddress = %s, want = b", p.LocalLinkAddress)
+ }
+ }
+func TestForwardingWithFakeResolverManyResolutions(t *testing.T) {
+ // Create a network protocol with a fake resolver.
+ proto := &fwdTestNetworkProtocol{
+ addrResolveDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ onLinkAddressResolved: func(cache *linkAddrCache, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ // Any packets will be resolved to the link address "c".
+ cache.add(tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: 2, Addr: addr}, "c")
+ },
+ }
+ ep1, ep2 := fwdTestNetFactory(t, proto)
+ for i := 0; i < maxPendingResolutions+5; i++ {
+ // Inject inbound 'maxPendingResolutions + 5' packets on NIC 1.
+ // Each packet has a different destination address (3 to
+ // maxPendingResolutions + 7).
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = byte(3 + i)
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fwdTestNetNumber, PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < maxPendingResolutions; i++ {
+ var p fwdTestPacketInfo
+ select {
+ case p = <-ep2.C:
+ case <-time.After(time.Second):
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ // The first 5 packets (address 3 to 7) should not be forwarded
+ // because their address resolutions are interrupted.
+ b := p.Pkt.Data.ToView()
+ if b[0] < 8 {
+ t.Fatalf("got b[0] = %d, want b[0] >= 8", b[0])
+ }
+ // Test that the address resolution happened correctly.
+ if p.RemoteLinkAddress != "c" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.RemoteLinkAddress = %s, want = c", p.RemoteLinkAddress)
+ }
+ if p.LocalLinkAddress != "b" {
+ t.Fatalf("got p.LocalLinkAddress = %s, want = b", p.LocalLinkAddress)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b91159d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables.go
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+// Table names.
+const (
+ TablenameNat = "nat"
+ TablenameMangle = "mangle"
+ TablenameFilter = "filter"
+// Chain names as defined by net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.c.
+const (
+ ChainNamePrerouting = "PREROUTING"
+ ChainNameInput = "INPUT"
+ ChainNameForward = "FORWARD"
+ ChainNameOutput = "OUTPUT"
+ ChainNamePostrouting = "POSTROUTING"
+// HookUnset indicates that there is no hook set for an entrypoint or
+// underflow.
+const HookUnset = -1
+// DefaultTables returns a default set of tables. Each chain is set to accept
+// all packets.
+func DefaultTables() IPTables {
+ // TODO( We may be able to swap out some strings for
+ // iotas.
+ return IPTables{
+ Tables: map[string]Table{
+ TablenameNat: Table{
+ Rules: []Rule{
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: ErrorTarget{}},
+ },
+ BuiltinChains: map[Hook]int{
+ Prerouting: 0,
+ Input: 1,
+ Output: 2,
+ Postrouting: 3,
+ },
+ Underflows: map[Hook]int{
+ Prerouting: 0,
+ Input: 1,
+ Output: 2,
+ Postrouting: 3,
+ },
+ UserChains: map[string]int{},
+ },
+ TablenameMangle: Table{
+ Rules: []Rule{
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: ErrorTarget{}},
+ },
+ BuiltinChains: map[Hook]int{
+ Prerouting: 0,
+ Output: 1,
+ },
+ Underflows: map[Hook]int{
+ Prerouting: 0,
+ Output: 1,
+ },
+ UserChains: map[string]int{},
+ },
+ TablenameFilter: Table{
+ Rules: []Rule{
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: AcceptTarget{}},
+ Rule{Target: ErrorTarget{}},
+ },
+ BuiltinChains: map[Hook]int{
+ Input: 0,
+ Forward: 1,
+ Output: 2,
+ },
+ Underflows: map[Hook]int{
+ Input: 0,
+ Forward: 1,
+ Output: 2,
+ },
+ UserChains: map[string]int{},
+ },
+ },
+ Priorities: map[Hook][]string{
+ Input: []string{TablenameNat, TablenameFilter},
+ Prerouting: []string{TablenameMangle, TablenameNat},
+ Output: []string{TablenameMangle, TablenameNat, TablenameFilter},
+ },
+ }
+// EmptyFilterTable returns a Table with no rules and the filter table chains
+// mapped to HookUnset.
+func EmptyFilterTable() Table {
+ return Table{
+ Rules: []Rule{},
+ BuiltinChains: map[Hook]int{
+ Input: HookUnset,
+ Forward: HookUnset,
+ Output: HookUnset,
+ },
+ Underflows: map[Hook]int{
+ Input: HookUnset,
+ Forward: HookUnset,
+ Output: HookUnset,
+ },
+ UserChains: map[string]int{},
+ }
+// EmptyNatTable returns a Table with no rules and the filter table chains
+// mapped to HookUnset.
+func EmptyNatTable() Table {
+ return Table{
+ Rules: []Rule{},
+ BuiltinChains: map[Hook]int{
+ Prerouting: HookUnset,
+ Input: HookUnset,
+ Output: HookUnset,
+ Postrouting: HookUnset,
+ },
+ Underflows: map[Hook]int{
+ Prerouting: HookUnset,
+ Input: HookUnset,
+ Output: HookUnset,
+ Postrouting: HookUnset,
+ },
+ UserChains: map[string]int{},
+ }
+// A chainVerdict is what a table decides should be done with a packet.
+type chainVerdict int
+const (
+ // chainAccept indicates the packet should continue through netstack.
+ chainAccept chainVerdict = iota
+ // chainAccept indicates the packet should be dropped.
+ chainDrop
+ // chainReturn indicates the packet should return to the calling chain
+ // or the underflow rule of a builtin chain.
+ chainReturn
+// Check runs pkt through the rules for hook. It returns true when the packet
+// should continue traversing the network stack and false when it should be
+// dropped.
+// Precondition: pkt.NetworkHeader is set.
+func (it *IPTables) Check(hook Hook, pkt PacketBuffer) bool {
+ // Go through each table containing the hook.
+ for _, tablename := range it.Priorities[hook] {
+ table := it.Tables[tablename]
+ ruleIdx := table.BuiltinChains[hook]
+ switch verdict := it.checkChain(hook, pkt, table, ruleIdx); verdict {
+ // If the table returns Accept, move on to the next table.
+ case chainAccept:
+ continue
+ // The Drop verdict is final.
+ case chainDrop:
+ return false
+ case chainReturn:
+ // Any Return from a built-in chain means we have to
+ // call the underflow.
+ underflow := table.Rules[table.Underflows[hook]]
+ switch v, _ := underflow.Target.Action(pkt); v {
+ case RuleAccept:
+ continue
+ case RuleDrop:
+ return false
+ case RuleJump, RuleReturn:
+ panic("Underflows should only return RuleAccept or RuleDrop.")
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown verdict: %d", v))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown verdict %v.", verdict))
+ }
+ }
+ // Every table returned Accept.
+ return true
+// CheckPackets runs pkts through the rules for hook and returns a map of packets that
+// should not go forward.
+// Precondition: pkt is a IPv4 packet of at least length header.IPv4MinimumSize.
+// TODO( pk.NetworkHeader will always be set as a
+// precondition.
+// NOTE: unlike the Check API the returned map contains packets that should be
+// dropped.
+func (it *IPTables) CheckPackets(hook Hook, pkts PacketBufferList) (drop map[*PacketBuffer]struct{}) {
+ for pkt := pkts.Front(); pkt != nil; pkt = pkt.Next() {
+ if ok := it.Check(hook, *pkt); !ok {
+ if drop == nil {
+ drop = make(map[*PacketBuffer]struct{})
+ }
+ drop[pkt] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ return drop
+// Precondition: pkt is a IPv4 packet of at least length header.IPv4MinimumSize.
+// TODO( pk.NetworkHeader will always be set as a
+// precondition.
+func (it *IPTables) checkChain(hook Hook, pkt PacketBuffer, table Table, ruleIdx int) chainVerdict {
+ // Start from ruleIdx and walk the list of rules until a rule gives us
+ // a verdict.
+ for ruleIdx < len(table.Rules) {
+ switch verdict, jumpTo := it.checkRule(hook, pkt, table, ruleIdx); verdict {
+ case RuleAccept:
+ return chainAccept
+ case RuleDrop:
+ return chainDrop
+ case RuleReturn:
+ return chainReturn
+ case RuleJump:
+ // "Jumping" to the next rule just means we're
+ // continuing on down the list.
+ if jumpTo == ruleIdx+1 {
+ ruleIdx++
+ continue
+ }
+ switch verdict := it.checkChain(hook, pkt, table, jumpTo); verdict {
+ case chainAccept:
+ return chainAccept
+ case chainDrop:
+ return chainDrop
+ case chainReturn:
+ ruleIdx++
+ continue
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown verdict: %d", verdict))
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown verdict: %d", verdict))
+ }
+ }
+ // We got through the entire table without a decision. Default to DROP
+ // for safety.
+ return chainDrop
+// Precondition: pkt is a IPv4 packet of at least length header.IPv4MinimumSize.
+// TODO( pk.NetworkHeader will always be set as a
+// precondition.
+func (it *IPTables) checkRule(hook Hook, pkt PacketBuffer, table Table, ruleIdx int) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ rule := table.Rules[ruleIdx]
+ // If pkt.NetworkHeader hasn't been set yet, it will be contained in
+ // pkt.Data.
+ if pkt.NetworkHeader == nil {
+ var ok bool
+ pkt.NetworkHeader, ok = pkt.Data.PullUp(header.IPv4MinimumSize)
+ if !ok {
+ // Precondition has been violated.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("iptables checks require IPv4 headers of at least %d bytes", header.IPv4MinimumSize))
+ }
+ }
+ // Check whether the packet matches the IP header filter.
+ if !filterMatch(rule.Filter, header.IPv4(pkt.NetworkHeader)) {
+ // Continue on to the next rule.
+ return RuleJump, ruleIdx + 1
+ }
+ // Go through each rule matcher. If they all match, run
+ // the rule target.
+ for _, matcher := range rule.Matchers {
+ matches, hotdrop := matcher.Match(hook, pkt, "")
+ if hotdrop {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ if !matches {
+ // Continue on to the next rule.
+ return RuleJump, ruleIdx + 1
+ }
+ }
+ // All the matchers matched, so run the target.
+ return rule.Target.Action(pkt)
+func filterMatch(filter IPHeaderFilter, hdr header.IPv4) bool {
+ // TODO( Support other fields of the filter.
+ // Check the transport protocol.
+ if filter.Protocol != 0 && filter.Protocol != hdr.TransportProtocol() {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check the destination IP.
+ dest := hdr.DestinationAddress()
+ matches := true
+ for i := range filter.Dst {
+ if dest[i]&filter.DstMask[i] != filter.Dst[i] {
+ matches = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if matches == filter.DstInvert {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables_targets.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables_targets.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8be61f4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables_targets.go
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// AcceptTarget accepts packets.
+type AcceptTarget struct{}
+// Action implements Target.Action.
+func (AcceptTarget) Action(packet PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ return RuleAccept, 0
+// DropTarget drops packets.
+type DropTarget struct{}
+// Action implements Target.Action.
+func (DropTarget) Action(packet PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+// ErrorTarget logs an error and drops the packet. It represents a target that
+// should be unreachable.
+type ErrorTarget struct{}
+// Action implements Target.Action.
+func (ErrorTarget) Action(packet PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ log.Debugf("ErrorTarget triggered.")
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+// UserChainTarget marks a rule as the beginning of a user chain.
+type UserChainTarget struct {
+ Name string
+// Action implements Target.Action.
+func (UserChainTarget) Action(PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ panic("UserChainTarget should never be called.")
+// ReturnTarget returns from the current chain. If the chain is a built-in, the
+// hook's underflow should be called.
+type ReturnTarget struct{}
+// Action implements Target.Action.
+func (ReturnTarget) Action(PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ return RuleReturn, 0
+// RedirectTarget redirects the packet by modifying the destination port/IP.
+// Min and Max values for IP and Ports in the struct indicate the range of
+// values which can be used to redirect.
+type RedirectTarget struct {
+ // TODO( Other flags need to be added after
+ // we support them.
+ // RangeProtoSpecified flag indicates single port is specified to
+ // redirect.
+ RangeProtoSpecified bool
+ // Min address used to redirect.
+ MinIP tcpip.Address
+ // Max address used to redirect.
+ MaxIP tcpip.Address
+ // Min port used to redirect.
+ MinPort uint16
+ // Max port used to redirect.
+ MaxPort uint16
+// Action implements Target.Action.
+// TODO( Parse headers without copying. The current
+// implementation only works for PREROUTING and calls pkt.Clone(), neither
+// of which should be the case.
+func (rt RedirectTarget) Action(pkt PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int) {
+ newPkt := pkt.Clone()
+ // Set network header.
+ headerView, ok := newPkt.Data.PullUp(header.IPv4MinimumSize)
+ if !ok {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ netHeader := header.IPv4(headerView)
+ newPkt.NetworkHeader = headerView
+ hlen := int(netHeader.HeaderLength())
+ tlen := int(netHeader.TotalLength())
+ newPkt.Data.TrimFront(hlen)
+ newPkt.Data.CapLength(tlen - hlen)
+ // TODO( Change destination address to
+ // loopback or interface address on which the packet was
+ // received.
+ // TODO( Check Flags in RedirectTarget if
+ // we need to change dest address (for OUTPUT chain) or ports.
+ switch protocol := netHeader.TransportProtocol(); protocol {
+ case header.UDPProtocolNumber:
+ var udpHeader header.UDP
+ if newPkt.TransportHeader != nil {
+ udpHeader = header.UDP(newPkt.TransportHeader)
+ } else {
+ if pkt.Data.Size() < header.UDPMinimumSize {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ hdr, ok := newPkt.Data.PullUp(header.UDPMinimumSize)
+ if !ok {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ udpHeader = header.UDP(hdr)
+ }
+ udpHeader.SetDestinationPort(rt.MinPort)
+ case header.TCPProtocolNumber:
+ var tcpHeader header.TCP
+ if newPkt.TransportHeader != nil {
+ tcpHeader = header.TCP(newPkt.TransportHeader)
+ } else {
+ if pkt.Data.Size() < header.TCPMinimumSize {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ hdr, ok := newPkt.Data.PullUp(header.TCPMinimumSize)
+ if !ok {
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ tcpHeader = header.TCP(hdr)
+ }
+ // TODO( Need to recompute checksum
+ // and implement nat connection tracking to support TCP.
+ tcpHeader.SetDestinationPort(rt.MinPort)
+ default:
+ return RuleDrop, 0
+ }
+ return RuleAccept, 0
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables_types.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables_types.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ffb55f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/iptables_types.go
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ ""
+// A Hook specifies one of the hooks built into the network stack.
+// Userspace app Userspace app
+// ^ |
+// | v
+// [Input] [Output]
+// ^ |
+// | v
+// | routing
+// | |
+// | v
+// ----->[Prerouting]----->routing----->[Forward]---------[Postrouting]----->
+type Hook uint
+// These values correspond to values in include/uapi/linux/netfilter.h.
+const (
+ // Prerouting happens before a packet is routed to applications or to
+ // be forwarded.
+ Prerouting Hook = iota
+ // Input happens before a packet reaches an application.
+ Input
+ // Forward happens once it's decided that a packet should be forwarded
+ // to another host.
+ Forward
+ // Output happens after a packet is written by an application to be
+ // sent out.
+ Output
+ // Postrouting happens just before a packet goes out on the wire.
+ Postrouting
+ // The total number of hooks.
+ NumHooks
+// A RuleVerdict is what a rule decides should be done with a packet.
+type RuleVerdict int
+const (
+ // RuleAccept indicates the packet should continue through netstack.
+ RuleAccept RuleVerdict = iota
+ // RuleDrop indicates the packet should be dropped.
+ RuleDrop
+ // RuleJump indicates the packet should jump to another chain.
+ RuleJump
+ // RuleReturn indicates the packet should return to the previous chain.
+ RuleReturn
+// IPTables holds all the tables for a netstack.
+type IPTables struct {
+ // Tables maps table names to tables. User tables have arbitrary names.
+ Tables map[string]Table
+ // Priorities maps each hook to a list of table names. The order of the
+ // list is the order in which each table should be visited for that
+ // hook.
+ Priorities map[Hook][]string
+// A Table defines a set of chains and hooks into the network stack. It is
+// really just a list of rules with some metadata for entrypoints and such.
+type Table struct {
+ // Rules holds the rules that make up the table.
+ Rules []Rule
+ // BuiltinChains maps builtin chains to their entrypoint rule in Rules.
+ BuiltinChains map[Hook]int
+ // Underflows maps builtin chains to their underflow rule in Rules
+ // (i.e. the rule to execute if the chain returns without a verdict).
+ Underflows map[Hook]int
+ // UserChains holds user-defined chains for the keyed by name. Users
+ // can give their chains arbitrary names.
+ UserChains map[string]int
+ // Metadata holds information about the Table that is useful to users
+ // of IPTables, but not to the netstack IPTables code itself.
+ metadata interface{}
+// ValidHooks returns a bitmap of the builtin hooks for the given table.
+func (table *Table) ValidHooks() uint32 {
+ hooks := uint32(0)
+ for hook := range table.BuiltinChains {
+ hooks |= 1 << hook
+ }
+ return hooks
+// Metadata returns the metadata object stored in table.
+func (table *Table) Metadata() interface{} {
+ return table.metadata
+// SetMetadata sets the metadata object stored in table.
+func (table *Table) SetMetadata(metadata interface{}) {
+ table.metadata = metadata
+// A Rule is a packet processing rule. It consists of two pieces. First it
+// contains zero or more matchers, each of which is a specification of which
+// packets this rule applies to. If there are no matchers in the rule, it
+// applies to any packet.
+type Rule struct {
+ // Filter holds basic IP filtering fields common to every rule.
+ Filter IPHeaderFilter
+ // Matchers is the list of matchers for this rule.
+ Matchers []Matcher
+ // Target is the action to invoke if all the matchers match the packet.
+ Target Target
+// IPHeaderFilter holds basic IP filtering data common to every rule.
+type IPHeaderFilter struct {
+ // Protocol matches the transport protocol.
+ Protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber
+ // Dst matches the destination IP address.
+ Dst tcpip.Address
+ // DstMask masks bits of the destination IP address when comparing with
+ // Dst.
+ DstMask tcpip.Address
+ // DstInvert inverts the meaning of the destination IP check, i.e. when
+ // true the filter will match packets that fail the destination
+ // comparison.
+ DstInvert bool
+// A Matcher is the interface for matching packets.
+type Matcher interface {
+ // Name returns the name of the Matcher.
+ Name() string
+ // Match returns whether the packet matches and whether the packet
+ // should be "hotdropped", i.e. dropped immediately. This is usually
+ // used for suspicious packets.
+ //
+ // Precondition: packet.NetworkHeader is set.
+ Match(hook Hook, packet PacketBuffer, interfaceName string) (matches bool, hotdrop bool)
+// A Target is the interface for taking an action for a packet.
+type Target interface {
+ // Action takes an action on the packet and returns a verdict on how
+ // traversal should (or should not) continue. If the return value is
+ // Jump, it also returns the index of the rule to jump to.
+ Action(packet PacketBuffer) (RuleVerdict, int)
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache.go
index 267df60d1..403557fd7 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache.go
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ package stack
import (
- "sync"
+ ""
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache_test.go
index 9946b8fe8..1baa498d0 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache_test.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/linkaddrcache_test.go
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ package stack
import (
- "sync"
+ ""
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp.go
index 921d1c9c7..c11d62f97 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp.go
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ package stack
import (
+ "math/rand"
@@ -38,6 +39,46 @@ const (
// Default = 1s (from RFC 4861 section 10).
defaultRetransmitTimer = time.Second
+ // defaultMaxRtrSolicitations is the default number of Router
+ // Solicitation messages to send when a NIC becomes enabled.
+ //
+ // Default = 3 (from RFC 4861 section 10).
+ defaultMaxRtrSolicitations = 3
+ // defaultRtrSolicitationInterval is the default amount of time between
+ // sending Router Solicitation messages.
+ //
+ // Default = 4s (from 4861 section 10).
+ defaultRtrSolicitationInterval = 4 * time.Second
+ // defaultMaxRtrSolicitationDelay is the default maximum amount of time
+ // to wait before sending the first Router Solicitation message.
+ //
+ // Default = 1s (from 4861 section 10).
+ defaultMaxRtrSolicitationDelay = time.Second
+ // defaultHandleRAs is the default configuration for whether or not to
+ // handle incoming Router Advertisements as a host.
+ defaultHandleRAs = true
+ // defaultDiscoverDefaultRouters is the default configuration for
+ // whether or not to discover default routers from incoming Router
+ // Advertisements, as a host.
+ defaultDiscoverDefaultRouters = true
+ // defaultDiscoverOnLinkPrefixes is the default configuration for
+ // whether or not to discover on-link prefixes from incoming Router
+ // Advertisements' Prefix Information option, as a host.
+ defaultDiscoverOnLinkPrefixes = true
+ // defaultAutoGenGlobalAddresses is the default configuration for
+ // whether or not to generate global IPv6 addresses in response to
+ // receiving a new Prefix Information option with its Autonomous
+ // Address AutoConfiguration flag set, as a host.
+ //
+ // Default = true.
+ defaultAutoGenGlobalAddresses = true
// minimumRetransmitTimer is the minimum amount of time to wait between
// sending NDP Neighbor solicitation messages. Note, RFC 4861 does
// not impose a minimum Retransmit Timer, but we do here to make sure
@@ -46,11 +87,181 @@ const (
// value of 0 means unspecified, so the smallest valid value is 1.
// Note, the unit of the RetransmitTimer field in the Router
// Advertisement is milliseconds.
- //
- // Min = 1ms.
minimumRetransmitTimer = time.Millisecond
+ // minimumRtrSolicitationInterval is the minimum amount of time to wait
+ // between sending Router Solicitation messages. This limit is imposed
+ // to make sure that Router Solicitation messages are not sent all at
+ // once, defeating the purpose of sending the initial few messages.
+ minimumRtrSolicitationInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
+ // minimumMaxRtrSolicitationDelay is the minimum amount of time to wait
+ // before sending the first Router Solicitation message. It is 0 because
+ // we cannot have a negative delay.
+ minimumMaxRtrSolicitationDelay = 0
+ // MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters is the maximum number of discovered
+ // default routers. The stack should stop discovering new routers after
+ // discovering MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters routers.
+ //
+ // This value MUST be at minimum 2 as per RFC 4861 section 6.3.4, and
+ // SHOULD be more.
+ MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters = 10
+ // MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes is the maximum number of discovered
+ // on-link prefixes. The stack should stop discovering new on-link
+ // prefixes after discovering MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes on-link
+ // prefixes.
+ MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes = 10
+ // validPrefixLenForAutoGen is the expected prefix length that an
+ // address can be generated for. Must be 64 bits as the interface
+ // identifier (IID) is 64 bits and an IPv6 address is 128 bits, so
+ // 128 - 64 = 64.
+ validPrefixLenForAutoGen = 64
+var (
+ // MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate is the minimum Valid
+ // Lifetime to update the valid lifetime of a generated address by
+ // SLAAC.
+ //
+ // This is exported as a variable (instead of a constant) so tests
+ // can update it to a smaller value.
+ //
+ // Min = 2hrs.
+ MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = 2 * time.Hour
+// DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA is a configuration available via DHCPv6 that an
+// NDP Router Advertisement informed the Stack about.
+type DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA int
+const (
+ // DHCPv6NoConfiguration indicates that no configurations are available via
+ // DHCPv6.
+ DHCPv6NoConfiguration DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA = iota
+ // DHCPv6ManagedAddress indicates that addresses are available via DHCPv6.
+ //
+ // DHCPv6ManagedAddress also implies DHCPv6OtherConfigurations because DHCPv6
+ // will return all available configuration information.
+ DHCPv6ManagedAddress
+ // DHCPv6OtherConfigurations indicates that other configuration information is
+ // available via DHCPv6.
+ //
+ // Other configurations are configurations other than addresses. Examples of
+ // other configurations are recursive DNS server list, DNS search lists and
+ // default gateway.
+ DHCPv6OtherConfigurations
+// NDPDispatcher is the interface integrators of netstack must implement to
+// receive and handle NDP related events.
+type NDPDispatcher interface {
+ // OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus will be called when the DAD process
+ // for an address (addr) on a NIC (with ID nicID) completes. resolved
+ // will be set to true if DAD completed successfully (no duplicate addr
+ // detected); false otherwise (addr was detected to be a duplicate on
+ // the link the NIC is a part of, or it was stopped for some other
+ // reason, such as the address being removed). If an error occured
+ // during DAD, err will be set and resolved must be ignored.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. This function
+ // is also not permitted to call into the stack.
+ OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, resolved bool, err *tcpip.Error)
+ // OnDefaultRouterDiscovered will be called when a new default router is
+ // discovered. Implementations must return true if the newly discovered
+ // router should be remembered.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. This function
+ // is also not permitted to call into the stack.
+ OnDefaultRouterDiscovered(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) bool
+ // OnDefaultRouterInvalidated will be called when a discovered default
+ // router that was remembered is invalidated.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. This function
+ // is also not permitted to call into the stack.
+ OnDefaultRouterInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address)
+ // OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered will be called when a new on-link prefix is
+ // discovered. Implementations must return true if the newly discovered
+ // on-link prefix should be remembered.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. This function
+ // is also not permitted to call into the stack.
+ OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered(nicID tcpip.NICID, prefix tcpip.Subnet) bool
+ // OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated will be called when a discovered on-link
+ // prefix that was remembered is invalidated.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. This function
+ // is also not permitted to call into the stack.
+ OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, prefix tcpip.Subnet)
+ // OnAutoGenAddress will be called when a new prefix with its
+ // autonomous address-configuration flag set has been received and SLAAC
+ // has been performed. Implementations may prevent the stack from
+ // assigning the address to the NIC by returning false.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. It must not
+ // call functions on the stack itself.
+ OnAutoGenAddress(tcpip.NICID, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) bool
+ // OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated will be called when an auto-generated
+ // address (as part of SLAAC) has been deprecated, but is still
+ // considered valid. Note, if an address is invalidated at the same
+ // time it is deprecated, the deprecation event MAY be omitted.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. It must not
+ // call functions on the stack itself.
+ OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated(tcpip.NICID, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix)
+ // OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated will be called when an auto-generated
+ // address (as part of SLAAC) has been invalidated.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. It must not
+ // call functions on the stack itself.
+ OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated(tcpip.NICID, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix)
+ // OnRecursiveDNSServerOption will be called when an NDP option with
+ // recursive DNS servers has been received. Note, addrs may contain
+ // link-local addresses.
+ //
+ // It is up to the caller to use the DNS Servers only for their valid
+ // lifetime. OnRecursiveDNSServerOption may be called for new or
+ // already known DNS servers. If called with known DNS servers, their
+ // valid lifetimes must be refreshed to lifetime (it may be increased,
+ // decreased, or completely invalidated when lifetime = 0).
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. It must not
+ // call functions on the stack itself.
+ OnRecursiveDNSServerOption(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrs []tcpip.Address, lifetime time.Duration)
+ // OnDNSSearchListOption will be called when an NDP option with a DNS
+ // search list has been received.
+ //
+ // It is up to the caller to use the domain names in the search list
+ // for only their valid lifetime. OnDNSSearchListOption may be called
+ // with new or already known domain names. If called with known domain
+ // names, their valid lifetimes must be refreshed to lifetime (it may
+ // be increased, decreased or completely invalidated when lifetime = 0.
+ OnDNSSearchListOption(nicID tcpip.NICID, domainNames []string, lifetime time.Duration)
+ // OnDHCPv6Configuration will be called with an updated configuration that is
+ // available via DHCPv6 for a specified NIC.
+ //
+ // NDPDispatcher assumes that the initial configuration available by DHCPv6 is
+ // DHCPv6NoConfiguration.
+ //
+ // This function is not permitted to block indefinitely. It must not
+ // call functions on the stack itself.
+ OnDHCPv6Configuration(tcpip.NICID, DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA)
// NDPConfigurations is the NDP configurations for the netstack.
type NDPConfigurations struct {
// The number of Neighbor Solicitation messages to send when doing
@@ -62,16 +273,72 @@ type NDPConfigurations struct {
// The amount of time to wait between sending Neighbor solicitation
// messages.
- // Must be greater than 0.5s.
+ // Must be greater than or equal to 1ms.
RetransmitTimer time.Duration
+ // The number of Router Solicitation messages to send when the NIC
+ // becomes enabled.
+ MaxRtrSolicitations uint8
+ // The amount of time between transmitting Router Solicitation messages.
+ //
+ // Must be greater than or equal to 0.5s.
+ RtrSolicitationInterval time.Duration
+ // The maximum amount of time before transmitting the first Router
+ // Solicitation message.
+ //
+ // Must be greater than or equal to 0s.
+ MaxRtrSolicitationDelay time.Duration
+ // HandleRAs determines whether or not Router Advertisements will be
+ // processed.
+ HandleRAs bool
+ // DiscoverDefaultRouters determines whether or not default routers will
+ // be discovered from Router Advertisements. This configuration is
+ // ignored if HandleRAs is false.
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters bool
+ // DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes determines whether or not on-link prefixes
+ // will be discovered from Router Advertisements' Prefix Information
+ // option. This configuration is ignored if HandleRAs is false.
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes bool
+ // AutoGenGlobalAddresses determines whether or not global IPv6
+ // addresses will be generated for a NIC in response to receiving a new
+ // Prefix Information option with its Autonomous Address
+ // AutoConfiguration flag set, as a host, as per RFC 4862 (SLAAC).
+ //
+ // Note, if an address was already generated for some unique prefix, as
+ // part of SLAAC, this option does not affect whether or not the
+ // lifetime(s) of the generated address changes; this option only
+ // affects the generation of new addresses as part of SLAAC.
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses bool
+ // AutoGenAddressConflictRetries determines how many times to attempt to retry
+ // generation of a permanent auto-generated address in response to DAD
+ // conflicts.
+ //
+ // If the method used to generate the address does not support creating
+ // alternative addresses (e.g. IIDs based on the modified EUI64 of a NIC's
+ // MAC address), then no attempt will be made to resolve the conflict.
+ AutoGenAddressConflictRetries uint8
// DefaultNDPConfigurations returns an NDPConfigurations populated with
// default values.
func DefaultNDPConfigurations() NDPConfigurations {
return NDPConfigurations{
- DupAddrDetectTransmits: defaultDupAddrDetectTransmits,
- RetransmitTimer: defaultRetransmitTimer,
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: defaultDupAddrDetectTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: defaultRetransmitTimer,
+ MaxRtrSolicitations: defaultMaxRtrSolicitations,
+ RtrSolicitationInterval: defaultRtrSolicitationInterval,
+ MaxRtrSolicitationDelay: defaultMaxRtrSolicitationDelay,
+ HandleRAs: defaultHandleRAs,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: defaultDiscoverDefaultRouters,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: defaultDiscoverOnLinkPrefixes,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: defaultAutoGenGlobalAddresses,
@@ -80,16 +347,53 @@ func DefaultNDPConfigurations() NDPConfigurations {
// If RetransmitTimer is less than minimumRetransmitTimer, then a value of
// defaultRetransmitTimer will be used.
+// If RtrSolicitationInterval is less than minimumRtrSolicitationInterval, then
+// a value of defaultRtrSolicitationInterval will be used.
+// If MaxRtrSolicitationDelay is less than minimumMaxRtrSolicitationDelay, then
+// a value of defaultMaxRtrSolicitationDelay will be used.
func (c *NDPConfigurations) validate() {
if c.RetransmitTimer < minimumRetransmitTimer {
c.RetransmitTimer = defaultRetransmitTimer
+ if c.RtrSolicitationInterval < minimumRtrSolicitationInterval {
+ c.RtrSolicitationInterval = defaultRtrSolicitationInterval
+ }
+ if c.MaxRtrSolicitationDelay < minimumMaxRtrSolicitationDelay {
+ c.MaxRtrSolicitationDelay = defaultMaxRtrSolicitationDelay
+ }
// ndpState is the per-interface NDP state.
type ndpState struct {
+ // The NIC this ndpState is for.
+ nic *NIC
+ // configs is the per-interface NDP configurations.
+ configs NDPConfigurations
// The DAD state to send the next NS message, or resolve the address.
dad map[tcpip.Address]dadState
+ // The default routers discovered through Router Advertisements.
+ defaultRouters map[tcpip.Address]defaultRouterState
+ // The timer used to send the next router solicitation message.
+ rtrSolicitTimer *time.Timer
+ // The on-link prefixes discovered through Router Advertisements' Prefix
+ // Information option.
+ onLinkPrefixes map[tcpip.Subnet]onLinkPrefixState
+ // The SLAAC prefixes discovered through Router Advertisements' Prefix
+ // Information option.
+ slaacPrefixes map[tcpip.Subnet]slaacPrefixState
+ // The last learned DHCPv6 configuration from an NDP RA.
+ dhcpv6Configuration DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA
// dadState holds the Duplicate Address Detection timer and channel to signal
@@ -105,83 +409,166 @@ type dadState struct {
done *bool
+// defaultRouterState holds data associated with a default router discovered by
+// a Router Advertisement (RA).
+type defaultRouterState struct {
+ // Timer to invalidate the default router.
+ //
+ // May not be nil.
+ invalidationTimer *tcpip.CancellableTimer
+// onLinkPrefixState holds data associated with an on-link prefix discovered by
+// a Router Advertisement's Prefix Information option (PI) when the NDP
+// configurations was configured to do so.
+type onLinkPrefixState struct {
+ // Timer to invalidate the on-link prefix.
+ //
+ // May not be nil.
+ invalidationTimer *tcpip.CancellableTimer
+// slaacPrefixState holds state associated with a SLAAC prefix.
+type slaacPrefixState struct {
+ // Timer to deprecate the prefix.
+ //
+ // May not be nil.
+ deprecationTimer *tcpip.CancellableTimer
+ // Timer to invalidate the prefix.
+ //
+ // May not be nil.
+ invalidationTimer *tcpip.CancellableTimer
+ // Nonzero only when the address is not valid forever.
+ validUntil time.Time
+ // Nonzero only when the address is not preferred forever.
+ preferredUntil time.Time
+ // The prefix's permanent address endpoint.
+ //
+ // May only be nil when a SLAAC address is being (re-)generated. Otherwise,
+ // must not be nil as all SLAAC prefixes must have a SLAAC address.
+ ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint
+ // The number of times a permanent address has been generated for the prefix.
+ //
+ // Addresses may be regenerated in reseponse to a DAD conflicts.
+ generationAttempts uint8
+ // The maximum number of times to attempt regeneration of a permanent SLAAC
+ // address in response to DAD conflicts.
+ maxGenerationAttempts uint8
// startDuplicateAddressDetection performs Duplicate Address Detection.
// This function must only be called by IPv6 addresses that are currently
// tentative.
-// The NIC that ndp belongs to (n) MUST be locked.
-func (ndp *ndpState) startDuplicateAddressDetection(n *NIC, addr tcpip.Address, ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) startDuplicateAddressDetection(addr tcpip.Address, ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
// addr must be a valid unicast IPv6 address.
if !header.IsV6UnicastAddress(addr) {
return tcpip.ErrAddressFamilyNotSupported
- // Should not attempt to perform DAD on an address that is currently in
- // the DAD process.
+ if ref.getKind() != permanentTentative {
+ // The endpoint should be marked as tentative since we are starting DAD.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: addr %s is not tentative on NIC(%d)", addr, ndp.nic.ID()))
+ }
+ // Should not attempt to perform DAD on an address that is currently in the
+ // DAD process.
if _, ok :=[addr]; ok {
- // Should never happen because we should only ever call this
- // function for newly created addresses. If we attemped to
- // "add" an address that already existed, we would returned an
- // error since we attempted to add a duplicate address, or its
- // reference count would have been increased without doing the
- // work that would have been done for an address that was brand
- // new. See NIC.addPermanentAddressLocked.
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: already performing DAD for addr %s on NIC(%d)", addr, n.ID()))
+ // Should never happen because we should only ever call this function for
+ // newly created addresses. If we attemped to "add" an address that already
+ // existed, we would get an error since we attempted to add a duplicate
+ // address, or its reference count would have been increased without doing
+ // the work that would have been done for an address that was brand new.
+ // See NIC.addAddressLocked.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: already performing DAD for addr %s on NIC(%d)", addr, ndp.nic.ID()))
- remaining := n.stack.ndpConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits
+ remaining := ndp.configs.DupAddrDetectTransmits
+ if remaining == 0 {
+ ref.setKind(permanent)
- {
- done, err := ndp.doDuplicateAddressDetection(n, addr, remaining, ref)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if done {
- return nil
+ // Consider DAD to have resolved even if no DAD messages were actually
+ // transmitted.
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(ndp.nic.ID(), addr, true, nil)
- }
- remaining--
+ return nil
+ }
var done bool
var timer *time.Timer
- timer = time.AfterFunc(n.stack.ndpConfigs.RetransmitTimer, func() {
- defer
+ // We initially start a timer to fire immediately because some of the DAD work
+ // cannot be done while holding the NIC's lock. This is effectively the same
+ // as starting a goroutine but we use a timer that fires immediately so we can
+ // reset it for the next DAD iteration.
+ timer = time.AfterFunc(0, func() {
if done {
- // If we reach this point, it means that the DAD timer
- // fired after another goroutine already obtained the
- // NIC lock and stopped DAD before it this function
- // obtained the NIC lock. Simply return here and do
+ // If we reach this point, it means that the DAD timer fired after
+ // another goroutine already obtained the NIC lock and stopped DAD
+ // before this function obtained the NIC lock. Simply return here and do
// nothing further.
- ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
- if !ok {
- // This should never happen.
- // We should have an endpoint for addr since we are
- // still performing DAD on it. If the endpoint does not
- // exist, but we are doing DAD on it, then we started
- // DAD at some point, but forgot to stop it when the
- // endpoint was deleted.
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: unrecognized addr %s for NIC(%d)", addr, n.ID()))
+ if ref.getKind() != permanentTentative {
+ // The endpoint should still be marked as tentative since we are still
+ // performing DAD on it.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: addr %s is no longer tentative on NIC(%d)", addr, ndp.nic.ID()))
- if done, err := ndp.doDuplicateAddressDetection(n, addr, remaining, ref); err != nil || done {
- if err != nil {
- log.Printf("ndpdad: Error occured during DAD iteration for addr (%s) on NIC(%d); err = %s", addr, n.ID(), err)
- }
+ dadDone := remaining == 0
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ if !dadDone {
+ err = ndp.sendDADPacket(addr)
+ }
+ if done {
+ // If we reach this point, it means that DAD was stopped after we released
+ // the NIC's read lock and before we obtained the write lock.
+ return
+ }
- ndp.stopDuplicateAddressDetection(addr)
+ if dadDone {
+ // DAD has resolved.
+ ref.setKind(permanent)
+ } else if err == nil {
+ // DAD is not done and we had no errors when sending the last NDP NS,
+ // schedule the next DAD timer.
+ remaining--
+ timer.Reset(ndp.nic.stack.ndpConfigs.RetransmitTimer)
- timer.Reset(n.stack.ndpConfigs.RetransmitTimer)
- remaining--
+ // At this point we know that either DAD is done or we hit an error sending
+ // the last NDP NS. Either way, clean up addr's DAD state and let the
+ // integrator know DAD has completed.
+ delete(, addr)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("ndpdad: error occured during DAD iteration for addr (%s) on NIC(%d); err = %s", addr, ndp.nic.ID(), err)
+ }
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(ndp.nic.ID(), addr, dadDone, err)
+ }
})[addr] = dadState{
@@ -192,45 +579,26 @@ func (ndp *ndpState) startDuplicateAddressDetection(n *NIC, addr tcpip.Address,
return nil
-// doDuplicateAddressDetection is called on every iteration of the timer, and
-// when DAD starts.
-// It handles resolving the address (if there are no more NS to send), or
-// sending the next NS if there are more NS to send.
-// This function must only be called by IPv6 addresses that are currently
-// tentative.
+// sendDADPacket sends a NS message to see if any nodes on ndp's NIC's link owns
+// addr.
-// The NIC that ndp belongs to (n) MUST be locked.
-// Returns true if DAD has resolved; false if DAD is still ongoing.
-func (ndp *ndpState) doDuplicateAddressDetection(n *NIC, addr tcpip.Address, remaining uint8, ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint) (bool, *tcpip.Error) {
- if ref.getKind() != permanentTentative {
- // The endpoint should still be marked as tentative
- // since we are still performing DAD on it.
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: addr %s is not tentative on NIC(%d)", addr, n.ID()))
- }
+// addr must be a tentative IPv6 address on ndp's NIC.
+func (ndp *ndpState) sendDADPacket(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
+ snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr)
- if remaining == 0 {
- // DAD has resolved.
- ref.setKind(permanent)
- return true, nil
- }
+ // Use the unspecified address as the source address when performing DAD.
+ ref := ndp.nic.getRefOrCreateTemp(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6Any, NeverPrimaryEndpoint, forceSpoofing)
+ r := makeRoute(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6Any, snmc, ndp.nic.linkEP.LinkAddress(), ref, false, false)
+ defer r.Release()
- // Send a new NS.
- snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr)
- snmcRef, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{snmc}]
- if !ok {
- // This should never happen as if we have the
- // address, we should have the solicited-node
- // address.
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndpdad: NIC(%d) is not in the solicited-node multicast group (%s) but it has addr %s", n.ID(), snmc, addr))
+ // Route should resolve immediately since snmc is a multicast address so a
+ // remote link address can be calculated without a resolution process.
+ if c, err := r.Resolve(nil); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: error when resolving route to send NDP NS for DAD (%s -> %s on NIC(%d)): %s", header.IPv6Any, snmc, ndp.nic.ID(), err))
+ } else if c != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: route resolution not immediate for route to send NDP NS for DAD (%s -> %s on NIC(%d))", header.IPv6Any, snmc, ndp.nic.ID()))
- // Use the unspecified address as the source address when performing
- // DAD.
- r := makeRoute(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6Any, snmc, n.linkEP.LinkAddress(), snmcRef, false, false)
hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(int(r.MaxHeaderLength()) + header.ICMPv6NeighborSolicitMinimumSize)
pkt := header.ICMPv6(hdr.Prepend(header.ICMPv6NeighborSolicitMinimumSize))
@@ -239,13 +607,19 @@ func (ndp *ndpState) doDuplicateAddressDetection(n *NIC, addr tcpip.Address, rem
pkt.SetChecksum(header.ICMPv6Checksum(pkt, r.LocalAddress, r.RemoteAddress, buffer.VectorisedView{}))
sent := r.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent
- if err := r.WritePacket(nil, hdr, buffer.VectorisedView{}, NetworkHeaderParams{Protocol: header.ICMPv6ProtocolNumber, TTL: header.NDPHopLimit, TOS: DefaultTOS}); err != nil {
+ if err := r.WritePacket(nil,
+ NetworkHeaderParams{
+ Protocol: header.ICMPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ TTL: header.NDPHopLimit,
+ TOS: DefaultTOS,
+ }, PacketBuffer{Header: hdr},
+ ); err != nil {
- return false, err
+ return err
- return false, nil
+ return nil
// stopDuplicateAddressDetection ends a running Duplicate Address Detection
@@ -275,5 +649,804 @@ func (ndp *ndpState) stopDuplicateAddressDetection(addr tcpip.Address) {
delete(, addr)
- return
+ // Let the integrator know DAD did not resolve.
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(ndp.nic.ID(), addr, false, nil)
+ }
+// handleRA handles a Router Advertisement message that arrived on the NIC
+// this ndp is for. Does nothing if the NIC is configured to not handle RAs.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) handleRA(ip tcpip.Address, ra header.NDPRouterAdvert) {
+ // Is the NIC configured to handle RAs at all?
+ //
+ // Currently, the stack does not determine router interface status on a
+ // per-interface basis; it is a stack-wide configuration, so we check
+ // stack's forwarding flag to determine if the NIC is a routing
+ // interface.
+ if !ndp.configs.HandleRAs || ndp.nic.stack.forwarding {
+ return
+ }
+ // Only worry about the DHCPv6 configuration if we have an NDPDispatcher as we
+ // only inform the dispatcher on configuration changes. We do nothing else
+ // with the information.
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ var configuration DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA
+ switch {
+ case ra.ManagedAddrConfFlag():
+ configuration = DHCPv6ManagedAddress
+ case ra.OtherConfFlag():
+ configuration = DHCPv6OtherConfigurations
+ default:
+ configuration = DHCPv6NoConfiguration
+ }
+ if ndp.dhcpv6Configuration != configuration {
+ ndp.dhcpv6Configuration = configuration
+ ndpDisp.OnDHCPv6Configuration(ndp.nic.ID(), configuration)
+ }
+ }
+ // Is the NIC configured to discover default routers?
+ if ndp.configs.DiscoverDefaultRouters {
+ rtr, ok := ndp.defaultRouters[ip]
+ rl := ra.RouterLifetime()
+ switch {
+ case !ok && rl != 0:
+ // This is a new default router we are discovering.
+ //
+ // Only remember it if we currently know about less than
+ // MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters routers.
+ if len(ndp.defaultRouters) < MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters {
+ ndp.rememberDefaultRouter(ip, rl)
+ }
+ case ok && rl != 0:
+ // This is an already discovered default router. Update
+ // the invalidation timer.
+ rtr.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ rtr.invalidationTimer.Reset(rl)
+ ndp.defaultRouters[ip] = rtr
+ case ok && rl == 0:
+ // We know about the router but it is no longer to be
+ // used as a default router so invalidate it.
+ ndp.invalidateDefaultRouter(ip)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO(b/141556115): Do (RetransTimer, ReachableTime)) Parameter
+ // Discovery.
+ // We know the options is valid as far as wire format is concerned since
+ // we got the Router Advertisement, as documented by this fn. Given this
+ // we do not check the iterator for errors on calls to Next.
+ it, _ := ra.Options().Iter(false)
+ for opt, done, _ := it.Next(); !done; opt, done, _ = it.Next() {
+ switch opt := opt.(type) {
+ case header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer:
+ if ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ addrs, _ := opt.Addresses()
+ ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp.OnRecursiveDNSServerOption(ndp.nic.ID(), addrs, opt.Lifetime())
+ case header.NDPDNSSearchList:
+ if ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ domainNames, _ := opt.DomainNames()
+ ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp.OnDNSSearchListOption(ndp.nic.ID(), domainNames, opt.Lifetime())
+ case header.NDPPrefixInformation:
+ prefix := opt.Subnet()
+ // Is the prefix a link-local?
+ if header.IsV6LinkLocalAddress(prefix.ID()) {
+ // ...Yes, skip as per RFC 4861 section 6.3.4,
+ // and RFC 4862 section 5.5.3.b (for SLAAC).
+ continue
+ }
+ // Is the Prefix Length 0?
+ if prefix.Prefix() == 0 {
+ // ...Yes, skip as this is an invalid prefix
+ // as all IPv6 addresses cannot be on-link.
+ continue
+ }
+ if opt.OnLinkFlag() {
+ ndp.handleOnLinkPrefixInformation(opt)
+ }
+ if opt.AutonomousAddressConfigurationFlag() {
+ ndp.handleAutonomousPrefixInformation(opt)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO(b/141556115): Do (MTU) Parameter Discovery.
+ }
+// invalidateDefaultRouter invalidates a discovered default router.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) invalidateDefaultRouter(ip tcpip.Address) {
+ rtr, ok := ndp.defaultRouters[ip]
+ // Is the router still discovered?
+ if !ok {
+ // ...Nope, do nothing further.
+ return
+ }
+ rtr.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ delete(ndp.defaultRouters, ip)
+ // Let the integrator know a discovered default router is invalidated.
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnDefaultRouterInvalidated(ndp.nic.ID(), ip)
+ }
+// rememberDefaultRouter remembers a newly discovered default router with IPv6
+// link-local address ip with lifetime rl.
+// The router identified by ip MUST NOT already be known by the NIC.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) rememberDefaultRouter(ip tcpip.Address, rl time.Duration) {
+ ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp
+ if ndpDisp == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Inform the integrator when we discovered a default router.
+ if !ndpDisp.OnDefaultRouterDiscovered(ndp.nic.ID(), ip) {
+ // Informed by the integrator to not remember the router, do
+ // nothing further.
+ return
+ }
+ state := defaultRouterState{
+ invalidationTimer: tcpip.NewCancellableTimer(&, func() {
+ ndp.invalidateDefaultRouter(ip)
+ }),
+ }
+ state.invalidationTimer.Reset(rl)
+ ndp.defaultRouters[ip] = state
+// rememberOnLinkPrefix remembers a newly discovered on-link prefix with IPv6
+// address with prefix prefix with lifetime l.
+// The prefix identified by prefix MUST NOT already be known.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) rememberOnLinkPrefix(prefix tcpip.Subnet, l time.Duration) {
+ ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp
+ if ndpDisp == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Inform the integrator when we discovered an on-link prefix.
+ if !ndpDisp.OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered(ndp.nic.ID(), prefix) {
+ // Informed by the integrator to not remember the prefix, do
+ // nothing further.
+ return
+ }
+ state := onLinkPrefixState{
+ invalidationTimer: tcpip.NewCancellableTimer(&, func() {
+ ndp.invalidateOnLinkPrefix(prefix)
+ }),
+ }
+ if l < header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
+ state.invalidationTimer.Reset(l)
+ }
+ ndp.onLinkPrefixes[prefix] = state
+// invalidateOnLinkPrefix invalidates a discovered on-link prefix.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) invalidateOnLinkPrefix(prefix tcpip.Subnet) {
+ s, ok := ndp.onLinkPrefixes[prefix]
+ // Is the on-link prefix still discovered?
+ if !ok {
+ // ...Nope, do nothing further.
+ return
+ }
+ s.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ delete(ndp.onLinkPrefixes, prefix)
+ // Let the integrator know a discovered on-link prefix is invalidated.
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated(ndp.nic.ID(), prefix)
+ }
+// handleOnLinkPrefixInformation handles a Prefix Information option with
+// its on-link flag set, as per RFC 4861 section 6.3.4.
+// handleOnLinkPrefixInformation assumes that the prefix this pi is for is
+// not the link-local prefix and the on-link flag is set.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) handleOnLinkPrefixInformation(pi header.NDPPrefixInformation) {
+ prefix := pi.Subnet()
+ prefixState, ok := ndp.onLinkPrefixes[prefix]
+ vl := pi.ValidLifetime()
+ if !ok && vl == 0 {
+ // Don't know about this prefix but it has a zero valid
+ // lifetime, so just ignore.
+ return
+ }
+ if !ok && vl != 0 {
+ // This is a new on-link prefix we are discovering
+ //
+ // Only remember it if we currently know about less than
+ // MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes on-link prefixes.
+ if ndp.configs.DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes && len(ndp.onLinkPrefixes) < MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes {
+ ndp.rememberOnLinkPrefix(prefix, vl)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if ok && vl == 0 {
+ // We know about the on-link prefix, but it is
+ // no longer to be considered on-link, so
+ // invalidate it.
+ ndp.invalidateOnLinkPrefix(prefix)
+ return
+ }
+ // This is an already discovered on-link prefix with a
+ // new non-zero valid lifetime.
+ //
+ // Update the invalidation timer.
+ prefixState.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ if vl < header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
+ // Prefix is valid for a finite lifetime, reset the timer to expire after
+ // the new valid lifetime.
+ prefixState.invalidationTimer.Reset(vl)
+ }
+ ndp.onLinkPrefixes[prefix] = prefixState
+// handleAutonomousPrefixInformation handles a Prefix Information option with
+// its autonomous flag set, as per RFC 4862 section 5.5.3.
+// handleAutonomousPrefixInformation assumes that the prefix this pi is for is
+// not the link-local prefix and the autonomous flag is set.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) handleAutonomousPrefixInformation(pi header.NDPPrefixInformation) {
+ vl := pi.ValidLifetime()
+ pl := pi.PreferredLifetime()
+ // If the preferred lifetime is greater than the valid lifetime,
+ // silently ignore the Prefix Information option, as per RFC 4862
+ // section 5.5.3.c.
+ if pl > vl {
+ return
+ }
+ prefix := pi.Subnet()
+ // Check if we already maintain SLAAC state for prefix.
+ if _, ok := ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix]; ok {
+ // As per RFC 4862 section 5.5.3.e, refresh prefix's SLAAC lifetimes.
+ ndp.refreshSLAACPrefixLifetimes(prefix, pl, vl)
+ return
+ }
+ // prefix is a new SLAAC prefix. Do the work as outlined by RFC 4862 section
+ // 5.5.3.d if ndp is configured to auto-generate new addresses via SLAAC.
+ if !ndp.configs.AutoGenGlobalAddresses {
+ return
+ }
+ ndp.doSLAAC(prefix, pl, vl)
+// doSLAAC generates a new SLAAC address with the provided lifetimes
+// for prefix.
+// pl is the new preferred lifetime. vl is the new valid lifetime.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) doSLAAC(prefix tcpip.Subnet, pl, vl time.Duration) {
+ // If we do not already have an address for this prefix and the valid
+ // lifetime is 0, no need to do anything further, as per RFC 4862
+ // section 5.5.3.d.
+ if vl == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // Make sure the prefix is valid (as far as its length is concerned) to
+ // generate a valid IPv6 address from an interface identifier (IID), as
+ // per RFC 4862 sectiion 5.5.3.d.
+ if prefix.Prefix() != validPrefixLenForAutoGen {
+ return
+ }
+ state := slaacPrefixState{
+ deprecationTimer: tcpip.NewCancellableTimer(&, func() {
+ state, ok := ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix]
+ if !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: must have a slaacPrefixes entry for the deprecated SLAAC prefix %s", prefix))
+ }
+ ndp.deprecateSLAACAddress(state.ref)
+ }),
+ invalidationTimer: tcpip.NewCancellableTimer(&, func() {
+ state, ok := ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix]
+ if !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: must have a slaacPrefixes entry for the invalidated SLAAC prefix %s", prefix))
+ }
+ ndp.invalidateSLAACPrefix(prefix, state)
+ }),
+ maxGenerationAttempts: ndp.configs.AutoGenAddressConflictRetries + 1,
+ }
+ now := time.Now()
+ // The time an address is preferred until is needed to properly generate the
+ // address.
+ if pl < header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
+ state.preferredUntil = now.Add(pl)
+ }
+ if !ndp.generateSLAACAddr(prefix, &state) {
+ // We were unable to generate an address for the prefix, we do not nothing
+ // further as there is no reason to maintain state or timers for a prefix we
+ // do not have an address for.
+ return
+ }
+ // Setup the initial timers to deprecate and invalidate prefix.
+ if pl < header.NDPInfiniteLifetime && pl != 0 {
+ state.deprecationTimer.Reset(pl)
+ }
+ if vl < header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
+ state.invalidationTimer.Reset(vl)
+ state.validUntil = now.Add(vl)
+ }
+ ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix] = state
+// generateSLAACAddr generates a SLAAC address for prefix.
+// Returns true if an address was successfully generated.
+// Panics if the prefix is not a SLAAC prefix or it already has an address.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) generateSLAACAddr(prefix tcpip.Subnet, state *slaacPrefixState) bool {
+ if r := state.ref; r != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: SLAAC prefix %s already has a permenant address %s", prefix, r.addrWithPrefix()))
+ }
+ // If we have already reached the maximum address generation attempts for the
+ // prefix, do not generate another address.
+ if state.generationAttempts == state.maxGenerationAttempts {
+ return false
+ }
+ addrBytes := []byte(prefix.ID())
+ if oIID := ndp.nic.stack.opaqueIIDOpts; oIID.NICNameFromID != nil {
+ addrBytes = header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(
+ addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address],
+ prefix,
+ oIID.NICNameFromID(ndp.nic.ID(),,
+ state.generationAttempts,
+ oIID.SecretKey,
+ )
+ } else if state.generationAttempts == 0 {
+ // Only attempt to generate an interface-specific IID if we have a valid
+ // link address.
+ //
+ // TODO(b/141011931): Validate a LinkEndpoint's link address (provided by
+ // LinkEndpoint.LinkAddress) before reaching this point.
+ linkAddr := ndp.nic.linkEP.LinkAddress()
+ if !header.IsValidUnicastEthernetAddress(linkAddr) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Generate an address within prefix from the modified EUI-64 of ndp's NIC's
+ // Ethernet MAC address.
+ header.EthernetAdddressToModifiedEUI64IntoBuf(linkAddr, addrBytes[header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address:])
+ } else {
+ // We have no way to regenerate an address when addresses are not generated
+ // with opaque IIDs.
+ return false
+ }
+ generatedAddr := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(addrBytes),
+ PrefixLen: validPrefixLenForAutoGen,
+ },
+ }
+ // If the nic already has this address, do nothing further.
+ if ndp.nic.hasPermanentAddrLocked(generatedAddr.AddressWithPrefix.Address) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Inform the integrator that we have a new SLAAC address.
+ ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp
+ if ndpDisp == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !ndpDisp.OnAutoGenAddress(ndp.nic.ID(), generatedAddr.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ // Informed by the integrator not to add the address.
+ return false
+ }
+ deprecated := time.Since(state.preferredUntil) >= 0
+ ref, err := ndp.nic.addAddressLocked(generatedAddr, FirstPrimaryEndpoint, permanent, slaac, deprecated)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: error when adding address %+v: %s", generatedAddr, err))
+ }
+ state.generationAttempts++
+ state.ref = ref
+ return true
+// regenerateSLAACAddr regenerates an address for a SLAAC prefix.
+// If generating a new address for the prefix fails, the prefix will be
+// invalidated.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) regenerateSLAACAddr(prefix tcpip.Subnet) {
+ state, ok := ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix]
+ if !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: SLAAC prefix state not found to regenerate address for %s", prefix))
+ }
+ if ndp.generateSLAACAddr(prefix, &state) {
+ ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix] = state
+ return
+ }
+ // We were unable to generate a permanent address for the SLAAC prefix so
+ // invalidate the prefix as there is no reason to maintain state for a
+ // SLAAC prefix we do not have an address for.
+ ndp.invalidateSLAACPrefix(prefix, state)
+// refreshSLAACPrefixLifetimes refreshes the lifetimes of a SLAAC prefix.
+// pl is the new preferred lifetime. vl is the new valid lifetime.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) refreshSLAACPrefixLifetimes(prefix tcpip.Subnet, pl, vl time.Duration) {
+ prefixState, ok := ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix]
+ if !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: SLAAC prefix state not found to refresh lifetimes for %s", prefix))
+ }
+ defer func() { ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix] = prefixState }()
+ // If the preferred lifetime is zero, then the prefix should be deprecated.
+ deprecated := pl == 0
+ if deprecated {
+ ndp.deprecateSLAACAddress(prefixState.ref)
+ } else {
+ prefixState.ref.deprecated = false
+ }
+ // If prefix was preferred for some finite lifetime before, stop the
+ // deprecation timer so it can be reset.
+ prefixState.deprecationTimer.StopLocked()
+ now := time.Now()
+ // Reset the deprecation timer if prefix has a finite preferred lifetime.
+ if pl < header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
+ if !deprecated {
+ prefixState.deprecationTimer.Reset(pl)
+ }
+ prefixState.preferredUntil = now.Add(pl)
+ } else {
+ prefixState.preferredUntil = time.Time{}
+ }
+ // As per RFC 4862 section 5.5.3.e, update the valid lifetime for prefix:
+ //
+ // 1) If the received Valid Lifetime is greater than 2 hours or greater than
+ // RemainingLifetime, set the valid lifetime of the prefix to the
+ // advertised Valid Lifetime.
+ //
+ // 2) If RemainingLifetime is less than or equal to 2 hours, ignore the
+ // advertised Valid Lifetime.
+ //
+ // 3) Otherwise, reset the valid lifetime of the prefix to 2 hours.
+ // Handle the infinite valid lifetime separately as we do not keep a timer in
+ // this case.
+ if vl >= header.NDPInfiniteLifetime {
+ prefixState.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ prefixState.validUntil = time.Time{}
+ return
+ }
+ var effectiveVl time.Duration
+ var rl time.Duration
+ // If the prefix was originally set to be valid forever, assume the remaining
+ // time to be the maximum possible value.
+ if prefixState.validUntil == (time.Time{}) {
+ rl = header.NDPInfiniteLifetime
+ } else {
+ rl = time.Until(prefixState.validUntil)
+ }
+ if vl > MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate || vl > rl {
+ effectiveVl = vl
+ } else if rl <= MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate {
+ return
+ } else {
+ effectiveVl = MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate
+ }
+ prefixState.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ prefixState.invalidationTimer.Reset(effectiveVl)
+ prefixState.validUntil = now.Add(effectiveVl)
+// deprecateSLAACAddress marks ref as deprecated and notifies the stack's NDP
+// dispatcher that ref has been deprecated.
+// deprecateSLAACAddress does nothing if ref is already deprecated.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) deprecateSLAACAddress(ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
+ if ref.deprecated {
+ return
+ }
+ ref.deprecated = true
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated(ndp.nic.ID(), ref.addrWithPrefix())
+ }
+// invalidateSLAACPrefix invalidates a SLAAC prefix.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) invalidateSLAACPrefix(prefix tcpip.Subnet, state slaacPrefixState) {
+ if r := state.ref; r != nil {
+ // Since we are already invalidating the prefix, do not invalidate the
+ // prefix when removing the address.
+ if err := ndp.nic.removePermanentIPv6EndpointLocked(r, false /* allowSLAACPrefixInvalidation */); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: removePermanentIPv6EndpointLocked(%s, false): %s", r.addrWithPrefix(), err))
+ }
+ }
+ ndp.cleanupSLAACPrefixResources(prefix, state)
+// cleanupSLAACAddrResourcesAndNotify cleans up an invalidated SLAAC address's
+// resources.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) cleanupSLAACAddrResourcesAndNotify(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, invalidatePrefix bool) {
+ if ndpDisp := ndp.nic.stack.ndpDisp; ndpDisp != nil {
+ ndpDisp.OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated(ndp.nic.ID(), addr)
+ }
+ prefix := addr.Subnet()
+ state, ok := ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix]
+ if !ok || state.ref == nil || addr.Address != state.ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress {
+ return
+ }
+ if !invalidatePrefix {
+ // If the prefix is not being invalidated, disassociate the address from the
+ // prefix and do nothing further.
+ state.ref = nil
+ ndp.slaacPrefixes[prefix] = state
+ return
+ }
+ ndp.cleanupSLAACPrefixResources(prefix, state)
+// cleanupSLAACPrefixResources cleansup a SLAAC prefix's timers and entry.
+// Panics if the SLAAC prefix is not known.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) cleanupSLAACPrefixResources(prefix tcpip.Subnet, state slaacPrefixState) {
+ state.deprecationTimer.StopLocked()
+ state.invalidationTimer.StopLocked()
+ delete(ndp.slaacPrefixes, prefix)
+// cleanupState cleans up ndp's state.
+// If hostOnly is true, then only host-specific state will be cleaned up.
+// cleanupState MUST be called with hostOnly set to true when ndp's NIC is
+// transitioning from a host to a router. This function will invalidate all
+// discovered on-link prefixes, discovered routers, and auto-generated
+// addresses.
+// If hostOnly is true, then the link-local auto-generated address will not be
+// invalidated as routers are also expected to generate a link-local address.
+// The NIC that ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) cleanupState(hostOnly bool) {
+ linkLocalSubnet := header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.Subnet()
+ linkLocalPrefixes := 0
+ for prefix, state := range ndp.slaacPrefixes {
+ // RFC 4862 section 5 states that routers are also expected to generate a
+ // link-local address so we do not invalidate them if we are cleaning up
+ // host-only state.
+ if hostOnly && prefix == linkLocalSubnet {
+ linkLocalPrefixes++
+ continue
+ }
+ ndp.invalidateSLAACPrefix(prefix, state)
+ }
+ if got := len(ndp.slaacPrefixes); got != linkLocalPrefixes {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: still have non-linklocal SLAAC prefixes after cleaning up; found = %d prefixes, of which %d are link-local", got, linkLocalPrefixes))
+ }
+ for prefix := range ndp.onLinkPrefixes {
+ ndp.invalidateOnLinkPrefix(prefix)
+ }
+ if got := len(ndp.onLinkPrefixes); got != 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: still have discovered on-link prefixes after cleaning up; found = %d", got))
+ }
+ for router := range ndp.defaultRouters {
+ ndp.invalidateDefaultRouter(router)
+ }
+ if got := len(ndp.defaultRouters); got != 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: still have discovered default routers after cleaning up; found = %d", got))
+ }
+// startSolicitingRouters starts soliciting routers, as per RFC 4861 section
+// 6.3.7. If routers are already being solicited, this function does nothing.
+// The NIC ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) startSolicitingRouters() {
+ if ndp.rtrSolicitTimer != nil {
+ // We are already soliciting routers.
+ return
+ }
+ remaining := ndp.configs.MaxRtrSolicitations
+ if remaining == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // Calculate the random delay before sending our first RS, as per RFC
+ // 4861 section 6.3.7.
+ var delay time.Duration
+ if ndp.configs.MaxRtrSolicitationDelay > 0 {
+ delay = time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(ndp.configs.MaxRtrSolicitationDelay)))
+ }
+ ndp.rtrSolicitTimer = time.AfterFunc(delay, func() {
+ // As per RFC 4861 section 4.1, the source of the RS is an address assigned
+ // to the sending interface, or the unspecified address if no address is
+ // assigned to the sending interface.
+ ref := ndp.nic.primaryIPv6Endpoint(header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress)
+ if ref == nil {
+ ref = ndp.nic.getRefOrCreateTemp(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6Any, NeverPrimaryEndpoint, forceSpoofing)
+ }
+ localAddr := ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress
+ r := makeRoute(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, localAddr, header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress, ndp.nic.linkEP.LinkAddress(), ref, false, false)
+ defer r.Release()
+ // Route should resolve immediately since
+ // header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress is a multicast address so a
+ // remote link address can be calculated without a resolution process.
+ if c, err := r.Resolve(nil); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: error when resolving route to send NDP RS (%s -> %s on NIC(%d)): %s", header.IPv6Any, header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress, ndp.nic.ID(), err))
+ } else if c != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("ndp: route resolution not immediate for route to send NDP RS (%s -> %s on NIC(%d))", header.IPv6Any, header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress, ndp.nic.ID()))
+ }
+ // As per RFC 4861 section 4.1, an NDP RS SHOULD include the source
+ // link-layer address option if the source address of the NDP RS is
+ // specified. This option MUST NOT be included if the source address is
+ // unspecified.
+ //
+ // TODO(b/141011931): Validate a LinkEndpoint's link address (provided by
+ // LinkEndpoint.LinkAddress) before reaching this point.
+ var optsSerializer header.NDPOptionsSerializer
+ if localAddr != header.IPv6Any && header.IsValidUnicastEthernetAddress(r.LocalLinkAddress) {
+ optsSerializer = header.NDPOptionsSerializer{
+ header.NDPSourceLinkLayerAddressOption(r.LocalLinkAddress),
+ }
+ }
+ payloadSize := header.ICMPv6HeaderSize + header.NDPRSMinimumSize + int(optsSerializer.Length())
+ hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(int(r.MaxHeaderLength()) + payloadSize)
+ pkt := header.ICMPv6(hdr.Prepend(payloadSize))
+ pkt.SetType(header.ICMPv6RouterSolicit)
+ rs := header.NDPRouterSolicit(pkt.NDPPayload())
+ rs.Options().Serialize(optsSerializer)
+ pkt.SetChecksum(header.ICMPv6Checksum(pkt, r.LocalAddress, r.RemoteAddress, buffer.VectorisedView{}))
+ sent := r.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent
+ if err := r.WritePacket(nil,
+ NetworkHeaderParams{
+ Protocol: header.ICMPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ TTL: header.NDPHopLimit,
+ TOS: DefaultTOS,
+ }, PacketBuffer{Header: hdr},
+ ); err != nil {
+ sent.Dropped.Increment()
+ log.Printf("startSolicitingRouters: error writing NDP router solicit message on NIC(%d); err = %s", ndp.nic.ID(), err)
+ // Don't send any more messages if we had an error.
+ remaining = 0
+ } else {
+ sent.RouterSolicit.Increment()
+ remaining--
+ }
+ defer
+ if remaining == 0 {
+ ndp.rtrSolicitTimer = nil
+ } else if ndp.rtrSolicitTimer != nil {
+ // Note, we need to explicitly check to make sure that
+ // the timer field is not nil because if it was nil but
+ // we still reached this point, then we know the NIC
+ // was requested to stop soliciting routers so we don't
+ // need to send the next Router Solicitation message.
+ ndp.rtrSolicitTimer.Reset(ndp.configs.RtrSolicitationInterval)
+ }
+ })
+// stopSolicitingRouters stops soliciting routers. If routers are not currently
+// being solicited, this function does nothing.
+// The NIC ndp belongs to MUST be locked.
+func (ndp *ndpState) stopSolicitingRouters() {
+ if ndp.rtrSolicitTimer == nil {
+ // Nothing to do.
+ return
+ }
+ ndp.rtrSolicitTimer.Stop()
+ ndp.rtrSolicitTimer = nil
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp_test.go
index 8995fbfc3..6dd460984 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp_test.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/ndp_test.go
@@ -15,9 +15,14 @@
package stack_test
import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
@@ -26,39 +31,316 @@ import (
+ ""
+ ""
const (
- addr1 = "\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
- addr2 = "\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
- linkAddr1 = "\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06"
+ addr1 = tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")
+ addr2 = tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02")
+ addr3 = tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03")
+ linkAddr1 = tcpip.LinkAddress("\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06")
+ linkAddr2 = tcpip.LinkAddress("\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x07")
+ linkAddr3 = tcpip.LinkAddress("\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x08")
+ linkAddr4 = tcpip.LinkAddress("\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x09")
+ defaultTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
+ defaultAsyncEventTimeout = time.Second
+var (
+ llAddr1 = header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr1)
+ llAddr2 = header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr2)
+ llAddr3 = header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr3)
+ llAddr4 = header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr4)
+ dstAddr = tcpip.FullAddress{
+ Addr: "\x0a\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01",
+ Port: 25,
+ }
+func addrForSubnet(subnet tcpip.Subnet, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress) tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
+ if !header.IsValidUnicastEthernetAddress(linkAddr) {
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}
+ }
+ addrBytes := []byte(subnet.ID())
+ header.EthernetAdddressToModifiedEUI64IntoBuf(linkAddr, addrBytes[header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address:])
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(addrBytes),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+// prefixSubnetAddr returns a prefix (Address + Length), the prefix's equivalent
+// tcpip.Subnet, and an address where the lower half of the address is composed
+// of the EUI-64 of linkAddr if it is a valid unicast ethernet address.
+func prefixSubnetAddr(offset uint8, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress) (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, tcpip.Subnet, tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ prefixBytes := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 + offset, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+ prefix := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(prefixBytes),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ subnet := prefix.Subnet()
+ return prefix, subnet, addrForSubnet(subnet, linkAddr)
+// ndpDADEvent is a set of parameters that was passed to
+// ndpDispatcher.OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus.
+type ndpDADEvent struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ addr tcpip.Address
+ resolved bool
+ err *tcpip.Error
+type ndpRouterEvent struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ addr tcpip.Address
+ // true if router was discovered, false if invalidated.
+ discovered bool
+type ndpPrefixEvent struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ prefix tcpip.Subnet
+ // true if prefix was discovered, false if invalidated.
+ discovered bool
+type ndpAutoGenAddrEventType int
+const (
+ newAddr ndpAutoGenAddrEventType = iota
+ deprecatedAddr
+ invalidatedAddr
+type ndpAutoGenAddrEvent struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
+ eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType
+type ndpRDNSS struct {
+ addrs []tcpip.Address
+ lifetime time.Duration
+type ndpRDNSSEvent struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ rdnss ndpRDNSS
+type ndpDNSSLEvent struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ domainNames []string
+ lifetime time.Duration
+type ndpDHCPv6Event struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ configuration stack.DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA
+var _ stack.NDPDispatcher = (*ndpDispatcher)(nil)
+// ndpDispatcher implements NDPDispatcher so tests can know when various NDP
+// related events happen for test purposes.
+type ndpDispatcher struct {
+ dadC chan ndpDADEvent
+ routerC chan ndpRouterEvent
+ rememberRouter bool
+ prefixC chan ndpPrefixEvent
+ rememberPrefix bool
+ autoGenAddrC chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent
+ rdnssC chan ndpRDNSSEvent
+ dnsslC chan ndpDNSSLEvent
+ routeTable []tcpip.Route
+ dhcpv6ConfigurationC chan ndpDHCPv6Event
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDuplicateAddressDetectionStatus(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, resolved bool, err *tcpip.Error) {
+ if n.dadC != nil {
+ n.dadC <- ndpDADEvent{
+ nicID,
+ addr,
+ resolved,
+ err,
+ }
+ }
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDefaultRouterDiscovered.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDefaultRouterDiscovered(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) bool {
+ if c := n.routerC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpRouterEvent{
+ nicID,
+ addr,
+ true,
+ }
+ }
+ return n.rememberRouter
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDefaultRouterInvalidated.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDefaultRouterInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ if c := n.routerC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpRouterEvent{
+ nicID,
+ addr,
+ false,
+ }
+ }
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnOnLinkPrefixDiscovered(nicID tcpip.NICID, prefix tcpip.Subnet) bool {
+ if c := n.prefixC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpPrefixEvent{
+ nicID,
+ prefix,
+ true,
+ }
+ }
+ return n.rememberPrefix
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnOnLinkPrefixInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, prefix tcpip.Subnet) {
+ if c := n.prefixC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpPrefixEvent{
+ nicID,
+ prefix,
+ false,
+ }
+ }
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnAutoGenAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) bool {
+ if c := n.autoGenAddrC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{
+ nicID,
+ addr,
+ newAddr,
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnAutoGenAddressDeprecated(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ if c := n.autoGenAddrC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{
+ nicID,
+ addr,
+ deprecatedAddr,
+ }
+ }
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnAutoGenAddressInvalidated(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ if c := n.autoGenAddrC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{
+ nicID,
+ addr,
+ invalidatedAddr,
+ }
+ }
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnRecursiveDNSServerOption.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnRecursiveDNSServerOption(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrs []tcpip.Address, lifetime time.Duration) {
+ if c := n.rdnssC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpRDNSSEvent{
+ nicID,
+ ndpRDNSS{
+ addrs,
+ lifetime,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDNSSearchListOption.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDNSSearchListOption(nicID tcpip.NICID, domainNames []string, lifetime time.Duration) {
+ if n.dnsslC != nil {
+ n.dnsslC <- ndpDNSSLEvent{
+ nicID,
+ domainNames,
+ lifetime,
+ }
+ }
+// Implements stack.NDPDispatcher.OnDHCPv6Configuration.
+func (n *ndpDispatcher) OnDHCPv6Configuration(nicID tcpip.NICID, configuration stack.DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA) {
+ if c := n.dhcpv6ConfigurationC; c != nil {
+ c <- ndpDHCPv6Event{
+ nicID,
+ configuration,
+ }
+ }
+// channelLinkWithHeaderLength is a channel.Endpoint with a configurable
+// header length.
+type channelLinkWithHeaderLength struct {
+ *channel.Endpoint
+ headerLength uint16
+func (l *channelLinkWithHeaderLength) MaxHeaderLength() uint16 {
+ return l.headerLength
+// Check e to make sure that the event is for addr on nic with ID 1, and the
+// resolved flag set to resolved with the specified err.
+func checkDADEvent(e ndpDADEvent, nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, resolved bool, err *tcpip.Error) string {
+ return cmp.Diff(ndpDADEvent{nicID: nicID, addr: addr, resolved: resolved, err: err}, e, cmp.AllowUnexported(e))
// TestDADDisabled tests that an address successfully resolves immediately
// when DAD is not enabled (the default for an empty stack.Options).
func TestDADDisabled(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ }
opts := stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
- e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
s := stack.New(opts)
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(_) = %s", err)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress(_, %d, %s) = %s", header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
// Should get the address immediately since we should not have performed
// DAD on it.
- addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr1, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected DAD event")
+ }
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) err = %s", err)
+ t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) err = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if addr.Address != addr1 {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = %s, want = %s", addr, addr1)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, addr1)
// We should not have sent any NDP NS messages.
@@ -71,114 +353,155 @@ func TestDADDisabled(t *testing.T) {
// DAD for various values of DupAddrDetectTransmits and RetransmitTimer.
// Included in the subtests is a test to make sure that an invalid
// RetransmitTimer (<1ms) values get fixed to the default RetransmitTimer of 1s.
+// This tests also validates the NDP NS packet that is transmitted.
func TestDADResolve(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
tests := []struct {
name string
+ linkHeaderLen uint16
dupAddrDetectTransmits uint8
retransTimer time.Duration
expectedRetransmitTimer time.Duration
- {"1:1s:1s", 1, time.Second, time.Second},
- {"2:1s:1s", 2, time.Second, time.Second},
- {"1:2s:2s", 1, 2 * time.Second, 2 * time.Second},
+ {
+ name: "1:1s:1s",
+ dupAddrDetectTransmits: 1,
+ retransTimer: time.Second,
+ expectedRetransmitTimer: time.Second,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "2:1s:1s",
+ linkHeaderLen: 1,
+ dupAddrDetectTransmits: 2,
+ retransTimer: time.Second,
+ expectedRetransmitTimer: time.Second,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "1:2s:2s",
+ linkHeaderLen: 2,
+ dupAddrDetectTransmits: 1,
+ retransTimer: 2 * time.Second,
+ expectedRetransmitTimer: 2 * time.Second,
+ },
// 0s is an invalid RetransmitTimer timer and will be fixed to
// the default RetransmitTimer value of 1s.
- {"1:0s:1s", 1, 0, time.Second},
+ {
+ name: "1:0s:1s",
+ linkHeaderLen: 3,
+ dupAddrDetectTransmits: 1,
+ retransTimer: 0,
+ expectedRetransmitTimer: time.Second,
+ },
for _, test := range tests {
+ test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent),
+ }
opts := stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
opts.NDPConfigs.RetransmitTimer = test.retransTimer
opts.NDPConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits = test.dupAddrDetectTransmits
- e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
- s := stack.New(opts)
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(_) = %s", err)
+ e := channelLinkWithHeaderLength{
+ Endpoint: channel.New(int(test.dupAddrDetectTransmits), 1280, linkAddr1),
+ headerLength: test.linkHeaderLen,
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress(_, %d, %s) = %s", header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ e.Endpoint.LinkEPCapabilities |= stack.CapabilityResolutionRequired
+ s := stack.New(opts)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, &e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
- stat := s.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent.NeighborSolicit
- // Should have sent an NDP NS almost immediately.
- time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
- if got := stat.Value(); got != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("got NeighborSolicit = %d, want = 1", got)
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
- // Address should not be considered bound to the NIC yet
- // (DAD ongoing).
- addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ // Address should not be considered bound to the NIC yet (DAD ongoing).
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
- }
- // Wait for the remaining time - 500ms, to make sure
- // the address is still not resolved. Note, we subtract
- // 600ms because we already waited for 100ms earlier,
- // so our remaining time is 100ms less than the expected
- // time.
- // (X - 100ms) - 500ms = X - 600ms
- //
- // TODO(b/140896005): Use events from the netstack to
- // be signalled before DAD resolves.
- time.Sleep(test.expectedRetransmitTimer*time.Duration(test.dupAddrDetectTransmits) - 600*time.Millisecond)
- addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
+ }
+ // Make sure the address does not resolve before the resolution time has
+ // passed.
+ time.Sleep(test.expectedRetransmitTimer*time.Duration(test.dupAddrDetectTransmits) - defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
- // Wait for the remaining time + 250ms, at which point
- // the address should be resolved. Note, the remaining
- // time is 500ms. See above comments.
- //
- // TODO(b/140896005): Use events from the netstack to
- // know immediately when DAD completes.
- time.Sleep(750 * time.Millisecond)
- addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ // Wait for DAD to resolve.
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(2 * defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD resolution")
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr1, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) err = %s", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if addr.Address != addr1 {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = %s, want = %s", addr, addr1)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, addr1)
// Should not have sent any more NS messages.
- if got := stat.Value(); got != uint64(test.dupAddrDetectTransmits) {
+ if got := s.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent.NeighborSolicit.Value(); got != uint64(test.dupAddrDetectTransmits) {
t.Fatalf("got NeighborSolicit = %d, want = %d", got, test.dupAddrDetectTransmits)
// Validate the sent Neighbor Solicitation messages.
for i := uint8(0); i < test.dupAddrDetectTransmits; i++ {
- p := <-e.C
+ p, _ := e.ReadContext(context.Background())
// Make sure its an IPv6 packet.
if p.Proto != header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {
t.Fatalf("got Proto = %d, want = %d", p.Proto, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
- // Check NDP packet.
- checker.IPv6(t, p.Header.ToVectorisedView().First(),
+ // Make sure the right remote link address is used.
+ snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr1)
+ if want := header.EthernetAddressFromMulticastIPv6Address(snmc); p.Route.RemoteLinkAddress != want {
+ t.Errorf("got remote link address = %s, want = %s", p.Route.RemoteLinkAddress, want)
+ }
+ // Check NDP NS packet.
+ //
+ // As per RFC 4861 section 4.3, a possible option is the Source Link
+ // Layer option, but this option MUST NOT be included when the source
+ // address of the packet is the unspecified address.
+ checker.IPv6(t, p.Pkt.Header.View(),
+ checker.SrcAddr(header.IPv6Any),
+ checker.DstAddr(snmc),
- checker.NDPNSTargetAddress(addr1)))
+ checker.NDPNSTargetAddress(addr1),
+ checker.NDPNSOptions(nil),
+ ))
+ if l, want := p.Pkt.Header.AvailableLength(), int(test.linkHeaderLen); l != want {
+ t.Errorf("got p.Pkt.Header.AvailableLength() = %d; want = %d", l, want)
+ }
// TestDADFail tests to make sure that the DAD process fails if another node is
@@ -186,6 +509,8 @@ func TestDADResolve(t *testing.T) {
// a node doing DAD for the same address), or if another node is detected to own
// the address already (receive an NA message for the tentative address).
func TestDADFail(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
tests := []struct {
name string
makeBuf func(tgt tcpip.Address) buffer.Prependable
@@ -221,13 +546,17 @@ func TestDADFail(t *testing.T) {
func(tgt tcpip.Address) buffer.Prependable {
- hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(header.IPv6MinimumSize + header.ICMPv6NeighborAdvertSize)
- pkt := header.ICMPv6(hdr.Prepend(header.ICMPv6NeighborAdvertSize))
+ naSize := header.ICMPv6NeighborAdvertMinimumSize + header.NDPLinkLayerAddressSize
+ hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(header.IPv6MinimumSize + naSize)
+ pkt := header.ICMPv6(hdr.Prepend(naSize))
na := header.NDPNeighborAdvert(pkt.NDPPayload())
+ na.Options().Serialize(header.NDPOptionsSerializer{
+ header.NDPTargetLinkLayerAddressOption(linkAddr1),
+ })
pkt.SetChecksum(header.ICMPv6Checksum(pkt, tgt, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress, buffer.VectorisedView{}))
payloadLength := hdr.UsedLength()
ip := header.IPv6(hdr.Prepend(header.IPv6MinimumSize))
@@ -250,103 +579,3731 @@ func TestDADFail(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ }
+ ndpConfigs := stack.DefaultNDPConfigurations()
opts := stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
- NDPConfigs: stack.DefaultNDPConfigurations(),
+ NDPConfigs: ndpConfigs,
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
opts.NDPConfigs.RetransmitTimer = time.Second * 2
- e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
s := stack.New(opts)
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(_) = %s", err)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress(_, %d, %s) = %s", header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
// Address should not be considered bound to the NIC yet
// (DAD ongoing).
- addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
// Receive a packet to simulate multiple nodes owning or
// attempting to own the same address.
hdr := test.makeBuf(addr1)
- e.Inject(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, hdr.View().ToVectorisedView())
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: hdr.View().ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
stat := test.getStat(s.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsReceived)
if got := stat.Value(); got != 1 {
t.Fatalf("got stat = %d, want = 1", got)
- // Wait 3 seconds to make sure that DAD did not resolve
- time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
- addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ // Wait for DAD to fail and make sure the address did
+ // not get resolved.
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(time.Duration(ndpConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits)*ndpConfigs.RetransmitTimer + time.Second):
+ // If we don't get a failure event after the
+ // expected resolution time + extra 1s buffer,
+ // something is wrong.
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD failure")
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr1, false, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
+ }
+ // Attempting to add the address again should not fail if the address's
+ // state was cleaned up when DAD failed.
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
-// TestDADStop tests to make sure that the DAD process stops when an address is
-// removed.
func TestDADStop(t *testing.T) {
- opts := stack.Options{
+ const nicID = 1
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ stopFn func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack)
+ skipFinalAddrCheck bool
+ }{
+ // Tests to make sure that DAD stops when an address is removed.
+ {
+ name: "Remove address",
+ stopFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(%d, %s): %s", nicID, addr1, err)
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ // Tests to make sure that DAD stops when the NIC is disabled.
+ {
+ name: "Disable NIC",
+ stopFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ // Tests to make sure that DAD stops when the NIC is removed.
+ {
+ name: "Remove NIC",
+ stopFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ if err := s.RemoveNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ },
+ // The NIC is removed so we can't check its addresses after calling
+ // stopFn.
+ skipFinalAddrCheck: true,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ }
+ ndpConfigs := stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ RetransmitTimer: time.Second,
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: 2,
+ }
+ opts := stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ NDPConfigs: ndpConfigs,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(opts)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ }
+ // Address should not be considered bound to the NIC yet (DAD ongoing).
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
+ }
+ test.stopFn(t, s)
+ // Wait for DAD to fail (since the address was removed during DAD).
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(time.Duration(ndpConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits)*ndpConfigs.RetransmitTimer + time.Second):
+ // If we don't get a failure event after the expected resolution
+ // time + extra 1s buffer, something is wrong.
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD failure")
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr1, false, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ if !test.skipFinalAddrCheck {
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
+ t.Errorf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
+ }
+ }
+ // Should not have sent more than 1 NS message.
+ if got := s.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent.NeighborSolicit.Value(); got > 1 {
+ t.Errorf("got NeighborSolicit = %d, want <= 1", got)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestSetNDPConfigurationFailsForBadNICID tests to make sure we get an error if
+// we attempt to update NDP configurations using an invalid NICID.
+func TestSetNDPConfigurationFailsForBadNICID(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ // No NIC with ID 1 yet.
+ if got := s.SetNDPConfigurations(1, stack.NDPConfigurations{}); got != tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.SetNDPConfigurations = %v, want = %s", got, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID)
- opts.NDPConfigs.RetransmitTimer = time.Second
- opts.NDPConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits = 2
+// TestSetNDPConfigurations tests that we can update and use per-interface NDP
+// configurations without affecting the default NDP configurations or other
+// interfaces' configurations.
+func TestSetNDPConfigurations(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID1 = 1
+ const nicID2 = 2
+ const nicID3 = 3
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ dupAddrDetectTransmits uint8
+ retransmitTimer time.Duration
+ expectedRetransmitTimer time.Duration
+ }{
+ {
+ "OK",
+ 1,
+ time.Second,
+ time.Second,
+ },
+ {
+ "Invalid Retransmit Timer",
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ time.Second,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ expectDADEvent := func(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatalf("expected DAD event for %s", addr)
+ }
+ }
+ // This NIC(1)'s NDP configurations will be updated to
+ // be different from the default.
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ // Created before updating NIC(1)'s NDP configurations
+ // but updating NIC(1)'s NDP configurations should not
+ // affect other existing NICs.
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID2, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ // Update the NDP configurations on NIC(1) to use DAD.
+ configs := stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: test.dupAddrDetectTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: test.retransmitTimer,
+ }
+ if err := s.SetNDPConfigurations(nicID1, configs); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got SetNDPConfigurations(%d, _) = %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ // Created after updating NIC(1)'s NDP configurations
+ // but the stack's default NDP configurations should not
+ // have been updated.
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID3, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID3, err)
+ }
+ // Add addresses for each NIC.
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID2, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID2, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr2, err)
+ }
+ expectDADEvent(nicID2, addr2)
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr3); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr3, err)
+ }
+ expectDADEvent(nicID3, addr3)
+ // Address should not be considered bound to NIC(1) yet
+ // (DAD ongoing).
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
+ }
+ // Should get the address on NIC(2) and NIC(3)
+ // immediately since we should not have performed DAD on
+ // it as the stack was configured to not do DAD by
+ // default and we only updated the NDP configurations on
+ // NIC(1).
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID2, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID2, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if addr.Address != addr2 {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID2, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, addr2)
+ }
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if addr.Address != addr3 {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, addr3)
+ }
+ // Sleep until right (500ms before) before resolution to
+ // make sure the address didn't resolve on NIC(1) yet.
+ const delta = 500 * time.Millisecond
+ time.Sleep(time.Duration(test.dupAddrDetectTransmits)*test.expectedRetransmitTimer - delta)
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
+ }
+ // Wait for DAD to resolve.
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(2 * delta):
+ // We should get a resolution event after 500ms
+ // (delta) since we wait for 500ms less than the
+ // expected resolution time above to make sure
+ // that the address did not yet resolve. Waiting
+ // for 1s (2x delta) without a resolution event
+ // means something is wrong.
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD resolution")
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID1, addr1, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if addr.Address != addr1 {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, addr1)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// raBufWithOptsAndDHCPv6 returns a valid NDP Router Advertisement with options
+// and DHCPv6 configurations specified.
+func raBufWithOptsAndDHCPv6(ip tcpip.Address, rl uint16, managedAddress, otherConfigurations bool, optSer header.NDPOptionsSerializer) stack.PacketBuffer {
+ icmpSize := header.ICMPv6HeaderSize + header.NDPRAMinimumSize + int(optSer.Length())
+ hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(header.IPv6MinimumSize + icmpSize)
+ pkt := header.ICMPv6(hdr.Prepend(icmpSize))
+ pkt.SetType(header.ICMPv6RouterAdvert)
+ pkt.SetCode(0)
+ raPayload := pkt.NDPPayload()
+ ra := header.NDPRouterAdvert(raPayload)
+ // Populate the Router Lifetime.
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(raPayload[2:], rl)
+ // Populate the Managed Address flag field.
+ if managedAddress {
+ // The Managed Addresses flag field is the 7th bit of byte #1 (0-indexing)
+ // of the RA payload.
+ raPayload[1] |= (1 << 7)
+ }
+ // Populate the Other Configurations flag field.
+ if otherConfigurations {
+ // The Other Configurations flag field is the 6th bit of byte #1
+ // (0-indexing) of the RA payload.
+ raPayload[1] |= (1 << 6)
+ }
+ opts := ra.Options()
+ opts.Serialize(optSer)
+ pkt.SetChecksum(header.ICMPv6Checksum(pkt, ip, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress, buffer.VectorisedView{}))
+ payloadLength := hdr.UsedLength()
+ iph := header.IPv6(hdr.Prepend(header.IPv6MinimumSize))
+ iph.Encode(&header.IPv6Fields{
+ PayloadLength: uint16(payloadLength),
+ NextHeader: uint8(icmp.ProtocolNumber6),
+ HopLimit: header.NDPHopLimit,
+ SrcAddr: ip,
+ DstAddr: header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress,
+ })
+ return stack.PacketBuffer{Data: hdr.View().ToVectorisedView()}
+// raBufWithOpts returns a valid NDP Router Advertisement with options.
+// Note, raBufWithOpts does not populate any of the RA fields other than the
+// Router Lifetime.
+func raBufWithOpts(ip tcpip.Address, rl uint16, optSer header.NDPOptionsSerializer) stack.PacketBuffer {
+ return raBufWithOptsAndDHCPv6(ip, rl, false, false, optSer)
+// raBufWithDHCPv6 returns a valid NDP Router Advertisement with DHCPv6 related
+// fields set.
+// Note, raBufWithDHCPv6 does not populate any of the RA fields other than the
+// DHCPv6 related ones.
+func raBufWithDHCPv6(ip tcpip.Address, managedAddresses, otherConfiguratiosns bool) stack.PacketBuffer {
+ return raBufWithOptsAndDHCPv6(ip, 0, managedAddresses, otherConfiguratiosns, header.NDPOptionsSerializer{})
+// raBuf returns a valid NDP Router Advertisement.
+// Note, raBuf does not populate any of the RA fields other than the
+// Router Lifetime.
+func raBuf(ip tcpip.Address, rl uint16) stack.PacketBuffer {
+ return raBufWithOpts(ip, rl, header.NDPOptionsSerializer{})
+// raBufWithPI returns a valid NDP Router Advertisement with a single Prefix
+// Information option.
+// Note, raBufWithPI does not populate any of the RA fields other than the
+// Router Lifetime.
+func raBufWithPI(ip tcpip.Address, rl uint16, prefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, onLink, auto bool, vl, pl uint32) stack.PacketBuffer {
+ flags := uint8(0)
+ if onLink {
+ // The OnLink flag is the 7th bit in the flags byte.
+ flags |= 1 << 7
+ }
+ if auto {
+ // The Address Auto-Configuration flag is the 6th bit in the
+ // flags byte.
+ flags |= 1 << 6
+ }
+ // A valid header.NDPPrefixInformation must be 30 bytes.
+ buf := [30]byte{}
+ // The first byte in a header.NDPPrefixInformation is the Prefix Length
+ // field.
+ buf[0] = uint8(prefix.PrefixLen)
+ // The 2nd byte within a header.NDPPrefixInformation is the Flags field.
+ buf[1] = flags
+ // The Valid Lifetime field starts after the 2nd byte within a
+ // header.NDPPrefixInformation.
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[2:], vl)
+ // The Preferred Lifetime field starts after the 6th byte within a
+ // header.NDPPrefixInformation.
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[6:], pl)
+ // The Prefix Address field starts after the 14th byte within a
+ // header.NDPPrefixInformation.
+ copy(buf[14:], prefix.Address)
+ return raBufWithOpts(ip, rl, header.NDPOptionsSerializer{
+ header.NDPPrefixInformation(buf[:]),
+ })
+// TestNoRouterDiscovery tests that router discovery will not be performed if
+// configured not to.
+func TestNoRouterDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
+ // Being configured to discover routers means handle and
+ // discover are set to true and forwarding is set to false.
+ // This tests all possible combinations of the configurations,
+ // except for the configuration where handle = true, discover =
+ // true and forwarding = false (the required configuration to do
+ // router discovery) - that will done in other tests.
+ for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
+ handle := i&1 != 0
+ discover := i&2 != 0
+ forwarding := i&4 == 0
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("HandleRAs(%t), DiscoverDefaultRouters(%t), Forwarding(%t)", handle, discover, forwarding), func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ routerC: make(chan ndpRouterEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: handle,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: discover,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ s.SetForwarding(forwarding)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Rx an RA with non-zero lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, 1000))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly discovered a router when configured not to")
+ default:
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// Check e to make sure that the event is for addr on nic with ID 1, and the
+// discovered flag set to discovered.
+func checkRouterEvent(e ndpRouterEvent, addr tcpip.Address, discovered bool) string {
+ return cmp.Diff(ndpRouterEvent{nicID: 1, addr: addr, discovered: discovered}, e, cmp.AllowUnexported(e))
+// TestRouterDiscoveryDispatcherNoRemember tests that the stack does not
+// remember a discovered router when the dispatcher asks it not to.
+func TestRouterDiscoveryDispatcherNoRemember(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ routerC: make(chan ndpRouterEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
- e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
- s := stack.New(opts)
if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(_) = %s", err)
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress(_, %d, %s) = %s", header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ // Receive an RA for a router we should not remember.
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 1
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, lifetimeSeconds))
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ if diff := checkRouterEvent(e, llAddr2, true); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("router event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected router discovery event")
- // Address should not be considered bound to the NIC yet (DAD ongoing).
- addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ // Wait for the invalidation time plus some buffer to make sure we do
+ // not actually receive any invalidation events as we should not have
+ // remembered the router in the first place.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ t.Fatal("should not have received any router events")
+ case <-time.After(lifetimeSeconds*time.Second + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+func TestRouterDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ routerC: make(chan ndpRouterEvent, 1),
+ rememberRouter: true,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ expectRouterEvent := func(addr tcpip.Address, discovered bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ if diff := checkRouterEvent(e, addr, discovered); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("router event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected router discovery event")
+ }
+ }
+ expectAsyncRouterInvalidationEvent := func(addr tcpip.Address, timeout time.Duration) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ if diff := checkRouterEvent(e, addr, false); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("router event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(timeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for router discovery event")
+ }
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Rx an RA from lladdr2 with zero lifetime. It should not be
+ // remembered.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly discovered a router with 0 lifetime")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Rx an RA from lladdr2 with a huge lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, 1000))
+ expectRouterEvent(llAddr2, true)
+ // Rx an RA from another router (lladdr3) with non-zero lifetime.
+ const l3LifetimeSeconds = 6
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr3, l3LifetimeSeconds))
+ expectRouterEvent(llAddr3, true)
+ // Rx an RA from lladdr2 with lesser lifetime.
+ const l2LifetimeSeconds = 2
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, l2LifetimeSeconds))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ t.Fatal("Should not receive a router event when updating lifetimes for known routers")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Wait for lladdr2's router invalidation timer to fire. The lifetime
+ // of the router should have been updated to the most recent (smaller)
+ // lifetime.
+ //
+ // Wait for the normal lifetime plus an extra bit for the
+ // router to get invalidated. If we don't get an invalidation
+ // event after this time, then something is wrong.
+ expectAsyncRouterInvalidationEvent(llAddr2, l2LifetimeSeconds*time.Second+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ // Rx an RA from lladdr2 with huge lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, 1000))
+ expectRouterEvent(llAddr2, true)
+ // Rx an RA from lladdr2 with zero lifetime. It should be invalidated.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr2, 0))
+ expectRouterEvent(llAddr2, false)
+ // Wait for lladdr3's router invalidation timer to fire. The lifetime
+ // of the router should have been updated to the most recent (smaller)
+ // lifetime.
+ //
+ // Wait for the normal lifetime plus an extra bit for the
+ // router to get invalidated. If we don't get an invalidation
+ // event after this time, then something is wrong.
+ expectAsyncRouterInvalidationEvent(llAddr3, l3LifetimeSeconds*time.Second+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+// TestRouterDiscoveryMaxRouters tests that only
+// stack.MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters discovered routers are remembered.
+func TestRouterDiscoveryMaxRouters(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ routerC: make(chan ndpRouterEvent, 1),
+ rememberRouter: true,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Receive an RA from 2 more than the max number of discovered routers.
+ for i := 1; i <= stack.MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters+2; i++ {
+ linkAddr := []byte{2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0}
+ linkAddr[5] = byte(i)
+ llAddr := header.LinkLocalAddr(tcpip.LinkAddress(linkAddr))
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBuf(llAddr, 5))
+ if i <= stack.MaxDiscoveredDefaultRouters {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ if diff := checkRouterEvent(e, llAddr, true); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("router event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected router discovery event")
+ }
+ } else {
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ t.Fatal("should not have discovered a new router after we already discovered the max number of routers")
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// TestNoPrefixDiscovery tests that prefix discovery will not be performed if
+// configured not to.
+func TestNoPrefixDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
+ prefix := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ // Being configured to discover prefixes means handle and
+ // discover are set to true and forwarding is set to false.
+ // This tests all possible combinations of the configurations,
+ // except for the configuration where handle = true, discover =
+ // true and forwarding = false (the required configuration to do
+ // prefix discovery) - that will done in other tests.
+ for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
+ handle := i&1 != 0
+ discover := i&2 != 0
+ forwarding := i&4 == 0
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("HandleRAs(%t), DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes(%t), Forwarding(%t)", handle, discover, forwarding), func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ prefixC: make(chan ndpPrefixEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: handle,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: discover,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ s.SetForwarding(forwarding)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Rx an RA with prefix with non-zero lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, 10, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly discovered a prefix when configured not to")
+ default:
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// Check e to make sure that the event is for prefix on nic with ID 1, and the
+// discovered flag set to discovered.
+func checkPrefixEvent(e ndpPrefixEvent, prefix tcpip.Subnet, discovered bool) string {
+ return cmp.Diff(ndpPrefixEvent{nicID: 1, prefix: prefix, discovered: discovered}, e, cmp.AllowUnexported(e))
+// TestPrefixDiscoveryDispatcherNoRemember tests that the stack does not
+// remember a discovered on-link prefix when the dispatcher asks it not to.
+func TestPrefixDiscoveryDispatcherNoRemember(t *testing.T) {
+ prefix, subnet, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, "")
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ prefixC: make(chan ndpPrefixEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: false,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix that we should not remember.
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 1
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, lifetimeSeconds, 0))
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ if diff := checkPrefixEvent(e, subnet, true); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected prefix discovery event")
+ }
+ // Wait for the invalidation time plus some buffer to make sure we do
+ // not actually receive any invalidation events as we should not have
+ // remembered the prefix in the first place.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("should not have received any prefix events")
+ case <-time.After(lifetimeSeconds*time.Second + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+func TestPrefixDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
+ prefix1, subnet1, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, "")
+ prefix2, subnet2, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(1, "")
+ prefix3, subnet3, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(2, "")
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ prefixC: make(chan ndpPrefixEvent, 1),
+ rememberPrefix: true,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ expectPrefixEvent := func(prefix tcpip.Subnet, discovered bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ if diff := checkPrefixEvent(e, prefix, discovered); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected prefix discovery event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in an NDP Prefix Information option (PI)
+ // with zero valid lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, false, 0, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly discovered a prefix with 0 lifetime")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in an NDP Prefix Information option (PI)
+ // with non-zero lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, false, 100, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet1, true)
+ // Receive an RA with prefix2 in a PI.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, false, 100, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet2, true)
+ // Receive an RA with prefix3 in a PI.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix3, true, false, 100, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet3, true)
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in a PI with lifetime = 0.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, false, 0, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet1, false)
+ // Receive an RA with prefix2 in a PI with lesser lifetime.
+ lifetime := uint32(2)
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, false, lifetime, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly received prefix event when updating lifetime")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Wait for prefix2's most recent invalidation timer plus some buffer to
+ // expire.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ if diff := checkPrefixEvent(e, subnet2, false); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(time.Duration(lifetime)*time.Second + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for prefix discovery event")
+ }
+ // Receive RA to invalidate prefix3.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix3, true, false, 0, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet3, false)
+func TestPrefixDiscoveryWithInfiniteLifetime(t *testing.T) {
+ // Update the infinite lifetime value to a smaller value so we can test
+ // that when we receive a PI with such a lifetime value, we do not
+ // invalidate the prefix.
+ const testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds = 2
+ const testInfiniteLifetime = testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds * time.Second
+ saved := header.NDPInfiniteLifetime
+ header.NDPInfiniteLifetime = testInfiniteLifetime
+ defer func() {
+ header.NDPInfiniteLifetime = saved
+ }()
+ prefix := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ subnet := prefix.Subnet()
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ prefixC: make(chan ndpPrefixEvent, 1),
+ rememberPrefix: true,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ expectPrefixEvent := func(prefix tcpip.Subnet, discovered bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ if diff := checkPrefixEvent(e, prefix, discovered); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected prefix discovery event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix in an NDP Prefix Information option (PI)
+ // with infinite valid lifetime which should not get invalidated.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet, true)
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly invalidated a prefix with infinite lifetime")
+ case <-time.After(testInfiniteLifetime + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with finite lifetime.
+ // The prefix should get invalidated after 1s.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds-1, 0))
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ if diff := checkPrefixEvent(e, subnet, false); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(testInfiniteLifetime):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for prefix discovery event")
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with finite lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds-1, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet, true)
+ // Receive an RA with prefix with an infinite lifetime.
+ // The prefix should not be invalidated.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly invalidated a prefix with infinite lifetime")
+ case <-time.After(testInfiniteLifetime + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with a prefix with a lifetime value greater than the
+ // set infinite lifetime value.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds+1, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly invalidated a prefix with infinite lifetime")
+ case <-time.After((testInfiniteLifetimeSeconds+1)*time.Second + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with 0 lifetime.
+ // The prefix should get invalidated.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, false, 0, 0))
+ expectPrefixEvent(subnet, false)
+// TestPrefixDiscoveryMaxRouters tests that only
+// stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes discovered on-link prefixes are remembered.
+func TestPrefixDiscoveryMaxOnLinkPrefixes(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ prefixC: make(chan ndpPrefixEvent, stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes+3),
+ rememberPrefix: true,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: false,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ optSer := make(header.NDPOptionsSerializer, stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes+2)
+ prefixes := [stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes + 2]tcpip.Subnet{}
+ // Receive an RA with 2 more than the max number of discovered on-link
+ // prefixes.
+ for i := 0; i < stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes+2; i++ {
+ prefixAddr := [16]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+ prefixAddr[7] = byte(i)
+ prefix := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(prefixAddr[:]),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ prefixes[i] = prefix.Subnet()
+ buf := [30]byte{}
+ buf[0] = uint8(prefix.PrefixLen)
+ buf[1] = 128
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[2:], 10)
+ copy(buf[14:], prefix.Address)
+ optSer[i] = header.NDPPrefixInformation(buf[:])
+ }
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithOpts(llAddr1, 0, optSer))
+ for i := 0; i < stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes+2; i++ {
+ if i < stack.MaxDiscoveredOnLinkPrefixes {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ if diff := checkPrefixEvent(e, prefixes[i], true); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected prefix discovery event")
+ }
+ } else {
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Fatal("should not have discovered a new prefix after we already discovered the max number of prefixes")
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Checks to see if list contains an IPv6 address, item.
+func containsV6Addr(list []tcpip.ProtocolAddress, item tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) bool {
+ protocolAddress := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ AddressWithPrefix: item,
+ }
+ for _, i := range list {
+ if i == protocolAddress {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// TestNoAutoGenAddr tests that SLAAC is not performed when configured not to.
+func TestNoAutoGenAddr(t *testing.T) {
+ prefix, _, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, "")
+ // Being configured to auto-generate addresses means handle and
+ // autogen are set to true and forwarding is set to false.
+ // This tests all possible combinations of the configurations,
+ // except for the configuration where handle = true, autogen =
+ // true and forwarding = false (the required configuration to do
+ // SLAAC) - that will done in other tests.
+ for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
+ handle := i&1 != 0
+ autogen := i&2 != 0
+ forwarding := i&4 == 0
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("HandleRAs(%t), AutoGenAddr(%t), Forwarding(%t)", handle, autogen, forwarding), func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: handle,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: autogen,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ s.SetForwarding(forwarding)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Rx an RA with prefix with non-zero lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, false, true, 10, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly auto-generated an address when configured not to")
+ default:
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// Check e to make sure that the event is for addr on nic with ID 1, and the
+// event type is set to eventType.
+func checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) string {
+ return cmp.Diff(ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{nicID: 1, addr: addr, eventType: eventType}, e, cmp.AllowUnexported(e))
+// TestAutoGenAddr tests that an address is properly generated and invalidated
+// when configured to do so.
+func TestAutoGenAddr(t *testing.T) {
+ const newMinVL = 2
+ newMinVLDuration := newMinVL * time.Second
+ saved := stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate
+ defer func() {
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = saved
+ }()
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = newMinVLDuration
+ prefix1, _, addr1 := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ prefix2, _, addr2 := prefixSubnetAddr(1, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in an NDP Prefix Information option (PI)
+ // with zero valid lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 0, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly auto-generated an address with 0 lifetime")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in an NDP Prefix Information option (PI)
+ // with non-zero lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 100, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr1, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix2 in an NDP Prefix Information option (PI)
+ // with preferred lifetime > valid lifetime
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 5, 6))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly auto-generated an address with preferred lifetime > valid lifetime")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix2 in a PI.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ // Refresh valid lifetime for addr of prefix1.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, newMinVL, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly auto-generated an address when we already have an address for a prefix")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Wait for addr of prefix1 to be invalidated.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr1, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(newMinVLDuration + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+// stackAndNdpDispatcherWithDefaultRoute returns an ndpDispatcher,
+// channel.Endpoint and stack.Stack.
+// stack.Stack will have a default route through the router (llAddr3) installed
+// and a static link-address (linkAddr3) added to the link address cache for the
+// router.
+func stackAndNdpDispatcherWithDefaultRoute(t *testing.T, nicID tcpip.NICID) (*ndpDispatcher, *channel.Endpoint, *stack.Stack) {
+ t.Helper()
+ ndpDisp := &ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{{
+ Destination: header.IPv6EmptySubnet,
+ Gateway: llAddr3,
+ NIC: nicID,
+ }})
+ s.AddLinkAddress(nicID, llAddr3, linkAddr3)
+ return ndpDisp, e, s
+// addrForNewConnectionTo returns the local address used when creating a new
+// connection to addr.
+func addrForNewConnectionTo(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, addr tcpip.FullAddress) tcpip.Address {
+ t.Helper()
+ wq := waiter.Queue{}
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ defer close(ch)
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(header.UDPProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, &wq)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("s.NewEndpoint(%d, %d, _): %s", header.UDPProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
- if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ defer ep.Close()
+ if err := ep.SetSockOptBool(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true): %s", err)
+ if err := ep.Connect(addr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ep.Connect(%+v): %s", addr, err)
+ }
+ got, err := ep.GetLocalAddress()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ep.GetLocalAddress(): %s", err)
+ }
+ return got.Addr
- // Remove the address. This should stop DAD.
- if err := s.RemoveAddress(1, addr1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(_, %s) = %s", addr1, err)
+// addrForNewConnection returns the local address used when creating a new
+// connection.
+func addrForNewConnection(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) tcpip.Address {
+ t.Helper()
+ return addrForNewConnectionTo(t, s, dstAddr)
+// addrForNewConnectionWithAddr returns the local address used when creating a
+// new connection with a specific local address.
+func addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, addr tcpip.FullAddress) tcpip.Address {
+ t.Helper()
+ wq := waiter.Queue{}
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ defer close(ch)
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(header.UDPProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.NewEndpoint(%d, %d, _): %s", header.UDPProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ if err := ep.SetSockOptBool(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true): %s", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Bind(addr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ep.Bind(%+v): %s", addr, err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Connect(dstAddr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ep.Connect(%+v): %s", dstAddr, err)
+ got, err := ep.GetLocalAddress()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ep.GetLocalAddress(): %s", err)
+ }
+ return got.Addr
+// TestAutoGenAddrDeprecateFromPI tests deprecating a SLAAC address when
+// receiving a PI with 0 preferred lifetime.
+func TestAutoGenAddrDeprecateFromPI(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ prefix1, _, addr1 := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ prefix2, _, addr2 := prefixSubnetAddr(1, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp, e, s := stackAndNdpDispatcherWithDefaultRoute(t, nicID)
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if got, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d): %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ } else if got != addr {
+ t.Errorf("got s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, addr)
+ }
+ if got := addrForNewConnection(t, s); got != addr.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnection = %s, want = %s", got, addr.Address)
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive PI for prefix1.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 100, 100))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr1, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Deprecate addr for prefix1 immedaitely.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 100, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr1, deprecatedAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ // addr should still be the primary endpoint as there are no other addresses.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Refresh lifetimes of addr generated from prefix1.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 100, 100))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Receive PI for prefix2.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 100))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ // Deprecate addr for prefix2 immedaitely.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, deprecatedAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ // addr1 should be the primary endpoint now since addr2 is deprecated but
+ // addr1 is not.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // addr2 is deprecated but if explicitly requested, it should be used.
+ fullAddr2 := tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: addr2.Address, NIC: nicID}
+ if got := addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(t, s, fullAddr2); got != addr2.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(_, _, %+v) = %s, want = %s", fullAddr2, got, addr2.Address)
+ }
+ // Another PI w/ 0 preferred lifetime should not result in a deprecation
+ // event.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ if got := addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(t, s, fullAddr2); got != addr2.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(_, _, %+v) = %s, want = %s", fullAddr2, got, addr2.Address)
+ }
+ // Refresh lifetimes of addr generated from prefix2.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 100))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+// TestAutoGenAddrTimerDeprecation tests that an address is properly deprecated
+// when its preferred lifetime expires.
+func TestAutoGenAddrTimerDeprecation(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const newMinVL = 2
+ newMinVLDuration := newMinVL * time.Second
+ saved := stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate
+ defer func() {
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = saved
+ }()
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = newMinVLDuration
+ prefix1, _, addr1 := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ prefix2, _, addr2 := prefixSubnetAddr(1, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp, e, s := stackAndNdpDispatcherWithDefaultRoute(t, nicID)
- // Wait for the time to normally resolve
- // DupAddrDetectTransmits(2) * RetransmitTimer(1s) = 2s.
- // An extra 250ms is added to make sure that if DAD was still running
- // it resolves and the check below fails.
- time.Sleep(2*time.Second + 250*time.Millisecond)
- addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEventAfter := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType, timeout time.Duration) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(timeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if got, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d): %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ } else if got != addr {
+ t.Errorf("got s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, addr)
+ }
+ if got := addrForNewConnection(t, s); got != addr.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnection = %s, want = %s", got, addr.Address)
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive PI for prefix2.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 100))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ // Receive a PI for prefix1.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, 100, 90))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr1, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Refresh lifetime for addr of prefix1.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, newMinVL, newMinVL-1))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Wait for addr of prefix1 to be deprecated.
+ expectAutoGenAddrEventAfter(addr1, deprecatedAddr, newMinVLDuration-time.Second+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ // addr2 should be the primary endpoint now since addr1 is deprecated but
+ // addr2 is not.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ // addr1 is deprecated but if explicitly requested, it should be used.
+ fullAddr1 := tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: addr1.Address, NIC: nicID}
+ if got := addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(t, s, fullAddr1); got != addr1.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(_, _, %+v) = %s, want = %s", fullAddr1, got, addr1.Address)
+ }
+ // Refresh valid lifetime for addr of prefix1, w/ 0 preferred lifetime to make
+ // sure we do not get a deprecation event again.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, newMinVL, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ if got := addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(t, s, fullAddr1); got != addr1.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(_, _, %+v) = %s, want = %s", fullAddr1, got, addr1.Address)
+ }
+ // Refresh lifetimes for addr of prefix1.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, newMinVL, newMinVL-1))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ // addr1 is the primary endpoint again since it is non-deprecated now.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Wait for addr of prefix1 to be deprecated.
+ expectAutoGenAddrEventAfter(addr1, deprecatedAddr, newMinVLDuration-time.Second+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ // addr2 should be the primary endpoint now since it is not deprecated.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ if got := addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(t, s, fullAddr1); got != addr1.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnectionWithAddr(_, _, %+v) = %s, want = %s", fullAddr1, got, addr1.Address)
+ }
+ // Wait for addr of prefix1 to be invalidated.
+ expectAutoGenAddrEventAfter(addr1, invalidatedAddr, time.Second+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ if containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ // Refresh both lifetimes for addr of prefix2 to the same value.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, newMinVL, newMinVL))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ default:
+ }
+ // Wait for a deprecation then invalidation events, or just an invalidation
+ // event. We need to cover both cases but cannot deterministically hit both
+ // cases because the deprecation and invalidation handlers could be handled in
+ // either deprecation then invalidation, or invalidation then deprecation
+ // (which should be cancelled by the invalidation handler).
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr2, deprecatedAddr); diff == "" {
+ // If we get a deprecation event first, we should get an invalidation
+ // event almost immediately after.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr2, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ } else if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr2, invalidatedAddr); diff == "" {
+ // If we get an invalidation event first, we should not get a deprecation
+ // event after.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto-generated event")
+ case <-time.After(defaultTimeout):
+ }
+ } else {
+ t.Fatalf("got unexpected auto-generated event")
+ }
+ case <-time.After(newMinVLDuration + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ // Should not have any primary endpoints.
+ if got, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d): %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ } else if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, want)
+ }
+ wq := waiter.Queue{}
+ we, ch := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
+ wq.EventRegister(&we, waiter.EventIn)
+ defer wq.EventUnregister(&we)
+ defer close(ch)
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(header.UDPProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.NewEndpoint(%d, %d, _): %s", header.UDPProtocolNumber, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ defer ep.Close()
+ if err := ep.SetSockOptBool(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt(tcpip.V6OnlyOption, true): %s", err)
+ }
+ if err := ep.Connect(dstAddr); err != tcpip.ErrNoRoute {
+ t.Errorf("got ep.Connect(%+v) = %v, want = %s", dstAddr, err, tcpip.ErrNoRoute)
+ }
+// Tests transitioning a SLAAC address's valid lifetime between finite and
+// infinite values.
+func TestAutoGenAddrFiniteToInfiniteToFiniteVL(t *testing.T) {
+ const infiniteVLSeconds = 2
+ const minVLSeconds = 1
+ savedIL := header.NDPInfiniteLifetime
+ savedMinVL := stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate
+ defer func() {
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = savedMinVL
+ header.NDPInfiniteLifetime = savedIL
+ }()
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = minVLSeconds * time.Second
+ header.NDPInfiniteLifetime = infiniteVLSeconds * time.Second
+ prefix, _, addr := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ infiniteVL uint32
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "EqualToInfiniteVL",
+ infiniteVL: infiniteVLSeconds,
+ },
+ // Our implementation supports changing header.NDPInfiniteLifetime for tests
+ // such that a packet can be received where the lifetime field has a value
+ // greater than header.NDPInfiniteLifetime. Because of this, we test to make
+ // sure that receiving a value greater than header.NDPInfiniteLifetime is
+ // handled the same as when receiving a value equal to
+ // header.NDPInfiniteLifetime.
+ {
+ name: "MoreThanInfiniteVL",
+ infiniteVL: infiniteVLSeconds + 1,
+ },
+ }
+ // This Run will not return until the parallel tests finish.
+ //
+ // We need this because we need to do some teardown work after the
+ // parallel tests complete.
+ //
+ // See for
+ // more details.
+ t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ test := test
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with finite prefix.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, minVLSeconds, 0))
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, newAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ // Receive an new RA with prefix with infinite VL.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, test.infiniteVL, 0))
+ // Receive a new RA with prefix with finite VL.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, minVLSeconds, 0))
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(minVLSeconds*time.Second + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timeout waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+// TestAutoGenAddrValidLifetimeUpdates tests that the valid lifetime of an
+// auto-generated address only gets updated when required to, as specified in
+// RFC 4862 section 5.5.3.e.
+func TestAutoGenAddrValidLifetimeUpdates(t *testing.T) {
+ const infiniteVL = 4294967295
+ const newMinVL = 4
+ saved := stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate
+ defer func() {
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = saved
+ }()
+ stack.MinPrefixInformationValidLifetimeForUpdate = newMinVL * time.Second
+ prefix, _, addr := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ ovl uint32
+ nvl uint32
+ evl uint32
+ }{
+ // Should update the VL to the minimum VL for updating if the
+ // new VL is less than newMinVL but was originally greater than
+ // it.
+ {
+ "LargeVLToVLLessThanMinVLForUpdate",
+ 9999,
+ 1,
+ newMinVL,
+ },
+ {
+ "LargeVLTo0",
+ 9999,
+ 0,
+ newMinVL,
+ },
+ {
+ "InfiniteVLToVLLessThanMinVLForUpdate",
+ infiniteVL,
+ 1,
+ newMinVL,
+ },
+ {
+ "InfiniteVLTo0",
+ infiniteVL,
+ 0,
+ newMinVL,
+ },
+ // Should not update VL if original VL was less than newMinVL
+ // and the new VL is also less than newMinVL.
+ {
+ "ShouldNotUpdateWhenBothOldAndNewAreLessThanMinVLForUpdate",
+ newMinVL - 1,
+ newMinVL - 3,
+ newMinVL - 1,
+ },
+ // Should take the new VL if the new VL is greater than the
+ // remaining time or is greater than newMinVL.
+ {
+ "MorethanMinVLToLesserButStillMoreThanMinVLForUpdate",
+ newMinVL + 5,
+ newMinVL + 3,
+ newMinVL + 3,
+ },
+ {
+ "SmallVLToGreaterVLButStillLessThanMinVLForUpdate",
+ newMinVL - 3,
+ newMinVL - 1,
+ newMinVL - 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "SmallVLToGreaterVLThatIsMoreThaMinVLForUpdate",
+ newMinVL - 3,
+ newMinVL + 1,
+ newMinVL + 1,
+ },
+ }
+ // This Run will not return until the parallel tests finish.
+ //
+ // We need this because we need to do some teardown work after the
+ // parallel tests complete.
+ //
+ // See for
+ // more details.
+ t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ test := test
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 10),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix with initial VL,
+ // test.ovl.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, test.ovl, 0))
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, newAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ // Receive an new RA with prefix with new VL,
+ // test.nvl.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, test.nvl, 0))
+ //
+ // Validate that the VL for the address got set
+ // to test.evl.
+ //
+ // The address should not be invalidated until the effective valid
+ // lifetime has passed.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly received an auto gen addr event")
+ case <-time.After(time.Duration(test.evl)*time.Second - defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ }
+ // Wait for the invalidation event.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(2 * defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timeout waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+// TestAutoGenAddrRemoval tests that when auto-generated addresses are removed
+// by the user, its resources will be cleaned up and an invalidation event will
+// be sent to the integrator.
+func TestAutoGenAddrRemoval(t *testing.T) {
+ prefix, _, addr := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive a PI to auto-generate an address.
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 1
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, newAddr)
+ // Removing the address should result in an invalidation event
+ // immediately.
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(1, addr.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(_, %s) = %s", addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, invalidatedAddr)
+ // Wait for the original valid lifetime to make sure the original timer
+ // got stopped/cleaned up.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly received an auto gen addr event")
+ case <-time.After(lifetimeSeconds*time.Second + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+// TestAutoGenAddrAfterRemoval tests adding a SLAAC address that was previously
+// assigned to the NIC but is in the permanentExpired state.
+func TestAutoGenAddrAfterRemoval(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ prefix1, _, addr1 := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ prefix2, _, addr2 := prefixSubnetAddr(1, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp, e, s := stackAndNdpDispatcherWithDefaultRoute(t, nicID)
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ expectPrimaryAddr := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if got, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d): %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ } else if got != addr {
+ t.Errorf("got s.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, addr)
+ }
+ if got := addrForNewConnection(t, s); got != addr.Address {
+ t.Errorf("got addrForNewConnection = %s, want = %s", got, addr.Address)
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive a PI to auto-generate addr1 with a large valid and preferred
+ // lifetime.
+ const largeLifetimeSeconds = 999
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr3, 0, prefix1, true, true, largeLifetimeSeconds, largeLifetimeSeconds))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr1, newAddr)
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Add addr2 as a static address.
+ protoAddr2 := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ AddressWithPrefix: addr2,
+ }
+ if err := s.AddProtocolAddressWithOptions(nicID, protoAddr2, stack.FirstPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddressWithOptions(%d, %+v, %d) = %s", nicID, protoAddr2, stack.FirstPrimaryEndpoint, err)
+ }
+ // addr2 should be more preferred now since it is at the front of the primary
+ // list.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ // Get a route using addr2 to increment its reference count then remove it
+ // to leave it in the permanentExpired state.
+ r, err := s.FindRoute(nicID, addr2.Address, addr3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, false)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("FindRoute(%d, %s, %s, %d, false): %s", nicID, addr2.Address, addr3, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ defer r.Release()
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, addr2.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.RemoveAddress(%d, %s): %s", nicID, addr2.Address, err)
+ }
+ // addr1 should be preferred again since addr2 is in the expired state.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Receive a PI to auto-generate addr2 as valid and preferred.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr3, 0, prefix2, true, true, largeLifetimeSeconds, largeLifetimeSeconds))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, newAddr)
+ // addr2 should be more preferred now that it is closer to the front of the
+ // primary list and not deprecated.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ // Removing the address should result in an invalidation event immediately.
+ // It should still be in the permanentExpired state because r is still held.
+ //
+ // We remove addr2 here to make sure addr2 was marked as a SLAAC address
+ // (it was previously marked as a static address).
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(1, addr2.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(_, %s) = %s", addr2.Address, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, invalidatedAddr)
+ // addr1 should be more preferred since addr2 is in the expired state.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Receive a PI to auto-generate addr2 as valid and deprecated.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr3, 0, prefix2, true, true, largeLifetimeSeconds, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, newAddr)
+ // addr1 should still be more preferred since addr2 is deprecated, even though
+ // it is closer to the front of the primary list.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+ // Receive a PI to refresh addr2's preferred lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr3, 0, prefix2, true, true, largeLifetimeSeconds, largeLifetimeSeconds))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an auto gen addr event")
+ default:
+ }
+ // addr2 should be more preferred now that it is not deprecated.
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr2)
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(1, addr2.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(_, %s) = %s", addr2.Address, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, invalidatedAddr)
+ expectPrimaryAddr(addr1)
+// TestAutoGenAddrStaticConflict tests that if SLAAC generates an address that
+// is already assigned to the NIC, the static address remains.
+func TestAutoGenAddrStaticConflict(t *testing.T) {
+ prefix, _, addr := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ // Add the address as a static address before SLAAC tries to add it.
+ if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(1, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, AddressWithPrefix: addr}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(_, %d, %s) = %s", header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ // Receive a PI where the generated address will be the same as the one
+ // that we already have assigned statically.
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 1
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, 0))
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly received an auto gen addr event for an address we already have statically")
+ default:
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ // Should not get an invalidation event after the PI's invalidation
+ // time.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly received an auto gen addr event")
+ case <-time.After(lifetimeSeconds*time.Second + defaultTimeout):
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses, addr) {
+ t.Fatalf("Should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+// TestAutoGenAddrWithOpaqueIID tests that SLAAC generated addresses will use
+// opaque interface identifiers when configured to do so.
+func TestAutoGenAddrWithOpaqueIID(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const nicName = "nic1"
+ var secretKeyBuf [header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes]byte
+ secretKey := secretKeyBuf[:]
+ n, err := rand.Read(secretKey)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("rand.Read(_): %s", err)
+ }
+ if n != header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes {
+ t.Fatalf("got rand.Read(_) = (%d, _), want = (%d, _)", n, header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes)
+ }
+ prefix1, subnet1, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ prefix2, subnet2, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(1, linkAddr1)
+ // addr1 and addr2 are the addresses that are expected to be generated when
+ // stack.Stack is configured to generate opaque interface identifiers as
+ // defined by RFC 7217.
+ addrBytes := []byte(subnet1.ID())
+ addr1 := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address], subnet1, nicName, 0, secretKey)),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ addrBytes = []byte(subnet2.ID())
+ addr2 := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address], subnet2, nicName, 0, secretKey)),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ OpaqueIIDOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: func(_ tcpip.NICID, nicName string) string {
+ return nicName
+ },
+ SecretKey: secretKey,
+ },
+ })
+ opts := stack.NICOptions{Name: nicName}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, opts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v, _) = %s", nicID, opts, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in a PI.
+ const validLifetimeSecondPrefix1 = 1
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix1, true, true, validLifetimeSecondPrefix1, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr1, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix2 in a PI with a large valid lifetime.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix2, true, true, 100, 0))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr2, newAddr)
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+ // Wait for addr of prefix1 to be invalidated.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr1, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(validLifetimeSecondPrefix1*time.Second + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr1) {
+ t.Fatalf("should not have %s in the list of addresses", addr1)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(s.NICInfo()[nicID].ProtocolAddresses, addr2) {
+ t.Fatalf("should have %s in the list of addresses", addr2)
+ }
+// TestAutoGenAddrWithOpaqueIIDDADRetries tests the regeneration of an
+// auto-generated IPv6 address in response to a DAD conflict.
+func TestAutoGenAddrWithOpaqueIIDDADRetries(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const nicName = "nic"
+ const dadTransmits = 1
+ const retransmitTimer = time.Second
+ const maxMaxRetries = 3
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 10
+ var secretKeyBuf [header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes]byte
+ secretKey := secretKeyBuf[:]
+ n, err := rand.Read(secretKey)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("rand.Read(_): %s", err)
+ }
+ if n != header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes {
+ t.Fatalf("got rand.Read(_) = (%d, _), want = (%d, _)", n, header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes)
+ }
+ prefix, subnet, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ for maxRetries := uint8(0); maxRetries <= maxMaxRetries; maxRetries++ {
+ for numFailures := uint8(0); numFailures <= maxRetries+1; numFailures++ {
+ addrTypes := []struct {
+ name string
+ ndpConfigs stack.NDPConfigurations
+ autoGenLinkLocal bool
+ subnet tcpip.Subnet
+ triggerSLAACFn func(e *channel.Endpoint)
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Global address",
+ ndpConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: retransmitTimer,
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ AutoGenAddressConflictRetries: maxRetries,
+ },
+ subnet: subnet,
+ triggerSLAACFn: func(e *channel.Endpoint) {
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in a PI.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "LinkLocal address",
+ ndpConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: retransmitTimer,
+ AutoGenAddressConflictRetries: maxRetries,
+ },
+ autoGenLinkLocal: true,
+ subnet: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.Subnet(),
+ triggerSLAACFn: func(e *channel.Endpoint) {},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, addrType := range addrTypes {
+ maxRetries := maxRetries
+ numFailures := numFailures
+ addrType := addrType
+ t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s with %d max retries and %d failures",, maxRetries, numFailures), func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 2),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal: addrType.autoGenLinkLocal,
+ NDPConfigs: addrType.ndpConfigs,
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ OpaqueIIDOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: func(_ tcpip.NICID, nicName string) string {
+ return nicName
+ },
+ SecretKey: secretKey,
+ },
+ })
+ opts := stack.NICOptions{Name: nicName}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, opts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, opts, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ addrType.triggerSLAACFn(e)
+ // Simulate DAD conflicts so the address is regenerated.
+ for i := uint8(0); i < numFailures; i++ {
+ addrBytes := []byte(addrType.subnet.ID())
+ addr := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address], addrType.subnet, nicName, i, secretKey)),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, newAddr)
+ // Should not have any addresses assigned to the NIC.
+ mainAddr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, _) err = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); mainAddr != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", mainAddr, want)
+ }
+ // Simulate a DAD conflict.
+ if err := s.DupTentativeAddrDetected(nicID, addr.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DupTentativeAddrDetected(%d, %s): %s", nicID, addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, invalidatedAddr)
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.Address, false, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected DAD event")
+ }
+ // Attempting to add the address manually should not fail if the
+ // address's state was cleaned up when DAD failed.
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, addr.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(%d, %s) = %s", nicID, addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.Address, false, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected DAD event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Should not have any addresses assigned to the NIC.
+ mainAddr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, _) err = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); mainAddr != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", mainAddr, want)
+ }
+ // If we had less failures than generation attempts, we should have an
+ // address after DAD resolves.
+ if maxRetries+1 > numFailures {
+ addrBytes := []byte(addrType.subnet.ID())
+ addr := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address], addrType.subnet, nicName, numFailures, secretKey)),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, newAddr)
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.Address, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(dadTransmits*retransmitTimer + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD event")
+ }
+ mainAddr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, _) err = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if mainAddr != addr {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", mainAddr, addr)
+ }
+ }
+ // Should not attempt address regeneration again.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatalf("unexpectedly got an auto-generated address event = %+v", e)
+ case <-time.After(defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// TestAutoGenAddrWithEUI64IIDNoDADRetries tests that a regeneration attempt is
+// not made for SLAAC addresses generated with an IID based on the NIC's link
+// address.
+func TestAutoGenAddrWithEUI64IIDNoDADRetries(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const dadTransmits = 1
+ const retransmitTimer = time.Second
+ const maxRetries = 3
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 10
+ prefix, subnet, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ addrTypes := []struct {
+ name string
+ ndpConfigs stack.NDPConfigurations
+ autoGenLinkLocal bool
+ subnet tcpip.Subnet
+ triggerSLAACFn func(e *channel.Endpoint)
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Global address",
+ ndpConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: retransmitTimer,
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ AutoGenAddressConflictRetries: maxRetries,
+ },
+ subnet: subnet,
+ triggerSLAACFn: func(e *channel.Endpoint) {
+ // Receive an RA with prefix1 in a PI.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "LinkLocal address",
+ ndpConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: retransmitTimer,
+ AutoGenAddressConflictRetries: maxRetries,
+ },
+ autoGenLinkLocal: true,
+ subnet: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.Subnet(),
+ triggerSLAACFn: func(e *channel.Endpoint) {},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, addrType := range addrTypes {
+ addrType := addrType
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 2),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal: addrType.autoGenLinkLocal,
+ NDPConfigs: addrType.ndpConfigs,
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ addrType.triggerSLAACFn(e)
+ addrBytes := []byte(addrType.subnet.ID())
+ header.EthernetAdddressToModifiedEUI64IntoBuf(linkAddr1, addrBytes[header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address:])
+ addr := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(addrBytes),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, newAddr)
+ // Simulate a DAD conflict.
+ if err := s.DupTentativeAddrDetected(nicID, addr.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DupTentativeAddrDetected(%d, %s): %s", nicID, addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, invalidatedAddr)
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.Address, false, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected DAD event")
+ }
+ // Should not attempt address regeneration.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatalf("unexpectedly got an auto-generated address event = %+v", e)
+ case <-time.After(defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestAutoGenAddrContinuesLifetimesAfterRetry tests that retrying address
+// generation in response to DAD conflicts does not refresh the lifetimes.
+func TestAutoGenAddrContinuesLifetimesAfterRetry(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const nicName = "nic"
+ const dadTransmits = 1
+ const retransmitTimer = 2 * time.Second
+ const failureTimer = time.Second
+ const maxRetries = 1
+ const lifetimeSeconds = 5
+ var secretKeyBuf [header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes]byte
+ secretKey := secretKeyBuf[:]
+ n, err := rand.Read(secretKey)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("rand.Read(_): %s", err)
+ }
+ if n != header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes {
+ t.Fatalf("got rand.Read(_) = (%d, _), want = (%d, _)", n, header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes)
+ }
+ prefix, subnet, _ := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent, 1),
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 2),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: retransmitTimer,
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ AutoGenAddressConflictRetries: maxRetries,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ OpaqueIIDOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: func(_ tcpip.NICID, nicName string) string {
+ return nicName
+ },
+ SecretKey: secretKey,
+ },
+ })
+ opts := stack.NICOptions{Name: nicName}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, opts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, opts, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func(addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, eventType ndpAutoGenAddrEventType) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, eventType); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Receive an RA with prefix in a PI.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr2, 0, prefix, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ addrBytes := []byte(subnet.ID())
+ addr := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: tcpip.Address(header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address], subnet, nicName, 0, secretKey)),
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, newAddr)
+ // Simulate a DAD conflict after some time has passed.
+ time.Sleep(failureTimer)
+ if err := s.DupTentativeAddrDetected(nicID, addr.Address); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DupTentativeAddrDetected(%d, %s): %s", nicID, addr.Address, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, invalidatedAddr)
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.Address, false, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected DAD event")
+ }
+ // Let the next address resolve.
+ addr.Address = tcpip.Address(header.AppendOpaqueInterfaceIdentifier(addrBytes[:header.IIDOffsetInIPv6Address], subnet, nicName, 1, secretKey))
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent(addr, newAddr)
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.Address, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(dadTransmits*retransmitTimer + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD event")
+ }
+ // Address should be deprecated/invalidated after the lifetime expires.
+ //
+ // Note, the remaining lifetime is calculated from when the PI was first
+ // processed. Since we wait for some time before simulating a DAD conflict
+ // and more time for the new address to resolve, the new address is only
+ // expected to be valid for the remaining time. The DAD conflict should
+ // not have reset the lifetimes.
+ //
+ // We expect either just the invalidation event or the deprecation event
+ // followed by the invalidation event.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if e.eventType == deprecatedAddr {
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, deprecatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ case <-time.After(defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for invalidated auto gen addr event after deprecation")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, addr, invalidatedAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ case <-time.After(lifetimeSeconds*time.Second - failureTimer - dadTransmits*retransmitTimer + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for auto gen addr event")
+ }
+// TestNDPRecursiveDNSServerDispatch tests that we properly dispatch an event
+// to the integrator when an RA is received with the NDP Recursive DNS Server
+// option with at least one valid address.
+func TestNDPRecursiveDNSServerDispatch(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ opt header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer
+ expected *ndpRDNSS
+ }{
+ {
+ "Unspecified",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ }),
+ nil,
+ },
+ {
+ "Multicast",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ }),
+ nil,
+ },
+ {
+ "OptionTooSmall",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+ }),
+ nil,
+ },
+ {
+ "0Addresses",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ }),
+ nil,
+ },
+ {
+ "Valid1Address",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ }),
+ &ndpRDNSS{
+ []tcpip.Address{
+ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01",
+ },
+ 2 * time.Second,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Valid2Addresses",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ }),
+ &ndpRDNSS{
+ []tcpip.Address{
+ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01",
+ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02",
+ },
+ time.Second,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Valid3Addresses",
+ header.NDPRecursiveDNSServer([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3,
+ }),
+ &ndpRDNSS{
+ []tcpip.Address{
+ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01",
+ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02",
+ "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03",
+ },
+ 0,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ // We do not expect more than a single RDNSS
+ // event at any time for this test.
+ rdnssC: make(chan ndpRDNSSEvent, 1),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(1) = %s", err)
+ }
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithOpts(llAddr1, 0, header.NDPOptionsSerializer{test.opt}))
+ if test.expected != nil {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.rdnssC:
+ if e.nicID != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("got rdnss nicID = %d, want = 1", e.nicID)
+ }
+ if diff := cmp.Diff(e.rdnss.addrs, test.expected.addrs); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("rdnss addrs mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ if e.rdnss.lifetime != test.expected.lifetime {
+ t.Errorf("got rdnss lifetime = %s, want = %s", e.rdnss.lifetime, test.expected.lifetime)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected an RDNSS option event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Should have no more RDNSS options.
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.rdnssC:
+ t.Fatalf("unexpectedly got a new RDNSS option event: %+v", e)
+ default:
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestNDPDNSSearchListDispatch tests that the integrator is informed when an
+// NDP DNS Search List option is received with at least one domain name in the
+// search list.
+func TestNDPDNSSearchListDispatch(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dnsslC: make(chan ndpDNSSLEvent, 3),
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
- if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ optSer := header.NDPOptionsSerializer{
+ header.NDPDNSSearchList([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 2, 'h', 'i',
+ 0,
+ }),
+ header.NDPDNSSearchList([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 1, 'i',
+ 0,
+ 2, 'a', 'm',
+ 2, 'm', 'e',
+ 0,
+ }),
+ header.NDPDNSSearchList([]byte{
+ 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 0,
+ 3, 'x', 'y', 'z',
+ 0,
+ 5, 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o',
+ 5, 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd',
+ 0,
+ 4, 't', 'h', 'i', 's',
+ 2, 'i', 's',
+ 1, 'a',
+ 4, 't', 'e', 's', 't',
+ 0,
+ }),
+ }
+ expected := []struct {
+ domainNames []string
+ lifetime time.Duration
+ }{
+ {
+ domainNames: []string{
+ "hi",
+ },
+ lifetime: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ domainNames: []string{
+ "i",
+ "",
+ },
+ lifetime: time.Second,
+ },
+ {
+ domainNames: []string{
+ "xyz",
+ "",
+ "",
+ },
+ lifetime: 256 * time.Second,
+ },
+ }
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithOpts(llAddr1, 0, optSer))
+ for i, expected := range expected {
+ select {
+ case dnssl := <-ndpDisp.dnsslC:
+ if dnssl.nicID != nicID {
+ t.Errorf("got %d-th dnssl nicID = %d, want = %d", i, dnssl.nicID, nicID)
+ }
+ if diff := cmp.Diff(dnssl.domainNames, expected.domainNames); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("%d-th dnssl domain names mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", i, diff)
+ }
+ if dnssl.lifetime != expected.lifetime {
+ t.Errorf("got %d-th dnssl lifetime = %s, want = %s", i, dnssl.lifetime, expected.lifetime)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected a DNSSL event")
+ }
+ }
+ // Should have no more DNSSL options.
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.dnsslC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got a DNSSL event")
+ default:
+ }
+// TestCleanupNDPState tests that all discovered routers and prefixes, and
+// auto-generated addresses are invalidated when a NIC becomes a router.
+func TestCleanupNDPState(t *testing.T) {
+ const (
+ lifetimeSeconds = 5
+ maxRouterAndPrefixEvents = 4
+ nicID1 = 1
+ nicID2 = 2
+ )
+ prefix1, subnet1, e1Addr1 := prefixSubnetAddr(0, linkAddr1)
+ prefix2, subnet2, e1Addr2 := prefixSubnetAddr(1, linkAddr1)
+ e2Addr1 := addrForSubnet(subnet1, linkAddr2)
+ e2Addr2 := addrForSubnet(subnet2, linkAddr2)
+ llAddrWithPrefix1 := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: llAddr1,
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ llAddrWithPrefix2 := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: llAddr2,
+ PrefixLen: 64,
+ }
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ cleanupFn func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack)
+ keepAutoGenLinkLocal bool
+ maxAutoGenAddrEvents int
+ skipFinalAddrCheck bool
+ }{
+ // A NIC should still keep its auto-generated link-local address when
+ // becoming a router.
+ {
+ name: "Enable forwarding",
+ cleanupFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ t.Helper()
+ s.SetForwarding(true)
+ },
+ keepAutoGenLinkLocal: true,
+ maxAutoGenAddrEvents: 4,
+ },
+ // A NIC should cleanup all NDP state when it is disabled.
+ {
+ name: "Disable NIC",
+ cleanupFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ },
+ keepAutoGenLinkLocal: false,
+ maxAutoGenAddrEvents: 6,
+ },
+ // A NIC should cleanup all NDP state when it is removed.
+ {
+ name: "Remove NIC",
+ cleanupFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if err := s.RemoveNIC(nicID1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.RemoveNIC(%d): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.RemoveNIC(nicID2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.RemoveNIC(%d): %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ },
+ keepAutoGenLinkLocal: false,
+ maxAutoGenAddrEvents: 6,
+ // The NICs are removed so we can't check their addresses after calling
+ // stopFn.
+ skipFinalAddrCheck: true,
+ },
- // Should not have sent more than 1 NS message.
- if got := s.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent.NeighborSolicit.Value(); got > 1 {
- t.Fatalf("got NeighborSolicit = %d, want <= 1", got)
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ routerC: make(chan ndpRouterEvent, maxRouterAndPrefixEvents),
+ rememberRouter: true,
+ prefixC: make(chan ndpPrefixEvent, maxRouterAndPrefixEvents),
+ rememberPrefix: true,
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, test.maxAutoGenAddrEvents),
+ }
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal: true,
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ DiscoverDefaultRouters: true,
+ DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: true,
+ AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ expectRouterEvent := func() (bool, ndpRouterEvent) {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ return true, e
+ default:
+ }
+ return false, ndpRouterEvent{}
+ }
+ expectPrefixEvent := func() (bool, ndpPrefixEvent) {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ return true, e
+ default:
+ }
+ return false, ndpPrefixEvent{}
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent := func() (bool, ndpAutoGenAddrEvent) {
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ return true, e
+ default:
+ }
+ return false, ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{}
+ }
+ e1 := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID1, e1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ // We have other tests that make sure we receive the *correct* events
+ // on normal discovery of routers/prefixes, and auto-generated
+ // addresses. Here we just make sure we get an event and let other tests
+ // handle the correctness check.
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent()
+ e2 := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr2)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID2, e2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ expectAutoGenAddrEvent()
+ // Receive RAs on NIC(1) and NIC(2) from default routers (llAddr3 and
+ // llAddr4) w/ PI (for prefix1 in RA from llAddr3 and prefix2 in RA from
+ // llAddr4) to discover multiple routers and prefixes, and auto-gen
+ // multiple addresses.
+ e1.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr3, lifetimeSeconds, prefix1, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ if ok, _ := expectRouterEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected router event for %s on NIC(%d)", llAddr3, nicID1)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectPrefixEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected prefix event for %s on NIC(%d)", prefix1, nicID1)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectAutoGenAddrEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected auto-gen addr event for %s on NIC(%d)", e1Addr1, nicID1)
+ }
+ e1.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr4, lifetimeSeconds, prefix2, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ if ok, _ := expectRouterEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected router event for %s on NIC(%d)", llAddr4, nicID1)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectPrefixEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected prefix event for %s on NIC(%d)", prefix2, nicID1)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectAutoGenAddrEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected auto-gen addr event for %s on NIC(%d)", e1Addr2, nicID1)
+ }
+ e2.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr3, lifetimeSeconds, prefix1, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ if ok, _ := expectRouterEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected router event for %s on NIC(%d)", llAddr3, nicID2)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectPrefixEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected prefix event for %s on NIC(%d)", prefix1, nicID2)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectAutoGenAddrEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected auto-gen addr event for %s on NIC(%d)", e1Addr2, nicID2)
+ }
+ e2.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithPI(llAddr4, lifetimeSeconds, prefix2, true, true, lifetimeSeconds, lifetimeSeconds))
+ if ok, _ := expectRouterEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected router event for %s on NIC(%d)", llAddr4, nicID2)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectPrefixEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected prefix event for %s on NIC(%d)", prefix2, nicID2)
+ }
+ if ok, _ := expectAutoGenAddrEvent(); !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected auto-gen addr event for %s on NIC(%d)", e2Addr2, nicID2)
+ }
+ // We should have the auto-generated addresses added.
+ nicinfo := s.NICInfo()
+ nic1Addrs := nicinfo[nicID1].ProtocolAddresses
+ nic2Addrs := nicinfo[nicID2].ProtocolAddresses
+ if !containsV6Addr(nic1Addrs, llAddrWithPrefix1) {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", llAddrWithPrefix1, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(nic1Addrs, e1Addr1) {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e1Addr1, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(nic1Addrs, e1Addr2) {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e1Addr2, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(nic2Addrs, llAddrWithPrefix2) {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", llAddrWithPrefix2, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(nic2Addrs, e2Addr1) {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e2Addr1, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ }
+ if !containsV6Addr(nic2Addrs, e2Addr2) {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e2Addr2, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ }
+ // We can't proceed any further if we already failed the test (missing
+ // some discovery/auto-generated address events or addresses).
+ if t.Failed() {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ test.cleanupFn(t, s)
+ // Collect invalidation events after having NDP state cleaned up.
+ gotRouterEvents := make(map[ndpRouterEvent]int)
+ for i := 0; i < maxRouterAndPrefixEvents; i++ {
+ ok, e := expectRouterEvent()
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected %d router events after becoming a router; got = %d", maxRouterAndPrefixEvents, i)
+ break
+ }
+ gotRouterEvents[e]++
+ }
+ gotPrefixEvents := make(map[ndpPrefixEvent]int)
+ for i := 0; i < maxRouterAndPrefixEvents; i++ {
+ ok, e := expectPrefixEvent()
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected %d prefix events after becoming a router; got = %d", maxRouterAndPrefixEvents, i)
+ break
+ }
+ gotPrefixEvents[e]++
+ }
+ gotAutoGenAddrEvents := make(map[ndpAutoGenAddrEvent]int)
+ for i := 0; i < test.maxAutoGenAddrEvents; i++ {
+ ok, e := expectAutoGenAddrEvent()
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("expected %d auto-generated address events after becoming a router; got = %d", test.maxAutoGenAddrEvents, i)
+ break
+ }
+ gotAutoGenAddrEvents[e]++
+ }
+ // No need to proceed any further if we already failed the test (missing
+ // some invalidation events).
+ if t.Failed() {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ expectedRouterEvents := map[ndpRouterEvent]int{
+ {nicID: nicID1, addr: llAddr3, discovered: false}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID1, addr: llAddr4, discovered: false}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID2, addr: llAddr3, discovered: false}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID2, addr: llAddr4, discovered: false}: 1,
+ }
+ if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedRouterEvents, gotRouterEvents); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("router events mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ expectedPrefixEvents := map[ndpPrefixEvent]int{
+ {nicID: nicID1, prefix: subnet1, discovered: false}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID1, prefix: subnet2, discovered: false}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID2, prefix: subnet1, discovered: false}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID2, prefix: subnet2, discovered: false}: 1,
+ }
+ if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedPrefixEvents, gotPrefixEvents); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("prefix events mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ expectedAutoGenAddrEvents := map[ndpAutoGenAddrEvent]int{
+ {nicID: nicID1, addr: e1Addr1, eventType: invalidatedAddr}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID1, addr: e1Addr2, eventType: invalidatedAddr}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID2, addr: e2Addr1, eventType: invalidatedAddr}: 1,
+ {nicID: nicID2, addr: e2Addr2, eventType: invalidatedAddr}: 1,
+ }
+ if !test.keepAutoGenLinkLocal {
+ expectedAutoGenAddrEvents[ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{nicID: nicID1, addr: llAddrWithPrefix1, eventType: invalidatedAddr}] = 1
+ expectedAutoGenAddrEvents[ndpAutoGenAddrEvent{nicID: nicID2, addr: llAddrWithPrefix2, eventType: invalidatedAddr}] = 1
+ }
+ if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedAutoGenAddrEvents, gotAutoGenAddrEvents); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-generated address events mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ if !test.skipFinalAddrCheck {
+ // Make sure the auto-generated addresses got removed.
+ nicinfo = s.NICInfo()
+ nic1Addrs = nicinfo[nicID1].ProtocolAddresses
+ nic2Addrs = nicinfo[nicID2].ProtocolAddresses
+ if containsV6Addr(nic1Addrs, llAddrWithPrefix1) != test.keepAutoGenLinkLocal {
+ if test.keepAutoGenLinkLocal {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", llAddrWithPrefix1, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ } else {
+ t.Errorf("still have %s in the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", llAddrWithPrefix1, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ }
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(nic1Addrs, e1Addr1) {
+ t.Errorf("still have %s in the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e1Addr1, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(nic1Addrs, e1Addr2) {
+ t.Errorf("still have %s in the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e1Addr2, nicID1, nic1Addrs)
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(nic2Addrs, llAddrWithPrefix2) != test.keepAutoGenLinkLocal {
+ if test.keepAutoGenLinkLocal {
+ t.Errorf("missing %s from the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", llAddrWithPrefix2, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ } else {
+ t.Errorf("still have %s in the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", llAddrWithPrefix2, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ }
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(nic2Addrs, e2Addr1) {
+ t.Errorf("still have %s in the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e2Addr1, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ }
+ if containsV6Addr(nic2Addrs, e2Addr2) {
+ t.Errorf("still have %s in the list of addresses for NIC(%d): %+v", e2Addr2, nicID2, nic2Addrs)
+ }
+ }
+ // Should not get any more events (invalidation timers should have been
+ // cancelled when the NDP state was cleaned up).
+ time.Sleep(lifetimeSeconds*time.Second + defaultTimeout)
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.routerC:
+ t.Error("unexpected router event")
+ default:
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.prefixC:
+ t.Error("unexpected prefix event")
+ default:
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Error("unexpected auto-generated address event")
+ default:
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestDHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPDA tests that the NDPDispatcher is properly
+// informed when new information about what configurations are available via
+// DHCPv6 is learned.
+func TestDHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPDA(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dhcpv6ConfigurationC: make(chan ndpDHCPv6Event, 1),
+ rememberRouter: true,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ HandleRAs: true,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ expectDHCPv6Event := func(configuration stack.DHCPv6ConfigurationFromNDPRA) {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dhcpv6ConfigurationC:
+ if diff := cmp.Diff(ndpDHCPv6Event{nicID: nicID, configuration: configuration}, e, cmp.AllowUnexported(e)); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dhcpv6 event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected DHCPv6 configuration event")
+ }
+ }
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event := func() {
+ t.Helper()
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.dhcpv6ConfigurationC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpected DHCPv6 configuration event")
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ // The initial DHCPv6 configuration should be stack.DHCPv6NoConfiguration.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, false))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ // Receive an RA that updates the DHCPv6 configuration to Other
+ // Configurations.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, true))
+ expectDHCPv6Event(stack.DHCPv6OtherConfigurations)
+ // Receiving the same update again should not result in an event to the
+ // NDPDispatcher.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, true))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ // Receive an RA that updates the DHCPv6 configuration to Managed Address.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, true, false))
+ expectDHCPv6Event(stack.DHCPv6ManagedAddress)
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, true, false))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ // Receive an RA that updates the DHCPv6 configuration to none.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, false))
+ expectDHCPv6Event(stack.DHCPv6NoConfiguration)
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, false))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ // Receive an RA that updates the DHCPv6 configuration to Managed Address.
+ //
+ // Note, when the M flag is set, the O flag is redundant.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, true, true))
+ expectDHCPv6Event(stack.DHCPv6ManagedAddress)
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, true, true))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ // Even though the DHCPv6 flags are different, the effective configuration is
+ // the same so we should not receive a new event.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, true, false))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, true, true))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+ // Receive an RA that updates the DHCPv6 configuration to Other
+ // Configurations.
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, true))
+ expectDHCPv6Event(stack.DHCPv6OtherConfigurations)
+ e.InjectInbound(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, raBufWithDHCPv6(llAddr2, false, true))
+ expectNoDHCPv6Event()
+// TestRouterSolicitation tests the initial Router Solicitations that are sent
+// when a NIC newly becomes enabled.
+func TestRouterSolicitation(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ linkHeaderLen uint16
+ linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress
+ nicAddr tcpip.Address
+ expectedSrcAddr tcpip.Address
+ expectedNDPOpts []header.NDPOption
+ maxRtrSolicit uint8
+ rtrSolicitInt time.Duration
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt time.Duration
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay time.Duration
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay time.Duration
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Single RS with 2s delay and interval",
+ expectedSrcAddr: header.IPv6Any,
+ maxRtrSolicit: 1,
+ rtrSolicitInt: 2 * time.Second,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: 2 * time.Second,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: 2 * time.Second,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: 2 * time.Second,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Single RS with 4s delay and interval",
+ expectedSrcAddr: header.IPv6Any,
+ maxRtrSolicit: 1,
+ rtrSolicitInt: 4 * time.Second,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: 4 * time.Second,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: 4 * time.Second,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: 4 * time.Second,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Two RS with delay",
+ linkHeaderLen: 1,
+ nicAddr: llAddr1,
+ expectedSrcAddr: llAddr1,
+ maxRtrSolicit: 2,
+ rtrSolicitInt: 2 * time.Second,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: 2 * time.Second,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Single RS without delay",
+ linkHeaderLen: 2,
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ nicAddr: llAddr1,
+ expectedSrcAddr: llAddr1,
+ expectedNDPOpts: []header.NDPOption{
+ header.NDPSourceLinkLayerAddressOption(linkAddr1),
+ },
+ maxRtrSolicit: 1,
+ rtrSolicitInt: 2 * time.Second,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: 2 * time.Second,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: 0,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Two RS without delay and invalid zero interval",
+ linkHeaderLen: 3,
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ expectedSrcAddr: header.IPv6Any,
+ maxRtrSolicit: 2,
+ rtrSolicitInt: 0,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: 4 * time.Second,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: 0,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Three RS without delay",
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ expectedSrcAddr: header.IPv6Any,
+ maxRtrSolicit: 3,
+ rtrSolicitInt: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: 0,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Two RS with invalid negative delay",
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ expectedSrcAddr: header.IPv6Any,
+ maxRtrSolicit: 2,
+ rtrSolicitInt: time.Second,
+ effectiveRtrSolicitInt: time.Second,
+ maxRtrSolicitDelay: -3 * time.Second,
+ effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay: time.Second,
+ },
+ }
+ // This Run will not return until the parallel tests finish.
+ //
+ // We need this because we need to do some teardown work after the
+ // parallel tests complete.
+ //
+ // See for
+ // more details.
+ t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ test := test
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ e := channelLinkWithHeaderLength{
+ Endpoint: channel.New(int(test.maxRtrSolicit), 1280, test.linkAddr),
+ headerLength: test.linkHeaderLen,
+ }
+ e.Endpoint.LinkEPCapabilities |= stack.CapabilityResolutionRequired
+ waitForPkt := func(timeout time.Duration) {
+ t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ p, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for packet")
+ return
+ }
+ if p.Proto != header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {
+ t.Fatalf("got Proto = %d, want = %d", p.Proto, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ }
+ // Make sure the right remote link address is used.
+ if want := header.EthernetAddressFromMulticastIPv6Address(header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress); p.Route.RemoteLinkAddress != want {
+ t.Errorf("got remote link address = %s, want = %s", p.Route.RemoteLinkAddress, want)
+ }
+ checker.IPv6(t,
+ p.Pkt.Header.View(),
+ checker.SrcAddr(test.expectedSrcAddr),
+ checker.DstAddr(header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress),
+ checker.TTL(header.NDPHopLimit),
+ checker.NDPRS(checker.NDPRSOptions(test.expectedNDPOpts)),
+ )
+ if l, want := p.Pkt.Header.AvailableLength(), int(test.linkHeaderLen); l != want {
+ t.Errorf("got p.Pkt.Header.AvailableLength() = %d; want = %d", l, want)
+ }
+ }
+ waitForNothing := func(timeout time.Duration) {
+ t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ if _, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx); ok {
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got a packet")
+ }
+ }
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ MaxRtrSolicitations: test.maxRtrSolicit,
+ RtrSolicitationInterval: test.rtrSolicitInt,
+ MaxRtrSolicitationDelay: test.maxRtrSolicitDelay,
+ },
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, &e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if addr := test.nicAddr; addr != "" {
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s) = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure each RS is sent at the right time.
+ remaining := test.maxRtrSolicit
+ if remaining > 0 {
+ waitForPkt(test.effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay + defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ remaining--
+ }
+ for ; remaining > 0; remaining-- {
+ if test.effectiveRtrSolicitInt > defaultAsyncEventTimeout {
+ waitForNothing(test.effectiveRtrSolicitInt - defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ waitForPkt(2 * defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ } else {
+ waitForPkt(test.effectiveRtrSolicitInt * defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure no more RS.
+ if test.effectiveRtrSolicitInt > test.effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay {
+ waitForNothing(test.effectiveRtrSolicitInt + defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ } else {
+ waitForNothing(test.effectiveMaxRtrSolicitDelay + defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ }
+ // Make sure the counter got properly
+ // incremented.
+ if got, want := s.Stats().ICMP.V6PacketsSent.RouterSolicit.Value(), uint64(test.maxRtrSolicit); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got sent RouterSolicit = %d, want = %d", got, want)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+func TestStopStartSolicitingRouters(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const delay = 0
+ const interval = 500 * time.Millisecond
+ const maxRtrSolicitations = 3
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ startFn func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack)
+ // first is used to tell stopFn that it is being called for the first time
+ // after router solicitations were last enabled.
+ stopFn func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, first bool)
+ }{
+ // Tests that when forwarding is enabled or disabled, router solicitations
+ // are stopped or started, respectively.
+ {
+ name: "Enable and disable forwarding",
+ startFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ t.Helper()
+ s.SetForwarding(false)
+ },
+ stopFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, _ bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ s.SetForwarding(true)
+ },
+ },
+ // Tests that when a NIC is enabled or disabled, router solicitations
+ // are started or stopped, respectively.
+ {
+ name: "Enable and disable NIC",
+ startFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ },
+ stopFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, _ bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ // Tests that when a NIC is removed, router solicitations are stopped. We
+ // cannot start router solications on a removed NIC.
+ {
+ name: "Remove NIC",
+ stopFn: func(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, first bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ // Only try to remove the NIC the first time stopFn is called since it's
+ // impossible to remove an already removed NIC.
+ if !first {
+ return
+ }
+ if err := s.RemoveNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.RemoveNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ e := channel.New(maxRtrSolicitations, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ waitForPkt := func(timeout time.Duration) {
+ t.Helper()
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ p, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for packet")
+ }
+ if p.Proto != header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {
+ t.Fatalf("got Proto = %d, want = %d", p.Proto, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ }
+ checker.IPv6(t, p.Pkt.Header.View(),
+ checker.SrcAddr(header.IPv6Any),
+ checker.DstAddr(header.IPv6AllRoutersMulticastAddress),
+ checker.TTL(header.NDPHopLimit),
+ checker.NDPRS())
+ }
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ MaxRtrSolicitations: maxRtrSolicitations,
+ RtrSolicitationInterval: interval,
+ MaxRtrSolicitationDelay: delay,
+ },
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ // Stop soliciting routers.
+ test.stopFn(t, s, true /* first */)
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), delay+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ if _, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx); ok {
+ // A single RS may have been sent before solicitations were stopped.
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), interval+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ if _, ok = e.ReadContext(ctx); ok {
+ t.Fatal("should not have sent more than one RS message")
+ }
+ }
+ // Stopping router solicitations after it has already been stopped should
+ // do nothing.
+ test.stopFn(t, s, false /* first */)
+ ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), delay+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ if _, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx); ok {
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got a packet after router solicitation has been stopepd")
+ }
+ // If test.startFn is nil, there is no way to restart router solications.
+ if test.startFn == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Start soliciting routers.
+ test.startFn(t, s)
+ waitForPkt(delay + defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ waitForPkt(interval + defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ waitForPkt(interval + defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), interval+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ if _, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx); ok {
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got an extra packet after sending out the expected RSs")
+ }
+ // Starting router solicitations after it has already completed should do
+ // nothing.
+ test.startFn(t, s)
+ ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), delay+defaultAsyncEventTimeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ if _, ok := e.ReadContext(ctx); ok {
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly got a packet after finishing router solicitations")
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go
index e456e05f4..0c2b1f36a 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic.go
@@ -15,44 +15,65 @@
package stack
import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "sort"
- "sync"
+ ""
+var ipv4BroadcastAddr = tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ Protocol: header.IPv4ProtocolNumber,
+ AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: header.IPv4Broadcast,
+ PrefixLen: 8 * header.IPv4AddressSize,
+ },
// NIC represents a "network interface card" to which the networking stack is
// attached.
type NIC struct {
- stack *Stack
- id tcpip.NICID
- name string
- linkEP LinkEndpoint
- loopback bool
- mu sync.RWMutex
- spoofing bool
- promiscuous bool
- primary map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]*referencedNetworkEndpoint
- endpoints map[NetworkEndpointID]*referencedNetworkEndpoint
- addressRanges []tcpip.Subnet
- mcastJoins map[NetworkEndpointID]int32
- // packetEPs is protected by mu, but the contained PacketEndpoint
- // values are not.
- packetEPs map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]PacketEndpoint
+ stack *Stack
+ id tcpip.NICID
+ name string
+ linkEP LinkEndpoint
+ context NICContext
stats NICStats
- ndp ndpState
+ mu struct {
+ sync.RWMutex
+ enabled bool
+ spoofing bool
+ promiscuous bool
+ primary map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]*referencedNetworkEndpoint
+ endpoints map[NetworkEndpointID]*referencedNetworkEndpoint
+ addressRanges []tcpip.Subnet
+ mcastJoins map[NetworkEndpointID]uint32
+ // packetEPs is protected by mu, but the contained PacketEndpoint
+ // values are not.
+ packetEPs map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]PacketEndpoint
+ ndp ndpState
+ }
// NICStats includes transmitted and received stats.
type NICStats struct {
Tx DirectionStats
Rx DirectionStats
+ DisabledRx DirectionStats
+func makeNICStats() NICStats {
+ var s NICStats
+ tcpip.InitStatCounters(reflect.ValueOf(&s).Elem())
+ return s
// DirectionStats includes packet and byte counts.
@@ -80,57 +101,145 @@ const (
-func newNIC(stack *Stack, id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint, loopback bool) *NIC {
+// newNIC returns a new NIC using the default NDP configurations from stack.
+func newNIC(stack *Stack, id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint, ctx NICContext) *NIC {
// TODO(b/141011931): Validate a LinkEndpoint (ep) is valid. For
// example, make sure that the link address it provides is a valid
// unicast ethernet address.
+ // TODO(b/143357959): RFC 8200 section 5 requires that IPv6 endpoints
+ // observe an MTU of at least 1280 bytes. Ensure that this requirement
+ // of IPv6 is supported on this endpoint's LinkEndpoint.
nic := &NIC{
- stack: stack,
- id: id,
- name: name,
- linkEP: ep,
- loopback: loopback,
- primary: make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]*referencedNetworkEndpoint),
- endpoints: make(map[NetworkEndpointID]*referencedNetworkEndpoint),
- mcastJoins: make(map[NetworkEndpointID]int32),
- packetEPs: make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]PacketEndpoint),
- stats: NICStats{
- Tx: DirectionStats{
- Packets: &tcpip.StatCounter{},
- Bytes: &tcpip.StatCounter{},
- },
- Rx: DirectionStats{
- Packets: &tcpip.StatCounter{},
- Bytes: &tcpip.StatCounter{},
- },
- },
- ndp: ndpState{
- dad: make(map[tcpip.Address]dadState),
- },
+ stack: stack,
+ id: id,
+ name: name,
+ linkEP: ep,
+ context: ctx,
+ stats: makeNICStats(),
+ }
+ = make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]*referencedNetworkEndpoint)
+ = make(map[NetworkEndpointID]*referencedNetworkEndpoint)
+ = make(map[NetworkEndpointID]uint32)
+ = make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber][]PacketEndpoint)
+ = ndpState{
+ nic: nic,
+ configs: stack.ndpConfigs,
+ dad: make(map[tcpip.Address]dadState),
+ defaultRouters: make(map[tcpip.Address]defaultRouterState),
+ onLinkPrefixes: make(map[tcpip.Subnet]onLinkPrefixState),
+ slaacPrefixes: make(map[tcpip.Subnet]slaacPrefixState),
// Register supported packet endpoint protocols.
for _, netProto := range header.Ethertypes {
- nic.packetEPs[netProto] = []PacketEndpoint{}
+[netProto] = []PacketEndpoint{}
for _, netProto := range stack.networkProtocols {
- nic.packetEPs[netProto.Number()] = []PacketEndpoint{}
+[netProto.Number()] = []PacketEndpoint{}
+ nic.linkEP.Attach(nic)
return nic
-// enable enables the NIC. enable will attach the link to its LinkEndpoint and
-// join the IPv6 All-Nodes Multicast address (ff02::1).
+// enabled returns true if n is enabled.
+func (n *NIC) enabled() bool {
+ enabled :=
+ return enabled
+// disable disables n.
+// It undoes the work done by enable.
+func (n *NIC) disable() *tcpip.Error {
+ enabled :=
+ if !enabled {
+ return nil
+ }
+ err := n.disableLocked()
+ return err
+// disableLocked disables n.
+// It undoes the work done by enable.
+// n MUST be locked.
+func (n *NIC) disableLocked() *tcpip.Error {
+ if ! {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // TODO(b/147015577): Should Routes that are currently bound to n be
+ // invalidated? Currently, Routes will continue to work when a NIC is enabled
+ // again, and applications may not know that the underlying NIC was ever
+ // disabled.
+ if _, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[header.IPv6ProtocolNumber]; ok {
+ /* hostOnly */)
+ // Stop DAD for all the unicast IPv6 endpoints that are in the
+ // permanentTentative state.
+ for _, r := range {
+ if addr := r.ep.ID().LocalAddress; r.getKind() == permanentTentative && header.IsV6UnicastAddress(addr) {
+ }
+ }
+ // The NIC may have already left the multicast group.
+ if err := n.leaveGroupLocked(header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress, false /* force */); err != nil && err != tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ if _, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[header.IPv4ProtocolNumber]; ok {
+ // The address may have already been removed.
+ if err := n.removePermanentAddressLocked(ipv4BroadcastAddr.AddressWithPrefix.Address); err != nil && err != tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ = false
+ return nil
+// enable enables n.
+// If the stack has IPv6 enabled, enable will join the IPv6 All-Nodes Multicast
+// address (ff02::1), start DAD for permanent addresses, and start soliciting
+// routers if the stack is not operating as a router. If the stack is also
+// configured to auto-generate a link-local address, one will be generated.
func (n *NIC) enable() *tcpip.Error {
- n.attachLinkEndpoint()
+ enabled :=
+ if enabled {
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer
+ if {
+ return nil
+ }
+ = true
// Create an endpoint to receive broadcast packets on this interface.
if _, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[header.IPv4ProtocolNumber]; ok {
- if err := n.AddAddress(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
- Protocol: header.IPv4ProtocolNumber,
- AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{header.IPv4Broadcast, 8 * header.IPv4AddressSize},
- }, NeverPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
+ if _, err := n.addAddressLocked(ipv4BroadcastAddr, NeverPrimaryEndpoint, permanent, static, false /* deprecated */); err != nil {
return err
@@ -152,77 +261,276 @@ func (n *NIC) enable() *tcpip.Error {
return nil
- defer
+ // Join the All-Nodes multicast group before starting DAD as responses to DAD
+ // (NDP NS) messages may be sent to the All-Nodes multicast group if the
+ // source address of the NDP NS is the unspecified address, as per RFC 4861
+ // section 7.2.4.
if err := n.joinGroupLocked(header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress); err != nil {
return err
- if !n.stack.autoGenIPv6LinkLocal {
- return nil
+ // Perform DAD on the all the unicast IPv6 endpoints that are in the permanent
+ // state.
+ //
+ // Addresses may have aleady completed DAD but in the time since the NIC was
+ // last enabled, other devices may have acquired the same addresses.
+ for _, r := range {
+ addr := r.ep.ID().LocalAddress
+ if k := r.getKind(); (k != permanent && k != permanentTentative) || !header.IsV6UnicastAddress(addr) {
+ continue
+ }
+ r.setKind(permanentTentative)
+ if err :=, r); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
- l2addr := n.linkEP.LinkAddress()
+ // Do not auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address for loopback devices.
+ if n.stack.autoGenIPv6LinkLocal && !n.isLoopback() {
+ // The valid and preferred lifetime is infinite for the auto-generated
+ // link-local address.
+, header.NDPInfiniteLifetime, header.NDPInfiniteLifetime)
+ }
- // Only attempt to generate the link-local address if we have a
- // valid MAC address.
+ // If we are operating as a router, then do not solicit routers since we
+ // won't process the RAs anyways.
- // TODO(b/141011931): Validate a LinkEndpoint's link address
- // (provided by LinkEndpoint.LinkAddress) before reaching this
- // point.
- if !header.IsValidUnicastEthernetAddress(l2addr) {
- return nil
+ // Routers do not process Router Advertisements (RA) the same way a host
+ // does. That is, routers do not learn from RAs (e.g. on-link prefixes
+ // and default routers). Therefore, soliciting RAs from other routers on
+ // a link is unnecessary for routers.
+ if !n.stack.forwarding {
- addr := header.LinkLocalAddr(l2addr)
+ return nil
- _, err := n.addPermanentAddressLocked(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
- Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
- AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
- Address: addr,
- PrefixLen: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.PrefixLen,
- },
- }, CanBePrimaryEndpoint)
+// remove detaches NIC from the link endpoint, and marks existing referenced
+// network endpoints expired. This guarantees no packets between this NIC and
+// the network stack.
+func (n *NIC) remove() *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ n.disableLocked()
+ // TODO(b/151378115): come up with a better way to pick an error than the
+ // first one.
+ var err *tcpip.Error
+ // Forcefully leave multicast groups.
+ for nid := range {
+ if tempErr := n.leaveGroupLocked(nid.LocalAddress, true /* force */); tempErr != nil && err == nil {
+ err = tempErr
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove permanent and permanentTentative addresses, so no packet goes out.
+ for nid, ref := range {
+ switch ref.getKind() {
+ case permanentTentative, permanent:
+ if tempErr := n.removePermanentAddressLocked(nid.LocalAddress); tempErr != nil && err == nil {
+ err = tempErr
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Detach from link endpoint, so no packet comes in.
+ n.linkEP.Attach(nil)
return err
-// attachLinkEndpoint attaches the NIC to the endpoint, which will enable it
-// to start delivering packets.
-func (n *NIC) attachLinkEndpoint() {
- n.linkEP.Attach(n)
+// becomeIPv6Router transitions n into an IPv6 router.
+// When transitioning into an IPv6 router, host-only state (NDP discovered
+// routers, discovered on-link prefixes, and auto-generated addresses) will
+// be cleaned up/invalidated and NDP router solicitations will be stopped.
+func (n *NIC) becomeIPv6Router() {
+ defer
+ /* hostOnly */)
+// becomeIPv6Host transitions n into an IPv6 host.
+// When transitioning into an IPv6 host, NDP router solicitations will be
+// started.
+func (n *NIC) becomeIPv6Host() {
+ defer
// setPromiscuousMode enables or disables promiscuous mode.
func (n *NIC) setPromiscuousMode(enable bool) {
- n.promiscuous = enable
+ = enable
func (n *NIC) isPromiscuousMode() bool {
- rv := n.promiscuous
+ rv :=
return rv
+func (n *NIC) isLoopback() bool {
+ return n.linkEP.Capabilities()&CapabilityLoopback != 0
// setSpoofing enables or disables address spoofing.
func (n *NIC) setSpoofing(enable bool) {
- n.spoofing = enable
+ = enable
-// primaryEndpoint returns the primary endpoint of n for the given network
-// protocol.
-func (n *NIC) primaryEndpoint(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
+// primaryEndpoint will return the first non-deprecated endpoint if such an
+// endpoint exists for the given protocol and remoteAddr. If no non-deprecated
+// endpoint exists, the first deprecated endpoint will be returned.
+// If an IPv6 primary endpoint is requested, Source Address Selection (as
+// defined by RFC 6724 section 5) will be performed.
+func (n *NIC) primaryEndpoint(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, remoteAddr tcpip.Address) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
+ if protocol == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber && remoteAddr != "" {
+ return n.primaryIPv6Endpoint(remoteAddr)
+ }
+ defer
+ var deprecatedEndpoint *referencedNetworkEndpoint
+ for _, r := range[protocol] {
+ if !r.isValidForOutgoingRLocked() {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !r.deprecated {
+ if r.tryIncRef() {
+ // r is not deprecated, so return it immediately.
+ //
+ // If we kept track of a deprecated endpoint, decrement its reference
+ // count since it was incremented when we decided to keep track of it.
+ if deprecatedEndpoint != nil {
+ deprecatedEndpoint.decRefLocked()
+ deprecatedEndpoint = nil
+ }
+ return r
+ }
+ } else if deprecatedEndpoint == nil && r.tryIncRef() {
+ // We prefer an endpoint that is not deprecated, but we keep track of r in
+ // case n doesn't have any non-deprecated endpoints.
+ //
+ // If we end up finding a more preferred endpoint, r's reference count
+ // will be decremented when such an endpoint is found.
+ deprecatedEndpoint = r
+ }
+ }
+ // n doesn't have any valid non-deprecated endpoints, so return
+ // deprecatedEndpoint (which may be nil if n doesn't have any valid deprecated
+ // endpoints either).
+ return deprecatedEndpoint
+// ipv6AddrCandidate is an IPv6 candidate for Source Address Selection (RFC
+// 6724 section 5).
+type ipv6AddrCandidate struct {
+ ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint
+ scope header.IPv6AddressScope
+// primaryIPv6Endpoint returns an IPv6 endpoint following Source Address
+// Selection (RFC 6724 section 5).
+// Note, only rules 1-3 are followed.
+// remoteAddr must be a valid IPv6 address.
+func (n *NIC) primaryIPv6Endpoint(remoteAddr tcpip.Address) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
- for _, r := range n.primary[protocol] {
- if r.isValidForOutgoing() && r.tryIncRef() {
+ primaryAddrs :=[header.IPv6ProtocolNumber]
+ if len(primaryAddrs) == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Create a candidate set of available addresses we can potentially use as a
+ // source address.
+ cs := make([]ipv6AddrCandidate, 0, len(primaryAddrs))
+ for _, r := range primaryAddrs {
+ // If r is not valid for outgoing connections, it is not a valid endpoint.
+ if !r.isValidForOutgoingRLocked() {
+ continue
+ }
+ addr := r.ep.ID().LocalAddress
+ scope, err := header.ScopeForIPv6Address(addr)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Should never happen as we got r from the primary IPv6 endpoint list and
+ // ScopeForIPv6Address only returns an error if addr is not an IPv6
+ // address.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("header.ScopeForIPv6Address(%s): %s", addr, err))
+ }
+ cs = append(cs, ipv6AddrCandidate{
+ ref: r,
+ scope: scope,
+ })
+ }
+ remoteScope, err := header.ScopeForIPv6Address(remoteAddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ // primaryIPv6Endpoint should never be called with an invalid IPv6 address.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("header.ScopeForIPv6Address(%s): %s", remoteAddr, err))
+ }
+ // Sort the addresses as per RFC 6724 section 5 rules 1-3.
+ //
+ // TODO(b/146021396): Implement rules 4-8 of RFC 6724 section 5.
+ sort.Slice(cs, func(i, j int) bool {
+ sa := cs[i]
+ sb := cs[j]
+ // Prefer same address as per RFC 6724 section 5 rule 1.
+ if sa.ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress == remoteAddr {
+ return true
+ }
+ if sb.ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress == remoteAddr {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Prefer appropriate scope as per RFC 6724 section 5 rule 2.
+ if sa.scope < sb.scope {
+ return sa.scope >= remoteScope
+ } else if sb.scope < sa.scope {
+ return sb.scope < remoteScope
+ }
+ // Avoid deprecated addresses as per RFC 6724 section 5 rule 3.
+ if saDep, sbDep := sa.ref.deprecated, sb.ref.deprecated; saDep != sbDep {
+ // If sa is not deprecated, it is preferred over sb.
+ return sbDep
+ }
+ // sa and sb are equal, return the endpoint that is closest to the front of
+ // the primary endpoint list.
+ return i < j
+ })
+ // Return the most preferred address that can have its reference count
+ // incremented.
+ for _, c := range cs {
+ if r := c.ref; r.tryIncRef() {
return r
@@ -230,24 +538,68 @@ func (n *NIC) primaryEndpoint(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) *referencedN
return nil
+// hasPermanentAddrLocked returns true if n has a permanent (including currently
+// tentative) address, addr.
+func (n *NIC) hasPermanentAddrLocked(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
+ ref, ok :=[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ kind := ref.getKind()
+ return kind == permanent || kind == permanentTentative
+type getRefBehaviour int
+const (
+ // spoofing indicates that the NIC's spoofing flag should be observed when
+ // getting a NIC's referenced network endpoint.
+ spoofing getRefBehaviour = iota
+ // promiscuous indicates that the NIC's promiscuous flag should be observed
+ // when getting a NIC's referenced network endpoint.
+ promiscuous
+ // forceSpoofing indicates that the NIC should be assumed to be spoofing,
+ // regardless of what the NIC's spoofing flag is when getting a NIC's
+ // referenced network endpoint.
+ forceSpoofing
func (n *NIC) getRef(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, dst tcpip.Address) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
- return n.getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol, dst, CanBePrimaryEndpoint, n.promiscuous)
+ return n.getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol, dst, CanBePrimaryEndpoint, promiscuous)
// findEndpoint finds the endpoint, if any, with the given address.
func (n *NIC) findEndpoint(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address tcpip.Address, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
- return n.getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol, address, peb, n.spoofing)
+ return n.getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol, address, peb, spoofing)
// getRefEpOrCreateTemp returns the referenced network endpoint for the given
-// protocol and address. If none exists a temporary one may be created if
-// we are in promiscuous mode or spoofing.
-func (n *NIC) getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address tcpip.Address, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, spoofingOrPromiscuous bool) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
+// protocol and address.
+// If none exists a temporary one may be created if we are in promiscuous mode
+// or spoofing. Promiscuous mode will only be checked if promiscuous is true.
+// Similarly, spoofing will only be checked if spoofing is true.
+func (n *NIC) getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address tcpip.Address, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, tempRef getRefBehaviour) *referencedNetworkEndpoint {
id := NetworkEndpointID{address}
- if ref, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
+ var spoofingOrPromiscuous bool
+ switch tempRef {
+ case spoofing:
+ spoofingOrPromiscuous =
+ case promiscuous:
+ spoofingOrPromiscuous =
+ case forceSpoofing:
+ spoofingOrPromiscuous = true
+ }
+ if ref, ok :=[id]; ok {
// An endpoint with this id exists, check if it can be used and return it.
switch ref.getKind() {
case permanentExpired:
@@ -268,7 +620,7 @@ func (n *NIC) getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address t
// the caller or if the address is found in the NIC's subnets.
createTempEP := spoofingOrPromiscuous
if !createTempEP {
- for _, sn := range n.addressRanges {
+ for _, sn := range {
// Skip the subnet address.
if address == sn.ID() {
@@ -296,7 +648,7 @@ func (n *NIC) getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address t
// endpoint, create a new "temporary" endpoint. It will only exist while
// there's a route through it.
- if ref, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
+ if ref, ok :=[id]; ok {
// No need to check the type as we are ok with expired endpoints at this
// point.
if ref.tryIncRef() {
@@ -321,26 +673,42 @@ func (n *NIC) getRefOrCreateTemp(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, address t
Address: address,
PrefixLen: netProto.DefaultPrefixLen(),
- }, peb, temporary)
+ }, peb, temporary, static, false)
return ref
-func (n *NIC) addPermanentAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) (*referencedNetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
- id := NetworkEndpointID{protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address}
- if ref, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
+// addAddressLocked adds a new protocolAddress to n.
+// If n already has the address in a non-permanent state, and the kind given is
+// permanent, that address will be promoted in place and its properties set to
+// the properties provided. Otherwise, it returns tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress.
+func (n *NIC) addAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, kind networkEndpointKind, configType networkEndpointConfigType, deprecated bool) (*referencedNetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+ // TODO(b/141022673): Validate IP addresses before adding them.
+ // Sanity check.
+ id := NetworkEndpointID{LocalAddress: protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address}
+ if ref, ok :=[id]; ok {
+ // Endpoint already exists.
+ if kind != permanent {
+ return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress
+ }
switch ref.getKind() {
case permanentTentative, permanent:
// The NIC already have a permanent endpoint with that address.
return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress
case permanentExpired, temporary:
- // Promote the endpoint to become permanent and respect
- // the new peb.
+ // Promote the endpoint to become permanent and respect the new peb,
+ // configType and deprecated status.
if ref.tryIncRef() {
+ // TODO(b/147748385): Perform Duplicate Address Detection when promoting
+ // an IPv6 endpoint to permanent.
+ ref.deprecated = deprecated
+ ref.configType = configType
- refs := n.primary[ref.protocol]
+ refs :=[ref.protocol]
for i, r := range refs {
if r == ref {
switch peb {
@@ -350,9 +718,9 @@ func (n *NIC) addPermanentAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, p
if i == 0 {
return ref, nil
- n.primary[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
+[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
case NeverPrimaryEndpoint:
- n.primary[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
+[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
return ref, nil
@@ -370,26 +738,13 @@ func (n *NIC) addPermanentAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, p
- return n.addAddressLocked(protocolAddress, peb, permanent)
-func (n *NIC) addAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior, kind networkEndpointKind) (*referencedNetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
- // TODO(b/141022673): Validate IP address before adding them.
- // Sanity check.
- id := NetworkEndpointID{protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address}
- if _, ok := n.endpoints[id]; ok {
- // Endpoint already exists.
- return nil, tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress
- }
netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocolAddress.Protocol]
if !ok {
return nil, tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
// Create the new network endpoint.
- ep, err := netProto.NewEndpoint(, protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix, n.stack, n, n.linkEP)
+ ep, err := netProto.NewEndpoint(, protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix, n.stack, n, n.linkEP, n.stack)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -397,17 +752,21 @@ func (n *NIC) addAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb Primar
isIPv6Unicast := protocolAddress.Protocol == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber && header.IsV6UnicastAddress(protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address)
// If the address is an IPv6 address and it is a permanent address,
- // mark it as tentative so it goes through the DAD process.
+ // mark it as tentative so it goes through the DAD process if the NIC is
+ // enabled. If the NIC is not enabled, DAD will be started when the NIC is
+ // enabled.
if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanent {
kind = permanentTentative
ref := &referencedNetworkEndpoint{
- refs: 1,
- ep: ep,
- nic: n,
- protocol: protocolAddress.Protocol,
- kind: kind,
+ refs: 1,
+ ep: ep,
+ nic: n,
+ protocol: protocolAddress.Protocol,
+ kind: kind,
+ configType: configType,
+ deprecated: deprecated,
// Set up cache if link address resolution exists for this protocol.
@@ -426,13 +785,13 @@ func (n *NIC) addAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb Primar
- n.endpoints[id] = ref
+[id] = ref
n.insertPrimaryEndpointLocked(ref, peb)
- // If we are adding a tentative IPv6 address, start DAD.
- if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanentTentative {
- if err := n.ndp.startDuplicateAddressDetection(n, protocolAddress.AddressWithPrefix.Address, ref); err != nil {
+ // If we are adding a tentative IPv6 address, start DAD if the NIC is enabled.
+ if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanentTentative && {
+ if err :=, ref); err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -445,7 +804,7 @@ func (n *NIC) addAddressLocked(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb Primar
func (n *NIC) AddAddress(protocolAddress tcpip.ProtocolAddress, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) *tcpip.Error {
// Add the endpoint.
- _, err := n.addPermanentAddressLocked(protocolAddress, peb)
+ _, err := n.addAddressLocked(protocolAddress, peb, permanent, static, false /* deprecated */)
return err
@@ -457,16 +816,15 @@ func (n *NIC) AllAddresses() []tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
- addrs := make([]tcpip.ProtocolAddress, 0, len(n.endpoints))
- for nid, ref := range n.endpoints {
+ addrs := make([]tcpip.ProtocolAddress, 0, len(
+ for nid, ref := range {
// Don't include tentative, expired or temporary endpoints to
// avoid confusion and prevent the caller from using those.
switch ref.getKind() {
- case permanentTentative, permanentExpired, temporary:
- // TODO(b/140898488): Should tentative addresses be
- // returned?
+ case permanentExpired, temporary:
addrs = append(addrs, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: ref.protocol,
AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
@@ -484,7 +842,7 @@ func (n *NIC) PrimaryAddresses() []tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
var addrs []tcpip.ProtocolAddress
- for proto, list := range n.primary {
+ for proto, list := range {
for _, ref := range list {
// Don't include tentative, expired or tempory endpoints
// to avoid confusion and prevent the caller from using
@@ -506,6 +864,51 @@ func (n *NIC) PrimaryAddresses() []tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
return addrs
+// primaryAddress returns the primary address associated with this NIC.
+// primaryAddress will return the first non-deprecated address if such an
+// address exists. If no non-deprecated address exists, the first deprecated
+// address will be returned.
+func (n *NIC) primaryAddress(proto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
+ defer
+ list, ok :=[proto]
+ if !ok {
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}
+ }
+ var deprecatedEndpoint *referencedNetworkEndpoint
+ for _, ref := range list {
+ // Don't include tentative, expired or tempory endpoints to avoid confusion
+ // and prevent the caller from using those.
+ switch ref.getKind() {
+ case permanentTentative, permanentExpired, temporary:
+ continue
+ }
+ if !ref.deprecated {
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress,
+ PrefixLen: ref.ep.PrefixLen(),
+ }
+ }
+ if deprecatedEndpoint == nil {
+ deprecatedEndpoint = ref
+ }
+ }
+ if deprecatedEndpoint != nil {
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: deprecatedEndpoint.ep.ID().LocalAddress,
+ PrefixLen: deprecatedEndpoint.ep.PrefixLen(),
+ }
+ }
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}
// AddAddressRange adds a range of addresses to n, so that it starts accepting
// packets targeted at the given addresses and network protocol. The range is
// given by a subnet address, and all addresses contained in the subnet are
@@ -513,7 +916,7 @@ func (n *NIC) PrimaryAddresses() []tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
// address.
func (n *NIC) AddAddressRange(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, subnet tcpip.Subnet) {
- n.addressRanges = append(n.addressRanges, subnet)
+ = append(, subnet)
@@ -522,23 +925,23 @@ func (n *NIC) RemoveAddressRange(subnet tcpip.Subnet) {
// Use the same underlying array.
- tmp := n.addressRanges[:0]
- for _, sub := range n.addressRanges {
+ tmp :=[:0]
+ for _, sub := range {
if sub != subnet {
tmp = append(tmp, sub)
- n.addressRanges = tmp
+ = tmp
-// Subnets returns the Subnets associated with this NIC.
+// AddressRanges returns the Subnets associated with this NIC.
func (n *NIC) AddressRanges() []tcpip.Subnet {
- sns := make([]tcpip.Subnet, 0, len(n.addressRanges)+len(n.endpoints))
- for nid := range n.endpoints {
+ sns := make([]tcpip.Subnet, 0, len(
+ for nid := range {
sn, err := tcpip.NewSubnet(nid.LocalAddress, tcpip.AddressMask(strings.Repeat("\xff", len(nid.LocalAddress))))
if err != nil {
// This should never happen as the mask has been carefully crafted to
@@ -547,7 +950,7 @@ func (n *NIC) AddressRanges() []tcpip.Subnet {
sns = append(sns, sn)
- return append(sns, n.addressRanges...)
+ return append(sns,
// insertPrimaryEndpointLocked adds r to n's primary endpoint list as required
@@ -557,9 +960,9 @@ func (n *NIC) AddressRanges() []tcpip.Subnet {
func (n *NIC) insertPrimaryEndpointLocked(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint, peb PrimaryEndpointBehavior) {
switch peb {
case CanBePrimaryEndpoint:
- n.primary[r.protocol] = append(n.primary[r.protocol], r)
+[r.protocol] = append([r.protocol], r)
case FirstPrimaryEndpoint:
- n.primary[r.protocol] = append([]*referencedNetworkEndpoint{r}, n.primary[r.protocol]...)
+[r.protocol] = append([]*referencedNetworkEndpoint{r},[r.protocol]...)
@@ -571,7 +974,7 @@ func (n *NIC) removeEndpointLocked(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
// and was waiting (on the lock) to be removed and 2) the same address was
// re-added in the meantime by removing this endpoint from the list and
// adding a new one.
- if n.endpoints[id] != r {
+ if[id] != r {
@@ -579,11 +982,12 @@ func (n *NIC) removeEndpointLocked(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
panic("Reference count dropped to zero before being removed")
- delete(n.endpoints, id)
- refs := n.primary[r.protocol]
+ delete(, id)
+ refs :=[r.protocol]
for i, ref := range refs {
if ref == r {
- n.primary[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
+[r.protocol] = append(refs[:i], refs[i+1:]...)
+ refs[len(refs)-1] = nil
@@ -598,7 +1002,7 @@ func (n *NIC) removeEndpoint(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
func (n *NIC) removePermanentAddressLocked(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
- r, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
+ r, ok :=[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress
@@ -608,26 +1012,42 @@ func (n *NIC) removePermanentAddressLocked(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress
- isIPv6Unicast := r.protocol == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber && header.IsV6UnicastAddress(addr)
- // If we are removing a tentative IPv6 unicast address, stop DAD.
- if isIPv6Unicast && kind == permanentTentative {
- n.ndp.stopDuplicateAddressDetection(addr)
+ switch r.protocol {
+ case header.IPv6ProtocolNumber:
+ return n.removePermanentIPv6EndpointLocked(r, true /* allowSLAAPrefixInvalidation */)
+ default:
+ r.expireLocked()
+ return nil
- r.setKind(permanentExpired)
- if !r.decRefLocked() {
- // The endpoint still has references to it.
- return nil
+func (n *NIC) removePermanentIPv6EndpointLocked(r *referencedNetworkEndpoint, allowSLAACPrefixInvalidation bool) *tcpip.Error {
+ addr := r.addrWithPrefix()
+ isIPv6Unicast := header.IsV6UnicastAddress(addr.Address)
+ if isIPv6Unicast {
+ // If we are removing an address generated via SLAAC, cleanup
+ // its SLAAC resources and notify the integrator.
+ if r.configType == slaac {
+, allowSLAACPrefixInvalidation)
+ }
+ r.expireLocked()
// At this point the endpoint is deleted.
// If we are removing an IPv6 unicast address, leave the solicited-node
// multicast address.
+ //
+ // We ignore the tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress error because the solicited-node
+ // multicast group may be left by user action.
if isIPv6Unicast {
- snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr)
- if err := n.leaveGroupLocked(snmc); err != nil {
+ snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr.Address)
+ if err := n.leaveGroupLocked(snmc, false /* force */); err != nil && err != tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress {
return err
@@ -661,23 +1081,23 @@ func (n *NIC) joinGroupLocked(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.A
// outlined in RFC 3810 section 5.
id := NetworkEndpointID{addr}
- joins := n.mcastJoins[id]
+ joins :=[id]
if joins == 0 {
netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocol]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
- if _, err := n.addPermanentAddressLocked(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ if _, err := n.addAddressLocked(tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: protocol,
AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
Address: addr,
PrefixLen: netProto.DefaultPrefixLen(),
- }, NeverPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
+ }, NeverPrimaryEndpoint, permanent, static, false /* deprecated */); err != nil {
return err
- n.mcastJoins[id] = joins + 1
+[id] = joins + 1
return nil
@@ -687,48 +1107,75 @@ func (n *NIC) leaveGroup(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
- return n.leaveGroupLocked(addr)
+ return n.leaveGroupLocked(addr, false /* force */)
// leaveGroupLocked decrements the count for the given multicast address, and
// when it reaches zero removes the endpoint for this address. n MUST be locked
// before leaveGroupLocked is called.
-func (n *NIC) leaveGroupLocked(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
+// If force is true, then the count for the multicast addres is ignored and the
+// endpoint will be removed immediately.
+func (n *NIC) leaveGroupLocked(addr tcpip.Address, force bool) *tcpip.Error {
id := NetworkEndpointID{addr}
- joins := n.mcastJoins[id]
- switch joins {
- case 0:
+ joins, ok :=[id]
+ if !ok {
// There are no joins with this address on this NIC.
return tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress
- case 1:
- // This is the last one, clean up.
- if err := n.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- n.mcastJoins[id] = joins - 1
+ joins--
+ if force || joins == 0 {
+ // There are no outstanding joins or we are forced to leave, clean up.
+ delete(, id)
+ return n.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr)
+ }
+[id] = joins
return nil
-func handlePacket(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, dst, src tcpip.Address, localLinkAddr, remotelinkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress, ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
+// isInGroup returns true if n has joined the multicast group addr.
+func (n *NIC) isInGroup(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
+ joins :=[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
+ return joins != 0
+func handlePacket(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, dst, src tcpip.Address, localLinkAddr, remotelinkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress, ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint, pkt PacketBuffer) {
r := makeRoute(protocol, dst, src, localLinkAddr, ref, false /* handleLocal */, false /* multicastLoop */)
r.RemoteLinkAddress = remotelinkAddr
- ref.ep.HandlePacket(&r, vv)
+ ref.ep.HandlePacket(&r, pkt)
// DeliverNetworkPacket finds the appropriate network protocol endpoint and
// hands the packet over for further processing. This function is called when
-// the NIC receives a packet from the physical interface.
+// the NIC receives a packet from the link endpoint.
// Note that the ownership of the slice backing vv is retained by the caller.
// This rule applies only to the slice itself, not to the items of the slice;
// the ownership of the items is not retained by the caller.
-func (n *NIC) DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.LinkAddress, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, vv buffer.VectorisedView, linkHeader buffer.View) {
+func (n *NIC) DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.LinkAddress, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ enabled :=
+ // If the NIC is not yet enabled, don't receive any packets.
+ if !enabled {
+ n.stats.DisabledRx.Packets.Increment()
+ n.stats.DisabledRx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(pkt.Data.Size()))
+ return
+ }
- n.stats.Rx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(vv.Size()))
+ n.stats.Rx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(pkt.Data.Size()))
netProto, ok := n.stack.networkProtocols[protocol]
if !ok {
@@ -740,32 +1187,49 @@ func (n *NIC) DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.Link
// Are any packet sockets listening for this network protocol?
- packetEPs := n.packetEPs[protocol]
+ packetEPs :=[protocol]
// Check whether there are packet sockets listening for every protocol.
// If we received a packet with protocol EthernetProtocolAll, then the
// previous for loop will have handled it.
if protocol != header.EthernetProtocolAll {
- packetEPs = append(packetEPs, n.packetEPs[header.EthernetProtocolAll]...)
+ packetEPs = append(packetEPs,[header.EthernetProtocolAll]...)
for _, ep := range packetEPs {
- ep.HandlePacket(, local, protocol, vv, linkHeader)
+ ep.HandlePacket(, local, protocol, pkt.Clone())
if netProto.Number() == header.IPv4ProtocolNumber || netProto.Number() == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber {
- if len(vv.First()) < netProto.MinimumPacketSize() {
+ netHeader, ok := pkt.Data.PullUp(netProto.MinimumPacketSize())
+ if !ok {
+ src, dst := netProto.ParseAddresses(netHeader)
- src, dst := netProto.ParseAddresses(vv.First())
+ if n.stack.handleLocal && !n.isLoopback() && n.getRef(protocol, src) != nil {
+ // The source address is one of our own, so we never should have gotten a
+ // packet like this unless handleLocal is false. Loopback also calls this
+ // function even though the packets didn't come from the physical interface
+ // so don't drop those.
+ n.stack.stats.IP.InvalidSourceAddressesReceived.Increment()
+ return
+ }
+ // TODO( Not supporting iptables for IPv6 yet.
+ if protocol == header.IPv4ProtocolNumber {
+ ipt := n.stack.IPTables()
+ if ok := ipt.Check(Prerouting, pkt); !ok {
+ // iptables is telling us to drop the packet.
+ return
+ }
+ }
if ref := n.getRef(protocol, dst); ref != nil {
- handlePacket(protocol, dst, src, linkEP.LinkAddress(), remote, ref, vv)
+ handlePacket(protocol, dst, src, linkEP.LinkAddress(), remote, ref, pkt)
@@ -776,51 +1240,71 @@ func (n *NIC) DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.Link
if n.stack.Forwarding() {
r, err := n.stack.FindRoute(0, "", dst, protocol, false /* multicastLoop */)
if err != nil {
- n.stack.stats.IP.InvalidAddressesReceived.Increment()
+ n.stack.stats.IP.InvalidDestinationAddressesReceived.Increment()
- defer r.Release()
- r.LocalLinkAddress = n.linkEP.LinkAddress()
- r.RemoteLinkAddress = remote
// Found a NIC.
n := r.ref.nic
- ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{dst}]
- ok = ok && ref.isValidForOutgoing() && ref.tryIncRef()
+ ref, ok :=[NetworkEndpointID{dst}]
+ ok = ok && ref.isValidForOutgoingRLocked() && ref.tryIncRef()
if ok {
+ r.LocalLinkAddress = n.linkEP.LinkAddress()
+ r.RemoteLinkAddress = remote
r.RemoteAddress = src
// TODO(b/123449044): Update the source NIC as well.
- ref.ep.HandlePacket(&r, vv)
+ ref.ep.HandlePacket(&r, pkt)
- } else {
- // n doesn't have a destination endpoint.
- // Send the packet out of n.
- hdr := buffer.NewPrependableFromView(vv.First())
- vv.RemoveFirst()
- // TODO(b/128629022): use route.WritePacket.
- if err := n.linkEP.WritePacket(&r, nil /* gso */, hdr, vv, protocol); err != nil {
- r.Stats().IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.Increment()
- } else {
- n.stats.Tx.Packets.Increment()
- n.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(hdr.UsedLength() + vv.Size()))
+ r.Release()
+ return
+ }
+ // n doesn't have a destination endpoint.
+ // Send the packet out of n.
+ // TODO(b/128629022): move this logic to route.WritePacket.
+ if ch, err := r.Resolve(nil); err != nil {
+ if err == tcpip.ErrWouldBlock {
+ n.stack.forwarder.enqueue(ch, n, &r, protocol, pkt)
+ // forwarder will release route.
+ return
+ n.stack.stats.IP.InvalidDestinationAddressesReceived.Increment()
+ r.Release()
+ return
+ // The link-address resolution finished immediately.
+ n.forwardPacket(&r, protocol, pkt)
+ r.Release()
// If a packet socket handled the packet, don't treat it as invalid.
if len(packetEPs) == 0 {
- n.stack.stats.IP.InvalidAddressesReceived.Increment()
+ n.stack.stats.IP.InvalidDestinationAddressesReceived.Increment()
+func (n *NIC) forwardPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ // TODO(b/143425874) Decrease the TTL field in forwarded packets.
+ if linkHeaderLen := int(n.linkEP.MaxHeaderLength()); linkHeaderLen != 0 {
+ pkt.Header = buffer.NewPrependable(linkHeaderLen)
+ }
+ if err := n.linkEP.WritePacket(r, nil /* gso */, protocol, pkt); err != nil {
+ r.Stats().IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.Increment()
+ return
+ }
+ n.stats.Tx.Packets.Increment()
+ n.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(pkt.Header.UsedLength() + pkt.Data.Size()))
// DeliverTransportPacket delivers the packets to the appropriate transport
// protocol endpoint.
-func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, netHeader buffer.View, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) {
state, ok := n.stack.transportProtocols[protocol]
if !ok {
@@ -832,41 +1316,42 @@ func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolN
// Raw socket packets are delivered based solely on the transport
// protocol number. We do not inspect the payload to ensure it's
// validly formed.
- n.stack.demux.deliverRawPacket(r, protocol, netHeader, vv)
+ n.stack.demux.deliverRawPacket(r, protocol, pkt)
- if len(vv.First()) < transProto.MinimumPacketSize() {
+ transHeader, ok := pkt.Data.PullUp(transProto.MinimumPacketSize())
+ if !ok {
- srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(vv.First())
+ srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(transHeader)
if err != nil {
id := TransportEndpointID{dstPort, r.LocalAddress, srcPort, r.RemoteAddress}
- if n.stack.demux.deliverPacket(r, protocol, netHeader, vv, id) {
+ if n.stack.demux.deliverPacket(r, protocol, pkt, id) {
// Try to deliver to per-stack default handler.
if state.defaultHandler != nil {
- if state.defaultHandler(r, id, netHeader, vv) {
+ if state.defaultHandler(r, id, pkt) {
// We could not find an appropriate destination for this packet, so
// deliver it to the global handler.
- if !transProto.HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(r, id, netHeader, vv) {
+ if !transProto.HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(r, id, pkt) {
// DeliverTransportControlPacket delivers control packets to the appropriate
// transport protocol endpoint.
-func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportControlPacket(local, remote tcpip.Address, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportControlPacket(local, remote tcpip.Address, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, pkt PacketBuffer) {
state, ok := n.stack.transportProtocols[trans]
if !ok {
@@ -877,17 +1362,18 @@ func (n *NIC) DeliverTransportControlPacket(local, remote tcpip.Address, net tcp
// ICMPv4 only guarantees that 8 bytes of the transport protocol will
// be present in the payload. We know that the ports are within the
// first 8 bytes for all known transport protocols.
- if len(vv.First()) < 8 {
+ transHeader, ok := pkt.Data.PullUp(8)
+ if !ok {
- srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(vv.First())
+ srcPort, dstPort, err := transProto.ParsePorts(transHeader)
if err != nil {
id := TransportEndpointID{srcPort, local, dstPort, remote}
- if n.stack.demux.deliverControlPacket(n, net, trans, typ, extra, vv, id) {
+ if n.stack.demux.deliverControlPacket(n, net, trans, typ, extra, pkt, id) {
@@ -897,18 +1383,31 @@ func (n *NIC) ID() tcpip.NICID {
+// Name returns the name of n.
+func (n *NIC) Name() string {
+ return
// Stack returns the instance of the Stack that owns this NIC.
func (n *NIC) Stack() *Stack {
return n.stack
+// LinkEndpoint returns the link endpoint of n.
+func (n *NIC) LinkEndpoint() LinkEndpoint {
+ return n.linkEP
// isAddrTentative returns true if addr is tentative on n.
// Note that if addr is not associated with n, then this function will return
// false. It will only return true if the address is associated with the NIC
// AND it is tentative.
func (n *NIC) isAddrTentative(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
- ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
+ defer
+ ref, ok :=[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
if !ok {
return false
@@ -916,15 +1415,17 @@ func (n *NIC) isAddrTentative(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
return ref.getKind() == permanentTentative
-// dupTentativeAddrDetected attempts to inform n that a tentative addr
-// is a duplicate on a link.
+// dupTentativeAddrDetected attempts to inform n that a tentative addr is a
+// duplicate on a link.
-// dupTentativeAddrDetected will delete the tentative address if it exists.
+// dupTentativeAddrDetected will remove the tentative address if it exists. If
+// the address was generated via SLAAC, an attempt will be made to generate a
+// new address.
func (n *NIC) dupTentativeAddrDetected(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
- ref, ok := n.endpoints[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
+ ref, ok :=[NetworkEndpointID{addr}]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrBadAddress
@@ -933,7 +1434,37 @@ func (n *NIC) dupTentativeAddrDetected(addr tcpip.Address) *tcpip.Error {
return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
- return n.removePermanentAddressLocked(addr)
+ // If the address is a SLAAC address, do not invalidate its SLAAC prefix as a
+ // new address will be generated for it.
+ if err := n.removePermanentIPv6EndpointLocked(ref, false /* allowSLAACPrefixInvalidation */); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if ref.configType == slaac {
+ }
+ return nil
+// setNDPConfigs sets the NDP configurations for n.
+// Note, if c contains invalid NDP configuration values, it will be fixed to
+// use default values for the erroneous values.
+func (n *NIC) setNDPConfigs(c NDPConfigurations) {
+ c.validate()
+ = c
+// handleNDPRA handles an NDP Router Advertisement message that arrived on n.
+func (n *NIC) handleNDPRA(ip tcpip.Address, ra header.NDPRouterAdvert) {
+ defer
+, ra)
type networkEndpointKind int32
@@ -955,7 +1486,7 @@ const (
// removing the permanent address from the NIC.
- // An expired permanent endoint is a permanent endoint that had its address
+ // An expired permanent endpoint is a permanent endpoint that had its address
// removed from the NIC, and it is waiting to be removed once no more routes
// hold a reference to it. This is achieved by decreasing its reference count
// by 1. If its address is re-added before the endpoint is removed, its type
@@ -975,11 +1506,11 @@ func (n *NIC) registerPacketEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, ep Pa
- eps, ok := n.packetEPs[netProto]
+ eps, ok :=[netProto]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrNotSupported
- n.packetEPs[netProto] = append(eps, ep)
+[netProto] = append(eps, ep)
return nil
@@ -988,19 +1519,32 @@ func (n *NIC) unregisterPacketEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, ep
- eps, ok := n.packetEPs[netProto]
+ eps, ok :=[netProto]
if !ok {
for i, epOther := range eps {
if epOther == ep {
- n.packetEPs[netProto] = append(eps[:i], eps[i+1:]...)
+[netProto] = append(eps[:i], eps[i+1:]...)
+type networkEndpointConfigType int32
+const (
+ // A statically configured endpoint is an address that was added by
+ // some user-specified action (adding an explicit address, joining a
+ // multicast group).
+ static networkEndpointConfigType = iota
+ // A slaac configured endpoint is an IPv6 endpoint that was
+ // added by SLAAC as per RFC 4862 section 5.5.3.
+ slaac
type referencedNetworkEndpoint struct {
ep NetworkEndpoint
nic *NIC
@@ -1016,6 +1560,23 @@ type referencedNetworkEndpoint struct {
// networkEndpointKind must only be accessed using {get,set}Kind().
kind networkEndpointKind
+ // configType is the method that was used to configure this endpoint.
+ // This must never change except during endpoint creation and promotion to
+ // permanent.
+ configType networkEndpointConfigType
+ // deprecated indicates whether or not the endpoint should be considered
+ // deprecated. That is, when deprecated is true, other endpoints that are not
+ // deprecated should be preferred.
+ deprecated bool
+func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) addrWithPrefix() tcpip.AddressWithPrefix {
+ return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: r.ep.ID().LocalAddress,
+ PrefixLen: r.ep.PrefixLen(),
+ }
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) getKind() networkEndpointKind {
@@ -1030,14 +1591,26 @@ func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) setKind(kind networkEndpointKind) {
// packet. It requires the endpoint to not be marked expired (i.e., its address
// has been removed), or the NIC to be in spoofing mode.
func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) isValidForOutgoing() bool {
- return r.getKind() != permanentExpired || r.nic.spoofing
+ defer
+ return r.isValidForOutgoingRLocked()
-// isValidForIncoming returns true if the endpoint can accept an incoming
-// packet. It requires the endpoint to not be marked expired (i.e., its address
-// has been removed), or the NIC to be in promiscuous mode.
-func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) isValidForIncoming() bool {
- return r.getKind() != permanentExpired || r.nic.promiscuous
+// isValidForOutgoingRLocked returns true if the endpoint can be used to send
+// out a packet. It requires the endpoint to not be marked expired (i.e., its
+// address has been removed), or the NIC to be in spoofing mode.
+// r's NIC must be read locked.
+func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) isValidForOutgoingRLocked() bool {
+ return && (r.getKind() != permanentExpired ||
+// expireLocked decrements the reference count and marks the permanent endpoint
+// as expired.
+func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) expireLocked() {
+ r.setKind(permanentExpired)
+ r.decRefLocked()
// decRef decrements the ref count and cleans up the endpoint once it reaches
@@ -1049,14 +1622,11 @@ func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) decRef() {
// decRefLocked is the same as decRef but assumes that the mutex is
-// locked. Returns true if the endpoint was removed.
-func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) decRefLocked() bool {
+// locked.
+func (r *referencedNetworkEndpoint) decRefLocked() {
if atomic.AddInt32(&r.refs, -1) == 0 {
- return true
- return false
// incRef increments the ref count. It must only be called when the caller is
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d672fc157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/nic_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+func TestDisabledRxStatsWhenNICDisabled(t *testing.T) {
+ // When the NIC is disabled, the only field that matters is the stats field.
+ // This test is limited to stats counter checks.
+ nic := NIC{
+ stats: makeNICStats(),
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.DisabledRx.Packets.Value(); got != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("got DisabledRx.Packets = %d, want = 0", got)
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.DisabledRx.Bytes.Value(); got != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("got DisabledRx.Bytes = %d, want = 0", got)
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.Rx.Packets.Value(); got != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("got Rx.Packets = %d, want = 0", got)
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.Rx.Bytes.Value(); got != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("got Rx.Bytes = %d, want = 0", got)
+ }
+ if t.Failed() {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ nic.DeliverNetworkPacket(nil, "", "", 0, PacketBuffer{Data: buffer.View([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4}).ToVectorisedView()})
+ if got := nic.stats.DisabledRx.Packets.Value(); got != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("got DisabledRx.Packets = %d, want = 1", got)
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.DisabledRx.Bytes.Value(); got != 4 {
+ t.Errorf("got DisabledRx.Bytes = %d, want = 4", got)
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.Rx.Packets.Value(); got != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("got Rx.Packets = %d, want = 0", got)
+ }
+ if got := nic.stats.Rx.Bytes.Value(); got != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("got Rx.Bytes = %d, want = 0", got)
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/packet_buffer.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/packet_buffer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d36f8e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/packet_buffer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at //
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+// A PacketBuffer contains all the data of a network packet.
+// As a PacketBuffer traverses up the stack, it may be necessary to pass it to
+// multiple endpoints. Clone() should be called in such cases so that
+// modifications to the Data field do not affect other copies.
+type PacketBuffer struct {
+ // PacketBufferEntry is used to build an intrusive list of
+ // PacketBuffers.
+ PacketBufferEntry
+ // Data holds the payload of the packet. For inbound packets, it also
+ // holds the headers, which are consumed as the packet moves up the
+ // stack. Headers are guaranteed not to be split across views.
+ //
+ // The bytes backing Data are immutable, but Data itself may be trimmed
+ // or otherwise modified.
+ Data buffer.VectorisedView
+ // Header holds the headers of outbound packets. As a packet is passed
+ // down the stack, each layer adds to Header. Note that forwarded
+ // packets don't populate Headers on their way out -- their headers and
+ // payload are never parsed out and remain in Data.
+ //
+ // TODO( Forwarded packets don't currently
+ // populate Header, but should. This will be doable once early parsing
+ // ( is supported.
+ Header buffer.Prependable
+ // These fields are used by both inbound and outbound packets. They
+ // typically overlap with the Data and Header fields.
+ //
+ // The bytes backing these views are immutable. Each field may be nil
+ // if either it has not been set yet or no such header exists (e.g.
+ // packets sent via loopback may not have a link header).
+ //
+ // These fields may be Views into other slices (either Data or Header).
+ // SR dosen't support this, so deep copies are necessary in some cases.
+ LinkHeader buffer.View
+ NetworkHeader buffer.View
+ TransportHeader buffer.View
+ // Hash is the transport layer hash of this packet. A value of zero
+ // indicates no valid hash has been set.
+ Hash uint32
+ // Owner is implemented by task to get the uid and gid.
+ // Only set for locally generated packets.
+ Owner tcpip.PacketOwner
+// Clone makes a copy of pk. It clones the Data field, which creates a new
+// VectorisedView but does not deep copy the underlying bytes.
+// Clone also does not deep copy any of its other fields.
+func (pk PacketBuffer) Clone() PacketBuffer {
+ pk.Data = pk.Data.Clone(nil)
+ return pk
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/rand.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/rand.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..421fb5c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/rand.go
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package stack
+import (
+ mathrand "math/rand"
+ ""
+// lockedRandomSource provides a threadsafe rand.Source.
+type lockedRandomSource struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ src mathrand.Source
+func (r *lockedRandomSource) Int63() (n int64) {
+ n = r.src.Int63()
+ return n
+func (r *lockedRandomSource) Seed(seed int64) {
+ r.src.Seed(seed)
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
index 0869fb084..23ca9ee03 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/registration.go
@@ -60,13 +60,34 @@ const (
// TransportEndpoint is the interface that needs to be implemented by transport
// protocol (e.g., tcp, udp) endpoints that can handle packets.
type TransportEndpoint interface {
+ // UniqueID returns an unique ID for this transport endpoint.
+ UniqueID() uint64
// HandlePacket is called by the stack when new packets arrive to
- // this transport endpoint.
- HandlePacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, vv buffer.VectorisedView)
+ // this transport endpoint. It sets pkt.TransportHeader.
+ //
+ // HandlePacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ HandlePacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, pkt PacketBuffer)
- // HandleControlPacket is called by the stack when new control (e.g.,
+ // HandleControlPacket is called by the stack when new control (e.g.
// ICMP) packets arrive to this transport endpoint.
- HandleControlPacket(id TransportEndpointID, typ ControlType, extra uint32, vv buffer.VectorisedView)
+ // HandleControlPacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ HandleControlPacket(id TransportEndpointID, typ ControlType, extra uint32, pkt PacketBuffer)
+ // Abort initiates an expedited endpoint teardown. It puts the endpoint
+ // in a closed state and frees all resources associated with it. This
+ // cleanup may happen asynchronously. Wait can be used to block on this
+ // asynchronous cleanup.
+ Abort()
+ // Wait waits for any worker goroutines owned by the endpoint to stop.
+ //
+ // An endpoint can be requested to stop its worker goroutines by calling
+ // its Close method.
+ //
+ // Wait will not block if the endpoint hasn't started any goroutines
+ // yet, even if it might later.
+ Wait()
// RawTransportEndpoint is the interface that needs to be implemented by raw
@@ -77,7 +98,9 @@ type RawTransportEndpoint interface {
// HandlePacket is called by the stack when new packets arrive to
// this transport endpoint. The packet contains all data from the link
// layer up.
- HandlePacket(r *Route, netHeader buffer.View, packet buffer.VectorisedView)
+ //
+ // HandlePacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ HandlePacket(r *Route, pkt PacketBuffer)
// PacketEndpoint is the interface that needs to be implemented by packet
@@ -93,7 +116,9 @@ type PacketEndpoint interface {
// linkHeader may have a length of 0, in which case the PacketEndpoint
// should construct its own ethernet header for applications.
- HandlePacket(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.LinkAddress, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, packet buffer.VectorisedView, linkHeader buffer.View)
+ //
+ // HandlePacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ HandlePacket(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.LinkAddress, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer)
// TransportProtocol is the interface that needs to be implemented by transport
@@ -123,7 +148,9 @@ type TransportProtocol interface {
// The return value indicates whether the packet was well-formed (for
// stats purposes only).
- HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, netHeader buffer.View, vv buffer.VectorisedView) bool
+ //
+ // HandleUnknownDestinationPacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, pkt PacketBuffer) bool
// SetOption allows enabling/disabling protocol specific features.
// SetOption returns an error if the option is not supported or the
@@ -134,6 +161,13 @@ type TransportProtocol interface {
// Option returns an error if the option is not supported or the
// provided option value is invalid.
Option(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error
+ // Close requests that any worker goroutines owned by the protocol
+ // stop.
+ Close()
+ // Wait waits for any worker goroutines owned by the protocol to stop.
+ Wait()
// TransportDispatcher contains the methods used by the network stack to deliver
@@ -141,13 +175,21 @@ type TransportProtocol interface {
// the network layer.
type TransportDispatcher interface {
// DeliverTransportPacket delivers packets to the appropriate
- // transport protocol endpoint. It also returns the network layer
- // header for the enpoint to inspect or pass up the stack.
- DeliverTransportPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, netHeader buffer.View, vv buffer.VectorisedView)
+ // transport protocol endpoint.
+ //
+ // pkt.NetworkHeader must be set before calling DeliverTransportPacket.
+ //
+ // DeliverTransportPacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ DeliverTransportPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer)
// DeliverTransportControlPacket delivers control packets to the
// appropriate transport protocol endpoint.
- DeliverTransportControlPacket(local, remote tcpip.Address, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, vv buffer.VectorisedView)
+ //
+ // pkt.NetworkHeader must be set before calling
+ // DeliverTransportControlPacket.
+ //
+ // DeliverTransportControlPacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ DeliverTransportControlPacket(local, remote tcpip.Address, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, pkt PacketBuffer)
// PacketLooping specifies where an outbound packet should be sent.
@@ -198,16 +240,17 @@ type NetworkEndpoint interface {
MaxHeaderLength() uint16
// WritePacket writes a packet to the given destination address and
- // protocol.
- WritePacket(r *Route, gso *GSO, hdr buffer.Prependable, payload buffer.VectorisedView, params NetworkHeaderParams, loop PacketLooping) *tcpip.Error
+ // protocol. It sets pkt.NetworkHeader. pkt.TransportHeader must have
+ // already been set.
+ WritePacket(r *Route, gso *GSO, params NetworkHeaderParams, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error
// WritePackets writes packets to the given destination address and
- // protocol.
- WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, hdrs []PacketDescriptor, payload buffer.VectorisedView, params NetworkHeaderParams, loop PacketLooping) (int, *tcpip.Error)
+ // protocol. pkts must not be zero length.
+ WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, pkts PacketBufferList, params NetworkHeaderParams) (int, *tcpip.Error)
// WriteHeaderIncludedPacket writes a packet that includes a network
// header to the given destination address.
- WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r *Route, payload buffer.VectorisedView, loop PacketLooping) *tcpip.Error
+ WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r *Route, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error
// ID returns the network protocol endpoint ID.
ID() *NetworkEndpointID
@@ -219,8 +262,10 @@ type NetworkEndpoint interface {
// HandlePacket is called by the link layer when new packets arrive to
- // this network endpoint.
- HandlePacket(r *Route, vv buffer.VectorisedView)
+ // this network endpoint. It sets pkt.NetworkHeader.
+ //
+ // HandlePacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ HandlePacket(r *Route, pkt PacketBuffer)
// Close is called when the endpoint is reomved from a stack.
@@ -240,12 +285,12 @@ type NetworkProtocol interface {
// DefaultPrefixLen returns the protocol's default prefix length.
DefaultPrefixLen() int
- // ParsePorts returns the source and destination addresses stored in a
+ // ParseAddresses returns the source and destination addresses stored in a
// packet of this protocol.
ParseAddresses(v buffer.View) (src, dst tcpip.Address)
// NewEndpoint creates a new endpoint of this protocol.
- NewEndpoint(nicid tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, linkAddrCache LinkAddressCache, dispatcher TransportDispatcher, sender LinkEndpoint) (NetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error)
+ NewEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, linkAddrCache LinkAddressCache, dispatcher TransportDispatcher, sender LinkEndpoint, st *Stack) (NetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error)
// SetOption allows enabling/disabling protocol specific features.
// SetOption returns an error if the option is not supported or the
@@ -256,6 +301,13 @@ type NetworkProtocol interface {
// Option returns an error if the option is not supported or the
// provided option value is invalid.
Option(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error
+ // Close requests that any worker goroutines owned by the protocol
+ // stop.
+ Close()
+ // Wait waits for any worker goroutines owned by the protocol to stop.
+ Wait()
// NetworkDispatcher contains the methods used by the network stack to deliver
@@ -263,9 +315,14 @@ type NetworkProtocol interface {
// the data link layer.
type NetworkDispatcher interface {
// DeliverNetworkPacket finds the appropriate network protocol endpoint
- // and hands the packet over for further processing. linkHeader may have
- // length 0 when the caller does not have ethernet data.
- DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.LinkAddress, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, vv buffer.VectorisedView, linkHeader buffer.View)
+ // and hands the packet over for further processing.
+ //
+ // pkt.LinkHeader may or may not be set before calling
+ // DeliverNetworkPacket. Some packets do not have link headers (e.g.
+ // packets sent via loopback), and won't have the field set.
+ //
+ // DeliverNetworkPacket takes ownership of pkt.
+ DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP LinkEndpoint, remote, local tcpip.LinkAddress, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer)
// LinkEndpointCapabilities is the type associated with the capabilities
@@ -296,7 +353,9 @@ const (
// LinkEndpoint is the interface implemented by data link layer protocols (e.g.,
// ethernet, loopback, raw) and used by network layer protocols to send packets
-// out through the implementer's data link endpoint.
+// out through the implementer's data link endpoint. When a link header exists,
+// it sets each PacketBuffer's LinkHeader field before passing it up the
+// stack.
type LinkEndpoint interface {
// MTU is the maximum transmission unit for this endpoint. This is
// usually dictated by the backing physical network; when such a
@@ -318,28 +377,33 @@ type LinkEndpoint interface {
// link endpoint.
LinkAddress() tcpip.LinkAddress
- // WritePacket writes a packet with the given protocol through the given
- // route.
+ // WritePacket writes a packet with the given protocol through the
+ // given route. It sets pkt.LinkHeader if a link layer header exists.
+ // pkt.NetworkHeader and pkt.TransportHeader must have already been
+ // set.
// To participate in transparent bridging, a LinkEndpoint implementation
// should call eth.Encode with header.EthernetFields.SrcAddr set to
// r.LocalLinkAddress if it is provided.
- WritePacket(r *Route, gso *GSO, hdr buffer.Prependable, payload buffer.VectorisedView, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) *tcpip.Error
+ WritePacket(r *Route, gso *GSO, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error
// WritePackets writes packets with the given protocol through the
- // given route.
+ // given route. pkts must not be zero length.
// Right now, WritePackets is used only when the software segmentation
// offload is enabled. If it will be used for something else, it may
// require to change syscall filters.
- WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, hdrs []PacketDescriptor, payload buffer.VectorisedView, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (int, *tcpip.Error)
+ WritePackets(r *Route, gso *GSO, pkts PacketBufferList, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (int, *tcpip.Error)
// WriteRawPacket writes a packet directly to the link. The packet
// should already have an ethernet header.
- WriteRawPacket(packet buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error
+ WriteRawPacket(vv buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error
// Attach attaches the data link layer endpoint to the network-layer
// dispatcher of the stack.
+ //
+ // Attach will be called with a nil dispatcher if the receiver's associated
+ // NIC is being removed.
Attach(dispatcher NetworkDispatcher)
// IsAttached returns whether a NetworkDispatcher is attached to the
@@ -362,7 +426,7 @@ type InjectableLinkEndpoint interface {
// InjectInbound injects an inbound packet.
- InjectInbound(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, vv buffer.VectorisedView)
+ InjectInbound(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer)
// InjectOutbound writes a fully formed outbound packet directly to the
// link.
@@ -397,10 +461,10 @@ type LinkAddressResolver interface {
type LinkAddressCache interface {
// CheckLocalAddress determines if the given local address exists, and if it
// does not exist.
- CheckLocalAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) tcpip.NICID
+ CheckLocalAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) tcpip.NICID
// AddLinkAddress adds a link address to the cache.
- AddLinkAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress)
+ AddLinkAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress)
// GetLinkAddress looks up the cache to translate address to link address (e.g. IP -> MAC).
// If the LinkEndpoint requests address resolution and there is a LinkAddressResolver
@@ -411,10 +475,10 @@ type LinkAddressCache interface {
// If address resolution is required, ErrNoLinkAddress and a notification channel is
// returned for the top level caller to block. Channel is closed once address resolution
// is complete (success or not).
- GetLinkAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr, localAddr tcpip.Address, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, w *sleep.Waker) (tcpip.LinkAddress, <-chan struct{}, *tcpip.Error)
+ GetLinkAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr, localAddr tcpip.Address, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, w *sleep.Waker) (tcpip.LinkAddress, <-chan struct{}, *tcpip.Error)
// RemoveWaker removes a waker that has been added in GetLinkAddress().
- RemoveWaker(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, waker *sleep.Waker)
+ RemoveWaker(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, waker *sleep.Waker)
// RawFactory produces endpoints for writing various types of raw packets.
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go
index 1a0a51b57..a0e5e0300 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/route.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ package stack
import (
- ""
@@ -154,72 +153,57 @@ func (r *Route) IsResolutionRequired() bool {
// WritePacket writes the packet through the given route.
-func (r *Route) WritePacket(gso *GSO, hdr buffer.Prependable, payload buffer.VectorisedView, params NetworkHeaderParams) *tcpip.Error {
+func (r *Route) WritePacket(gso *GSO, params NetworkHeaderParams, pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
if !r.ref.isValidForOutgoing() {
return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
- err := r.ref.ep.WritePacket(r, gso, hdr, payload, params, r.Loop)
+ err := r.ref.ep.WritePacket(r, gso, params, pkt)
if err != nil {
} else {
- r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(hdr.UsedLength() + payload.Size()))
+ r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(pkt.Header.UsedLength() + pkt.Data.Size()))
return err
-// PacketDescriptor is a packet descriptor which contains a packet header and
-// offset and size of packet data in a payload view.
-type PacketDescriptor struct {
- Hdr buffer.Prependable
- Off int
- Size int
-// NewPacketDescriptors allocates a set of packet descriptors.
-func NewPacketDescriptors(n int, hdrSize int) []PacketDescriptor {
- buf := make([]byte, n*hdrSize)
- hdrs := make([]PacketDescriptor, n)
- for i := range hdrs {
- hdrs[i].Hdr = buffer.NewEmptyPrependableFromView(buf[i*hdrSize:][:hdrSize])
- }
- return hdrs
-// WritePackets writes the set of packets through the given route.
-func (r *Route) WritePackets(gso *GSO, hdrs []PacketDescriptor, payload buffer.VectorisedView, params NetworkHeaderParams) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
+// WritePackets writes a list of n packets through the given route and returns
+// the number of packets written.
+func (r *Route) WritePackets(gso *GSO, pkts PacketBufferList, params NetworkHeaderParams) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
if !r.ref.isValidForOutgoing() {
return 0, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
- n, err := r.ref.ep.WritePackets(r, gso, hdrs, payload, params, r.Loop)
+ n, err := r.ref.ep.WritePackets(r, gso, pkts, params)
if err != nil {
- r.Stats().IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.IncrementBy(uint64(len(hdrs) - n))
+ r.Stats().IP.OutgoingPacketErrors.IncrementBy(uint64(pkts.Len() - n))
- payloadSize := 0
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(hdrs[i].Hdr.UsedLength()))
- payloadSize += hdrs[i].Size
+ writtenBytes := 0
+ for i, pb := 0, pkts.Front(); i < n && pb != nil; i, pb = i+1, pb.Next() {
+ writtenBytes += pb.Header.UsedLength()
+ writtenBytes += pb.Data.Size()
- r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(payloadSize))
+ r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(writtenBytes))
return n, err
// WriteHeaderIncludedPacket writes a packet already containing a network
// header through the given route.
-func (r *Route) WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(payload buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error {
+func (r *Route) WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(pkt PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
if !r.ref.isValidForOutgoing() {
return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
- if err := r.ref.ep.WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r, payload, r.Loop); err != nil {
+ if err := r.ref.ep.WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r, pkt); err != nil {
return err
- r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(payload.Size()))
+ r.ref.nic.stats.Tx.Bytes.IncrementBy(uint64(pkt.Data.Size()))
return nil
@@ -244,7 +228,9 @@ func (r *Route) Release() {
// Clone Clone a route such that the original one can be released and the new
// one will remain valid.
func (r *Route) Clone() Route {
- r.ref.incRef()
+ if r.ref != nil {
+ r.ref.incRef()
+ }
return *r
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go
index 284280917..41398a1b6 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack.go
@@ -20,17 +20,19 @@
package stack
import (
+ "bytes"
- "sync"
+ mathrand "math/rand"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
- ""
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ const (
type transportProtocolState struct {
proto TransportProtocol
- defaultHandler func(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, netHeader buffer.View, vv buffer.VectorisedView) bool
+ defaultHandler func(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, pkt PacketBuffer) bool
// TCPProbeFunc is the expected function type for a TCP probe function to be
@@ -344,6 +346,45 @@ type ResumableEndpoint interface {
+// uniqueIDGenerator is a default unique ID generator.
+type uniqueIDGenerator uint64
+func (u *uniqueIDGenerator) UniqueID() uint64 {
+ return atomic.AddUint64((*uint64)(u), 1)
+// NICNameFromID is a function that returns a stable name for the specified NIC,
+// even if different NIC IDs are used to refer to the same NIC in different
+// program runs. It is used when generating opaque interface identifiers (IIDs).
+// If the NIC was created with a name, it will be passed to NICNameFromID.
+// NICNameFromID SHOULD return unique NIC names so unique opaque IIDs are
+// generated for the same prefix on differnt NICs.
+type NICNameFromID func(tcpip.NICID, string) string
+// OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions holds the options related to the generation
+// of opaque interface indentifiers (IIDs) as defined by RFC 7217.
+type OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions struct {
+ // NICNameFromID is a function that returns a stable name for a specified NIC,
+ // even if the NIC ID changes over time.
+ //
+ // Must be specified to generate the opaque IID.
+ NICNameFromID NICNameFromID
+ // SecretKey is a pseudo-random number used as the secret key when generating
+ // opaque IIDs as defined by RFC 7217. The key SHOULD be at least
+ // header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes bytes and MUST follow minimum randomness
+ // requirements for security as outlined by RFC 4086. SecretKey MUST NOT
+ // change between program runs, unless explicitly changed.
+ //
+ // OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions takes ownership of SecretKey. SecretKey
+ // MUST NOT be modified after Stack is created.
+ //
+ // May be nil, but a nil value is highly discouraged to maintain
+ // some level of randomness between nodes.
+ SecretKey []byte
// Stack is a networking stack, with all supported protocols, NICs, and route
// table.
type Stack struct {
@@ -361,9 +402,10 @@ type Stack struct {
linkAddrCache *linkAddrCache
- mu sync.RWMutex
- nics map[tcpip.NICID]*NIC
- forwarding bool
+ mu sync.RWMutex
+ nics map[tcpip.NICID]*NIC
+ forwarding bool
+ cleanupEndpoints map[TransportEndpoint]struct{}
// route is the route table passed in by the user via SetRouteTable(),
// it is used by FindRoute() to build a route for a specific
@@ -382,8 +424,12 @@ type Stack struct {
// handleLocal allows non-loopback interfaces to loop packets.
handleLocal bool
- // tables are the iptables packet filtering and manipulation rules.
- tables iptables.IPTables
+ // tablesMu protects iptables.
+ tablesMu sync.RWMutex
+ // tables are the iptables packet filtering and manipulation rules. The are
+ // protected by tablesMu.`
+ tables IPTables
// resumableEndpoints is a list of endpoints that need to be resumed if the
// stack is being restored.
@@ -393,19 +439,43 @@ type Stack struct {
// by the stack.
icmpRateLimiter *ICMPRateLimiter
- // portSeed is a one-time random value initialized at stack startup
+ // seed is a one-time random value initialized at stack startup
// and is used to seed the TCP port picking on active connections
// TODO( S/R this field.
- portSeed uint32
+ seed uint32
- // ndpConfigs is the NDP configurations used by interfaces.
+ // ndpConfigs is the default NDP configurations used by interfaces.
ndpConfigs NDPConfigurations
// autoGenIPv6LinkLocal determines whether or not the stack will attempt
- // to auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address for newly enabled NICs.
- // See the AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal field of Options for more details.
+ // to auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address for newly enabled non-loopback
+ // NICs. See the AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal field of Options for more details.
autoGenIPv6LinkLocal bool
+ // ndpDisp is the NDP event dispatcher that is used to send the netstack
+ // integrator NDP related events.
+ ndpDisp NDPDispatcher
+ // uniqueIDGenerator is a generator of unique identifiers.
+ uniqueIDGenerator UniqueID
+ // opaqueIIDOpts hold the options for generating opaque interface identifiers
+ // (IIDs) as outlined by RFC 7217.
+ opaqueIIDOpts OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions
+ // forwarder holds the packets that wait for their link-address resolutions
+ // to complete, and forwards them when each resolution is done.
+ forwarder *forwardQueue
+ // randomGenerator is an injectable pseudo random generator that can be
+ // used when a random number is required.
+ randomGenerator *mathrand.Rand
+// UniqueID is an abstract generator of unique identifiers.
+type UniqueID interface {
+ UniqueID() uint64
// Options contains optional Stack configuration.
@@ -429,28 +499,48 @@ type Options struct {
// stack (false).
HandleLocal bool
- // NDPConfigs is the NDP configurations used by interfaces.
+ // UniqueID is an optional generator of unique identifiers.
+ UniqueID UniqueID
+ // NDPConfigs is the default NDP configurations used by interfaces.
// By default, NDPConfigs will have a zero value for its
// DupAddrDetectTransmits field, implying that DAD will not be performed
// before assigning an address to a NIC.
NDPConfigs NDPConfigurations
- // AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal determins whether or not the stack will attempt
- // to auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address for newly enabled NICs.
+ // AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal determines whether or not the stack will attempt to
+ // auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address for newly enabled non-loopback
+ // NICs.
+ //
// Note, setting this to true does not mean that a link-local address
- // will be assigned right away, or at all. If Duplicate Address
- // Detection is enabled, an address will only be assigned if it
- // successfully resolves. If it fails, no further attempt will be made
- // to auto-generate an IPv6 link-local address.
+ // will be assigned right away, or at all. If Duplicate Address Detection
+ // is enabled, an address will only be assigned if it successfully resolves.
+ // If it fails, no further attempt will be made to auto-generate an IPv6
+ // link-local address.
// The generated link-local address will follow RFC 4291 Appendix A
// guidelines.
AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal bool
+ // NDPDisp is the NDP event dispatcher that an integrator can provide to
+ // receive NDP related events.
+ NDPDisp NDPDispatcher
// RawFactory produces raw endpoints. Raw endpoints are enabled only if
// this is non-nil.
RawFactory RawFactory
+ // OpaqueIIDOpts hold the options for generating opaque interface
+ // identifiers (IIDs) as outlined by RFC 7217.
+ OpaqueIIDOpts OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions
+ // RandSource is an optional source to use to generate random
+ // numbers. If omitted it defaults to a Source seeded by the data
+ // returned by rand.Read().
+ //
+ // RandSource must be thread-safe.
+ RandSource mathrand.Source
// TransportEndpointInfo holds useful information about a transport endpoint
@@ -477,6 +567,51 @@ type TransportEndpointInfo struct {
RegisterNICID tcpip.NICID
+// AddrNetProtoLocked unwraps the specified address if it is a V4-mapped V6
+// address and returns the network protocol number to be used to communicate
+// with the specified address. It returns an error if the passed address is
+// incompatible with the receiver.
+// Preconditon: the parent endpoint mu must be held while calling this method.
+func (e *TransportEndpointInfo) AddrNetProtoLocked(addr tcpip.FullAddress, v6only bool) (tcpip.FullAddress, tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, *tcpip.Error) {
+ netProto := e.NetProto
+ switch len(addr.Addr) {
+ case header.IPv4AddressSize:
+ netProto = header.IPv4ProtocolNumber
+ case header.IPv6AddressSize:
+ if header.IsV4MappedAddress(addr.Addr) {
+ netProto = header.IPv4ProtocolNumber
+ addr.Addr = addr.Addr[header.IPv6AddressSize-header.IPv4AddressSize:]
+ if addr.Addr == header.IPv4Any {
+ addr.Addr = ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch len(e.ID.LocalAddress) {
+ case header.IPv4AddressSize:
+ if len(addr.Addr) == header.IPv6AddressSize {
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{}, 0, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ case header.IPv6AddressSize:
+ if len(addr.Addr) == header.IPv4AddressSize {
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{}, 0, tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable
+ }
+ }
+ switch {
+ case netProto == e.NetProto:
+ case netProto == header.IPv4ProtocolNumber && e.NetProto == header.IPv6ProtocolNumber:
+ if v6only {
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{}, 0, tcpip.ErrNoRoute
+ }
+ default:
+ return tcpip.FullAddress{}, 0, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+ }
+ return addr, netProto, nil
// IsEndpointInfo is an empty method to implement the tcpip.EndpointInfo
// marker interface.
func (*TransportEndpointInfo) IsEndpointInfo() {}
@@ -497,6 +632,17 @@ func New(opts Options) *Stack {
clock = &tcpip.StdClock{}
+ if opts.UniqueID == nil {
+ opts.UniqueID = new(uniqueIDGenerator)
+ }
+ randSrc := opts.RandSource
+ if randSrc == nil {
+ // Source provided by mathrand.NewSource is not thread-safe so
+ // we wrap it in a simple thread-safe version.
+ randSrc = &lockedRandomSource{src: mathrand.NewSource(generateRandInt64())}
+ }
// Make sure opts.NDPConfigs contains valid values only.
@@ -505,15 +651,21 @@ func New(opts Options) *Stack {
networkProtocols: make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber]NetworkProtocol),
linkAddrResolvers: make(map[tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber]LinkAddressResolver),
nics: make(map[tcpip.NICID]*NIC),
+ cleanupEndpoints: make(map[TransportEndpoint]struct{}),
linkAddrCache: newLinkAddrCache(ageLimit, resolutionTimeout, resolutionAttempts),
PortManager: ports.NewPortManager(),
clock: clock,
stats: opts.Stats.FillIn(),
handleLocal: opts.HandleLocal,
icmpRateLimiter: NewICMPRateLimiter(),
- portSeed: generateRandUint32(),
+ seed: generateRandUint32(),
ndpConfigs: opts.NDPConfigs,
autoGenIPv6LinkLocal: opts.AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal,
+ uniqueIDGenerator: opts.UniqueID,
+ ndpDisp: opts.NDPDisp,
+ opaqueIIDOpts: opts.OpaqueIIDOpts,
+ forwarder: newForwardQueue(),
+ randomGenerator: mathrand.New(randSrc),
// Add specified network protocols.
@@ -540,6 +692,11 @@ func New(opts Options) *Stack {
return s
+// UniqueID returns a unique identifier.
+func (s *Stack) UniqueID() uint64 {
+ return s.uniqueIDGenerator.UniqueID()
// SetNetworkProtocolOption allows configuring individual protocol level
// options. This method returns an error if the protocol is not supported or
// option is not supported by the protocol implementation or the provided value
@@ -601,7 +758,7 @@ func (s *Stack) TransportProtocolOption(transport tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber,
// It must be called only during initialization of the stack. Changing it as the
// stack is operating is not supported.
-func (s *Stack) SetTransportProtocolHandler(p tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, h func(*Route, TransportEndpointID, buffer.View, buffer.VectorisedView) bool) {
+func (s *Stack) SetTransportProtocolHandler(p tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, h func(*Route, TransportEndpointID, PacketBuffer) bool) {
state := s.transportProtocols[p]
if state != nil {
state.defaultHandler = h
@@ -622,11 +779,37 @@ func (s *Stack) Stats() tcpip.Stats {
// SetForwarding enables or disables the packet forwarding between NICs.
+// When forwarding becomes enabled, any host-only state on all NICs will be
+// cleaned up and if IPv6 is enabled, NDP Router Solicitations will be started.
+// When forwarding becomes disabled and if IPv6 is enabled, NDP Router
+// Solicitations will be stopped.
func (s *Stack) SetForwarding(enable bool) {
// TODO(igudger, bgeffon): Expose via /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.
+ defer
+ // If forwarding status didn't change, do nothing further.
+ if s.forwarding == enable {
+ return
+ }
s.forwarding = enable
+ // If this stack does not support IPv6, do nothing further.
+ if _, ok := s.networkProtocols[header.IPv6ProtocolNumber]; !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ if enable {
+ for _, nic := range s.nics {
+ nic.becomeIPv6Router()
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _, nic := range s.nics {
+ nic.becomeIPv6Host()
+ }
+ }
// Forwarding returns if the packet forwarding between NICs is enabled.
@@ -639,6 +822,8 @@ func (s *Stack) Forwarding() bool {
// SetRouteTable assigns the route table to be used by this stack. It
// specifies which NIC to use for given destination address ranges.
+// This method takes ownership of the table.
func (s *Stack) SetRouteTable(table []tcpip.Route) {
@@ -653,6 +838,13 @@ func (s *Stack) GetRouteTable() []tcpip.Route {
return append([]tcpip.Route(nil), s.routeTable...)
+// AddRoute appends a route to the route table.
+func (s *Stack) AddRoute(route tcpip.Route) {
+ defer
+ s.routeTable = append(s.routeTable, route)
// NewEndpoint creates a new transport layer endpoint of the given protocol.
func (s *Stack) NewEndpoint(transport tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, network tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waiterQueue *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
t, ok := s.transportProtocols[transport]
@@ -693,9 +885,32 @@ func (s *Stack) NewPacketEndpoint(cooked bool, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNum
return s.rawFactory.NewPacketEndpoint(s, cooked, netProto, waiterQueue)
-// createNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint, and
-// optionally enable it.
-func (s *Stack) createNIC(id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint, enabled, loopback bool) *tcpip.Error {
+// NICContext is an opaque pointer used to store client-supplied NIC metadata.
+type NICContext interface{}
+// NICOptions specifies the configuration of a NIC as it is being created.
+// The zero value creates an enabled, unnamed NIC.
+type NICOptions struct {
+ // Name specifies the name of the NIC.
+ Name string
+ // Disabled specifies whether to avoid calling Attach on the passed
+ // LinkEndpoint.
+ Disabled bool
+ // Context specifies user-defined data that will be returned in stack.NICInfo
+ // for the NIC. Clients of this library can use it to add metadata that
+ // should be tracked alongside a NIC, to avoid having to keep a
+ // map[tcpip.NICID]metadata mirroring stack.Stack's nic map.
+ Context NICContext
+// CreateNICWithOptions creates a NIC with the provided id, LinkEndpoint, and
+// NICOptions. See the documentation on type NICOptions for details on how
+// NICs can be configured.
+// LinkEndpoint.Attach will be called to bind ep with a NetworkDispatcher.
+func (s *Stack) CreateNICWithOptions(id tcpip.NICID, ep LinkEndpoint, opts NICOptions) *tcpip.Error {
@@ -704,44 +919,40 @@ func (s *Stack) createNIC(id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint, enabled,
return tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID
- n := newNIC(s, id, name, ep, loopback)
+ // Make sure name is unique, unless unnamed.
+ if opts.Name != "" {
+ for _, n := range s.nics {
+ if n.Name() == opts.Name {
+ return tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n := newNIC(s, id, opts.Name, ep, opts.Context)
s.nics[id] = n
- if enabled {
+ if !opts.Disabled {
return n.enable()
return nil
-// CreateNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint.
+// CreateNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and LinkEndpoint and calls
+// LinkEndpoint.Attach to bind ep with a NetworkDispatcher.
func (s *Stack) CreateNIC(id tcpip.NICID, ep LinkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
- return s.createNIC(id, "", ep, true, false)
-// CreateNamedNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint,
-// and a human-readable name.
-func (s *Stack) CreateNamedNIC(id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
- return s.createNIC(id, name, ep, true, false)
-// CreateNamedLoopbackNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer
-// endpoint, and a human-readable name.
-func (s *Stack) CreateNamedLoopbackNIC(id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
- return s.createNIC(id, name, ep, true, true)
-// CreateDisabledNIC creates a NIC with the provided id and link-layer endpoint,
-// but leave it disable. Stack.EnableNIC must be called before the link-layer
-// endpoint starts delivering packets to it.
-func (s *Stack) CreateDisabledNIC(id tcpip.NICID, ep LinkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
- return s.createNIC(id, "", ep, false, false)
+ return s.CreateNICWithOptions(id, ep, NICOptions{})
-// CreateDisabledNamedNIC is a combination of CreateNamedNIC and
-// CreateDisabledNIC.
-func (s *Stack) CreateDisabledNamedNIC(id tcpip.NICID, name string, ep LinkEndpoint) *tcpip.Error {
- return s.createNIC(id, name, ep, false, false)
+// GetNICByName gets the NIC specified by name.
+func (s *Stack) GetNICByName(name string) (*NIC, bool) {
+ defer
+ for _, nic := range s.nics {
+ if nic.Name() == name {
+ return nic, true
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, false
// EnableNIC enables the given NIC so that the link-layer endpoint can start
@@ -750,26 +961,68 @@ func (s *Stack) EnableNIC(id tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
- nic := s.nics[id]
- if nic == nil {
+ nic, ok := s.nics[id]
+ if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
return nic.enable()
+// DisableNIC disables the given NIC.
+func (s *Stack) DisableNIC(id tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ nic, ok := s.nics[id]
+ if !ok {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
+ }
+ return nic.disable()
// CheckNIC checks if a NIC is usable.
func (s *Stack) CheckNIC(id tcpip.NICID) bool {
+ defer
nic, ok := s.nics[id]
- if ok {
- return nic.linkEP.IsAttached()
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ return nic.enabled()
+// RemoveNIC removes NIC and all related routes from the network stack.
+func (s *Stack) RemoveNIC(id tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ nic, ok := s.nics[id]
+ if !ok {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
+ }
+ delete(s.nics, id)
+ // Remove routes in-place. n tracks the number of routes written.
+ n := 0
+ for i, r := range s.routeTable {
+ if r.NIC != id {
+ // Keep this route.
+ if i > n {
+ s.routeTable[n] = r
+ }
+ n++
+ }
- return false
+ s.routeTable = s.routeTable[:n]
+ return nic.remove()
-// NICSubnets returns a map of NICIDs to their associated subnets.
+// NICAddressRanges returns a map of NICIDs to their associated subnets.
func (s *Stack) NICAddressRanges() map[tcpip.NICID][]tcpip.Subnet {
@@ -795,6 +1048,18 @@ type NICInfo struct {
MTU uint32
Stats NICStats
+ // Context is user-supplied data optionally supplied in CreateNICWithOptions.
+ // See type NICOptions for more details.
+ Context NICContext
+// HasNIC returns true if the NICID is defined in the stack.
+func (s *Stack) HasNIC(id tcpip.NICID) bool {
+ _, ok := s.nics[id]
+ return ok
// NICInfo returns a map of NICIDs to their associated information.
@@ -806,9 +1071,9 @@ func (s *Stack) NICInfo() map[tcpip.NICID]NICInfo {
for id, nic := range s.nics {
flags := NICStateFlags{
Up: true, // Netstack interfaces are always up.
- Running: nic.linkEP.IsAttached(),
+ Running: nic.enabled(),
Promiscuous: nic.isPromiscuousMode(),
- Loopback: nic.linkEP.Capabilities()&CapabilityLoopback != 0,
+ Loopback: nic.isLoopback(),
nics[id] = NICInfo{
@@ -817,6 +1082,7 @@ func (s *Stack) NICInfo() map[tcpip.NICID]NICInfo {
Flags: flags,
MTU: nic.linkEP.MTU(),
Stats: nic.stats,
+ Context: nic.context,
return nics
@@ -933,9 +1199,11 @@ func (s *Stack) AllAddresses() map[tcpip.NICID][]tcpip.ProtocolAddress {
return nics
-// GetMainNICAddress returns the first primary address and prefix for the given
-// NIC and protocol. Returns an error if the NIC doesn't exist and an empty
-// value if the NIC doesn't have a primary address for the given protocol.
+// GetMainNICAddress returns the first non-deprecated primary address and prefix
+// for the given NIC and protocol. If no non-deprecated primary address exists,
+// a deprecated primary address and prefix will be returned. Returns an error if
+// the NIC doesn't exist and an empty value if the NIC doesn't have a primary
+// address for the given protocol.
func (s *Stack) GetMainNICAddress(id tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, *tcpip.Error) {
@@ -945,17 +1213,12 @@ func (s *Stack) GetMainNICAddress(id tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocol
return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
- for _, a := range nic.PrimaryAddresses() {
- if a.Protocol == protocol {
- return a.AddressWithPrefix, nil
- }
- }
- return tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}, nil
+ return nic.primaryAddress(protocol), nil
-func (s *Stack) getRefEP(nic *NIC, localAddr tcpip.Address, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
+func (s *Stack) getRefEP(nic *NIC, localAddr, remoteAddr tcpip.Address, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) (ref *referencedNetworkEndpoint) {
if len(localAddr) == 0 {
- return nic.primaryEndpoint(netProto)
+ return nic.primaryEndpoint(netProto, remoteAddr)
return nic.findEndpoint(netProto, localAddr, CanBePrimaryEndpoint)
@@ -970,9 +1233,9 @@ func (s *Stack) FindRoute(id tcpip.NICID, localAddr, remoteAddr tcpip.Address, n
isMulticast := header.IsV4MulticastAddress(remoteAddr) || header.IsV6MulticastAddress(remoteAddr)
needRoute := !(isBroadcast || isMulticast || header.IsV6LinkLocalAddress(remoteAddr))
if id != 0 && !needRoute {
- if nic, ok := s.nics[id]; ok {
- if ref := s.getRefEP(nic, localAddr, netProto); ref != nil {
- return makeRoute(netProto, ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress, remoteAddr, nic.linkEP.LinkAddress(), ref, s.handleLocal && !nic.loopback, multicastLoop && !nic.loopback), nil
+ if nic, ok := s.nics[id]; ok && nic.enabled() {
+ if ref := s.getRefEP(nic, localAddr, remoteAddr, netProto); ref != nil {
+ return makeRoute(netProto, ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress, remoteAddr, nic.linkEP.LinkAddress(), ref, s.handleLocal && !nic.isLoopback(), multicastLoop && !nic.isLoopback()), nil
} else {
@@ -980,15 +1243,15 @@ func (s *Stack) FindRoute(id tcpip.NICID, localAddr, remoteAddr tcpip.Address, n
if (id != 0 && id != route.NIC) || (len(remoteAddr) != 0 && !route.Destination.Contains(remoteAddr)) {
- if nic, ok := s.nics[route.NIC]; ok {
- if ref := s.getRefEP(nic, localAddr, netProto); ref != nil {
+ if nic, ok := s.nics[route.NIC]; ok && nic.enabled() {
+ if ref := s.getRefEP(nic, localAddr, remoteAddr, netProto); ref != nil {
if len(remoteAddr) == 0 {
// If no remote address was provided, then the route
// provided will refer to the link local address.
remoteAddr = ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress
- r := makeRoute(netProto, ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress, remoteAddr, nic.linkEP.LinkAddress(), ref, s.handleLocal && !nic.loopback, multicastLoop && !nic.loopback)
+ r := makeRoute(netProto, ref.ep.ID().LocalAddress, remoteAddr, nic.linkEP.LinkAddress(), ref, s.handleLocal && !nic.isLoopback(), multicastLoop && !nic.isLoopback())
if needRoute {
r.NextHop = route.Gateway
@@ -1015,13 +1278,13 @@ func (s *Stack) CheckNetworkProtocol(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) bool
// CheckLocalAddress determines if the given local address exists, and if it
// does, returns the id of the NIC it's bound to. Returns 0 if the address
// does not exist.
-func (s *Stack) CheckLocalAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) tcpip.NICID {
+func (s *Stack) CheckLocalAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, addr tcpip.Address) tcpip.NICID {
// If a NIC is specified, we try to find the address there only.
- if nicid != 0 {
- nic := s.nics[nicid]
+ if nicID != 0 {
+ nic := s.nics[nicID]
if nic == nil {
return 0
@@ -1080,35 +1343,35 @@ func (s *Stack) SetSpoofing(nicID tcpip.NICID, enable bool) *tcpip.Error {
// AddLinkAddress adds a link address to the stack link cache.
-func (s *Stack) AddLinkAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress) {
- fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicid, Addr: addr}
+func (s *Stack) AddLinkAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress) {
+ fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicID, Addr: addr}
s.linkAddrCache.add(fullAddr, linkAddr)
// TODO: provide a way for a transport endpoint to receive a signal
// that AddLinkAddress for a particular address has been called.
// GetLinkAddress implements LinkAddressCache.GetLinkAddress.
-func (s *Stack) GetLinkAddress(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr, localAddr tcpip.Address, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waker *sleep.Waker) (tcpip.LinkAddress, <-chan struct{}, *tcpip.Error) {
+func (s *Stack) GetLinkAddress(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr, localAddr tcpip.Address, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, waker *sleep.Waker) (tcpip.LinkAddress, <-chan struct{}, *tcpip.Error) {
- nic := s.nics[nicid]
+ nic := s.nics[nicID]
if nic == nil {
return "", nil, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
- fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicid, Addr: addr}
+ fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicID, Addr: addr}
linkRes := s.linkAddrResolvers[protocol]
return s.linkAddrCache.get(fullAddr, linkRes, localAddr, nic.linkEP, waker)
// RemoveWaker implements LinkAddressCache.RemoveWaker.
-func (s *Stack) RemoveWaker(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, waker *sleep.Waker) {
+func (s *Stack) RemoveWaker(nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address, waker *sleep.Waker) {
- if nic := s.nics[nicid]; nic == nil {
- fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicid, Addr: addr}
+ if nic := s.nics[nicID]; nic == nil {
+ fullAddr := tcpip.FullAddress{NIC: nicID, Addr: addr}
s.linkAddrCache.removeWaker(fullAddr, waker)
@@ -1127,6 +1390,31 @@ func (s *Stack) UnregisterTransportEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, netProtos []tcpip
s.demux.unregisterEndpoint(netProtos, protocol, id, ep, bindToDevice)
+// StartTransportEndpointCleanup removes the endpoint with the given id from
+// the stack transport dispatcher. It also transitions it to the cleanup stage.
+func (s *Stack) StartTransportEndpointCleanup(nicID tcpip.NICID, netProtos []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, id TransportEndpointID, ep TransportEndpoint, bindToDevice tcpip.NICID) {
+ defer
+ s.cleanupEndpoints[ep] = struct{}{}
+ s.demux.unregisterEndpoint(netProtos, protocol, id, ep, bindToDevice)
+// CompleteTransportEndpointCleanup removes the endpoint from the cleanup
+// stage.
+func (s *Stack) CompleteTransportEndpointCleanup(ep TransportEndpoint) {
+ delete(s.cleanupEndpoints, ep)
+// FindTransportEndpoint finds an endpoint that most closely matches the provided
+// id. If no endpoint is found it returns nil.
+func (s *Stack) FindTransportEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, transProto tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, id TransportEndpointID, r *Route) TransportEndpoint {
+ return s.demux.findTransportEndpoint(netProto, transProto, id, r)
// RegisterRawTransportEndpoint registers the given endpoint with the stack
// transport dispatcher. Received packets that match the provided transport
// protocol will be delivered to the given endpoint.
@@ -1148,6 +1436,81 @@ func (s *Stack) RegisterRestoredEndpoint(e ResumableEndpoint) {
+// RegisteredEndpoints returns all endpoints which are currently registered.
+func (s *Stack) RegisteredEndpoints() []TransportEndpoint {
+ defer
+ var es []TransportEndpoint
+ for _, e := range s.demux.protocol {
+ es = append(es, e.transportEndpoints()...)
+ }
+ return es
+// CleanupEndpoints returns endpoints currently in the cleanup state.
+func (s *Stack) CleanupEndpoints() []TransportEndpoint {
+ es := make([]TransportEndpoint, 0, len(s.cleanupEndpoints))
+ for e := range s.cleanupEndpoints {
+ es = append(es, e)
+ }
+ return es
+// RestoreCleanupEndpoints adds endpoints to cleanup tracking. This is useful
+// for restoring a stack after a save.
+func (s *Stack) RestoreCleanupEndpoints(es []TransportEndpoint) {
+ for _, e := range es {
+ s.cleanupEndpoints[e] = struct{}{}
+ }
+// Close closes all currently registered transport endpoints.
+// Endpoints created or modified during this call may not get closed.
+func (s *Stack) Close() {
+ for _, e := range s.RegisteredEndpoints() {
+ e.Abort()
+ }
+ for _, p := range s.transportProtocols {
+ p.proto.Close()
+ }
+ for _, p := range s.networkProtocols {
+ p.Close()
+ }
+// Wait waits for all transport and link endpoints to halt their worker
+// goroutines.
+// Endpoints created or modified during this call may not get waited on.
+// Note that link endpoints must be stopped via an implementation specific
+// mechanism.
+func (s *Stack) Wait() {
+ for _, e := range s.RegisteredEndpoints() {
+ e.Wait()
+ }
+ for _, e := range s.CleanupEndpoints() {
+ e.Wait()
+ }
+ for _, p := range s.transportProtocols {
+ p.proto.Wait()
+ }
+ for _, p := range s.networkProtocols {
+ p.Wait()
+ }
+ defer
+ for _, n := range s.nics {
+ n.linkEP.Wait()
+ }
// Resume restarts the stack after a restore. This must be called after the
// entire system has been restored.
func (s *Stack) Resume() {
@@ -1222,9 +1585,9 @@ func (s *Stack) unregisterPacketEndpointLocked(nicID tcpip.NICID, netProto tcpip
// WritePacket writes data directly to the specified NIC. It adds an ethernet
// header based on the arguments.
-func (s *Stack) WritePacket(nicid tcpip.NICID, dst tcpip.LinkAddress, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, payload buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error {
+func (s *Stack) WritePacket(nicID tcpip.NICID, dst tcpip.LinkAddress, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, payload buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error {
- nic, ok := s.nics[nicid]
+ nic, ok := s.nics[nicID]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownDevice
@@ -1238,10 +1601,10 @@ func (s *Stack) WritePacket(nicid tcpip.NICID, dst tcpip.LinkAddress, netProto t
fakeHeader := make(header.Ethernet, header.EthernetMinimumSize)
- ethHeader := buffer.View(fakeHeader).ToVectorisedView()
- ethHeader.Append(payload)
+ vv := buffer.View(fakeHeader).ToVectorisedView()
+ vv.Append(payload)
- if err := nic.linkEP.WriteRawPacket(ethHeader); err != nil {
+ if err := nic.linkEP.WriteRawPacket(vv); err != nil {
return err
@@ -1250,9 +1613,9 @@ func (s *Stack) WritePacket(nicid tcpip.NICID, dst tcpip.LinkAddress, netProto t
// WriteRawPacket writes data directly to the specified NIC without adding any
// headers.
-func (s *Stack) WriteRawPacket(nicid tcpip.NICID, payload buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error {
+func (s *Stack) WriteRawPacket(nicID tcpip.NICID, payload buffer.VectorisedView) *tcpip.Error {
- nic, ok := s.nics[nicid]
+ nic, ok := s.nics[nicID]
if !ok {
return tcpip.ErrUnknownDevice
@@ -1345,14 +1708,31 @@ func (s *Stack) LeaveGroup(protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, nicID tcpip.NIC
return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
+// IsInGroup returns true if the NIC with ID nicID has joined the multicast
+// group multicastAddr.
+func (s *Stack) IsInGroup(nicID tcpip.NICID, multicastAddr tcpip.Address) (bool, *tcpip.Error) {
+ defer
+ if nic, ok := s.nics[nicID]; ok {
+ return nic.isInGroup(multicastAddr), nil
+ }
+ return false, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
// IPTables returns the stack's iptables.
-func (s *Stack) IPTables() iptables.IPTables {
- return s.tables
+func (s *Stack) IPTables() IPTables {
+ s.tablesMu.RLock()
+ t := s.tables
+ s.tablesMu.RUnlock()
+ return t
// SetIPTables sets the stack's iptables.
-func (s *Stack) SetIPTables(ipt iptables.IPTables) {
+func (s *Stack) SetIPTables(ipt IPTables) {
+ s.tablesMu.Lock()
s.tables = ipt
+ s.tablesMu.Unlock()
// ICMPLimit returns the maximum number of ICMP messages that can be sent
@@ -1416,12 +1796,53 @@ func (s *Stack) DupTentativeAddrDetected(id tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) *tc
return nic.dupTentativeAddrDetected(addr)
-// PortSeed returns a 32 bit value that can be used as a seed value for port
-// picking.
+// SetNDPConfigurations sets the per-interface NDP configurations on the NIC
+// with ID id to c.
+// Note, if c contains invalid NDP configuration values, it will be fixed to
+// use default values for the erroneous values.
+func (s *Stack) SetNDPConfigurations(id tcpip.NICID, c NDPConfigurations) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ nic, ok := s.nics[id]
+ if !ok {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
+ }
+ nic.setNDPConfigs(c)
+ return nil
+// HandleNDPRA provides a NIC with ID id a validated NDP Router Advertisement
+// message that it needs to handle.
+func (s *Stack) HandleNDPRA(id tcpip.NICID, ip tcpip.Address, ra header.NDPRouterAdvert) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
+ nic, ok := s.nics[id]
+ if !ok {
+ return tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID
+ }
+ nic.handleNDPRA(ip, ra)
+ return nil
+// Seed returns a 32 bit value that can be used as a seed value for port
+// picking, ISN generation etc.
// NOTE: The seed is generated once during stack initialization only.
-func (s *Stack) PortSeed() uint32 {
- return s.portSeed
+func (s *Stack) Seed() uint32 {
+ return s.seed
+// Rand returns a reference to a pseudo random generator that can be used
+// to generate random numbers as required.
+func (s *Stack) Rand() *mathrand.Rand {
+ return s.randomGenerator
func generateRandUint32() uint32 {
@@ -1431,3 +1852,16 @@ func generateRandUint32() uint32 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b)
+func generateRandInt64() int64 {
+ b := make([]byte, 8)
+ if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ buf := bytes.NewReader(b)
+ var v int64
+ if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &v); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return v
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack_test.go
index 9a8906a0d..d45d2cc1f 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack_test.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/stack_test.go
@@ -27,12 +27,16 @@ import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
const (
@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@ const (
// use the first three: destination address, source address, and transport
// protocol. They're all one byte fields to simplify parsing.
type fakeNetworkEndpoint struct {
- nicid tcpip.NICID
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
id stack.NetworkEndpointID
prefixLen int
proto *fakeNetworkProtocol
@@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) MTU() uint32 {
func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) NICID() tcpip.NICID {
- return f.nicid
+ return f.nicID
func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) PrefixLen() int {
@@ -86,28 +90,30 @@ func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) ID() *stack.NetworkEndpointID {
return &
-func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, pkt stack.PacketBuffer) {
// Increment the received packet count in the protocol descriptor.
// Consume the network header.
- b := vv.First()
- vv.TrimFront(fakeNetHeaderLen)
+ b, ok := pkt.Data.PullUp(fakeNetHeaderLen)
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ pkt.Data.TrimFront(fakeNetHeaderLen)
// Handle control packets.
if b[2] == uint8(fakeControlProtocol) {
- nb := vv.First()
- if len(nb) < fakeNetHeaderLen {
+ nb, ok := pkt.Data.PullUp(fakeNetHeaderLen)
+ if !ok {
- vv.TrimFront(fakeNetHeaderLen)
- f.dispatcher.DeliverTransportControlPacket(tcpip.Address(nb[1:2]), tcpip.Address(nb[0:1]), fakeNetNumber, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber(nb[2]), stack.ControlPortUnreachable, 0, vv)
+ pkt.Data.TrimFront(fakeNetHeaderLen)
+ f.dispatcher.DeliverTransportControlPacket(tcpip.Address(nb[1:2]), tcpip.Address(nb[0:1]), fakeNetNumber, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber(nb[2]), stack.ControlPortUnreachable, 0, pkt)
// Dispatch the packet to the transport protocol.
- f.dispatcher.DeliverTransportPacket(r, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber(b[2]), buffer.View([]byte{}), vv)
+ f.dispatcher.DeliverTransportPacket(r, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber(b[2]), pkt)
func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) MaxHeaderLength() uint16 {
@@ -122,37 +128,38 @@ func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) Capabilities() stack.LinkEndpointCapabilities {
return f.ep.Capabilities()
-func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) WritePacket(r *stack.Route, gso *stack.GSO, hdr buffer.Prependable, payload buffer.VectorisedView, params stack.NetworkHeaderParams, loop stack.PacketLooping) *tcpip.Error {
+func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) WritePacket(r *stack.Route, gso *stack.GSO, params stack.NetworkHeaderParams, pkt stack.PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
// Increment the sent packet count in the protocol descriptor.
// Add the protocol's header to the packet and send it to the link
// endpoint.
- b := hdr.Prepend(fakeNetHeaderLen)
+ b := pkt.Header.Prepend(fakeNetHeaderLen)
b[0] = r.RemoteAddress[0]
b[1] =[0]
b[2] = byte(params.Protocol)
- if loop&stack.PacketLoop != 0 {
- views := make([]buffer.View, 1, 1+len(payload.Views()))
- views[0] = hdr.View()
- views = append(views, payload.Views()...)
- vv := buffer.NewVectorisedView(len(views[0])+payload.Size(), views)
- f.HandlePacket(r, vv)
+ if r.Loop&stack.PacketLoop != 0 {
+ views := make([]buffer.View, 1, 1+len(pkt.Data.Views()))
+ views[0] = pkt.Header.View()
+ views = append(views, pkt.Data.Views()...)
+ f.HandlePacket(r, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buffer.NewVectorisedView(len(views[0])+pkt.Data.Size(), views),
+ })
- if loop&stack.PacketOut == 0 {
+ if r.Loop&stack.PacketOut == 0 {
return nil
- return f.ep.WritePacket(r, gso, hdr, payload, fakeNetNumber)
+ return f.ep.WritePacket(r, gso, fakeNetNumber, pkt)
// WritePackets implements stack.LinkEndpoint.WritePackets.
-func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) WritePackets(r *stack.Route, gso *stack.GSO, hdrs []stack.PacketDescriptor, payload buffer.VectorisedView, params stack.NetworkHeaderParams, loop stack.PacketLooping) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
+func (f *fakeNetworkEndpoint) WritePackets(r *stack.Route, gso *stack.GSO, pkts stack.PacketBufferList, params stack.NetworkHeaderParams) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
panic("not implemented")
-func (*fakeNetworkEndpoint) WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r *stack.Route, payload buffer.VectorisedView, loop stack.PacketLooping) *tcpip.Error {
+func (*fakeNetworkEndpoint) WriteHeaderIncludedPacket(r *stack.Route, pkt stack.PacketBuffer) *tcpip.Error {
return tcpip.ErrNotSupported
@@ -197,9 +204,9 @@ func (*fakeNetworkProtocol) ParseAddresses(v buffer.View) (src, dst tcpip.Addres
return tcpip.Address(v[1:2]), tcpip.Address(v[0:1])
-func (f *fakeNetworkProtocol) NewEndpoint(nicid tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, linkAddrCache stack.LinkAddressCache, dispatcher stack.TransportDispatcher, ep stack.LinkEndpoint) (stack.NetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+func (f *fakeNetworkProtocol) NewEndpoint(nicID tcpip.NICID, addrWithPrefix tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, linkAddrCache stack.LinkAddressCache, dispatcher stack.TransportDispatcher, ep stack.LinkEndpoint, _ *stack.Stack) (stack.NetworkEndpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
return &fakeNetworkEndpoint{
- nicid: nicid,
+ nicID: nicID,
id: stack.NetworkEndpointID{LocalAddress: addrWithPrefix.Address},
prefixLen: addrWithPrefix.PrefixLen,
proto: f,
@@ -230,10 +237,33 @@ func (f *fakeNetworkProtocol) Option(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+// Close implements TransportProtocol.Close.
+func (*fakeNetworkProtocol) Close() {}
+// Wait implements TransportProtocol.Wait.
+func (*fakeNetworkProtocol) Wait() {}
func fakeNetFactory() stack.NetworkProtocol {
return &fakeNetworkProtocol{}
+// linkEPWithMockedAttach is a stack.LinkEndpoint that tests can use to verify
+// that LinkEndpoint.Attach was called.
+type linkEPWithMockedAttach struct {
+ stack.LinkEndpoint
+ attached bool
+// Attach implements stack.LinkEndpoint.Attach.
+func (l *linkEPWithMockedAttach) Attach(d stack.NetworkDispatcher) {
+ l.LinkEndpoint.Attach(d)
+ l.attached = d != nil
+func (l *linkEPWithMockedAttach) isAttached() bool {
+ return l.attached
func TestNetworkReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Create a stack with the fake network protocol, one nic, and two
// addresses attached to it: 1 & 2.
@@ -259,7 +289,9 @@ func TestNetworkReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure packet with wrong address is not delivered.
buf[0] = 3
- ep.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeNet.packetCount[1] != 0 {
t.Errorf("packetCount[1] = %d, want %d", fakeNet.packetCount[1], 0)
@@ -269,7 +301,9 @@ func TestNetworkReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure packet is delivered to first endpoint.
buf[0] = 1
- ep.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeNet.packetCount[1] != 1 {
t.Errorf("packetCount[1] = %d, want %d", fakeNet.packetCount[1], 1)
@@ -279,7 +313,9 @@ func TestNetworkReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure packet is delivered to second endpoint.
buf[0] = 2
- ep.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeNet.packetCount[1] != 1 {
t.Errorf("packetCount[1] = %d, want %d", fakeNet.packetCount[1], 1)
@@ -288,7 +324,9 @@ func TestNetworkReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure packet is not delivered if protocol number is wrong.
- ep.Inject(fakeNetNumber-1, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber-1, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeNet.packetCount[1] != 1 {
t.Errorf("packetCount[1] = %d, want %d", fakeNet.packetCount[1], 1)
@@ -298,7 +336,9 @@ func TestNetworkReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure packet that is too small is dropped.
- ep.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeNet.packetCount[1] != 1 {
t.Errorf("packetCount[1] = %d, want %d", fakeNet.packetCount[1], 1)
@@ -318,7 +358,10 @@ func sendTo(s *stack.Stack, addr tcpip.Address, payload buffer.View) *tcpip.Erro
func send(r stack.Route, payload buffer.View) *tcpip.Error {
hdr := buffer.NewPrependable(int(r.MaxHeaderLength()))
- return r.WritePacket(nil /* gso */, hdr, payload.ToVectorisedView(), stack.NetworkHeaderParams{Protocol: fakeTransNumber, TTL: 123, TOS: stack.DefaultTOS})
+ return r.WritePacket(nil /* gso */, stack.NetworkHeaderParams{Protocol: fakeTransNumber, TTL: 123, TOS: stack.DefaultTOS}, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Header: hdr,
+ Data: payload.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
func testSendTo(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, addr tcpip.Address, ep *channel.Endpoint, payload buffer.View) {
@@ -373,7 +416,9 @@ func testFailingRecv(t *testing.T, fakeNet *fakeNetworkProtocol, localAddrByte b
func testRecvInternal(t *testing.T, fakeNet *fakeNetworkProtocol, localAddrByte byte, ep *channel.Endpoint, buf buffer.View, want int) {
- ep.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if got := fakeNet.PacketCount(localAddrByte); got != want {
t.Errorf("receive packet count: got = %d, want %d", got, want)
@@ -490,6 +535,340 @@ func testNoRoute(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, nic tcpip.NICID, srcAddr, dstAddr
+// TestAttachToLinkEndpointImmediately tests that a LinkEndpoint is attached to
+// a NetworkDispatcher when the NIC is created.
+func TestAttachToLinkEndpointImmediately(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ nicOpts stack.NICOptions
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Create enabled NIC",
+ nicOpts: stack.NICOptions{Disabled: false},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Create disabled NIC",
+ nicOpts: stack.NICOptions{Disabled: true},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ e := linkEPWithMockedAttach{
+ LinkEndpoint: loopback.New(),
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, &e, test.nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, test.nicOpts, err)
+ }
+ if !e.isAttached() {
+ t.Fatal("link endpoint not attached to a network dispatcher")
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestDisableUnknownNIC(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(1); err != tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.DisableNIC(1) = %v, want = %s", err, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID)
+ }
+func TestDisabledNICsNICInfoAndCheckNIC(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ e := loopback.New()
+ nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Disabled: true}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, nicOpts, err)
+ }
+ checkNIC := func(enabled bool) {
+ t.Helper()
+ allNICInfo := s.NICInfo()
+ nicInfo, ok := allNICInfo[nicID]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("entry for %d missing from allNICInfo = %+v", nicID, allNICInfo)
+ } else if nicInfo.Flags.Running != enabled {
+ t.Errorf("got nicInfo.Flags.Running = %t, want = %t", nicInfo.Flags.Running, enabled)
+ }
+ if got := s.CheckNIC(nicID); got != enabled {
+ t.Errorf("got s.CheckNIC(%d) = %t, want = %t", nicID, got, enabled)
+ }
+ }
+ // NIC should initially report itself as disabled.
+ checkNIC(false)
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ checkNIC(true)
+ // If the NIC is not reporting a correct enabled status, we cannot trust the
+ // next check so end the test here.
+ if t.Failed() {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ checkNIC(false)
+func TestRemoveUnknownNIC(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ if err := s.RemoveNIC(1); err != tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.RemoveNIC(1) = %v, want = %s", err, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID)
+ }
+func TestRemoveNIC(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ e := linkEPWithMockedAttach{
+ LinkEndpoint: loopback.New(),
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, &e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ // NIC should be present in NICInfo and attached to a NetworkDispatcher.
+ allNICInfo := s.NICInfo()
+ if _, ok := allNICInfo[nicID]; !ok {
+ t.Errorf("entry for %d missing from allNICInfo = %+v", nicID, allNICInfo)
+ }
+ if !e.isAttached() {
+ t.Fatal("link endpoint not attached to a network dispatcher")
+ }
+ // Removing a NIC should remove it from NICInfo and e should be detached from
+ // the NetworkDispatcher.
+ if err := s.RemoveNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.RemoveNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if nicInfo, ok := s.NICInfo()[nicID]; ok {
+ t.Errorf("got unexpected NICInfo entry for deleted NIC %d = %+v", nicID, nicInfo)
+ }
+ if e.isAttached() {
+ t.Error("link endpoint for removed NIC still attached to a network dispatcher")
+ }
+func TestRouteWithDownNIC(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ downFn func(s *stack.Stack, nicID tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error
+ upFn func(s *stack.Stack, nicID tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Disabled NIC",
+ downFn: (*stack.Stack).DisableNIC,
+ upFn: (*stack.Stack).EnableNIC,
+ },
+ // Once a NIC is removed, it cannot be brought up.
+ {
+ name: "Removed NIC",
+ downFn: (*stack.Stack).RemoveNIC,
+ },
+ }
+ const unspecifiedNIC = 0
+ const nicID1 = 1
+ const nicID2 = 2
+ const addr1 = tcpip.Address("\x01")
+ const addr2 = tcpip.Address("\x02")
+ const nic1Dst = tcpip.Address("\x05")
+ const nic2Dst = tcpip.Address("\x06")
+ setup := func(t *testing.T) (*stack.Stack, *channel.Endpoint, *channel.Endpoint) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ ep1 := channel.New(1, defaultMTU, "")
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID1, ep1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID1, fakeNetNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID1, fakeNetNumber, addr1, err)
+ }
+ ep2 := channel.New(1, defaultMTU, "")
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID2, ep2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _): %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID2, fakeNetNumber, addr2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID2, fakeNetNumber, addr2, err)
+ }
+ // Set a route table that sends all packets with odd destination
+ // addresses through the first NIC, and all even destination address
+ // through the second one.
+ {
+ subnet0, err := tcpip.NewSubnet("\x00", "\x01")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ subnet1, err := tcpip.NewSubnet("\x01", "\x01")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{
+ {Destination: subnet1, Gateway: "\x00", NIC: nicID1},
+ {Destination: subnet0, Gateway: "\x00", NIC: nicID2},
+ })
+ }
+ return s, ep1, ep2
+ }
+ // Tests that routes through a down NIC are not used when looking up a route
+ // for a destination.
+ t.Run("Find", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ s, _, _ := setup(t)
+ // Test routes to odd address.
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", "\x05", addr1)
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr1, "\x05", addr1)
+ testRoute(t, s, nicID1, addr1, "\x05", addr1)
+ // Test routes to even address.
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", "\x06", addr2)
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr2, "\x06", addr2)
+ testRoute(t, s, nicID2, addr2, "\x06", addr2)
+ // Bringing NIC1 down should result in no routes to odd addresses. Routes to
+ // even addresses should continue to be available as NIC2 is still up.
+ if err := test.downFn(s, nicID1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("test.downFn(_, %d): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", nic1Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr1, nic1Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, nicID1, addr1, nic1Dst)
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", nic2Dst, addr2)
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr2, nic2Dst, addr2)
+ testRoute(t, s, nicID2, addr2, nic2Dst, addr2)
+ // Bringing NIC2 down should result in no routes to even addresses. No
+ // route should be available to any address as routes to odd addresses
+ // were made unavailable by bringing NIC1 down above.
+ if err := test.downFn(s, nicID2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("test.downFn(_, %d): %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", nic1Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr1, nic1Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, nicID1, addr1, nic1Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", nic2Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr2, nic2Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, nicID2, addr2, nic2Dst)
+ if upFn := test.upFn; upFn != nil {
+ // Bringing NIC1 up should make routes to odd addresses available
+ // again. Routes to even addresses should continue to be unavailable
+ // as NIC2 is still down.
+ if err := upFn(s, nicID1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("test.upFn(_, %d): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", nic1Dst, addr1)
+ testRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr1, nic1Dst, addr1)
+ testRoute(t, s, nicID1, addr1, nic1Dst, addr1)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, "", nic2Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, unspecifiedNIC, addr2, nic2Dst)
+ testNoRoute(t, s, nicID2, addr2, nic2Dst)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ // Tests that writing a packet using a Route through a down NIC fails.
+ t.Run("WritePacket", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ s, ep1, ep2 := setup(t)
+ r1, err := s.FindRoute(nicID1, addr1, nic1Dst, fakeNetNumber, false /* multicastLoop */)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("FindRoute(%d, %s, %s, %d, false): %s", nicID1, addr1, nic1Dst, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ }
+ defer r1.Release()
+ r2, err := s.FindRoute(nicID2, addr2, nic2Dst, fakeNetNumber, false /* multicastLoop */)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("FindRoute(%d, %s, %s, %d, false): %s", nicID2, addr2, nic2Dst, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ }
+ defer r2.Release()
+ // If we failed to get routes r1 or r2, we cannot proceed with the test.
+ if t.Failed() {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ buf := buffer.View([]byte{1})
+ testSend(t, r1, ep1, buf)
+ testSend(t, r2, ep2, buf)
+ // Writes with Routes that use NIC1 after being brought down should fail.
+ if err := test.downFn(s, nicID1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("test.downFn(_, %d): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ testFailingSend(t, r1, ep1, buf, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState)
+ testSend(t, r2, ep2, buf)
+ // Writes with Routes that use NIC2 after being brought down should fail.
+ if err := test.downFn(s, nicID2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("test.downFn(_, %d): %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ testFailingSend(t, r1, ep1, buf, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState)
+ testFailingSend(t, r2, ep2, buf, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState)
+ if upFn := test.upFn; upFn != nil {
+ // Writes with Routes that use NIC1 after being brought up should
+ // succeed.
+ //
+ // TODO(b/147015577): Should we instead completely invalidate all
+ // Routes that were bound to a NIC that was brought down at some
+ // point?
+ if err := upFn(s, nicID1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("test.upFn(_, %d): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ testSend(t, r1, ep1, buf)
+ testFailingSend(t, r2, ep2, buf, tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
func TestRoutes(t *testing.T) {
// Create a stack with the fake network protocol, two nics, and two
// addresses per nic, the first nic has odd address, the second one has
@@ -668,11 +1047,11 @@ func TestAddressRemovalWithRouteHeld(t *testing.T) {
-func verifyAddress(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) {
+func verifyAddress(t *testing.T, s *stack.Stack, nicID tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.Address) {
- info, ok := s.NICInfo()[nicid]
+ info, ok := s.NICInfo()[nicID]
if !ok {
- t.Fatalf("NICInfo() failed to find nicid=%d", nicid)
+ t.Fatalf("NICInfo() failed to find nicID=%d", nicID)
if len(addr) == 0 {
// No address given, verify that there is no address assigned to the NIC.
@@ -705,7 +1084,7 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
localAddrByte byte = 0x01
remoteAddr tcpip.Address = "\x03"
noAddr tcpip.Address = ""
- nicid tcpip.NICID = 1
+ nicID tcpip.NICID = 1
localAddr := tcpip.Address([]byte{localAddrByte})
@@ -717,7 +1096,7 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
ep := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(nicid, ep); err != nil {
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, ep); err != nil {
t.Fatal("CreateNIC failed:", err)
@@ -734,13 +1113,13 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
buf[0] = localAddrByte
if promiscuous {
- if err := s.SetPromiscuousMode(nicid, true); err != nil {
+ if err := s.SetPromiscuousMode(nicID, true); err != nil {
t.Fatal("SetPromiscuousMode failed:", err)
if spoofing {
- if err := s.SetSpoofing(nicid, true); err != nil {
+ if err := s.SetSpoofing(nicID, true); err != nil {
t.Fatal("SetSpoofing failed:", err)
@@ -748,7 +1127,7 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
// 1. No Address yet, send should only work for spoofing, receive for
// promiscuous mode.
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, noAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, noAddr)
if promiscuous {
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
} else {
@@ -763,20 +1142,20 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
// 2. Add Address, everything should work.
- if err := s.AddAddress(nicid, fakeNetNumber, localAddr); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, fakeNetNumber, localAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatal("AddAddress failed:", err)
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, localAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, localAddr)
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
testSendTo(t, s, remoteAddr, ep, nil)
// 3. Remove the address, send should only work for spoofing, receive
// for promiscuous mode.
- if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicid, localAddr); err != nil {
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, localAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatal("RemoveAddress failed:", err)
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, noAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, noAddr)
if promiscuous {
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
} else {
@@ -791,10 +1170,10 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
// 4. Add Address back, everything should work again.
- if err := s.AddAddress(nicid, fakeNetNumber, localAddr); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, fakeNetNumber, localAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatal("AddAddress failed:", err)
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, localAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, localAddr)
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
testSendTo(t, s, remoteAddr, ep, nil)
@@ -812,10 +1191,10 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
// 6. Remove the address. Send should only work for spoofing, receive
// for promiscuous mode.
- if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicid, localAddr); err != nil {
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, localAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatal("RemoveAddress failed:", err)
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, noAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, noAddr)
if promiscuous {
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
} else {
@@ -831,10 +1210,10 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
// 7. Add Address back, everything should work again.
- if err := s.AddAddress(nicid, fakeNetNumber, localAddr); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, fakeNetNumber, localAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatal("AddAddress failed:", err)
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, localAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, localAddr)
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
testSendTo(t, s, remoteAddr, ep, nil)
testSend(t, r, ep, nil)
@@ -842,17 +1221,17 @@ func TestEndpointExpiration(t *testing.T) {
// 8. Remove the route, sendTo/recv should still work.
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, localAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, localAddr)
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
testSendTo(t, s, remoteAddr, ep, nil)
// 9. Remove the address. Send should only work for spoofing, receive
// for promiscuous mode.
- if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicid, localAddr); err != nil {
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, localAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatal("RemoveAddress failed:", err)
- verifyAddress(t, s, nicid, noAddr)
+ verifyAddress(t, s, nicID, noAddr)
if promiscuous {
testRecv(t, fakeNet, localAddrByte, ep, buf)
} else {
@@ -1068,19 +1447,19 @@ func TestOutgoingBroadcastWithEmptyRouteTable(t *testing.T) {
protoAddr := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{Protocol: fakeNetNumber, AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{header.IPv4Any, 0}}
if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(1, protoAddr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddress(1, %s) failed: %s", protoAddr, err)
+ t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddress(1, %v) failed: %v", protoAddr, err)
r, err := s.FindRoute(1, header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, false /* multicastLoop */)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("FindRoute(1, %s, %s, %d) failed: %s", header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ t.Fatalf("FindRoute(1, %v, %v, %d) failed: %v", header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
if err := verifyRoute(r, stack.Route{LocalAddress: header.IPv4Any, RemoteAddress: header.IPv4Broadcast}); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("FindRoute(1, %s, %s, %d) returned unexpected Route: %s)", header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ t.Errorf("FindRoute(1, %v, %v, %d) returned unexpected Route: %v", header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
// If the NIC doesn't exist, it won't work.
if _, err := s.FindRoute(2, header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, false /* multicastLoop */); err != tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable {
- t.Fatalf("got FindRoute(2, %s, %s, %d) = %s want = %s", header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err, tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable)
+ t.Fatalf("got FindRoute(2, %v, %v, %d) = %v want = %v", header.IPv4Any, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err, tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable)
@@ -1106,12 +1485,12 @@ func TestOutgoingBroadcastWithRouteTable(t *testing.T) {
nic1ProtoAddr := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{fakeNetNumber, nic1Addr}
if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(1, nic1ProtoAddr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddress(1, %s) failed: %s", nic1ProtoAddr, err)
+ t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddress(1, %v) failed: %v", nic1ProtoAddr, err)
nic2ProtoAddr := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{fakeNetNumber, nic2Addr}
if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(2, nic2ProtoAddr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress(2, %s) failed: %s", nic2ProtoAddr, err)
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(2, %v) failed: %v", nic2ProtoAddr, err)
// Set the initial route table.
@@ -1126,10 +1505,10 @@ func TestOutgoingBroadcastWithRouteTable(t *testing.T) {
// When an interface is given, the route for a broadcast goes through it.
r, err := s.FindRoute(1, nic1Addr.Address, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, false /* multicastLoop */)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("FindRoute(1, %s, %s, %d) failed: %s", nic1Addr.Address, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ t.Fatalf("FindRoute(1, %v, %v, %d) failed: %v", nic1Addr.Address, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
if err := verifyRoute(r, stack.Route{LocalAddress: nic1Addr.Address, RemoteAddress: header.IPv4Broadcast}); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("FindRoute(1, %s, %s, %d) returned unexpected Route: %s)", nic1Addr.Address, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ t.Errorf("FindRoute(1, %v, %v, %d) returned unexpected Route: %v", nic1Addr.Address, header.IPv4Broadcast, fakeNetNumber, err)
// When an interface is not given, it consults the route table.
@@ -1645,12 +2024,12 @@ func verifyAddresses(t *testing.T, expectedAddresses, gotAddresses []tcpip.Proto
func TestAddAddress(t *testing.T) {
- const nicid = 1
+ const nicID = 1
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
ep := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(nicid, ep); err != nil {
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, ep); err != nil {
t.Fatal("CreateNIC failed:", err)
@@ -1658,7 +2037,7 @@ func TestAddAddress(t *testing.T) {
expectedAddresses := make([]tcpip.ProtocolAddress, 0, 2)
for _, addrLen := range []int{4, 16} {
address :=
- if err := s.AddAddress(nicid, fakeNetNumber, address); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, fakeNetNumber, address); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddAddress(address=%s) failed: %s", address, err)
expectedAddresses = append(expectedAddresses, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
@@ -1667,17 +2046,17 @@ func TestAddAddress(t *testing.T) {
- gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicid]
+ gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]
verifyAddresses(t, expectedAddresses, gotAddresses)
func TestAddProtocolAddress(t *testing.T) {
- const nicid = 1
+ const nicID = 1
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
ep := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(nicid, ep); err != nil {
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, ep); err != nil {
t.Fatal("CreateNIC failed:", err)
@@ -1694,24 +2073,24 @@ func TestAddProtocolAddress(t *testing.T) {
PrefixLen: prefixLen,
- if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(nicid, protocolAddress); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(nicID, protocolAddress); err != nil {
t.Errorf("AddProtocolAddress(%+v) failed: %s", protocolAddress, err)
expectedAddresses = append(expectedAddresses, protocolAddress)
- gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicid]
+ gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]
verifyAddresses(t, expectedAddresses, gotAddresses)
func TestAddAddressWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
- const nicid = 1
+ const nicID = 1
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
ep := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(nicid, ep); err != nil {
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, ep); err != nil {
t.Fatal("CreateNIC failed:", err)
@@ -1722,7 +2101,7 @@ func TestAddAddressWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
for _, addrLen := range addrLenRange {
for _, behavior := range behaviorRange {
address :=
- if err := s.AddAddressWithOptions(nicid, fakeNetNumber, address, behavior); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddAddressWithOptions(nicID, fakeNetNumber, address, behavior); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddAddressWithOptions(address=%s, behavior=%d) failed: %s", address, behavior, err)
expectedAddresses = append(expectedAddresses, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
@@ -1732,17 +2111,17 @@ func TestAddAddressWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
- gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicid]
+ gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]
verifyAddresses(t, expectedAddresses, gotAddresses)
func TestAddProtocolAddressWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
- const nicid = 1
+ const nicID = 1
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
ep := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(nicid, ep); err != nil {
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, ep); err != nil {
t.Fatal("CreateNIC failed:", err)
@@ -1761,7 +2140,7 @@ func TestAddProtocolAddressWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
PrefixLen: prefixLen,
- if err := s.AddProtocolAddressWithOptions(nicid, protocolAddress, behavior); err != nil {
+ if err := s.AddProtocolAddressWithOptions(nicID, protocolAddress, behavior); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddressWithOptions(%+v, %d) failed: %s", protocolAddress, behavior, err)
expectedAddresses = append(expectedAddresses, protocolAddress)
@@ -1769,10 +2148,95 @@ func TestAddProtocolAddressWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
- gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicid]
+ gotAddresses := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]
verifyAddresses(t, expectedAddresses, gotAddresses)
+func TestCreateNICWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
+ type callArgsAndExpect struct {
+ nicID tcpip.NICID
+ opts stack.NICOptions
+ err *tcpip.Error
+ }
+ tests := []struct {
+ desc string
+ calls []callArgsAndExpect
+ }{
+ {
+ desc: "DuplicateNICID",
+ calls: []callArgsAndExpect{
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(1),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{Name: "eth1"},
+ err: nil,
+ },
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(1),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{Name: "eth2"},
+ err: tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "DuplicateName",
+ calls: []callArgsAndExpect{
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(1),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{Name: "lo"},
+ err: nil,
+ },
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(2),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{Name: "lo"},
+ err: tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "Unnamed",
+ calls: []callArgsAndExpect{
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(1),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{},
+ err: nil,
+ },
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(2),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{},
+ err: nil,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ desc: "UnnamedDuplicateNICID",
+ calls: []callArgsAndExpect{
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(1),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{},
+ err: nil,
+ },
+ {
+ nicID: tcpip.NICID(1),
+ opts: stack.NICOptions{},
+ err: tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{})
+ ep := channel.New(0, 0, tcpip.LinkAddress("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"))
+ for _, call := range test.calls {
+ if got, want := s.CreateNICWithOptions(call.nicID, ep, call.opts), call.err; got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%v, _, %+v) = %v, want %v", call.nicID, call.opts, got, want)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
func TestNICStats(t *testing.T) {
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
@@ -1795,7 +2259,9 @@ func TestNICStats(t *testing.T) {
// Send a packet to address 1.
buf := buffer.NewView(30)
- ep1.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if got, want := s.NICInfo()[1].Stats.Rx.Packets.Value(), uint64(1); got != want {
t.Errorf("got Rx.Packets.Value() = %d, want = %d", got, want)
@@ -1820,150 +2286,386 @@ func TestNICStats(t *testing.T) {
func TestNICForwarding(t *testing.T) {
- // Create a stack with the fake network protocol, two NICs, each with
- // an address.
- s := stack.New(stack.Options{
- NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
- })
- s.SetForwarding(true)
+ const nicID1 = 1
+ const nicID2 = 2
+ const dstAddr = tcpip.Address("\x03")
- ep1 := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, ep1); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("CreateNIC #1 failed:", err)
- }
- if err := s.AddAddress(1, fakeNetNumber, "\x01"); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("AddAddress #1 failed:", err)
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ headerLen uint16
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "Zero header length",
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Non-zero header length",
+ headerLen: 16,
+ },
- ep2 := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
- if err := s.CreateNIC(2, ep2); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("CreateNIC #2 failed:", err)
- }
- if err := s.AddAddress(2, fakeNetNumber, "\x02"); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("AddAddress #2 failed:", err)
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{fakeNetFactory()},
+ })
+ s.SetForwarding(true)
+ ep1 := channel.New(10, defaultMTU, "")
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID1, ep1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _): %s", nicID1, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID1, fakeNetNumber, "\x01"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, 0x01): %s", nicID1, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ }
+ ep2 := channelLinkWithHeaderLength{
+ Endpoint: channel.New(10, defaultMTU, ""),
+ headerLength: test.headerLen,
+ }
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID2, &ep2); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _): %s", nicID2, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID2, fakeNetNumber, "\x02"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, 0x02): %s", nicID2, fakeNetNumber, err)
+ }
+ // Route all packets to dstAddr to NIC 2.
+ {
+ subnet, err := tcpip.NewSubnet(dstAddr, "\xff")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{{Destination: subnet, Gateway: "\x00", NIC: nicID2}})
+ }
+ // Send a packet to dstAddr.
+ buf := buffer.NewView(30)
+ buf[0] = dstAddr[0]
+ ep1.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
+ pkt, ok := ep2.Read()
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatal("packet not forwarded")
+ }
+ // Test that the link's MaxHeaderLength is honoured.
+ if capacity, want := pkt.Pkt.Header.AvailableLength(), int(test.headerLen); capacity != want {
+ t.Errorf("got Header.AvailableLength() = %d, want = %d", capacity, want)
+ }
+ // Test that forwarding increments Tx stats correctly.
+ if got, want := s.NICInfo()[nicID2].Stats.Tx.Packets.Value(), uint64(1); got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got Tx.Packets.Value() = %d, want = %d", got, want)
+ }
+ if got, want := s.NICInfo()[nicID2].Stats.Tx.Bytes.Value(), uint64(len(buf)); got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got Tx.Bytes.Value() = %d, want = %d", got, want)
+ }
+ })
- // Route all packets to address 3 to NIC 2.
- {
- subnet, err := tcpip.NewSubnet("\x03", "\xff")
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{{Destination: subnet, Gateway: "\x00", NIC: 2}})
+// TestNICContextPreservation tests that you can read out via stack.NICInfo the
+// Context data you pass via NICContext.Context in stack.CreateNICWithOptions.
+func TestNICContextPreservation(t *testing.T) {
+ var ctx *int
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ opts stack.NICOptions
+ want stack.NICContext
+ }{
+ {
+ "context_set",
+ stack.NICOptions{Context: ctx},
+ ctx,
+ },
+ {
+ "context_not_set",
+ stack.NICOptions{},
+ nil,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{})
+ id := tcpip.NICID(1)
+ ep := channel.New(0, 0, tcpip.LinkAddress("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"))
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(id, ep, test.opts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.CreateNICWithOptions(%d, %+v, %+v) = %s, want nil", id, ep, test.opts, err)
+ }
+ nicinfos := s.NICInfo()
+ nicinfo, ok := nicinfos[id]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("got nicinfos[%d] = _, %t, want _, true; nicinfos = %+v", id, ok, nicinfos)
+ }
+ if got, want := nicinfo.Context == test.want, true; got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got nicinfo.Context == ctx = %t, want %t; nicinfo.Context = %p, ctx = %p", got, want, nicinfo.Context, test.want)
+ }
+ })
- // Send a packet to address 3.
- buf := buffer.NewView(30)
- buf[0] = 3
- ep1.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+// TestNICAutoGenLinkLocalAddr tests the auto-generation of IPv6 link-local
+// addresses.
+func TestNICAutoGenLinkLocalAddr(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
- select {
- case <-ep2.C:
- default:
- t.Fatal("Packet not forwarded")
+ var secretKey [header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes]byte
+ n, err := rand.Read(secretKey[:])
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("rand.Read(_): %s", err)
- // Test that forwarding increments Tx stats correctly.
- if got, want := s.NICInfo()[2].Stats.Tx.Packets.Value(), uint64(1); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got Tx.Packets.Value() = %d, want = %d", got, want)
+ if n != header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes {
+ t.Fatalf("expected rand.Read to read %d bytes, read %d bytes", header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes, n)
- if got, want := s.NICInfo()[2].Stats.Tx.Bytes.Value(), uint64(len(buf)); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got Tx.Bytes.Value() = %d, want = %d", got, want)
+ nicNameFunc := func(_ tcpip.NICID, name string) string {
+ return name
-// TestNICAutoGenAddr tests the auto-generation of IPv6 link-local addresses
-// (or lack there-of if disabled (default)). Note, DAD will be disabled in
-// these tests.
-func TestNICAutoGenAddr(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
- name string
- autoGen bool
- linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress
- shouldGen bool
+ name string
+ nicName string
+ autoGen bool
+ linkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress
+ iidOpts stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions
+ shouldGen bool
+ expectedAddr tcpip.Address
- "Disabled",
- false,
- linkAddr1,
- false,
+ name: "Disabled",
+ nicName: "nic1",
+ autoGen: false,
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ shouldGen: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Disabled without OIID options",
+ nicName: "nic1",
+ autoGen: false,
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ iidOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: nicNameFunc,
+ SecretKey: secretKey[:],
+ },
+ shouldGen: false,
+ },
+ // Tests for EUI64 based addresses.
+ {
+ name: "EUI64 Enabled",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ shouldGen: true,
+ expectedAddr: header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr1),
+ },
+ {
+ name: "EUI64 Empty MAC",
+ autoGen: true,
+ shouldGen: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "EUI64 Invalid MAC",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: "\x01\x02\x03",
+ shouldGen: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "EUI64 Multicast MAC",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06",
+ shouldGen: false,
- "Enabled",
- true,
- linkAddr1,
- true,
+ name: "EUI64 Unspecified MAC",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ shouldGen: false,
+ // Tests for Opaque IID based addresses.
- "Nil MAC",
- true,
- tcpip.LinkAddress([]byte(nil)),
- false,
+ name: "OIID Enabled",
+ nicName: "nic1",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: linkAddr1,
+ iidOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: nicNameFunc,
+ SecretKey: secretKey[:],
+ },
+ shouldGen: true,
+ expectedAddr: header.LinkLocalAddrWithOpaqueIID("nic1", 0, secretKey[:]),
+ // These are all cases where we would not have generated a
+ // link-local address if opaque IIDs were disabled.
- "Empty MAC",
- true,
- tcpip.LinkAddress(""),
- false,
+ name: "OIID Empty MAC and empty nicName",
+ autoGen: true,
+ iidOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: nicNameFunc,
+ SecretKey: secretKey[:1],
+ },
+ shouldGen: true,
+ expectedAddr: header.LinkLocalAddrWithOpaqueIID("", 0, secretKey[:1]),
- "Invalid MAC",
- true,
- tcpip.LinkAddress("\x01\x02\x03"),
- false,
+ name: "OIID Invalid MAC",
+ nicName: "test",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: "\x01\x02\x03",
+ iidOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: nicNameFunc,
+ SecretKey: secretKey[:2],
+ },
+ shouldGen: true,
+ expectedAddr: header.LinkLocalAddrWithOpaqueIID("test", 0, secretKey[:2]),
- "Multicast MAC",
- true,
- tcpip.LinkAddress("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06"),
- false,
+ name: "OIID Multicast MAC",
+ nicName: "test2",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06",
+ iidOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: nicNameFunc,
+ SecretKey: secretKey[:3],
+ },
+ shouldGen: true,
+ expectedAddr: header.LinkLocalAddrWithOpaqueIID("test2", 0, secretKey[:3]),
- "Unspecified MAC",
- true,
- tcpip.LinkAddress("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
- false,
+ name: "OIID Unspecified MAC and nil SecretKey",
+ nicName: "test3",
+ autoGen: true,
+ linkAddr: "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
+ iidOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: nicNameFunc,
+ },
+ shouldGen: true,
+ expectedAddr: header.LinkLocalAddrWithOpaqueIID("test3", 0, nil),
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ autoGenAddrC: make(chan ndpAutoGenAddrEvent, 1),
+ }
opts := stack.Options{
- NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal: test.autoGen,
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ OpaqueIIDOpts: test.iidOpts,
- if test.autoGen {
- // Only set opts.AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal when
- // test.autoGen is true because
- // opts.AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal should be false by
- // default.
- opts.AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal = true
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, test.linkAddr)
+ s := stack.New(opts)
+ nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Name: test.nicName, Disabled: true}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, opts, err)
- e := channel.New(10, 1280, test.linkAddr)
- s := stack.New(opts)
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(_) = %s", err)
+ // A new disabled NIC should not have any address, even if auto generation
+ // was enabled.
+ allStackAddrs := s.AllAddresses()
+ allNICAddrs, ok := allStackAddrs[nicID]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("entry for %d missing from allStackAddrs = %+v", nicID, allStackAddrs)
+ }
+ if l := len(allNICAddrs); l != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("got len(allNICAddrs) = %d, want = 0", l)
- addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) err = %s", err)
+ // Enabling the NIC should attempt auto-generation of a link-local
+ // address.
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ var expectedMainAddr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
if test.shouldGen {
- // Should have auto-generated an address and
- // resolved immediately (DAD is disabled).
- if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{Address: header.LinkLocalAddr(test.linkAddr), PrefixLen: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.PrefixLen}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = %s, want = %s", addr, want)
+ expectedMainAddr = tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: test.expectedAddr,
+ PrefixLen: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.PrefixLen,
+ }
+ // Should have auto-generated an address and resolved immediately (DAD
+ // is disabled).
+ select {
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ if diff := checkAutoGenAddrEvent(e, expectedMainAddr, newAddr); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("auto-gen addr event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ default:
+ t.Fatal("expected addr auto gen event")
} else {
// Should not have auto-generated an address.
- if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ select {
+ case <-ndpDisp.autoGenAddrC:
+ t.Fatal("unexpectedly auto-generated an address")
+ default:
+ gotMainAddr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) err = %s", err)
+ }
+ if gotMainAddr != expectedMainAddr {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = %s, want = %s", gotMainAddr, expectedMainAddr)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+// TestNoLinkLocalAutoGenForLoopbackNIC tests that IPv6 link-local addresses are
+// not auto-generated for loopback NICs.
+func TestNoLinkLocalAutoGenForLoopbackNIC(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ const nicName = "nicName"
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ opaqueIIDOpts stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "IID From MAC",
+ opaqueIIDOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{},
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Opaque IID",
+ opaqueIIDOpts: stack.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
+ NICNameFromID: func(_ tcpip.NICID, nicName string) string {
+ return nicName
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ opts := stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal: true,
+ OpaqueIIDOpts: test.opaqueIIDOpts,
+ }
+ e := loopback.New()
+ s := stack.New(opts)
+ nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Name: nicName}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNICWithOptions(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, nicOpts, err)
+ }
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, _) err = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
+ t.Errorf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, _) = %s, want = %s", nicID, addr, want)
+ }
@@ -1971,47 +2673,56 @@ func TestNICAutoGenAddr(t *testing.T) {
// TestNICAutoGenAddrDoesDAD tests that the successful auto-generation of IPv6
// link-local addresses will only be assigned after the DAD process resolves.
func TestNICAutoGenAddrDoesDAD(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent),
+ }
+ ndpConfigs := stack.DefaultNDPConfigurations()
opts := stack.Options{
- NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
- NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
- RetransmitTimer: time.Second,
- DupAddrDetectTransmits: 1,
- },
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: ndpConfigs,
AutoGenIPv6LinkLocal: true,
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
- e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ e := channel.New(int(ndpConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits), 1280, linkAddr1)
s := stack.New(opts)
- if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(_) = %s", err)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
// Address should not be considered bound to the
// NIC yet (DAD ongoing).
- addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ addr, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", addr, want)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
- // Wait for the address to resolve (an extra
- // 250ms to make sure the address resolves).
- //
- // TODO(b/140896005): Use events from the
- // netstack to know immediately when DAD
- // completes.
- time.Sleep(time.Second + 250*time.Millisecond)
+ linkLocalAddr := header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr1)
- // Should have auto-generated an address and
- // resolved (if DAD).
- addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(1, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ // Wait for DAD to resolve.
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(time.Duration(ndpConfigs.DupAddrDetectTransmits)*ndpConfigs.RetransmitTimer + time.Second):
+ // We should get a resolution event after 1s (default time to
+ // resolve as per default NDP configurations). Waiting for that
+ // resolution time + an extra 1s without a resolution event
+ // means something is wrong.
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD resolution")
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, linkLocalAddr, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) err = %s", err)
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
- if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{Address: header.LinkLocalAddr(linkAddr1), PrefixLen: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.PrefixLen}); addr != want {
- t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(_, _) = %s, want = %s", addr, want)
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{Address: linkLocalAddr, PrefixLen: header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.PrefixLen}); addr != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, addr, want)
@@ -2059,7 +2770,7 @@ func TestNewPEBOnPromotionToPermanent(t *testing.T) {
subnet, err := tcpip.NewSubnet("\x00", "\x00")
if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("NewSubnet failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("NewSubnet failed: %v", err)
s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{{Destination: subnet, Gateway: "\x00", NIC: 1}})
@@ -2073,11 +2784,11 @@ func TestNewPEBOnPromotionToPermanent(t *testing.T) {
// permanentExpired kind.
r, err := s.FindRoute(1, "\x01", "\x02", fakeNetNumber, false)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("FindRoute failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("FindRoute failed: %v", err)
defer r.Release()
if err := s.RemoveAddress(1, "\x01"); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress failed: %v", err)
@@ -2089,7 +2800,7 @@ func TestNewPEBOnPromotionToPermanent(t *testing.T) {
// Add some other address with peb set to
// FirstPrimaryEndpoint.
if err := s.AddAddressWithOptions(1, fakeNetNumber, "\x03", stack.FirstPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("AddAddressWithOptions failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddressWithOptions failed: %v", err)
@@ -2097,7 +2808,7 @@ func TestNewPEBOnPromotionToPermanent(t *testing.T) {
// make sure the new peb was respected.
// (The address should just be promoted now).
if err := s.AddAddressWithOptions(1, fakeNetNumber, "\x01", ps); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("AddAddressWithOptions failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddressWithOptions failed: %v", err)
var primaryAddrs []tcpip.Address
for _, pa := range s.NICInfo()[1].ProtocolAddresses {
@@ -2130,11 +2841,11 @@ func TestNewPEBOnPromotionToPermanent(t *testing.T) {
// GetMainNICAddress; else, our original address
// should be returned.
if err := s.RemoveAddress(1, "\x03"); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress failed: %v", err)
addr, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(1, fakeNetNumber)
if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("s.GetMainNICAddress failed:", err)
+ t.Fatalf("s.GetMainNICAddress failed: %v", err)
if ps == stack.NeverPrimaryEndpoint {
if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); addr != want {
@@ -2150,3 +2861,420 @@ func TestNewPEBOnPromotionToPermanent(t *testing.T) {
+func TestIPv6SourceAddressSelectionScopeAndSameAddress(t *testing.T) {
+ const (
+ linkLocalAddr1 = tcpip.Address("\xfe\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")
+ linkLocalAddr2 = tcpip.Address("\xfe\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02")
+ linkLocalMulticastAddr = tcpip.Address("\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")
+ uniqueLocalAddr1 = tcpip.Address("\xfc\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")
+ uniqueLocalAddr2 = tcpip.Address("\xfd\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02")
+ globalAddr1 = tcpip.Address("\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01")
+ globalAddr2 = tcpip.Address("\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02")
+ nicID = 1
+ )
+ // Rule 3 is not tested here, and is instead tested by NDP's AutoGenAddr test.
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ nicAddrs []tcpip.Address
+ connectAddr tcpip.Address
+ expectedLocalAddr tcpip.Address
+ }{
+ // Test Rule 1 of RFC 6724 section 5.
+ {
+ name: "Same Global most preferred (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: globalAddr1,
+ expectedLocalAddr: globalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Same Global most preferred (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: globalAddr1,
+ expectedLocalAddr: globalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Same Link Local most preferred (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Same Link Local most preferred (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Same Unique Local most preferred (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ expectedLocalAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Same Unique Local most preferred (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ expectedLocalAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ // Test Rule 2 of RFC 6724 section 5.
+ {
+ name: "Global most preferred (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: globalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: globalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Global most preferred (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: globalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: globalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Link Local most preferred (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: linkLocalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Link Local most preferred (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: linkLocalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Link Local most preferred for link local multicast (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: linkLocalMulticastAddr,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Link Local most preferred for link local multicast (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: linkLocalMulticastAddr,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Unique Local most preferred (last address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{uniqueLocalAddr1, globalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: uniqueLocalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Unique Local most preferred (first address)",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{globalAddr1, linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1},
+ connectAddr: uniqueLocalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ // Test returning the endpoint that is closest to the front when
+ // candidate addresses are "equal" from the perspective of RFC 6724
+ // section 5.
+ {
+ name: "Unique Local for Global",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr1, uniqueLocalAddr2},
+ connectAddr: globalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: uniqueLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Link Local for Global",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, linkLocalAddr2},
+ connectAddr: globalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Link Local for Unique Local",
+ nicAddrs: []tcpip.Address{linkLocalAddr1, linkLocalAddr2},
+ connectAddr: uniqueLocalAddr2,
+ expectedLocalAddr: linkLocalAddr1,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ e := channel.New(0, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ s.SetRouteTable([]tcpip.Route{{
+ Destination: header.IPv6EmptySubnet,
+ Gateway: llAddr3,
+ NIC: nicID,
+ }})
+ s.AddLinkAddress(nicID, llAddr3, linkAddr3)
+ for _, a := range test.nicAddrs {
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, a); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("s.AddAddress(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, a, err)
+ }
+ }
+ if t.Failed() {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ if got := addrForNewConnectionTo(t, s, tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: test.connectAddr, NIC: nicID, Port: 1234}); got != test.expectedLocalAddr {
+ t.Errorf("got local address = %s, want = %s", got, test.expectedLocalAddr)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func TestAddRemoveIPv4BroadcastAddressOnNICEnableDisable(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ e := loopback.New()
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv4.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Disabled: true}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, nicOpts, err)
+ }
+ allStackAddrs := s.AllAddresses()
+ allNICAddrs, ok := allStackAddrs[nicID]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("entry for %d missing from allStackAddrs = %+v", nicID, allStackAddrs)
+ }
+ if l := len(allNICAddrs); l != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("got len(allNICAddrs) = %d, want = 0", l)
+ }
+ // Enabling the NIC should add the IPv4 broadcast address.
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ allStackAddrs = s.AllAddresses()
+ allNICAddrs, ok = allStackAddrs[nicID]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("entry for %d missing from allStackAddrs = %+v", nicID, allStackAddrs)
+ }
+ if l := len(allNICAddrs); l != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("got len(allNICAddrs) = %d, want = 1", l)
+ }
+ want := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ Protocol: header.IPv4ProtocolNumber,
+ AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: header.IPv4Broadcast,
+ PrefixLen: 32,
+ },
+ }
+ if allNICAddrs[0] != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got allNICAddrs[0] = %+v, want = %+v", allNICAddrs[0], want)
+ }
+ // Disabling the NIC should remove the IPv4 broadcast address.
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ allStackAddrs = s.AllAddresses()
+ allNICAddrs, ok = allStackAddrs[nicID]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("entry for %d missing from allStackAddrs = %+v", nicID, allStackAddrs)
+ }
+ if l := len(allNICAddrs); l != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("got len(allNICAddrs) = %d, want = 0", l)
+ }
+// TestLeaveIPv6SolicitedNodeAddrBeforeAddrRemoval tests that removing an IPv6
+// address after leaving its solicited node multicast address does not result in
+// an error.
+func TestLeaveIPv6SolicitedNodeAddrBeforeAddrRemoval(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ e := channel.New(10, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(1, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, addr1, err)
+ }
+ // The NIC should have joined addr1's solicited node multicast address.
+ snmc := header.SolicitedNodeAddr(addr1)
+ in, err := s.IsInGroup(nicID, snmc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("IsInGroup(%d, %s): %s", nicID, snmc, err)
+ }
+ if !in {
+ t.Fatalf("got IsInGroup(%d, %s) = false, want = true", nicID, snmc)
+ }
+ if err := s.LeaveGroup(ipv6.ProtocolNumber, nicID, snmc); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("LeaveGroup(%d, %d, %s): %s", ipv6.ProtocolNumber, nicID, snmc, err)
+ }
+ in, err = s.IsInGroup(nicID, snmc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("IsInGroup(%d, %s): %s", nicID, snmc, err)
+ }
+ if in {
+ t.Fatalf("got IsInGroup(%d, %s) = true, want = false", nicID, snmc)
+ }
+ if err := s.RemoveAddress(nicID, addr1); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("RemoveAddress(%d, %s) = %s", nicID, addr1, err)
+ }
+func TestJoinLeaveAllNodesMulticastOnNICEnableDisable(t *testing.T) {
+ const nicID = 1
+ e := loopback.New()
+ s := stack.New(stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Disabled: true}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, nicOpts, err)
+ }
+ // Should not be in the IPv6 all-nodes multicast group yet because the NIC has
+ // not been enabled yet.
+ isInGroup, err := s.IsInGroup(nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("IsInGroup(%d, %s): %s", nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress, err)
+ }
+ if isInGroup {
+ t.Fatalf("got IsInGroup(%d, %s) = true, want = false", nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress)
+ }
+ // The all-nodes multicast group should be joined when the NIC is enabled.
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ isInGroup, err = s.IsInGroup(nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("IsInGroup(%d, %s): %s", nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress, err)
+ }
+ if !isInGroup {
+ t.Fatalf("got IsInGroup(%d, %s) = false, want = true", nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress)
+ }
+ // The all-nodes multicast group should be left when the NIC is disabled.
+ if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ isInGroup, err = s.IsInGroup(nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("IsInGroup(%d, %s): %s", nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress, err)
+ }
+ if isInGroup {
+ t.Fatalf("got IsInGroup(%d, %s) = true, want = false", nicID, header.IPv6AllNodesMulticastAddress)
+ }
+// TestDoDADWhenNICEnabled tests that IPv6 endpoints that were added while a NIC
+// was disabled have DAD performed on them when the NIC is enabled.
+func TestDoDADWhenNICEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+ const dadTransmits = 1
+ const retransmitTimer = time.Second
+ const nicID = 1
+ ndpDisp := ndpDispatcher{
+ dadC: make(chan ndpDADEvent),
+ }
+ opts := stack.Options{
+ NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv6.NewProtocol()},
+ NDPConfigs: stack.NDPConfigurations{
+ DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
+ RetransmitTimer: retransmitTimer,
+ },
+ NDPDisp: &ndpDisp,
+ }
+ e := channel.New(dadTransmits, 1280, linkAddr1)
+ s := stack.New(opts)
+ nicOpts := stack.NICOptions{Disabled: true}
+ if err := s.CreateNICWithOptions(nicID, e, nicOpts); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _, %+v) = %s", nicID, nicOpts, err)
+ }
+ addr := tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
+ Protocol: header.IPv6ProtocolNumber,
+ AddressWithPrefix: tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
+ Address: llAddr1,
+ PrefixLen: 128,
+ },
+ }
+ if err := s.AddProtocolAddress(nicID, addr); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddProtocolAddress(%d, %+v): %s", nicID, addr, err)
+ }
+ // Address should be in the list of all addresses.
+ if addrs := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]; !containsV6Addr(addrs, addr.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.AllAddresses()[%d] = %+v, want = %+v", nicID, addrs, addr)
+ }
+ // Address should be tentative so it should not be a main address.
+ got, err := s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, want)
+ }
+ // Enabling the NIC should start DAD for the address.
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if addrs := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]; !containsV6Addr(addrs, addr.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.AllAddresses()[%d] = %+v, want = %+v", nicID, addrs, addr)
+ }
+ // Address should not be considered bound to the NIC yet (DAD ongoing).
+ got, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if want := (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, want)
+ }
+ // Wait for DAD to resolve.
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(dadTransmits*retransmitTimer + defaultAsyncEventTimeout):
+ t.Fatal("timed out waiting for DAD resolution")
+ case e := <-ndpDisp.dadC:
+ if diff := checkDADEvent(e, nicID, addr.AddressWithPrefix.Address, true, nil); diff != "" {
+ t.Errorf("dad event mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
+ }
+ }
+ if addrs := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]; !containsV6Addr(addrs, addr.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.AllAddresses()[%d] = %+v, want = %+v", nicID, addrs, addr)
+ }
+ got, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if got != addr.AddressWithPrefix {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = %s, want = %s", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, addr.AddressWithPrefix)
+ }
+ // Enabling the NIC again should be a no-op.
+ if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
+ }
+ if addrs := s.AllAddresses()[nicID]; !containsV6Addr(addrs, addr.AddressWithPrefix) {
+ t.Fatalf("got s.AllAddresses()[%d] = %+v, want = %+v", nicID, addrs, addr)
+ }
+ got, err = s.GetMainNICAddress(nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (_, %v), want = (_, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, err)
+ }
+ if got != addr.AddressWithPrefix {
+ t.Fatalf("got stack.GetMainNICAddress(%d, %d) = (%s, nil), want = (%s, nil)", nicID, header.IPv6ProtocolNumber, got, addr.AddressWithPrefix)
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer.go
index 97a1aec4b..9a33ed375 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer.go
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
package stack
import (
+ "container/heap"
- "sync"
+ ""
- ""
@@ -35,28 +35,130 @@ type protocolIDs struct {
type transportEndpoints struct {
// mu protects all fields of the transportEndpoints.
mu sync.RWMutex
- endpoints map[TransportEndpointID]*endpointsByNic
+ endpoints map[TransportEndpointID]*endpointsByNIC
// rawEndpoints contains endpoints for raw sockets, which receive all
// traffic of a given protocol regardless of port.
rawEndpoints []RawTransportEndpoint
-type endpointsByNic struct {
+// unregisterEndpoint unregisters the endpoint with the given id such that it
+// won't receive any more packets.
+func (eps *transportEndpoints) unregisterEndpoint(id TransportEndpointID, ep TransportEndpoint, bindToDevice tcpip.NICID) {
+ defer
+ epsByNIC, ok := eps.endpoints[id]
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ if !epsByNIC.unregisterEndpoint(bindToDevice, ep) {
+ return
+ }
+ delete(eps.endpoints, id)
+func (eps *transportEndpoints) transportEndpoints() []TransportEndpoint {
+ defer
+ es := make([]TransportEndpoint, 0, len(eps.endpoints))
+ for _, e := range eps.endpoints {
+ es = append(es, e.transportEndpoints()...)
+ }
+ return es
+// iterEndpointsLocked yields all endpointsByNIC in eps that match id, in
+// descending order of match quality. If a call to yield returns false,
+// iterEndpointsLocked stops iteration and returns immediately.
+// Preconditions: must be locked.
+func (eps *transportEndpoints) iterEndpointsLocked(id TransportEndpointID, yield func(*endpointsByNIC) bool) {
+ // Try to find a match with the id as provided.
+ if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[id]; ok {
+ if !yield(ep) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to find a match with the id minus the local address.
+ nid := id
+ nid.LocalAddress = ""
+ if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[nid]; ok {
+ if !yield(ep) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to find a match with the id minus the remote part.
+ nid.LocalAddress = id.LocalAddress
+ nid.RemoteAddress = ""
+ nid.RemotePort = 0
+ if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[nid]; ok {
+ if !yield(ep) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to find a match with only the local port.
+ nid.LocalAddress = ""
+ if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[nid]; ok {
+ if !yield(ep) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// findAllEndpointsLocked returns all endpointsByNIC in eps that match id, in
+// descending order of match quality.
+// Preconditions: must be locked.
+func (eps *transportEndpoints) findAllEndpointsLocked(id TransportEndpointID) []*endpointsByNIC {
+ var matchedEPs []*endpointsByNIC
+ eps.iterEndpointsLocked(id, func(ep *endpointsByNIC) bool {
+ matchedEPs = append(matchedEPs, ep)
+ return true
+ })
+ return matchedEPs
+// findEndpointLocked returns the endpoint that most closely matches the given id.
+// Preconditions: must be locked.
+func (eps *transportEndpoints) findEndpointLocked(id TransportEndpointID) *endpointsByNIC {
+ var matchedEP *endpointsByNIC
+ eps.iterEndpointsLocked(id, func(ep *endpointsByNIC) bool {
+ matchedEP = ep
+ return false
+ })
+ return matchedEP
+type endpointsByNIC struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
endpoints map[tcpip.NICID]*multiPortEndpoint
// seed is a random secret for a jenkins hash.
seed uint32
+func (epsByNIC *endpointsByNIC) transportEndpoints() []TransportEndpoint {
+ defer
+ var eps []TransportEndpoint
+ for _, ep := range epsByNIC.endpoints {
+ eps = append(eps, ep.transportEndpoints()...)
+ }
+ return eps
// HandlePacket is called by the stack when new packets arrive to this transport
// endpoint.
-func (epsByNic *endpointsByNic) handlePacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (epsByNIC *endpointsByNIC) handlePacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, pkt PacketBuffer) {
- mpep, ok := epsByNic.endpoints[r.ref.nic.ID()]
+ mpep, ok := epsByNIC.endpoints[r.ref.nic.ID()]
if !ok {
- if mpep, ok = epsByNic.endpoints[0]; !ok {
- // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
+ if mpep, ok = epsByNIC.endpoints[0]; !ok {
+ // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
@@ -64,24 +166,30 @@ func (epsByNic *endpointsByNic) handlePacket(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, v
// If this is a broadcast or multicast datagram, deliver the datagram to all
// endpoints bound to the right device.
if isMulticastOrBroadcast(id.LocalAddress) {
- mpep.handlePacketAll(r, id, vv)
- // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
+ mpep.handlePacketAll(r, id, pkt)
+ // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
// multiPortEndpoints are guaranteed to have at least one element.
- selectEndpoint(id, mpep, epsByNic.seed).HandlePacket(r, id, vv)
- // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
+ transEP := selectEndpoint(id, mpep, epsByNIC.seed)
+ if queuedProtocol, mustQueue := mpep.demux.queuedProtocols[protocolIDs{mpep.netProto, mpep.transProto}]; mustQueue {
+ queuedProtocol.QueuePacket(r, transEP, id, pkt)
+ return
+ }
+ transEP.HandlePacket(r, id, pkt)
+ // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
// HandleControlPacket implements stack.TransportEndpoint.HandleControlPacket.
-func (epsByNic *endpointsByNic) handleControlPacket(n *NIC, id TransportEndpointID, typ ControlType, extra uint32, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
- defer
+func (epsByNIC *endpointsByNIC) handleControlPacket(n *NIC, id TransportEndpointID, typ ControlType, extra uint32, pkt PacketBuffer) {
+ defer
- mpep, ok := epsByNic.endpoints[n.ID()]
+ mpep, ok := epsByNIC.endpoints[n.ID()]
if !ok {
- mpep, ok = epsByNic.endpoints[0]
+ mpep, ok = epsByNIC.endpoints[0]
if !ok {
@@ -91,55 +199,41 @@ func (epsByNic *endpointsByNic) handleControlPacket(n *NIC, id TransportEndpoint
// broadcast like we are doing with handlePacket above?
// multiPortEndpoints are guaranteed to have at least one element.
- selectEndpoint(id, mpep, epsByNic.seed).HandleControlPacket(id, typ, extra, vv)
+ selectEndpoint(id, mpep, epsByNIC.seed).HandleControlPacket(id, typ, extra, pkt)
// registerEndpoint returns true if it succeeds. It fails and returns
// false if ep already has an element with the same key.
-func (epsByNic *endpointsByNic) registerEndpoint(t TransportEndpoint, reusePort bool, bindToDevice tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
- defer
+func (epsByNIC *endpointsByNIC) registerEndpoint(d *transportDemuxer, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, transProto tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, t TransportEndpoint, reusePort bool, bindToDevice tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
+ defer
- if multiPortEp, ok := epsByNic.endpoints[bindToDevice]; ok {
- // There was already a bind.
- return multiPortEp.singleRegisterEndpoint(t, reusePort)
+ multiPortEp, ok := epsByNIC.endpoints[bindToDevice]
+ if !ok {
+ multiPortEp = &multiPortEndpoint{
+ demux: d,
+ netProto: netProto,
+ transProto: transProto,
+ reuse: reusePort,
+ }
+ epsByNIC.endpoints[bindToDevice] = multiPortEp
- // This is a new binding.
- multiPortEp := &multiPortEndpoint{}
- multiPortEp.endpointsMap = make(map[TransportEndpoint]int)
- multiPortEp.reuse = reusePort
- epsByNic.endpoints[bindToDevice] = multiPortEp
return multiPortEp.singleRegisterEndpoint(t, reusePort)
-// unregisterEndpoint returns true if endpointsByNic has to be unregistered.
-func (epsByNic *endpointsByNic) unregisterEndpoint(bindToDevice tcpip.NICID, t TransportEndpoint) bool {
- defer
- multiPortEp, ok := epsByNic.endpoints[bindToDevice]
+// unregisterEndpoint returns true if endpointsByNIC has to be unregistered.
+func (epsByNIC *endpointsByNIC) unregisterEndpoint(bindToDevice tcpip.NICID, t TransportEndpoint) bool {
+ defer
+ multiPortEp, ok := epsByNIC.endpoints[bindToDevice]
if !ok {
return false
if multiPortEp.unregisterEndpoint(t) {
- delete(epsByNic.endpoints, bindToDevice)
+ delete(epsByNIC.endpoints, bindToDevice)
- return len(epsByNic.endpoints) == 0
-// unregisterEndpoint unregisters the endpoint with the given id such that it
-// won't receive any more packets.
-func (eps *transportEndpoints) unregisterEndpoint(id TransportEndpointID, ep TransportEndpoint, bindToDevice tcpip.NICID) {
- defer
- epsByNic, ok := eps.endpoints[id]
- if !ok {
- return
- }
- if !epsByNic.unregisterEndpoint(bindToDevice, ep) {
- return
- }
- delete(eps.endpoints, id)
+ return len(epsByNIC.endpoints) == 0
// transportDemuxer demultiplexes packets targeted at a transport endpoint
@@ -149,17 +243,33 @@ func (eps *transportEndpoints) unregisterEndpoint(id TransportEndpointID, ep Tra
// newTransportDemuxer.
type transportDemuxer struct {
// protocol is immutable.
- protocol map[protocolIDs]*transportEndpoints
+ protocol map[protocolIDs]*transportEndpoints
+ queuedProtocols map[protocolIDs]queuedTransportProtocol
+// queuedTransportProtocol if supported by a protocol implementation will cause
+// the dispatcher to delivery packets to the QueuePacket method instead of
+// calling HandlePacket directly on the endpoint.
+type queuedTransportProtocol interface {
+ QueuePacket(r *Route, ep TransportEndpoint, id TransportEndpointID, pkt PacketBuffer)
func newTransportDemuxer(stack *Stack) *transportDemuxer {
- d := &transportDemuxer{protocol: make(map[protocolIDs]*transportEndpoints)}
+ d := &transportDemuxer{
+ protocol: make(map[protocolIDs]*transportEndpoints),
+ queuedProtocols: make(map[protocolIDs]queuedTransportProtocol),
+ }
// Add each network and transport pair to the demuxer.
for netProto := range stack.networkProtocols {
for proto := range stack.transportProtocols {
- d.protocol[protocolIDs{netProto, proto}] = &transportEndpoints{
- endpoints: make(map[TransportEndpointID]*endpointsByNic),
+ protoIDs := protocolIDs{netProto, proto}
+ d.protocol[protoIDs] = &transportEndpoints{
+ endpoints: make(map[TransportEndpointID]*endpointsByNIC),
+ }
+ qTransProto, isQueued := (stack.transportProtocols[proto].proto).(queuedTransportProtocol)
+ if isQueued {
+ d.queuedProtocols[protoIDs] = qTransProto
@@ -180,17 +290,62 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) registerEndpoint(netProtos []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNum
return nil
+type transportEndpointHeap []TransportEndpoint
+var _ heap.Interface = (*transportEndpointHeap)(nil)
+func (h *transportEndpointHeap) Len() int {
+ return len(*h)
+func (h *transportEndpointHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return (*h)[i].UniqueID() < (*h)[j].UniqueID()
+func (h *transportEndpointHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
+ (*h)[i], (*h)[j] = (*h)[j], (*h)[i]
+func (h *transportEndpointHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
+ *h = append(*h, x.(TransportEndpoint))
+func (h *transportEndpointHeap) Pop() interface{} {
+ old := *h
+ n := len(old)
+ x := old[n-1]
+ old[n-1] = nil
+ *h = old[:n-1]
+ return x
// multiPortEndpoint is a container for TransportEndpoints which are bound to
// the same pair of address and port. endpointsArr always has at least one
// element.
+// FIXME( Restore this properly. Currently, we just save
+// this to ensure that the underlying endpoints get saved/restored, but not not
+// use the restored copy.
+// +stateify savable
type multiPortEndpoint struct {
- mu sync.RWMutex
- endpointsArr []TransportEndpoint
- endpointsMap map[TransportEndpoint]int
+ mu sync.RWMutex `state:"nosave"`
+ demux *transportDemuxer
+ netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
+ transProto tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber
+ endpoints transportEndpointHeap
// reuse indicates if more than one endpoint is allowed.
reuse bool
+func (ep *multiPortEndpoint) transportEndpoints() []TransportEndpoint {
+ eps := append([]TransportEndpoint(nil), ep.endpoints...)
+ return eps
// reciprocalScale scales a value into range [0, n).
// This is similar to val % n, but faster.
@@ -203,8 +358,8 @@ func reciprocalScale(val, n uint32) uint32 {
// ports then uses it to select a socket. In this case, all packets from one
// address will be sent to same endpoint.
func selectEndpoint(id TransportEndpointID, mpep *multiPortEndpoint, seed uint32) TransportEndpoint {
- if len(mpep.endpointsArr) == 1 {
- return mpep.endpointsArr[0]
+ if len(mpep.endpoints) == 1 {
+ return mpep.endpoints[0]
payload := []byte{
@@ -220,22 +375,26 @@ func selectEndpoint(id TransportEndpointID, mpep *multiPortEndpoint, seed uint32
hash := h.Sum32()
- idx := reciprocalScale(hash, uint32(len(mpep.endpointsArr)))
- return mpep.endpointsArr[idx]
+ idx := reciprocalScale(hash, uint32(len(mpep.endpoints)))
+ return mpep.endpoints[idx]
-func (ep *multiPortEndpoint) handlePacketAll(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, vv buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (ep *multiPortEndpoint) handlePacketAll(r *Route, id TransportEndpointID, pkt PacketBuffer) {
- for i, endpoint := range ep.endpointsArr {
- // HandlePacket modifies vv, so each endpoint needs its own copy except for
- // the final one.
- if i == len(ep.endpointsArr)-1 {
- endpoint.HandlePacket(r, id, vv)
- break
+ queuedProtocol, mustQueue := ep.demux.queuedProtocols[protocolIDs{ep.netProto, ep.transProto}]
+ // HandlePacket takes ownership of pkt, so each endpoint needs
+ // its own copy except for the final one.
+ for _, endpoint := range ep.endpoints[:len(ep.endpoints)-1] {
+ if mustQueue {
+ queuedProtocol.QueuePacket(r, endpoint, id, pkt.Clone())
+ } else {
+ endpoint.HandlePacket(r, id, pkt.Clone())
- vvCopy := buffer.NewView(vv.Size())
- copy(vvCopy, vv.ToView())
- endpoint.HandlePacket(r, id, vvCopy.ToVectorisedView())
+ }
+ if endpoint := ep.endpoints[len(ep.endpoints)-1]; mustQueue {
+ queuedProtocol.QueuePacket(r, endpoint, id, pkt)
+ } else {
+ endpoint.HandlePacket(r, id, pkt)
} // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
@@ -246,17 +405,15 @@ func (ep *multiPortEndpoint) singleRegisterEndpoint(t TransportEndpoint, reusePo
- if len(ep.endpointsArr) > 0 {
+ if len(ep.endpoints) != 0 {
// If it was previously bound, we need to check if we can bind again.
if !ep.reuse || !reusePort {
return tcpip.ErrPortInUse
- // A new endpoint is added into endpointsArr and its index there is saved in
- // endpointsMap. This will allow us to remove endpoint from the array fast.
- ep.endpointsMap[t] = len(ep.endpointsArr)
- ep.endpointsArr = append(ep.endpointsArr, t)
+ heap.Push(&ep.endpoints, t)
return nil
@@ -265,21 +422,13 @@ func (ep *multiPortEndpoint) unregisterEndpoint(t TransportEndpoint) bool {
- idx, ok := ep.endpointsMap[t]
- if !ok {
- return false
- }
- delete(ep.endpointsMap, t)
- l := len(ep.endpointsArr)
- if l > 1 {
- // The last endpoint in endpointsArr is moved instead of the deleted one.
- lastEp := ep.endpointsArr[l-1]
- ep.endpointsArr[idx] = lastEp
- ep.endpointsMap[lastEp] = idx
- ep.endpointsArr = ep.endpointsArr[0 : l-1]
- return false
+ for i, endpoint := range ep.endpoints {
+ if endpoint == t {
+ heap.Remove(&ep.endpoints, i)
+ break
+ }
- return true
+ return len(ep.endpoints) == 0
func (d *transportDemuxer) singleRegisterEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, id TransportEndpointID, ep TransportEndpoint, reusePort bool, bindToDevice tcpip.NICID) *tcpip.Error {
@@ -296,19 +445,16 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) singleRegisterEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocol
- if epsByNic, ok := eps.endpoints[id]; ok {
- // There was already a binding.
- return epsByNic.registerEndpoint(ep, reusePort, bindToDevice)
- }
- // This is a new binding.
- epsByNic := &endpointsByNic{
- endpoints: make(map[tcpip.NICID]*multiPortEndpoint),
- seed: rand.Uint32(),
+ epsByNIC, ok := eps.endpoints[id]
+ if !ok {
+ epsByNIC = &endpointsByNIC{
+ endpoints: make(map[tcpip.NICID]*multiPortEndpoint),
+ seed: rand.Uint32(),
+ }
+ eps.endpoints[id] = epsByNIC
- eps.endpoints[id] = epsByNic
- return epsByNic.registerEndpoint(ep, reusePort, bindToDevice)
+ return epsByNIC.registerEndpoint(d, netProto, protocol, ep, reusePort, bindToDevice)
// unregisterEndpoint unregisters the endpoint with the given id such that it
@@ -321,57 +467,60 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) unregisterEndpoint(netProtos []tcpip.NetworkProtocolN
-var loopbackSubnet = func() tcpip.Subnet {
- sn, err := tcpip.NewSubnet("\x7f\x00\x00\x00", "\xff\x00\x00\x00")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return sn
// deliverPacket attempts to find one or more matching transport endpoints, and
-// then, if matches are found, delivers the packet to them. Returns true if it
-// found one or more endpoints, false otherwise.
-func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, netHeader buffer.View, vv buffer.VectorisedView, id TransportEndpointID) bool {
+// then, if matches are found, delivers the packet to them. Returns true if
+// the packet no longer needs to be handled.
+func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer, id TransportEndpointID) bool {
eps, ok := d.protocol[protocolIDs{r.NetProto, protocol}]
if !ok {
return false
- // Determine which transport endpoint or endpoints to deliver this packet to.
- // If the packet is a broadcast or multicast, then find all matching
+ // If the packet is a UDP broadcast or multicast, then find all matching
// transport endpoints.
- var destEps []*endpointsByNic
if protocol == header.UDPProtocolNumber && isMulticastOrBroadcast(id.LocalAddress) {
- destEps = d.findAllEndpointsLocked(eps, vv, id)
- } else if ep := d.findEndpointLocked(eps, vv, id); ep != nil {
- destEps = append(destEps, ep)
+ destEPs := eps.findAllEndpointsLocked(id)
+ // Fail if we didn't find at least one matching transport endpoint.
+ if len(destEPs) == 0 {
+ r.Stats().UDP.UnknownPortErrors.Increment()
+ return false
+ }
+ // handlePacket takes ownership of pkt, so each endpoint needs its own
+ // copy except for the final one.
+ for _, ep := range destEPs[:len(destEPs)-1] {
+ ep.handlePacket(r, id, pkt.Clone())
+ }
+ destEPs[len(destEPs)-1].handlePacket(r, id, pkt)
+ return true
+ // If the packet is a TCP packet with a non-unicast source or destination
+ // address, then do nothing further and instruct the caller to do the same.
+ if protocol == header.TCPProtocolNumber && (!isUnicast(r.LocalAddress) || !isUnicast(r.RemoteAddress)) {
+ // TCP can only be used to communicate between a single source and a
+ // single destination; the addresses must be unicast.
+ r.Stats().TCP.InvalidSegmentsReceived.Increment()
+ return true
+ }
- // Fail if we didn't find at least one matching transport endpoint.
- if len(destEps) == 0 {
- // UDP packet could not be delivered to an unknown destination port.
+ ep := eps.findEndpointLocked(id)
+ if ep == nil {
if protocol == header.UDPProtocolNumber {
return false
- // Deliver the packet.
- for _, ep := range destEps {
- ep.handlePacket(r, id, vv)
- }
+ ep.handlePacket(r, id, pkt)
return true
// deliverRawPacket attempts to deliver the given packet and returns whether it
// was delivered successfully.
-func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverRawPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, netHeader buffer.View, vv buffer.VectorisedView) bool {
+func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverRawPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, pkt PacketBuffer) bool {
eps, ok := d.protocol[protocolIDs{r.NetProto, protocol}]
if !ok {
return false
@@ -385,7 +534,7 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverRawPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportPr
for _, rawEP := range eps.rawEndpoints {
// Each endpoint gets its own copy of the packet for the sake
// of save/restore.
- rawEP.HandlePacket(r, buffer.NewViewFromBytes(netHeader), vv.ToView().ToVectorisedView())
+ rawEP.HandlePacket(r, pkt)
foundRaw = true
@@ -395,67 +544,51 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverRawPacket(r *Route, protocol tcpip.TransportPr
// deliverControlPacket attempts to deliver the given control packet. Returns
// true if it found an endpoint, false otherwise.
-func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverControlPacket(n *NIC, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, vv buffer.VectorisedView, id TransportEndpointID) bool {
+func (d *transportDemuxer) deliverControlPacket(n *NIC, net tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, trans tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, typ ControlType, extra uint32, pkt PacketBuffer, id TransportEndpointID) bool {
eps, ok := d.protocol[protocolIDs{net, trans}]
if !ok {
return false
- // Try to find the endpoint.
- ep := d.findEndpointLocked(eps, vv, id)
+ ep := eps.findEndpointLocked(id)
- // Fail if we didn't find one.
if ep == nil {
return false
- // Deliver the packet.
- ep.handleControlPacket(n, id, typ, extra, vv)
+ ep.handleControlPacket(n, id, typ, extra, pkt)
return true
-func (d *transportDemuxer) findAllEndpointsLocked(eps *transportEndpoints, vv buffer.VectorisedView, id TransportEndpointID) []*endpointsByNic {
- var matchedEPs []*endpointsByNic
- // Try to find a match with the id as provided.
- if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[id]; ok {
- matchedEPs = append(matchedEPs, ep)
+// findTransportEndpoint find a single endpoint that most closely matches the provided id.
+func (d *transportDemuxer) findTransportEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, transProto tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, id TransportEndpointID, r *Route) TransportEndpoint {
+ eps, ok := d.protocol[protocolIDs{netProto, transProto}]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
- // Try to find a match with the id minus the local address.
- nid := id
- nid.LocalAddress = ""
- if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[nid]; ok {
- matchedEPs = append(matchedEPs, ep)
+ epsByNIC := eps.findEndpointLocked(id)
+ if epsByNIC == nil {
+ return nil
- // Try to find a match with the id minus the remote part.
- nid.LocalAddress = id.LocalAddress
- nid.RemoteAddress = ""
- nid.RemotePort = 0
- if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[nid]; ok {
- matchedEPs = append(matchedEPs, ep)
- }
- // Try to find a match with only the local port.
- nid.LocalAddress = ""
- if ep, ok := eps.endpoints[nid]; ok {
- matchedEPs = append(matchedEPs, ep)
+ mpep, ok := epsByNIC.endpoints[r.ref.nic.ID()]
+ if !ok {
+ if mpep, ok = epsByNIC.endpoints[0]; !ok {
+ // Don't use defer for performance reasons.
+ return nil
+ }
- return matchedEPs
-// findEndpointLocked returns the endpoint that most closely matches the given
-// id.
-func (d *transportDemuxer) findEndpointLocked(eps *transportEndpoints, vv buffer.VectorisedView, id TransportEndpointID) *endpointsByNic {
- if matchedEPs := d.findAllEndpointsLocked(eps, vv, id); len(matchedEPs) > 0 {
- return matchedEPs[0]
- }
- return nil
+ ep := selectEndpoint(id, mpep, epsByNIC.seed)
+ return ep
// registerRawEndpoint registers the given endpoint with the dispatcher such
@@ -469,8 +602,8 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) registerRawEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNum
- defer
eps.rawEndpoints = append(eps.rawEndpoints, ep)
return nil
@@ -484,15 +617,22 @@ func (d *transportDemuxer) unregisterRawEndpoint(netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolN
- defer
for i, rawEP := range eps.rawEndpoints {
if rawEP == ep {
- eps.rawEndpoints = append(eps.rawEndpoints[:i], eps.rawEndpoints[i+1:]...)
- return
+ lastIdx := len(eps.rawEndpoints) - 1
+ eps.rawEndpoints[i] = eps.rawEndpoints[lastIdx]
+ eps.rawEndpoints[lastIdx] = nil
+ eps.rawEndpoints = eps.rawEndpoints[:lastIdx]
+ break
func isMulticastOrBroadcast(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
return addr == header.IPv4Broadcast || header.IsV4MulticastAddress(addr) || header.IsV6MulticastAddress(addr)
+func isUnicast(addr tcpip.Address) bool {
+ return addr != header.IPv4Any && addr != header.IPv6Any && !isMulticastOrBroadcast(addr)
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer_test.go
index 210233dc0..2474a7db3 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer_test.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_demuxer_test.go
@@ -31,90 +31,58 @@ import (
const (
- stackV6Addr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
- testV6Addr = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
+ testSrcAddrV6 = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
+ testDstAddrV6 = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
- stackAddr = "\x0a\x00\x00\x01"
- stackPort = 1234
- testPort = 4096
+ testSrcAddrV4 = "\x0a\x00\x00\x01"
+ testDstAddrV4 = "\x0a\x00\x00\x02"
+ testDstPort = 1234
+ testSrcPort = 4096
type testContext struct {
- t *testing.T
- linkEPs map[string]*channel.Endpoint
+ linkEps map[tcpip.NICID]*channel.Endpoint
s *stack.Stack
- ep tcpip.Endpoint
- wq waiter.Queue
+ wq waiter.Queue
-func (c *testContext) cleanup() {
- if c.ep != nil {
- c.ep.Close()
- }
-func (c *testContext) createV6Endpoint(v6only bool) {
- var err *tcpip.Error
- c.ep, err = c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, &c.wq)
- if err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
- }
- var v tcpip.V6OnlyOption
- if v6only {
- v = 1
- }
- if err := c.ep.SetSockOpt(v); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt failed: %v", err)
- }
-// newDualTestContextMultiNic creates the testing context and also linkEpNames
-// named NICs.
-func newDualTestContextMultiNic(t *testing.T, mtu uint32, linkEpNames []string) *testContext {
+// newDualTestContextMultiNIC creates the testing context and also linkEpIDs NICs.
+func newDualTestContextMultiNIC(t *testing.T, mtu uint32, linkEpIDs []tcpip.NICID) *testContext {
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv4.NewProtocol(), ipv6.NewProtocol()},
- TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()}})
- linkEPs := make(map[string]*channel.Endpoint)
- for i, linkEpName := range linkEpNames {
- channelEP := channel.New(256, mtu, "")
- nicid := tcpip.NICID(i + 1)
- if err := s.CreateNamedNIC(nicid, linkEpName, channelEP); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("CreateNIC failed: %v", err)
+ TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ linkEps := make(map[tcpip.NICID]*channel.Endpoint)
+ for _, linkEpID := range linkEpIDs {
+ channelEp := channel.New(256, mtu, "")
+ if err := s.CreateNIC(linkEpID, channelEp); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("CreateNIC failed: %s", err)
- linkEPs[linkEpName] = channelEP
+ linkEps[linkEpID] = channelEp
- if err := s.AddAddress(nicid, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, stackAddr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress IPv4 failed: %v", err)
+ if err := s.AddAddress(linkEpID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, testDstAddrV4); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress IPv4 failed: %s", err)
- if err := s.AddAddress(nicid, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, stackV6Addr); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("AddAddress IPv6 failed: %v", err)
+ if err := s.AddAddress(linkEpID, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, testDstAddrV6); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("AddAddress IPv6 failed: %s", err)
- {
- Destination: header.IPv4EmptySubnet,
- NIC: 1,
- },
- {
- Destination: header.IPv6EmptySubnet,
- NIC: 1,
- },
+ {Destination: header.IPv4EmptySubnet, NIC: 1},
+ {Destination: header.IPv6EmptySubnet, NIC: 1},
return &testContext{
- t: t,
s: s,
- linkEPs: linkEPs,
+ linkEps: linkEps,
type headers struct {
- srcPort uint16
- dstPort uint16
+ srcPort, dstPort uint16
func newPayload() []byte {
@@ -125,7 +93,48 @@ func newPayload() []byte {
return b
-func (c *testContext) sendV6Packet(payload []byte, h *headers, linkEpName string) {
+func (c *testContext) sendV4Packet(payload []byte, h *headers, linkEpID tcpip.NICID) {
+ buf := buffer.NewView(header.UDPMinimumSize + header.IPv4MinimumSize + len(payload))
+ payloadStart := len(buf) - len(payload)
+ copy(buf[payloadStart:], payload)
+ // Initialize the IP header.
+ ip := header.IPv4(buf)
+ ip.Encode(&header.IPv4Fields{
+ IHL: header.IPv4MinimumSize,
+ TOS: 0x80,
+ TotalLength: uint16(len(buf)),
+ TTL: 65,
+ Protocol: uint8(udp.ProtocolNumber),
+ SrcAddr: testSrcAddrV4,
+ DstAddr: testDstAddrV4,
+ })
+ ip.SetChecksum(^ip.CalculateChecksum())
+ // Initialize the UDP header.
+ u := header.UDP(buf[header.IPv4MinimumSize:])
+ u.Encode(&header.UDPFields{
+ SrcPort: h.srcPort,
+ DstPort: h.dstPort,
+ Length: uint16(header.UDPMinimumSize + len(payload)),
+ })
+ // Calculate the UDP pseudo-header checksum.
+ xsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(udp.ProtocolNumber, testSrcAddrV4, testDstAddrV4, uint16(len(u)))
+ // Calculate the UDP checksum and set it.
+ xsum = header.Checksum(payload, xsum)
+ u.SetChecksum(^u.CalculateChecksum(xsum))
+ // Inject packet.
+ c.linkEps[linkEpID].InjectInbound(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ NetworkHeader: buffer.View(ip),
+ TransportHeader: buffer.View(u),
+ })
+func (c *testContext) sendV6Packet(payload []byte, h *headers, linkEpID tcpip.NICID) {
// Allocate a buffer for data and headers.
buf := buffer.NewView(header.UDPMinimumSize + header.IPv6MinimumSize + len(payload))
copy(buf[len(buf)-len(payload):], payload)
@@ -136,8 +145,8 @@ func (c *testContext) sendV6Packet(payload []byte, h *headers, linkEpName string
PayloadLength: uint16(header.UDPMinimumSize + len(payload)),
NextHeader: uint8(udp.ProtocolNumber),
HopLimit: 65,
- SrcAddr: testV6Addr,
- DstAddr: stackV6Addr,
+ SrcAddr: testSrcAddrV6,
+ DstAddr: testDstAddrV6,
// Initialize the UDP header.
@@ -149,14 +158,18 @@ func (c *testContext) sendV6Packet(payload []byte, h *headers, linkEpName string
// Calculate the UDP pseudo-header checksum.
- xsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(udp.ProtocolNumber, testV6Addr, stackV6Addr, uint16(len(u)))
+ xsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(udp.ProtocolNumber, testSrcAddrV6, testDstAddrV6, uint16(len(u)))
// Calculate the UDP checksum and set it.
xsum = header.Checksum(payload, xsum)
// Inject packet.
- c.linkEPs[linkEpName].Inject(ipv6.ProtocolNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ c.linkEps[linkEpID].InjectInbound(ipv6.ProtocolNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ NetworkHeader: buffer.View(ip),
+ TransportHeader: buffer.View(u),
+ })
func TestTransportDemuxerRegister(t *testing.T) {
@@ -171,95 +184,105 @@ func TestTransportDemuxerRegister(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocol{ipv4.NewProtocol()},
- TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()}})
- if got, want := s.RegisterTransportEndpoint(0, []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{test.proto}, udp.ProtocolNumber, stack.TransportEndpointID{}, nil, false, 0), test.want; got != want {
- t.Fatalf("s.RegisterTransportEndpoint(...) = %v, want %v", got, want)
+ TransportProtocols: []stack.TransportProtocol{udp.NewProtocol()},
+ })
+ var wq waiter.Queue
+ ep, err := s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ tEP, ok := ep.(stack.TransportEndpoint)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("%T does not implement stack.TransportEndpoint", ep)
+ }
+ if got, want := s.RegisterTransportEndpoint(0, []tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{test.proto}, udp.ProtocolNumber, stack.TransportEndpointID{}, tEP, false, 0), test.want; got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("s.RegisterTransportEndpoint(...) = %s, want %s", got, want)
-// TestReuseBindToDevice injects varied packets on input devices and checks that
+// TestBindToDeviceDistribution injects varied packets on input devices and checks that
// the distribution of packets received matches expectations.
-func TestDistribution(t *testing.T) {
+func TestBindToDeviceDistribution(t *testing.T) {
type endpointSockopts struct {
- reuse int
- bindToDevice string
+ reuse bool
+ bindToDevice tcpip.NICID
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
// endpoints will received the inject packets.
endpoints []endpointSockopts
- // wantedDistribution is the wanted ratio of packets received on each
+ // wantDistributions is the want ratio of packets received on each
// endpoint for each NIC on which packets are injected.
- wantedDistributions map[string][]float64
+ wantDistributions map[tcpip.NICID][]float64
// 5 endpoints that all have reuse set.
- endpointSockopts{1, ""},
- endpointSockopts{1, ""},
- endpointSockopts{1, ""},
- endpointSockopts{1, ""},
- endpointSockopts{1, ""},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 0},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 0},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 0},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 0},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 0},
- map[string][]float64{
+ map[tcpip.NICID][]float64{
// Injected packets on dev0 get distributed evenly.
- "dev0": []float64{0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2},
+ 1: {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2},
// 3 endpoints with various bindings.
- endpointSockopts{0, "dev0"},
- endpointSockopts{0, "dev1"},
- endpointSockopts{0, "dev2"},
+ {reuse: false, bindToDevice: 1},
+ {reuse: false, bindToDevice: 2},
+ {reuse: false, bindToDevice: 3},
- map[string][]float64{
+ map[tcpip.NICID][]float64{
// Injected packets on dev0 go only to the endpoint bound to dev0.
- "dev0": []float64{1, 0, 0},
+ 1: {1, 0, 0},
// Injected packets on dev1 go only to the endpoint bound to dev1.
- "dev1": []float64{0, 1, 0},
+ 2: {0, 1, 0},
// Injected packets on dev2 go only to the endpoint bound to dev2.
- "dev2": []float64{0, 0, 1},
+ 3: {0, 0, 1},
// 6 endpoints with various bindings.
- endpointSockopts{1, "dev0"},
- endpointSockopts{1, "dev0"},
- endpointSockopts{1, "dev1"},
- endpointSockopts{1, "dev1"},
- endpointSockopts{1, "dev1"},
- endpointSockopts{1, ""},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 1},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 1},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 2},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 2},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 2},
+ {reuse: true, bindToDevice: 0},
- map[string][]float64{
+ map[tcpip.NICID][]float64{
// Injected packets on dev0 get distributed among endpoints bound to
// dev0.
- "dev0": []float64{0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ 1: {0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0},
// Injected packets on dev1 get distributed among endpoints bound to
// dev1 or unbound.
- "dev1": []float64{0, 0, 1. / 3, 1. / 3, 1. / 3, 0},
+ 2: {0, 0, 1. / 3, 1. / 3, 1. / 3, 0},
// Injected packets on dev999 go only to the unbound.
- "dev999": []float64{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
+ 1000: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
} {
- t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
- for device, wantedDistribution := range test.wantedDistributions {
- t.Run(device, func(t *testing.T) {
- var devices []string
- for d := range test.wantedDistributions {
+ for protoName, netProtoNum := range map[string]tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber{
+ "IPv4": ipv4.ProtocolNumber,
+ "IPv6": ipv6.ProtocolNumber,
+ } {
+ for device, wantDistribution := range test.wantDistributions {
+ t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
+ var devices []tcpip.NICID
+ for d := range test.wantDistributions {
devices = append(devices, d)
- c := newDualTestContextMultiNic(t, defaultMTU, devices)
- defer c.cleanup()
- c.createV6Endpoint(false)
+ c := newDualTestContextMultiNIC(t, defaultMTU, devices)
eps := make(map[tcpip.Endpoint]int)
@@ -273,9 +296,9 @@ func TestDistribution(t *testing.T) {
defer close(ch)
var err *tcpip.Error
- ep, err := c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, &wq)
+ ep, err := c.s.NewEndpoint(udp.ProtocolNumber, netProtoNum, &wq)
if err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %v", err)
+ t.Fatalf("NewEndpoint failed: %s", err)
eps[ep] = i
@@ -286,22 +309,31 @@ func TestDistribution(t *testing.T) {
defer ep.Close()
- reusePortOption := tcpip.ReusePortOption(endpoint.reuse)
- if err := ep.SetSockOpt(reusePortOption); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt(%#v) on endpoint %d failed: %v", reusePortOption, i, err)
+ if err := ep.SetSockOptBool(tcpip.ReusePortOption, endpoint.reuse); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOptBool(ReusePortOption, %t) on endpoint %d failed: %s", endpoint.reuse, i, err)
bindToDeviceOption := tcpip.BindToDeviceOption(endpoint.bindToDevice)
if err := ep.SetSockOpt(bindToDeviceOption); err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt(%#v) on endpoint %d failed: %v", bindToDeviceOption, i, err)
+ t.Fatalf("SetSockOpt(%#v) on endpoint %d failed: %s", bindToDeviceOption, i, err)
+ }
+ var dstAddr tcpip.Address
+ switch netProtoNum {
+ case ipv4.ProtocolNumber:
+ dstAddr = testDstAddrV4
+ case ipv6.ProtocolNumber:
+ dstAddr = testDstAddrV6
+ default:
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected protocol number: %d", netProtoNum)
- if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: stackV6Addr, Port: stackPort}); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("ep.Bind(...) on endpoint %d failed: %v", i, err)
+ if err := ep.Bind(tcpip.FullAddress{Addr: dstAddr, Port: testDstPort}); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("ep.Bind(...) on endpoint %d failed: %s", i, err)
npackets := 100000
nports := 10000
- if got, want := len(test.endpoints), len(wantedDistribution); got != want {
+ if got, want := len(test.endpoints), len(wantDistribution); got != want {
t.Fatalf("got len(test.endpoints) = %d, want %d", got, want)
ports := make(map[uint16]tcpip.Endpoint)
@@ -310,17 +342,22 @@ func TestDistribution(t *testing.T) {
// Send a packet.
port := uint16(i % nports)
payload := newPayload()
- c.sendV6Packet(payload,
- &headers{
- srcPort: testPort + port,
- dstPort: stackPort},
- device)
+ hdrs := &headers{
+ srcPort: testSrcPort + port,
+ dstPort: testDstPort,
+ }
+ switch netProtoNum {
+ case ipv4.ProtocolNumber:
+ c.sendV4Packet(payload, hdrs, device)
+ case ipv6.ProtocolNumber:
+ c.sendV6Packet(payload, hdrs, device)
+ default:
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected protocol number: %d", netProtoNum)
+ }
- var addr tcpip.FullAddress
ep := <-pollChannel
- _, _, err := ep.Read(&addr)
- if err != nil {
- c.t.Fatalf("Read on endpoint %d failed: %v", eps[ep], err)
+ if _, _, err := ep.Read(nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Read on endpoint %d failed: %s", eps[ep], err)
if i < nports {
@@ -336,17 +373,17 @@ func TestDistribution(t *testing.T) {
// Check that a packet distribution is as expected.
for ep, i := range eps {
- wantedRatio := wantedDistribution[i]
- wantedRecv := wantedRatio * float64(npackets)
+ wantRatio := wantDistribution[i]
+ wantRecv := wantRatio * float64(npackets)
actualRecv := stats[ep]
actualRatio := float64(stats[ep]) / float64(npackets)
// The deviation is less than 10%.
- if math.Abs(actualRatio-wantedRatio) > 0.05 {
- t.Errorf("wanted about %.0f%% (%.0f of %d) packets to arrive on endpoint %d, got %.0f%% (%d of %d)", wantedRatio*100, wantedRecv, npackets, i, actualRatio*100, actualRecv, npackets)
+ if math.Abs(actualRatio-wantRatio) > 0.05 {
+ t.Errorf("want about %.0f%% (%.0f of %d) packets to arrive on endpoint %d, got %.0f%% (%d of %d)", wantRatio*100, wantRecv, npackets, i, actualRatio*100, actualRecv, npackets)
- })
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_test.go b/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_test.go
index 86c62be25..a611e44ab 100644
--- a/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_test.go
+++ b/pkg/tcpip/stack/transport_test.go
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
- ""
@@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ type fakeTransportEndpoint struct {
proto *fakeTransportProtocol
peerAddr tcpip.Address
route stack.Route
+ uniqueID uint64
// acceptQueue is non-nil iff bound.
acceptQueue []fakeTransportEndpoint
@@ -56,8 +56,14 @@ func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Stats() tcpip.EndpointStats {
return nil
-func newFakeTransportEndpoint(s *stack.Stack, proto *fakeTransportProtocol, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) tcpip.Endpoint {
- return &fakeTransportEndpoint{stack: s, TransportEndpointInfo: stack.TransportEndpointInfo{NetProto: netProto}, proto: proto}
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) SetOwner(owner tcpip.PacketOwner) {}
+func newFakeTransportEndpoint(s *stack.Stack, proto *fakeTransportProtocol, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, uniqueID uint64) tcpip.Endpoint {
+ return &fakeTransportEndpoint{stack: s, TransportEndpointInfo: stack.TransportEndpointInfo{NetProto: netProto}, proto: proto, uniqueID: uniqueID}
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Abort() {
+ f.Close()
func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Close() {
@@ -82,7 +88,10 @@ func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Write(p tcpip.Payloader, opts tcpip.WriteOptions
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
- if err := f.route.WritePacket(nil /* gso */, hdr, buffer.View(v).ToVectorisedView(), stack.NetworkHeaderParams{Protocol: fakeTransNumber, TTL: 123, TOS: stack.DefaultTOS}); err != nil {
+ if err := f.route.WritePacket(nil /* gso */, stack.NetworkHeaderParams{Protocol: fakeTransNumber, TTL: 123, TOS: stack.DefaultTOS}, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Header: hdr,
+ Data: buffer.View(v).ToVectorisedView(),
+ }); err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
@@ -98,13 +107,23 @@ func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) SetSockOpt(interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+// SetSockOptBool sets a socket option. Currently not supported.
+func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) SetSockOptBool(tcpip.SockOptBool, bool) *tcpip.Error {
+ return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
// SetSockOptInt sets a socket option. Currently not supported.
-func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) SetSockOptInt(tcpip.SockOpt, int) *tcpip.Error {
+func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) SetSockOptInt(tcpip.SockOptInt, int) *tcpip.Error {
return tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState
+// GetSockOptBool implements tcpip.Endpoint.GetSockOptBool.
+func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) GetSockOptBool(opt tcpip.SockOptBool) (bool, *tcpip.Error) {
+ return false, tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
// GetSockOptInt implements tcpip.Endpoint.GetSockOptInt.
-func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) GetSockOptInt(opt tcpip.SockOpt) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
+func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) GetSockOptInt(opt tcpip.SockOptInt) (int, *tcpip.Error) {
return -1, tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption
@@ -144,6 +163,10 @@ func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Connect(addr tcpip.FullAddress) *tcpip.Error {
return nil
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) UniqueID() uint64 {
+ return f.uniqueID
func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) ConnectEndpoint(e tcpip.Endpoint) *tcpip.Error {
return nil
@@ -192,7 +215,7 @@ func (*fakeTransportEndpoint) GetRemoteAddress() (tcpip.FullAddress, *tcpip.Erro
return tcpip.FullAddress{}, nil
-func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, _ buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportEndpointID, _ stack.PacketBuffer) {
// Increment the number of received packets.
if f.acceptQueue != nil {
@@ -209,7 +232,7 @@ func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) HandlePacket(r *stack.Route, id stack.TransportE
-func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) HandleControlPacket(stack.TransportEndpointID, stack.ControlType, uint32, buffer.VectorisedView) {
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) HandleControlPacket(stack.TransportEndpointID, stack.ControlType, uint32, stack.PacketBuffer) {
// Increment the number of received control packets.
@@ -218,15 +241,15 @@ func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) State() uint32 {
return 0
-func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) ModerateRecvBuf(copied int) {
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) ModerateRecvBuf(copied int) {}
-func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) IPTables() (iptables.IPTables, error) {
- return iptables.IPTables{}, nil
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) IPTables() (stack.IPTables, error) {
+ return stack.IPTables{}, nil
-func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Resume(*stack.Stack) {
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Resume(*stack.Stack) {}
+func (f *fakeTransportEndpoint) Wait() {}
type fakeTransportGoodOption bool
@@ -251,10 +274,10 @@ func (*fakeTransportProtocol) Number() tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber {
func (f *fakeTransportProtocol) NewEndpoint(stack *stack.Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, _ *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
- return newFakeTransportEndpoint(stack, f, netProto), nil
+ return newFakeTransportEndpoint(stack, f, netProto, stack.UniqueID()), nil
-func (f *fakeTransportProtocol) NewRawEndpoint(stack *stack.Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, _ *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
+func (*fakeTransportProtocol) NewRawEndpoint(stack *stack.Stack, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, _ *waiter.Queue) (tcpip.Endpoint, *tcpip.Error) {
return nil, tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol
@@ -266,7 +289,7 @@ func (*fakeTransportProtocol) ParsePorts(buffer.View) (src, dst uint16, err *tcp
return 0, 0, nil
-func (*fakeTransportProtocol) HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(*stack.Route, stack.TransportEndpointID, buffer.View, buffer.VectorisedView) bool {
+func (*fakeTransportProtocol) HandleUnknownDestinationPacket(*stack.Route, stack.TransportEndpointID, stack.PacketBuffer) bool {
return true
@@ -292,6 +315,15 @@ func (f *fakeTransportProtocol) Option(option interface{}) *tcpip.Error {
+// Abort implements TransportProtocol.Abort.
+func (*fakeTransportProtocol) Abort() {}
+// Close implements tcpip.Endpoint.Close.
+func (*fakeTransportProtocol) Close() {}
+// Wait implements TransportProtocol.Wait.
+func (*fakeTransportProtocol) Wait() {}
func fakeTransFactory() stack.TransportProtocol {
return &fakeTransportProtocol{}
@@ -337,7 +369,9 @@ func TestTransportReceive(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure packet with wrong protocol is not delivered.
buf[0] = 1
buf[2] = 0
- linkEP.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ linkEP.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeTrans.packetCount != 0 {
t.Errorf("packetCount = %d, want %d", fakeTrans.packetCount, 0)
@@ -346,7 +380,9 @@ func TestTransportReceive(t *testing.T) {
buf[0] = 1
buf[1] = 3
buf[2] = byte(fakeTransNumber)
- linkEP.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ linkEP.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeTrans.packetCount != 0 {
t.Errorf("packetCount = %d, want %d", fakeTrans.packetCount, 0)
@@ -355,7 +391,9 @@ func TestTransportReceive(t *testing.T) {
buf[0] = 1
buf[1] = 2
buf[2] = byte(fakeTransNumber)
- linkEP.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ linkEP.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeTrans.packetCount != 1 {
t.Errorf("packetCount = %d, want %d", fakeTrans.packetCount, 1)
@@ -408,7 +446,9 @@ func TestTransportControlReceive(t *testing.T) {
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+0] = 0
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+1] = 1
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+2] = 0
- linkEP.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ linkEP.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeTrans.controlCount != 0 {
t.Errorf("controlCount = %d, want %d", fakeTrans.controlCount, 0)
@@ -417,7 +457,9 @@ func TestTransportControlReceive(t *testing.T) {
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+0] = 3
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+1] = 1
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+2] = byte(fakeTransNumber)
- linkEP.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ linkEP.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeTrans.controlCount != 0 {
t.Errorf("controlCount = %d, want %d", fakeTrans.controlCount, 0)
@@ -426,7 +468,9 @@ func TestTransportControlReceive(t *testing.T) {
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+0] = 2
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+1] = 1
buf[fakeNetHeaderLen+2] = byte(fakeTransNumber)
- linkEP.Inject(fakeNetNumber, buf.ToVectorisedView())
+ linkEP.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
if fakeTrans.controlCount != 1 {
t.Errorf("controlCount = %d, want %d", fakeTrans.controlCount, 1)
@@ -579,7 +623,9 @@ func TestTransportForwarding(t *testing.T) {
req[0] = 1
req[1] = 3
req[2] = byte(fakeTransNumber)
- ep2.Inject(fakeNetNumber, req.ToVectorisedView())
+ ep2.InjectInbound(fakeNetNumber, stack.PacketBuffer{
+ Data: req.ToVectorisedView(),
+ })
aep, _, err := ep.Accept()
if err != nil || aep == nil {
@@ -591,17 +637,16 @@ func TestTransportForwarding(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Write failed: %v", err)
- var p channel.PacketInfo
- select {
- case p = <-ep2.C:
- default:
+ p, ok := ep2.Read()
+ if !ok {
t.Fatal("Response packet not forwarded")
- if dst := p.Header[0]; dst != 3 {
+ hdrs := p.Pkt.Data.ToView()
+ if dst := hdrs[0]; dst != 3 {
t.Errorf("Response packet has incorrect destination addresss: got = %d, want = 3", dst)
- if src := p.Header[1]; src != 1 {
+ if src := hdrs[1]; src != 1 {
t.Errorf("Response packet has incorrect source addresss: got = %d, want = 3", src)