diff options
authorgVisor bot <>2020-08-17 16:29:10 -0700
committerRahat Mahmood <>2020-08-19 11:38:34 -0700
commit4d571b4bf21147c132ea827fd19a0462a004688d (patch)
parent327a3014c4548b03b26ef669f8fe811fc28228bf (diff)
Add a skeleton for verity file system
PiperOrigin-RevId: 327123477
3 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/BUILD b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28d2a4bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library")
+ name = "verity",
+ srcs = [
+ "filesystem.go",
+ "verity.go",
+ ],
+ visibility = ["//pkg/sentry:internal"],
+ deps = [
+ "//pkg/abi/linux",
+ "//pkg/context",
+ "//pkg/fspath",
+ "//pkg/sentry/fs/lock",
+ "//pkg/sentry/kernel/auth",
+ "//pkg/sentry/socket/unix/transport",
+ "//pkg/sentry/vfs",
+ "//pkg/sync",
+ "//pkg/syserror",
+ ],
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/filesystem.go b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/filesystem.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78c6074bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/filesystem.go
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package verity
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// Sync implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.Sync.
+func (fs *filesystem) Sync(ctx context.Context) error {
+ // All files should be read-only.
+ return nil
+var dentrySlicePool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ ds := make([]*dentry, 0, 4) // arbitrary non-zero initial capacity
+ return &ds
+ },
+func appendDentry(ds *[]*dentry, d *dentry) *[]*dentry {
+ if ds == nil {
+ ds = dentrySlicePool.Get().(*[]*dentry)
+ }
+ *ds = append(*ds, d)
+ return ds
+// Preconditions: ds != nil.
+func putDentrySlice(ds *[]*dentry) {
+ // Allow dentries to be GC'd.
+ for i := range *ds {
+ (*ds)[i] = nil
+ }
+ *ds = (*ds)[:0]
+ dentrySlicePool.Put(ds)
+// renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop calls fs.renameMu.RUnlock(), then calls
+// dentry.checkDropLocked on all dentries in *ds with fs.renameMu locked for
+// writing.
+// ds is a pointer-to-pointer since defer evaluates its arguments immediately,
+// but dentry slices are allocated lazily, and it's much easier to say "defer
+// fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(&ds)" than "defer func() {
+// fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ds) }()" to work around this.
+func (fs *filesystem) renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx context.Context, ds **[]*dentry) {
+ fs.renameMu.RUnlock()
+ if *ds == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(**ds) != 0 {
+ fs.renameMu.Lock()
+ for _, d := range **ds {
+ d.checkDropLocked(ctx)
+ }
+ fs.renameMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ putDentrySlice(*ds)
+func (fs *filesystem) renameMuUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx context.Context, ds **[]*dentry) {
+ if *ds == nil {
+ fs.renameMu.Unlock()
+ return
+ }
+ for _, d := range **ds {
+ d.checkDropLocked(ctx)
+ }
+ fs.renameMu.Unlock()
+ putDentrySlice(*ds)
+// resolveLocked resolves rp to an existing file.
+func (fs *filesystem) resolveLocked(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, ds **[]*dentry) (*dentry, error) {
+ // TODO(b/159261227): Implement resolveLocked.
+ return nil, nil
+// walkParentDirLocked resolves all but the last path component of rp to an
+// existing directory, starting from the given directory (which is usually
+// rp.Start().Impl().(*dentry)). It does not check that the returned directory
+// is searchable by the provider of rp.
+// Preconditions: fs.renameMu must be locked. !rp.Done().
+func (fs *filesystem) walkParentDirLocked(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, d *dentry, ds **[]*dentry) (*dentry, error) {
+ // TODO(b/159261227): Implement walkParentDirLocked.
+ return nil, nil
+// AccessAt implements vfs.Filesystem.Impl.AccessAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) AccessAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, creds *auth.Credentials, ats vfs.AccessTypes) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ if ats&vfs.MayWrite != 0 {
+ return syserror.EROFS
+ }
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ d, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return d.checkPermissions(creds, ats)
+// GetDentryAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.GetDentryAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) GetDentryAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.GetDentryOptions) (*vfs.Dentry, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ d, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if opts.CheckSearchable {
+ if !d.isDir() {
+ return nil, syserror.ENOTDIR
+ }
+ if err := d.checkPermissions(rp.Credentials(), vfs.MayExec); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ d.IncRef()
+ return &d.vfsd, nil
+// GetParentDentryAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.GetParentDentryAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) GetParentDentryAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (*vfs.Dentry, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ start := rp.Start().Impl().(*dentry)
+ d, err := fs.walkParentDirLocked(ctx, rp, start, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ d.IncRef()
+ return &d.vfsd, nil
+// LinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.LinkAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) LinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, vd vfs.VirtualDentry) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// MkdirAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.MkdirAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) MkdirAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.MkdirOptions) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// MknodAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.MknodAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) MknodAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.MknodOptions) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// OpenAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.OpenAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) OpenAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.OpenOptions) (*vfs.FileDescription, error) {
+ //TODO(b/159261227): Implement OpenAt.
+ return nil, nil
+// ReadlinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.ReadlinkAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) ReadlinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (string, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ d, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ //TODO(b/162787271): Provide integrity check for ReadlinkAt.
+ return fs.vfsfs.VirtualFilesystem().ReadlinkAt(ctx, d.fs.creds, &vfs.PathOperation{
+ Root: d.lowerVD,
+ Start: d.lowerVD,
+ })
+// RenameAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.RenameAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) RenameAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, oldParentVD vfs.VirtualDentry, oldName string, opts vfs.RenameOptions) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// RmdirAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.RmdirAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) RmdirAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// SetStatAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.SetStatAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) SetStatAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.SetStatOptions) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// StatAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.StatAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) StatAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.StatOptions) (linux.Statx, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ d, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return linux.Statx{}, err
+ }
+ var stat linux.Statx
+ stat, err = fs.vfsfs.VirtualFilesystem().StatAt(ctx, fs.creds, &vfs.PathOperation{
+ Root: d.lowerVD,
+ Start: d.lowerVD,
+ }, &opts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return linux.Statx{}, err
+ }
+ return stat, nil
+// StatFSAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.StatFSAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) StatFSAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) (linux.Statfs, error) {
+ // TODO(b/159261227): Implement StatFSAt.
+ return linux.Statfs{}, nil
+// SymlinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.SymlinkAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) SymlinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, target string) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// UnlinkAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.UnlinkAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) UnlinkAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// BoundEndpointAt implements FilesystemImpl.BoundEndpointAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) BoundEndpointAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.BoundEndpointOptions) (transport.BoundEndpoint, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ if _, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return nil, syserror.ECONNREFUSED
+// ListxattrAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.ListxattrAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) ListxattrAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, size uint64) ([]string, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ d, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ lowerVD := d.lowerVD
+ return fs.vfsfs.VirtualFilesystem().ListxattrAt(ctx, d.fs.creds, &vfs.PathOperation{
+ Root: lowerVD,
+ Start: lowerVD,
+ }, size)
+// GetxattrAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.GetxattrAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) GetxattrAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.GetxattrOptions) (string, error) {
+ var ds *[]*dentry
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMuRUnlockAndCheckDrop(ctx, &ds)
+ d, err := fs.resolveLocked(ctx, rp, &ds)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ lowerVD := d.lowerVD
+ return fs.vfsfs.VirtualFilesystem().GetxattrAt(ctx, d.fs.creds, &vfs.PathOperation{
+ Root: lowerVD,
+ Start: lowerVD,
+ }, &opts)
+// SetxattrAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.SetxattrAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) SetxattrAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, opts vfs.SetxattrOptions) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// RemovexattrAt implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.RemovexattrAt.
+func (fs *filesystem) RemovexattrAt(ctx context.Context, rp *vfs.ResolvingPath, name string) error {
+ // Verity file system is read-only.
+ return syserror.EROFS
+// PrependPath implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.PrependPath.
+func (fs *filesystem) PrependPath(ctx context.Context, vfsroot, vd vfs.VirtualDentry, b *fspath.Builder) error {
+ fs.renameMu.RLock()
+ defer fs.renameMu.RUnlock()
+ mnt := vd.Mount()
+ d := vd.Dentry().Impl().(*dentry)
+ for {
+ if mnt == vfsroot.Mount() && &d.vfsd == vfsroot.Dentry() {
+ return vfs.PrependPathAtVFSRootError{}
+ }
+ if &d.vfsd == mnt.Root() {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if d.parent == nil {
+ return vfs.PrependPathAtNonMountRootError{}
+ }
+ b.PrependComponent(
+ d = d.parent
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/verity.go b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/verity.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb29d33a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/sentry/fsimpl/verity/verity.go
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Package verity provides a filesystem implementation that is a wrapper of
+// another file system.
+// The verity file system provides integrity check for the underlying file
+// system by providing verification for path traversals and each read.
+// The verity file system is read-only, except for one case: when
+// allowRuntimeEnable is true, additional Merkle files can be generated using
+// the FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY ioctl.
+package verity
+import (
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
+ ""
+ fslock ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// Name is the default filesystem name.
+const Name = "verity"
+// testOnlyDebugging allows verity file system to return error instead of
+// crashing the application when a malicious action is detected. This should
+// only be set for tests.
+var testOnlyDebugging bool
+// FilesystemType implements vfs.FilesystemType.
+type FilesystemType struct{}
+// filesystem implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.
+type filesystem struct {
+ vfsfs vfs.Filesystem
+ // creds is a copy of the filesystem's creator's credentials, which are
+ // used for accesses to the underlying file system. creds is immutable.
+ creds *auth.Credentials
+ // allowRuntimeEnable is true if using ioctl with FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY
+ // to build Merkle trees in the verity file system is allowed. If this
+ // is false, no new Merkle trees can be built, and only the files that
+ // had Merkle trees before startup (e.g. from a host filesystem mounted
+ // with gofer fs) can be verified.
+ allowRuntimeEnable bool
+ // lowerMount is the underlying file system mount.
+ lowerMount *vfs.Mount
+ // rootDentry is the mount root Dentry for this file system, which
+ // stores the root hash of the whole file system in bytes.
+ rootDentry *dentry
+ // renameMu synchronizes renaming with non-renaming operations in order
+ // to ensure consistent lock ordering between dentry.dirMu in different
+ // dentries.
+ renameMu sync.RWMutex
+// InternalFilesystemOptions may be passed as
+// vfs.GetFilesystemOptions.InternalData to FilesystemType.GetFilesystem.
+type InternalFilesystemOptions struct {
+ // RootMerkleFileName is the name of the verity root Merkle tree file.
+ RootMerkleFileName string
+ // LowerName is the name of the filesystem wrapped by verity fs.
+ LowerName string
+ // RootHash is the root hash of the overall verity file system.
+ RootHash []byte
+ // AllowRuntimeEnable specifies whether the verity file system allows
+ // enabling verification for files (i.e. building Merkle trees) during
+ // runtime.
+ AllowRuntimeEnable bool
+ // LowerGetFSOptions is the file system option for the lower layer file
+ // system wrapped by verity file system.
+ LowerGetFSOptions vfs.GetFilesystemOptions
+ // TestOnlyDebugging allows verity file system to return error instead
+ // of crashing the application when a malicious action is detected. This
+ // should only be set for tests.
+ TestOnlyDebugging bool
+// Name implements vfs.FilesystemType.Name.
+func (FilesystemType) Name() string {
+ return Name
+// GetFilesystem implements vfs.FilesystemType.GetFilesystem.
+func (fstype FilesystemType) GetFilesystem(ctx context.Context, vfsObj *vfs.VirtualFilesystem, creds *auth.Credentials, source string, opts vfs.GetFilesystemOptions) (*vfs.Filesystem, *vfs.Dentry, error) {
+ //TODO(b/159261227): Implement GetFilesystem.
+ return nil, nil, nil
+// Release implements vfs.FilesystemImpl.Release.
+func (fs *filesystem) Release(ctx context.Context) {
+ fs.lowerMount.DecRef(ctx)
+// dentry implements vfs.DentryImpl.
+type dentry struct {
+ vfsd vfs.Dentry
+ refs int64
+ // fs is the owning filesystem. fs is immutable.
+ fs *filesystem
+ // mode, uid and gid are the file mode, owner, and group of the file in
+ // the underlying file system.
+ mode uint32
+ uid uint32
+ gid uint32
+ // parent is the dentry corresponding to this dentry's parent directory.
+ // name is this dentry's name in parent. If this dentry is a filesystem
+ // root, parent is nil and name is the empty string. parent and name are
+ // protected by fs.renameMu.
+ parent *dentry
+ name string
+ // If this dentry represents a directory, children maps the names of
+ // children for which dentries have been instantiated to those dentries,
+ // and dirents (if not nil) is a cache of dirents as returned by
+ // directoryFDs representing this directory. children is protected by
+ // dirMu.
+ dirMu sync.Mutex
+ children map[string]*dentry
+ // lowerVD is the VirtualDentry in the underlying file system.
+ lowerVD vfs.VirtualDentry
+ // lowerMerkleVD is the VirtualDentry of the corresponding Merkle tree
+ // in the underlying file system.
+ lowerMerkleVD vfs.VirtualDentry
+ // rootHash is the rootHash for the current file or directory.
+ rootHash []byte
+// newDentry creates a new dentry representing the given verity file. The
+// dentry initially has no references; it is the caller's responsibility to set
+// the dentry's reference count and/or call dentry.destroy() as appropriate.
+// The dentry is initially invalid in that it contains no underlying dentry;
+// the caller is responsible for setting them.
+func (fs *filesystem) newDentry() *dentry {
+ d := &dentry{
+ fs: fs,
+ }
+ d.vfsd.Init(d)
+ return d
+// IncRef implements vfs.DentryImpl.IncRef.
+func (d *dentry) IncRef() {
+ atomic.AddInt64(&d.refs, 1)
+// TryIncRef implements vfs.DentryImpl.TryIncRef.
+func (d *dentry) TryIncRef() bool {
+ for {
+ refs := atomic.LoadInt64(&d.refs)
+ if refs <= 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&d.refs, refs, refs+1) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+// DecRef implements vfs.DentryImpl.DecRef.
+func (d *dentry) DecRef(ctx context.Context) {
+ if refs := atomic.AddInt64(&d.refs, -1); refs == 0 {
+ d.fs.renameMu.Lock()
+ d.checkDropLocked(ctx)
+ d.fs.renameMu.Unlock()
+ } else if refs < 0 {
+ panic("verity.dentry.DecRef() called without holding a reference")
+ }
+// checkDropLocked should be called after d's reference count becomes 0 or it
+// becomes deleted.
+func (d *dentry) checkDropLocked(ctx context.Context) {
+ // Dentries with a positive reference count must be retained. Dentries
+ // with a negative reference count have already been destroyed.
+ if atomic.LoadInt64(&d.refs) != 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // Refs is still zero; destroy it.
+ d.destroyLocked(ctx)
+ return
+// destroyLocked destroys the dentry.
+// Preconditions: d.fs.renameMu must be locked for writing. d.refs == 0.
+func (d *dentry) destroyLocked(ctx context.Context) {
+ switch atomic.LoadInt64(&d.refs) {
+ case 0:
+ // Mark the dentry destroyed.
+ atomic.StoreInt64(&d.refs, -1)
+ case -1:
+ panic("verity.dentry.destroyLocked() called on already destroyed dentry")
+ default:
+ panic("verity.dentry.destroyLocked() called with references on the dentry")
+ }
+ if d.lowerVD.Ok() {
+ d.lowerVD.DecRef(ctx)
+ }
+ if d.lowerMerkleVD.Ok() {
+ d.lowerMerkleVD.DecRef(ctx)
+ }
+ if d.parent != nil {
+ d.parent.dirMu.Lock()
+ if !d.vfsd.IsDead() {
+ delete(d.parent.children,
+ }
+ d.parent.dirMu.Unlock()
+ if refs := atomic.AddInt64(&d.parent.refs, -1); refs == 0 {
+ d.parent.checkDropLocked(ctx)
+ } else if refs < 0 {
+ panic("verity.dentry.DecRef() called without holding a reference")
+ }
+ }
+// InotifyWithParent implements vfs.DentryImpl.InotifyWithParent.
+func (d *dentry) InotifyWithParent(ctx context.Context, events, cookie uint32, et vfs.EventType) {
+ //TODO(b/159261227): Implement InotifyWithParent.
+// Watches implements vfs.DentryImpl.Watches.
+func (d *dentry) Watches() *vfs.Watches {
+ //TODO(b/159261227): Implement Watches.
+ return nil
+// OnZeroWatches implements vfs.DentryImpl.OnZeroWatches.
+func (d *dentry) OnZeroWatches(context.Context) {
+ //TODO(b/159261227): Implement OnZeroWatches.
+func (d *dentry) isSymlink() bool {
+ return atomic.LoadUint32(&d.mode)&linux.S_IFMT == linux.S_IFLNK
+func (d *dentry) isDir() bool {
+ return atomic.LoadUint32(&d.mode)&linux.S_IFMT == linux.S_IFDIR
+func (d *dentry) checkPermissions(creds *auth.Credentials, ats vfs.AccessTypes) error {
+ return vfs.GenericCheckPermissions(creds, ats, linux.FileMode(atomic.LoadUint32(&d.mode)), auth.KUID(atomic.LoadUint32(&d.uid)), auth.KGID(atomic.LoadUint32(&d.gid)))
+func (d *dentry) readlink(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
+ return d.fs.vfsfs.VirtualFilesystem().ReadlinkAt(ctx, d.fs.creds, &vfs.PathOperation{
+ Root: d.lowerVD,
+ Start: d.lowerVD,
+ })
+// FileDescription implements vfs.FileDescriptionImpl for verity fds.
+// FileDescription is a wrapper of the underlying lowerFD, with support to build
+// Merkle trees through the Linux fs-verity API to verify contents read from
+// lowerFD.
+type fileDescription struct {
+ vfsfd vfs.FileDescription
+ vfs.FileDescriptionDefaultImpl
+ vfs.LockFD
+ // d is the corresponding dentry to the fileDescription.
+ d *dentry
+ // isDir specifies whehter the fileDescription points to a directory.
+ isDir bool
+ // lowerFD is the FileDescription corresponding to the file in the
+ // underlying file system.
+ lowerFD *vfs.FileDescription
+ // merkleReader is the read-only FileDescription corresponding to the
+ // Merkle tree file in the underlying file system.
+ merkleReader *vfs.FileDescription
+ // merkleWriter is the FileDescription corresponding to the Merkle tree
+ // file in the underlying file system for writing. This should only be
+ // used when allowRuntimeEnable is set to true.
+ merkleWriter *vfs.FileDescription
+ // parentMerkleWriter is the FileDescription of the Merkle tree for the
+ // directory that contains the current file/directory. This is only used
+ // if allowRuntimeEnable is set to true.
+ parentMerkleWriter *vfs.FileDescription
+// Release implements vfs.FileDescriptionImpl.Release.
+func (fd *fileDescription) Release(ctx context.Context) {
+ fd.lowerFD.DecRef(ctx)
+ fd.merkleReader.DecRef(ctx)
+ if fd.merkleWriter != nil {
+ fd.merkleWriter.DecRef(ctx)
+ }
+ if fd.parentMerkleWriter != nil {
+ fd.parentMerkleWriter.DecRef(ctx)
+ }
+// Stat implements vfs.FileDescriptionImpl.Stat.
+func (fd *fileDescription) Stat(ctx context.Context, opts vfs.StatOptions) (linux.Statx, error) {
+ // TODO(b/162788573): Add integrity check for metadata.
+ stat, err := fd.lowerFD.Stat(ctx, opts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return linux.Statx{}, err
+ }
+ return stat, nil
+// SetStat implements vfs.FileDescriptionImpl.SetStat.
+func (fd *fileDescription) SetStat(ctx context.Context, opts vfs.SetStatOptions) error {
+ // Verity files are read-only.
+ return syserror.EPERM
+// LockPOSIX implements vfs.FileDescriptionImpl.LockPOSIX.
+func (fd *fileDescription) LockPOSIX(ctx context.Context, uid fslock.UniqueID, t fslock.LockType, start, length uint64, whence int16, block fslock.Blocker) error {
+ return fd.Locks().LockPOSIX(ctx, &fd.vfsfd, uid, t, start, length, whence, block)
+// UnlockPOSIX implements vfs.FileDescriptionImpl.UnlockPOSIX.
+func (fd *fileDescription) UnlockPOSIX(ctx context.Context, uid fslock.UniqueID, start, length uint64, whence int16) error {
+ return fd.Locks().UnlockPOSIX(ctx, &fd.vfsfd, uid, start, length, whence)