module bgp-gobgp { yang-version "1"; // namespace namespace ""; prefix "gobgp"; // import some basic types import bgp { prefix bgp; } import routing-policy {prefix rpol; } import bgp-policy {prefix bgp-pol; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } // meta organization "GoBGP"; contact "GoBGP"; description "This module contains definitions for GoBGP-specific configuration. It augments bgp modules with GoBGP-specific options."; revision "2015-08-10" { description "Updated model to augment base bgp modules"; reference "TBD"; } typedef bgp-origin-attr-type { type enumeration { enum IGP { value 0; description "Origin of the NLRI is internal"; } enum EGP { value 1; description "Origin of the NLRI is EGP"; } enum INCOMPLETE { value 2; description "Origin of the NLRI is neither IGP or EGP"; } } } grouping gobgp-message-counter { description "Counters for all BGPMessage types"; leaf OPEN { type uint64; description "Number of BGP open messages announcing, withdrawing or modifying paths exchanged."; } leaf REFRESH { type uint64; description "Number of BGP Route-Refresh messages indicating an error condition has occurred exchanged."; } leaf KEEPALIVE { type uint64; description "Number of BGP Keepalive messages indicating an error condition has occurred exchanged."; } leaf DYNAMIC-CAP { type uint64; description "Number of BGP dynamic-cap messages indicating an error condition has occurred exchanged."; } leaf DISCARDED { type uint64; description "Number of discarded messages indicating an error condition has occurred exchanged."; } leaf TOTAL { type uint64; description "Number of total messages indicating an error condition has occurred exchanged."; } } grouping gobgp-timer { description "additional timer"; leaf idle-hold-time-after-reset { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } default 30; description "Time interval in seconds that a BGP session will be in idle state after neighbor reset operation."; } } grouping gobgp-neighbor-timer { description "additional timer"; leaf downtime { type yang:timeticks; description "This timer determines the amount of time since the BGP last transitioned out of the Established state"; } leaf update-recv-time { type int64; description "The number of seconds elasped since January 1, 1970 UTC last time the BGP session received an UPDATE message"; } } grouping gobgp-in-policy { description "additional policy"; leaf-list in-policy { type leafref { path "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" + "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:name"; //require-instance true; } description "list of policy names in sequence to be applied on sending a routing update in the current context, e.g., for the current other route server clients."; } leaf default-in-policy { type rpol:default-policy-type; default REJECT-ROUTE; description "explicitly set a default policy if no policy definition in the in-policy chain is satisfied."; } } grouping gobgp-route-server-config { description "Configuration parameter specifying whether the neighbor is route server client or not."; leaf route-server-client { type boolean; default "false"; description "Configure the neighbor as a route server client."; } } grouping gobgp-route-server-config-set { description "set of configurations for route server client."; container route-server { description "Configure the local router as a route server"; container config { description "Configuration parameters relating to route server client(s) used for the BGP neighbor"; uses gobgp-route-server-config; } container state { config false; description "State information relating to route server client(s) used for the BGP neighbor"; uses gobgp-route-server-config; } } } grouping gobgp-rpki-validation-result { description "additional rpki"; leaf rpki-validation-result { type rpki-validation-result-type; default NOT-FOUND; description "specify the validation result of RPKI based on ROA as conditions"; } } typedef rpki-validation-result-type { type enumeration { enum NOT-FOUND { description "If the origin AS, prefix, maximum prefix length does not exist in the range of ROA"; } enum VALID { description "If the origin AS, prefix, maximum prefix length is exist in the range of ROA"; } enum INVALID { description "if the origin AS is different when prefix, maximum prefix length is exist in the range of ROA"; } } description "indicate the validation result of RPKI based on ROA"; } // augment statements augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state/bgp:messages/bgp:sent" { description "additional counters"; uses gobgp-message-counter; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state/bgp:messages/bgp:received" { description "additional counters"; uses gobgp-message-counter; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state" { description "additional state elements"; leaf admin-down { type boolean; description "The state of administrative operation. If the state is true, it indicates the neighbor is disabled by the administrator"; } leaf established-count { type uint32; description "The number of how many the peer became established state"; } leaf flops { type uint32; description "The number of flip-flops"; } } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:timers/bgp:config" { description "additional timer"; uses gobgp-timer; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:timers/bgp:state" { description "additional timers"; uses gobgp-timer; uses gobgp-neighbor-timer; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:peer-groups/bgp:peer-group" { description "route server configuration for peer-group"; uses gobgp-route-server-config-set; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor" { description "route server configuration for neighbor"; uses gobgp-route-server-config-set; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:transport/bgp:config" { description "neighbor's local ip address, whose type is inet:ip-address"; leaf local-address { type inet:ip-address; } } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:transport/bgp:state" { description "neighbor's local ip address, whose type is inet:ip-address"; leaf local-address { type inet:ip-address; } } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:global/bgp:apply-policy/bgp:config" { description "addtional policy"; uses gobgp-in-policy; } augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:global/bgp:apply-policy/bgp:state" { description "additional policy"; uses gobgp-in-policy; } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" + "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:statements/rpol:statement/" + "rpol:actions/bgp-pol:bgp-actions/bgp-pol:set-as-path-prepend" { description "as number used for aspath prepend"; leaf as { type union { type inet:as-number; type string { pattern "last-as"; } } description "autonomous system number or 'last-as' which means the leftmost as number in the AS-path to be prepended"; } } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/rpol:neighbor-sets/rpol:neighbor-set" { description "alternative for the existing neighbor element"; list neighbor-info { leaf address { type inet:ip-address; description "neighbor ip address"; } } } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/" + "bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:community-sets/bgp-pol:community-set" { description "alternative for the existing community-member"; list community { leaf community { type string; description "community set member"; } } } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/" + "bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:ext-community-sets/bgp-pol:ext-community-set" { description "alternative for the existing ext-community-member"; list ext-community { leaf ext-community { type string; description "extended community set member"; } } } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/" + "bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:as-path-sets/bgp-pol:as-path-set" { description "alternative for the existing as-path-set-member"; list as-path { leaf as-path { type string; description "AS path expression"; } } } augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" + "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:statements/rpol:statement/" + "rpol:conditions/bgp-pol:bgp-conditions" { description "additional rpki condition"; uses gobgp-rpki-validation-result; } }