# Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import optparse
import StringIO
import sys
from pyang import plugin

// generated by pyang using OpenConfig https://github.com/openconfig/public
// Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


emitted_type_names = {}

def pyang_plugin_init():

class GolangPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin):
    def add_output_format(self, fmts):
        self.multiple_modules = True
        fmts['golang'] = self

    def emit(self, ctx, modules, fd):

        ctx.golang_identity_map = {}
        ctx.golang_typedef_map = {}
        ctx.golang_struct_def = []
        ctx.golang_struct_names = {}

        ctx.prefix_rel = {}
        ctx.module_deps = []

        for m in modules:
            check_module_deps(ctx, m)

        # visit yang statements
        # emit bgp_configs

def visit_modules(ctx):

    # visit typedef and identity
    for module in ctx.module_deps:
        visit_typedef(ctx, module)
        visit_identity(ctx, module)

    # visit container
    for module in ctx.module_deps:
        visit_children(ctx, module, module.i_children)

def emit_go(ctx):

    done = set()

    # emit

    for mod in ctx.module_deps:
        if mod not in _module_excluded:
            emit_typedef(ctx, mod)

    for struct in ctx.golang_struct_def:
        struct_name = struct.uniq_name
        if struct_name in done:
        emit_class_def(ctx, struct, struct_name, struct.module_prefix)

def check_module_deps(ctx, module):

    own_prefix = module.i_prefix
    for k, v in module.i_prefixes.items():
        mod = ctx.get_module(v[0])
        if mod.i_prefix != own_prefix:
            check_module_deps(ctx, mod)

        ctx.prefix_rel[mod.i_prefix] = k
        if mod not in ctx.module_deps \
                and mod.i_modulename not in _module_excluded:

def dig_leafref(type_obj):
    reftype = type_obj.i_type_spec.i_target_node.search_one('type')
    if is_leafref(reftype):
        return dig_leafref(reftype)
        return reftype

def emit_class_def(ctx, yang_statement, struct_name, prefix):

    o = StringIO.StringIO()

    if len(yang_statement.i_children) == 1 and is_list(yang_statement.i_children[0]):

    print >> o, '//struct for container %s:%s' % (prefix, yang_statement.arg)
    print >> o, 'type %s struct {' % convert_to_golang(struct_name)
    for child in yang_statement.i_children:

        if child.path in _path_exclude:

        container_or_list_name = child.uniq_name
        val_name_go = convert_to_golang(child.arg)
        child_prefix = get_orig_prefix(child.i_orig_module)
        tag_name = child.uniq_name.lower()
        print >> o, '  // original -> %s:%s' % \
                    (child_prefix, container_or_list_name)

        # case leaf
        if is_leaf(child):
            type_obj = child.search_one('type')
            type_name = type_obj.arg

            # case identityref
            if type_name == 'identityref':
                emit_type_name = 'string'

            # case leafref
            elif type_name == 'leafref':
                t = dig_leafref(type_obj)
                if is_translation_required(t):
                    print >> o, '  //%s:%s\'s original type is %s' \
                                % (child_prefix, container_or_list_name, t.arg)
                    emit_type_name = translate_type(t.arg)
                    emit_type_name = t.arg

            # case translation required
            elif is_translation_required(type_obj):
                print >> o, '  //%s:%s\'s original type is %s'\
                            % (child_prefix, container_or_list_name, type_name)
                emit_type_name = translate_type(type_name)

            # case other primitives
            elif is_builtin_type(type_obj):
                emit_type_name = type_name

            # default
                base_module = type_obj.i_orig_module.i_prefix
                t = lookup_typedef(ctx, base_module, type_name)
                # print(t)
                emit_type_name = t.golang_name

        # case 'case'
        if is_case(child):

        # case leaflist
        if is_leaflist(child):
            type_obj = child.search_one('type')
            type_name = type_obj.arg
            val_name_go = val_name_go + 'List'
            tag_name += '-list'

            # case leafref
            if type_name == 'leafref':
                t = type_obj.i_type_spec.i_target_node.search_one('type')
                emit_type_name = '[]'+t.arg

            # case translation required
            elif is_translation_required(type_obj):
                print >> o, '  // original type is list of %s' % (type_obj.arg)
                emit_type_name = '[]'+translate_type(type_name)

            # case other primitives
            elif is_builtin_type(type_obj):
                emit_type_name = '[]'+type_name

            # default
                base_module = type_obj.i_orig_module.i_prefix
                t = lookup_typedef(ctx, base_module, type_name)
                emit_type_name = '[]'+t.golang_name

        # case container
        elif is_container(child) or is_choice(child):
            key = child_prefix+':'+container_or_list_name
            t = ctx.golang_struct_names[key]
            val_name_go = t.golang_name
            if len(t.i_children) == 1 and is_list(t.i_children[0]):
                l = t.i_children[0]
                emit_type_name = '[]' + l.golang_name
                emit_type_name = t.golang_name

        # case list
        elif is_list(child):
            key = child_prefix+':'+container_or_list_name
            t = ctx.golang_struct_names[key]
            val_name_go = val_name_go + 'List'
            tag_name += '-list'
            emit_type_name = '[]' + t.golang_name

        if is_container(child):
            name = emit_type_name
            if name.startswith(convert_to_golang(struct_name)) and name.endswith("Config"):
                tag_name = 'config'
                val_name_go = 'Config'
            elif name.startswith(convert_to_golang(struct_name)) and name.endswith("State"):
                tag_name = 'state'
                val_name_go = 'State'
        print >> o, '  {0}\t{1} `mapstructure:"{2}"`'.format(val_name_go, emit_type_name, tag_name)

    print >> o, '}'
    print o.getvalue()

def get_orig_prefix(module):
    orig = module.i_orig_module
    if orig:
        return module.i_prefix

def get_path(c):
    path = ''
    if c.parent is not None:
        p = ''
        if hasattr(c, 'i_module'):
            mod = c.i_module
            prefix = mod.search_one('prefix')

        p = prefix.arg + ":" if prefix else ''
        path = get_path(c.parent) + "/" + p + c.arg
    return path

def visit_children(ctx, module, children):
    for c in children:
        prefix = ''
        if is_case(c):
            prefix = get_orig_prefix(c.parent.i_orig_module)
            c.i_orig_module = c.parent.i_orig_module
            prefix = get_orig_prefix(c.i_orig_module)

        c.uniq_name = c.arg
        if c.arg == 'config':
            c.uniq_name = c.parent.uniq_name + '-config'

        if c.arg == 'state':
            c.uniq_name = c.parent.uniq_name + '-state'

        if c.arg == 'graceful-restart' and prefix == 'bgp-mp':
             c.uniq_name = 'mp-graceful-restart'

        t = c.search_one('type')

        if is_list(c) or is_container(c) or is_choice(c):
            c.golang_name = convert_to_golang(c.uniq_name)

            if is_choice(c):
                picks = pickup_choice(c)
                c.i_children = picks

            if ctx.golang_struct_names.get(prefix+':'+c.uniq_name):
                ext_c = ctx.golang_struct_names.get(prefix+':'+c.uniq_name)
                ext_c_child_count = len(getattr(ext_c, "i_children"))
                current_c_child_count = len(getattr(c, "i_children"))
                if ext_c_child_count < current_c_child_count:
                    c.module_prefix = prefix
                    ctx.golang_struct_names[prefix+':'+c.uniq_name] = c
                    idx = ctx.golang_struct_def.index(ext_c)
                    ctx.golang_struct_def[idx] = c
                c.module_prefix = prefix
                ctx.golang_struct_names[prefix+':'+c.uniq_name] = c

        c.path = get_path(c)
        # print(c.path)
        if hasattr(c, 'i_children'):
            visit_children(ctx, module, c.i_children)

def pickup_choice(c):
    element = []
    for child in c.i_children:
        if is_case(child):
            element = element + child.i_children

    return element

def get_type_spec(stmt):
    for s in stmt.substmts:
        if hasattr(s, 'i_type_spec'):
            type_sp = s.i_type_spec
            return type_sp.name

    return None

def visit_typedef(ctx, module):
    prefix = module.i_prefix
    child_map = {}
    for stmts in module.substmts:
        if stmts.keyword == 'typedef':
            stmts.path = get_path(stmts)
            # print(stmts.path)
            name = stmts.arg
            stmts.golang_name = convert_to_golang(name)
            child_map[name] = stmts

    ctx.golang_typedef_map[prefix] = child_map
    if ctx.prefix_rel[prefix] != prefix:
        ctx.golang_typedef_map[ctx.prefix_rel[prefix]] = child_map

def visit_identity(ctx, module):
    prefix = module.i_prefix
    child_map = {}
    for stmts in module.substmts:
        if stmts.keyword == 'identity':
            name = stmts.arg
            stmts.golang_name = convert_to_golang(name)
            child_map[name] = stmts
    ctx.golang_identity_map[prefix] = child_map

def lookup_identity(ctx, default_prefix, identity_name):
    result = lookup(ctx.golang_identity_map, default_prefix, identity_name)
    return result

def lookup_typedef(ctx, default_prefix, type_name):
    result = lookup(ctx.golang_typedef_map, default_prefix, type_name)
    return result

def lookup(basemap, default_prefix, key):
    if ':' in key:
        pref, name = key.split(':')
        pref = default_prefix
        name = key

    if pref in basemap:
        return basemap[pref].get(name, None)
        return key

def emit_typedef(ctx, module):
    prefix = module.i_prefix
    t_map = ctx.golang_typedef_map[prefix]
    for name, stmt in t_map.items():
        if stmt.path in _typedef_exclude:

        # skip identityref type because currently skip identity
        if get_type_spec(stmt) == 'identityref':

        type_name_org = name
        type_name = stmt.golang_name
        if type_name in emitted_type_names:
            warn = "warning %s: %s has already been emitted from %s.\n"\
                   % (prefix+":"+type_name_org, type_name_org,

        emitted_type_names[type_name] = prefix+":"+type_name_org

        t = stmt.search_one('type')
        o = StringIO.StringIO()

        if t.arg == 'enumeration':
            print >> o, '// typedef for typedef %s:%s'\
                        % (prefix, type_name_org)
            print >> o, 'type %s string' % (type_name)

            const_prefix = convert_const_prefix(type_name_org)
            print >> o, 'const ('
            m = {}
            for sub in t.substmts:
                enum_name = '%s_%s' % (const_prefix, convert_const_prefix(sub.arg))
                m[sub.arg.lower()] = enum_name
                print >> o, ' %s %s = "%s"' % (enum_name, type_name, sub.arg.lower())
            print >> o, ')\n'

            print >> o, 'func (v %s) ToInt() int {' % (type_name)
            print >> o, 'for i, vv := range []string{%s} {' % (",".join('"%s"' % s.arg.lower() for s in t.substmts))
            print >> o, 'if string(v) == vv {return i}'
            print >> o, '}'
            print >> o, 'return -1'
            print >> o, '}\n'

            print >> o, 'func (v %s) FromInt(i int) %s {' % (type_name, type_name)
            print >> o, 'for j, vv := range []string{%s} {' % (",".join('"%s"' % s.arg.lower() for s in t.substmts))
            print >> o, 'if i == j {return %s(vv)}' % (type_name)
            print >> o, '}'
            print >> o, 'return %s("")' % (type_name)
            print >> o, '}\n'

            print >> o, 'func (v %s) Validate() error {' % (type_name)
            print >> o, 'if v.ToInt() < 0 {'
            print >> o, 'return fmt.Errorf("invalid %s: %%s", v)' % (type_name)
            print >> o, '}'
            print >> o, 'return nil'
            print >> o, '}\n'

            if stmt.search_one('default'):
                default = stmt.search_one('default')
                print >> o, 'func (v %s) Default() %s {' % (type_name, type_name)
                print >> o, 'return %s' % m[default.arg.lower()]
                print >> o, '}\n'

                print >> o, 'func (v %s) DefaultAsNeeded() %s {' % (type_name, type_name)
                print >> o, ' if string(v) == "" {'
                print >> o, ' return v.Default()'
                print >> o, '}'
                print >> o, ' return v'
                print >> o, '}'

        elif t.arg == 'union':
            print >> o, '// typedef for typedef %s:%s'\
                        % (prefix, type_name_org)
            print >> o, 'type %s string' % (type_name)
            print >> o, '// typedef for typedef %s:%s'\
                        % (prefix, type_name_org)

            if not is_builtin_type(t):
                m = ctx.golang_typedef_map
                for k in t.arg.split(':'):
                    m = m[k]
                print >> o, 'type %s %s' % (type_name, m.golang_name)
                print >> o, 'type %s %s' % (type_name, t.arg)

        print o.getvalue()

def emit_identity(ctx, module):

    prefix = module.i_prefix
    i_map = ctx.golang_identity_map[prefix]
    for name, stmt in i_map.items():
        type_name_org = name
        type_name = stmt.golang_name
        base = stmt.search_one('base')
        o = StringIO.StringIO()

        print >> o, '// typedef for identity %s:%s' % (prefix, type_name_org)
        print >> o, 'type %s struct {' % (type_name)
        if base is not None:
            base_obj = lookup_identity(ctx, prefix, base.arg)
            print >> o, ' // base_type -> %s' % (base.arg)
            print >> o, ' %s' % (base_obj.golang_name)

        print >> o, '}'
        print o.getvalue()

def is_reference(s):
    return s.arg in ['leafref', 'identityref']

def is_leafref(s):
    return s.arg in ['leafref']

def is_leaf(s):
    return s.keyword in ['leaf']

def is_leaflist(s):
    return s.keyword in ['leaf-list']

def is_list(s):
    return s.keyword in ['list']

def is_container(s):
    return s.keyword in ['container']

def is_case(s):
    return s.keyword in ['case']

def is_choice(s):
    return s.keyword in ['choice']

def is_builtin_type(t):
    return t.arg in _type_builtin

def is_translation_required(t):
    return t.arg in _type_translation_map.keys()

_type_translation_map = {
    'union': 'string',
    'enumeration': 'uint32',
    'decimal64': 'float64',
    'boolean': 'bool',
    'empty': 'bool',
    'inet:ip-address': 'string',
    'inet:ip-prefix': 'string',
    'inet:ipv4-address': 'string',
    'inet:as-number': 'uint32',
    'bgp-set-community-option-type': 'string',
    'identityref' : 'string',
    'inet:port-number': 'uint16',
    'yang:timeticks': 'int64',
    'ptypes:install-protocol-type': 'string',

_type_builtin = ["union",

_module_excluded = ["ietf-inet-types",

_path_exclude = ["/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/rpol:neighbor-sets/rpol:neighbor-set/rpol:neighbor",

_typedef_exclude =[]

def generate_header(ctx):
    print 'package config'
    print ''
    print 'import "fmt"'
    print ''

def translate_type(key):
    if key in _type_translation_map.keys():
        return _type_translation_map[key]
        return key

# 'hoge-hoge' -> 'HogeHoge'
def convert_to_golang(type_string):
    a = type_string.split('-')
    a = map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), a)  # XXX locale sensitive
    return ''.join(a)

# 'hoge-hoge' -> 'HOGE_HOGE'
def convert_const_prefix(type_string):
    a = type_string.split('-')
    a = map(lambda x: x.upper(), a)  # XXX locale sensitive
    return '_'.join(a)

def chop_suf(s, suf):
    if not s.endswith(suf):
        return s
    return s[:-len(suf)]