# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. IPv4 = 'ipv4' IPv6 = 'ipv6' GOBGP_IP = "" GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME = "gobgp" GOBGP_ADDRESS_0 = {IPv4: GOBGP_IP, IPv6: "2001::0:192:168:255:1"} GOBGP_ADDRESS_1 = {IPv4: "", IPv6: "2001::1:192:168:255:1"} GOBGP_ADDRESS_2 = {IPv4: "", IPv6: "2001::2:192:168:255:1"} GOBGP_CONFIG_FILE = "gobgpd.conf" CONFIG_DIR = "/tmp/gobgp" CONFIG_DIRR = "/tmp/gobgp/" SHARE_VOLUME = "/root/share_volume" CLI_CMD = "gobgpcli" EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME = "exabgp" EXABGP_ADDRESS = "" EXABGP_CONFDIR = SHARE_VOLUME + "/exabgp_test_conf" EXABGP_LOG_FILE = "exabgpd.log" STARTUP_FILE_NAME = "gobgp_startup.sh" STARTUP_FILE = SHARE_VOLUME + "/" + STARTUP_FILE_NAME INSTALL_FILE_NAME = "gobgp_install.sh" INSTALL_FILE = SHARE_VOLUME + "/" + INSTALL_FILE_NAME IP_VERSION = IPv4 IF_CONFIG_OPTION = {IPv4: "inet", IPv6: "inet6"} BRIDGE_0 = {"BRIDGE_NAME": "br0", IPv4: "", IPv6: "2001::0:192:168:255:2"} BRIDGE_1 = {"BRIDGE_NAME": "br1", IPv4: "", IPv6: "2001::1:192:168:255:2"} BRIDGE_2 = {"BRIDGE_NAME": "br2", IPv4: "", IPv6: "2001::2:192:168:255:2"} BRIDGES = [BRIDGE_0, BRIDGE_1, BRIDGE_2] BASE_NET = {BRIDGE_0["BRIDGE_NAME"]: {IPv4: "10.0.0.", IPv6: "2001::0:192:168:0:"}, BRIDGE_1["BRIDGE_NAME"]: {IPv4: "11.0.0.", IPv6: "2001::1:192:168:0:"}, BRIDGE_2["BRIDGE_NAME"]: {IPv4: "12.0.0.", IPv6: "2001::2:192:168:0:"}} BASE_MASK = {IPv4: "/16", IPv6: "/64"} A_PART_OF_CURRENT_DIR = "/test/scenario_test" ADJ_RIB_IN = "adj-in" ADJ_RIB_OUT = "adj-out" LOCAL_RIB = "local" GLOBAL_RIB = "global rib" NEIGHBOR = "neighbor"