Scenario Test

This page explains how to set up a scenario test environment and run the test.

## Prerequisites

Assume you finished setting up [Golang]( and [Docker]( on Ubuntu 14.04 Server VM.
We recommend allocating memory more than 8GB to the VM.
Because this scenario test runs a lot of test cases concurrently.

## <a name="section0"> Check
Please check if Golang and Docker is installed correctly and
make sure the $GOPATH is defined.

$ go version
go version go1.5.1 linux/amd64

$ echo $GOPATH

$ sudo docker version
 Version:      1.9.0
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   76d6bc9
 Built:        Tue Nov  3 17:43:42 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      1.9.0
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   76d6bc9
 Built:        Tue Nov  3 17:43:42 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64


## <a name="section1"> Set up dependencies
Execute the following commands inside the VM to install the dependencies:

1. Install pip and [pipework](

 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev iputils-arping bridge-utils lv
 $ sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/pipework
 $ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pipework

1. Get docker images.
 Download docker images pertaining to GoBGP testing.

 $ sudo docker pull golang:1.5
 $ sudo docker pull osrg/quagga
 $ sudo docker pull osrg/gobgp

1. Clone gobgp and install python libraries.

 $ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
 $ cd $GOPATH/src/
 $ git clone
 $ cd ./gobgp/test
 $ sudo pip install -r pip-requires.txt

## <a name="section2"> Install local source code
You need to install local source code into gobgp docker container.
You also need this operation at every modification to the source code.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ sudo fab -f ./test/lib/ make_gobgp_ctn --set tag=gobgp

## <a name="section3"> Run test

1. Run all test

 You can run all scenario tests with
 If all tests passed, you can see "all tests passed successfully" at the end of the test.

 $ cd $GOPATH/src/
 $ ./
 all tests passed successfully
2. Run each test

 Gobgp have a scenario test shown in the following.
 You can run scenario tests individually with each test file.

 $ cd $GOPATH/src/
 $ sudo -E PYTHONPATH=$GOBGP/test python <scenario test name>.py

 what kind of scenaio tests:
 - bgp_router_test
 - bgp_zebra_test
 - evpn_test
 - flow_spec_test
 - global_policy_test
 - ibgp_router_test
 - route_reflector_test
 - route_server_ipv4_v6_test
 - route_server_malformed_test
 - route_server_policy_grpc_test
 - route_server_policy_test
 - route_server_test

## <a name="section4"> Clean up
A lot of containers are created during the test.
Let's clean up.
$ sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)