Performance Test

[Hoofprints]( inspired route-server performance test suite

## Prerequisites

Follow the 'Prerequisites' and 'Set up dependencies' section of [Scenario Test](

## Create tester container

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ sudo fab -f ./test/lib/ make_gobgp_ctn:tag=gobgp
$ sudo fab -f ./test/performance_test/ make_tester_ctn:tag=tester,from_image=gobgp

## Run test

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ sudo PYTHONPATH=../ python -t gobgp -n 1000 T1
$ sudo PYTHONPATH=../ python -t quagga -n 1000 T1

To test BIRD, pull BIRD docker image first.

$ docker pull osrg/bird
$ sudo PYTHONPATH=../ python -t bird -n 1000 T1