# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from base import *
from nsenter import Namespace

class QuaggaBGPContainer(BGPContainer):

    SHARED_VOLUME = '/etc/quagga'

    def __init__(self, name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name='osrg/quagga', zebra=False):
        super(QuaggaBGPContainer, self).__init__(name, asn, router_id,
        self.shared_volumes.append((self.config_dir, self.SHARED_VOLUME))
        self.zebra = zebra

    def run(self):
        super(QuaggaBGPContainer, self).run()
        return self.WAIT_FOR_BOOT

    def get_global_rib(self, prefix='', rf='ipv4'):
        rib = []
        if prefix != '':
            return self.get_global_rib_with_prefix(prefix, rf)

        out = self.vtysh('show bgp {0} unicast'.format(rf), config=False)
        if out.startswith('No BGP network exists'):
            return rib

        read_next = False

        for line in out.split('\n'):
            if line[:2] == '*>':
                line = line[2:]
                ibgp = False
                if line[0] == 'i':
                    line = line[1:]
                    ibgp = True
            elif not read_next:

            elems = line.split()

            if len(elems) == 1:
                read_next = True
                prefix = elems[0]
            elif read_next:
                nexthop = elems[0]
                prefix = elems[0]
                nexthop = elems[1]
            read_next = False

            rib.append({'prefix': prefix, 'nexthop': nexthop,
                        'ibgp': ibgp})

        return rib

    def get_global_rib_with_prefix(self, prefix, rf):
        rib = []

        lines = [line.strip() for line in self.vtysh('show bgp {0} unicast {1}'.format(rf, prefix), config=False).split('\n')]

        if lines[0] == '% Network not in table':
            return rib

        lines = lines[2:]

        if lines[0].startswith('Not advertised'):
            lines.pop(0)  # another useless line
        elif lines[0].startswith('Advertised to non peer-group peers:'):
            lines = lines[2:]  # other useless lines
            raise Exception('unknown output format {0}'.format(lines))

        if lines[0] == 'Local':
            aspath = []
            aspath = [int(asn) for asn in lines[0].split()]

        nexthop = lines[1].split()[0].strip()
        info = [s.strip(',') for s in lines[2].split()]
        attrs = []
        if 'metric' in info:
            med = info[info.index('metric') + 1]
            attrs.append({'type': BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MULTI_EXIT_DISC, 'metric': int(med)})
        if 'localpref' in info:
            localpref = info[info.index('localpref') + 1]
            attrs.append({'type': BGP_ATTR_TYPE_LOCAL_PREF, 'value': int(localpref)})

        rib.append({'prefix': prefix, 'nexthop': nexthop,
                    'aspath': aspath, 'attrs': attrs})

        return rib

    def get_neighbor_state(self, peer):
        if peer not in self.peers:
            raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id))

        neigh_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]

        info = [l.strip() for l in self.vtysh('show bgp neighbors {0}'.format(neigh_addr), config=False).split('\n')]

        if not info[0].startswith('BGP neighbor is'):
            raise Exception('unknown format')

        idx1 = info[0].index('BGP neighbor is ')
        idx2 = info[0].index(',')
        n_addr = info[0][idx1+len('BGP neighbor is '):idx2]
        if n_addr == neigh_addr:
            idx1 = info[2].index('= ')
            state = info[2][idx1+len('= '):]
            if state.startswith('Idle'):
                return BGP_FSM_IDLE
            elif state.startswith('Active'):
                return BGP_FSM_ACTIVE
            elif state.startswith('Established'):
                return BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED
                return state

        raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id))

    def send_route_refresh(self):
        self.vtysh('clear ip bgp * soft', config=False)

    def create_config(self):
        if self.zebra:

    def _create_config_bgp(self):

        c = CmdBuffer()
        c << 'hostname bgpd'
        c << 'password zebra'
        c << 'router bgp {0}'.format(self.asn)
        c << 'bgp router-id {0}'.format(self.router_id)
        if any(info['graceful_restart'] for info in self.peers.itervalues()):
            c << 'bgp graceful-restart'

        version = 4
        for peer, info in self.peers.iteritems():
            version = netaddr.IPNetwork(info['neigh_addr']).version
            n_addr = info['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]
            if version == 6:
                c << 'no bgp default ipv4-unicast'

            c << 'neighbor {0} remote-as {1}'.format(n_addr, peer.asn)
            if info['is_rs_client']:
                c << 'neighbor {0} route-server-client'.format(n_addr)
            for typ, p in info['policies'].iteritems():
                c << 'neighbor {0} route-map {1} {2}'.format(n_addr, p['name'],
            if info['passwd']:
                c << 'neighbor {0} password {1}'.format(n_addr, info['passwd'])
            if info['passive']:
                c << 'neighbor {0} passive'.format(n_addr)
            if version == 6:
                c << 'address-family ipv6 unicast'
                c << 'neighbor {0} activate'.format(n_addr)
                c << 'exit-address-family'

        for route in self.routes.itervalues():
            if route['rf'] == 'ipv4':
                c << 'network {0}'.format(route['prefix'])
            elif route['rf'] == 'ipv6':
                c << 'address-family ipv6 unicast'
                c << 'network {0}'.format(route['prefix'])
                c << 'exit-address-family'
                raise Exception('unsupported route faily: {0}'.format(route['rf']))

        if self.zebra:
            if version == 6:
                c << 'address-family ipv6 unicast'
                c << 'redistribute connected'
                c << 'exit-address-family'
                c << 'redistribute connected'

        for name, policy in self.policies.iteritems():
            c << 'access-list {0} {1} {2}'.format(name, policy['type'],
            c << 'route-map {0} permit 10'.format(name)
            c << 'match ip address {0}'.format(name)
            c << 'set metric {0}'.format(policy['med'])

        c << 'debug bgp as4'
        c << 'debug bgp fsm'
        c << 'debug bgp updates'
        c << 'debug bgp events'
        c << 'log file {0}/bgpd.log'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME)

        with open('{0}/bgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f:
            print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name))
            print colors.yellow(indent(str(c)))

    def _create_config_zebra(self):
        c = CmdBuffer()
        c << 'hostname zebra'
        c << 'password zebra'
        c << 'log file {0}/zebra.log'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME)
        c << 'debug zebra packet'
        c << 'debug zebra kernel'
        c << 'debug zebra rib'
        c << ''

        with open('{0}/zebra.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f:
            print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name))
            print colors.yellow(indent(str(c)))

    def vtysh(self, cmd, config=True):
        if type(cmd) is not list:
            cmd = [cmd]
        cmd = ' '.join("-c '{0}'".format(c) for c in cmd)
        if config:
            return self.local("vtysh -d bgpd -c 'en' -c 'conf t' -c 'router bgp {0}' {1}".format(self.asn, cmd), capture=True)
            return self.local("vtysh -d bgpd {0}".format(cmd), capture=True)

    def reload_config(self):
        daemon = []
        if self.zebra:
        for d in daemon:
            cmd = '/usr/bin/pkill {0} -SIGHUP'.format(d)
            self.local(cmd, capture=True)

class RawQuaggaBGPContainer(QuaggaBGPContainer):
    def __init__(self, name, config, ctn_image_name='osrg/quagga', zebra=False):
        asn = None
        router_id = None
        for line in config.split('\n'):
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith('router bgp'):
                asn = int(line[len('router bgp'):].strip())
            if line.startswith('bgp router-id'):
                router_id = line[len('bgp router-id'):].strip()
        if not asn:
            raise Exception('asn not in quagga config')
        if not router_id:
            raise Exception('router-id not in quagga config')
        self.config = config
        super(RawQuaggaBGPContainer, self).__init__(name, asn, router_id,
                                                    ctn_image_name, zebra)

    def create_config(self):
        with open('{0}/bgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f:
            print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name))
            print colors.yellow(indent(self.config))