# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from base import * import json import toml import yaml from itertools import chain from threading import Thread import socket import subprocess import os def extract_path_attribute(path, typ): for a in path['attrs']: if a['type'] == typ: return a return None class GoBGPContainer(BGPContainer): SHARED_VOLUME = '/root/shared_volume' QUAGGA_VOLUME = '/etc/quagga' def __init__(self, name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name='osrg/gobgp', log_level='debug', zebra=False, config_format='toml'): super(GoBGPContainer, self).__init__(name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name) self.shared_volumes.append((self.config_dir, self.SHARED_VOLUME)) self.log_level = log_level self.prefix_set = None self.neighbor_set = None self.bgp_set = None self.default_policy = None self.zebra = zebra self.config_format = config_format def _start_gobgp(self, graceful_restart=False): c = CmdBuffer() c << '#!/bin/bash' c << '/go/bin/gobgpd -f {0}/gobgpd.conf -l {1} -p {2} -t {3} > ' \ '{0}/gobgpd.log 2>&1'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME, self.log_level, '-r' if graceful_restart else '', self.config_format) cmd = 'echo "{0:s}" > {1}/start.sh'.format(c, self.config_dir) local(cmd, capture=True) cmd = "chmod 755 {0}/start.sh".format(self.config_dir) local(cmd, capture=True) self.local("{0}/start.sh".format(self.SHARED_VOLUME), detach=True) def graceful_restart(self): self.local("pkill -INT gobgpd") def _start_zebra(self): cmd = 'cp {0}/zebra.conf {1}/'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME, self.QUAGGA_VOLUME) self.local(cmd) cmd = '/usr/lib/quagga/zebra -f {0}/zebra.conf'.format(self.QUAGGA_VOLUME) self.local(cmd, detach=True) def run(self): super(GoBGPContainer, self).run() if self.zebra: self._start_zebra() self._start_gobgp() return self.WAIT_FOR_BOOT def _get_as_path(self, path): asps = (p['as_paths'] for p in path['attrs'] if p['type'] == BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH and 'as_paths' in p and p['as_paths'] != None) asps = chain.from_iterable(asps) asns = (asp['asns'] for asp in asps) return list(chain.from_iterable(asns)) def _get_nexthop(self, path): for p in path['attrs']: if p['type'] == BGP_ATTR_TYPE_NEXT_HOP or p['type'] == BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MP_REACH_NLRI: return p['nexthop'] def _get_local_pref(self, path): for p in path['attrs']: if p['type'] == BGP_ATTR_TYPE_LOCAL_PREF: return p['value'] return None def _trigger_peer_cmd(self, cmd, peer): if peer not in self.peers: raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id)) peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0] cmd = 'gobgp neighbor {0} {1}'.format(peer_addr, cmd) self.local(cmd) def disable_peer(self, peer): self._trigger_peer_cmd('disable', peer) def enable_peer(self, peer): self._trigger_peer_cmd('enable', peer) def reset(self, peer): self._trigger_peer_cmd('reset', peer) def softreset(self, peer, rf='ipv4', type='in'): self._trigger_peer_cmd('softreset{0} -a {1}'.format(type, rf), peer) def get_local_rib(self, peer, prefix='', rf='ipv4'): if peer not in self.peers: raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id)) peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0] cmd = 'gobgp -j neighbor {0} local {1} -a {2}'.format(peer_addr, prefix, rf) output = self.local(cmd, capture=True) ret = json.loads(output) for d in ret: for p in d["paths"]: p["nexthop"] = self._get_nexthop(p) p["aspath"] = self._get_as_path(p) p["local-pref"] = self._get_local_pref(p) return ret def get_global_rib(self, prefix='', rf='ipv4'): cmd = 'gobgp -j global rib {0} -a {1}'.format(prefix, rf) output = self.local(cmd, capture=True) ret = json.loads(output) for d in ret: for p in d["paths"]: p["nexthop"] = self._get_nexthop(p) p["aspath"] = self._get_as_path(p) p["local-pref"] = self._get_local_pref(p) return ret def monitor_global_rib(self, queue, rf='ipv4'): host = self.ip_addrs[0][1].split('/')[0] if not os.path.exists('{0}/gobgp'.format(self.config_dir)): self.local('cp /go/bin/gobgp {0}/'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME)) args = '{0}/gobgp -u {1} -j monitor global rib -a {2}'.format(self.config_dir, host, rf).split(' ') def monitor(): process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''): p = json.loads(line)[0] p["nexthop"] = self._get_nexthop(p) p["aspath"] = self._get_as_path(p) p["local-pref"] = self._get_local_pref(p) queue.put(p) t = Thread(target=monitor) t.daemon = True t.start() def _get_adj_rib(self, adj_type, peer, prefix='', rf='ipv4'): if peer not in self.peers: raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id)) peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0] cmd = 'gobgp neighbor {0} adj-{1} {2} -a {3} -j'.format(peer_addr, adj_type, prefix, rf) output = self.local(cmd, capture=True) ret = [p["paths"][0] for p in json.loads(output)] for p in ret: p["nexthop"] = self._get_nexthop(p) p["aspath"] = self._get_as_path(p) p["prefix"] = p['nlri']['prefix'] p["local-pref"] = self._get_local_pref(p) return ret def get_adj_rib_in(self, peer, prefix='', rf='ipv4'): return self._get_adj_rib('in', peer, prefix, rf) def get_adj_rib_out(self, peer, prefix='', rf='ipv4'): return self._get_adj_rib('out', peer, prefix, rf) def get_neighbor(self, peer): if peer not in self.peers: raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id)) peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0] cmd = 'gobgp -j neighbor {0}'.format(peer_addr) return json.loads(self.local(cmd, capture=True)) def get_neighbor_state(self, peer): return self.get_neighbor(peer)['info']['bgp_state'] def clear_policy(self): self.policies = {} for info in self.peers.itervalues(): info['policies'] = {} self.prefix_set = [] self.neighbor_set = [] self.statements = [] def set_prefix_set(self, ps): if type(ps) is not list: ps = [ps] self.prefix_set = ps def add_prefix_set(self, ps): if self.prefix_set is None: self.prefix_set = [] self.prefix_set.append(ps) def set_neighbor_set(self, ns): if type(ns) is not list: ns = [ns] self.neighbor_set = ns def add_neighbor_set(self, ns): if self.neighbor_set is None: self.neighbor_set = [] self.neighbor_set.append(ns) def set_bgp_defined_set(self, bs): self.bgp_set = bs def create_config(self): self._create_config_bgp() if self.zebra: self._create_config_zebra() def _create_config_bgp(self): config = {'global': {'config': {'as': self.asn, 'router-id': self.router_id}, 'route-selection-options':{ 'config': { 'external-compare-router-id': True, }, }, }} if self.zebra: config['global']['use-multiple-paths'] = {'config': {'enabled': True}} for peer, info in self.peers.iteritems(): afi_safi_list = [] version = netaddr.IPNetwork(info['neigh_addr']).version if version == 4: afi_safi_list.append({'config':{'afi-safi-name': 'ipv4-unicast'}}) elif version == 6: afi_safi_list.append({'config':{'afi-safi-name': 'ipv6-unicast'}}) else: Exception('invalid ip address version. {0}'.format(version)) if info['vpn']: afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'l3vpn-ipv4-unicast'}}) afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'l3vpn-ipv6-unicast'}}) afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'l2vpn-evpn'}}) afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'rtc'}, 'route-target-membership': {'config': {'deferral-time': 10}}}) if info['flowspec']: afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'ipv4-flowspec'}}) afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'l3vpn-ipv4-flowspec'}}) afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'ipv6-flowspec'}}) afi_safi_list.append({'config': {'afi-safi-name': 'l3vpn-ipv6-flowspec'}}) n = {'config': {'neighbor-address': info['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0], 'peer-as': peer.asn, 'auth-password': info['passwd'], }, 'afi-safis': afi_safi_list, 'timers': {'config': { 'connect-retry': 10, }}, 'transport': {'config': {}}, } if ':' in info['local_addr']: n['transport']['config']['local-address'] = info['local_addr'].split('/')[0] if info['passive']: n['transport']['config']['passive-mode'] = True if info['is_rs_client']: n['route-server'] = {'config': {'route-server-client': True}} if info['local_as']: n['config']['local-as'] = info['local_as'] if info['prefix_limit']: for v in afi_safi_list: v['prefix-limit'] = {'config': {'max-prefixes': info['prefix_limit'], 'shutdown-threshold-pct': 80 }} if info['graceful_restart'] is not None: n['graceful-restart'] = {'config': {'enabled': True, 'restart-time': 20}} for afi_safi in afi_safi_list: afi_safi['mp-graceful-restart'] = {'config': {'enabled': True}} if info['is_rr_client']: clusterId = self.router_id if 'cluster_id' in info and info['cluster_id'] is not None: clusterId = info['cluster_id'] n['route-reflector'] = {'config' : {'route-reflector-client': True, 'route-reflector-cluster-id': clusterId}} if len(info.get('default-policy', [])) + len(info.get('policies', [])) > 0: n['apply-policy'] = {'config': {}} for typ, p in info.get('policies', {}).iteritems(): n['apply-policy']['config']['{0}-policy-list'.format(typ)] = [p['name']] def f(v): if v == 'reject': return 'reject-route' elif v == 'accept': return 'accept-route' raise Exception('invalid default policy type {0}'.format(v)) for typ, d in info.get('default-policy', {}).iteritems(): n['apply-policy']['config']['default-{0}-policy'.format(typ)] = f(d) if 'neighbors' not in config: config['neighbors'] = [] config['neighbors'].append(n) config['defined-sets'] = {} if self.prefix_set: config['defined-sets']['prefix-sets'] = self.prefix_set if self.neighbor_set: config['defined-sets']['neighbor-sets'] = self.neighbor_set if self.bgp_set: config['defined-sets']['bgp-defined-sets'] = self.bgp_set policy_list = [] for p in self.policies.itervalues(): policy = {'name': p['name']} if 'statements' in p: policy['statements'] = p['statements'] policy_list.append(policy) if len(policy_list) > 0: config['policy-definitions'] = policy_list if self.zebra: config['zebra'] = {'config':{'enabled': True, 'redistribute-route-type-list':['connect']}} with open('{0}/gobgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f: print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name)) if self.config_format is 'toml': raw = toml.dumps(config) elif self.config_format is 'yaml': raw = yaml.dump(config) elif self.config_format is 'json': raw = json.dumps(config) else: raise Exception('invalid config_format {0}'.format(self.config_format)) print colors.yellow(indent(raw)) f.write(raw) def _create_config_zebra(self): c = CmdBuffer() c << 'hostname zebra' c << 'password zebra' c << 'log file {0}/zebra.log'.format(self.QUAGGA_VOLUME) c << 'debug zebra packet' c << 'debug zebra kernel' c << 'debug zebra rib' c << '' with open('{0}/zebra.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f: print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name)) print colors.yellow(indent(str(c))) f.writelines(str(c)) def reload_config(self): daemon = [] daemon.append('gobgpd') if self.zebra: daemon.append('zebra') for d in daemon: cmd = '/usr/bin/pkill {0} -SIGHUP'.format(d) self.local(cmd) for v in self.routes.itervalues(): if v['rf'] == 'ipv4' or v['rf'] == 'ipv6': r = CmdBuffer(' ') r << 'gobgp global -a {0}'.format(v['rf']) r << 'rib add {0}'.format(v['prefix']) if v['next-hop']: r << 'nexthop {0}'.format(v['next-hop']) if v['local-pref']: r << 'local-pref {0}'.format(v['local-pref']) if v['med']: r << 'med {0}'.format(v['med']) cmd = str(r) elif v['rf'] == 'ipv4-flowspec' or v['rf'] == 'ipv6-flowspec': cmd = 'gobgp global '\ 'rib add match {0} then {1} -a {2}'.format(' '.join(v['matchs']), ' '.join(v['thens']), v['rf']) else: raise Exception('unsupported route faily: {0}'.format(rf)) self.local(cmd) class RawGoBGPContainer(GoBGPContainer): def __init__(self, name, config, ctn_image_name='osrg/gobgp', log_level='debug', zebra=False, config_format='yaml'): if config_format is 'toml': d = toml.loads(config) elif config_format is 'yaml': d = yaml.load(config) elif config_format is 'json': d = json.loads(config) else: raise Exception('invalid config format {0}'.format(config_format)) asn = d['global']['config']['as'] router_id = d['global']['config']['router-id'] self.config = config super(RawGoBGPContainer, self).__init__(name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name, log_level, zebra, config_format) def create_config(self): with open('{0}/gobgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f: print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name)) print colors.yellow(indent(self.config)) f.write(self.config)