# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from base import * from itertools import chain class ExaBGPContainer(BGPContainer): SHARED_VOLUME = '/root/shared_volume' def __init__(self, name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name='osrg/exabgp', exabgp_path=''): super(ExaBGPContainer, self).__init__(name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name) self.shared_volumes.append((self.config_dir, self.SHARED_VOLUME)) self.exabgp_path = exabgp_path def _start_exabgp(self): cmd = CmdBuffer(' ') cmd << 'env exabgp.log.destination={0}/exabgpd.log'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME) cmd << './exabgp/sbin/exabgp {0}/exabgpd.conf'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME) self.local(str(cmd), flag='-d') def _update_exabgp(self): if self.exabgp_path == '': return c = CmdBuffer() c << '#!/bin/bash' remotepath = '/root/exabgp' localpath = self.exabgp_path local('cp -r {0} {1}'.format(localpath, self.config_dir)) c << 'cp {0}/etc/exabgp/exabgp.env {1}'.format(remotepath, self.SHARED_VOLUME) c << 'sed -i -e \'s/all = false/all = true/g\' {0}/exabgp.env'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME) c << 'cp -r {0}/exabgp {1}'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME, remotepath[:-1*len('exabgp')]) c << 'cp {0}/exabgp.env {1}/etc/exabgp/'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME, remotepath) cmd = 'echo "{0:s}" > {1}/update.sh'.format(c, self.config_dir) local(cmd, capture=True) cmd = 'chmod 755 {0}/update.sh'.format(self.config_dir) local(cmd, capture=True) cmd = '{0}/update.sh'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME) self.local(cmd) def run(self): super(ExaBGPContainer, self).run() self._update_exabgp() self._start_exabgp() return self.WAIT_FOR_BOOT def create_config(self): cmd = CmdBuffer() for peer, info in self.peers.iteritems(): cmd << 'neighbor {0} {{'.format(info['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]) cmd << ' router-id {0};'.format(self.router_id) cmd << ' local-address {0};'.format(info['local_addr'].split('/')[0]) cmd << ' local-as {0};'.format(self.asn) cmd << ' peer-as {0};'.format(peer.asn) if info['as2']: cmd << ' capability {' cmd << ' asn4 disable;' cmd << ' }' routes = [r for r in self.routes.values() if r['rf'] == 'ipv4' or r['rf'] == 'ipv6'] if len(routes) > 0: cmd << ' static {' for route in routes: r = CmdBuffer(' ') nexthop = info['local_addr'].split('/')[0] if route['next-hop']: nexthop = route['next-hop'] r << ' route {0} next-hop {1}'.format(route['prefix'], nexthop) if route['as-path']: r << 'as-path [{0}]'.format(' '.join(str(i) for i in route['as-path'])) if route['community']: r << 'community [{0}]'.format(' '.join(c for c in route['community'])) if route['med']: r << 'med {0}'.format(route['med']) if route['local-pref']: r << 'local-preference {0}'.format(route['local-pref']) if route['extended-community']: r << 'extended-community [{0}]'.format(route['extended-community']) if route['attr']: r << 'attribute [ {0} ]'.format(route['attr']) cmd << '{0};'.format(str(r)) cmd << ' }' routes = [r for r in self.routes.itervalues() if 'flowspec' in r['rf']] if len(routes) > 0: cmd << ' flow {' for route in routes: cmd << ' route {0}{{'.format(route['prefix']) cmd << ' match {' for match in route['matchs']: cmd << ' {0};'.format(match) # cmd << ' source {0};'.format(route['prefix']) # cmd << ' destination;' # cmd << ' destination-port =3128 >8080&<8088;' # cmd << ' source-port >1024;' # cmd << ' port =14 =15 >10&<156;' # cmd << ' protocol udp;' # how to specify multiple ip protocols # cmd << ' packet-length >1000&<2000;' # cmd << ' tcp-flags !syn;' cmd << ' }' cmd << ' then {' for then in route['thens']: cmd << ' {0};'.format(then) # cmd << ' accept;' # cmd << ' discard;' # cmd << ' rate-limit 9600;' # cmd << ' redirect;' # cmd << ' redirect 100:100;' # cmd << ' mark 10;' # cmd << ' action sample-terminal;' cmd << ' }' cmd << ' }' cmd << ' }' cmd << '}' with open('{0}/exabgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f: print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(self.name)) print colors.yellow(str(cmd)) f.write(str(cmd)) def reload_config(self): if len(self.peers) == 0: return def _reload(): def _is_running(): ps = self.local('ps', capture=True) running = False for line in ps.split('\n')[1:]: if 'python' in line: running = True return running if _is_running(): self.local('/usr/bin/pkill python -SIGUSR1') else: self._start_exabgp() time.sleep(1) if not _is_running(): raise RuntimeError() try_several_times(_reload)