// Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package server import ( "bytes" "fmt" log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/armon/go-radix" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/api" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/config" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/packet" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/policy" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/table" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/zebra" "net" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const ( GLOBAL_RIB_NAME = "global" ) type Direction string const ( POLICY_DIRECTION_IMPORT Direction = "import" POLICY_DIRECTION_EXPORT = "export" POLICY_DIRECTION_IN = "in" ) type SenderMsg struct { messages []*bgp.BGPMessage sendCh chan *bgp.BGPMessage destination string twoBytesAs bool } type broadcastMsg interface { send() } type broadcastGrpcMsg struct { req *GrpcRequest result *GrpcResponse done bool } func (m *broadcastGrpcMsg) send() { m.req.ResponseCh <- m.result if m.done == true { close(m.req.ResponseCh) } } type BgpServer struct { bgpConfig config.Bgp globalTypeCh chan config.Global addedPeerCh chan config.Neighbor deletedPeerCh chan config.Neighbor updatedPeerCh chan config.Neighbor rpkiConfigCh chan config.RpkiServers GrpcReqCh chan *GrpcRequest listenPort int policyUpdateCh chan config.RoutingPolicy policyMap map[string]*policy.Policy routingPolicy config.RoutingPolicy broadcastReqs []*GrpcRequest broadcastMsgs []broadcastMsg neighborMap map[string]*Peer localRibMap map[string]*LocalRib zclient *zebra.Client roaClient *roaClient } func NewBgpServer(port int) *BgpServer { b := BgpServer{} b.globalTypeCh = make(chan config.Global) b.addedPeerCh = make(chan config.Neighbor) b.deletedPeerCh = make(chan config.Neighbor) b.updatedPeerCh = make(chan config.Neighbor) b.rpkiConfigCh = make(chan config.RpkiServers) b.GrpcReqCh = make(chan *GrpcRequest, 1) b.policyUpdateCh = make(chan config.RoutingPolicy) b.localRibMap = make(map[string]*LocalRib) b.neighborMap = make(map[string]*Peer) b.listenPort = port b.roaClient, _ = newROAClient(config.RpkiServers{}) return &b } // avoid mapped IPv6 address func listenAndAccept(proto string, port int, ch chan *net.TCPConn) (*net.TCPListener, error) { service := ":" + strconv.Itoa(port) addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr(proto, service) l, err := net.ListenTCP(proto, addr) if err != nil { log.Info(err) return nil, err } go func() { for { conn, err := l.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { log.Info(err) continue } ch <- conn } }() return l, nil } func (server *BgpServer) addLocalRib(rib *LocalRib) { server.localRibMap[rib.OwnerName()] = rib } func (server *BgpServer) Serve() { g := <-server.globalTypeCh server.bgpConfig.Global = g senderCh := make(chan *SenderMsg, 1<<16) go func(ch chan *SenderMsg) { for { // TODO: must be more clever. Slow peer makes other peers slow too. m := <-ch w := func(c chan *bgp.BGPMessage, msg *bgp.BGPMessage) { // nasty but the peer could already become non established state before here. defer func() { recover() }() c <- msg } for _, b := range m.messages { if m.twoBytesAs == false && b.Header.Type == bgp.BGP_MSG_UPDATE { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": m.destination, "Data": b, }).Debug("update for 2byte AS peer") table.UpdatePathAttrs2ByteAs(b.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)) } w(m.sendCh, b) } } }(senderCh) broadcastCh := make(chan broadcastMsg, 8) go func(ch chan broadcastMsg) { for { m := <-ch m.send() } }(broadcastCh) // FIXME rfList := func(l []config.AfiSafi) []bgp.RouteFamily { rfList := []bgp.RouteFamily{} for _, rf := range l { k, _ := bgp.GetRouteFamily(rf.AfiSafiName) rfList = append(rfList, k) } return rfList }(g.AfiSafis.AfiSafiList) server.addLocalRib(NewLocalRib(GLOBAL_RIB_NAME, rfList, make(map[string]*policy.Policy))) listenerMap := make(map[string]*net.TCPListener) acceptCh := make(chan *net.TCPConn) l4, err1 := listenAndAccept("tcp4", server.listenPort, acceptCh) listenerMap["tcp4"] = l4 l6, err2 := listenAndAccept("tcp6", server.listenPort, acceptCh) listenerMap["tcp6"] = l6 if err1 != nil && err2 != nil { log.Fatal("can't listen either v4 and v6") os.Exit(1) } listener := func(addr net.IP) *net.TCPListener { var l *net.TCPListener if addr.To4() != nil { l = listenerMap["tcp4"] } else { l = listenerMap["tcp6"] } return l } incoming := make(chan *fsmMsg, 4096) var senderMsgs []*SenderMsg var zapiMsgCh chan *zebra.Message if server.zclient != nil { zapiMsgCh = server.zclient.Recieve() } for { var firstMsg *SenderMsg var sCh chan *SenderMsg if len(senderMsgs) > 0 { sCh = senderCh firstMsg = senderMsgs[0] } var firstBroadcastMsg broadcastMsg var bCh chan broadcastMsg if len(server.broadcastMsgs) > 0 { bCh = broadcastCh firstBroadcastMsg = server.broadcastMsgs[0] } select { case c := <-server.rpkiConfigCh: server.roaClient, _ = newROAClient(c) case rmsg := <-server.roaClient.recieveROA(): server.roaClient.handleRTRMsg(rmsg) case zmsg := <-zapiMsgCh: m := handleZapiMsg(zmsg, server) if len(m) > 0 { senderMsgs = append(senderMsgs, m...) } case conn := <-acceptCh: remoteAddr, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String()) peer, found := server.neighborMap[remoteAddr] if found { localAddrValid := func(laddr net.IP) bool { if laddr == nil { return true } l := conn.LocalAddr() if l == nil { // already closed return false } host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(l.String()) if host != laddr.String() { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": remoteAddr, "Configured addr": laddr.String(), "Addr": host, }).Info("Mismatched local address") return false } return true }(peer.conf.Transport.TransportConfig.LocalAddress) if localAddrValid == false { conn.Close() continue } log.Debug("accepted a new passive connection from ", remoteAddr) peer.PassConn(conn) } else { log.Info("can't find configuration for a new passive connection from ", remoteAddr) conn.Close() } case config := <-server.addedPeerCh: addr := config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() _, found := server.neighborMap[addr] if found { log.Warn("Can't overwrite the exising peer ", addr) continue } SetTcpMD5SigSockopts(listener(config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress), addr, config.NeighborConfig.AuthPassword) peer := NewPeer(g, config) name := config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() if config.RouteServer.RouteServerConfig.RouteServerClient { loc := NewLocalRib(name, peer.configuredRFlist(), make(map[string]*policy.Policy)) server.addLocalRib(loc) loc.setPolicy(peer, server.policyMap) // set in policy peer.setPolicy(server.policyMap) pathList := make([]*table.Path, 0) for _, p := range server.neighborMap { if p.isRouteServerClient() == false { continue } for _, rf := range peer.configuredRFlist() { pathList = append(pathList, p.adjRib.GetInPathList(rf)...) } } pathList = applyPolicies(peer, loc, POLICY_DIRECTION_IMPORT, pathList) if len(pathList) > 0 { loc.rib.ProcessPaths(pathList) } } server.neighborMap[name] = peer peer.outgoing = make(chan *bgp.BGPMessage, 128) peer.startFSMHandler(incoming) server.broadcastPeerState(peer) case config := <-server.deletedPeerCh: addr := config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() SetTcpMD5SigSockopts(listener(config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress), addr, "") peer, found := server.neighborMap[addr] if found { log.Info("Delete a peer configuration for ", addr) go func(addr string) { t := time.AfterFunc(time.Minute*5, func() { log.Fatal("failed to free the fsm.h.t for ", addr) }) peer.fsm.h.t.Kill(nil) peer.fsm.h.t.Wait() t.Stop() t = time.AfterFunc(time.Minute*5, func() { log.Fatal("failed to free the fsm.h for ", addr) }) peer.fsm.t.Kill(nil) peer.fsm.t.Wait() t.Stop() }(addr) m := server.dropPeerAllRoutes(peer) if len(m) > 0 { senderMsgs = append(senderMsgs, m...) } delete(server.neighborMap, addr) if peer.isRouteServerClient() { delete(server.localRibMap, addr) } } else { log.Info("Can't delete a peer configuration for ", addr) } case config := <-server.updatedPeerCh: addr := config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() peer := server.neighborMap[addr] if peer.isRouteServerClient() { peer.conf.ApplyPolicy = config.ApplyPolicy loc := server.localRibMap[addr] loc.setPolicy(peer, server.policyMap) peer.setPolicy(server.policyMap) } case e := <-incoming: peer, found := server.neighborMap[e.MsgSrc] if !found { log.Warn("Can't find the neighbor ", e.MsgSrc) break } m := server.handleFSMMessage(peer, e, incoming) if len(m) > 0 { senderMsgs = append(senderMsgs, m...) } case sCh <- firstMsg: senderMsgs = senderMsgs[1:] case bCh <- firstBroadcastMsg: server.broadcastMsgs = server.broadcastMsgs[1:] case grpcReq := <-server.GrpcReqCh: m := server.handleGrpc(grpcReq) if len(m) > 0 { senderMsgs = append(senderMsgs, m...) } case pl := <-server.policyUpdateCh: server.handlePolicy(pl) } } } func dropSameAsPath(asnum uint32, p []*table.Path) []*table.Path { pathList := []*table.Path{} for _, path := range p { asList := path.GetAsList() send := true for _, as := range asList { if as == asnum { send = false break } } if send { pathList = append(pathList, path) } } return pathList } func newSenderMsg(peer *Peer, messages []*bgp.BGPMessage) *SenderMsg { _, y := peer.capMap[bgp.BGP_CAP_FOUR_OCTET_AS_NUMBER] return &SenderMsg{ messages: messages, sendCh: peer.outgoing, destination: peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String(), twoBytesAs: y, } } func filterpath(peer *Peer, pathList []*table.Path) []*table.Path { filtered := make([]*table.Path, 0) for _, path := range pathList { if _, ok := peer.rfMap[path.GetRouteFamily()]; !ok { continue } //iBGP handling if !path.IsLocal() && peer.isIBGPPeer() { ignore := true info := path.GetSource() //if the path comes from eBGP peer if info.AS != peer.conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs { ignore = false } // RFC4456 8. Avoiding Routing Information Loops // A router that recognizes the ORIGINATOR_ID attribute SHOULD // ignore a route received with its BGP Identifier as the ORIGINATOR_ID. if id := path.GetOriginatorID(); peer.gConf.GlobalConfig.RouterId.Equal(id) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "OriginatorID": id, "Data": path, }).Debug("Originator ID is mine, ignore") continue } if info.RouteReflectorClient { ignore = false } if peer.isRouteReflectorClient() { // RFC4456 8. Avoiding Routing Information Loops // If the local CLUSTER_ID is found in the CLUSTER_LIST, // the advertisement received SHOULD be ignored. for _, clusterId := range path.GetClusterList() { if clusterId.Equal(peer.peerInfo.RouteReflectorClusterID) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "ClusterID": clusterId, "Data": path, }).Debug("cluster list path attribute has local cluster id, ignore") continue } } ignore = false } if ignore { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": path, }).Debug("From same AS, ignore.") continue } } if peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.Equal(path.GetSource().Address) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": path, }).Debug("From me, ignore.") continue } if peer.conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs == path.GetSourceAs() { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": path, }).Debug("AS PATH loop, ignore.") continue } filtered = append(filtered, path.Clone(path.IsWithdraw)) } return filtered } func (server *BgpServer) dropPeerAllRoutes(peer *Peer) []*SenderMsg { msgs := make([]*SenderMsg, 0) for _, rf := range peer.configuredRFlist() { if peer.isRouteServerClient() { for _, loc := range server.localRibMap { targetPeer := server.neighborMap[loc.OwnerName()] if loc.isGlobal() || loc.OwnerName() == peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() { continue } pathList, _ := loc.rib.DeletePathsforPeer(peer.peerInfo, rf) pathList = dropSameAsPath(targetPeer.conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs, pathList) if targetPeer.fsm.state != bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED || len(pathList) == 0 { continue } msgList := table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(pathList) msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(targetPeer, msgList)) targetPeer.adjRib.UpdateOut(pathList) } } else { loc := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME] pathList, _ := loc.rib.DeletePathsforPeer(peer.peerInfo, rf) if len(pathList) == 0 { continue } server.broadcastBests(pathList) msgList := table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(pathList) for _, targetPeer := range server.neighborMap { if targetPeer.isRouteServerClient() || targetPeer.fsm.state != bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { continue } targetPeer.adjRib.UpdateOut(pathList) msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(targetPeer, msgList)) } } } return msgs } func applyPolicies(peer *Peer, loc *LocalRib, d Direction, pathList []*table.Path) []*table.Path { var defaultPolicy config.DefaultPolicyType ret := make([]*table.Path, 0, len(pathList)) switch d { case POLICY_DIRECTION_EXPORT: defaultPolicy = loc.defaultExportPolicy case POLICY_DIRECTION_IMPORT: defaultPolicy = loc.defaultImportPolicy case POLICY_DIRECTION_IN: defaultPolicy = peer.defaultInPolicy default: log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Server", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, }).Error("direction is not specified.") return ret } for _, path := range pathList { if !path.IsWithdraw { var applied bool = false switch d { case POLICY_DIRECTION_IN: applied, path = peer.applyPolicies(d, path) case POLICY_DIRECTION_IMPORT, POLICY_DIRECTION_EXPORT: applied, path = loc.applyPolicies(d, path) } if applied { if path == nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": path, }).Debug("Policy applied and rejected.") continue } } else if defaultPolicy != config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": path, }).Debug("Default policy applied and rejected.") continue } } // FIXME: probably we already clone. ret = append(ret, path.Clone(path.IsWithdraw)) } return ret } func (server *BgpServer) broadcastBests(bests []*table.Path) { for _, path := range bests { if !path.IsFromZebra { z := newBroadcastZapiBestMsg(server.zclient, path) if z != nil { server.broadcastMsgs = append(server.broadcastMsgs, z) log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Server", "Client": z.client, "Message": z.msg, }).Debug("Default policy applied and rejected.") } } result := &GrpcResponse{ Data: &api.Destination{ Prefix: path.GetNlri().String(), Paths: []*api.Path{path.ToApiStruct()}, }, } remainReqs := make([]*GrpcRequest, 0, len(server.broadcastReqs)) for _, req := range server.broadcastReqs { select { case <-req.EndCh: continue default: } if req.RequestType != REQ_MONITOR_GLOBAL_BEST_CHANGED { remainReqs = append(remainReqs, req) continue } m := &broadcastGrpcMsg{ req: req, result: result, } server.broadcastMsgs = append(server.broadcastMsgs, m) remainReqs = append(remainReqs, req) } server.broadcastReqs = remainReqs } } func (server *BgpServer) broadcastPeerState(peer *Peer) { result := &GrpcResponse{ Data: peer.ToApiStruct(), } remainReqs := make([]*GrpcRequest, 0, len(server.broadcastReqs)) for _, req := range server.broadcastReqs { select { case <-req.EndCh: continue default: } ignore := req.RequestType != REQ_MONITOR_NEIGHBOR_PEER_STATE ignore = ignore || (req.Name != "" && req.Name != peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String()) if ignore { remainReqs = append(remainReqs, req) continue } m := &broadcastGrpcMsg{ req: req, result: result, } server.broadcastMsgs = append(server.broadcastMsgs, m) remainReqs = append(remainReqs, req) } server.broadcastReqs = remainReqs } func (server *BgpServer) propagateUpdate(peer *Peer, pathList []*table.Path) []*SenderMsg { msgs := make([]*SenderMsg, 0) if peer != nil && peer.isRouteServerClient() { newPathList := applyPolicies(peer, nil, POLICY_DIRECTION_IN, pathList) for _, loc := range server.localRibMap { targetPeer := server.neighborMap[loc.OwnerName()] neighborAddress := peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() if loc.isGlobal() || loc.OwnerName() == neighborAddress { continue } sendPathList, _ := loc.rib.ProcessPaths(applyPolicies(targetPeer, loc, POLICY_DIRECTION_IMPORT, dropSameAsPath(targetPeer.conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs, filterpath(targetPeer, newPathList)))) if targetPeer.fsm.state != bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED || len(sendPathList) == 0 { continue } sendPathList = applyPolicies(targetPeer, loc, POLICY_DIRECTION_EXPORT, sendPathList) if len(sendPathList) == 0 { continue } msgList := table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(sendPathList) targetPeer.adjRib.UpdateOut(sendPathList) msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(targetPeer, msgList)) } } else { globalLoc := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME] sendPathList, _ := globalLoc.rib.ProcessPaths(pathList) if len(sendPathList) == 0 { return msgs } server.broadcastBests(sendPathList) for _, targetPeer := range server.neighborMap { if targetPeer.isRouteServerClient() || targetPeer.fsm.state != bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { continue } f := filterpath(targetPeer, sendPathList) if len(f) == 0 { continue } for _, path := range f { path.UpdatePathAttrs(&server.bgpConfig.Global, &targetPeer.conf) } targetPeer.adjRib.UpdateOut(f) msgList := table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(f) msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(targetPeer, msgList)) } } return msgs } func (server *BgpServer) handleFSMMessage(peer *Peer, e *fsmMsg, incoming chan *fsmMsg) []*SenderMsg { msgs := make([]*SenderMsg, 0) switch e.MsgType { case FSM_MSG_STATE_CHANGE: nextState := e.MsgData.(bgp.FSMState) oldState := bgp.FSMState(peer.conf.NeighborState.SessionState) peer.conf.NeighborState.SessionState = uint32(nextState) peer.fsm.StateChange(nextState) globalRib := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME] if oldState == bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { t := time.Now() if t.Sub(time.Unix(peer.conf.Timers.TimersState.Uptime, 0)) < FLOP_THRESHOLD { peer.conf.NeighborState.Flops++ } for _, rf := range peer.configuredRFlist() { peer.adjRib.DropAll(rf) } msgs = append(msgs, server.dropPeerAllRoutes(peer)...) } close(peer.outgoing) peer.outgoing = make(chan *bgp.BGPMessage, 128) if nextState == bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { pathList := make([]*table.Path, 0) if peer.isRouteServerClient() { loc := server.localRibMap[peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String()] pathList = applyPolicies(peer, loc, POLICY_DIRECTION_EXPORT, peer.getBests(loc)) } else { peer.conf.Transport.TransportConfig.LocalAddress = peer.fsm.LocalAddr() for _, path := range filterpath(peer, peer.getBests(globalRib)) { p := path.Clone(path.IsWithdraw) p.UpdatePathAttrs(&server.bgpConfig.Global, &peer.conf) pathList = append(pathList, p) } } if len(pathList) > 0 { peer.adjRib.UpdateOut(pathList) msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(peer, table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(pathList))) } } else { peer.conf.Timers.TimersState.Downtime = time.Now().Unix() } // clear counter if peer.fsm.adminState == ADMIN_STATE_DOWN { peer.conf.NeighborState = config.NeighborState{} peer.conf.Timers.TimersState = config.TimersState{} } peer.startFSMHandler(incoming) server.broadcastPeerState(peer) case FSM_MSG_BGP_MESSAGE: switch m := e.MsgData.(type) { case *bgp.MessageError: msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(peer, []*bgp.BGPMessage{bgp.NewBGPNotificationMessage(m.TypeCode, m.SubTypeCode, m.Data)})) case *bgp.BGPMessage: pathList, update, msgList := peer.handleBGPmessage(m) if len(msgList) > 0 { msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(peer, msgList)) break } if update == false { if len(pathList) > 0 { msgList := table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(pathList) msgs = append(msgs, newSenderMsg(peer, msgList)) } break } else { if len(pathList) > 0 { server.roaClient.validate(pathList) } } msgs = append(msgs, server.propagateUpdate(peer, pathList)...) default: log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": e.MsgData, }).Panic("unknown msg type") } } return msgs } func (server *BgpServer) SetGlobalType(g config.Global) { server.globalTypeCh <- g } func (server *BgpServer) SetRpkiConfig(c config.RpkiServers) { server.rpkiConfigCh <- c } func (server *BgpServer) PeerAdd(peer config.Neighbor) { server.addedPeerCh <- peer } func (server *BgpServer) PeerDelete(peer config.Neighbor) { server.deletedPeerCh <- peer } func (server *BgpServer) PeerUpdate(peer config.Neighbor) { server.updatedPeerCh <- peer } func (server *BgpServer) Shutdown() { for _, p := range server.neighborMap { p.fsm.adminStateCh <- ADMIN_STATE_DOWN } } func (server *BgpServer) UpdatePolicy(policy config.RoutingPolicy) { server.policyUpdateCh <- policy } func (server *BgpServer) SetPolicy(pl config.RoutingPolicy) { pMap := make(map[string]*policy.Policy) df := pl.DefinedSets for _, p := range pl.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList { pMap[p.Name] = policy.NewPolicy(p, df) } server.policyMap = pMap server.routingPolicy = pl } func (server *BgpServer) handlePolicy(pl config.RoutingPolicy) { server.SetPolicy(pl) for _, loc := range server.localRibMap { if loc.isGlobal() { continue } targetPeer := server.neighborMap[loc.OwnerName()] log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": targetPeer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, }).Info("call set policy") loc.setPolicy(targetPeer, server.policyMap) // set distribute policy targetPeer.setPolicy(server.policyMap) } } func (server *BgpServer) checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) (*Peer, error) { remoteAddr := grpcReq.Name peer, found := server.neighborMap[remoteAddr] if !found { result := &GrpcResponse{} result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Neighbor that has %v doesn't exist.", remoteAddr) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return nil, result.ResponseErr } return peer, nil } // EVPN MAC MOBILITY HANDLING // // We don't have multihoming function now, so ignore // ESI comparison. // // RFC7432 15. MAC Mobility // // A PE detecting a locally attached MAC address for which it had // previously received a MAC/IP Advertisement route with the same zero // Ethernet segment identifier (single-homed scenarios) advertises it // with a MAC Mobility extended community attribute with the sequence // number set properly. In the case of single-homed scenarios, there // is no need for ESI comparison. func getMacMobilityExtendedCommunity(etag uint32, mac net.HardwareAddr, evpnPaths []*table.Path) *bgp.MacMobilityExtended { seqs := make([]struct { seq int isLocal bool }, 0) for _, path := range evpnPaths { nlri := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.EVPNNLRI) target, ok := nlri.RouteTypeData.(*bgp.EVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute) if !ok { continue } if target.ETag == etag && bytes.Equal(target.MacAddress, mac) { found := false for _, ec := range path.GetExtCommunities() { if t, st := ec.GetTypes(); t == bgp.EC_TYPE_EVPN && st == bgp.EC_SUBTYPE_MAC_MOBILITY { seqs = append(seqs, struct { seq int isLocal bool }{int(ec.(*bgp.MacMobilityExtended).Sequence), path.IsLocal()}) found = true break } } if !found { seqs = append(seqs, struct { seq int isLocal bool }{-1, path.IsLocal()}) } } } if len(seqs) > 0 { newSeq := -2 var isLocal bool for _, seq := range seqs { if seq.seq > newSeq { newSeq = seq.seq isLocal = seq.isLocal } } if !isLocal { newSeq += 1 } if newSeq != -1 { return &bgp.MacMobilityExtended{ Sequence: uint32(newSeq), } } } return nil } func (server *BgpServer) handleModPathRequest(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) []*table.Path { var nlri bgp.AddrPrefixInterface result := &GrpcResponse{} pattr := make([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, 0) extcomms := make([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, 0) var nexthop string var rf bgp.RouteFamily var path *api.Path seen := make(map[bgp.BGPAttrType]bool) var pi *table.PeerInfo arg, ok := grpcReq.Data.(*api.ModPathArguments) if !ok { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("type assertion failed") goto ERR } if arg.Asn != 0 { pi = &table.PeerInfo{ AS: arg.Asn, LocalID: net.ParseIP(arg.Id), } } else { pi = &table.PeerInfo{ AS: server.bgpConfig.Global.GlobalConfig.As, LocalID: server.bgpConfig.Global.GlobalConfig.RouterId, } } path = arg.Path if len(path.Nlri) > 0 { nlri = &bgp.NLRInfo{} err := nlri.DecodeFromBytes(path.Nlri) if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = err goto ERR } } for _, attr := range path.Pattrs { p, err := bgp.GetPathAttribute(attr) if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = err goto ERR } err = p.DecodeFromBytes(attr) if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = err goto ERR } if _, ok := seen[p.GetType()]; !ok { seen[p.GetType()] = true } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("the path attribute apears twice. Type : " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.GetType()))) goto ERR } switch p.GetType() { case bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_NEXT_HOP: nexthop = p.(*bgp.PathAttributeNextHop).Value.String() case bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_EXTENDED_COMMUNITIES: value := p.(*bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities).Value if len(value) > 0 { extcomms = append(extcomms, value...) } case bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MP_REACH_NLRI: mpreach := p.(*bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI) if len(mpreach.Value) != 1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("include only one route in mp_reach_nlri") goto ERR } nlri = mpreach.Value[0] nexthop = mpreach.Nexthop.String() default: pattr = append(pattr, p) } } if nlri == nil || nexthop == "" { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("not found nlri or nexthop") goto ERR } rf = bgp.AfiSafiToRouteFamily(nlri.AFI(), nlri.SAFI()) if arg.Resource == api.Resource_VRF { vrfs := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib.Vrfs if _, ok := vrfs[arg.Name]; !ok { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("vrf %s not found", arg.Name) goto ERR } vrf := vrfs[arg.Name] switch rf { case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC: n := nlri.(*bgp.NLRInfo) nlri = bgp.NewLabeledVPNIPAddrPrefix(n.Length, n.Prefix.String(), *bgp.NewMPLSLabelStack(), vrf.Rd) case bgp.RF_IPv6_UC: n := nlri.(*bgp.IPv6AddrPrefix) nlri = bgp.NewLabeledVPNIPv6AddrPrefix(n.Length, n.Prefix.String(), *bgp.NewMPLSLabelStack(), vrf.Rd) case bgp.RF_EVPN: n := nlri.(*bgp.EVPNNLRI) switch n.RouteType { case bgp.EVPN_ROUTE_TYPE_MAC_IP_ADVERTISEMENT: n.RouteTypeData.(*bgp.EVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute).RD = vrf.Rd case bgp.EVPN_INCLUSIVE_MULTICAST_ETHERNET_TAG: n.RouteTypeData.(*bgp.EVPNMulticastEthernetTagRoute).RD = vrf.Rd } default: result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("unsupported route family for vrf: %s", rf) goto ERR } extcomms = append(extcomms, vrf.ExportRt...) } if arg.Resource != api.Resource_VRF && rf == bgp.RF_IPv4_UC { pattr = append(pattr, bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop(nexthop)) } else { pattr = append(pattr, bgp.NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI(nexthop, []bgp.AddrPrefixInterface{nlri})) } if rf == bgp.RF_EVPN { evpnNlri := nlri.(*bgp.EVPNNLRI) if evpnNlri.RouteType == bgp.EVPN_ROUTE_TYPE_MAC_IP_ADVERTISEMENT { macIpAdv := evpnNlri.RouteTypeData.(*bgp.EVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute) etag := macIpAdv.ETag mac := macIpAdv.MacAddress paths := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib.GetBestPathList(bgp.RF_EVPN) if m := getMacMobilityExtendedCommunity(etag, mac, paths); m != nil { extcomms = append(extcomms, m) } } } if len(extcomms) > 0 { pattr = append(pattr, bgp.NewPathAttributeExtendedCommunities(extcomms)) } return []*table.Path{table.NewPath(pi, nlri, path.IsWithdraw, pattr, false, time.Now(), path.NoImplicitWithdraw)} ERR: grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return []*table.Path{} } func (server *BgpServer) handleVrfMod(arg *api.ModVrfArguments) ([]*table.Path, error) { manager := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib var msgs []*table.Path switch arg.Operation { case api.Operation_ADD: rd := bgp.GetRouteDistinguisher(arg.Vrf.Rd) f := func(bufs [][]byte) ([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error) { ret := make([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, 0, len(bufs)) for _, rt := range bufs { r, err := bgp.ParseExtended(rt) if err != nil { return nil, err } ret = append(ret, r) } return ret, nil } importRt, err := f(arg.Vrf.ImportRt) if err != nil { return nil, err } exportRt, err := f(arg.Vrf.ImportRt) if err != nil { return nil, err } pi := &table.PeerInfo{ AS: server.bgpConfig.Global.GlobalConfig.As, LocalID: server.bgpConfig.Global.GlobalConfig.RouterId, } msgs, err = manager.AddVrf(arg.Vrf.Name, rd, importRt, exportRt, pi) if err != nil { return nil, err } case api.Operation_DEL: var err error msgs, err = manager.DeleteVrf(arg.Vrf.Name) if err != nil { return nil, err } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown operation:", arg.Operation) } return msgs, nil } func (server *BgpServer) handleVrfRequest(req *GrpcRequest) []*table.Path { var msgs []*table.Path result := &GrpcResponse{} switch req.RequestType { case REQ_VRF: name := req.Name rib := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib vrfs := rib.Vrfs if _, ok := vrfs[name]; !ok { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("vrf %s not found", name) break } var rf bgp.RouteFamily switch req.RouteFamily { case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC: rf = bgp.RF_IPv4_VPN case bgp.RF_IPv6_UC: rf = bgp.RF_IPv6_VPN case bgp.RF_EVPN: rf = bgp.RF_EVPN default: result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("unsupported route family: %s", req.RouteFamily) break } for _, path := range rib.GetPathList(rf) { ok := policy.CanImportToVrf(vrfs[name], path) if !ok { continue } req.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{ Data: &api.Destination{ Prefix: path.GetNlri().String(), Paths: []*api.Path{path.ToApiStruct()}, }, } } goto END case REQ_VRFS: vrfs := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib.Vrfs for _, vrf := range vrfs { req.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{ Data: vrf.ToApiStruct(), } } goto END case REQ_VRF_MOD: arg := req.Data.(*api.ModVrfArguments) msgs, result.ResponseErr = server.handleVrfMod(arg) default: result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("unknown request type:", req.RequestType) } req.ResponseCh <- result END: close(req.ResponseCh) return msgs } func sendMultipleResponses(grpcReq *GrpcRequest, results []*GrpcResponse) { defer close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) for _, r := range results { select { case grpcReq.ResponseCh <- r: case <-grpcReq.EndCh: return } } } func (server *BgpServer) handleGrpc(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) []*SenderMsg { var msgs []*SenderMsg sortedDsts := func(t *table.Table) []*GrpcResponse { results := make([]*GrpcResponse, len(t.GetDestinations())) r := radix.New() for _, dst := range t.GetDestinations() { result := &GrpcResponse{} result.Data = dst.ToApiStruct() r.Insert(dst.RadixKey, result) } i := 0 r.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool { r, _ := v.(*GrpcResponse) results[i] = r i++ return false }) return results } switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_GLOBAL_RIB: var results []*GrpcResponse if t, ok := server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib.Tables[grpcReq.RouteFamily]; ok { results = make([]*GrpcResponse, len(t.GetDestinations())) switch grpcReq.RouteFamily { case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC, bgp.RF_IPv6_UC: results = sortedDsts(server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib.Tables[grpcReq.RouteFamily]) default: i := 0 for _, dst := range t.GetDestinations() { result := &GrpcResponse{} result.Data = dst.ToApiStruct() results[i] = result i++ } } } go sendMultipleResponses(grpcReq, results) case REQ_MOD_PATH: pathList := server.handleModPathRequest(grpcReq) if len(pathList) > 0 { msgs = server.propagateUpdate(nil, pathList) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{} close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } case REQ_NEIGHBORS: results := make([]*GrpcResponse, len(server.neighborMap)) i := 0 for _, peer := range server.neighborMap { result := &GrpcResponse{ Data: peer.ToApiStruct(), } results[i] = result i++ } go sendMultipleResponses(grpcReq, results) case REQ_NEIGHBOR: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } result := &GrpcResponse{ Data: peer.ToApiStruct(), } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_LOCAL_RIB: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } var results []*GrpcResponse if peer.isRouteServerClient() && peer.fsm.adminState != ADMIN_STATE_DOWN { remoteAddr := grpcReq.Name if t, ok := server.localRibMap[remoteAddr].rib.Tables[grpcReq.RouteFamily]; ok { results = make([]*GrpcResponse, len(t.GetDestinations())) switch grpcReq.RouteFamily { case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC, bgp.RF_IPv6_UC: results = sortedDsts(server.localRibMap[remoteAddr].rib.Tables[grpcReq.RouteFamily]) default: i := 0 for _, dst := range t.GetDestinations() { result := &GrpcResponse{} result.Data = dst.ToApiStruct() results[i] = result i++ } } } } go sendMultipleResponses(grpcReq, results) case REQ_ADJ_RIB_IN, REQ_ADJ_RIB_OUT: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } rf := grpcReq.RouteFamily var paths []*table.Path if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_ADJ_RIB_IN { paths = peer.adjRib.GetInPathList(rf) log.Debugf("RouteFamily=%v adj-rib-in found : %d", rf.String(), len(paths)) } else { paths = peer.adjRib.GetOutPathList(rf) log.Debugf("RouteFamily=%v adj-rib-out found : %d", rf.String(), len(paths)) } toResult := func(p *table.Path) *GrpcResponse { return &GrpcResponse{ Data: &api.Destination{ Prefix: p.GetNlri().String(), Paths: []*api.Path{p.ToApiStruct()}, }, } } results := make([]*GrpcResponse, len(paths)) switch rf { case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC, bgp.RF_IPv6_UC: r := radix.New() for _, p := range paths { r.Insert(table.CidrToRadixkey(p.GetNlri().String()), toResult(p)) } i := 0 r.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool { r, _ := v.(*GrpcResponse) results[i] = r i++ return false }) default: for i, p := range paths { results[i] = toResult(p) } } go sendMultipleResponses(grpcReq, results) case REQ_NEIGHBOR_SHUTDOWN: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } m := bgp.NewBGPNotificationMessage(bgp.BGP_ERROR_CEASE, bgp.BGP_ERROR_SUB_ADMINISTRATIVE_SHUTDOWN, nil) msgs = []*SenderMsg{newSenderMsg(peer, []*bgp.BGPMessage{m})} grpcReq.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{} close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_NEIGHBOR_RESET: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } peer.fsm.idleHoldTime = peer.conf.Timers.TimersConfig.IdleHoldTimeAfterReset m := bgp.NewBGPNotificationMessage(bgp.BGP_ERROR_CEASE, bgp.BGP_ERROR_SUB_ADMINISTRATIVE_RESET, nil) msgs = []*SenderMsg{newSenderMsg(peer, []*bgp.BGPMessage{m})} grpcReq.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{} close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_NEIGHBOR_SOFT_RESET, REQ_NEIGHBOR_SOFT_RESET_IN: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } pathList := peer.adjRib.GetInPathList(grpcReq.RouteFamily) msgs = server.propagateUpdate(peer, pathList) if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_SOFT_RESET_IN { grpcReq.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{} close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) break } fallthrough case REQ_NEIGHBOR_SOFT_RESET_OUT: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } pathList := peer.adjRib.GetOutPathList(grpcReq.RouteFamily) msgList := table.CreateUpdateMsgFromPaths(pathList) msgs = []*SenderMsg{newSenderMsg(peer, msgList)} grpcReq.ResponseCh <- &GrpcResponse{} close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_NEIGHBOR_ENABLE, REQ_NEIGHBOR_DISABLE: peer, err1 := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err1 != nil { break } var err api.Error result := &GrpcResponse{} if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_ENABLE { select { case peer.fsm.adminStateCh <- ADMIN_STATE_UP: log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, }).Debug("ADMIN_STATE_UP requested") err.Code = api.Error_SUCCESS err.Msg = "ADMIN_STATE_UP" default: log.Warning("previous request is still remaining. : ", peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress) err.Code = api.Error_FAIL err.Msg = "previous request is still remaining" } } else { select { case peer.fsm.adminStateCh <- ADMIN_STATE_DOWN: log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, }).Debug("ADMIN_STATE_DOWN requested") err.Code = api.Error_SUCCESS err.Msg = "ADMIN_STATE_DOWN" default: log.Warning("previous request is still remaining. : ", peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress) err.Code = api.Error_FAIL err.Msg = "previous request is still remaining" } } result.Data = err grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } loc := server.localRibMap[peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String()] if loc == nil { result := &GrpcResponse{ ResponseErr: fmt.Errorf("no local rib for %s", peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String()), } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) break } extract := func(policyNames []string) []*api.PolicyDefinition { pdList := server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList df := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets extracted := []*api.PolicyDefinition{} for _, policyName := range policyNames { match := false for _, pd := range pdList { if policyName == pd.Name { match = true extracted = append(extracted, policy.PolicyDefinitionToApiStruct(pd, df)) break } } if !match { extracted = append(extracted, &api.PolicyDefinition{PolicyDefinitionName: policyName}) } } return extracted } // Add importpolies that has been set in the configuration file to the list. // However, peer haven't target importpolicy when add PolicyDefinition of name only to the list. conImportPolicyNames := peer.conf.ApplyPolicy.ApplyPolicyConfig.ImportPolicy resImportPolicies := extract(conImportPolicyNames) // Add importpolies that has been set in the configuration file to the list. // However, peer haven't target importpolicy when add PolicyDefinition of name only to the list. conExportPolicyNames := peer.conf.ApplyPolicy.ApplyPolicyConfig.ExportPolicy resExportPolicies := extract(conExportPolicyNames) inPolicyNames := peer.conf.ApplyPolicy.ApplyPolicyConfig.InPolicy resInPolicies := extract(inPolicyNames) defaultImportPolicy := policy.ROUTE_REJECT defaultExportPolicy := policy.ROUTE_REJECT defaultInPolicy := policy.ROUTE_REJECT if loc.defaultImportPolicy == config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE { defaultImportPolicy = policy.ROUTE_ACCEPT } if loc.defaultExportPolicy == config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE { defaultExportPolicy = policy.ROUTE_ACCEPT } if peer.defaultInPolicy == config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE { defaultInPolicy = policy.ROUTE_ACCEPT } result := &GrpcResponse{ Data: &api.ApplyPolicy{ DefaultImportPolicy: defaultImportPolicy, ImportPolicies: resImportPolicies, DefaultExportPolicy: defaultExportPolicy, ExportPolicies: resExportPolicies, DefaultInPolicy: defaultInPolicy, InPolicies: resInPolicies, }, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_IMPORT, REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_EXPORT, REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_IN, REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_IMPORT, REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_EXPORT, REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_IN: peer, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { break } result := &GrpcResponse{} reqApplyPolicy := grpcReq.Data.(*api.ApplyPolicy) reqPolicyMap := server.policyMap applyPolicy := &peer.conf.ApplyPolicy.ApplyPolicyConfig var defInPolicy, defOutPolicy, defDistPolicy config.DefaultPolicyType if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_IMPORT { if reqApplyPolicy.DefaultImportPolicy != policy.ROUTE_ACCEPT { defInPolicy = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_REJECT_ROUTE } applyPolicy.DefaultImportPolicy = defInPolicy applyPolicy.ImportPolicy = policy.PoliciesToString(reqApplyPolicy.ImportPolicies) } else if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_EXPORT { if reqApplyPolicy.DefaultExportPolicy != policy.ROUTE_ACCEPT { defOutPolicy = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_REJECT_ROUTE } applyPolicy.DefaultExportPolicy = defOutPolicy applyPolicy.ExportPolicy = policy.PoliciesToString(reqApplyPolicy.ExportPolicies) } else if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_IN { if reqApplyPolicy.DefaultInPolicy != policy.ROUTE_ACCEPT { defDistPolicy = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_REJECT_ROUTE } applyPolicy.DefaultInPolicy = defDistPolicy applyPolicy.InPolicy = policy.PoliciesToString(reqApplyPolicy.InPolicies) } else if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_IMPORT { applyPolicy.DefaultImportPolicy = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE applyPolicy.ImportPolicy = make([]string, 0) } else if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_EXPORT { applyPolicy.DefaultExportPolicy = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE applyPolicy.ExportPolicy = make([]string, 0) } else if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_IN { applyPolicy.DefaultInPolicy = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE applyPolicy.InPolicy = make([]string, 0) } if grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_ADD_IN || grpcReq.RequestType == REQ_NEIGHBOR_POLICY_DEL_IN { peer.setPolicy(reqPolicyMap) } else { loc, ok := server.localRibMap[peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String()] if ok { loc.setPolicy(peer, reqPolicyMap) } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("no local rib for %s", peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String()) } } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) case REQ_POLICY_PREFIXES, REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBORS, REQ_POLICY_ASPATHS, REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITIES, REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITIES, REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICIES: server.handleGrpcShowPolicies(grpcReq) case REQ_POLICY_PREFIX, REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBOR, REQ_POLICY_ASPATH, REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITY, REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITY, REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICY: server.handleGrpcShowPolicy(grpcReq) case REQ_POLICY_PREFIX_ADD, REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBOR_ADD, REQ_POLICY_ASPATH_ADD, REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITY_ADD, REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITY_ADD, REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICY_ADD: server.handleGrpcAddPolicy(grpcReq) case REQ_POLICY_PREFIX_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBOR_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_ASPATH_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITY_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITY_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICY_DELETE: server.handleGrpcDelPolicy(grpcReq) case REQ_POLICY_PREFIXES_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBORS_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_ASPATHS_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITIES_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITIES_DELETE, REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICIES_DELETE: server.handleGrpcDelPolicies(grpcReq) case REQ_MONITOR_GLOBAL_BEST_CHANGED, REQ_MONITOR_NEIGHBOR_PEER_STATE: server.broadcastReqs = append(server.broadcastReqs, grpcReq) case REQ_MRT_GLOBAL_RIB, REQ_MRT_LOCAL_RIB: server.handleMrt(grpcReq) case REQ_ROA, REQ_RPKI: server.roaClient.handleGRPC(grpcReq) case REQ_VRF, REQ_VRFS, REQ_VRF_MOD: pathList := server.handleVrfRequest(grpcReq) if len(pathList) > 0 { msgs = server.propagateUpdate(nil, pathList) } default: errmsg := fmt.Errorf("Unknown request type: %v", grpcReq.RequestType) result := &GrpcResponse{ ResponseErr: errmsg, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } return msgs } func (server *BgpServer) handleGrpcShowPolicies(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) { result := &GrpcResponse{} switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_POLICY_PREFIXES: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList if len(info) > 0 { for _, ps := range info { resPrefixSet := policy.PrefixSetToApiStruct(ps) pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchPrefixSet: resPrefixSet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy prefix doesn't exist.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } case REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBORS: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList if len(info) > 0 { for _, ns := range info { resNeighborSet := policy.NeighborSetToApiStruct(ns) pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchNeighborSet: resNeighborSet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy neighbor doesn't exist.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } case REQ_POLICY_ASPATHS: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList if len(info) > 0 { for _, as := range info { resAsPathSet := policy.AsPathSetToApiStruct(as) pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchAsPathSet: resAsPathSet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy aspath doesn't exist.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } case REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITIES: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList if len(info) > 0 { for _, cs := range info { resCommunitySet := policy.CommunitySetToApiStruct(cs) pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchCommunitySet: resCommunitySet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy community doesn't exist.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } case REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITIES: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList if len(info) > 0 { for _, es := range info { resExtcommunitySet := policy.ExtCommunitySetToApiStruct(es) pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchExtCommunitySet: resExtcommunitySet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy extended community doesn't exist.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } case REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICIES: info := server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList df := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets result := &GrpcResponse{} if len(info) > 0 { for _, pd := range info { resPolicyDefinition := policy.PolicyDefinitionToApiStruct(pd, df) result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: resPolicyDefinition, } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Route Policy doesn't exist.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result } } close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } func (server *BgpServer) handleGrpcShowPolicy(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) { name := grpcReq.Data.(string) result := &GrpcResponse{} switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_POLICY_PREFIX: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList resPrefixSet := &api.PrefixSet{} for _, ps := range info { if ps.PrefixSetName == name { resPrefixSet = policy.PrefixSetToApiStruct(ps) break } } if len(resPrefixSet.PrefixList) > 0 { pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchPrefixSet: resPrefixSet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("policy prefix that has %v doesn't exist.", name) } case REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBOR: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList resNeighborSet := &api.NeighborSet{} for _, ns := range info { if ns.NeighborSetName == name { resNeighborSet = policy.NeighborSetToApiStruct(ns) break } } if len(resNeighborSet.NeighborList) > 0 { pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchNeighborSet: resNeighborSet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("policy neighbor that has %v doesn't exist.", name) } case REQ_POLICY_ASPATH: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList resAsPathSet := &api.AsPathSet{} for _, as := range info { if as.AsPathSetName == name { resAsPathSet = policy.AsPathSetToApiStruct(as) break } } if len(resAsPathSet.AsPathMembers) > 0 { pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchAsPathSet: resAsPathSet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("policy aspath that has %v doesn't exist.", name) } case REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITY: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList resCommunitySet := &api.CommunitySet{} for _, cs := range info { if cs.CommunitySetName == name { resCommunitySet = policy.CommunitySetToApiStruct(cs) break } } if len(resCommunitySet.CommunityMembers) > 0 { pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchCommunitySet: resCommunitySet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("policy community that has %v doesn't exist.", name) } case REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITY: info := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList resExtCommunitySet := &api.ExtCommunitySet{} for _, es := range info { if es.ExtCommunitySetName == name { resExtCommunitySet = policy.ExtCommunitySetToApiStruct(es) break } } if len(resExtCommunitySet.ExtCommunityMembers) > 0 { pd := &api.PolicyDefinition{} pd.StatementList = []*api.Statement{{Conditions: &api.Conditions{MatchExtCommunitySet: resExtCommunitySet}}} result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: pd, } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("policy extended community that has %v doesn't exist.", name) } case REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICY: info := server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList df := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets resPolicyDefinition := &api.PolicyDefinition{} for _, pd := range info { if pd.Name == name { resPolicyDefinition = policy.PolicyDefinitionToApiStruct(pd, df) break } } if len(resPolicyDefinition.StatementList) > 0 { result = &GrpcResponse{ Data: resPolicyDefinition, } } else { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Route Policy that has %v doesn't exist.", name) } } grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } func (server *BgpServer) handleGrpcAddPolicy(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) { result := &GrpcResponse{} switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_POLICY_PREFIX_ADD: reqPrefixSet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchPrefixSet conPrefixSetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList isReqPrefixSet, prefixSet := policy.PrefixSetToConfigStruct(reqPrefixSet) if !isReqPrefixSet { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("doesn't reqest of policy prefix.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } // If the same PrefixSet is not set, add PrefixSet of request to the end. // If only name of the PrefixSet is same, overwrite with PrefixSet of request idxPrefixSet, idxPrefix := policy.IndexOfPrefixSet(conPrefixSetList, prefixSet) if idxPrefixSet == -1 { conPrefixSetList = append(conPrefixSetList, prefixSet) } else { if idxPrefix == -1 { conPrefixSetList[idxPrefixSet].PrefixList = append(conPrefixSetList[idxPrefixSet].PrefixList, prefixSet.PrefixList[0]) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList = conPrefixSetList case REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBOR_ADD: reqNeighborSet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchNeighborSet conNeighborSetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList isReqNeighborSet, neighborSet := policy.NeighborSetToConfigStruct(reqNeighborSet) if !isReqNeighborSet { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("doesn't reqest of policy neighbor.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } // If the same NeighborSet is not set, add NeighborSet of request to the end. // If only name of the NeighborSet is same, overwrite with NeighborSet of request idxNeighborSet, idxNeighbor := policy.IndexOfNeighborSet(conNeighborSetList, neighborSet) if idxNeighborSet == -1 { conNeighborSetList = append(conNeighborSetList, neighborSet) } else { if idxNeighbor == -1 { conNeighborSetList[idxNeighborSet].NeighborInfoList = append(conNeighborSetList[idxNeighborSet].NeighborInfoList, neighborSet.NeighborInfoList[0]) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList = conNeighborSetList case REQ_POLICY_ASPATH_ADD: reqAsPathSet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchAsPathSet conAsPathSetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList isReqAsPathSet, asPathSet := policy.AsPathSetToConfigStruct(reqAsPathSet) if !isReqAsPathSet { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("doesn't reqest of policy aspath.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } // If the same AsPathSet is not set, add AsPathSet of request to the end. // If only name of the AsPathSet is same, overwrite with AsPathSet of request idxAsPathSet, idxAsPath := policy.IndexOfAsPathSet(conAsPathSetList, asPathSet) if idxAsPathSet == -1 { conAsPathSetList = append(conAsPathSetList, asPathSet) } else { if idxAsPath == -1 { conAsPathSetList[idxAsPathSet].AsPathList = append(conAsPathSetList[idxAsPathSet].AsPathList, asPathSet.AsPathList[0]) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList = conAsPathSetList case REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITY_ADD: reqCommunitySet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchCommunitySet conCommunitySetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList isReqCommunitySet, communitySet := policy.CommunitySetToConfigStruct(reqCommunitySet) if !isReqCommunitySet { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("doesn't reqest of policy community.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } // If the same CommunitySet is not set, add CommunitySet of request to the end. // If only name of the CommunitySet is same, overwrite with CommunitySet of request idxCommunitySet, idxCommunity := policy.IndexOfCommunitySet(conCommunitySetList, communitySet) if idxCommunitySet == -1 { conCommunitySetList = append(conCommunitySetList, communitySet) } else { if idxCommunity == -1 { conCommunitySetList[idxCommunitySet].CommunityList = append(conCommunitySetList[idxCommunitySet].CommunityList, communitySet.CommunityList[0]) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList = conCommunitySetList case REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITY_ADD: reqExtCommunitySet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchExtCommunitySet conExtCommunitySetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList isReqExtCommunitySet, extCommunitySet := policy.ExtCommunitySetToConfigStruct(reqExtCommunitySet) if !isReqExtCommunitySet { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("doesn't reqest of policy extended community.") grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } // If the same ExtCommunitySet is not set, add ExtCommunitySet of request to the end. // If only name of the ExtCommunitySet is same, overwrite with ExtCommunitySet of request idxExtCommunitySet, idxExtCommunity := policy.IndexOfExtCommunitySet(conExtCommunitySetList, extCommunitySet) if idxExtCommunitySet == -1 { conExtCommunitySetList = append(conExtCommunitySetList, extCommunitySet) } else { if idxExtCommunity == -1 { conExtCommunitySetList[idxExtCommunitySet].ExtCommunityList = append(conExtCommunitySetList[idxExtCommunitySet].ExtCommunityList, extCommunitySet.ExtCommunityList[0]) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList = conExtCommunitySetList case REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICY_ADD: reqPolicy := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition) reqConditions := reqPolicy.StatementList[0].Conditions reqActions := reqPolicy.StatementList[0].Actions conPolicyList := server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList _, policyDef := policy.PolicyDefinitionToConfigStruct(reqPolicy) idxPolicy, idxStatement := policy.IndexOfPolicyDefinition(conPolicyList, policyDef) if idxPolicy == -1 { conPolicyList = append(conPolicyList, policyDef) } else { statement := policyDef.Statements.StatementList[0] if idxStatement == -1 { conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList = append(conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList, statement) } else { conConditions := &conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList[idxStatement].Conditions conActions := &conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList[idxStatement].Actions if reqConditions.MatchPrefixSet != nil { conConditions.MatchPrefixSet = statement.Conditions.MatchPrefixSet } if reqConditions.MatchNeighborSet != nil { conConditions.MatchNeighborSet = statement.Conditions.MatchNeighborSet } if reqConditions.MatchAsPathSet != nil { conConditions.BgpConditions.MatchAsPathSet = statement.Conditions.BgpConditions.MatchAsPathSet } if reqConditions.MatchCommunitySet != nil { conConditions.BgpConditions.MatchCommunitySet = statement.Conditions.BgpConditions.MatchCommunitySet } if reqConditions.MatchExtCommunitySet != nil { conConditions.BgpConditions.MatchExtCommunitySet = statement.Conditions.BgpConditions.MatchExtCommunitySet } if reqConditions.MatchAsPathLength != nil { conConditions.BgpConditions.AsPathLength = statement.Conditions.BgpConditions.AsPathLength } if reqActions.RouteAction != "" { conActions.RouteDisposition.AcceptRoute = statement.Actions.RouteDisposition.AcceptRoute conActions.RouteDisposition.RejectRoute = statement.Actions.RouteDisposition.RejectRoute } if reqActions.Community != nil { conActions.BgpActions.SetCommunity = statement.Actions.BgpActions.SetCommunity } if reqActions.Med != "" { conActions.BgpActions.SetMed = statement.Actions.BgpActions.SetMed } if reqActions.AsPrepend != nil { conActions.BgpActions.SetAsPathPrepend = statement.Actions.BgpActions.SetAsPathPrepend } } } server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList = conPolicyList } server.handlePolicy(server.routingPolicy) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } func (server *BgpServer) handleGrpcDelPolicy(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) { result := &GrpcResponse{} switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_POLICY_PREFIX_DELETE: reqPrefixSet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchPrefixSet conPrefixSetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList isReqPrefixSet, prefixSet := policy.PrefixSetToConfigStruct(reqPrefixSet) if isReqPrefixSet { // If only name of the PrefixSet is same, delete all of the elements of the PrefixSet. // If the same element PrefixSet, delete the it's element from PrefixSet. idxPrefixSet, idxPrefix := policy.IndexOfPrefixSet(conPrefixSetList, prefixSet) prefix := prefixSet.PrefixList[0] if idxPrefixSet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy prefix that has %v %v %v doesn't exist.", prefixSet.PrefixSetName, prefix.IpPrefix, prefix.MasklengthRange) } else { if idxPrefix == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy prefix that has %v %v %v doesn't exist.", prefixSet.PrefixSetName, prefix.IpPrefix, prefix.MasklengthRange) } else { conPrefixSetList[idxPrefixSet].PrefixList = append(conPrefixSetList[idxPrefixSet].PrefixList[:idxPrefix], conPrefixSetList[idxPrefixSet].PrefixList[idxPrefix+1:]...) } } } else { idxPrefixSet := -1 for i, conPrefixSet := range conPrefixSetList { if conPrefixSet.PrefixSetName == reqPrefixSet.PrefixSetName { idxPrefixSet = i break } } if idxPrefixSet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy prefix that has %v doesn't exist.", prefixSet.PrefixSetName) } else { conPrefixSetList = append(conPrefixSetList[:idxPrefixSet], conPrefixSetList[idxPrefixSet+1:]...) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList = conPrefixSetList case REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBOR_DELETE: reqNeighborSet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchNeighborSet conNeighborSetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList isReqNeighborSet, neighborSet := policy.NeighborSetToConfigStruct(reqNeighborSet) if isReqNeighborSet { // If only name of the NeighborSet is same, delete all of the elements of the NeighborSet. // If the same element NeighborSet, delete the it's element from NeighborSet. idxNeighborSet, idxNeighbor := policy.IndexOfNeighborSet(conNeighborSetList, neighborSet) if idxNeighborSet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy neighbor that has %v %v doesn't exist.", neighborSet.NeighborSetName, neighborSet.NeighborInfoList[0].Address) } else { if idxNeighbor == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy neighbor that has %v %v doesn't exist.", neighborSet.NeighborSetName, neighborSet.NeighborInfoList[0].Address) } else { conNeighborSetList[idxNeighborSet].NeighborInfoList = append(conNeighborSetList[idxNeighborSet].NeighborInfoList[:idxNeighbor], conNeighborSetList[idxNeighborSet].NeighborInfoList[idxNeighbor+1:]...) } } } else { idxNeighborSet := -1 for i, conNeighborSet := range conNeighborSetList { if conNeighborSet.NeighborSetName == reqNeighborSet.NeighborSetName { idxNeighborSet = i break } } if idxNeighborSet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy neighbor %v doesn't exist.", neighborSet.NeighborSetName) } else { conNeighborSetList = append(conNeighborSetList[:idxNeighborSet], conNeighborSetList[idxNeighborSet+1:]...) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList = conNeighborSetList case REQ_POLICY_ASPATH_DELETE: reqAsPathSet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchAsPathSet conAsPathSetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList result := &GrpcResponse{} isReqAsPathSet, asPathSet := policy.AsPathSetToConfigStruct(reqAsPathSet) // If only name of the AsPathSet is same, delete all of the elements of the AsPathSet. // If the same element AsPathSet, delete the it's element from AsPathSet. idxAsPathSet, idxAsPath := policy.IndexOfAsPathSet(conAsPathSetList, asPathSet) if isReqAsPathSet { if idxAsPathSet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy aspath that has %v %v doesn't exist.", asPathSet.AsPathSetName, asPathSet.AsPathList[0].AsPath) } else { if idxAsPath == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy aspath that has %v %v doesn't exist.", asPathSet.AsPathSetName, asPathSet.AsPathList[0].AsPath) } else { conAsPathSetList[idxAsPathSet].AsPathList = append(conAsPathSetList[idxAsPathSet].AsPathList[:idxAsPath], conAsPathSetList[idxAsPathSet].AsPathList[idxAsPath+1:]...) } } } else { if idxAsPathSet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy aspath %v doesn't exist.", asPathSet.AsPathSetName) } else { conAsPathSetList = append(conAsPathSetList[:idxAsPathSet], conAsPathSetList[idxAsPathSet+1:]...) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList = conAsPathSetList case REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITY_DELETE: reqCommunitySet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchCommunitySet conCommunitySetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList isReqCommunitySet, CommunitySet := policy.CommunitySetToConfigStruct(reqCommunitySet) // If only name of the CommunitySet is same, delete all of the elements of the CommunitySet. // If the same element CommunitySet, delete the it's element from CommunitySet. idxCommunitySet, idxCommunity := policy.IndexOfCommunitySet(conCommunitySetList, CommunitySet) if isReqCommunitySet { if idxCommunitySet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy community that has %v %v doesn't exist.", CommunitySet.CommunitySetName, CommunitySet.CommunityList[0].Community) } else { if idxCommunity == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy community that has %v %v doesn't exist.", CommunitySet.CommunitySetName, CommunitySet.CommunityList[0].Community) } else { conCommunitySetList[idxCommunitySet].CommunityList = append(conCommunitySetList[idxCommunitySet].CommunityList[:idxCommunity], conCommunitySetList[idxCommunitySet].CommunityList[idxCommunity+1:]...) } } } else { if idxCommunitySet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy community %v doesn't exist.", CommunitySet.CommunitySetName) } else { conCommunitySetList = append(conCommunitySetList[:idxCommunitySet], conCommunitySetList[idxCommunitySet+1:]...) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList = conCommunitySetList case REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITY_DELETE: reqExtCommunitySet := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition).StatementList[0].Conditions.MatchExtCommunitySet conExtCommunitySetList := server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList isReqExtCommunitySet, ExtCommunitySet := policy.ExtCommunitySetToConfigStruct(reqExtCommunitySet) // If only name of the ExtCommunitySet is same, delete all of the elements of the ExtCommunitySet. // If the same element ExtCommunitySet, delete the it's element from ExtCommunitySet. idxExtCommunitySet, idxExtCommunity := policy.IndexOfExtCommunitySet(conExtCommunitySetList, ExtCommunitySet) if isReqExtCommunitySet { if idxExtCommunitySet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy extended community that has %v %v doesn't exist.", ExtCommunitySet.ExtCommunitySetName, ExtCommunitySet.ExtCommunityList[0].ExtCommunity) } else { if idxExtCommunity == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy extended community that has %v %v doesn't exist.", ExtCommunitySet.ExtCommunitySetName, ExtCommunitySet.ExtCommunityList[0].ExtCommunity) } else { conExtCommunitySetList[idxExtCommunitySet].ExtCommunityList = append(conExtCommunitySetList[idxExtCommunitySet].ExtCommunityList[:idxExtCommunity], conExtCommunitySetList[idxExtCommunitySet].ExtCommunityList[idxExtCommunity+1:]...) } } } else { if idxExtCommunitySet == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy extended community %v doesn't exist.", ExtCommunitySet.ExtCommunitySetName) } else { conExtCommunitySetList = append(conExtCommunitySetList[:idxExtCommunitySet], conExtCommunitySetList[idxExtCommunitySet+1:]...) } } server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList = conExtCommunitySetList case REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICY_DELETE: reqPolicy := grpcReq.Data.(*api.PolicyDefinition) conPolicyList := server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList isStatement, policyDef := policy.PolicyDefinitionToConfigStruct(reqPolicy) idxPolicy, idxStatement := policy.IndexOfPolicyDefinition(conPolicyList, policyDef) if isStatement { if idxPolicy == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy that has %v doesn't exist.", policyDef.Name) } else { if idxStatement == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy Statment that has %v doesn't exist.", policyDef.Statements.StatementList[0].Name) } else { conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList = append(conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList[:idxStatement], conPolicyList[idxPolicy].Statements.StatementList[idxStatement+1:]...) } } } else { idxPolicy := -1 for i, conPolicy := range conPolicyList { if conPolicy.Name == reqPolicy.PolicyDefinitionName { idxPolicy = i break } } if idxPolicy == -1 { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("Policy that has %v doesn't exist.", policyDef.Name) } else { conPolicyList = append(conPolicyList[:idxPolicy], conPolicyList[idxPolicy+1:]...) } } server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList = conPolicyList } server.handlePolicy(server.routingPolicy) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } func (server *BgpServer) handleGrpcDelPolicies(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) { result := &GrpcResponse{} definedSets := &server.routingPolicy.DefinedSets switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_POLICY_PREFIXES_DELETE: definedSets.PrefixSets.PrefixSetList = make([]config.PrefixSet, 0) case REQ_POLICY_NEIGHBORS_DELETE: definedSets.NeighborSets.NeighborSetList = make([]config.NeighborSet, 0) case REQ_POLICY_ASPATHS_DELETE: definedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSets.AsPathSetList = make([]config.AsPathSet, 0) case REQ_POLICY_COMMUNITIES_DELETE: definedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySets.CommunitySetList = make([]config.CommunitySet, 0) case REQ_POLICY_EXTCOMMUNITIES_DELETE: definedSets.BgpDefinedSets.ExtCommunitySets.ExtCommunitySetList = make([]config.ExtCommunitySet, 0) case REQ_POLICY_ROUTEPOLICIES_DELETE: server.routingPolicy.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList = make([]config.PolicyDefinition, 0) } server.handlePolicy(server.routingPolicy) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) } func (server *BgpServer) handleMrt(grpcReq *GrpcRequest) { now := uint32(time.Now().Unix()) view := "" result := &GrpcResponse{} var manager *table.TableManager switch grpcReq.RequestType { case REQ_MRT_GLOBAL_RIB: manager = server.localRibMap[GLOBAL_RIB_NAME].rib case REQ_MRT_LOCAL_RIB: _, err := server.checkNeighborRequest(grpcReq) if err != nil { return } loc, ok := server.localRibMap[grpcReq.Name] if !ok { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("no local rib for %s", grpcReq.Name) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return } manager = loc.rib view = grpcReq.Name } msg, err := server.mkMrtPeerIndexTableMsg(now, view) if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to make new mrt peer index table message: %s", err) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return } data, err := msg.Serialize() if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize table: %s", err) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return } tbl, ok := manager.Tables[grpcReq.RouteFamily] if !ok { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("unsupported route family: %s", grpcReq.RouteFamily) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return } msgs, err := server.mkMrtRibMsgs(tbl, now) if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to make new mrt rib message: %s", err) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return } for _, msg := range msgs { d, err := msg.Serialize() if err != nil { result.ResponseErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize rib msg: %s", err) grpcReq.ResponseCh <- result close(grpcReq.ResponseCh) return } data = append(data, d...) } result.Data = &api.MrtMessage{ Data: data, } select { case <-grpcReq.EndCh: return default: } m := &broadcastGrpcMsg{ req: grpcReq, result: result, } interval := int64(grpcReq.Data.(uint64)) if interval > 0 { go func() { t := time.NewTimer(time.Second * time.Duration(interval)) <-t.C server.GrpcReqCh <- grpcReq }() } else { m.done = true } server.broadcastMsgs = append(server.broadcastMsgs, m) return } func (server *BgpServer) mkMrtPeerIndexTableMsg(t uint32, view string) (*bgp.MRTMessage, error) { peers := make([]*bgp.Peer, 0, len(server.neighborMap)) for _, peer := range server.neighborMap { id := peer.peerInfo.ID.To4().String() ipaddr := peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String() asn := peer.conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs peers = append(peers, bgp.NewPeer(id, ipaddr, asn, true)) } bgpid := server.bgpConfig.Global.GlobalConfig.RouterId.To4().String() table := bgp.NewPeerIndexTable(bgpid, view, peers) return bgp.NewMRTMessage(t, bgp.TABLE_DUMPv2, bgp.PEER_INDEX_TABLE, table) } func (server *BgpServer) mkMrtRibMsgs(tbl *table.Table, t uint32) ([]*bgp.MRTMessage, error) { getPeerIndex := func(info *table.PeerInfo) uint16 { var idx uint16 for _, peer := range server.neighborMap { if peer.peerInfo.Equal(info) { return idx } idx++ } return idx } var subtype bgp.MRTSubTypeTableDumpv2 switch tbl.GetRoutefamily() { case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC: subtype = bgp.RIB_IPV4_UNICAST case bgp.RF_IPv4_MC: subtype = bgp.RIB_IPV4_MULTICAST case bgp.RF_IPv6_UC: subtype = bgp.RIB_IPV6_UNICAST case bgp.RF_IPv6_MC: subtype = bgp.RIB_IPV6_MULTICAST default: subtype = bgp.RIB_GENERIC } var seq uint32 msgs := make([]*bgp.MRTMessage, 0, len(tbl.GetDestinations())) for _, dst := range tbl.GetDestinations() { l := dst.GetKnownPathList() entries := make([]*bgp.RibEntry, 0, len(l)) for _, p := range l { // mrt doesn't assume to dump locally generated routes if p.IsLocal() { continue } idx := getPeerIndex(p.GetSource()) e := bgp.NewRibEntry(idx, uint32(p.GetTimestamp().Unix()), p.GetPathAttrs()) entries = append(entries, e) } // if dst only contains locally generated routes, ignore it if len(entries) == 0 { continue } rib := bgp.NewRib(seq, dst.GetNlri(), entries) seq++ msg, err := bgp.NewMRTMessage(t, bgp.TABLE_DUMPv2, subtype, rib) if err != nil { return nil, err } msgs = append(msgs, msg) } return msgs, nil } func (server *BgpServer) NewZclient(url string) error { l := strings.SplitN(url, ":", 2) if len(l) != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported url: %s", url) } cli, err := zebra.NewClient(l[0], l[1], zebra.ROUTE_BGP) if err != nil { return err } cli.SendHello() cli.SendRouterIDAdd() cli.SendInterfaceAdd() cli.SendRedistribute() server.zclient = cli return nil }