// Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package server import ( "encoding/json" log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/api" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/config" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/packet" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/table" "gopkg.in/tomb.v2" "net" "time" ) type Peer struct { t tomb.Tomb globalConfig config.GlobalType peerConfig config.NeighborType acceptedConnCh chan *net.TCPConn incoming chan *bgp.BGPMessage outgoing chan *bgp.BGPMessage inEventCh chan *message outEventCh chan *message fsm *FSM adjRib *table.AdjRib // peer and rib are always not one-to-one so should not be // here but it's the simplest and works our first target. rib *table.TableManager // for now we support only the same afi as transport rf bgp.RouteFamily } func NewPeer(g config.GlobalType, peer config.NeighborType, outEventCh chan *message) *Peer { p := &Peer{ globalConfig: g, peerConfig: peer, acceptedConnCh: make(chan *net.TCPConn), incoming: make(chan *bgp.BGPMessage, 4096), outgoing: make(chan *bgp.BGPMessage, 4096), inEventCh: make(chan *message, 4096), outEventCh: outEventCh, } p.fsm = NewFSM(&g, &peer, p.acceptedConnCh, p.incoming, p.outgoing) peer.BgpNeighborCommonState.State = uint32(bgp.BGP_FSM_IDLE) if peer.NeighborAddress.To4() != nil { p.rf = bgp.RF_IPv4_UC } else { p.rf = bgp.RF_IPv6_UC } p.adjRib = table.NewAdjRib() p.rib = table.NewTableManager() p.t.Go(p.loop) return p } func (peer *Peer) handleBGPmessage(m *bgp.BGPMessage) { j, _ := json.Marshal(m) log.Debug(string(j)) switch m.Header.Type { case bgp.BGP_MSG_ROUTE_REFRESH: pathList := peer.adjRib.GetOutPathList(peer.rf) peer.sendMessages(peer.path2update(pathList)) case bgp.BGP_MSG_UPDATE: peer.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState.UpdateRecvTime = time.Now() msg := table.NewProcessMessage(m, peer.fsm.peerInfo) pathList := msg.ToPathList() if len(pathList) == 0 { return } peer.adjRib.UpdateIn(pathList) peer.sendToHub("", PEER_MSG_PATH, pathList) } } func (peer *Peer) sendMessages(msgs []*bgp.BGPMessage) { for _, m := range msgs { peer.outgoing <- m } } func path2v4update(path table.Path) *bgp.BGPMessage { if path.IsWithdraw() { draw := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.WithdrawnRoute) return bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage([]bgp.WithdrawnRoute{*draw}, []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{}, []bgp.NLRInfo{}) } else { nlri := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.NLRInfo) pathAttrs := path.GetPathAttrs() return bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage([]bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}, pathAttrs, []bgp.NLRInfo{*nlri}) } } func path2v6update(path table.Path) *bgp.BGPMessage { if path.IsWithdraw() { pathAttrs := path.GetPathAttrs() return bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage([]bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}, pathAttrs, []bgp.NLRInfo{}) } else { pathAttrs := path.GetPathAttrs() return bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage([]bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}, pathAttrs, []bgp.NLRInfo{}) } } func (peer *Peer) path2update(pathList []table.Path) []*bgp.BGPMessage { // TODO: merge multiple messages // TODO: 4bytes and 2bytes conversion. msgs := make([]*bgp.BGPMessage, 0) for _, p := range pathList { if peer.rf != p.GetRouteFamily() { continue } if peer.rf == bgp.RF_IPv4_UC { msgs = append(msgs, path2v4update(p)) } else { msgs = append(msgs, path2v6update(p)) } } return msgs } func (peer *Peer) handleREST(restReq *api.RestRequest) { result := &api.RestResponse{} j, _ := json.Marshal(peer.rib.Tables[peer.rf]) result.Data = j restReq.ResponseCh <- result close(restReq.ResponseCh) } func (peer *Peer) handlePeermessage(m *message) { sendpath := func(pList []table.Path, wList []table.Path) { pathList := append([]table.Path(nil), pList...) for _, p := range wList { pathList = append(pathList, p.Clone(true)) } peer.adjRib.UpdateOut(pathList) peer.sendMessages(peer.path2update(pathList)) } switch m.event { case PEER_MSG_PATH: pList, wList, _ := peer.rib.ProcessPaths(m.data.([]table.Path)) sendpath(pList, wList) case PEER_MSG_DOWN: pList, wList, _ := peer.rib.DeletePathsforPeer(m.data.(*table.PeerInfo)) sendpath(pList, wList) case PEER_MSG_REST: peer.handleREST(m.data.(*api.RestRequest)) } } // this goroutine handles routing table operations func (peer *Peer) loop() error { for { h := NewFSMHandler(peer.fsm) sameState := true for sameState { select { case nextState := <-peer.fsm.StateChanged(): // waits for all goroutines created for the current state h.Wait() oldState := bgp.FSMState(peer.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState.State) peer.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState.State = uint32(nextState) peer.fsm.StateChange(nextState) sameState = false if nextState == bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { pathList := peer.adjRib.GetOutPathList(peer.rf) peer.sendMessages(peer.path2update(pathList)) peer.fsm.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState.Uptime = time.Now() peer.fsm.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState.EstablishedCount++ } if oldState == bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { peer.fsm.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState.Uptime = time.Time{} peer.sendToHub("", PEER_MSG_DOWN, peer.fsm.peerInfo) } case <-peer.t.Dying(): close(peer.acceptedConnCh) h.Stop() close(peer.incoming) close(peer.outgoing) return nil case m := <-peer.incoming: if m == nil { continue } peer.handleBGPmessage(m) case m := <-peer.inEventCh: peer.handlePeermessage(m) } } } } func (peer *Peer) Stop() error { peer.t.Kill(nil) return peer.t.Wait() } func (peer *Peer) PassConn(conn *net.TCPConn) { peer.acceptedConnCh <- conn } func (peer *Peer) SendMessage(msg *message) { peer.inEventCh <- msg } func (peer *Peer) sendToHub(destination string, event int, data interface{}) { peer.outEventCh <- &message{ src: peer.peerConfig.NeighborAddress.String(), dst: destination, event: event, data: data, } } func (peer *Peer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { f := peer.fsm c := f.peerConfig p := make(map[string]interface{}) p["conf"] = struct { RemoteIP string `json:"remote_ip"` Id string `json:"id"` //Description string `json:"description"` RemoteAS uint32 `json:"remote_as"` //LocalAddress string `json:"local_address"` //LocalPort int `json:"local_port"` CapRefresh bool `json:"cap_refresh"` CapEnhancedRefresh bool `json:"cap_enhanced_refresh"` }{ RemoteIP: c.NeighborAddress.String(), Id: f.routerId.To4().String(), //Description: "", RemoteAS: c.PeerAs, //LocalAddress: f.passiveConn.LocalAddr().String(), //LocalPort: f.passiveConn.LocalAddr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port, CapRefresh: false, CapEnhancedRefresh: false, } s := c.BgpNeighborCommonState uptime := float64(0) if !s.Uptime.IsZero() { uptime = time.Now().Sub(s.Uptime).Seconds() } p["info"] = struct { BgpState string `json:"bgp_state"` FsmEstablishedTransitions uint32 `json:"fsm_established_transitions"` TotalMessageOut uint32 `json:"total_message_out"` TotalMessageIn uint32 `json:"total_message_in"` UpdateMessageOut uint32 `json:"update_message_out"` UpdateMessageIn uint32 `json:"update_message_in"` KeepAliveMessageOut uint32 `json:"keepalive_message_out"` KeepAliveMessageIn uint32 `json:"keepalive_message_in"` OpenMessageOut uint32 `json:"open_message_out"` OpenMessageIn uint32 `json:"open_message_in"` NotificationOut uint32 `json:"notification_out"` NotificationIn uint32 `json:"notification_in"` RefreshMessageOut uint32 `json:"refresh_message_out"` RefreshMessageIn uint32 `json:"refresh_message_in"` Uptime float64 `json:"uptime"` LastError string `json:"last_error"` }{ BgpState: f.state.String(), FsmEstablishedTransitions: s.EstablishedCount, TotalMessageOut: s.TotalOut, TotalMessageIn: s.TotalIn, UpdateMessageOut: s.UpdateOut, UpdateMessageIn: s.UpdateIn, KeepAliveMessageOut: s.KeepaliveOut, KeepAliveMessageIn: s.KeepaliveIn, OpenMessageOut: s.OpenOut, OpenMessageIn: s.OpenIn, NotificationOut: s.NotifyOut, NotificationIn: s.NotifyIn, RefreshMessageOut: s.RefreshOut, RefreshMessageIn: s.RefreshIn, Uptime: uptime, } return json.Marshal(p) }