// Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package server import ( "encoding/json" log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/api" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/config" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/packet" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/policy" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/table" "net" "time" ) const ( FLOP_THRESHOLD = time.Second * 30 MIN_CONNECT_RETRY = 10 ) type Peer struct { gConf config.Global conf config.Neighbor fsm *FSM rfMap map[bgp.RouteFamily]bool capMap map[bgp.BGPCapabilityCode][]bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface adjRib *table.AdjRib peerInfo *table.PeerInfo outgoing chan *bgp.BGPMessage distPolicies []*policy.Policy defaultDistributePolicy config.DefaultPolicyType isConfederationMember bool isEBGP bool } func NewPeer(g config.Global, conf config.Neighbor) *Peer { peer := &Peer{ gConf: g, conf: conf, rfMap: make(map[bgp.RouteFamily]bool), capMap: make(map[bgp.BGPCapabilityCode][]bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface), } conf.NeighborState.SessionState = uint32(bgp.BGP_FSM_IDLE) conf.Timers.TimersState.Downtime = time.Now().Unix() for _, rf := range conf.AfiSafis.AfiSafiList { k, _ := bgp.GetRouteFamily(rf.AfiSafiName) peer.rfMap[k] = true } peer.peerInfo = &table.PeerInfo{ AS: conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs, LocalID: g.GlobalConfig.RouterId, Address: conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, } peer.adjRib = table.NewAdjRib(peer.configuredRFlist()) peer.fsm = NewFSM(&g, &conf) if conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs != g.GlobalConfig.As { peer.isEBGP = true for _, member := range g.Confederation.ConfederationConfig.MemberAs { if member == conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs { peer.isConfederationMember = true break } } } return peer } func (peer *Peer) isRouteServerClient() bool { return peer.conf.RouteServer.RouteServerConfig.RouteServerClient } func (peer *Peer) configuredRFlist() []bgp.RouteFamily { rfList := []bgp.RouteFamily{} for _, rf := range peer.conf.AfiSafis.AfiSafiList { k, _ := bgp.GetRouteFamily(rf.AfiSafiName) rfList = append(rfList, k) } return rfList } func (peer *Peer) handleBGPmessage(m *bgp.BGPMessage) ([]*table.Path, bool, []*bgp.BGPMessage) { bgpMsgList := []*bgp.BGPMessage{} pathList := []*table.Path{} log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "data": m, }).Debug("received") update := false switch m.Header.Type { case bgp.BGP_MSG_OPEN: body := m.Body.(*bgp.BGPOpen) peer.peerInfo.ID = m.Body.(*bgp.BGPOpen).ID r := make(map[bgp.RouteFamily]bool) for _, p := range body.OptParams { if paramCap, y := p.(*bgp.OptionParameterCapability); y { for _, c := range paramCap.Capability { m, ok := peer.capMap[c.Code()] if !ok { m = make([]bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface, 0, 1) } peer.capMap[c.Code()] = append(m, c) if c.Code() == bgp.BGP_CAP_MULTIPROTOCOL { m := c.(*bgp.CapMultiProtocol) r[bgp.AfiSafiToRouteFamily(m.CapValue.AFI, m.CapValue.SAFI)] = true } } } } for rf, _ := range peer.rfMap { if _, y := r[rf]; !y { delete(peer.rfMap, rf) } } for _, rf := range peer.configuredRFlist() { if _, ok := r[rf]; ok { peer.rfMap[rf] = true } } // calculate HoldTime // RFC 4271 P.13 // a BGP speaker MUST calculate the value of the Hold Timer // by using the smaller of its configured Hold Time and the Hold Time // received in the OPEN message. holdTime := float64(body.HoldTime) myHoldTime := peer.conf.Timers.TimersConfig.HoldTime if holdTime > myHoldTime { peer.fsm.negotiatedHoldTime = myHoldTime } else { peer.fsm.negotiatedHoldTime = holdTime } case bgp.BGP_MSG_ROUTE_REFRESH: rr := m.Body.(*bgp.BGPRouteRefresh) rf := bgp.AfiSafiToRouteFamily(rr.AFI, rr.SAFI) if _, ok := peer.rfMap[rf]; !ok { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "Data": rf, }).Warn("Route family isn't supported") break } if _, ok := peer.capMap[bgp.BGP_CAP_ROUTE_REFRESH]; ok { pathList = peer.adjRib.GetOutPathList(rf) } else { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, }).Warn("ROUTE_REFRESH received but the capability wasn't advertised") } case bgp.BGP_MSG_UPDATE: update = true peer.conf.Timers.TimersState.UpdateRecvTime = time.Now().Unix() body := m.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate) confedCheckRequired := !peer.isConfederationMember && peer.isEBGP _, err := bgp.ValidateUpdateMsg(body, peer.rfMap, confedCheckRequired) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "error": err, }).Warn("malformed BGP update message") m := err.(*bgp.MessageError) if m.TypeCode != 0 { bgpMsgList = append(bgpMsgList, bgp.NewBGPNotificationMessage(m.TypeCode, m.SubTypeCode, m.Data)) } break } table.UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(body) pathList = table.ProcessMessage(m, peer.peerInfo) peer.adjRib.UpdateIn(pathList) } return pathList, update, bgpMsgList } func (peer *Peer) getBests(loc *LocalRib) []*table.Path { pathList := []*table.Path{} for _, rf := range peer.configuredRFlist() { for _, paths := range loc.rib.GetBestPathList(rf) { pathList = append(pathList, paths) } } return pathList } func (peer *Peer) startFSMHandler(incoming chan *fsmMsg) { peer.fsm.h = NewFSMHandler(peer.fsm, incoming, peer.outgoing) } func (peer *Peer) PassConn(conn *net.TCPConn) { isEBGP := peer.gConf.GlobalConfig.As != peer.conf.NeighborConfig.PeerAs if isEBGP { ttl := 1 SetTcpTTLSockopts(conn, ttl) } select { case peer.fsm.connCh <- conn: default: conn.Close() log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, }).Warn("accepted conn is closed to avoid be blocked") } } func (peer *Peer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(peer.ToApiStruct()) } func (peer *Peer) ToApiStruct() *api.Peer { f := peer.fsm c := f.pConf remoteCap := make([]*api.Capability, 0, len(peer.capMap)) for _, c := range peer.capMap { for _, m := range c { remoteCap = append(remoteCap, m.ToApiStruct()) } } caps := capabilitiesFromConfig(&peer.gConf, &peer.conf) localCap := make([]*api.Capability, 0, len(caps)) for _, c := range caps { localCap = append(localCap, c.ToApiStruct()) } conf := &api.PeerConf{ RemoteIp: c.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String(), Id: peer.peerInfo.ID.To4().String(), RemoteAs: c.NeighborConfig.PeerAs, RemoteCap: remoteCap, LocalCap: localCap, KeepaliveInterval: uint32(peer.conf.Timers.TimersConfig.KeepaliveInterval), Holdtime: uint32(peer.conf.Timers.TimersConfig.HoldTime), } s := &c.NeighborState timer := &c.Timers uptime := int64(0) if timer.TimersState.Uptime != 0 { uptime = int64(time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(timer.TimersState.Uptime, 0)).Seconds()) } downtime := int64(0) if timer.TimersState.Downtime != 0 { downtime = int64(time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(timer.TimersState.Downtime, 0)).Seconds()) } advertized := uint32(0) received := uint32(0) accepted := uint32(0) if f.state == bgp.BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED { for _, rf := range peer.configuredRFlist() { advertized += uint32(peer.adjRib.GetOutCount(rf)) received += uint32(peer.adjRib.GetInCount(rf)) // FIXME: we should store 'accepted' in memory for _, p := range peer.adjRib.GetInPathList(rf) { applied, path := peer.applyDistributePolicies(p) if applied && path == nil || !applied && peer.defaultDistributePolicy != config.DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE_ACCEPT_ROUTE { continue } accepted += 1 } } } keepalive := uint32(0) if f.negotiatedHoldTime != 0 { if f.negotiatedHoldTime < timer.TimersConfig.HoldTime { keepalive = uint32(f.negotiatedHoldTime / 3) } else { keepalive = uint32(timer.TimersConfig.KeepaliveInterval) } } info := &api.PeerInfo{ BgpState: f.state.String(), AdminState: f.adminState.String(), FsmEstablishedTransitions: s.EstablishedCount, TotalMessageOut: s.Messages.Sent.Total, TotalMessageIn: s.Messages.Received.Total, UpdateMessageOut: s.Messages.Sent.Update, UpdateMessageIn: s.Messages.Received.Update, KeepAliveMessageOut: s.Messages.Sent.Keepalive, KeepAliveMessageIn: s.Messages.Received.Keepalive, OpenMessageOut: s.Messages.Sent.Open, OpenMessageIn: s.Messages.Received.Open, NotificationOut: s.Messages.Sent.Notification, NotificationIn: s.Messages.Received.Notification, RefreshMessageOut: s.Messages.Sent.Refresh, RefreshMessageIn: s.Messages.Received.Refresh, DiscardedOut: s.Messages.Sent.Discarded, DiscardedIn: s.Messages.Received.Discarded, Uptime: uptime, Downtime: downtime, Received: received, Accepted: accepted, Advertized: advertized, OutQ: uint32(len(peer.outgoing)), Flops: s.Flops, NegotiatedHoldtime: uint32(f.negotiatedHoldTime), KeepaliveInterval: keepalive, } return &api.Peer{ Conf: conf, Info: info, } } func (peer *Peer) setDistributePolicy(policyMap map[string]*policy.Policy) { // configure distribute policy policyConf := peer.conf.ApplyPolicy distPolicies := make([]*policy.Policy, 0) for _, policyName := range policyConf.ApplyPolicyConfig.InPolicy { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "PolicyName": policyName, }).Info("distribute policy installed") if pol, ok := policyMap[policyName]; ok { log.Debug("distribute policy : ", pol) distPolicies = append(distPolicies, pol) } } peer.distPolicies = distPolicies peer.defaultDistributePolicy = policyConf.ApplyPolicyConfig.DefaultInPolicy } func (peer *Peer) applyDistributePolicies(original *table.Path) (bool, *table.Path) { policies := peer.distPolicies var d Direction = POLICY_DIRECTION_DISTRIBUTE return applyPolicy("Peer", peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress.String(), d, policies, original) } type LocalRib struct { rib *table.TableManager importPolicies []*policy.Policy defaultImportPolicy config.DefaultPolicyType exportPolicies []*policy.Policy defaultExportPolicy config.DefaultPolicyType } func NewLocalRib(owner string, rfList []bgp.RouteFamily, policyMap map[string]*policy.Policy) *LocalRib { return &LocalRib{ rib: table.NewTableManager(owner, rfList), } } func (loc *LocalRib) OwnerName() string { return loc.rib.OwnerName() } func (loc *LocalRib) isGlobal() bool { return loc.OwnerName() == "global" } func (loc *LocalRib) setPolicy(peer *Peer, policyMap map[string]*policy.Policy) { // configure import policy policyConf := peer.conf.ApplyPolicy inPolicies := make([]*policy.Policy, 0) for _, policyName := range policyConf.ApplyPolicyConfig.ImportPolicy { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "PolicyName": policyName, }).Info("import policy installed") if pol, ok := policyMap[policyName]; ok { log.Debug("import policy : ", pol) inPolicies = append(inPolicies, pol) } } loc.importPolicies = inPolicies loc.defaultImportPolicy = policyConf.ApplyPolicyConfig.DefaultImportPolicy // configure export policy outPolicies := make([]*policy.Policy, 0) for _, policyName := range policyConf.ApplyPolicyConfig.ExportPolicy { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": "Peer", "Key": peer.conf.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress, "PolicyName": policyName, }).Info("export policy installed") if pol, ok := policyMap[policyName]; ok { log.Debug("export policy : ", pol) outPolicies = append(outPolicies, pol) } } loc.exportPolicies = outPolicies loc.defaultExportPolicy = policyConf.ApplyPolicyConfig.DefaultExportPolicy } // apply policies to the path // if multiple policies are defined, // this function applies each policy to the path in the order that // policies are stored in the array passed to this function. // // the way of applying statements inside a single policy // - apply statement until the condition in the statement matches. // if the condition matches the path, apply the action on the statement and // return value that indicates 'applied' to caller of this function // - if no statement applied, then process the next policy // // if no policy applied, return value that indicates 'not applied' to the caller of this function // // return values: // bool -- indicates that any of policy applied to the path that is passed to this function // table.Path -- indicates new path object that is the result of modification according to // policy's action. // If the applied policy doesn't have a modification action, // then return the path itself that is passed to this function, otherwise return // modified path. // If action of the policy is 'reject', return nil // func (loc *LocalRib) applyPolicies(d Direction, original *table.Path) (bool, *table.Path) { var policies []*policy.Policy switch d { case POLICY_DIRECTION_EXPORT: policies = loc.exportPolicies case POLICY_DIRECTION_IMPORT: policies = loc.importPolicies } return applyPolicy("Loc", loc.OwnerName(), d, policies, original) } func applyPolicy(component, owner string, d Direction, policies []*policy.Policy, original *table.Path) (bool, *table.Path) { var applied bool = true for _, pol := range policies { if result, action, newpath := pol.Apply(original); result { log.Debug("newpath: ", newpath) if action == policy.ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": component, "Key": owner, "NLRI": original.GetNlri(), "Dir": d, }).Debug("path was rejected") // return applied, nil, this means path was rejected return applied, nil } else { // return applied, new path return applied, newpath } } } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "Topic": component, "Key": owner, "Len": len(policies), "NLRI": original, "Dir": d, }).Debug("no policy applied") return !applied, original }