// Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package server import ( "fmt" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/config" "github.com/osrg/gobgp/packet" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "net" "strconv" "testing" "time" ) type MockConnection struct { net.Conn recvCh chan []byte sendBuf [][]byte readBytes int } func NewMockConnection() *MockConnection { m := &MockConnection{ recvCh: make(chan []byte, 128), sendBuf: make([][]byte, 129), } return m } func (m *MockConnection) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) { data := <-m.recvCh rest := len(buf) - m.readBytes if len(data) > rest { m.recvCh <- data[rest:] data = data[:rest] } for _, val := range data { buf[m.readBytes] = val m.readBytes += 1 } length := 0 if m.readBytes == len(buf) { m.readBytes = 0 length = len(buf) } else { length = m.readBytes } fmt.Printf("%d bytes read from peer\n", length) return length, nil } func (m *MockConnection) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) { m.sendBuf = append(m.sendBuf, buf) msg, _ := bgp.ParseBGPMessage(buf) fmt.Printf("%d bytes written by gobgp message type : %s\n", len(buf), showMessageType(msg.Header.Type)) return len(buf), nil } func showMessageType(t uint8) string { switch t { case bgp.BGP_MSG_KEEPALIVE: return "BGP_MSG_KEEPALIVE" case bgp.BGP_MSG_NOTIFICATION: return "BGP_MSG_NOTIFICATION" case bgp.BGP_MSG_OPEN: return "BGP_MSG_OPEN" case bgp.BGP_MSG_UPDATE: return "BGP_MSG_UPDATE" case bgp.BGP_MSG_ROUTE_REFRESH: return "BGP_MSG_ROUTE_REFRESH" } return strconv.Itoa(int(t)) } func (m *MockConnection) Close() error { fmt.Printf("close called\n") return nil } func TestReadAll(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) m := NewMockConnection() msg := open() expected1, _ := msg.Header.Serialize() expected2, _ := msg.Body.Serialize() pushBytes := func() { fmt.Println("push 5 bytes") m.recvCh <- expected1[0:5] fmt.Println("wait 5 seconds...") time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) fmt.Println("push rest") m.recvCh <- expected1[5:] fmt.Println("push bytes at once") m.recvCh <- expected2 } go pushBytes() var actual1 []byte actual1, _ = readAll(m, bgp.BGP_HEADER_LENGTH) fmt.Println(actual1) assert.Equal(expected1, actual1) var actual2 []byte actual2, _ = readAll(m, len(expected2)) fmt.Println(actual2) assert.Equal(expected2, actual2) } func TestFSMHandlerOpensent_HoldTimerExpired(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) m := NewMockConnection() p, h := makePeerAndHandler() // push mock connection p.fsm.passiveConn = m // set up keepalive ticker sec := time.Second * 2 p.fsm.keepaliveTicker = time.NewTicker(sec) // set holdtime p.fsm.opensentHoldTime = 5 state := h.opensent() assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_FSM_IDLE, state) lastMsg := m.sendBuf[len(m.sendBuf)-1] sent, _ := bgp.ParseBGPMessage(lastMsg) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_MSG_NOTIFICATION, sent.Header.Type) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_ERROR_HOLD_TIMER_EXPIRED, sent.Body.(*bgp.BGPNotification).ErrorCode) } func TestFSMHandlerOpenconfirm_HoldTimerExpired(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) m := NewMockConnection() p, h := makePeerAndHandler() // push mock connection p.fsm.passiveConn = m // set up keepalive ticker p.fsm.peerConfig.Timers.KeepaliveInterval = 2 // set holdtime p.fsm.negotiatedHoldTime = 10 state := h.openconfirm() assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_FSM_IDLE, state) lastMsg := m.sendBuf[len(m.sendBuf)-1] sent, _ := bgp.ParseBGPMessage(lastMsg) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_MSG_NOTIFICATION, sent.Header.Type) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_ERROR_HOLD_TIMER_EXPIRED, sent.Body.(*bgp.BGPNotification).ErrorCode) } func TestFSMHandlerEstablish_HoldTimerExpired(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) m := NewMockConnection() p, h := makePeerAndHandler() // push mock connection p.fsm.passiveConn = m // set up keepalive ticker sec := time.Second * 2 p.fsm.keepaliveTicker = time.NewTicker(sec) msg := keepalive() header, _ := msg.Header.Serialize() body, _ := msg.Body.Serialize() pushPackets := func() { // first keepalive from peer m.recvCh <- header m.recvCh <- body } // set holdtime p.fsm.peerConfig.Timers.HoldTime = 10 p.fsm.negotiatedHoldTime = 10 go pushPackets() state := h.established() time.Sleep(time.Second * 4) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_FSM_IDLE, state) lastMsg := m.sendBuf[len(m.sendBuf)-1] sent, _ := bgp.ParseBGPMessage(lastMsg) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_MSG_NOTIFICATION, sent.Header.Type) assert.Equal(bgp.BGP_ERROR_HOLD_TIMER_EXPIRED, sent.Body.(*bgp.BGPNotification).ErrorCode) } func makePeerAndHandler() (*Peer, *FSMHandler) { globalConfig := config.GlobalType{} neighborConfig := config.NeighborType{} p := &Peer{ globalConfig: globalConfig, peerConfig: neighborConfig, acceptedConnCh: make(chan net.Conn), serverMsgCh: make(chan *serverMsg), peerMsgCh: make(chan *peerMsg), capMap: make(map[bgp.BGPCapabilityCode]bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface), } p.siblings = make(map[string]*serverMsgDataPeer) p.fsm = NewFSM(&globalConfig, &neighborConfig, p.acceptedConnCh) incoming := make(chan *fsmMsg, FSM_CHANNEL_LENGTH) p.outgoing = make(chan *bgp.BGPMessage, FSM_CHANNEL_LENGTH) h := &FSMHandler{ fsm: p.fsm, errorCh: make(chan bool, 2), incoming: incoming, outgoing: p.outgoing, } return p, h } func open() *bgp.BGPMessage { p1 := bgp.NewOptionParameterCapability( []bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface{bgp.NewCapRouteRefresh()}) p2 := bgp.NewOptionParameterCapability( []bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface{bgp.NewCapMultiProtocol(3, 4)}) g := bgp.CapGracefulRestartTuples{4, 2, 3} p3 := bgp.NewOptionParameterCapability( []bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface{bgp.NewCapGracefulRestart(2, 100, []bgp.CapGracefulRestartTuples{g})}) p4 := bgp.NewOptionParameterCapability( []bgp.ParameterCapabilityInterface{bgp.NewCapFourOctetASNumber(100000)}) return bgp.NewBGPOpenMessage(11033, 303, "", []bgp.OptionParameterInterface{p1, p2, p3, p4}) } func keepalive() *bgp.BGPMessage { return bgp.NewBGPKeepAliveMessage() }