# MRT This page explains how to play with GoBGP's MRT feature. ## Prerequisites Assume you finished [Getting Started](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/docs/sources/getting-started.md). ## Contents - [Inject routes from MRT table v2 records](#section0) - [Dump updates in MRT BGP4MP format](#section1) - [Configuration](#section1.1) ## <a name="section0"> Inject routes from MRT table v2 records Route injection can be done by ```bash $ gobgp mrt inject global <dumpfile> [<number of prefix to inject>] ``` ## <a name="section1"> Dump updates in MRT BGP4MP format ### <a name="section1.1"> Configuration With the following configuration, gobgpd continuously dumps BGP update messages to `/tmp/updates.dump` file in the BGP4MP format. ```toml [global.config] as = 64512 router-id = "" [[neighbors]] [neighbors.config] peer-as = 65001 neighbor-address = "" [[mrt-dump]] [mrt-dump.config] dump-type = "updates" file-name = "/tmp/updates.dump" [[mrt-dump]] [mrt-dump.config] dump-type = "table" file-name = "/tmp/table.dump" dump-interval = 60 ``` Also gobgpd supports log rotation; a new dump file is created periodically, and the old file is renamed to a different name. With the following configuration, gobgpd creates a new dump file every 180 seconds such as `/tmp/20160510.1546.dump`. The format of a name can be specified in golang's [time](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#pkg-constants) package's format. ```toml [global.config] as = 64512 router-id = "" [[neighbors]] [neighbors.config] peer-as = 65001 neighbor-address = "" [[mrt-dump]] [mrt-dump.config] dump-type = "updates" file-name = "/tmp/log/20060102.1504.dump" rotation-interval = 180 ``` ## <a name="section1"> Dump the RIB in MRT TABLE_DUMPv2 format ### <a name="section1.1"> Configuration With the following configuration, gobgpd continuously dumps routes in the global rib to `/tmp/table.dump` file in the TABLE_DUMPv2 format every 60 seconds. ```toml [global.config] as = 64512 router-id = "" [[neighbors]] [neighbors.config] peer-as = 65001 neighbor-address = "" [[mrt-dump]] [mrt-dump.config] dump-type = "table" file-name = "/tmp/table.dump" dump-interval = 60 ``` With a route server configuration, gobgpd can dump routes in each peer's RIB. ```toml [global.config] as = 64512 router-id = "" [[neighbors]] [neighbors.config] neighbor-address = "" peer-as = 65001 auth-password = "hoge1" [neighbors.transport.config] passive-mode = true [neighbors.route-server.config] route-server-client = true [[neighbors]] [neighbors.config] neighbor-address = "" peer-as = 65002 auth-password = "hoge2" [neighbors.transport.config] passive-mode = true [neighbors.route-server.config] route-server-client = true [[mrt-dump]] [mrt-dump.config] dump-type = "table" file-name = "/tmp/table-1.dump" table-name = "" dump-interval = 60 [[mrt-dump]] [mrt-dump.config] dump-type = "table" file-name = "/tmp/table-2.dump" table-name = "" dump-interval = 60 ```