# MRT This page explains how to play with GoBGP's MRT feature. ## Prerequisites Assume you finished [Getting Started](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/docs/sources/getting-started.md). ## Contents - [Configuration](#section0) - [Dump MRT table v2 records](#section1) - [Dump neighbor's local table](#section1.1) - [Inject routes from MRT table v2 records](#section2) ## <a name="section0"> Configuration You don't need any special configuration for MRT feature. This page assume the configuration below. ```toml [Global] [Global.GlobalConfig] As = 64512 RouterId = "" [Neighbors] [[Neighbors.NeighborList]] [Neighbors.NeighborList.NeighborConfig] NeighborAddress = "" PeerAs = 65001 ``` ## <a name="section1">Dump MRT Table v2 Records Instant dump can be done like below ```bash $ gobgp mrt dump rib global mrt dump: rib_ipv4_20150809_233952 $ ls -la rib* rib_ipv4_20150809_233952 ``` To dump ipv6 routes, type ```bash $ gobgp mrt dump rib global -a ipv6 mrt dump: rib_ipv6_20150809_234012 ``` If you want to dump periodically, specify dump interval (unit is second) ```bash # dump hourly. this will block $ gobgp mrt dump rib global $((60*60)) mrt dump: rib_ipv4_20150809_234438 ... ``` You can change output directory by `-o <outdir>` and filename format by `-f <format>` ```bash # change the output directory and the filename of dumps $ gobgp mrt dump rib global -o /dump/here -f mydailydump_{{.Y}}_{{.M}}_{{.D}} $((60*60*24)) mrt dump: /dump/here/rib_2015_08_09 ... ``` Filename format is same as golang [text/template](http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/) package template. Below is the supported variables you can use. | value | meaning | |:---------------------:|:---------------------------------------------:| | {{.Y}} | Year (e.g. 2015) | | {{.M}} | Month (e.g. 08) | | {{.D}} | Day (e.g. 09) | | {{.H}} | Hour (e.g. 23) | | {{.Min}} | Minute (e.g. 47) | | {{.Sec}} | Second (e.g. 10) | | {{.Af}} | Address Family ( `ipv4` \| `ipv6` \| `l2vpn`) | | {{.NeighborAddress }} | Neighbor Address (e.g. | | {{.Resource}} | Resource ( `global` \| `local` ) | ### <a name="section1.1"> Dump neighbor's local table GoBGP supports multiple RIB for route server [feature](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/docs/sources/route-server.md). GoBGP can also dump these tables which is local to neighbors ```bash $ gobgp mrt dump rib neighbor -o /dump/local $((60*60)) rpc error: code = 2 desc = "no local rib for" ``` Oops! Before trying this feature, you must enable route server feature. Configuration is something like below. ``` $ cat gobgpd.conf [Global] [Global.GlobalConfig] As = 64512 RouterId = "" [Neighbors] [[Neighbors.NeighborList]] [Neighbors.NeighborList.NeighborConfig] NeighborAddress = "" PeerAs = 65001 [Neighbors.NeighborList.RouteServer] [Neighbors.NeighborList.RouteServer.RouteServerConfig] RouteServerClient = true ``` OK, let's try again. ```bash $ gobgp mrt dump rib neighbor -o /dump/local mrt dump: /dump/local/rib_10.0.0.1_20150809_234543 ``` ## <a name="section2"> Inject routes from MRT table v2 records Route injection can be done by ```bash $ gobgp mrt inject global <dumpfile> [<number of prefix to inject>] ```