# Managing GoBGP with Your Favorite Language This page explains how to managing GoBGP with your favorite Language. You can use any language supported by [gRPC](http://www.grpc.io/) (10 languages are supported now). This page gives an example in Python and C++. ## Contents - [Prerequisite](#prerequisite) - [Python](#python) - [C++](#cpp) ## Prerequisite We assumes that you have the relevant tools installed to generate the server and client interface for your favorite language from proto files. Please refer to [the official docs of gRPC](http://www.grpc.io/docs/) for details. ## Python ### Generating Interface You need to generate the server and client interface from GoBGP proto files at first. ```bash $ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. *.proto $ ls *.py attribute_pb2.py attribute_pb2_grpc.py capability_pb2.py capability_pb2_grpc.py gobgp_pb2.py gobgp_pb2_grpc.py ``` ### Adding Path [`tools/grpc/python/add_path.py`](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/tools/grpc/python/add_path.py) shows an example for adding a route. Let's run this script. ```bash $ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:. python add_path.py ``` See if the route was added to the global rib. ```bash $ gobgp g r Network Next Hop AS_PATH Age Attrs *> 100 200 00:08:02 [{Origin: ?}] ``` ## C++ ### Generating Interface and Binary Use [`tools/grpc/cpp/Makefile`](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/tools/grpc/cpp/Makefile). ```bash $ cd tools/grpc/cpp $ make ``` The above to generate the server and client interface and the binary to add a route by using `AddPath` API, ['tools/grpc/cpp/add_path.cc'](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/tools/grpc/cpp/add_path.cc). ### Adding Path Let's run the binary. ```bash $ ./add_path ``` See if he route was added to the global rib. ```bash $ gobgp g r Network Next Hop AS_PATH Age Attrs *> 00:13:26 [{Origin: i} {Communities: 0:100}] ```