# CLI command syntax This page explains gobgp client command syntax. ## basic command pattern gobgp \<subcommand> \<object> opts... gobgp has six subcommands. - [global](#global) - [neighbor](#neighbor) - [policy](#policy) - [vrf](#vrf) - [monitor](#monitor) - [mrt](#mrt) ## 1. <a name="global"> global subcommand ### 1.1 Global Configuration #### syntax ```shell # configure global setting and start acting as bgp daemon % gobgp global as <VALUE> router-id <VALUE> [listen-port <VALUE>] [listen-addresses <VALUE>...] [mpls-label-min <VALUE>] [mpls-label-max <VALUE>] # delete global setting and stop acting as bgp daemon (all peer sessions will be closed) % gobgp global del all # show global setting % gobgp global ``` ### 1.2. Operations for Global-Rib - add/del/show - #### - syntax ```shell # add Route % gobgp global rib add <prefix> [-a <address family>] # delete a specific Route % gobgp global rib del <prefix> [-a <address family>] # delete all locally generated routes % gobgp global rib del all [-a <address family>] # show all Route information % gobgp global rib [-a <address family>] # show a specific route information % gobgp global rib [<prefix>|<host>] [longer-prefixes|shorter-prefixes] [-a <address family>] ``` #### - example If you want to add routes with the address of the ipv4 to global rib: ```shell % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 ``` If you want to remove routes with the address of the ipv6 from global rib: ```shell % gobgp global rib del 2001:123:123:1::/64 -a ipv6 ``` #### more examples ```shell % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 origin igp % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 origin egp % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 nexthop % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 med 10 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 local-pref 110 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 community 100:100 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 community 100:100,200:200 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 community no-export % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 aigp metric 200 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4-mpls 100 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4-mpls 100/200 % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4-mpls 100 nexthop % gobgp global rib add -a ipv4-mpls 100 med 10 % gobgp global rib add -a vpnv4 rd 100:100 % gobgp global rib add -a vpnv4 rd 100.100:100 % gobgp global rib add -a vpnv4 rd % gobgp global rib add -a vpnv4 rd 100:100 rt 100:200 % gobgp global rib add -a opaque key hello value world ``` #### - option The following options can be specified in the global subcommand: | short |long | description | default | |--------|---------------|--------------------------------------------|---------| |a |address-family |specify any one from among `ipv4`, `ipv6`, `vpnv4`, `vpnv6`, `ipv4-labeled`, `ipv6-labeled`, `evpn`, `encap`, `rtc`, `ipv4-flowspec`, `ipv6-flowspec`, `l2vpn-flowspec`, `opaque` | `ipv4` | <br> ## 2. <a name="neighbor"> neighbor subcommand ### 2.1. Show Neighbor Status #### - syntax ```shell # show neighbor's status as list % gobgp neighbor # show status of a specific neighbor % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> ``` ### 2.2. Operations for neighbor - shutdown/reset/softreset/enable/disable - #### - syntax ```shell % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> shutdown % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> reset % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> softreset [-a <address family>] % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> softresetin [-a <address family>] % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> softresetout [-a <address family>] % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> enable % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> disable ``` #### - option The following options can be specified in the neighbor subcommand: | short |long | description | default | |--------|---------------|--------------------------------------------|---------| |a |address-family |specify any one from among `ipv4`, `ipv6`, `vpnv4`, `vpnv6`, `ipv4-labeled`, `ipv6-labeld`, `evpn`, `encap`, `rtc`, `ipv4-flowspec`, `ipv6-flowspec`, `l2vpn-flowspec`, `opaque` | `ipv4` | ### 2.3. Show Rib - local-rib/adj-rib-in/adj-rib-out - #### - syntax ```shell # show all routes in [local|adj-in|adj-out] table % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> [local|adj-in|adj-out] [-a <address family>] # show a specific route in [local|adj-in|adj-out] table % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> [local|adj-in|adj-out] [<prefix>|<host>] [longer-prefixes|shorter-prefixes] [-a <address family>] ``` #### - example If you want to show the local rib of ipv4 that neighbor( has: ```shell % gobgp neighbor local -a ipv4 ``` #### - option The following options can be specified in the neighbor subcommand: | short |long | description | default | |--------|---------------|--------------------------------------------|---------| |a |address-family |specify any one from among `ipv4`, `ipv6`, `vpnv4`, `vpnv6`, `ipv4-labeled`, `ipv6-labeld`, `evpn`, `encap`, `rtc`, `ipv4-flowspec`, `ipv6-flowspec`, `l2vpn-flowspec`, `opaque` | `ipv4` | ### 2.4. Operations for Policy - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # show neighbor policy assignment % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> policy { in | import | export } # add policies to specific neighbor policy % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> policy { in | import | export } add <policy name>... [default { accept | reject }] # set policies to specific neighbor policy % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> policy { in | import | export } set <policy name>... [default { accept | reject }] # remove attached policies from specific neighbor policy % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> policy { in | import | export } del <policy name>... # remove all policies from specific neighbor policy % gobgp neighbor <neighbor address> policy { in | import | export } del ``` #### Example If you want to add the import policy to neighbor( ```shell % gobgp neighbor policy import add policy1 policy2 default accept ``` You can specify multiple policy to neighbor separated by commas. \<default policy action> means the operation(accept | reject) in the case where the route does not match the conditions of the policy. <br> ## 3. <a name="policy"> policy subcommand ### 3.1. Operations for PrefixSet - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # add PrefixSet % gobgp policy prefix add <prefix set name> <prefix> [<mask length range>] # delete a PrefixSet % gobgp policy prefix del <prefix set name> # delete a prefix from specific PrefixSet % gobgp policy prefix del <prefix set name> <prefix> [<mask length range>] # show all PrefixSet information % gobgp policy prefix # show a specific PrefixSet % gobgp policy prefix <prefix set name> ``` #### Example If you want to add the PrefixSet: ```shell % gobgp policy prefix add ps1 16..24 ``` A PrefixSet it is possible to have multiple prefix, if you want to remove the PrefixSet to specify only PrefixSet name. ```shell % gobgp policy prefix del ps1 ``` If you want to remove one element(prefix) of PrefixSet, to specify a prefix in addition to the PrefixSet name. ```shell % gobgp policy prefix del ps1 ``` ### 3.2. Operations for NeighborSet - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # add NeighborSet % gobgp policy neighbor add <neighbor set name> <neighbor address> # delete a NeighborSet % gobgp policy neighbor del <neighbor set name> # delete a neighbor from a NeighborSet % gobgp policy neighbor del <neighbor set name> <address> # show all NeighborSet information % gobgp policy neighbor # show a specific NeighborSet information % gobgp policy neighbor <neighbor set name> ``` #### Example If you want to add the NeighborSet: ```shell % gobgp policy neighbor add ns1 ``` A NeighborSet it is possible to have multiple address, if you want to remove the NeighborSet to specify only NeighborSet name. ```shell % gobgp policy neighbor del ns1 ``` If you want to remove one element(address) of NeighborSet, to specify a address in addition to the NeighborSet name. ```shell % gobgp policy prefix del ns1 ``` ### 3.3. Operations for AsPathSet - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # add AsPathSet % gobgp policy as-path add <aspath set name> <as path> # delete a specific AsPathSet % gobgp policy as-path del <aspath set name> # delete an as-path from a AsPathSet % gobgp policy as-path del <aspath set name> <as path> # show all AsPathSet information % gobgp policy as-path # show a specific AsPathSet information % gobgp policy as-path <aspath set name> ``` #### Example If you want to add the AsPathSet: ```shell % gobgp policy as-path add ass1 ^65100 ``` You can specify the position using regexp-like expression as follows: - From: "^65100" means the route is passed from AS 65100 directly. - Any: "65100" means the route comes through AS 65100. - Origin: "65100$" means the route is originated by AS 65100. - Only: "^65100$" means the route is originated by AS 65100 and comes from it directly. Further you can specify the consecutive aspath and use regexp in each element as follows: - ^65100_65001 - 65100_[0-9]+_.*$ - ^6[0-9]_5.*_65.?00$ An AsPathSet it is possible to have multiple as path, if you want to remove the AsPathSet to specify only AsPathSet name. ```shell % gobgp policy as-path del ass1 ``` If you want to remove one element(as path) of AsPathSet, to specify an as path in addition to the AsPathSet name. ```shell % gobgp policy as-path del ass1 ^65100 ``` ### 3.4. Operations for CommunitySet - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # add CommunitySet % gobgp policy community add <community set name> <community> # delete a specific CommunitySet % gobgp policy community del <community set name> # delete a community from a CommunitySet % gobgp policy community del <community set name> <community> # show all CommunitySet information % gobgp policy community # show a specific CommunitySet information % gobgp policy community <community set name> ``` #### Example If you want to add the CommunitySet: ```shell % gobgp policy community add cs1 65100:10 ``` You can specify the position using regexp-like expression as follows: - 6[0-9]+:[0-9]+ - ^[0-9]*:300$ A CommunitySet it is possible to have multiple community, if you want to remove the CommunitySet to specify only CommunitySet name. ```shell % gobgp policy neighbor del cs1 ``` If you want to remove one element(community) of CommunitySet, to specify a address in addition to the CommunitySet name. ```shell % gobgp policy prefix del cs1 65100:10 ``` ### 3.5. Operations for ExtCommunitySet - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # add ExtCommunitySet % gobgp policy ext-community add <extended community set name> <extended community> # delete a specific ExtCommunitySet % gobgp policy ext-community del <extended community set name> # delete a ext-community from a ExtCommunitySet % gobgp policy ext-community del <extended community set name> <extended community> # show all ExtCommunitySet information % gobgp policy ext-community # show a specific ExtCommunitySet information % gobgp policy ext-community <extended community set name> ``` #### Example If you want to add the ExtCommunitySet: ```shell % gobgp policy ext-community add ecs1 RT:65100:10 ``` Extended community set as \<SubType>:\<Global Admin>:\<LocalAdmin>. If you read the [RFC4360](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4360) and [RFC7153](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7153), you can know more about Extended community. You can specify the position using regexp-like expression as follows: - RT:[0-9]+:[0-9]+ - SoO:[0-9]+ However, regular expressions for subtype can not be used, to use for the global admin and local admin. A ExtCommunitySet it is possible to have multiple extended community, if you want to remove the ExtCommunitySet to specify only ExtCommunitySet name. ```shell % gobgp policy neighbor del ecs1 ``` If you want to remove one element(extended community) of ExtCommunitySet, to specify a address in addition to the ExtCommunitySet name. ```shell % gobgp policy prefix del ecs1 RT:65100:10 ``` ### 3.6 Statement Operation - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # mod statement % gobgp policy statement { add | del } <statement name> # mod a condition to a statement % gobgp policy statement <statement name> { add | del | set } condition { { prefix | neighbor | as-path | community | ext-community } <set name> [{ any | all | invert }] | as-path-length <len> { eq | ge | le } | rpki { valid | invalid | not-found } } # mod an action to a statement % gobgp policy statement <statement name> { add | del | set } action { reject | accept | { community | ext-community } { add | remove | replace } <value>... | med { add | sub | set } <value> | local-pref <value> | as-prepend { <asn> | last-as } <repeat-value> } # show all statements % gobgp policy statement # show a specific statement % gobgp policy statement <statement name> ``` ### 3.7 Policy Operation - add/del/show - #### Syntax ```shell # mod policy % gobgp policy { add | del | set } <policy name> [<statement name>...] # show all policies % gobgp policy # show a specific policy % gobgp policy <policy name> ``` ## 4. <a name="vrf"> vrf subcommand ### 4.1 Add/Delete/Show VRF #### Syntax ```shell # add vrf % gobgp vrf add <vrf name> rd <rd> rt {import|export|both} <rt>... # del vrf % gobgp vrf del <vrf name> # show vrf % gobgp vrf ``` #### Example ```shell % gobgp vrf add vrf1 rd 10.100:100 rt both 10.100:100 import 10.100:101 export 10.100:102 % gobgp vrf Name RD Import RT Export RT vrf1 10.100:100 10.100:100, 10.100:101 10.100:100, 10.100:102 % gobgp vrf del vrf1 % gobgp vrf Name RD Import RT Export RT ``` ### 4.2 Add/Delete/Show VRF routes #### Syntax ```shell # add routes to vrf % gobgp vrf <vrf name> rib add <prefix> -a <address family> # del routes from vrf % gobgp vrf <vrf name> rib del <prefix> -a <address family> # show routes in vrf % gobgp vrf <vrf name> ``` #### Example ```shell % gobgp vrf vrf1 rib add % gobgp vrf vrf1 rib add 2001::/64 -a ipv6 % gobgp vrf vrf1 rib Network Next Hop AS_PATH Age Attrs 10.100:100: 00:00:40 [{Origin: i} {Extcomms: [10.100:100], [10.100:101]}] % gobgp vrf vrf1 rib -a ipv6 Network Next Hop AS_PATH Age Attrs 10.100:100:2001::/64 :: 00:00:00 [{Origin: i} {Extcomms: [10.100:100], [10.100:101]}] % gobgp vrf vrf1 rib del % gobgp vrf vrf1 rib del 2001::/64 ``` ## 5. <a name="monitor"> monitor subcommand ### 5.1 monitor global rib #### Syntax ```shell # monitor global rib % gobgp monitor global rib ``` #### Example ```shell [TERM1] % gobgp monitor global rib [ROUTE] via aspath [] attrs [{Origin: i}] [TERM2] # monitor command blocks. add routes from another terminal % gobgp global rib add ``` ### 5.2 monitor neighbor status #### Syntax ```shell # monitor neighbor status % gobgp monitor neighbor # monitor specific neighbor status % gobgp monitor neighbor <neighbor address> ``` #### Example ```shell [TERM1] % gobgp monitor neighbor [NEIGH] fsm: BGP_FSM_IDLE admin: ADMIN_STATE_DOWN [NEIGH] fsm: BGP_FSM_ACTIVE admin: ADMIN_STATE_UP [NEIGH] fsm: BGP_FSM_OPENSENT admin: ADMIN_STATE_UP [NEIGH] fsm: BGP_FSM_OPENCONFIRM admin: ADMIN_STATE_UP [NEIGH] fsm: BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED admin: ADMIN_STATE_UP [TERM2] % gobgp neighbor disable % gobgp neighbor enable ``` ## 6. <a name="mrt"> mrt subcommand ### 6.1 dump mrt records #### Syntax ```shell % gobgp mrt dump rib global [<interval>] % gobgp mrt dump rib neighbor <neighbor address> [<interval>] ``` #### Options | short |long | description | |--------|--------|--------------------------------| | f | format | filename format | | o | outdir | output directory of dump files | #### Example see [MRT](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/docs/sources/mrt.md). ### 6.2 inject mrt records #### Syntax ```shell % gobgp mrt inject global <filename> [<count>] ``` #### Example see [MRT](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/docs/sources/mrt.md).