# BGP Monitoring Protocol GoBGP supports [BGP Monitoring Protocol](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-grow-bmp/). ## Prerequisites Assume you finished [Getting Started](https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/docs/sources/getting-started.md). ## Contents - [Configuration](#config) - [Verification](#verify) ## <a name="config"> Configuration Add `[bmp-servers]` session to enable BMP like below. ```toml [global.config] as = 64512 router-id = "" [[bmp-servers]] [bmp-servers.config] address = "" port=11019 ``` ## <a name="verify"> Verification Let's check if BMP works with a bmp server. GoBGP also supports BMP server (currently, just shows received BMP messages in the json format). ```bash $ go get github.com/osrg/gobgp/gobmpd $ gobmpd ``` Once the BMP server accepts a connection from gobgpd, then you see below on the BMP server side. ```bash INFO[0013] Accepted a new connection from {"Header":{"Version":3,"Length":6,"Type":4},"PeerHeader":{"PeerType":0,"IsPostPolicy":false,"PeerDistinguisher":0,"PeerAddress":"","PeerAS":0,"PeerBGPID":"","Timestamp":0},"Body":{"Info":null}} ``` You also see below on the BGP server side: ```bash {"level":"info","msg":"bmp server is connected,","time":"2015-09-15T10:29:03+09:00"} ```