// Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package config import "net" import "time" // typedef for typedef bgp:peer-type type PeerTypeDef int const ( _ = iota PEER_TYPE_INTERNAL PEER_TYPE_EXTERNAL ) // typedef for typedef bgp:rr-cluster-id-type type RrClusterIdType string // typedef for typedef bgp:percentage type Percentage uint8 // typedef for typedef bgp:remove-private-as-option type RemovePrivateAsOption int const ( _ = iota REMOVE_PRIVATE_AS_OPTION_ALL REMOVE_PRIVATE_AS_OPTION_REPLACE ) // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:bgp-next-hop-type type BgpNextHopType string // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:as-path-prepend-option-repeat type AsPathPrependOptionRepeat uint32 // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:std-community-attr-type type StdCommunityAttrType string // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:match-set-options-type type MatchSetOptionsType int const ( _ = iota MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_ANY MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_INVERT ) // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:set-community-option-type type SetCommunityOptionType int const ( _ = iota SET_COMMUNITY_OPTION_TYPE_ADD SET_COMMUNITY_OPTION_TYPE_REMOVE SET_COMMUNITY_OPTION_TYPE_REPLACE SET_COMMUNITY_OPTION_TYPE_NULL ) // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:community-regexp-type type CommunityRegexpType string // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:ext-community-attr-type type ExtCommunityAttrType string // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:bgp-origin-attr-type type BgpOriginAttrType int const ( _ = iota BGP_ORIGIN_ATTR_TYPE_IGP BGP_ORIGIN_ATTR_TYPE_EGP BGP_ORIGIN_ATTR_TYPE_INCOMPLETE ) // typedef for typedef bgp-policy:well-known-community-attr type WellKnownCommunityAttr int const ( _ = iota WELL_KNOWN_COMMUNITY_ATTR_INTERNET WELL_KNOWN_COMMUNITY_ATTR_NO_EXPORT WELL_KNOWN_COMMUNITY_ATTR_NO_ADVERTISE WELL_KNOWN_COMMUNITY_ATTR_NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED ) // typedef for identity bgp-policy:attribute-le type AttributeLe struct { // base_type -> bgp-attribute-comparison BgpAttributeComparison } // typedef for identity bgp-policy:attribute-ge type AttributeGe struct { // base_type -> bgp-attribute-comparison BgpAttributeComparison } // typedef for identity bgp-policy:attribute-eq type AttributeEq struct { // base_type -> bgp-attribute-comparison BgpAttributeComparison } // typedef for identity bgp-policy:bgp-attribute-comparison type BgpAttributeComparison struct { } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:multicast-vpn-safi type MulticastVpnSafi struct { // base_type -> safi-type SafiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:ipv4-afi type Ipv4Afi struct { // base_type -> bgp-mp:afi-type AfiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:safi-type type SafiTypeDef struct { } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:multicast-safi type MulticastSafi struct { // base_type -> safi-type SafiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:l3vpn-unicast-safi type L3vpnUnicastSafi struct { // base_type -> safi-type SafiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:labeled-unicast-safi type LabeledUnicastSafi struct { // base_type -> safi-type SafiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:afi-type type AfiTypeDef struct { } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:ipv6-afi type Ipv6Afi struct { // base_type -> bgp-mp:afi-type AfiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:l2vpn-vpls-afi type L2vpnVplsAfi struct { // base_type -> afi-type AfiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:unicast-safi type UnicastSafi struct { // base_type -> bgp-mp:safi-type SafiTypeDef } // typedef for identity bgp-mp:l2vpn-vpls-safi type L2vpnVplsSafi struct { // base_type -> safi-type SafiTypeDef } //struct for container set-ext-community type SetExtCommunityType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:communities //original type is list of union Communities []string // original -> bgp-policy:options Options SetCommunityOptionType } //struct for container set-community type SetCommunityType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:communities //original type is list of union Communities []string // original -> bgp-policy:options Options SetCommunityOptionType } //struct for container set-as-path-prepend type SetAsPathPrependType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:repeat-n RepeatN uint8 } //struct for container actions type ActionsType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:set-as-path-prepend SetAsPathPrepend SetAsPathPrependType // original -> bgp-policy:set-community SetCommunity SetCommunityType // original -> bgp-policy:set-ext-community SetExtCommunity SetExtCommunityType // original -> bgp-policy:set-route-origin SetRouteOrigin BgpOriginAttrType // original -> bgp-policy:set-local-pref SetLocalPref uint32 // original -> bgp-policy:set-next-hop SetNextHop BgpNextHopType // original -> bgp-policy:set-med SetMed uint32 // original -> bgp-policy:accept-route //accept-route's original type is empty AcceptRoute bool // original -> bgp-policy:reject-route //reject-route's original type is empty RejectRoute bool // original -> bgp-policy:goto-next //goto-next's original type is empty GotoNext bool // original -> bgp-policy:goto-policy GotoPolicy string } //struct for container as-path-length type AsPathLengthType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:operator Operator BgpAttributeComparison // original -> bgp-policy:value Value uint32 } //struct for container community-count type CommunityCountType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:operator Operator BgpAttributeComparison // original -> bgp-policy:value Value uint32 } //struct for container conditions type ConditionsType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:call-policy CallPolicy string // original -> bgp-policy:match-community-set MatchCommunitySet string // original -> bgp-policy:match-ext-community-set MatchExtCommunitySet string // original -> bgp-policy:match-as-path-set MatchAsPathSet string // original -> bgp-policy:match-prefix-set MatchPrefixSet string // original -> bgp-policy:match-set-options MatchSetOptions MatchSetOptionsType // original -> bgp-policy:med-eq MedEq uint32 // original -> bgp-policy:origin-eq OriginEq BgpOriginAttrType // original -> bgp-policy:next-hop-in //original type is list of inet:ip-address NextHopIn []net.IP // original -> bgp-policy:local-pref-eq LocalPrefEq uint32 // original -> bgp-policy:community-count CommunityCount CommunityCountType // original -> bgp-policy:as-path-length AsPathLength AsPathLengthType // original -> bgp-policy:route-type //route-type's original type is enumeration RouteType string } //struct for container statements type StatementsType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:name Name string // original -> bgp-policy:conditions Conditions ConditionsType // original -> bgp-policy:actions Actions ActionsType } //struct for container policy-definition type PolicyDefinitionType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:name Name string // original -> bgp-policy:statements StatementsList []StatementsType } //struct for container policy-definitions type PolicyDefinitionsType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:policy-definition PolicyDefinitionList []PolicyDefinitionType } //struct for container as-path-set type AsPathSetType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:as-path-set-name AsPathSetName string // original -> bgp-policy:as-path-set-members AsPathSetMembers []string } //struct for container ext-community-set type ExtCommunitySetType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:ext-community-set-name ExtCommunitySetName string // original -> bgp-policy:ext-community-members //original type is list of union ExtCommunityMembers []string } //struct for container community-set type CommunitySetType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:community-set-name CommunitySetName string // original -> bgp-policy:community-members //original type is list of union CommunityMembers []string } //struct for container prefix type PrefixType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:address //address's original type is inet:ip-address Address net.IP // original -> bgp-policy:masklength Masklength uint8 // original -> bgp-policy:masklength-range MasklengthRange string } //struct for container prefix-set type PrefixSetType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:prefix-set-name PrefixSetName string // original -> bgp-policy:prefix PrefixList []PrefixType } //struct for container defined-sets type DefinedSetsType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:prefix-set PrefixSetList []PrefixSetType // original -> bgp-policy:community-set CommunitySetList []CommunitySetType // original -> bgp-policy:ext-community-set ExtCommunitySetList []ExtCommunitySetType // original -> bgp-policy:as-path-set AsPathSetList []AsPathSetType } //struct for container policy type PolicyType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:defined-sets DefinedSets DefinedSetsType // original -> bgp-policy:policy-definitions PolicyDefinitions PolicyDefinitionsType } //struct for container bgp-neighbor-common-state type BgpNeighborCommonStateType struct { // peer-state State uint32 // peer-uptime Uptime uint64 // BGP statistics // Open message input count OpenIn uint32 // Open message output count OpenOut uint32 // Update message input count UpdateIn uint32 // Update message ouput count UpdateOut uint32 // Update message received time UpdateRecvTime time.Time // Keepalive input count KeepaliveIn uint32 // Keepalive output count KeepaliveOut uint32 // Notify input count NotifyIn uint32 // Notify output count NotifyOut uint32 // Route Refresh input count RefreshIn uint32 // Route Refresh output count RefreshOut uint32 // Dynamic Capability input count DynamicCapIn uint32 // Dynamic Capability output count DynamicCapOut uint32 // BGP state count // Established EstablishedCount uint32 // Dropped DroppedCount uint32 } //struct for container transport-options type TransportOptionsType struct { // original -> bgp:tcp-mss TcpMss uint16 // original -> bgp:mtu-discovery //mtu-discovery's original type is boolean MtuDiscovery bool // original -> bgp:passive-mode //passive-mode's original type is boolean PassiveMode bool } //struct for container bgp-logging-options type BgpLoggingOptionsType struct { // original -> bgp:log-neighbor-state-changes //log-neighbor-state-changes's original type is boolean LogNeighborStateChanges bool } //struct for container route-reflector type RouteReflectorType struct { // original -> bgp:route-reflector-cluster-id //route-reflector-cluster-id's original type is rr-cluster-id-type RouteReflectorClusterId uint32 // original -> bgp:route-reflector-client //route-reflector-client's original type is boolean RouteReflectorClient bool } //struct for container ebgp-multihop type EbgpMultihopType struct { // original -> bgp:multihop-ttl MultihopTtl uint8 } //struct for container timers type TimersType struct { // original -> bgp:connect-retry //connect-retry's original type is decimal64 ConnectRetry float64 // original -> bgp:hold-time //hold-time's original type is decimal64 HoldTime float64 // original -> bgp:keepalive-interval //keepalive-interval's original type is decimal64 KeepaliveInterval float64 // original -> bgp:minimum-advertisement-interval //minimum-advertisement-interval's original type is decimal64 MinimumAdvertisementInterval float64 // original -> bgp:send-update-delay //send-update-delay's original type is decimal64 SendUpdateDelay float64 } //struct for container bgp-af-common-state type BgpAfCommonStateType struct { // received prefix count Pcount int64 // sent prefix count Scount int64 } //struct for container apply-policy type ApplyPolicyType struct { // original -> bgp-policy:import-policies ImportPolicies []string // original -> bgp-policy:export-policies ExportPolicies []string } //struct for container prefix-limit type PrefixLimitType struct { // original -> bgp-mp:max-prefixes MaxPrefixes uint32 // original -> bgp-mp:shutdown-threshold-pct ShutdownThresholdPct Percentage // original -> bgp-mp:restart-timer //restart-timer's original type is decimal64 RestartTimer float64 } //struct for container ipv6-multicast-vpn type Ipv6MulticastVpnType struct { } //struct for container ipv4-multicast-vpn type Ipv4MulticastVpnType struct { } //struct for container l2vpn type L2vpnType struct { } //struct for container ipv4-labeled-unicast type Ipv4LabeledUnicastType struct { } //struct for container ipv6-l3vpn-unicast type Ipv6L3vpnUnicastType struct { } //struct for container vrfs type VrfsType struct { // original -> bgp-mp:name Name string // original -> bgp-mp:route-distinguisher RouteDistinguisher uint64 // original -> bgp-policy:apply-policy ApplyPolicy ApplyPolicyType } //struct for container ipv4-l3vpn-unicast type Ipv4L3vpnUnicastType struct { // original -> bgp-mp:vrfs VrfsList []VrfsType } //struct for container ipv4-ipv6-unicast type Ipv4Ipv6UnicastType struct { // original -> bgp-mp:send-default-route //send-default-route's original type is boolean SendDefaultRoute bool } //struct for container safi type SafiType struct { // original -> bgp-mp:safi-name SafiName SafiTypeDef // original -> bgp-mp:ipv4-ipv6-unicast Ipv4Ipv6Unicast Ipv4Ipv6UnicastType // original -> bgp-mp:ipv4-l3vpn-unicast Ipv4L3vpnUnicast Ipv4L3vpnUnicastType // original -> bgp-mp:ipv6-l3vpn-unicast Ipv6L3vpnUnicast Ipv6L3vpnUnicastType // original -> bgp-mp:ipv4-labeled-unicast Ipv4LabeledUnicast Ipv4LabeledUnicastType // original -> bgp-mp:l2vpn L2vpn L2vpnType // original -> bgp-mp:ipv4-multicast-vpn Ipv4MulticastVpn Ipv4MulticastVpnType // original -> bgp-mp:ipv6-multicast-vpn Ipv6MulticastVpn Ipv6MulticastVpnType // original -> bgp-mp:prefix-limit PrefixLimit PrefixLimitType // original -> bgp-policy:apply-policy ApplyPolicy ApplyPolicyType } //struct for container afi type AfiType struct { // original -> bgp-mp:afi-name AfiName AfiTypeDef // original -> bgp-mp:safi SafiList []SafiType // original -> bgp-op:bgp-af-common-state BgpAfCommonState BgpAfCommonStateType } //struct for container graceful-restart type GracefulRestartType struct { // original -> bgp:restart-time RestartTime uint16 // original -> bgp:stale-routes-time //stale-routes-time's original type is decimal64 StaleRoutesTime float64 } //struct for container eibgp type EibgpType struct { // original -> bgp:maximum-paths MaximumPaths uint32 } //struct for container ibgp type IbgpType struct { // original -> bgp:maximum-paths MaximumPaths uint32 } //struct for container ebgp type EbgpType struct { // original -> bgp:allow-multiple-as //allow-multiple-as's original type is boolean AllowMultipleAs bool // original -> bgp:maximum-paths MaximumPaths uint32 } //struct for container use-multiple-paths type UseMultiplePathsType struct { // original -> bgp:ebgp Ebgp EbgpType // original -> bgp:ibgp Ibgp IbgpType // original -> bgp:eibgp Eibgp EibgpType } //struct for container route-selection-options type RouteSelectionOptionsType struct { // original -> bgp:always-compare-med //always-compare-med's original type is boolean AlwaysCompareMed bool // original -> bgp:ignore-as-path-length //ignore-as-path-length's original type is boolean IgnoreAsPathLength bool // original -> bgp:external-compare-router-id //external-compare-router-id's original type is boolean ExternalCompareRouterId bool // original -> bgp:advertise-inactive-routes //advertise-inactive-routes's original type is boolean AdvertiseInactiveRoutes bool // original -> bgp:enable-aigp //enable-aigp's original type is empty EnableAigp bool } //struct for container neighbor type NeighborType struct { // original -> bgp:neighbor-address //neighbor-address's original type is inet:ip-address NeighborAddress net.IP // original -> bgp:peer-as //peer-as's original type is inet:as-number PeerAs uint32 // original -> bgp:description Description string // original -> bgp:route-selection-options RouteSelectionOptions RouteSelectionOptionsType // original -> bgp:use-multiple-paths UseMultiplePaths UseMultiplePathsType // original -> bgp:graceful-restart GracefulRestart GracefulRestartType // original -> bgp-policy:apply-policy ApplyPolicy ApplyPolicyType // original -> bgp-mp:afi AfiList []AfiType // original -> bgp:auth-password AuthPassword string // original -> bgp:peer-type PeerType PeerTypeDef // original -> bgp:timers Timers TimersType // original -> bgp:ebgp-multihop EbgpMultihop EbgpMultihopType // original -> bgp:route-reflector RouteReflector RouteReflectorType // original -> bgp:remove-private-as RemovePrivateAs RemovePrivateAsOption // original -> bgp:bgp-logging-options BgpLoggingOptions BgpLoggingOptionsType // original -> bgp:transport-options TransportOptions TransportOptionsType // original -> bgp:local-address //local-address's original type is inet:ip-address LocalAddress net.IP // original -> bgp:route-flap-damping //route-flap-damping's original type is boolean RouteFlapDamping bool // original -> bgp-op:bgp-neighbor-common-state BgpNeighborCommonState BgpNeighborCommonStateType } //struct for container bgp-group-common-state type BgpGroupCommonStateType struct { } //struct for container peer-group type PeerGroupType struct { // original -> bgp:group-name GroupName string // original -> bgp-op:bgp-group-common-state BgpGroupCommonState BgpGroupCommonStateType // original -> bgp:description Description string // original -> bgp:route-selection-options RouteSelectionOptions RouteSelectionOptionsType // original -> bgp:use-multiple-paths UseMultiplePaths UseMultiplePathsType // original -> bgp:graceful-restart GracefulRestart GracefulRestartType // original -> bgp-policy:apply-policy ApplyPolicy ApplyPolicyType // original -> bgp-mp:afi AfiList []AfiType // original -> bgp:auth-password AuthPassword string // original -> bgp:peer-type PeerType PeerTypeDef // original -> bgp:timers Timers TimersType // original -> bgp:ebgp-multihop EbgpMultihop EbgpMultihopType // original -> bgp:route-reflector RouteReflector RouteReflectorType // original -> bgp:remove-private-as RemovePrivateAs RemovePrivateAsOption // original -> bgp:bgp-logging-options BgpLoggingOptions BgpLoggingOptionsType // original -> bgp:transport-options TransportOptions TransportOptionsType // original -> bgp:local-address //local-address's original type is inet:ip-address LocalAddress net.IP // original -> bgp:route-flap-damping //route-flap-damping's original type is boolean RouteFlapDamping bool // original -> bgp:neighbor NeighborList []NeighborType } //struct for container bgp-global-state type BgpGlobalStateType struct { // start time StartTime time.Time } //struct for container confederation type ConfederationType struct { // original -> bgp:identifier //identifier's original type is inet:as-number Identifier uint32 // original -> bgp:member-as //original type is list of inet:as-number MemberAs []uint32 } //struct for container default-route-distance type DefaultRouteDistanceType struct { // original -> bgp:external-route-distance ExternalRouteDistance uint8 // original -> bgp:internal-route-distance InternalRouteDistance uint8 } //struct for container global type GlobalType struct { // original -> bgp:as //as's original type is inet:as-number As uint32 // original -> bgp:router-id //router-id's original type is inet:ipv4-address RouterId net.IP // original -> bgp:default-route-distance DefaultRouteDistance DefaultRouteDistanceType // original -> bgp:confederation Confederation ConfederationType // original -> bgp-op:bgp-global-state BgpGlobalState BgpGlobalStateType } //struct for container bgp type BgpType struct { // original -> bgp:global Global GlobalType // original -> bgp-mp:afi AfiList []AfiType // original -> bgp:peer-group PeerGroupList []PeerGroupType // original -> bgp:neighbor NeighborList []NeighborType // original -> bgp-policy:policy Policy PolicyType }