// Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package gobgpapi; // Interface exported by the server. service GobgpApi { rpc GetGlobalConfig(Arguments) returns (Global) {} rpc ModGlobalConfig(ModGlobalConfigArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetNeighbors(Arguments) returns (stream Peer) {} rpc GetNeighbor(Arguments) returns (Peer) {} rpc ModNeighbor(ModNeighborArguments) returns(Error) {} rpc GetRib(Table) returns (Table) {} rpc Reset(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc SoftReset(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc SoftResetIn(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc SoftResetOut(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc Shutdown(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc Enable(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc Disable(Arguments) returns (Error) {} rpc ModPath(ModPathArguments) returns (ModPathResponse) {} rpc ModPaths(stream ModPathsArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc MonitorBestChanged(Arguments) returns (stream Destination) {} rpc MonitorPeerState(Arguments) returns (stream Peer) {} rpc MonitorROAValidation(Arguments) returns (stream ROAResult) {} rpc GetMrt(MrtArguments) returns (stream MrtMessage) {} rpc ModMrt(ModMrtArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc ModBmp(ModBmpArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetRPKI(Arguments) returns (stream RPKI) {} rpc ModRPKI(ModRpkiArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetROA(Arguments) returns (stream ROA) {} rpc GetVrfs(Arguments) returns (stream Vrf) {} rpc ModVrf(ModVrfArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetDefinedSet(DefinedSet) returns (DefinedSet) {} rpc GetDefinedSets(DefinedSet) returns (stream DefinedSet) {} rpc ModDefinedSet(ModDefinedSetArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetStatement(Statement) returns (Statement) {} rpc GetStatements(Statement) returns (stream Statement) {} rpc ModStatement(ModStatementArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetPolicy(Policy) returns (Policy) {} rpc GetPolicies(Policy) returns (stream Policy) {} rpc ModPolicy(ModPolicyArguments) returns (Error) {} rpc GetPolicyAssignment(PolicyAssignment) returns (PolicyAssignment) {} rpc ModPolicyAssignment(ModPolicyAssignmentArguments) returns (Error) {} } message Error { enum ErrorCode { SUCCESS = 0; FAIL = 1; } ErrorCode code = 1; string msg = 2; } message Arguments { Resource resource = 1; uint32 family = 2; string name = 3; } message ModPathArguments { Operation operation = 1; Resource resource = 2; string name = 3; Path path = 4; bytes uuid = 5; } message ModPathResponse { bytes uuid = 1; } message ModPathsArguments { Resource resource = 1; string name = 2; repeated Path paths = 3; } message ModNeighborArguments { Operation operation = 1; Peer peer = 2; } message MrtArguments { Resource resource = 1; uint32 family = 2; uint64 interval = 3; string neighbor_address = 4; } message ModMrtArguments { Operation operation = 1; string filename = 2; } message ModBmpArguments { Operation operation = 1; string address = 2; uint32 port = 3; enum MonitoringPolicy { PRE = 0; POST = 1; BOTH = 2; } MonitoringPolicy type = 4; } message ModRpkiArguments { Operation operation = 1; string address = 2; uint32 port = 3; } message ModVrfArguments { Operation operation = 1; Vrf vrf = 2; } message ModDefinedSetArguments { Operation operation = 1; DefinedSet set = 2; } message ModStatementArguments { Operation operation = 1; Statement statement = 2; } message ModPolicyArguments { Operation operation = 1; Policy policy = 2; // if this flag is set, gobgpd won't define new statements // but refer existing statements using statement's names in this arguments. // this flag only works with Operation_ADD bool refer_existing_statements = 3; // if this flag is set, gobgpd won't delete any statements // even if some statements get not used by any policy by this operation. // this flag means nothing if it is used with Operation_ADD bool preserve_statements = 4; } message ModPolicyAssignmentArguments { Operation operation = 1; PolicyAssignment assignment = 2; } message ModGlobalConfigArguments { Operation operation = 1; Global global = 2; } enum Resource { GLOBAL = 0; LOCAL = 1; ADJ_IN = 2; ADJ_OUT = 3; VRF = 4; } enum Operation { ADD = 0; DEL = 1; DEL_ALL = 2; REPLACE = 3; ENABLE = 4; DISABLE = 5; RESET = 6; SOFTRESET = 7; } message Path { bytes nlri = 1; repeated bytes pattrs = 2; int64 age = 3; bool best = 4; bool is_withdraw = 5; int32 validation = 6; bool no_implicit_withdraw = 7; uint32 family = 8; uint32 source_asn = 9; string source_id = 10; bool filtered = 11; } message Destination { string prefix = 1; repeated Path paths = 2; bool longer_prefixes = 3; } message Table { Resource type = 1; string name = 2; uint32 family = 3; repeated Destination destinations = 4; } message Peer { repeated uint32 families = 2; ApplyPolicy apply_policy = 3; PeerConf conf = 5; EbgpMultihop ebgp_multihop = 6; RouteReflector route_reflector = 10; PeerState info = 11; Timers timers = 12; Transport transport = 13; RouteServer route_server = 15; } message ApplyPolicy { PolicyAssignment in_policy = 1; PolicyAssignment export_policy = 2; PolicyAssignment import_policy = 3; } message PeerConf { string auth_password = 1; string description = 2; uint32 local_as = 3; string neighbor_address = 4; uint32 peer_as = 5; string peer_group = 6; uint32 peer_type = 7; uint32 remove_private_as = 8; bool route_flap_damping = 9; uint32 send_community = 10; repeated bytes remote_cap = 11; repeated bytes local_cap = 12; string id = 13; } message EbgpMultihop { bool enabled = 1; uint32 multihop_ttl = 2; } message RouteReflector { bool route_reflector_client = 1; uint32 route_reflector_cluster_id = 2; } message PeerState { string auth_password = 1; string description = 2; uint32 local_as = 3; Messages messages = 4; string neighbor_address = 5; uint32 peer_as = 6; string peer_group = 7; uint32 peer_type = 8; Queues queues = 9; uint32 remove_private_as = 10; bool route_flap_damping = 11; uint32 send_community = 12; uint32 session_state = 13; repeated string supported_capabilities = 14; string bgp_state = 15; string admin_state = 16; uint32 received = 17; uint32 accepted = 18; uint32 advertized = 19; uint32 out_q = 20; uint32 flops = 21; } message Messages { Message received = 1; Message sent = 2; } message Message { uint64 NOTIFICATION = 1; uint64 UPDATE = 2; uint64 OPEN = 3; uint64 KEEPALIVE = 4; uint64 REFRESH = 5; uint64 DISCARDED = 6; uint64 TOTAL = 7; } message Queues { uint32 input = 1; uint32 output = 2; } message Timers { TimersConfig config =1; TimersState state = 2; } message TimersConfig{ uint64 connect_retry = 1; uint64 hold_time = 2; uint64 keepalive_interval = 3; uint64 minimum_advertisement_interval = 4; } message TimersState{ uint64 connect_retry = 1; uint64 hold_time = 2; uint64 keepalive_interval = 3; uint64 minimum_advertisement_interval = 4; uint64 negotiated_hold_time = 5; uint64 uptime = 6; uint64 downtime = 7; } message Transport { string local_address = 1; uint32 local_port = 2; bool mtu_discovery = 3; bool passive_mode = 4; string remote_address = 5; uint32 remote_port = 6; uint32 tcp_mss = 7; } message RouteServer { bool route_server_client = 1; } message Prefix { string ip_prefix = 1; uint32 mask_length_min = 2; uint32 mask_length_max = 3; } enum DefinedType { PREFIX = 0; NEIGHBOR = 1; TAG = 2; AS_PATH = 3; COMMUNITY = 4; EXT_COMMUNITY = 5; } message DefinedSet { DefinedType type = 1; string name = 2; repeated string list = 3; repeated Prefix prefixes = 4; } enum MatchType { ANY = 0; ALL = 1; INVERT = 2; } message MatchSet { MatchType type = 1; string name = 2; } enum AsPathLengthType { EQ = 0; GE = 1; LE = 2; } message AsPathLength { AsPathLengthType type = 1; uint32 length = 2; } message Conditions { MatchSet prefix_set = 1; MatchSet neighbor_set = 2; AsPathLength as_path_length = 3; MatchSet as_path_set = 4; MatchSet community_set = 5; MatchSet ext_community_set = 6; int32 rpki_result = 7; } enum RouteAction { NONE = 0; ACCEPT = 1; REJECT = 2; } enum CommunityActionType { COMMUNITY_ADD = 0; COMMUNITY_REMOVE = 1; COMMUNITY_REPLACE = 2; } message CommunityAction { CommunityActionType type = 1; repeated string communities = 2; } enum MedActionType { MED_MOD = 0; MED_REPLACE = 1; } message MedAction { MedActionType type = 1; int64 value = 2; } message AsPrependAction { uint32 asn = 1; uint32 repeat = 2; bool use_left_most = 3; } message Actions { RouteAction route_action = 1; CommunityAction community = 2; MedAction med = 3; AsPrependAction as_prepend = 4; CommunityAction ext_community = 5; } message Statement { string name = 1; Conditions conditions = 2; Actions actions = 3; } message Policy { string name = 1; repeated Statement statements = 2; } enum PolicyType { IN = 0; IMPORT = 1; EXPORT = 2; } message PolicyAssignment { PolicyType type = 1; Resource resource = 2; string name = 3; repeated Policy policies = 4; RouteAction default = 5; } message MrtMessage { bytes data = 1; } message RPKIConf { string address = 1; uint32 remote_port = 2; } message RPKIState { int64 uptime = 1; int64 downtime = 2; int64 received_ipv4 = 3; int64 received_ipv6 = 4; } message RPKI { RPKIConf conf = 1; RPKIState state = 2; } message ROA { uint32 as = 1; uint32 prefixlen = 2; uint32 maxlen = 3; string prefix = 4; RPKIConf conf = 5; } message ROAResult { string address = 1; int64 timestamp = 2; bytes aspath_attr = 3; uint32 origin_as = 4; string prefix = 5; enum ValidationResult { NONE = 0; NOT_FOUND = 1; VALID = 2; INVALID = 3; } ValidationResult old_result = 6; ValidationResult new_result = 7; repeated ROA roas = 8; } message Vrf { string name = 1; bytes rd = 2; repeated bytes import_rt = 3; repeated bytes export_rt = 4; } message Global { uint32 as = 1; string router_id = 2; int32 listen_port = 3; }